Minutes 1969-06-10 151. C I TY COUN~ I L ,TUNE 9, 19 fa 9 ARROYO GRANDEa CAI.oIFORNIA 7:30 P~M~ The City Coun~il rnet in rec~ular ad~~urned sesslor~ witl~ M~~'o~° Thompson presidingo Upon roll call ~o~ncilmen S~Yalec~elo Levine ~nd Smith reported presentv Councilman Woa~d is absento BUT~GET STUDY ~ESS~C)N .~dministrator Bu~ch and the ~~~an~il contin~aed dis~~ssion ~nd ~'e~iew of the preliminary 1969-70 M~unicip~l ~~d~et to its ~on~l~sionn T~e Co~ncil instr~cted Administ~°at~r :~utch to ~~~aise the proposed. b~td~~~ ~Y~~w ~11, additions and deleti~ns ~s ag~°eed ~p~n ~nd px°epar~ a~in~l ~z~aended dr~~t for tinal consicle~ation at tl~e ~eg~,Z~~ rmeeting of the Council on J~ne 24a 1969m AD~'OURNMENT On ~aoti~n o~ Co~ncil~an Levinee sec~nded ~y Councilrnan Smith ~nd nania~~usly carrieda the ~eeting ad~~~~°ned at 1Om00 PeMm r~ . ~ ~t ~ jYY2e'-J ? ~ j , Z. _v ~ TTEST: DEPUT~' CITY CL9ERI~ MAYOR CIT~' COUNCIL ARROY~ GRP,NDE o CALIF~RNIP, ~UNE 10, 1969 The Cit~r Co~,n~il ~et ~~n ~e~~la~° ses~~mn with Nda~ror Thor~gson p~esidingm Upon ~°oll ca1.l Co~n~il~en S~hl~ge~o ~,e~ineg Wo~d and SmitY~ ~epo~°ted present. ~IsEDGE O~ 1~I~I~EGIANCE AND INVOCAT~ON M~yor Tl~aor~~ason led tk~e Pledc~~ cta~ ~~~ec~i~nce t~ our f1,ac~; and ia~trnedi- ately therea~tero Reverend W~.lls~ the United Methodist Chux°ch of Arr~yo Gr~ndea del,ive~ed t~e anv~c~ti~nm APPROV~I~ 011s" MINUTES Qn a~oti~n of ~ouncil~~n W~~da sec~n.cled by Councilsstan Smit~ and unani- anousl~ c~~ried, t~e r~~n~te~ c~f t~ae rec~~1~~ ~djourned meeting M~y 2~, 19690 the reg~lax° aneeting of Ma~r 27 0 19C 9 and tYae regular ad j o~rned ~eeting of May 29D 1969 wex°e approved as prep~redm APPROVP,L OF WARRANTS On a~ot.~~n C~t~ncila~aan Levin~o s~~~r~ded l~y Cotancil,man, S~1'~lege~. and unaraia~aot~sl~ carr~eclo Gen~r~l W~~r~nts Noo 1027 tYnrough 1067, in the total aa~o~nt of $ 21, ~ 53 0 40 0~nd Pa~r~]~ Tn1ar~°ant~ N~ m~~~3 through No .~.619 a in tkae t~tal ar~nou,nt of $ll0 90~m:~~ yvere app~~vecl and order~d paidv PRE~~N'I"AT~ON OF' CERT~~I~ATES F'~R ~°~R~ ~ONTI~OL ~ TRAIN2NG COURSE 1~cl~a~n~str~tor ~~tc~ a~vised t~a~t t~~rteen vol~znteer FixeYnen and Fi~°e CYn~ef Ma~°sa~~k Y~a~e ~~,~~ess~~l~~ ~o~op~eted an eiq~nteen houx° course ira. Fi~°e ~~ntr~l I~ tl°~e Cal~~~rni~ S~~t~ I~epa-rt~ent ~f Edt~c~~ion~ B~reau of Ind~St~~a1 Ed~~at~one Cal~~~rrn~~ F~~e '~r~~ri~ng Pr~gr~~t. M~~or TY~~a~~son prese~ted ~~rt~,~~~~tes for t~e satisfactory completion f the Co~x°se t~ Lou~~ Bra~~,~o ~Te~°~~a~ ~r~~n~Silvaa Gerald Bennetta Russell larl~o Ro~ert C~lletto ~o~an SkeY~eno D~~~ell Stirasoa~o Will,iam Weidnex and ~ny I~Iarsaleko Alan ~ott~~a I~~so~a~°c3 E~~~a~, Robert F'e~°nar~urgo George Ford nd R~~k~arc~ Mulder were not p~°ese~at ~~d t~~~r certificates were given to ire C~aie~ Marsalel~ ~~r preser~t~t~o~> TREASL~RER ° S REPORT FOR TF~ MONTH ~F N~.Yo 1969 Adr~~n~strato~° ~~t~~ ~dv~sed tYnat t~,~ T~°eas~nrer ° s Report was not complete at tl~nis tir~,e m DE~ARZ".NdENTAI~ REPOR'I' _ FOR TI~"E MONTI~ O~ M~13~o ~9~9 'I'Y~e Departr~ental E2e~a~~t for t~a~ ~mntYa Ma~o 1969 was rece~ved by tYie Co~nc~Jeo d~sc~ssed ~nd. ~rdered f~l~do ; SUGGESTEI~ EP~IP~O~ER~EMPI~O~E REI~AT~OL~T~ PR~7~EDL3RE FROM I~EAGUE OF C m C o Admin~st~ato~ Ba~t~~ ~adv~s~c~ tYa~ ~n ~~~~or~ ~f recos~u~endations froast tkne A~ro~r~ G~°ande C~,t~ En~plo~e~s ° As~s~c~at~on h~s not yet been received, ~e C~a~nc~.~ ac~re~d -t~~~ tYa~.s ~~ker~ k~e~,d over~ fo~° £urtkaer study and re- c~~gt~ of ~~e ~°epo~t fr.or~s tYbe Er~p~,o~r~~s °.Assc~ciat~,~no ~ ~ C~'~~ ~~~bL~C ~ I~ Q A le 9~i 9 ARRO~~ ~RAND~ o ~~~I~°~.1~1 ~A ~ I~E~~S~,A'I"I~ ~L7~~E~"~N ~R~1~ '~°.F.~ ~~C~~i~~ ~,F' ~,7~.~~~'~1~T~~, A~~~a~s~~a~~~ ~~~~~i ~~~~~va~~ ~~~~.~s b~~~~~ ~~~~s~~~~~~ ~°~1~~~~r~s r~c~a~v~~ ~~~~u t~~~ ~,~~~~1~ ~~1.~~~~°~a~.a ~~,~~~s~ N~'~~~~ ~~AI~TIOT~~ I~~Va ~~~FZ'I"~~tIa~ i+~~~~~~ ~ I~~.R1~~? ~~1~ ~~7~ 2~~ Adm~~~~stx~~~tc~~° ~~~;ck~ ~c~.~~s~~ ~~~~c~ ~~~~m f~o~a ~k~~ C~~~a~~l C~~r~~~~~ D~v~s~~a~ ~a~ ~~e ~~~g~~ ~~a~~°~~~~.~ a~~~~~~~ ~~1~ ~ a~ ~y~~~~ ~~o ~ T~E'~"'I'E~2 ~'ROP~I ~~o P~1~~I~,~ o~~EL~'~" R~ m SI~]ZR~~"~' ° S S~F~~S'I~A~~~N ~~~~~T~S Ad~a~r~~,s~r~~~~° .R.~ I~;~~~~~ P~~~~~~~r~~ Agen~o ~~~~~~~o ~~q~,~~~.~x~~ ~~ra~,as~~~x~ ~1~ ~Y~e Ci°~~ ~o~°~~~~~~~~, ~~~°~o 5~~~~ ° ~ o ~a~r~~~t~~,~~r ~ka~ ~~~a~ ~~~a~~~ S~~~S~~~~~ ~ ~c~~~~ ~~<~~~a~~~ ~~~~,m~~.~,~d. ~o b~~ c~~.bl~~s ~~~~o A~a~~~,~~~~~~~a~° ~~,~~i~ ~e~~r~~~~, P~~lic , Wm~r~s A~de~°s~a~~o ~c~~~~~~ ~~'~~~f F~~~~~~d~~~, ~r~~~l a~~~~ w~~l~. Nt~`~ ~~d va~s c~~~e~°a~~~ ~~,~v~~~ ~~~~~,~1 ~~;~~zz~~~,~~~~~ ~~ra~~~. ~r~~~~~c~ ;~c~~~r~~~ ~o ~o~o ~~d ~R ~C! ~oMo l~~~a~~~ ~~~~~c~~ ~'~ie~~y ~ze~°~~~.~a~~~ GV~~~~ ]~~~~~~~~a~~ ~Y~~~~~,~ ~~~a~~ ~~x~~ds o~ ~sm~~ P~I~~~ D~9~~~~,r~~.~,~ ~vz~:~ ~?~~~~~f:~°s ~~~a~,~ tiv~~~ ~e~ £~~~,~~~a ~r~~~~~.~.,~, ~ys~~~p~s~~~~o ~;~,~~~c~y~, c~~ ~c~~a~.~~.~,~n~a~ s~~a~~~~~ C~~~c~~ara~.~ 1~~~~~~ ~.~~~~,~~s~~r~~s~_.~~ ~~:~°~.~~~o ~~~a~c~~~,~, w~~ ~c~~ ~ s~a~ a~~~~~ ~~~~,c~s~o ~7~~~~.~,~~~~ o ~'~~~~~~~~~~s c~,~~~~°~,.~~~~ A~~~~~,~~~:~ ~~-~.~i,<~4~~~0 .~c~~;a~;~~ ~~~~'~~i~i~n~ S~~r~~~ ° s D~~~~ ~,~,~.m,,~~~~~~~~ '~~e~ ~.~~s~o k~~ ~~u~~~~ ~~,~~r ~~~~~a~~. ~'a~~~ w~~~. ~~~z~,~ ~~~an~~~:d '~~T ~:?r~e ~~u~1~~.~~ W~~~~e~ D~~~o ~.~ad ~~~e P~~i~~ D~~~m ~a~~~~~ ~:c~~ ~a~~~,.~,~~ ~1~~ ~ ~~~a ~~0/~ :?~,z~.~~.~~~c~ .~~~~~°c~~Y r~~~~:~~s~d ~~,~~r ~~~~l~es ]~e~a ~ m - Ts~'~'I°~R ~R~l~d ~~a ~?°,,,~G~I~ ~~~1T"~"~Q7I~, ~ o ~.~~~~~I~1'~' :~,~~~Z ~ECE ~1~~'~.'~1"~"°~~l~T SIGN ~~~~a~~~,~~~~~ ~~~~3. ~ ~r~s~a R~~~r°~ ~~:~a~,o ~~~~~~1ic ~~n~~~~e~a ~~r~~~~~ ~~~~~~~e~a ~~q~~~~~~ag ~~p~~v~1 for ~~s~~Ila~~i~~ ~~~r~ ~v~s~~~°~~ ~o~~~ o~ G~`owr~ ~ ~I~~~1o w~~~~ .R~o ~~c~ ~~~~~s~c°~o en~Ya~~~ wil,~ ~~lvise ~~~~~s~s w~~~Y~ .~a]~e ~a~~ ~t~~~~~~~,or~~l ~1~~am ~~~er ~o~~c~~ d:~~~~~~~~~~o ~i~~~~~a~. ~~~~?r~~~.~~.zn~tt~ ~ev~~,~o ~~co~cled ~~~s~~c.~,la~~n ~~~~~~~~F~~~~ ~ ~ ~~rr~~~~ ~~~r~v~?~ ~,~n~~~at~~~~.ox~al s~~~~ ~°~c~a~~~r~s~ ~~t~ I~~l~~ ~~^~~~~i~~~l A~~~ w~s c~~~r~°~eda ~~1~~~~t~ ~~~a~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~a~~~~~~ ~,~~~~~~~a.o ~.r~~ ~~~o~~~dinc~ ~ la.ca~~~~~~ ~f i~~ ~~~F~~~~~a ~A~~O~L~T'~°1~~?'~ ~I-~,~2~~ ~~o ~~II~T~~~~ ~~d~d`~F~~S~~ON ~ ~c~~~~~a ~~L~~^~~~~~n~~ ~~,:~:~~.o ~~~~~d~d ~~~~:c~~.~a~~ ]~~~r~a~~ ~n~ ~~~~~~a~~~~~ c~~~°~~d~ ~~i~~~~~ ~o ~~w~~~o W~~~~~~d D~°~v~o w~~ a~~s~~.~~~~ ~ ~~~~a~,~s~c~,~~;.~° ~~~~b~ ~T~~~a~a~~c~ ~o~tta~ ~~~~.~,~r~o w~~~ ~~~~L~~, c~i~:~~~~ ~~~~.~a~~~t,~~bc~ ~`t~,rae ~Q~ ~972~ AP~~~L~'~°N~~~"~ ~I-~~L,A~dF~~ o ~C~~~,~~~ ~~,~5"~"~~ ~~~3~~ F~~~T~~T~ ~~~N~~~ ~c~~~~~ ~e~~;~c:.~~~~~~ ~~~~~,~~€~o ~~c~~~r~~~~ ~~~sac,i~~aarn S~~al~c~e~ ~zad ~~~rn~,~~~,s~~~ ~~~~~~do ~~~~a~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~e~~ ~~~~~~s Sm ~~tab~~ ~~as a~~~~tn~~d s~~~e ~~a~~~~.~ ~~.~1~~ ~~~~~~a~~ ~~~~n~~l,o ° ~ reg~resen~- ~~.i~~o ~s ~~~~a~e~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~c~ ~~~~n~~s~o~a 1~.ESO~iJT~ON ~ t~~`F~~~A~ ~~~~T~~i~~ O~ ~"~1R~~~~ ~~NLb~ ~ A~~~.~~~:~a~~~ ~~~~~~a~~, ~ ~kne ~~,~ra~u.inc~ C~~suana,iss~orn ~ ~~~~~a~~~~~c~ s~~~,~~~~ c~~ ~~w ]~~.~vaa~a as ~a~°~e1 , R~ado S~~~e~ 5~~~~~ ~k~~r~c~~d ~'a.~~¢~~1 Aven~nea a~ s~~va~ ~~~s~ 5~~~~z~~r ~0 1924 ~a~d w~~nld ~~~~.i~g w~~~ C~~~ ~~~~~a~~~~ N1~o ~oSo ~,~~er G~r~a~.ci~, dis~~ss~or~o A~~~rxs~~ SY~~~~e~ ~~~c~ ~ ~st~~~.l~~k~,~.ng ~&ne s~~~~~~g ~a~ ~ ~,~~~~~o ~~~~r~~a~~~r a nrn~~,i~a~a ~a~~ ~r,~ad~ ~y ~~~~~~.1~~~ Sc~°~l~c~~~.o ~~~~~d~~ ~~~z~~~~,a~~~~ ~~v~~y~ a~d. ~r~~~aa~¢~~s~Ly Garr~- c~do w~.i~~~. ~°~~d~.~,c~ ~~~~~~v~ ~~~s r~s~~,~{~~.~a~a ~~~~~~~`~~~N L~T~o ~2~ . _ . ~ ~ ~ ~~'C~"~."~ ~~T '~I~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~~L~~.~ I,w ~ ARR~~'O ~ ~RANDE ~I-~3i~TC~~I~~~ "~'I~: ~A~'~~~ ~¶F~ ~"~"F~~°~' ~;I>T~~ r~S °°~~1RR0~~,~ ~S".~°REE"~°°°o °°~~~,~~E~~~ s"~"R~~^~'P" ~"~I~1~ u,'~:'~RR..~'~.~a, R'~~I~°° 'IA'~ ~°X~~1~~~,I~ A~L~T~ ~ ~ ~ ~i.v~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10, 1969 ARRQYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA PAG~ 3 On motion of Councilman Smi~h, secornded by Councilman Levine and ,on the following roll call votea ~o wi~m AYESa Councilmen ScYnlegela Levine, Wood, Smith and Mayor Thompson NOES: None ABSENTa None ~he foregoing resolu~ion was passed and adopted ~this lOth day of June, 1969. REAPPOINTNIENT OF PARKS & RECo COMMISSION~RS STRO'I"HER, HENTLEY, POPE & TALLEY On motion of Councilman Levine, s~conded by Councils~an Smi'~h and unanimously carried, reappointments and ~erms of office ~o serve on the Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreats.or~ Comr~aission were approved as.follows: Virginia S~ro~her - One Year dI'une 30, 1969 through June '3D, 1970 Frank Po Bentley - Two Years - June 30, 1969 through June 30, 1971 Hugh O. Pope, Jro - Three Years -~une 30, ],969 ~hrough June 30, 1972 Donald Talley - Three Yea~°s ~~"une 30, 1969 through June 30, 1972 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION RE: CARRY OVER PARK FUNDS TO 1969-70 BUDGET Adminis~ra~or Butch advised tYaat the Parks and Recreation Commis~i.on have requested ~ha~ cer~ain funds be carried over to the 1969-70 Park Budget. After Council discussion Administrator Butch was instructed to refer this request back ~o the Parks and Recrea~ion Commission for thei~ study and resubmittal in order of priority, as the total amount of $2,~`60 may not be available for carry over to the 1969-70 Parks Budget. PROPERTY EXCHANGE - CITY & CARL LANGENBECK (TRAFFIC WAY & GRAND AVE.)_ Administrator Butch advised that the State Division of Highways is preparing the descriptions for this proposed property exchange and that the agreement and descriptions should be ready by the next regular meet- ing of the Councilv PROGRESS REPORT - FAIR OAKS AVEo EXTENSION AND BRIDGE Administrator Butch reported that Director of Publie Works Anderson and he are now in the process of contacting property owners regarding the right of way for Fair Oaks Avenue extension and that „ at this time, all phases of the proposed project are moving along smoothly. PROGRESS REPORT - LOPEZ WATE R SUPPLY A Progress Report for the morzth of April, 1969 was received from the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, which was reviewed and ordered filedo PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ~ Copies of the Chief Plant Operator's Report for the month of May, 1969 were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. Admini- strator Butch reported that the Board of Directors of the District have approved the 1969-70 Budget in -~he amount of $49,60Q~.00 INTRODUCTION OF GUEST - CHARLES RICHMOND, DISTRICT MANAGER OF P.C. & E.. Administ~ator Butch introduced Charles Richmond, District Manager of Pacific Ga's & Electric Companyo PROGRESS REPORT ~ CITYWIDE SEWER DISTRICT Administrator Butch advised ~khat the City's request for the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors to initiate proceedings for a Citywide Sewer Assessme~~ Dis~ric~ has been scheduled for presentation from the District Attorr~~'s Office for the nex~ meeting of the Board of Supervisors. ANNEXATION REQUEST LAFCO APPROVED HLTASNA RDoNOoI ANNEXATION AREA Administrator Bu~ch read a le~ter from Jo Mo Seibel of Price Street Realty Coe, representing a proper~y owner on Huasna Road, requesting that all the unincarporated territory lying east of Coach Rd. between Huasna Rd. and Branch Rd~ to the northerl.y extensir~n of the easterly City Limits be annexed to the Citya Af~er Council discussion City At~orney , .~.i~~ CITX COUNCIL ~TLTNE 10, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PACE 4 Sh~psey was ins~kr~nc~ed to review ~Y~is r~q~es~ and adviss legal grocedure ~o foll~wa as tYa.e annexation laws h~ve been revised and ~rnended numerous times since territory was las~ an~nexed ~kae Citym FEE~EXEMPT BUSZ'NESS LSGENSE - RAIN~~W GIRI~S & FIVE CIT~ES JAY~EES - FIREWORKS Admi.nistrat~r B~.~~~a ~dvised ~~a~ le~~~rs ~ave been received froan Debra Weidnero Worthy Aclvisor of t~.e Ra~,n~~w Girls Ass~rn~l~? 100 of Arroya , Grande e and Henry F o Myers o of t~e ~'~v~ Ci~:~es Jagrcees, requesti~g fee exemp~ ~usiness Lice~ses ~o sell safe an~. sane fareworks a°t various ~.~c~- tioms in ~he Ci~yo After Co~ancil da.sc~ass~oraa o~. mot~,on of Councilaman Smitho seconded by Co~nnc~lman Levine ax~d a~naraimoansly carried, approval was gran~ed °~hat the Rainbow Girls Asse~ly 100 of Arroyo Grar~de and ~he Five Ci~ies ~`aycees be issued fee ex~x~pt ~:~c~:~s~s for fireworks eales, subject to all Fire Depar~ent requireanen~so The Fireworlcs sta~ds to be located as followsm Rainbow Girl~ Asser~ly 100 of Arroyo Grande - Giara.~ Food Mark,et parking lo~o F~ve C~.~~es Jay~ees - Willi.ams Brothers Shop- ping Cen°~er parking lot, ADJOURNME NT On r~notion of Counc~lman SchlegelQ seconded by Councilman I~vine and unanimously carried, . tkae rneeting adj~~rned a~ ~e 25 PeMm A'I"'I°E S T : CITX RK MAY