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Minutes 1969-05-13
13~ CI°TY COUNCIL MAY' 13~'H, 1969 ARROYO GRP.NDEa GALT.~'ORNIA T'he Ci°ty Coun~~l me°~ ~n r~~~x~~~ ~ess,~~n Mayor ~"hompson p~~s~,ding, Upan roll call, ~ouncilznen Sc~a~~ge~ p I~ev.,~.r~~, V1ood arzd Sma~~th repo~°~~c1 p~esent, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND II~TV~~A'TIOIV Mayor '~`hompson ~ed ~he P~~dg~ p~ A~~~~~ance to our f1ag; c~nd ~.mm~d~A ately therea~°ter~ ~ounc~.lm~.r~ ~m~.*°~ ~~~~v~~~d °~~a~ ~nvoc~~~,anu APPROVAL OF' 1vIINU~'ES 'I'he m~,nu~tes o~ °~~z~ ~~c~w~~.~ m.+~~~~rxe~ a~ ~p~~l 22 A 19~i9 and `#he ~,djou~'r~ed regular me~~~ng o~ Ap~~~, 2~, I~69 ~.pp~ov~d as prepa~~da APPROVAL VVARRAN~'S On mo°~~on ~ounc~,lm~rz ~,e~ri~e~~ ~~GC~rd~d by Councilmexn Schleg~l, and unanimous~y ~c~~~-~~d, ~~n~rrx~ Wa~~e~;1~~ No~ 923 ~'hr~ug~ No, 995~ in °~~e °~o°tal amotan°~ o~ ~?4C a~C3;° F~~y~~~. ~ ~nlcav ~~z~~~ No 0 1362 ~h~ough Noo ~4~5 ~ ~.n °the °~otcil amoura~ o~ ~2 ~ r~-~ a a'~; ~~r ~ c~pp~a~ov~d ~end. o~de~ed pa~.d ~ LETTER ~ROM o G ~ AM~1~ e~E~ION PC~S"T' ~ 3~ R~ ° F'EE EXEMPT FTREW4RKS ~ICBNSE Admin~s~~a°~~r~Bu~~~x adv~.see~ ~1~~:~°A~ v1~~°~er had been rsceiv~d ~xom ~~e American ~ega.on Pos°~ l~Ei ~e~u~~~~~c~ c~ ~x~~zp~ ~~cense to sel~ safe and sane f~re~rorks~ A~~~~ d~~cu~s~~~~ ~n mc~~~~r~ o~° CounciYznan Sttt~.~~, second~d by Counc~lman Le~rine, ~,nd un~n~n~oiasly c~~r~~~l y apg~oval was gr~ntec~ °ko ~the American Leg~.on Pos°k Nad ~36 a fe~ ~~c~mp°~ 'i~eense ~'or f3~°ewro`r~~ sales at °the si°te o~ °t~~ propos~d neca M~.d-~~~~~ ]B~.nk ~n the 10~0 Block on G~and Aveo, subjec°~ °to t~e in~~a~~~~~c~~a of' w~te~ fire ex~inguishe°~ in ~~e sales boo~~h~ LETTER FROM J u G, I~OVASZ - PRp`~ES"~ING BURNTNG A`~ BRISCQ RD u~AND FIL'L Adminis~ra.to~ B~~~h ~~ad cr. le°~~er f~om G~ Lovasz, protesting burn- ing opera~~ons a~ ~~xe B~~s~o Road Sani°~a~y ~and F~.11, ax~d a,dv~s~d tha~k he had con°tac~ted ~he Coun°ty He~l~h Depe~~-~mez~~ ~~garding burn~ng reguld~~kions and was informed tha~ burna..ng as a:L:lovaecl °~uescl~.ys cxnd Fridays in the m,orn- ing hours o M~ a~iiareald M!~n~~.ns a r~pr~s~~i~~n~ °~1ne awner of °the p~ope~^~y, Mr, Bi11 Hopkins, an Gha~e~e af 1.~nd .~i~,l ~spercx~tions, we~°e pre~e~n~ and adv~sed °~ha°t °the ~~re ge~m~~ A~ah~~h c~l.:i.ova~ k~u~n~ng between ~the hou~s of 5;00 AeM, and 9000 A9NIa was .~s~u~d ~hem by ~l~e State of Cal~~o~n,ia Forestry D~vision ctx~d ~kha~ czs s~on a.~ ~i~~ pi~t i~ ~~lleda wh.ic]x appea`~s i~t will be ~.n the near ~u~u~e bu~~~.z~~ oFe~a~ions vaill be '~erm~.na~ed, 'The Council d~scussed °th~ need ~or l,o~a.l re~use disposcnl s~te c~,nd t'ha~ #h3s land f~l~ opera°~ion has b~~:~ ~ h~~.p ~o ~o~ax1 ~~sa~dents as ws~.l a~ e~.~m~.n- ating an unsa..gh~ly condi~~~n ad~~~~n~ ~o ~I~e C~°~y ~z.nd the ~~~ewcxy4 Adittin- ~s~ra°to~ Bu°tch was ~n~~tru~~ed k e~e~ ~7~~ le~~er °ta °th~ Cotxn~ty Hectl`~}s Depar~men°~, as ~khe l~.nd oper~.~,~ans ~~e 1o~~~ed outside ~h~ ~~.~ky, and to adv~se Mr~ Lov~s~ of gl~n ~c~~on no~a being stud~.~d by a Camrn~.~~ tee o~' ~he Coun~y~G~ty A~~~, Y:Teznrzir~~ Coo~dzraa~ing Council~ COUN'TY-GI`~'Y AREA PLANNING ~OORI)INAI"II~Tt~ ~OUNCIL MEE°~o 5f ~L/69 - REPOR~' Counci~me~n San~°~h ~~pe~~~~d ~h~~ head ~~s~~nded the May 1, 1969 mee°t- ~ng o~ °~he County~C~~~y A.r~a 1~Iann~.ng C'oo~d~~.~,~t~.ng Counc~.l and t~at ~the Planning Colxnc~T has appo~,n~ed ~~ei~ '°C~c'~°a~.~~~.1 Comm3~t°te~, w31,~ch w31]. pu~- sue p~obl.ems and propose ~o~~,z~ions s~~thzx~ ~0 d~ys ac~gaarding solid waste ma°te~~als o~ all ~ypes ~°h~oug~ou~ ~n~~re Coun~y, LE°T°TER FROM A ~ G a CHAMBEk2 O~" COMM, R~; '~GA.'~'EWAY ~0 LOPEZ AREA° aBANN'ER ON BRANCH Adm~nis°tra~tor Butcl~ ~epa~~ ~~d ~hc~t ~~°~°~er has b~een received ,from the Arroyo G~~nde ~i~amber af ~omm~~ce ~~c~~~~~~.nc~ au~~oriza°tion and assa.stance °to hang a bann~~ ~sn ~3~~,nc~ S°~~e~°~ ~~~~:;~ng ~ha~ A~~oyo Grande a.s ~the ~a~e-- way °ko ~ope~ Laks and Re~a~ea ~~.~~xa1 l~~er~, :~roan May 16, 196~ ~through the Memorial D~,y weekend~ A~°~e~ ~ou~~~~ di~cuss~.c~n, on mo°~.~on of' Counc~.lman Smith, seconded by Coun~~'lzn~a~ SG1~1s~~~~ ~nd unan~mous~y carried, au~hori~ zation was g~cx~n°~ed ta °~he A~royo ~arc~nde ~h~,mbe~ o~ Comnlerce °to susp~end a Gci~teway to Lop~z L,~l~~ ax~d Rec~ ~a~:~on ~1~e~, la~.xan~r ac~oss Branch S~tr~et from May 16, 1969 unti:l ~h~ ~s°~ ~~ek ~n ~7urs~~ :~~69~ and `~ha~t ~t~~ Gaty Public Wo~ks I~ep~r°~m~n~ ca,~s :~s~ va;~~°h ~ra~ ~al,:l.a~~on a.nd remova~ o~ sa~d banner, a.s xec~ues~~d by ~:he Ar~c,y~ Ga~~xnde ~Yaexm~a~~ of CommP~ceo PROGLAMA°I"ION - LOPEZ D~YS M~Y 1,~~ 1,8 X:1~6~ Ivlayo~ '~hompson :re~.d c~ p~r~~.l.~znc~~~~.ora ~,~ac~ p~a~lci~med May 15 ta 18p 1969 to b~ Lopez Dcxys and u~g~d ra.1 T~~..i~~,z~n~ ~°o d~es~ ~n Sp~,nzsh or Vlles°tern style ~znd p~~~~~.~.pa°~~ ~.n e~~~ ~a~t~~r~~ie~ glarar~ed for ~hose days in recogn~~~.on o~ °khe ded~.~~~~ox~ c~~ Lc~g~z L~a~;~ az~d R~ereation A~ea~ ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 13T'H, ].969 ARROYO GRANDE o CALIF"ORIVIA PAGE 2 LETTER F'ROM A,Gm VTLLoAGE MER~HAIV'~S REo PtJ~, PARKING DTR.SIGNS ~ PARK. SPACES Admin~stra°~o~ Bu°tc~h ~eac~ a le~~er ~~ozn ~o Laird Smith, Secretary of the Arroyo Grande Village Me~~}~ants A~~oc~at~on, reques°~ing repc~inting of pa.rk~.ng s°trip~ a°~ s~~ee~ cu~°1~s, ~.ns~a.llat°~on of Publs.c Park~ng directional signs and en°ke~ and exi~ ~~,gz~s ~.t Cos~ral. Adm~nistrator Butch ad- vised ~hat repc~.in~t~.ng of curb s~de p~~k~ng ~~r~ps ~Sas been scheduled and will be done ~n °the ne~r ~u~~~~ by t~~ S~r~e~ Depar~men°t, °I"he Council discussed and cl~r~~~~d l~dm~~~~°~~e~~o~ ~o adv~se ~k~e Merc~an~~ Associ- ation as folloras m I~em l, Rep~~n~~~g o~ ~c~.~b pa~k~.ng s~rips has been scheduledo I°~em 2o Becau~e ~f' p~~~~bl~ ~egal ~echniculi°t3es the Ci~y can- no°t install. cl~.rec°~iona~ Pu.Y~I~.~ P~~~~.~ag ~~gns ~o parking allowed on privnte property bu°~ that ~~Ze ~ounc~~ ~Z~~ no ob~~~~~or~s °~o °~he Bank of America or Coun°~ry Casu~,~s ere~°~~~g °k~~~~ ~~xi ~~gr~s s~~~~.ng Public Parking allowed; and I°~em 3. En°ter ~nly ~~d Eae~.~ ~~~~r ~~gn~ °~he Car Co~ral ar~d a directiona~ sign ~o Publ~c P~~k~x~g ~~v~~ ~ex~°~er ~vas refer~ed ~o ~he Park~.ng Co~mm~,ss~on s°~~dy c~nd ~~~nar~m.enda~~csn, PROCLAMA~'IOI~1 ~ MARIT~ME SEI~~`~~E I~P~Y NtP~~ ~2 a~9E~9. Mayo~ °T~S~mpson. p~o~l~~i~~d M~y 22 d:~~5~ M~~iti~me Serv~ae Dayr in honor of °~he Uni°~ed S°~~te~ 1~~~~'~~~.~ lui~~:~z~~, TREASURER e S REPOR'~ F~OR. '~~iE NdON"TH 0~" ,A~1~TT,~~ ~9~~ a °The °T~e~.su~er°s R~p~~°~ ~o~ ~1~~ r~or~~h o~ Ap~~l, 196~' was received by the Council., rev~.ewecl ~nd z~~d~~~d ~~~~d a DEPAR°a'MEN'TI~L REPOR'~ F°OR ~HE MON'~H OF° AFR;I~~ Z969. `The Depa~~men~al ~tepo~~ ~'o~ ~l~e mon°t~ o~ Apr~l, 1969 was received by _ the Council ~ rev~ev~r~d an~ o~cle~°~d ~ i led , PUBLIC HEARING ~ SIDEWAL•K INS~°A~~A.`~I~N ON SOU"TH RENA S'TREE°T City Adm~nis°t~a~o~ Bu~c'~ rev~er~vec~ t~~ c~~ea of South Rena Street in which concrete sicletaa:Lks a~e propos~cl, Af°ter be.ing assu~ed }ay ~~.ty C~e~k M~11~~ °tha~ the prope~tie~ had beea posted and °~~e prope~~y o~aners no~~~ied as required by law, Mayor "Z°'hompson declared the pro°tes~ hear~ng open ancl ar~y person for or against the instal- lation of concre°te s~dewalks on a po~°~~.~n of South Rena Street by use of the 1911 Assessmen~ Ac~t ( s~o~~ ~'or~~j vuou:~d now be hea~°da There being no , wrilt°ten pro°kes°~s or d~s~uss~on ~or o~° ~,~a~ns°~ °the proposed installation, Mayor 'Thompson decla~ecl °~he h~cx~~ng ~losed. A~°°ter Council d3scussion, on motion of Counc~lman I~ev~z~e q~~e~and~d by ~~unc~lman Sc~legel, and unnni- mously car~~~d, ~!-~e ~ns~aZla~~or~ o:~ c~z~~re~e ~~dedva~ks by use of' the 1911 Assesszr~en°t 11ct ( shor~ ~~~nn~ ~an go~-°~~ on s~ South Rena Stxeet was approved and °tl~e D~~ector o~` P~b~~~ ?~VV~~}cs r,,ra~ ~~~~rrx~ted to proceed with the instal- lat~on. PROGRESS REPOFt°~ ~ DOUBI.aE PARk~ING ~JIV B~~H S'~REE°T Adm~ni~°~rato~ Bu°~~~ ~~po~°ted °~~Za~ ~~e . P~l~ce Deparltment had investi- gated and prepo.red a su~ve}r a~~ga~d~ne~ d~uble pa~k,~ng on Branch St~reet. The merchan°ts and del~very v~}x~~l~s ~ave b~~n most cooperat3ve and the prac~ice of double parking ha.s nowu be~n g~ea~~~y ~~z~°tailed, which will allevia°te some - of the po°tential trccf~~c cong~~~~on~ ~n°k~cipa°ted with the open~ng of T~opez Lake and Recrea°~ion A~ea, `I°he Pa7.~c~ L~ep~~tmen~t survey repor~ has been submitted to °t~e F'a~}e~ng ~~mm~ss.~on fo~ ~~.e~~ s°~udy and recommendation ~to °the Counc~lo FINAL REPORT m ENFORCEMEN°l O~ CTT°Y G~D~ SEC~'~ON 9~4,2505 SIGNS IN C.B.I7, Adm~nist•rator Bu°~c~ ~eport~d °~he ~twao. nonconforming signs in the Central Bus~ness D~str~c°~, 1oca~ted a~ t~se ~ommercial Company, have now been correc~ed, which nov~r comp~e~es 1~0% ex~fo~cemen°t of °~he sign ord~nance within the Cen°tral Bus~ness D~st~.~c9t o LEGISLA~°IVE ~ULLE°~IN ~ROlv~ °~I~E I~EA~~FE O~ ~~~T~'ORNIA CIZ°IES Adminis°trator Bu~tcl~ ~~v~ew~d co~~es a~ °~l~e la°~est Legislative Bulletins received from ~the League o~ C~i~~~~xia~a ~~°~~~s, `T~e Gouncil discussed and ins°tructed Adm~.n~s~rct~o:~ B~.r~~kclh ~a w~~~t~ °k~ ou~ Stcx°~e Senator and the Com- ' mittee on Loca1 Gov~rnanen~ exp~e~s~n~ °~h~~ ~'ounca.l°s ~'~nancial concern should SB 1414 be adop°~ede ~3~~~~ ~s ~~c~~~rding mandatory min~mum wage~, etc, for ci°ty pol~cemen, CI'T°Y COUNGIL MA~ 13~H, ~~69 ARROYO GRANDEo CP~LIFORIVI~1 PAGE 3 SUGGES°TED EMPLOYER~EMPI~OYEE RELoA.°~~ON~ P~O~ED~JRE FBRQM LBAGUE OF" ~AI~IFp CZ'~IES Adm~n~s°~rator Bu°t~h ~~por~~d ~h~,~aa~ ~~~e informa°tion regex~d~,r~g Employer- Employee Rela~tions Proced~~e ~acl no~ ~r~~ be~n ~~e~e~ved ctnd advisetl ~~~,s 3tem woixld appea~ on t~e nex~ r~gula~ ~.ge~d~.o LE°~°TER F~~20M ~OS°TA MESA REo FIREFIG~i'~EFtS ~B I:N~~UDED EN~PLO~ER~EMP'~O~C~~ R~L,AC°T Padm~.n~stra,°~o~ Bu~ch repor~ed ~~x~~ cox~esp~ndence has been ~eceived f~om the City of Cos~a Mesa, ~e~~x~~~~r~g ~~e ~~xppor°~ o~ ~h~~ Counc~'~, urging °that f~ref°~gl-i°te~s ~n cit~.es be p~a~ed ~sne~~~ ~~ae Employer~Employee~s Rela~ion Act, °I'he Counc~l discrxssed ar~d agre~d °~~c~~ ~h~s ma°t~er be ~ablec~ un~il such °t~.me as addit~onal ~n~orma~~on ~~d~~~tes ac°~~on is nece~sa~y, LE~'°TER ~'ROM LONG BEACH RE: D~Y~IGH°T SA.~l~1V~~ TIME YEAR-ROUND BP,ST3 Adma.nis°t~ator Bu~ch repor°ted ~~a~ co~respondence ~as been ~ec~ived f'rom ~he Ci°ty of T.eong 'Bea~h, ~e~ues°~~.ng °~he ~~unc~l°s suppor~t o~ c~ 'b~ll which would prov~de daylight sav~ngs ~.~m~ ~~x~~oraally or~ a year~~ot~~cl basis, °~he Counc~l d~scussed and ~,gr~ed no a~°t~on be °te~ken et~ ~h~s ~~,me, REPOR°T AND RECOMo OF °TI~E SOo SLO ~0. ECONOM~C RESOi7RCES ~OMMI~"`~EE Adm~nis°t~a°~or ~utck~ rev~~va~d ~ ~~om Lax~ry ~e 1Vunes, ~h~i~man of °the Sou~h Sar~ L,uis Ob~spo C~~,~~,~y E~or~o~n~c R~sources Commi~~ee~ cl~t~~d May 6, ~9699 wh~~h ou°t~~.ned n~r~e p~c~~oscx~~ ~ega~d~ng p~~~erva,t~oz~ o~' vehicu~ar °tra~'~~.c on °the beac}~ ~,nd ~ee~ues°~~d Corxncil suppo~~, o'bje~~~ons or add~tions of any ~°kems ~°ega~°d~ng °~~~s zna~~ero .b,~fie~ Cour~~~1 di~~~e~~.on, Adm~n~s°k~a°tor Butc`h vaas d~rec~~d ~o adv.~se ~h~ Comm~,~°~ee c~s ~o~,~ow~ ~~he Counc~l a.s in suppor°~ o~ the ~ollo~nr~ng ~~emsa l~too 1, S~,~d dune are~ ~e~ main~ng in ~ts presen°t ju~°~sd~c°t,~~~q 1Voa ~o Speed 1inn~.~ s~.g~x~s b~i~g ~n~ stalled along the beach ~~om ~~ae P~i~zno Beac~ s~amp sou~h ~~a~ Cotxx~~y I,~r~e; Noo 5, Request~.ng °~he Div~.s~or~ o~ Be~.~~e~ arad Par]c~ °~o p~ov~de po'~abl,e supply o~ water to cs~mp~ng a~eas and ~~s me~~n~°a.~n a high~~ level o~ r~v~~er in the le~.goon; No. 6. I'~a°~ ~pgradirag a~ ~~e L,ctgoon area be pu~stxetl; No ~ 7 A T'hat ~he D~.v~s~on of P~,~ks and Re~reat~on d~ve,lop Coolidge Roctd along Highwny 1°to Grand Ave., but tha~k na ~'ees be c}aa.~ged ~"o~ use o~ s~u~h t~e- velopmen~ts Nosa 8 and 90 °~hat mo~e °~x~~.ler~ ca.mp~ng and ~ec~eational facil~~t~es be p~ov~.ded and add~.~t~ona~ St~~te property be developed ~or parks and rec~ea°t~on. , Item 3 vvas d~.scussed and ~.t r~ras ag~eed ~that priox fo Council npp~oval of this ~~tem add~°tional ~.nforma°t~on is re~ia.es°tecT regard3ng loca°tion, parking faca.li°t~.es, res°E room ~ac~l~°t~es and s°t~pulation of no fees ~to be charged for these services slioulc3 a roacl and parking arerts be con~ s°tructed along ~he beach between Grov~r ~~°ty and Oceano, Regarding Item 2, Counc~lman Schlegel advised °tlaa°t ~~e ramps a~ G~and Ave. and Pier A:veA are now ,~n °the process o~ be~ng ~a~.dened ~o grov~.de ~'or tvaa way traf~ic, NOT°ICE OF APPLICP~Z°~ON HEA~2~1VG ~EFORE PC7~ ~ PAC o°TELEPHONE RE: EX"~'~NDED SERV, Adma.n~s°tra°to~ Butcl~ adv~sed no~~~~ca°~ion has been received thctt the Pac~~~c Telep}aone Compa.ny ~aas appl.~ec~ °~o ~he Publ~.c U~~li~°,ies Co~nmiss~on f or extended area serv~ce ~o~ °~h~ Sou~~ ~aun~y A~ea, SLO GOUN'I'Y DEVELOP, RSSOCII~'~~O1V INC a NEWS~E`~'~'ER ~ BUDGET` REQUES°T Adm,~n~~°~ra~or Butch adv~sed ~~a~ t}~e qua~°ter~y newsle°ktex of ~he San Lu~s Ob~spo Coun°ty Deve~ogmen~ Assoc~a°~i~n, Incoa has been ~e~e3ved, also a copy o~° ~he Developmen°t .~,ssoc,~a~~an ° s p~opo~ed budge°~ for 19~9~70 aad a le°~°~er requesting a$500a00 ~nc~ease ~r~ C~ty°s contribut~on f'o~ °~he suppor°k o~ °the San Luis Ob~.sp~ Goura°ky Developmen°~ Associa°tion, Inco A letter of' suppor°t o~ the Develo~m~n~ Asso~~.~.t~on budge~ was received from °the South ~oun°~y Developmen~ As~a~~.~°~~on, °,~'}ae Gouncil. d3scussed and agreed ~ha°t this ~ecjues~ wou'ld ~e consicle~ecl al.ong vaa~.~h °the regula~ budge°~ reques~s for 1969~70, , GOASTAL VALLE~ PLANNING COUNC~L ~E°o ADDI~"TONA'L ASSTS°TANCE 1969~70 BUDGET Adm~n~strato~ Bu-tc}~ ~epo~~ed ~t~a~ a~.,e~~er ha~ been received ~rom °the Coastal Val~ey Plan~,~ng Council adv~s~xag th~~ ~F~ei~ proposed budge°t fo~ 1969~70 may be cur~a~.led drxe ~o ~nsrx~~~c~~~~ ~unds °to cover °the cos°~ of °thea.r ~ull year o~ opera~~on, as ~~e~~ ~°e~ues~ for f~nanc~.ctl ass~s~tance from °the ~oun~y Boa~d o~ Superv~.~o~s 1~~.~ n~~ been favorably acted upon a°t °th~s ~~me, and c~lso bec~.use of ~ s}~~~v~~e o~ ~unds only one copy of °the m~nu~es o~ t~e~~ mee~a~ngs w~11 be fo~tnra~clecl ~o each en°tity, Af°~er Council d~scuss~on~ ~t Rr~ras ag~eecl n~~ ~,~~~.o~ be ~c~ken a°t ~fih~s t~me and it was sugges°~ed tl~a~t °~he Plann~.ng ~o~znc~~ ~c~.~ve1y soli~,~°~ ~oun~y suppor°~ and ass~.stance n CT°TX COUN~IL MAX 13'T"I~~ ~~6~ ARR0~0 ~RP~NnEa ~AL~F'ORNIA PAGE 4 ANNUI~L REPOl~°T 0~° FINI~IVCII~L ~FtP,1VSP,C°~~CO~VS QF° ~~Ib~~ORNIA CI'T'I`ES l~dm~nis~~c~~or Bu.~c~a ~,dv~sed ~~a~k cop~e~ o~° ~he Annua~ Rego~~ o~ F'3zzan~ ca.al Tran~~~~t~.oras conc~~~~ng ~~~~es a~ C~x~~£'o~~~a has b~en re~~~ved ~,nd are on ~e~~ewa POR°T SP,N LUIS HP.RBOR BO.~RI) REm ~EDER~IL FUNDS °~0 INIT°TA'TE GONS~°, a RESOL, Adm~n~st~a~or Bu~~~ adv~s~d ~t~e Po~°~ S~,n Lu~.s H~,rbo~ Bo~~d has requ~s~ed Co~xn~.~,~. aclop~ a~~s~lu~~~n ~uppc~~~~ng and u~g~~g °~~e Congress of ~}~e Un~°~ed S~ntes °~o appropria~ke ~ecle~al ~'uncls necessa~ry ~to ~r~3~~ate °the construc~a.on o~ ~he po~°~ at Sctn I~u~s I~r~rb~~ b.?~fte~ Cour~c~~. d~~cuss3on, ~i°ty At°~c~rney Shipsey read °~h~ ta.~Ze o~ ~ ~esm~u°t~.on ~,n t~~s ~e ~t~tl, °t~ere- a~°te~ a mo°~~on was ~nade by C~~u.nc~ lm~r? I~ev~.ne, ~econded by Gounc~l~tt~tn Schlegel, and unanimously ~arried, ~o c3a~sper~se tivi°tih ~~ad~ng the balatnce o~ ~h~s ' resolu~t~ono RESODU~~O~ N~~ 823 A RESOI.aU°TION OF THE ~I'~ ~'O~N~~L OF" 'THE CI?'Y O~ ARROYO GRANDE SUPPVR~'~NG AND REQUES°~ING F'UNDING ~°OR °THE IN~°T:TA'~Ip~t O~ °~HE CONS`~RUCZ°ION OF° POR`T SAN Li1TS HARBORo ~OLJN°T'Y 0~ SAN LU~S OBISPO a CAT~~~~Pi~A o On mot~on o~ ~ounc~~man S~hl~gel9 s~~~ncl~d by Counca.lmc~n Szn,~~~, ~tnd on ~the ~ollo~v~ng ro~l call vo~e~ r,~~~o AY~So Couxxc~lmer~ Sc}a~egeLe I~~v~raeF Woode Smi°~~ ~,r~d, M~yo~ "T~omps ox~ o NO~Sm None ABSEN°T m 1Vone °the ~o~ego~ng resolu°~~or~ vaas g~s~~d ~,~d ac~~~°~~d ~his 13t}~ d~,y o~ l~y~ 1~690 REQUES'T OF V~RGINIP~ S'~~O~HER ~Eo P,BSE~V`T° ~"ROM P F;~ R COMM, DLdRING IufAY, ~~69, On mo~~on o~ Counc;~lman Sm~~h, s~~o~e~~~1 lay Councilrnaz~ Woodd ~t~ael unani~ mously ca~~a.ed' °the rec~ues~ o~ ~~xnm~ss~on~~ S~~o°~he~° °to b~ absea~~ ~'~~m t~e Pc~rl~~ and Recrecc°tion Comm~ss~on mae~~ngs du~ing ~the mpnt}~ o~ M~y, ~.969 was app~oveda LET'TER OF' RESIGNA"TIOIV m P, ~ R, ~OMM~SS~QNE~ DR o ROBER~' ~T , BAI~EY A letter of ~es~gna~~.on ~ras re~~~~re~. ~~offi Gcami~issioner D~o ~ob~xt ~To Ba~ley, adv~s~ng tha.~t ~ae u,rould no lo~~er be e1~g~ble °to serve on the Parks and Rec~ea~~.on Gommiss~on as he ~a~ le~v~r~g °~h~s a~ea, On mo°~ion o~' Councilman ~m~°~~a, seconcled by ~ounc~lma~a ~ev~ne~ and unana.mously cQ~~3ed, °khe ~es~.gnctt~on of Dro Rober°t Jo B~,~~ey f~mm °kh~ Pct~ks and Rec~e~x~tion Gom- m~ss~on, °to b~ ef~ect~ve M~y 23~ 196~d va~s ~ccep~ed, atnd Admin~s~E~ator Butch was ~nstruc~ed °ko v~t~~.°~e Llro 8~~.~ey a~.e~ter of °thamks ancl apprec3at- ~on for h,~s serv~ce °~o the C~~tyo APPOIN'TMEI~IT OF° PARI~S ~ RE~REA"TION ~O1vIM~~SIONE~2 ~`RANK BEN~°~EY Mayor T"hompson recomanended ~~~,t ~°ran}~ ~en°tley be ~ppointed to ~t~e Pc~rks and Recrea~t~on Comm~.ss~.o~ °~o ~he v~.can~y c~rea°ted by °the ~esignet- t~on o~ Dro Robe~°t Ja ~~,a~leyo Qn ~ot~~z~ o~ Counc~~rna~n Schlegei, seconded by Counc~lmaa~ Lev~ne~ and unan~mously ca~°~~ed, Frank Ben~ley, 3~1 ~'ally Ho 13oad was appo~nt~d ~to s~~ve a.s a~omm~~s~ox~~r on ~`~e Arroyo G~°ande Pax~}cs and Re~r~~,°~a~o~a Gomm~ss~o~ ~,r~°~~ ~a~.~ ~e~m o~ off'~.ce °term~inat~ng on June 30s 19690 PROGRESS REPOR°T ON FA~R OA~GS AVEI~ILdE EX~EIVST0~1 A.ND ~RZI3GE Admin~s~~°a°~o~ Bu°~c~ repo~~ecl °~}~a~ r~~g~~~~~t~ons be~rveen ~he Ga.~ty and °the Er~g~nee~ing F°~.rm o~ V~1~1~~.ams~ 5~~,~t~ ~nd S°~e~aa~°~ axe be~.ng ~inali~ed and ~~Ze ~oz~~~~a~°~ ~s nea~~.~g comg~~°~~~ro REQUES'~ OF' MR o R o S o OCI~ RE m P°I°nT 0~' ST°, A~T~ o OR EXCHANGE ADJAGEN°T °TO °~"ALLY HO Adm~zaa~s°~r~~or B~x~~~ rev~~wed ~c ~~po~~ ~~om D~~~~~or of Publ.ic Works Anderson~ da~ed May 5, ~~C~e ~~c~~~d~ng ~he ~~ques~c o~ M~°a R, S, Och ~o~r road a~andonmen~ ad je~cen~ ~o °T~~ ~}r Ho Ro~.c~ ~~n •,a~~c~ Mr o A~derson recomm mends °~Iha°k °kh~.s s~~°ee°~ be cab~nd~ned as ~~an~ ~s no~ ~ecessary fe~ roetd purpose~ ~ bu~ °k1~cz°t a d~a.~~age easemer~~ be r~~a~.a~ed over ~etme ~~r~c1 °that said pc~~c~l be exc~~nged ~o~ ~x~ a.dj~c~ra~ pa~~el no~r oarsx~ed by Mra Och, which would be~°~er al~.g~ P~°~nt~ R~~:d w~~°!h Rou°~e Noo ~2~ e~r~d vvo~ld con~ta~n a po~t~on o~ '~~lly Ho Raad ~d~~x~~z~~ °~o H~~~~,aay ~2~ ~ha°~ now be~ras~ u~ed ~'or road pu~poses, bu~ ~i~le ~o s~cm~ Ib~~or~~s ~o M~o Oc}~, ~i°~}r At~to~ney Sh~psey adv~sed °~~at °~he exch~nge o~ p~ope~°~y v~oulel be leg~.l ~nd he ~vould 143 CI'TY COUNGII~ MA'~ 13'~t~, 1969 ARROYO GRANIDEo ~ALIF°ORNIA PAGB 5 proceed w~t}~ lega7. ~equ~.remeaa~s ~o~ ~~me °~he ~ou~~~,l ~o w~.~heel~ Paf'°te~ Counc~l d~scussiona on mo~t~orx of Coura~~:Lmccrz V~Iood~ ~~~or~ded by ~ou~~3lm~r~ Levirae, amd unan~mously car~~.ed9 C~,ty A~~o~r~ey S~Z~,psey t~ras ,~~~~ruct~c~ ~o prepare a Con~rac~ o~' Exa}~~ng~ be~~ree~a ~~e ~~ty and M~g S~ 0~'~~ REQUES"T OF MRS o ROBER'~ H1~NSEN SR o R~ o~AI~ "~REE IN MAP~E S~' A RIG~~~~~V~TAY' - - Admin~s~~~ttor ~utch xev~~vaa~d ~~~~a~~°~ ~'~o~ D~,~e~~ks~~ o~ P~ab~~~ t1Vo~~s Anderson,~ ~~~~.~dirag s°~~ee~ vao~i~ ~r~~ ~Z~~~rd ocg M~p~~ S~, Nl~~a Robert Hanser~, S~ a q 1~80 M~,'~:~~ S°~ A~~~ ~a~~~~~~d ~~e ~~~y Ada?t~x~~~~~~~o~ and Public V~To~}cs Dep~~°~men~ ~ega~~~~~ O~c}~ ~~~e gra,nr~r~g ~~e ~n~dt11~ o~ ~he s~r~e~ r~~h~m~~'~uv~y ~~a~~ g~op~~°ty .rnr~a~,~~ ~he w~u~~c~ like ~emoved so ~}xat ~t~e ~~~y ru~u~c~ ~~~a~ and ma~,~~c~~x~ ~~a~~ po~~~o~ o~ ~~-ie ~~g}~~t~o~mvvay now ~.oca~ed ~~~°~r~~r~ ~°~~e ~.ncl ~a~~ p~ope~~y~ vJ~,~~~ ~.s nova ~re~y u~sa~~~a~ly ~ncl 1~e~au~e o~' ~h~ ~~~g~ g~ova°~]~ t~~' ~nreeds po~er~~ ~~a~ f~~e hc~~~,~do P~~s~ M~so F3~.~se~ ~bj~~~~oras to ~~e G~~y ~~~~~i~g t]~e overhang~ng bra.n~hes ~rom an~~}z~~ Oa~r_ °~~e~ l~ca°ted on he~ p~op~~~yo 4 D~~ect~~ of Public VITo~ks Ar~d.e~son ~~~~mm~a~ds ~°]~cx~ °~he 1~~~~ ~~'te ~~.~'~'~~~of~ way be removed ancl limbs o~ ~~n~ °~~e~ p~~v~°~e p~op~~r~y ~h~t~ ov~~~a~t~ag the r~~~a°~ o,~ way be ~°emovedQ A~~t~~ ~a~~~~~~ s~~scussion~ o~ mo~.~o~ o~' Co`ux~cil- man Lev~.n~a secondec~ by Coun~~~m~,~ ~~~1e~~~a ancl uraa~n~~ious~y ~c~~~~.ed, G~°ty Admin~s~~a~or But~h tnrc~s ~r~~°t~°ral~~e~1 ~~ac~ d~„~~c~e~l °~o for~tc~x°d let°~e~s ~o all res~den°ts on Mc~p~e S°~, ~r~~h~n ~~~e 1~~~~1~ a~~~ orz bo°~`h ~~.d~~ o~ ~he ~ree to asce~~a~n ~~~~r feelin~s r~~~~d.~n~ °~~'e ~emo~rc~l c~f' Oc~k ~~ee and por°~ ~he ~esu~~ a~ ~he nex~ ~o~xz~~~.~ me~~~~.~.gm LE"T'~ER ~`ROM CHiJRCH OF ~A°~Z"ER DA~i SA~N`~S RE u EX°PEND`ED °T~ME I.oTMT"~ ~'OR REIMBLTRSEMEN°I°° 0~ ~OS"I"S OF' TI1~A°I'ER ~II~IE T.1~S°d".~,L3~A.°~~ON Adm~n~.s~rator Bu°tc~ ~~v.iev~~cT a~~.,e~t°~e~° f~om ~ames F°, Sd,wy~~, Bishop of t~e ~hu~ch of' Jesus C~r~s~ o~ I~~~~e~mL~y S~~,n~~, reques~~.~g a~ e~c~encled °~ime l~m~°t an re~,mbu~seznen~ o~ p~or~i~ed ~a~~~ ~o berne~i~ing prope~~i~s for ~~e ex~ension o~ an 8~~ ~,ra~e~ ma~.r~ ~~o~ Sou~~ Z"~ct~'f~,c Wcty ~o ~~e C~u~ch proper°~y~ wl~~.c~ ~aa~lY be ~~nanced by ~~a.e ~~u~~~ ct~ gr~ate~ wa~e~ p~4~su~e and supp~y ~s necessary ~'o~ ~~~e p~°c~~~~~~,o~ao Af'~tex Gounci~ dfscuss~.on, on mot.~on o~ Counci~man Wood9 second~d by Co~~c~lman Schlegel, ecr~d ura~tn,3- mously ~a~r~ed~ the ~}~u~ch of ~esus ~:~~~s°~ o~ Lci~terWDay Sa3nt~ was ~~an~ed~- a 20Jyear per~od ~n wh~.ch ref~tixr~d~ ~,aa~~l mctde °to the C~aurch ~'~om ~u~d~ ' j collec°ted'}~''y °t]-ie ~~.~ty vaal~en pr~pe~~~~s bea~e~~.~~.ng' f.~,om ~this itta3n ex'ters„~~.on request wa°~e~ service and p~y pro~cc~~d ~o~°~ o~' "'~uc&~ m~~n ex~er~'s~.on, PROGRESS REPOR`~ m LOPEZ I~iA°TER SUPPL,Y 1~ P~og~ess Repo~°t fo~ °~he m~n~~a M~~c~, 1969 was rece~.v~d ~'~om ~the San I~rx~s 01~~spo ~oun~ky Flood Con~~o1 ancl GV~~~~~ Conse~rv~ta~on D~s~~~~c~k and was ~ev~~~ved and o~de~°~d ~i~Led. NO°T~CE ~FtOM C0o BD, OF' Si3PERVISO~S REo DRAINA.GE PROBLEM ~N HIGH SCH~AR~A Adm~nis°kra~to~ Bu~tch repo~~ecl ~}a~.~ no~~ce ~r an ~the ~pua~~y ~o~t~d o~ Supe~v~sor~ ~as been ~e~e~v~d ~eg~~c~~~~ ~~Ze~ainage pxoblem, ~.r~ #~,e a~ea o~ the Or~hard Aveo and Vall~y Re~~el ~ampu~ o~ °~'he I~u~ia Ma~ Un~~~.ed S~]~oo1 Dis~~°~c°~a a.nd ~~aa~ ~}x~,s ma°t°~~~- ~aas l~e~z~ re~'~~r~d ~a t~e Cour~~y Hyd~exulic Engin~er°s 0~f~ce ~o~ s°~udy ~nc1 ~ecoz~~~ncl~.~t~~r~, PROGRESS REPOR'~ ~ ZONE 3 ADVTSOFtY ~OMMI'~~'EE MEE'~ING Counc~.~m~n Lev~n~ ~epor~ed t~a~ ~~a~ recen°t 2one 3 Adviso~y Com~ mittee Meeting fur°~her cl~scussa~or~ v~ras ~~~e~ ~ega~dimg °~he ~orma~~on o~ a Flood Con~~ol D~stric~ va~°t~a~ri ~th~ S~~s.°~h Coun~y a~ea and °~ha°t pr3o~ ~to °this Comm~°~°kee recommend~ng ~~e ~~~°zna~~on o~ srxch a dz~°~ra.ct,o~~'icial xeques°~s ~or same w~11 have ~o b~ p~eser~~~d °h~em ~~om each of °the three Sou~th County C~°t~es~ PROGRESS REPOR~' ~ SOU'TH SAN I~UIS OB~SPO ~OUN"TY S1~NI~°A~"ION DTS~'RICT Gop~es o~° ~~~.e~ Plan°~ Ope~a°ko~°s Repo°~~ for the month of Ap~ilp 1~69 were ~~ece~ved by °the Goia.z~c~~.~ ~~v.~~~+a~d ~nd o~°de~ed ~i~ed, Adminism °~rc~,°~or ~utch adv~sed ~h~~ a p~opo~ec~ ~49~0~0 ~uclge°~ ~'~r '19fs9-~0 w~ts rzow under ~~udy by °t~ae Bo~.~°d o:~ D~r~~~°o~~ o PROGRESS ~EPOR°~ m ~I`PXGIIIDE SE4~1E1~ DIS~'R~~~' l~dzn~nistra~or ~u°tc~ re~r~evaed p~op~sed p~ogram .fo~° ~~e asse~smen°~ dis°kr~.~t p~,~o~ to a,ctraa~ construc°~a~on °k`h~ gro~~cta ~h~~h is ~~heduled to stax°~ on Ma~~}a 1~ 1~~0a cxnd °~o ke~~ ~a~~~Z~n ~h.~s ~t~me schedule ~~e Coun°ty Boaxd of Sr~pea~v~sor~ mus~k hc~ve °th~ ~~°~y ~pp~oved enc~~,ne~~~ng ~on- ~~ac~t ~o~ the~~ f~.na~ rapp~ovcx~ by Iulc~y 2~y ~`~69a e~nd adv;~sed °~ha~ nego~ t~a~~ons e~re ~ea~~n~ comple~.~an w~~~~ ~~i~ ~ng~x°ae~~ ~r~d ee~p,~es o~ °khe ~on~ ~trac~t t~aou~d be ava~.:]~~.b:1~ .~o~ ~aur~~e~ ~~c~;~_~~ bv 1u~~v 19 ~ 1969, ' ~ ~ CI`TY COUNGIL MAY 13'TH, 1969 ARROY'0 GRANDE o CALIPORNIA PPaGE ~ SLO C0, ~ARM BiJREAU - AIR POLI~tT'T°ZON IN~°ORMA°TIONAL MEE~'ING 3~20~69 No~tif~.cat~on was rece~ved from ~John Ho Evetns, F°a~m AdviBO~, th~t on ' May 20, 1969~ °~he University: of Cal~.fo~n~ec Agr~cul°~ural Ex°tens3On $ervice and °~he San Lua.s Obispo Coun°~y Fa~an ~ureau are comsponsorit~g an Cir pol~ lu°~~on info~mct°t~onal mee~t~ng °t~e ~`a~rn ancl Home Adviso~s 0#`fice, Coun~y Airport, Edna Road, Se~n T.au~s Ob~spo~ ~a~~~orx~~a, ~rom 10~30 ~,M, ut~til 12 Noon, HIYAMA LEASE WI°TH GIT'Y ASSIGN~D ~'0 I(I~VC~ KAVl1.A~0KA REo ELM S~"A PROPER~ Administra°tor Bu°tch adv~sed ~h~t Mro Y, Iiiyama, leasee o~ approxi~ ma°tely 15 cecres of Ci°ty owned ~ancl adja~en~ ~o t~e Elm Stxee°t Pct~]t~ no longer is farm~.ng the acreage ancl the Leas~ c~oes not expire un~i~ September . 30, 1969 and ]]ae wishes to ccss~.gn sc~~d ~.~~se ~o Kingo Kawaok~o Ar~d~ew Dav~.d~ a°t°torney for K~.ngo ICc~w~.o3ca, ~as pxepared °the assignmer~~ o~ lease and is reques°~~.ng °the City ~ounc~l cor~s~~a~ °~o said assigntttiet~~ c~s~ is required by said lease, A€°ter Council discussion, on mot3on o~ Coun~il~ man 4Vood, seconded by Coun~~lm~xa Sm~°~~o cx.r~d uaaan~mously aa~~ied9 t~e assignmen~ of lease be°~ween Yo H;~yama, and K~nc~o Kctwaoka was ~pproved and the Mayor was au°thorized °to s~gn ~~e Conser~°~ ~to Assignmen~ on be~e~lf of ' °the Gityo ADJOURNMEN°T On mo°t~on o~' Goun~~,lman L,ev~ne9 sec~ncled by ~ouncilm~n Schlegel, and unan~.mously carr~ed °the mee°t~ng ad~ou~n~d a~ 9025 P,M, until 7:30 PaM~, May 19th, 19690 AT'TES'T: ~%p~ C CI.aERK MAYOR