Minutes 1969-05-27 ~ . CITY COUNCIL MP~Y 27TH, 1969 1~RRU~O°'_GRAND~; CALIFORNIA ` _ ~ T~.E City ~~~~s~~.1: m~ ~n ~~gu;~ar session w~~~a i~~.~r,~~ Thompst~n pres~.d~ng:. ,~Ipc~i~; ~~011: ~~.1~. Coun~,~lm~.n, S~hl:ege~.::; L~~'~~~'; Wood ~.nd Smi~h rep~rted~ p.re~ent-. PLEDGE OF A~LEGIANCE A,ND.INVOCATION Mayor Thompson led the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend James Wickstrom of the First Presbyterian Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. APPROVAI~_ OF' MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of May 13, 1969 ~nd the adjourned regular meeting of May 19, 1969, were approved as pre~ pared. ' APPROVAL,OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel; seconded by Counci,lman Levine, and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 99.7 through ~ No. 1026, in the total amount of '$17;950.57; Payroll Wa~rants No: 1486 through No. 1542, in the total amount of $9~867.31;:and Trust and Agency Warrants No. 774 through No~792, in the tot~l amaunt~of $301.30 were-approved and a:rdered.p.aid. . ; ` LETTER FROPyI ,LDS CHURCH RE : FEE EXEMPT` FZ~.2EWORKS LICENSE Adminis'~trator`Butch advised that'a etter a een ~'eC~ived from the Church'of Latter Day Saints requesting a fee exempt license:to sell safe-and sane fireworks, and that the Fir~ Ch~ef has reviewed and approved ~he request subject to fire°s~f~ty con- ditions. After discussion, on moti~n of Councilman Smith, seconded' by Counci:lman Wood, and unani;mousl~r.c.a~:ri~d, approval was gr~nted' that the Church of Latte~ Day Saints'be.~ssued a fee exempt busi- ness license from June 28 through ~7uly 6, 196'9, for fireworks sales at Giant Food Market park~ng lot subject to the installa- tion of one water fire extinguisher. PROCLAMATION ~ "NEW GLORY FOR 'OLD"GLORY' " Mayor Thompson prociaimed June l through 12, 1969, as ~ time of rededicat~on to '°NEW GLORY FOR OLD GLORY'° and for all C1ti2ens to display the Flag, in presentable appearance, on F1ag D~.y, June 14, and`on other appropriate occasions. INVITATION TO ANNUAL ELK'S PARADE AND RODE~ JUNE 7 1969 Administrator Butch repa~ted that a etter a een xece~.ved ~rom the Elk~s Lodge in Santa Maria, inviting the CounCil to par- ticipate in the 26th Annual Elkrs Parade and Rodeo on June 7, 1969. After Council discussion, Admini~trator ~utch w~.s in~ structed to advise the Elk"s Parade Chairman that the full Counci,l plan to participate in this event. PROGRESS REPORT ~ DOtTBLE PARKTNG ON .BRANCH STREET Administrator Butch repo~ted that the Parking COmmission ° has reviewed the survey p~epared by the Police D~partment, and has indicated an additional survey be made with reference to three p~oposed l5~minute pa~king zone~, and th~.t the Merchants Association is now handling th~s survey. They will report back to the Parking Commission, at which time, the Commission wi11 make.a recommendation to the City Couneil. SUGGESTED EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS PROCEDURE FROM LEAGUE OF C.C. Adm~nistrator Butch seported that copies o t e suggeste Employer-Employee Relations Procedure have been received from the League of California Cities and have been distributed to each ' City Department and the City Employees Association. This item was held over at the request of Will~am Ragsdale, President of the City Employees` Association, to allow more time for study and discussion. ANNUAL REPORT AND RENEWAL OF CON'I'RACT WITH WOOD'~ ANIMAL SHELTER Administrator Bu~ch read a letter from Mrs. Harold E. Lee', President of Wood"s Anzmal 5helter, requesting renewal of our contract with them for an~mal control, at no increase in fees. Mr. Tidwell. representing the Shelter~ was present and gave an oral report regarding the activities of the Shelter within the C~.ty. After Council. d~.scussion, on motion of Councilman Wood^ ~ CI'TY COUNC~L MAY 27T~i, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 seconded by Counci.lman Schlegel~ and unanimously carried.~ ~th~ , contract agreement between WoodFs An~m~1 Shelter ~.nd ~h~ CB~y_~~ for animal cont~ro~~was app~oved covering ~he period from 1969 through i~-r~k~~ 1970 and the Mayor and City Clerk w~r~ authorized to s~gn the contr~c~ on behalf of the City. LETTER FROM EMERYVTLLE ~ CONTROL ~'IZZTNG OF SAN FRANCT3C0 ~AY Administrator Butch ~egor~ed ~that co~respon ence ~ ~en received from the City of Emeryvil~e reques~ing the Counc3ls support of legislation des~gned to protect San Fran~~sco ~ay but requesting oppositi.on.to legislat~on whi.ch would all~w st~te encroachment upon ~he pr~n.ciple ~f ~ame rule. After Counci`L discuss~on, Administrator Bu-tch ~a~.s ~.ns~ructed to w~ite .to our State Legislators stating ~h~s Councils opposition to any legisA lation which would direc~ly or indirectly encroa~h upon home rule. FURTHER DISCUSSION ^ INTEREST IN FORMING MOSQUITO A~ATEMENT DIST. Administrato~ Butch rep~~°ted that letters ave een rece~ved from the Cities of Pismo Beach and Gr~ver City regarding pos~ible contracting w~.th the County for mc~sq~i~.~ aba~tement. G~'over City indicated th~.t they felt tha~ the Co~n~y should pro~ide this service, but that Pismo Beach i;s ~n ~.cc~.~d with th~s City's pro- posal ~o con~.~.c~t the Coun~y rega~d:i.ng cc~ntracting for mosquito abatement. After Counc~l D~scuss~,c~n, Administ~~tor ~utch w~s instructed ~o write the Coun~y Boa~rd of Supervisors requesting the assistance of the Count~y Heal~h and Agriculture Departments regarding this prob~em. LEGISLATI~TE BULLET~N FROM `I'HE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNTA CTTIES Admin~strator Butch revi~wed cop~es of t e atest Legis~ _ lative Bu~letins received ~rc~m the L~ague of Califorr~ia Cit~es. PROGRESS REPORT - OFFICIAL 1969 CENSUS Admina~stx°ator Bu~t~h reported tha~t Mrs . Marsha Co~'r, ~'epre~ senting the State Finance Department, was the offiCial super~ visor of the enumer~t~on (cen~us~ now being conduct~ed in the City of Arroyo Gra.nde and that she reported the field wo~'k should be completed.by May 29r 196~9. APPROVAL TO DISPOSE 0~' CITY OWNED SURPLUS MATERIAL . Administra~tor Buteh reps~rted ~ha~ the various City depart+- ments have submi~ted l~sts c~f mater~al, tools and supplies owned by the City but no longer neces~a~°y fc~~ City use and requested this material be d~sposed of. Af~er Cc~uncil discuss~on, on motion of Counci,lman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carr~.ed, the fol~.~wing material, tools and sup- pl.ies were declared as surplus: l. One 1961 Ford Pickup, body ~n good condita.onf engine- short head~ 2. One MAC-15 McCuTloch chain saw. 3. Eight tons ~estim~~ed~ scrap metal; cast iron and steel. 4, One 1964 Chevro~.et Sedan - w~th minimum bid t~ be estab~ 1~shed. The date of the sale is 11:00 A.M., June 21st, 1969, with said material to be on display a~ ~he Ci~y Corporat~.on Yard. EXPIRATION OF TERMS OF OF~°TCE - PLANN. PARKING, PARKS AND REC. COMM. Adm~n.ist~ator Butch adv~sed as infa~°m~~~on only, t at sev- eral CommissionersgTerms of Office ~n the Planninq, Parking and Parks and Recreation~Commiss~.ons w~:ll expire on June 30, 1969. DISCUSSION RE: REMO'ETAL OF OAK TREE TN'MAPLE S'TREET R-O-W. Admin~strator Butch reported ~ a~ letters were sent to a11 of the residents who live taitk~~n the 1100 b~.ock of Maple Street regax°ding the proposed removal r~~ the o~k-tree growing wa.thin the street right~c~f~-w~y adj~cen.-t t~ ~i80 Maple St. and that no response ~n favo~° of or ~g~inst sa.id ~~ee remotral, orall.y or in writing, has been received. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was directed ~o instruc~ the Public Works Department to proceed with i4~ CTTY COUNCIL MAY 27TH~ 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A PAGE 3 the removal of the Oak t~°ee growing cai°th~n the r%ghtrofAway a~d to trim other trees of branches overhang~.ng the zight.~of~w~y on Maple Streeta AGREEMENT OF:PROPERTY EXCHP~N~E-~ CTTY-& ROBERT S. OCI3 (Tall Ho) Attorney S~psey rev~~wed ~he ~re~ared resoluti:on an agree~ ment for propertX exchange be~tween ~he City and Robert S. Och fb~' propert~.es adj ~cen~ t.c~ the t~ar-~heas~e~~y' extens~.on of T~lly Ho Road and ~that he recommen.ds ~hat t~.~le insurance po~.icy be pur~-' chased, at C~ty expense~ ~o~° the pro~e~~y the C~.ty is a~quiring in this exchange~ After Counc%l:discu~s~.on, Ca.ty Attorney Sh~psey read the tit~.e of a reso~ut~c~n au~ho~°%za~ng the s~gn~ng of an a~gxee~ ment to exehange r~a1 pr~pex°ty, thereat~er a motion was m~de by Councilman Lev%ne~ seconded by C~un~~lman Schlegel, ~.nd un~ni~ mously carr~.ed, to dispense w~th ~e~.d~ng the ba7~~.nce of ~his ~ resolution~ _ RESOLUT~ON NO: 825 A RESOLUTION' OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'I'~iE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZTNG THE MAYOR AND CI~'Y CLERK TO S~GN AGREEMENT ~'O EXCHANGE REAL PROPERTY. _ On mot~on of Councilman Lev~~e, ~econded by Counci~lm~n Schlegel, and an the follo~a~ng ro11 ~~..il vc~te, to wit: AYES: Counc~lmez~ Schlegel, Levine, Ws~od, Smith ~.nd Mayor Thompson, NOES: None ABSENT: None ~ the foregoing ~°esolutio~. w~.s p~.ss~d ~nd adopted th~s 27th d~y of May, 1969. PROGRESS REPORT ~ FAIR OAKS AVE. EXTENSTON AND BRIDGE Administrator Butch reps~rted ~.hat° t e eng.~nee~'s ~ve ~omr pleted descript~ons fo~ the right~of~way for Fair Oak~ Ave~ ~ Extension and that the Title Compan~ is now p~eparing title re- ~ ports and tha-t ~the engineers are now proceeding with prelim~.n~,ry work. PROGRESS REPORT-~ LOPEZ WATER SUPPLY Admin~.strator Butch adv~sed ~hat ietter has been rece~.ved from Richard A. Drahn, Assis~an~ County Hydraulic Engi~eer, County F1ood Control and Water Conserv~.tion D%strict, stat~~g the amount of the fi~'st semi~annu~.~ payment for Lopez Wa~te~° Supply Contrac~t would be $113 r 000 . 00 ~ bu~~ as a° d~:str~.bution of co.st,s was not ~ncluded, he has wri~ten ~s~ Mr. Drahn for additional %n^ formation, a~ this figure is much h~ghe~ than ant~c~.pated. : INTRODUCTION OF GUEST ~ COUNCILMEMBER DENNTS PRINDTVILLE'~ CLOVIS ' Mayor Thompsori introduced Denn~s Pr~nd~v~ ler ~ Cou~C me er from the City of Clovis, Califo~nia,'who was visiting in this area. PROGRESS REPORT ~ SO. SAN LUIS OBISPO'"COUN'~'Y SANTTATION DISTRICT Administrato~ Buteh repoar~ed -tha~ the Bo~.rd o Directors of the Dist~ict are requesting ~ha~ whe~e District mains a~°e installed in streets with.~n the Iimits of another entity that required ma~;ntenance of s~ree~s due settling, should be the responsibility of tha~ ent~~~, as aiT, lines were %nstalled to meet the specif~ca-~~ons of each en~~~y. After discussion, the Council agreed ~tha-t as all Di~tric~ lines w~thin the City have been in place longer than one year°that th~s was a fair request. PROGRESS REPORT - CITYWIDE SEWER D~S~'RTCT Admin~strator Butch ~epar-~ed:that th.e resolut~on request~.ng the San Luis Ob~spo Coun-~y Bo~~d of Supervisors in~tia~te pro- ceedings for Citywide Sewe~° Assessment District by`use of the 1913 ~nd 1915 Acts-has been pres~n~ed to ~he Boa,rd and they have refer~ed same to the Dis~tri~~ A~.~arney's Office for his report, and recommendation. 4;:Y ' ~ . . ' ' . ; _ "iS;:l=~'€~~ . . ~ . CTTY COUNCIL MAY 27TH~ 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~'ORN2A PAGE 4 SUMNiER RECREATION 1969 P1~OGRAM ~EHEDU~E OF'' i`~CTZVTT2ES Administrator Butc distr~,bu~ed:cop.a~.es of t e Summer Recrea~ tion 1969 Schedule of ACtivit~e~°.p~~gram~and adv~Sed that the program was included in ~he Spr~rtg`3;9~9 Newsletter and addit~onal copies of the program were beinc~ d~stributed by the sChools in the Lucia Mar Unified S~ha~ol D~~~r~c~~~ RECEIPT OF QUARTERLY N$WSLETTEI~ O~' ~I=~E CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE Adm~nistrator ButC dis-~ri uted copies o t e uartez' y Ne~vsletter, Spring 1969 Edit~on~; ~f' th~ City of Arroyo Grande. PROPERTY EXCHANGE REQUEST~-CT'TY EART; I~ANGENBECK (TRAFFIC WAY-GRAND) Admin~strator Butch adv:~~ed tha~=vvith t e rea ignment o Branch Street~ Traff~;~ Way and Gr~nd.~~re..intersect~.on~ small par~ cels of property were created no~t riecessary for Street purpose~s. ' One sma11 parcel on the sau~herl.y°_~~~le°af Grand AVe, and T~'affic Way adjacent ta property owne~.by Ca~i~Langenbeck is owned by the City and that a s~.miliar sized° p~.rce~- ~n the northerly side of Branch S~. and Grand Ave; ~s owned.by~Mr; Langenbeck and it has been requested that these two par~~~:s be ~xchanged which'will allow Mr~ Langenbeck access to his property on the southerly side of Traffic'Way and Grand Ave. Af~er ~ouncil discussion, on motion o~ Councilman ~evineR seccand~d by Councilman Wood, and° unanimously carried, City A-~to~°ney Shipsey was instructed to pre- pare an Agreement tQ Exch~.nge property between the City and Mr. Carl Langenbeck, _ _ ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER MAIN TNSTALLATTON.~D3P;CENT TO TRACT 282 (PIKE) Admina~strator Bu~c repor~ed that; ~he sewer ma n extens on adjacent to Tract No~ 282 c~n The Pike has now been installed and completed to specifica~ions and tha~ ~.n order for the installing contractors to receive.paymen~t;.-~he Bakersfield Savings and Loan Company is requesting Counc~l aceep~~.nce of the line into the City Sewer sys~em, ~fter Council d~scnssion^ on motion'of Council~ man Schlegel, seconded by Councilman ~evine, and unanimously CarA ° ried, the installation of the sewer main on The Pike adjacent to Tract No. 282 was approved and accep~ted into the ~ity sewer system. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Smith; seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:47 P.M. until 7:00 P,I~.~ May 29, 1969. . / ATTEST~ C ERR _ MAYOR , CIT~ couNCZL r~Y 29T~, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ` The Council met in regul.ar ad~ourned se~sion with Mayor ' Thompson presiding~ Upon roll call Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wood and Smith reported pre~ente , BUDGET STUDY SESSION Administra~or Butch and.~he Council continued discuss~on and review of the preliminary 1969~70 Municipal Budget through. the General Fund expenc~itures. ADJOURNMENT ~ On mo~ion of Councilman Levine,:secpnded by G.ouncilma,n Schlegel and u.nan~mously car~°ied, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M, until 7:30 P,M., June 9, 1969. , _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ATTES~~t'-:--_~ ~~~i~'+~t,~ ~ ,,-~J_ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR