Minutes 1969-08-26 . _ . CITY CO~N,C~~ . : , AUGUST .2-6, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA The City Cou.r~.~~.1 rr~~t in regular ~e~sion with Mayor Thompson presid~ngo Upon ~oll eall, Councilmen Schlegel9 Smithg Woocl and Lev~r~e r~portecl pres~~.t a FLEDGE_O~ ALLEG3ANCE AND INVOCATION Ma~or Thorn.pso~ l~d the Pled:ge of Allegiance to our flag; and irrr~mmecliat~~~ ther~~af ter, a member of . the First Presbgterian Cl~.:bzrch of Arro~~ Gra~.~.~ delivered the invocationa APPROVAL QF M~NLTTES The min~.te~ of ~h.e regular meeting o~° August 12~ 1969 were approv~cY as prepareda APPROVAL 0~ ~IARRANTS • On motic~ra. Coun~ilman S~hlegel, seeonded by Couraeilman L~via~.e~ ar~.d ux~an~n~o~.sly c~.rried9 General Warrants No . 137 through Noo 1$3 ~.n the total amount of $28,185.72; Pa ro31 War- ran.t ~ No . 195 through Na o 276 in ~the total amount of° $1L~., 01~.0 e 25; and Trust ancT Age~.c~r° inJ~.r~~.nts No 0 857 through No m 896 in t1~.e total ~mount of ~8L.4.~. 080 v~ex~e appr~~ved and orderecl paido INVITAT~ON TO PART~C~PATE II~T MORRO BAY AND PASO ROBLES CELEBRATION Administrato~ But~h ~ead a 3et~ter from the City of Morro Bay in~riting the Cotzm~i~ to p~.rticipate 'in the Rock-O-Rama Parade to be T7.eld on l~~.gla.~t 30~1a~ 1969 and Adm~nistrator But~h also advised he ~ras ~~a receipt of' a. requeat f°raom the Days of Don~ s Celebration of P~,so Robles f o~ the Council to attend their ~ele~iration on Sep~erri.b~r 7th, 1969o Ma.yor Thompso~ reminded the Council that the dates were con.~Yi~t~ng with prior engagements and Administrator Butch w~.~ reque~ted to w~ite to both Cities and adti*ise them of this. RECEIPT 0~' INDUSTRIAL SURV~Y SUNIlKARY REPORT - Ae Go CHAMB.QF COMM, Adm~.ni~tr~.tor Butch advised that the City has received a copy c~f° the Revised Standard Industrial Sur~rey Summ~.ry Report which de~cribes the advan.tages of l.ocating industry in the area. ~ I~OTICE QF CI~ANNEL DIV. QUARTERLY MEETING-THOUSAND OAKS 9/13/69 Administrator Butch advised that nota.ce has been received frorn. the Charanel Counti~s Division of the League of California Cities that the quarterly meeting will be held at the Las Robles Inn in Thousand. O~ks on September 13th, 1969. The Mayor and City Cou~.cil stated. tYbey will be unable to attEnd this meeting. D~SCUSSION REo RADIO STAT~ON KOAG MONTHLY LEASE PAYMENT Admi~.is~r~.tor Butch ~eviewed the action taken by the Council ~.t the~r re~u7L~.r zn.~et~ng c~f April 22 1969, when a modific~.tion of lease ~°rom. ~1~100e00 per^ year to $600000 per year payable in ~.dv~n~e oa~ a reaor~~h.ly b€a~is was granted, and advised that no pay- merat has be~n ::n..ade ora the lease modif ication as of August 26, 1969~ A~°ter Cca~.~acil di~cussion, it was agreed some action must b~ t~.k~n and C~ty Attor^ney Shipsey was instructed to write to M~o Ge~rge Wm Trwin, co-owner of KOAG advising him that unless the delinquent lease payments w~re made, eou~t action would be taken l~y tYge Cityo The Council est~.blished that September lOth, ~969 would be the cl~.te all fun.da ~egarding this lease must be reeeived b~r th.e City. APPO~NTMENT ~°OR REPRES~'.~TTATIVE TO E o{~ m C. Mayor Thompson stated that CharYea Bowles will continue as representative ~.nd Tom T~.lbot as alternate, until another representative c~.n be se3ected to serve on the Economic Oppor- tunity Commission. REQUEST FROM ~OND COUN~ELLORS REo TAX-EXEMPT STATtJS OF MUNo SEC. Admin.~strator Butch reported he has reeeived a request from Wil~on, Joa~~~, Morto~., and Lynch9 Bond Counsellors regardi~g Fec1~r~.T Legis~at~.on. af°f°e~ting Tax-Exempt status of Municipal Secux~il~~ee~ o Af°ter Council discussion, City Atto~ney Shipsey read. ~he t~tl~ of a Re~olution oppoging t~.king the tax-exempt status f°r~m Munie~pal Securi~ies9 thereupon a motion was made b~ Couracilm.~.n Levine9 ~econded by Councilm~n Schlegel, and unanfi- m.ou~ly c~.rr~ed.9 to d~.spense with r~ading the bal~.nce of° this , i~ CITY CQUNCIL _ AUGUST 26, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 Resolution. RESOLUTIOI~ NO a 836 A RES~Y~UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OPPQSING CHANGE IN TAX~EXEMPT STATUS 0~" MUNICTPAL BONDS> On motivn of Coun~ilman L~via7.~, se~c~nded by Councilman S~h~:ege1 and on the following roll ~all vote, to wit: AYES: ~c~'t~c~i?na.en Wood, _Smith, Levine, Schlegel and Mayor Thvmpsone NOES : Nor~~- ; ABSENT: None the fo~ega~n,g RESOlution was pass~~. and adopted this 26th. day of August, 1969. REPORT ON A. G. BRANCH LIBRARY R~o USE AND COSTS Admin ~tratar Butch advised t~ia~ he had received a letter from Mrs. Crumb, Arroyo Grande Libx~~.rian reporting that the County Supervisors will not expan~ tY~.e Lik~rary f acilities ~n the City and the letter al.so expx~e~sed th.e need for approxi,ma.tely ~.00 square feet of additional f°ootag~ o Af ter Couracil discussion, it was unanimously agreed that the L~brary has done a tremendous job, considering ~the small area assigned and the limited funds availab~.e, and a suggestion was made to f°orm a Library Commission, but no aGt3~on was taken b~ t~a.e Co~.rz~~ 1. RECEIPT OF' THE M~NUTES OF THE COASTAL VALLE~ PLANNING COUNCIL The minutes of the Coastal V~.l~~y Planning Council were received by the Council and ordex~ed filed. LEGISLATTV BULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Admi.n stxQtor Butch briefly reviewed the latest Legisla~ive Bulletin> f~om the League of California Cities and reported tk~a~t the GQ.vernor has not signed the Holidays Proclamations Bill AB66 (Ci~ies may make the holiday applicable by eacpres~ acti~n othex than Thanksgiv~.ng, when proclaimed by the President and the Governora. Also pending, awaiting the Governor~s signature. - is AB325, Disclosure of Assets by Public Officials. CITY REPRESENTATTVE TO L> OF CAL, CITIES C10NFERENCE Mayor Thompson designated Cauncilman Schlegel as delegate. and hersel~' as alternate represent~.tive ~o vote for the City on vari.ous rn.atters at the League of California Cities Conferenee to be held iM San Francisco f°rom September 2$th to October lst, 1.969 . CONTINUANCE OF.PUBLIG HEARING~-REZONING OF'BLOCK 6 WESTERN ADD. Adm nistra~or Butch brief°l~r revier~red that the Public Haaring for the proposed rezoning of Block 6~ W~stern Addition from R~-1 to F~~ had beer~ continued from the August 12th, 1969 meeting and outl~,ned the area of the propoaed zoning chan~e by map presenta- tion, stating that tl~is r~zoning h~s been approved and recom~nded by the P1.anning Comrnisaiono ' Magor Thdmpson relinquished the chair to Mayor Pro Tem Schlegel, ~.nd left the Council Cham.b~rs stating that she has a possibl.e conflict of interest in this praposed re2oning. Upon being assured by Admini~tr~atar Butch that all require,- ments as provide`d by law had been mQt, Mayor Pro Tem Schlegel declared the hearing open and all. persons for or against the proposed rezoning would now be heardo Gerard Dana, 511.4. Cornwall; William Eager,s, 517 Cornwall; Virginia Dalbey, l~11 Cornwal~l; Pete Nesbeth, 608 Cornwall, Thelma E~.gers, 517 Cornwall; Ger~.ldine Nesbeth, 608 Cornwall; and Flor^enee Brazil, 603 Cornwall all spoke aga~.nst the rezoning, Mrm Brannan of the 101 Motel spoke in favor of the rezoning, notin~ the change was due to an error in the Zoning Map. ~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26~ 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI.FOR~TIA PAGE 3 There being no fur~ther c~~.s~~ss~rn ~°or or against the re~ zoning9 Mayor Pro Tem Sc~ilegel clecla~ed the hearing closed. Af'ter Council discussion9 Attor~~.ey S~~p~ey r~ead the title of an Ordinance to rezone B~o~k 6~ o~ Western Ad.dition from R~l to F-S, thereaf'ter a motiora w~.s m~.d.e by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilma~. Smith a~a.d ~:rzar~im~usly carried, to dis~ pense with reading the balance o~ ~T~.is ordinanceo Mayor Thomp~on ~e~o3r~~d. ~he ~o~rn~~l and. resumed the chaire PROGRESS REPORT - VACAT~ON OF PT1V QF` RmO~W ON SOe TRAFFIC WAY Administrator Butch revi~wed a r~eport ~°rom Director of Public Works Ander~on, as to ~~st estimates9 survey to establish excess property ~or City needs on the ea~t side of Tra~fic Way between Al1en St. and Cherry Aveo a~n.d also the requirement of curb and gutter and si~.evaalk inst~.l~ationa After Council dis~ cussion, the minimum b~d of' ~2~'Om00 was set, plus the cost to be born by the bidder ~°or th.e installation of concrete curb, gutter and sidewalko City At~orney Shipsey read the title of a resolution setting the amount for minimum bid, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Le~r~a~e9 seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously ca~r~.ed~ ~o d.~spen.se with reading the balance of' this resolution. RES~~~TZ~~ ~ro a 837 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYQ ~R~NDE SETTING FORTH IT~S INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPERTY AND SET- TING A DATE FOR HEARING THEREONo On mo~ion of Councilman. ]Gev~.n.~, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and by the followin.g ~oll ~all vot~, to wit: AYES: Councilman Schlegelg Levine, Wood, Smith and Mayor Thompsone NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing Resolution was pa~sed and adopted this 26th day of Augus t, 1969 . REQUEST FOR ADDITTONAL ITEMS TO BE ADDED TO THE 1969-70 BUDGET Administrator Butch reported th~.t the Parks and Recreat oi n Commission has requested an additional ~2,260000 to be added to the current budget f°~r 1969~70, and alao ~L.4.70.00 in additional funds to be added to the ~ity Clerkas budget for an additional calculator for the Payroll Cler~k. A~°ter discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Sxn~th, ~a~on.ded by Councilman Levine, and unanimously carried to ~r~clude these items in the 1969-70 Budget. ANNUAL REPORT-STATE LANDS COMM~~S~ON REo PUBLIC LAND OWNERSHIP The Council ~eviewed a repax~t ~ror+a the State Lands Com- mission regarding Public Laa~.d Ov~rne~ship in Calif ornia, 1969, with no action being takenm PROGRESS REPORT RE: AMENDMENT TO S7CGN ORDTNANCE Administrator Butch ~dvised a~~port had been received from the Planning Commission ~u~rith ~heir recommendation for the immediate removal of the signs owned by the Ryan Advertising Company and tha.t a one ~rear ext~nsion be gran.ted Mr. Harris, Manager of Sambo~s, f°or ~the r~mova~ o~ the sign on Mr. Doko~s property, and that ~.mendments to the ~ign Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance do not appear t~ be r~ec~ssar~ at this time. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilm.a.n Levine, and carried, to accept the recom= mendation of the Plann.i~ng Commiss~an. COMPLAIN'TS RE: CABLE Ta Vo SERVICE Administrator Butch in.vited Mr9 Hapgood of Central Califor- nia Communications Corporation to pr~eaent to the Council what action his company is tal~ing ~o ~~.t~.s~'~ complaints~received ~ , _ 1~7 CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~°ORNIA PAGE I.~. f'rom citizens on how televis~~ra r~~c~p~ion ~an be ire~.provedo Mr. Hapgood in~raduced Wil.liam C~m.p~or~9 ~Local representative and then continued to explai~ how "S~,mr~er~ Fa~e~c~ut" ~an be corrected. He further stated a coz~traact has la~e~ ~~.graed with Microwave Transmission Corporati~ra to ad~. ~,~.terrri.edzate microwave radio relay station on Mta So~,~rnan.~ wl~a..~~h ~~ey fee~ should. solve the problem, but that before an~ ~n.stal~~.tior~.~ ~c~uld. be completed, the Fecleral Communic~.t2~ra~ Carnm,i~~~o~ woulcl have to approve the reg,uest ~'or an ~.cld.it~.an.~.l ~tati~mo ~"he Cola.n~il thanked Mro Hapgood for this presentationo PROGRESS REPORTo F'AIR OAKS BRIDGE DESIGN Administrator Butch reviewed ~ report ~'rom Director of ~'ublie Works Anderson on a~evie~a o~ Frel~.minary Design f or the bridge across Arroyo Grande Cre~k at ~air~ C~~.ks Ave. Administrator Butch reported ther~e ar~ f und~ ~.~rail~b:~~ f°~r a half-~width bridge with two lanes. No a~tion ti~as takea~ ~t thi time, and a special meeting will be ~alled f°or~ August ~8t~, 19~9 ~°or further discussion. REQUEST TO LUCIA MA.R UoSaDo TO DE~~CA.TE PROPERTY ON VALLEY ROAD A motion ~ras mad~ by Caunci~znan Levine, seconded by Council- man Smith, and unan3mcausly ~arr~a~~d~ ~17.at a formal request be made to the Lucia Max~ Unif ied ~~hc~~~ District for dedication of property on Valley Road. k~~ made to tl~~ City f or the right-of~wa~ necessary f°or the proposed ~'a~~ ~ak~ A~e. extension. ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS- A o G a COMNIU:~~I'~Y I30S~'ITAL - FATR OAKS AVE e A motion was made b~r Coun~i~zx~an S~hlegel, seconded by Council- Levine, ar~.d unanimously car~ri.ecl9 th~t ~he Grant Deedsf'rom the Arroyo Grande Hospital Corpox~atian ~~r a portion of property lying within the proposed Fair Oak~ Aveo right o~ way, be accepted and the Mayor and Gi~y G~erk be authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance fo~ ~he C~ty. PROGRESS REPORT RE: SWING3NG ~R~1~~E Administrator Butch adv~.sed t~.at the refurbisha.ng of' the Swinging Bridge on Short Street ~s completed. Mayor Thompson and the other Council mem.b~rs thank~d the Administrator and advised him to thank all concerned for a"wonderful and speedy job.n WRTTTEN RESPONSE FROM MRa YOUNG 1~Em EXo OF PRQPo ON GRAND 8c BRANCH Administrator ButcY~. advised t~.e Council that the City has received a quit claim deed~ covering those properties contained in the origina7. offer by Mro Youngm Additional property sought by the City f'rom Mro Young was ~.l~o discussed, but the amount sought by Mr. Young ~ras felt too ~ostly for the City to eonsider. A motion was m~.de by Coun~ilm.an Lev~a~~, seconded by Councilman Wood, and unanimously carried9 t~ i.n~t~~act the City Attorney to prepare a resolution a~xthor~~~~.~ ~he exchange of property between the Gity and Mrm Y~u~go PROGRESS REPORT - LOPE~ WATER ~T,~'FP~~ A Progresa Report on ~he L~p~~ Water Supply Project for the month of July, 19699 w'as re~eiv~cY f°rom the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Wa~~r C~~~ervation District, which was reviewed and ordered f°iledo PROGRESS REPORT - ZONE 3 ADV~SORX COMMITTEE MEET2NG Copies o~ the x~ec~n.t x~epc~rt an t&~e Zone 3 Advisory Committee Meeting of August, 1969, were ~ev~~w~d and ordered filed. SAFETY AWARD F'ROM AMER~CA~V' WATER ~1ORKS ASSOCTATION TO WATER DEPT . The Water Departmerit wa~ pr~~~~;:~a~~d an Award for Safety from the American Water Works As~o~iati~~ f'~r their outstanding record of safety f°~r the last ~re~.r. Th~ ~auncil congratulated the City Water Department f°or aga~n ~e~~:~vs.ng ~h~: A~rard f°or Saf°ety. LETTER FROM COUNTY HYDRAUL~C EN~Ra BOR~T RE:NEWSOM CANYON DRAINAGE Administrator Butch rev~,e~re~ a l.etter f°rom. County Hydraul~c Engineer Born regarding thE dr~.in~.ge f°rom Newsom Springs Canyon and after discussion, the Couy~.~il requested Administrator Butch to write and inf°orm the County Hydrau~ic Engineer that the City is in.~erested in resolv~.ng thi~ ~trai~age problemo ~ ,.i ~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 26, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 PROGRESS REPORT REo ARR03?'0 GRANDE SEin~ER ASSESSMENT DSSTRICT Administrator Butch br~ief'ly repnrted on the progress of the City~wide Sewer Assessme~,t District and noted that it is now known as the Arroyo Gra,nde Assessment Districto Admini~ strator Butch also advised that if th~ County requirements for insurance ~'or engineering errors and ommi~~ions by the Engineer could be adjusted to a lower figure9 the contract cola.ld be signed and work begun on the pra~e~to PROGRESS REPORT REo SOUTH SLO COUNTY_SANITATION DISTRICT Admin.istrator Butch advYSed that the Sanitation District no longer permits private pumping services dumping septic tank drainage into the sewer system, and also noted that the amount of ef~luent is increasing dailym ADJOURNMENT On motion of Mayor Thomps~n, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, the zneetin.g was adjourned at 10:39 P.M. ' to August 28th, 1969 at J~.o30 P,M. ~t/~ n t ~ •~~.J~`~.5~!rY , " A T TES T . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ , - DEPUTY CITY CLERK ~ YOR