Minutes 1969-05-19 ~ CI'I'Y COUNCIL MAY 19, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.Mo The City Council m~t ~n adjo~nrr~ed regul~.r session with Mayor Thompson presiding. Up~n roll ~a~l C~~a~c~lasa~n Schlegel, Levine and Smith reported presen~tm Councila~aaa~ W~~d is absen°t. CI'I'YWIDE SEWER DISTRgCT - RES~~LT'I°~(~i~T ~~TD ENG3NEER ° S CONTRACT • Adrninistrator B~a.tch adv~.sed ~~aat ~~ae Ea~gineer ° s Cont~°~C't ~nd the resolu~ion., reques-ting ce~ta~n s~~°v.ic~s fro~ the Cotxnty ~of San Luis Ob~spo, in. conraec~~,~~. wi~~ ~3~e pro~a~s~d C~~ywbde S~we~ Dist~~ct, were nc~~ . coznpleted for C~~.r~c~l ~~nsicl~rat~~n at this ~ime v` FAIR OAKS P,VENUE EXTENSION AND BRIDGE - ENG~NEER'S AGREEMENT APPROVAI~ Discu,ssion was held regard~n~ -~~e proposed contrac~t agreement be~ween the C~ty and ~1~~ Ea~girneer~.mc~ F~r~ of Williar~as, Schott, Stewart.; and Assoc~a~es for eng~neerinc~ ~~rv~ces for design and constructiora of a bridge in conjun~t~on w%~Y~ th~ ex~en~~~~ of Fair Oaks Avenue, between Halcyon Road and Valley Roado Oa~ Mo~.~o~. of Councilman Sm,ith, se~onded by Councilnlan Lev~ne, and unara~~?ousl.y carx°ied, the Agreement between ~he City of Arroyo Grande and ~he Eng~.~~eria~g F~rm of Williams, Schott, Stewart and Associates, for enc~~neeria~g s~rvices, to design and con- struct a por~ion of, or all o~, a fo~.rmlarne bridg~e over the Arroyo ~ Grande Creek on -~Yae prop~sed e~sterly extension of Fair Oaks Avenue in the City of Arroyo Grande, was appra~ved a.nd tl~e Niayor was a~thorized to sign sa~d agreemen~ orn l~ehalf of ~he Ci~y, PRELIMINAR~' BUDGE'I° FOR FISCAI~ YEAR 19~i9-70 - PRESENTATION AND REV~EW Ad~in~.strator Butch d~strilaa.z.ted c~ap~es of the propo~ed 1969-70 Municiga.I Budg~t t~ t~e .Coun~s:~., ~a~el~minary review and d~iscussion followedm Administra-tor ~u~~~ was instructed to schedtxle £urther budget study sessions. • ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Cc?uncilman Schlegel., seconded by Councilman Smith, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. to an executive session, RECQNVENMENT OF COUNCIL The Gouncil reconvened at 10:10 PoMa from executive session with~ all members being gresent as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT ara. motion. of Cc~unciln~,an Lev~ne, seconded by Couneilman Smi~h, and unanimously carried, the mee~ing adjourned at 10:10 P.M.~ r _ - k-~- - ATTESTc'~~_~~~`~`~~'~-~.~. '~1 `n°~-/~ Deputy City Cl~r]c. Mayor ~