Minutes 1969-06-09 151. C I TY COUN~ I L ,TUNE 9, 19 fa 9 ARROYO GRANDEa CAI.oIFORNIA 7:30 P~M~ The City Coun~il rnet in rec~ular ad~~urned sesslor~ witl~ M~~'o~° Thompson presidingo Upon roll call ~o~ncilmen S~Yalec~elo Levine ~nd Smith reported presentv Councilman Woa~d is absento BUT~GET STUDY ~ESS~C)N .~dministrator Bu~ch and the ~~~an~il contin~aed dis~~ssion ~nd ~'e~iew of the preliminary 1969-70 M~unicip~l ~~d~et to its ~on~l~sionn T~e Co~ncil instr~cted Administ~°at~r :~utch to ~~~aise the proposed. b~td~~~ ~Y~~w ~11, additions and deleti~ns ~s ag~°eed ~p~n ~nd px°epar~ a~in~l ~z~aended dr~~t for tinal consicle~ation at tl~e ~eg~,Z~~ rmeeting of the Council on J~ne 24a 1969m AD~'OURNMENT On ~aoti~n o~ Co~ncil~an Levinee sec~nded ~y Councilrnan Smith ~nd nania~~usly carrieda the ~eeting ad~~~~°ned at 1Om00 PeMm r~ . ~ ~t ~ jYY2e'-J ? ~ j , Z. _v ~ TTEST: DEPUT~' CITY CL9ERI~ MAYOR CIT~' COUNCIL ARROY~ GRP,NDE o CALIF~RNIP, ~UNE 10, 1969 The Cit~r Co~,n~il ~et ~~n ~e~~la~° ses~~mn with Nda~ror Thor~gson p~esidingm Upon ~°oll ca1.l Co~n~il~en S~hl~ge~o ~,e~ineg Wo~d and SmitY~ ~epo~°ted present. ~IsEDGE O~ 1~I~I~EGIANCE AND INVOCAT~ON M~yor Tl~aor~~ason led tk~e Pledc~~ cta~ ~~~ec~i~nce t~ our f1,ac~; and ia~trnedi- ately therea~tero Reverend W~.lls~ the United Methodist Chux°ch of Arr~yo Gr~ndea del,ive~ed t~e anv~c~ti~nm APPROV~I~ 011s" MINUTES Qn a~oti~n of ~ouncil~~n W~~da sec~n.cled by Councilsstan Smit~ and unani- anousl~ c~~ried, t~e r~~n~te~ c~f t~ae rec~~1~~ ~djourned meeting M~y 2~, 19690 the reg~lax° aneeting of Ma~r 27 0 19C 9 and tYae regular ad j o~rned ~eeting of May 29D 1969 wex°e approved as prep~redm APPROVP,L OF WARRANTS On a~ot.~~n C~t~ncila~aan Levin~o s~~~r~ded l~y Cotancil,man, S~1'~lege~. and unaraia~aot~sl~ carr~eclo Gen~r~l W~~r~nts Noo 1027 tYnrough 1067, in the total aa~o~nt of $ 21, ~ 53 0 40 0~nd Pa~r~]~ Tn1ar~°ant~ N~ m~~~3 through No .~.619 a in tkae t~tal ar~nou,nt of $ll0 90~m:~~ yvere app~~vecl and order~d paidv PRE~~N'I"AT~ON OF' CERT~~I~ATES F'~R ~°~R~ ~ONTI~OL ~ TRAIN2NG COURSE 1~cl~a~n~str~tor ~~tc~ a~vised t~a~t t~~rteen vol~znteer FixeYnen and Fi~°e CYn~ef Ma~°sa~~k Y~a~e ~~,~~ess~~l~~ ~o~op~eted an eiq~nteen houx° course ira. Fi~°e ~~ntr~l I~ tl°~e Cal~~~rni~ S~~t~ I~epa-rt~ent ~f Edt~c~~ion~ B~reau of Ind~St~~a1 Ed~~at~one Cal~~~rrn~~ F~~e '~r~~ri~ng Pr~gr~~t. M~~or TY~~a~~son prese~ted ~~rt~,~~~~tes for t~e satisfactory completion f the Co~x°se t~ Lou~~ Bra~~,~o ~Te~°~~a~ ~r~~n~Silvaa Gerald Bennetta Russell larl~o Ro~ert C~lletto ~o~an SkeY~eno D~~~ell Stirasoa~o Will,iam Weidnex and ~ny I~Iarsaleko Alan ~ott~~a I~~so~a~°c3 E~~~a~, Robert F'e~°nar~urgo George Ford nd R~~k~arc~ Mulder were not p~°ese~at ~~d t~~~r certificates were given to ire C~aie~ Marsalel~ ~~r preser~t~t~o~> TREASL~RER ° S REPORT FOR TF~ MONTH ~F N~.Yo 1969 Adr~~n~strato~° ~~t~~ ~dv~sed tYnat t~,~ T~°eas~nrer ° s Report was not complete at tl~nis tir~,e m DE~ARZ".NdENTAI~ REPOR'I' _ FOR TI~"E MONTI~ O~ M~13~o ~9~9 'I'Y~e Departr~ental E2e~a~~t for t~a~ ~mntYa Ma~o 1969 was rece~ved by tYie Co~nc~Jeo d~sc~ssed ~nd. ~rdered f~l~do ; SUGGESTEI~ EP~IP~O~ER~EMPI~O~E REI~AT~OL~T~ PR~7~EDL3RE FROM I~EAGUE OF C m C o Admin~st~ato~ Ba~t~~ ~adv~s~c~ tYa~ ~n ~~~~or~ ~f recos~u~endations froast tkne A~ro~r~ G~°ande C~,t~ En~plo~e~s ° As~s~c~at~on h~s not yet been received, ~e C~a~nc~.~ ac~re~d -t~~~ tYa~.s ~~ker~ k~e~,d over~ fo~° £urtkaer study and re- c~~gt~ of ~~e ~°epo~t fr.or~s tYbe Er~p~,o~r~~s °.Assc~ciat~,~no