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Minutes 1969-07-22
163 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFo JULY 22, 1969 The Ci~y Council met in regular session wii~Yn Mayor Thompson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen ScYaleqel, Levine, Wood and Smi~h reported presen~a PLEDGE OF ALLEGIP,NCE AND INVO~ATION Mayor TYnompson led ~}-~.e Pledge of Allegiance ~,o~a~° fl~g; a~.d immedia~ely thereaf~er, R~verend John Lundgre~ ~f ~kae P~n~ecostal ~ Ghurck~ of G~ove~° Ci~~o d~~i~r~~ed ~Y~e in~oc~.~i~na APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilm~n S~l~legel, seconded b~r Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, G~neral Warran~s No~ 31 ~hrough 79 in the total amount of $27e 348s:~2; Payroll Warrants No.l ~~rr~~~ 90, in ~khe total amount of $13,~92a4'~; Trus~ and Ac~ency Warran~s No.829 ~hrough 856 in tYae total am~~zn~ of $415a85 were agproved and ordered paid. APPROVAL OF JOURNALo., VOU~HJERS 'I°RANS~ER A motion was m~de by ~ouncilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unani~,ousl~ carri~d, ~hat Journal Voucl~.ers No. 1 through _ 5 be approved and ordered ~ransferr~d. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEN~~RE~ULATION OF PRIVATE PATROL SERVICES City Attorney S~ipse~r read ~h.e ti~le of an ordinance pertaining to the Regula~ion o,~ Priva~e Patrol Services, ~Y~.ereafter a mo~ion was made by Councilmarx Levine, s~corzded by Councilman Schlegel, and unan- imously carried to disp~r~se Gvi~~ r~ading tl~e balance of ~his ordinance. ~RDINANCE NOo 27 Ca So AN ORDINAN~E OF '~"I-~E ~I`~'Y OF P,RROYO GRANDE .AMENDING ~°ITLoE IV f~F THE ARR~~.'O ~RANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BX ADDIN~ ~HAP'~ER 7'~"HERE'~°O SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULoA'~~ON OF PRIVA L°~ PA'I°ROL SERVICES On motion of Councilrna~ Levir~e, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and on the follo~,ainc~ ro11 call vo~e~ to wit: AYES: Cour~cilre?en Schlegel, Levine, TnTood, Smi~h and Mayor 'I°Yaomps on . NOES: None :ABSENT: None ~Y:e foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted this 22nd day of July, 1969. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEN'I° - RE~ONING ON HUASNA ROAD (WICAL) City At~orney S~ipsey read ~he title of an ordinance ~ertaining to the re-zoning of c~r~aira prop~rty in ~he Ci~y of Arroyo Grande, thereafter a motion w~s made ~y Councilman Schlec~el, seconded by Councilrnan Levix~e, and urnaa~i~caou~sly carriedB to dispens~ with reading the balance of ~his ordirnar~ce. ORDIATANCE NOo 28 Co So AN ORDTNANCE ~F ~HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A POl~'I°ION OF '~HE ~ONIN~ MAP OF "I'HE CITY OF ARROYO ; GRANDE -REFERRED 'I°O ~'N SEC~"TON .302 OF TITLE 9 CHAP- TER 4 OF "I°HE MUNICIPAL GODE SO AS TO RE-ZONE CERTAIN FRQPER'I°Y IN '~°HE CI"~°Y OF ARROYO GRANDE o On mo~ion of Co~.ncilr~aa~ Smi~h, seconded by Councilman Wood, and on the following ro1T call vo~e, ~o ~ait: - AYES: Councilmen Schlegel~ Levine, Wood, Smi~th and Mayor "I'ho~ps on . NOES: Nor~e A.BSENT: Nc~~e the foregoing ordinance was passed and adop~ed tl~is 22nd day of July, 1969. ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS~ PEDo MAI~L- 100 BLKo NOR°3'H SIDE QF Eo BRANCH STa The Village Merc~aa~~s Associa~io~ k~.~s requested the develop- merxt of a pedes~rain Mall ad~acen~ ~o the off-street parking facil- ities on East Bramc~n S~ree~ be~vae~n Ru~.herford ° s Jewe3ers and Don's Varie°ty Store . '3~he proposed in~provemen~s ~to be as follows : Brick surface runnia~g ~h.e e~~ir~ lexng~Y~ of the mall ~:o t~e curb. Area to contain one cen~er combina~ion plar~~~r, fountain and bench, and another possible planter iz~ conn~c~ion wi~Yn th~e steps to ~he parking area. A false front coms~r~ac~ed ~o cover "lean-~o"° addition on back of ~1~e varie~y s~or~ and one or two area 1i:g~m~s e ~~'I"Y' COUNC~L JUI,~' 220 1969 ARROYO GRANDE e~ G~,I~~~' o~ PP.GE 2 'I"k~e Village Me~cl~n~n~s Ass~cia~~.ox~ reques-~ ~~e p~r~ic~p~~e ~s f~llows o Accep~ cleec~s aa~d ~~seasfle~~s wi~~~n ~Y~e pr~p~sed ~x°ea B excava~~on ancl ~ill as neededd r~~,~ca~~ ~~ili°~~ li~es as r~~edede rez~~val co~cx°e~e sidewalke ~~rn.isk~ s~~d ~~s~ f~~° D~;~~cl~ work; and ~~Soa~ c~aa~~~e~i~a~ ~f projec~ accep~ are~ l~c~~~~~nc~ ~a~~li~i,es ira~o s~ree~ lic~k~~ina~ sys~~w~a ancl pban°~e~°s f~r i~a~n~en~~~~ o ~e ~he~°~~an~s Ass~~~a-~~,~~ `a~~~ p~°~~~d~ funds a~.d 1ab~r ~~~~~,e~e ~11 ~~~e~ phases ~k~~s gr~~~c~m Ad~~n~s~~°a~o~ ~i~~~~, ~e~~evv~d ~ ~~~~r~ ~~~a~°u D~~°e~~~r P~~l~.c W~rks And.ersono ~~i~lin~~ag ~°~~~~s~ed ~vo~°k ~e ~cc~a~pb~s~ied b~ Ci~~ ~orces and eq~Y~rneri~ `:a~d -~~n~~ ~~e ~~s~ ~~e C~~~ ~~r ~ar~~,c~~~~~~n i~ ~k~a~s projec~ w~~nlc1 a~pr~~~~r;a~~~,~ $ZOdm00m 1~~i~er ~o~~c~l disc~ss.~oa~a ~n ~o~ion of ~o~~c~lr~a~ Sa~i~~b ~~~~~nded k~y Co~ncil,a~a~. S~hlec~el and ~a~anim~~s- ly carriedo pro~~ss~d ~ede~~~°~am Mal~ px°ojec~ w~s appr~ved wi~h C~~~ par°~i,c~.ga~~o~a as o~~~a~a~e~. ~r~ re~~r~ fr~a~u Dix°ec~m~ of P~b.lic Works Andersono d~~ed ~~.ly l~0 19~9a a~d t~he Deeds of Gi~~ ~r~~a Ar~d~°eva ~nd . Marc~are i~ Lo Davicl, .~i~s&~a~a~ ar~d ~a~~e o an.d R~r~a~c1 ~ a G~~lda and ~ris Go~ldo Y~usb~md arnd w~~ee a~d ~~d M~r~~a Lm ~ris~oa' TM~~~~~an~ and ~viieo and ~he Grant of Easet~u~x~~ ~r~x~ ~o A, and Mm Lo Brisc~ f~r Fedes~r~an Mal~. ~ developz~aernt we~°e ~cce~~ed ~+aa~,~~ ~~e Mayor. and Cl~~°k being "a~~hor~zed and .ins~r~ac~ed ~o s~g~ ~~e ~e.r~,~~~cai~e of Accep~~.nce ~n be~al£ ~f ~~e C ~y s, PROGRESS REPO~t'~-~MLb']C'L~~1I~ A~.I) ~~~EMEI~TT ~~R. M~SQU~'~°O A~ATEI!~dEN'~~~Oo - CO~TRo SERo Ma~r~r '~~a~ps~ra ~d~~.s~d ~kb~~ °~~n~ C~~ies ~f P~sn~~ ~eac~' axad ~r~ver C~~y have i~ndica~ed ~~he~r ,a~pr~v~~ ~;Y~e ~ar~posed 1~I~squi~o Ab~~e~ern~ .pr~gra~ and ~Yaat -~.Y~e Co~x~~~ Sa~ Lui.s Obisp~, has sa~k~a~r.a~~eda for Coianc~.l apProval a Mu°~tnal A~d Con~.r~c~ Ac~~~ea~~n~o ~o ~~~abl~s~ an ez~ergency n~osgu~~~o cc~a~~rol program be~ween ~Y~~ ci ~.f ~~sas~o Beack~a Gro~,ex° C~~y a~ad ~,rr~yo Grax~de and ~.~ne Co~~n~y. ~f -S~n I~~~.s O?~~spoa A~~er Cour~c~l disc~uss~ono orn i~ao~~on of Co~ancilnaan Sm~:~ho s~~~nc1~~ Co~.nc~lnr~an Schl~c~el and ~.~~a~ia~~~sl~ carri~d, ~he Mu~~.al, Aicl. Coza~.r~~c~ Ag~eea~er~~ f~r M~sqaa~,~o Aba~ea~ern,~ was ~ppr~ved arad ~he Mayor and Gi~y ~l~r~ va~~°e ~~~:horized ~.xad ~ras~r~c.~~d ~o szc~a~ ~l~e a~ree- a~¢exa~ on behalf of ~~e ~~.,~y Arroyo Gra~de m RECEIP'~ OF 1969 S.'I°A'~°E CE1~T~~JS ~~NLdMERAT~ON) INFORNl,F~°~~ON Ad~inistra~or ~u~cl~ rev~ewed t~n~ Special ~ens~s 1969 reg~~or~ ,pr~- par~d by .~~.e C~t~r ~~,axa~iinc~..Depar~anerx~ under tYae direc~ion of Plannirrg birec°~or Gallopo wY~ick~ ~m~piles ix~forma~~on reg~ardinc~ p~p~alation by age groups, dLVe.lla~ng ~na~i~o and e~plo~ent azid lak~o~ fs~rce da~a~ '~"Ybe res~al~s of ~~.Ya.is ac~~al en~e~a°~.~,~n l~~s ~s~a~lished a bas~,s for. f~~~xre pop~.l,a~ion e s tiana~e s b~r the ; S~a~~ ~p~~ r~q~~ s~ lay ~Y~ie C~,'~'y ~ ' PROGRESS REP0~2~° W~3~~T~°~°~~1~1 O~' PORt']I°3~N OF RIGH'I° OF WA~.'~S~o ~RAFF~C WA~.' Adrsainis~~~~~r B~n~c~ ~dv~s~c1 ~:ha~ ~Y~e sux~vey ~~r d~scrip~iori p~nrposes on ~he eas°~ sicle So~~. ~°xaf£ic :GVay between ~,llen S~ree~ ar~d CYn~rr~ Aven~n~ Yaas been c~r~ple~~d ~xnd Co~~ac.~l desic~a~a~io~ rec~arding ~Yae disp~sition of ~his pr~per~y ~s ra~~a in ord~rm P,~ter C~~ancil d~s~~ssi~~ao on ~iotion of Co~nc.ilman L~wia~eo see~r~c~ed. by Co~r~c~.la~~n Wood ar~d ~na~~~u~~asly carr~~do ~ C~~gi A~~~rney S~~pse~ ~nr~s a~~~a~ri~ed` ~nd ~ns~r~c~ed ~~s prepare a resalu~ion of inten~ioz~ to s~ll ~°e~1. ~~°oper~y xno l.ong~r a~e~essary f~r s~tree~ p~arposes; and Ci~y Cl,er:k Mil:le~° was a~.~~~r~.z~d and %ns~rba.c~ed ~o es~ablish a a~ir~imum b~.d for ~ha~: ~~r~i~ax~ ~f r~.c~~~ ~f tira~ ad j acent ~Yae pr~per°~y ownecl }~y A. C. axzd. M. B'. ^a~~:~i~°o 1.m~a~ed .a~ ~.~ne so~a~~n e~~~ c~r~aer of Allen S~ree~. and '~ra~fic Waym PE~°I'I°ION ~'OR E~~"EI~'S~~IiI O~' ~°T~ & It~Qo F6~R ;AN1~NDo'~°~ S.3~N O~IJo -~~LoIrBOARD Ac~inis~~°a°~~~° ~~.~c~ ~c1v~~~~ ~,Gao le~.~ers ~ave ~e~n reCeived fr~~? Ryan O~n~do~r Adver~~sir~~o Inc. and S~bo ° s Paracalc~s req~nes~ing an ex~ension of ~~r~e to coznply Gas~:k~i ss.gn oxd~.rxance re~~~r~~~~~ ~n~~ ~~~ibo~ras ~n n~~.-c~nforr~ing ar~~.s ka~ ~°~.~a~~red ~ay ~'~al~r 27a ~.9~~~ ua~~~. an app~a~l ~o- c~nsid cer~ain ar~endtnexn°~s ~o t~ae ex~s°~a:nc~ s~.gn ~rd~nanc~ in regard ~o ou~door advex°ti~~ngv W~nea~ .r~~r~~~~~~~iv~s af ~hese ~yao' firn!~s preseni~ed ~a.,s' ma+ter ~o ~he City plan~%xzct ~o~~.~ss~.~a~ a~ °~Y~~~r ,Yi?eet~inc~ of 90 1.969o C~:~~, At~orn~y Shipse~ advis~d ~~Z~~ ~Yae Ci~.y ~aiancil; `aas ~nl~r o~ficial bod~r ~rna~ cc~uld qra~~ an e~~.~~.~~on ~i~a~ n _ . Nir. J~axaes I~.; 0~~~, Da~~isiora Manac~er of R~an " O~,a~do~r Adver~~sbng Tnc. was ~resen°~ ~r~d ~°~q~~s~ed e~~aa~ ~~n~ ~°:i~~ ex~er~de~1 axnd ~ha~ ~l~e CounCil pex°r~i~. ~e~r~~'~~~~~..~~a~s _ h~.~ ta~rar: ..a~~:f~~.GVi~;~. .c~z~i~~~e o~ ~~ne Plann.ir~c~ Coa~.~ai~s~.~~ ~~~,s~der p~ss~~~~ a~~enda~er~~s ~k~e s~gr~ ord~,nancea wk~,ic~x' ~aould aJLl:~w h.~s f..~~°rra ~a c~n~a~i~u~ '~o ~p~ra°~e ~n Ax°.royo Gran.de , Mr o Ja~aes E o I~ar~is o r~pr~s~n,~~.r~c~ Sanbbo ° s ~ancal~es o~,ias p~°~s~n~ '~nd rei~era°~ed ~k~e ~.a.~°dshi~ ~Y~e ~~,1y ~7~~, sleadl~.a~e w~s ca~s~nc~ hi~s f~ra?bo as Sam~b~o ° s r~n~s °~he s~,c~a~ sp~.~~ ~~~i~ `v~s r~.~~ a~a~r~ o.f °~~kne sic~n ~x°d~.~aance req~.ire.mer~~~a CI'1[°~' GOt~N~~~ ~I~Y 22 0 1969 ARRO~'O GRANDE o CAI~I~' o P~,C~E 3 ~Yn~°~ the s~~n had ~o ~e x°~i~a~~eclo ~an°~i~ ~~.~e 3~0 1969m ~~~er ~~a~~~~l dis~ cuss~ono oa~ ~o~~~~ ~f C~~~~,~la~aan Wo~do seco~ded ~a~nc~la~~rn Sa~a~~~i ~xnd ~xnan~asb~t~sly carr~edo t~k~~s a~a~~°~er was ~~E~~~ec~ bacls. ~o ~~e P~ar~n~n~ C~zxa~~ ~ssiorn for s-~~dy an ~~~~~r~~~~r~ wa~~~ repx°esea~~a~~ves ~r~~ R~~rn ~~~do~r Adver°~ising Coe o Incm regar~l~nc~ p~s~~~le a~r~ndte~en~s ~rd~nar~~~p w.i~Y~ ~~e req~a~s~ ~kaa~ ~ec~~e~nda~i~a~s x°eg~r~a.a~~ ~~~s r~~~~~r ~e f~rwardecl ~o ~Y~~ C:~~~ ~~~r~~~1 ~~r ~~~s~clera~~;c~a~ w,i,~~a~a~ ~ ~~as~~~.l~~~ l~rag~~ of ~~a~~a arnd in the in~er~a~a ~~ae ~°eq~es~s f~ar an ex~~r~s~~n ~~~ae c~~~ly w~~Y~ ~he r~quira~en~s of ~Yne s~,gn o~°d~n~nce `aere grar~~~dm ~IoANNING ~~MM~SS~Oi~I WT~I~I~R,AWAI~ O~ ~E~a II~T'I'ERIOR. ~IGI3~'~l~TG 1~MEI~TI) ~,"~O S~GN ORI~INAN~E o Ac~auainis~r~.°~or B~~~kab r~p~~~ecl ~~na~ ~~ne Plann~~.g ~o~a~ssa~or~ `vis~.~s wi~hdraw ~Yneir recm~e~da~~! ~~n ~~a°~ ~~ne s:~c~n ~rd~r~ance }~e amn~ndecl pro~ vide tha~ all ~'~~~re a~~li~a~a~~:~s for frse s~.and~nc~ sig~s a~auas~ k~e ~n~era.ar ligh~ed. After £urth~r s~~id~r ~~e full Co~~.ssion ~vas deterrn~ned traa°~ all req~niremen~s r~~ard~nc~ free s~anda~ng si~r~s car~ be ~aara.dled ir~divi- cl~ally on a~tse per~?i~ ~as ~s o as ~~aex°e appears ~ o be ~~o a~~r~y variab],es f~ connple~el,~ elis~ina~e ex~e~°i~r ligl~°~~ng. ',~°~ie` ~~~~nc~,l d~sc~,ssed ~nd' agreed tha~ ~his ~a~~er Cou~d r~rn~re effec~ivel~T ~.nd ~ffic~~rn~ly b~ ~a~dlecl a~nder ~~.e ~7se Perrn~f~ pr~c~da~~°e ~ ' ~ S~'b' PUBI~~C HEARING ~ R~ZON~AT~ 6~S'~ERN ADD~~°IO~T ~I~OCK 6]~'ROM R~1 ~°O 1~~5 Aclni~nis~x°a°~or Ba~~~~a x°ep~r°~ed °~ka,~~ ~n ~~e ~dmp°~~~~n o~ o~r ~a~w 2orna~nc~ ordinance and m~p W~s~~rn Add~.~~.on;: B~k~ F~ ~.s i~nc~rrec~l~ de~signa~ed as R-1 on the published ~ap ~x~s~e~.d ~.f ~'~S as was ~ppx°~ved ~y ~~ae Plan~~ng Coa~- issi~n and C~~y C~u~c~l a~nd to ~orrec~ ~~is dr~.~~.~r~g error x~~st ~~p~di~_ 2n~,.~~ '~he pr~eed~ar~ f~x° re2on~.~c~ kaas be~n £~~lotiaeclo w~,~,~a,. °~~.e Planninc~ Co~~ssion hav~nc~ ~elc1 a p~a~l~.~ hear~.ng on ~Yais ~aa~~ex~ ~h~~.r re~~alar meeting of ~uly .l~o ~.969 ~.z~d by Planning Conr~a~~.ss~oa~ ~es~~l~~~on 1rTov" 69-130- Z o~Ya~ Comrnissioa~ Yaas re~~a~a~x~decl appr~v~l ~f ~ri,s ~~z~ning ~o ~he C~~y Cot~:~cil~ A~~.e~ ~~~a~~Al disc~ssiona o~a ax?o~a.o~s ~ourncila~~a-b fi~~via~eo secon- ded bgT Co~zn~il,rtbai~ ..S~hlegel and ~nani~o~asl~ 'car~°~~da . a p~xbl~c; ~aearanc~ was se~ f~r 8000 E?oMa,,A~nc~~s~ 120 1969.~a cons~der .re~zon~ng ~f Wes.~era~ Acldi°~~on ~l.~ck 6B frt~Yn R-~X ~'-S o ~ : i. PT,sAlt7a CC)Mo RECpa "~~ULA"2°T~1tT O]~':~'~EI3o &'~RAIT~ERS"•PARK3NG 6~T~'~°~T~E,LrT PUBI~IC R~'fid Ac~~nis~ra~~ar. B~,~c~n' ~~v~;~va~~ 'the ~epor~s.;',~~ Planrninc~ D~.rec~~~ Gallog,; dat~ec~ July llo .19~9 and ~~li•~ce Cknief Rich~rdsoa~o d.a~ed Ju~ly l~a 1:969~ regarding par}~in~ ~f ~~a~s o~x°avel i~railers and~ e~m~a~uercia~, veh~~les ~i~h~ in ~Yae p~bl~.c rigYn~ vvaym: "~Yne plannixag C~a~rin~~s~on ~as rec~~ended ~~na°~ tkae Co~nncil ~a]ce ~c~i~n ~to p'~~~.~b~t' ~he overna~k~~ ~arlc~r~g of ~~aese veYnicl'es wi~hir~ ~Yae rig~n~~t ~f `v~~Z ir~' res~den~ial das~rs.c~s vv~,~~in °~k~.e C~~yo Se~teral' residen~s ~f tY~e C:~~y wer~ ~~~sen~ and expressed °~~.e~r v~,ews~o pr~ ax~d cona regard~nc~ ~hi~ pr~p~secl reg~l~.~ionm '~a~ C~~x~cil 'disc~~s~~ ~nd agreed m~re infornna~i~n, w~s mec~ssary pri~ar~ -~o ~~r~~.er ac°~~.~rn an.d in~~.~u~c°~~d Ac-in~:iin~s- tra~or Bu°~ch ~q ~r~i~e ~k~e Le~g~ae o~ Cala.~f~rn~a Ci~~es' -~o~ ~~.~mr~aa~a,~n ` rega~°c~i:~c~ ~~.is ~a~.~er_ a - _ : PR(7GRES~ REPOR'T'a ~A~R OAICS ~1VE o EX'I°ENSTON ;AND B~tIDG~ ~~3~DGE DESZGN' Willianfa S~h.~~to o~' ~~e Ei~g~.raeerbng ~a.r~a of , W~].l;i~as o~~ki~tt;a ~~ewart. and Ass~cia~~~ ~d'~~ px°esea~~ ar~d. c~ave a~a or~l repsir~o wi~h ~rig'~.neer~nc~ rendi°~i.ons ~rad dra~ainc~~o ~ra ~~o prelizninary .br:~dc~~ desi~ns m .A~~~r G:~~nncil c~isc~asaion it, ~nr~~ ~~reed addi~~.~xnal s°~a~dy wo~.ld necessary prior ~m final de~c~.sian ~n whi~kn ~zidge desig~ ~r~~l.d bes~ serve ~k~e Ci~yd AtT'b°~3~7RI~E ~A7GLo ~'OR BIDS ~ S'.I°I~E°~ SEAI,INGo PROJEC°~ L~Oo 90~69~2 ~1U~o '70 1969 Ad~inis~ra~~r Bu~c~ r~~a~r~ed; ~ha~ pirec°~or ~~nblic W~~~s Ahders~r~ Ynas prepared ~~ne P~an~ aa~d ' Sp~c.,~iica~ki¢~ns. for seal~.xac~ of v~r~~~as Cit~ stre~~s. Af'°~er Co~a~cil disc~ssi~no on a~~ti~r~ of Co~nc~lana,n ~~hl~gelo seconded b~r Cour~~.~1~~rn Lev'~~.~ ~xad ~ananii~r,~~.sly carriedo appro~al ar~d a~n~h- ori~a~ion wa~ givera cal~ ~~a~ ]~~ds ~or S~~ee~ S~a7.~rac~o Pr~~ec~ 'No. 90~ 69-2o said bad~ ~a~~ ~~~Q PoMa; A~xg~s~ 20 1969. AU'b°HOFtIZA~°ION ~AI~L~ ~'~?R ~N~'~~~~~ ~IDS FOR S~~E'a"b° S°~RI~~L~T~_ : Adminis°~ra~o~ ~~~~c~ a~.~~~~d ~~a~ Dir~c~~r ~f- finlox`ks ~der'son has c~mp'le~ed a s~urv~y m~. ~~;~y `s~r~~°~s ~n ~n~e~ cen~~~ ]~~a~~ s~~~.~~x~~ and ~.s t~:~s p~oje~°~ ~s~~~n~.~~d n~~ ~o e~ceed $20 500o a~i~k~~riz~.~i~n call for i~foxn~al ~a~ds re~~ues°~e~m Af~er ~~~u~cil d~:sca~..~~~~x~a on ~~~ian of~ Co~ancii.r:Ran Levi~a~o s~c~r~d~~ by C~~uncila~an Sckal~c~el ~~cl i~n~.ni~ia~aasly ca~~iedo appr~val ~~d. ~.~~~.~~i~~a~~.on ~aa~ gx°~n~ed ~~11 for ~r~f~rnr~al ~~ds CITY GOU1vCIL JUL~' 22, 1969 1~RROYO GRANDE, ~AI.~IF'a PP,GE 4 for S~ripi~g of V~rious ~ity Streets, said :~id opening va~s set for 2:00 PoMe ~ugust 7, 19690 WRITTEN RESPONSE FROM .MRo YOUNG - EYe OF FROPo ON GRAND AVEo & BRP,NCH ~ Administrator Butch rep~rtecl tnat, as requestecl ~y the ~ounc ~l, Mro La`a~°ence Young ovane~° of t~is property on Gr~nd Avenue ~nd Juniper . Str2et, in which the ~oun~il h~~ ~~press~d inter~st, has by letter, presented a quit ~laim deed, ~~ver:in~ tr~ose px°operties contained in ~iis original _o~ferm ~,fter d:i~cussion Adm:inistrato~ ~ut~h ~aaas auth- orized and .in~t~°uct~d to .~~c~~~~~~~ ~aith Mro Youn~ for ac~uisition of ac~ditional property ~dj~cent to the 50 foot fronta~e on Grand Avenu~ as the areas ~ont~ined in Mro Y~ung°s oric~inal offer :is not suffi~ient to adequ~tel~ serv~~ the drainage needs in this ~reao NOT~~E FROM STA'I'E - INTENT T~ REL3NQUISH RIGHT OF WAY-SOo TRAFFIC WYo Administr~tor But~h advi~ed th~t a notice h~s ~een x°eceived from the State Divi~i~n of Hi~h~a-ay~ th~t prace~cl:inc~i~l~,a~r~ been com- me~zced to relinqui~h to th~ ~:it~r that portion of South Traffic Wagr still within the highvaa~ ~~st.em as the Divisiori of Highwa~s ~~ve now completed improvements as requir~d b~ ti~e ~ityo If no o~jection to this relinqui~hment i~ filed ~vithin 90 da~s from date of receipt, tl~i~ matter will presented to the California Highwa~ ~ommission for their appro~ralo T~~ relinqui~hment does not ~e~ome ~ffective until it is fil~d ~aith the Gounty Recorcler, at ~ihi~h time th~ Dis~~'ic~ ~3~~:~c~: ~~a~ Di~isi~n of Highwa~r~ will advise the Cit~o After discu~sion it w~~ ac~reed, th~t the State Divi~i~n ~f Highvv~.~is k~ad improved this ri~Yat ~f w~y to conform to Git~ standards, there ~ould T~e no ol~jectimns t~ accept.in~ tk~.is right of way int~ tne Cit~ Street S~rs tem a ~ RESOLUTION AUTHORI~ING I~Ni~NDMENT TO LOPEZ GVA'I°ER CONTR~CT City Attarney Ship~~~ r~e~d ~he title ~f ~ r~~olution ~uthorizing the Ma~ror and City Clerk to ~ign Amendment Noo 1 t~o tl~..e Lopez Water ~ontrac~t between tYne Cit~ ~f Arro~o Grande and t~.e San Luis Obispo County ~'lood' C~ntrol ~~d Wa~er ~Cs~nservation D~.strict, th~reafter :a ; motion was made b~r Councilman Wood, seconded ~~r ~ouncilm~n Levine and un~nimously ~carriedato dispens~ vaitka reading t~ne. ~alance of t~nis resolutiono 1~~OLUTIC7N NOo 830 A RESOI~UTION THE CIT~' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAN~~ AU~H~RI~IN~ THE MAYOR ANl~ CI'I'x CLERK TO SIGN AMENDM~NT NOo 1 OF THE ~~NTRACT DATED MARCH 28, 19~~ ~E'I'GVEEN THE CIT~' OF ARROXO ~RANDE 1~ND 'I"HE SAN LUT~ OBIS~O C~UNTX ~'LOOD CONTROL AND WATEE7 C~NSER~A'I°ION I~ISTR~~T o ~n m~ti~n ~f ~ouncilman Schl~~~l, ~econded b~~ C~uncilman Levine and ~n the f~l].owing roll ~~ll vote, to wit: A5.'ESe ~ouncil~~~ Schl~gel Lev~.ne, Wood, Smith ~nd May'or Thompson NOES • i~7¢~ne 1~~SENT: None tYae forec~oing re~oluti~n w~s p~~sed ~nd adopted ~~.is 22nd day of July, 19~90 _ LOPEZ WATER ~RANSM~SSTON LINE-EN~ROA~HMENT PERMIT API~ROVAL (El.m Ste) Admini~t~°~~or Bu~ch.advised tka~t a requ~st ~as ~~en re~eive~l;.~~~~ ~ara ~a~~.~ ~~i~.Sp~a ~~,~:ax~;~ ~'l~od Control ~nd Cons~~°v~tion D~striCt ~or ~n ~as~menfi. on Elm Str~e~t for t~e in~t~allation ~f -~~rne Lope~ pr~,J:~ct tr~nsmis~i~n lin~, wYni~~ ~,aill ~erv~ ~:he Oce~n~ ~,r~aa Dir~ctor ~f Pu~li~. w~irks 13nde~s~n .rec~mmend~ a for m~~°~ adec~u~te c~ntr~l ~nd in t~e ~~st' in~~r~s~: ~f ~i~~ ~h~~ an ~~nc~~~c~~nm~~.~ ~e~~~~~i~ ~~r ~~pel.i~ne ins~al~.a~i~~ ~~a~~° ~~a~ s~a~.~ ~~~~ace~l, ar~~. ~.s .r~c~v~e~~~d, ~2 ~}~pr~av~~l acafc~aer ~.~~r~ .c~~~~a~~~.~ ~~as~a~~~~~m 167 ~ ~UN~ ~ j.a JU~uu~ ~ 2 a 19 ~ 9 P,RROYO ~RANDE, CAI~~F o ~~GE 5 After Council di~~u~si,a~.n, mn m~timn ~f C:ouncilman Smit~, ~~c~nd~d by Councilm~n Tn7~od ~nd un~nim~usl~ ca~°~i~d, D~x~~ct~r ~f Public Works Anderson ~,vas ~u~~m~°i~~~ and in~~ruc~.ed ~m ~~~.~~o ~°~~~~~~~a ~r~ encrmac~men~C p~~c~a~.~ t.~~ ~~n Lui~ O~i~p~ ~~un~~ ~'l~~d ~~n~~~1 and Wate~° ~onserva~i~n Dis~.ra~~, f~r ~~ie in~~all~~ion ~f ~k~~ L~p~~ Project~ '~~°~ansrnission ~T~ine ~a~,~~~~i~ ~ ~.l~su ~~~~5~ tiv~~o ~ ~ 12EPOR'I° ON ~ONE ~ MEE`I°~NG ~5~ ~~UN~ILMAN L~VIN~ Councilman L~~in~ ~~~e ~a~ ~~°~l ~~por~ on ~~~~n~ ~~ne ~ advis~r~,C~mmi~t~e m~~tin~ ad.~isinc~ ~~a~ an~~a~~~ i~~ Ti~~ of ques- ~i~n~ ~ommifi~~r~e lh~,~~. f~:~va~rdec~ -~~e ~oun~~ ~oa~°d of Sup~ac~ai~ors ~~d b~~~ rec~i~e~ ~nc~ ~~ie l~n~~~ of ~~e . ~°ep~r~~ Adm~ni~t ra~~~ ~u~~~ vw~s ~equ~s~~~ ~~~~~~,uc~ c~pi~~ f~:~ m~m~ie~ ~f ~~i~ C~uneilm PROGRE~S REPORT - C~~~.'WTDE ~E4V~R I~IS'I°RT~T Administ~°af~o~° ~u~~~ ~.~1~i~ed ~kri~~ ~n agre~~m~n~, ~~r cons~~°uc~ion of sewage c~ll~~~i~n facil~~.i~:~ ~a~ ~een r~~ei~~d ~r~rn ~~~,~~un~y c~f San Luis Obi~~~ for ~~un~il a~prov~l, in :w~~~~ ~~s~ Coun~,~ ~~r~~s proce~d under °~~e NYuni~i~al Tmprov~men~ Ac~: 191~ and ~~.~e ~mpr~v~~ men~ Btind Ac~ o~' 1915 es~ablis:~ ~h~ Arr~~o Grancle Ass~ssm~n~ _ Dis~-ri~~ for ~he ins~~l.,la~it~n ~f s~wers wi~xair& unsew~r~d are~s of ~kae Ci~~m Af~~r C~uncil discuss~ona ~n m~~ion ~~un.c~ lman' Levi~s~ secmnded ~y ~'ou~cilm~a~ ~cY~l~c~~l aa~d. unanim~usl~ "ca~ri~d~ agr~e-„ mer~~ for c~ns~ruc~ion o~ sewac~e collec-~~~r~' f~cili~ies ~e~ween ~I~e Coun~~ of Saa~ Luis O~~s~~ ~a~d C:i1t~ of Arro~o ~ra~de w~s approved . arid ~he Ma~~r and ~°l~rk were au~Y~~rized a.nd ins~r~c~ed ~o sign : ~kse agreer~en~ ori ~e~alf ~o:~ Ci~~a PROGRESS REPOR"I°- S~U'I"I-~ S~1I~T :~U~S ~~~~SPC~ ~OLJN'I~ SAN~,'I`'.~'~''~C)N. DIS'I'~2IC°IB Copies o£ a repo~°~ ~n r~venue and exp~ndi~ur~s ~~r ~l~.e 19~8-69 f~scal ~ear f~r o~~r~~i~s~s o~ ~k~e dis~ri~~ and ~ compa~°is~n re~or~ ~f flow of influen~ in~d pl~n~ fo~° ~he peri~cl of Juneo 1568 vex°sus JuneB 1969,`were r~c~ived ~~r ~he C~a~nc,~l,~ r~~iiewed and orc7.ered filed. CITIZEN COMPLP.~~Z'~`~°;'~* C~C~ODS ' ANIMA~" SHELTE'R,- RESL~QNSE. &';CO~PERF~'~ION' [:TF~}N = , , CAI~L e : , Mrs. Avila, 1231 Russ Cour~ wras presen~ and or~lly req'uested ~Y~a~ some~hing ~e d~me a. b~u~ numer~us d.~gs rianna:ng 1m~se in .her area. She also s°~~~-ed. ~~a~ s~e ~iad c~n~ac~ed Tn~oods; Animal SYn~:l~er a num.l~er of ~irne~;:, F~~x~ da~e ~h~ , resp~nse fr~,rx~ ~n~nn k~as been ver~r ~ansa~isfactor~a ,arad re~resen~a~iv~s ~f ~~e sknel~~r k~ave been ~ rrzde ~o k~.er ar~d ~rery ?~r~co~iperat~v~ ~°~garding ~knis ni~~~~r, P,f~er C~uncil discu.ss~.mn, A~ia~~s~ra-~~r B~a-~c1~ was ins~r~c~ed ~a writ~ Woods Anir~aal She~~er r~q~;es~ing ~~a.a~ ~~e Ci~~ ~ s leas~a law b~, en- f~rced i~a ~~e a~°e:~s P~:~l Plac~ ancl Ru~ss C~~ar~, arzd re~~es~ ~Yia~ a r~presen~~~ive of ~~ie s&~'el-~~r be pr~~en~ a~ ~~e n~~-~ G~?~~..ei.1. ~~et-~, ing. ~~AGUE d~ CA~'. ~ ~ ~7~F b~ ~ ~ ~'~~"~°.~~5 Bi7~~E ".I°INi - PU~ PI~C7P05~T~~ 2~T~1~ER-U'I~~E'~CROUL~TD ~ ~ ~ U'~°~LI"~YE~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . „ , . _ ~dminis~:Y°~~~~ ~3~~c~. r~p~r~~d ~~Yaa~ a ~~~l.~~iri ~ron~ 'I~eac~ixe bf, C~l~f~rni~ ~~~a.~s.:.~aa~ ~a~~~n r~ceived r~c~ardinc~ ~he ~~l~lic U~t~~i~a:es Commission Ca'~e ~82099~ ~C~~~~rriiric~ ~Y~e ~°e~p~x~gi7~~li~~ ;of pri~r~~.el~' . , ~wned e1ec~.ric ar~i~ c~tia~a~~.~ca°~ioa~ u~~ li~ies fo~°,,~nc~ergr• ~~~ding in; ~re,~:s of new cons~rixc~i~n~ c¢~n~~rs~¢~n.o arad servicc~ ~~~~aecfi~ions . ''~°rn~ League is rec~uestir~gA ~~car~se s~gzi.~ficar~ce ~f ~h~ pr~~s~s~d" rep~~°~;, ef~or~s ~~nat ~i~~~~ Y~~v~ i~a~d~ er~courag~ : i~rad~rgr~u~dinc~, ;~~a~;~ eac~i Ci~~r ya~i~~ ~?r~~ F~~:1ic U~~~i~~.~s C~i~Uiniss~o~i..~~~ressi'nc~ ~~e.i~~' approval> A~~er ,~~aaa~cil. c7is-c~ssionn A~a~nis~~°a~~r. '~~~~1~ -i,vas' ~~r~s~~~-' ~.c~e-d~ ~o wri,~e 1~~ ~aYa.~~rr~i~ S~~~~~ Pub1i~ U~~.li~i~s C'ordi~:issi~a~e expressinc~ ~Y~i~ ~~a~r~~il ° s app~~~~l ~r~d ~~~por~ ~f ~U~ .~ase ~:2G9. , L~GISLA'~°~VE ~TJ~T~:"~"~N ~°RO.I~ '~F~ I~E~-1C7L1`E O~" ~AI:~IFORN~7~ C~°~'IE~ , Ad~~x~is~ra~~r ~~~;c~ r~~i~~~d ' copies c~~ ~~e; l~~~s~ leg%sla~~,ve Bazl.le~ins ~°ece~~~d fr~~a Ga],~~f~rm~a C~.-~i~s m . , , ~ ~ Ca'~ COUNCI~ ~U~~ ~20 1969 ARROYO GRAI~TDE 4 CA~~~' o PAGE 6 RESOLL~'I°ION-AFPROVAI~ O~° ~M.ENI7MEN°~°°~ '~~7 JOIN"~ POWER~ AGRE~MEN'~°°o ~Oo ~I°~IES AREA PLoANNING COOI~L~NA°]C~ING ~OUN~IL Coaancilmam Smi~Y~ pr~sen~~d fox° c~nsidera~i~n and approval ~he proposed amendmera~,s u~~ Jo~~n~ Powers Agreen~aen~ f~r ~~e San I~uis Obispo C~~.rnty ~~~1 ~~,t~i~s ~re~ Plan~~a~g ~~~rdina~~r~g ~~~ncil, s~af~i~.g ~1-~..a~ t&~ese a~aea-adrzbent~s ~re ~~v~ra~le all en~~~~i~s ~~ncernedm Af~.er Council disc~issi~n, _C~~~ A~i~~r~n~~ S~nipsey read ~i~~~ of a resol- ut~~n au~horizirng ~k~e Ma~or and Ci~~ C~erk s~~n ameracl~ien~s -~o ~~e join~ p~vaaers agreea~r,~~~o ~~~~°eaf~,er ~~~~i~rn was rr~ad~ ~~~~ncilman Levineo sec~nded ~y ~o~~c~la~an Scl~legel arnd ~a~ar~~a~~~as~~ carried, ~o ~ dispense wi~h re~di~~ ~Y~e ~a~ance of ~"~ais x°es~l~.~.~~a~m ~S~LUT~~N NOo ~31 P, ~2E S OLU'~ ~ ON O~ '~f-~E ~~°~3~ C~UNC ~ L OF '~°HE C I~,°~' ~F AR.EtO~'O GRANIJE AU°I°HORIZING '~HE MA'z'OR ANL ~I`~°°~,' CI~ERK °~"O S~GN AN~Nl~1~lEN°~S ~°O '~HE JOIN"g'° ~OWER~ a~GREEMEN'~' FOR '~°E~ SAN I~L1'TS O~~SPO ~OUN'I°Y AND GI`~°°~ES AREA PI~NN~NG ~OORD~~'A'~°TN~ ~OUN~II~a = Oxs mo~~.~n ~f ~~~,Y~ncilr~an Sr~~~~na sec~nd~d C~~~neilnlan Levine and on ~h~ f~ll~wiric~ ~~il c~ll v~~e, `a~~: AYES: C~~xracila?~en Sck~l~~.~la L~v~raeo TnT~~d„ Srni~h and Mayor , '~aoi~ps ~a~ NOES o Noa~e ABSENT~ None `~Yse fsaregoing resol~~~.~a~ w~s pass~d and adop~ed this 22nd d~y of J~ly, 1969. ~ APPROVAI~ WORK' S"~UI~Y ~ROGRAM AGREEM~:I~T'~°-CUES'~''A JRo C~I~L~GE & CI°I°Y 69-70 Adrnin~str~f~r B~~cY~ advised ~?-~a°~ ~~e Ci~y has ~aeen w~rking w~~h Cues~~. College in a va~rk-s~udy prograxxao in .wYaiGh ~h.e colleg~ students work for ~he. ~i~y f~r a fixed x~~.~ber o~ ~io~ars per ~a~ek, witYa t;h.e City paying 1/5th of ~Yk~e s~lar~ and ~Yae Federal Government, tYarough Cuesta College ~a~~c~ 4/5~f tl~:~ ~v~rkers'salar~ra and now ~Yne College is re- ques~iny tl~at t~~ Ci~.~ rehe~a t~~ ~rork-~~tud~: ac~x°eement for 1969-70 , Fiscal ~'ear. Af~er Council' discu.ssion, on iti~ti~n of Councilman Levine, seconded by Council;man Woo~ and unanirz?ously carried, tYae Work Study Program p.greerne~t for t~~ F~scal X~ar 19C9-30 b~tween ~uesta College and ~he ~ity'of Ar~°o~ro Grande was approved ~nd ~~e Mayor and City Clerk were au~~~ri~~cl i~o sign ~k~~ ac~r~ement on ~aeT~alf of the City, REQUES'I° OF ~OUNCILM~,~T L~EV~NE F~R PERMTSSION 'I'O BE ~UT OF STATE On motion. of C~uncilman Sc~l.egel, seconded b~r ~ouncilman Smi~Ya and unanim~usl~ ~arried,`~~e re~ues~ ~f Councilman Levine f~r permis-' sion be a~u~ ~f S~~~e of California from Augus~ 2, t~o Aug- _ us~ 17, 1969 was ap~r°¢~ved, _ : _ ADJOURNME l`1'T _ : t7n. itto~i~n ~~;-,~~~nci~.~n~m Smi~~, secondet~ ~y Councilman, ScYnlegei and una.~na~iab~~~.y.ca~ i~c1, ~k~e r~,~~~ing adj~urne'd a°~ 10.:02 PaMo ATTEST:~ _ , C Y ' ~T~ER:K r_,.. MA~OR