Minutes 1969-09-10 ' C I'I°Y C OLJNC I L ARROYO GRANDEs CALIF'ORNIA SEP'~,'EMBER 10, 1969 '~Yne C~°~y Co~ancil a~tet ira rega~lar sess~~n witka Mayor TYiompson pres~dirac~o Upon r~ll ca~~. C~unc~l~t~a~ Schlegelo Levine and Wood report~d prese~.~s C~un~ila~aan Sa~a~°~~. absen~o PI.~ED~E OF ALLEGIANCE aa,ND ~NVOCATION Nia~ror ~Yr~a~apsom led ~~e Pledg~ o~ Alleg~arnce °~o our flag; a~.d ~zx~edia°~e.ly tkaereaf~ero Rever~rad W~lliam Black of the Uni~ed M~~ka~dis~ Cha~rch ~f Arroyo Gx°~nd~ d~~~~rered t~e invocation. APPROVAIe OF MINU'I~EES "~e minutes of ~Y~.e regular n~ee~~,nc~ of August 26, 1969 and ~Yne ad~ourned regular mee~ing of A~:gust 2~, 1969 were approved as p~epared. APP~OV~,Ie OF' VIARRAN'I'S O~ r~ot~mn of Coua~ciln~.an Sch~ege~, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanin~ously carried, Geraeral Wa~°~an~s No. 184 through No. 226 in °~k~e ~o~al amotant of $20a 6.30..6~ a~d Payroll Warrants No. 277 ~Ynro~agh L~To. 347 in ~he ~otal amoua~-~ c~f $13, 055.81 were approved and ordered pa.~d. LoE~°'PER OF COMPLAIL~TT ~'ROM 'I'TJxLEY LoGA12LISIaE - LOW FLYING AIRCRAFT Admir~is~ra~or B~a~c~, repor~ed ~]~a~~ a copy of a lette~ directed ~o ~Yne Co~xr~t~ Adznin,is~~ata~ve Of~i~~r l~.as l~een. received from Mr. and Mrs. Turley L. Carl~sYe, r~eq~esting ~ome sa.fety control acti:c~n agaa~a~s~ air pollution and ~~r r~si.d~~n~ sa~e~y be instituted regard- ia~g a~,rcraf~ crop dtas~~x~g of s~,a.~~. farazaing plo~s adjacent to heavily po~u]~ated areas witka~.n ~k~e sou~h ~o~.n~y~ Administrator Butch advised °~kaa~ ~kae Federal Goverx~~enta ~ka~°ough ~~e Federal Avia~ion Administra- ~:~on, contro,ls all aircraft and ~c~rr~sponder~ce of this nature are f~r`varded ~o that ager~~~m ~REASURER ~ S REPOR~° FOR 'Z'HE MON'I°H OF: ALT~iJST, 1969 '~he T~easu,rer ° s Report was z-~o~ ~t~rnpleted at this time . I)EPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR '~HE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1969 Z'kae-Depar~mental Report tor th~ month of August, 1969 was : " received by ~he Cc~unc.il, discussec~ and ordered filed. Also received k~y tYae Co~~cil was the Wrap Up Sura~mer Recreation 1969 repor~ pre- pared by Recreation Direc~or pon Wh~.~.~en~oore and Staff. PROGRESS~:R~PORT - ICOAG MONTHLY LEASE PAYMENTS C~~~ At~orney Sh~psey rep~r~ed ~kaa~ he was in receipt of a cYaeck in th,e aas~~unt of $ 5Q0 . 00 as par~ payment on lease rental c~aarges pas~ d~ue al.orag ca~~h a l.e~~.er fx~n~i Mr. Lloyd Larson, co-owner ~f radio s~a~io~. KOAGo r~q~.ae~~inc~ ~~~ax~~~l approval of monthly pay- aa~~n~s of $500v00 ~o be mad~ on or b~fmre the 1,8th day of each month un~il ~he accoux~t bec~a~a~s ~~z.rrern°~a A:f~er Council discussion, on mo~~,orn ~f C~aanc~.lana~. Wood, second~d ~~r Councilman Levine and unani- ~ao~sly carrieda Ci~y A~~or.ney Ship~~~ was instruc~ted to advise the owrners of Rada.o Sta~ic~n KOAG ~~ia~ t~n~ staternen•t of int,ention to pay $ 500 m QO b~r ~kae 18~h da~ n~ each r~or~t~x commencing October, 1969 u~til ~he lea~e ren~al agreemera~ is paid c~arrent, a5 contained in the le~~er f~om Lloycl Larsono da~ed Sep~e~ber 8, 1969, was approved by ~k~e C~~~cil m MiJI~TIC~PAIa CODE AMENI~N~EN'I' - REZONINGa OF BLOCI{ 6 WESTERN ADDITION ~ Ci~~ A~tc~rney SYnapsey read the ~itle of an ordinance rezoning Bloclc 6, Western Addi~a,on £ronn R-1 ~a ~'~S, ~kaereafter a motion was a~aad.~ by ~ouncila~,arn ScYnl.egel.o s~coa~ded ~ay Councilman Levine and unan~m~~.sl~ carried ~o d~spense ~ai~lz reading the kaalance of this : ord~x~,ance m OR1aINA~T~E N~ 0 29 ~ m S o AN ORDI~TAN~E OF THE ~I~.'~.' ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A POI2~'ION OF' ~°FiE ZON~I~TG MAP !JF THE C~TX OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED "I°°O ~,N SEC'~~ON o 3C12 OE' T~TLE 4., CHAPTER 4 OF 7('HE ML7NIGI~AL CODE SO A~ ']CO REZ~NE CERTAIN PROPERTX " '~I~T THE C~'I°X O~' ARR01.'O G~LAN]~E Ora ~uo°~ion of C~~n~~i~.~~.n Le~ri~ne, ~econded by Councilman Schlegel and on ~~e f~~.l~awirac~ r~ll cal.~ vo~~, ~~o wit: 1~1 , CITY COUNC~~ SEF'1'EMBER l0a 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 AYES: Councilmen Schlege~, T~evine, Wood and Mayor °~°l~or~~soa~ NOES: None ABSENT: Cpuncilman Smith the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted ~l~.is lOtk~ day of September, 1969. CITY OF COMMERCE RESOLUTIOL~T SUPPORT ~I~°ORCEMEN'Ia DANCEROLdS SUBSTALQCE AC~' Aclniinis~rator Bu~ch advised that a resolu~ion has been received from the City of Commerce requ,estinc~ ~he City support ~nforcer~nent of the Federally Controlled Dangero~.~ S~a.bstance Ac~ of 1969 a '~°Ybe Council discussed and agreed no action be taken at th~s t~me, SLO CO.DEV.ASSOC. REo COUNCIL REPo TO ASSOCo - DARYIa FL~QD Ac~iinistrato~ Butch advised tha~ a let~ter has been received r from the San Luis Obispo County Development Associa~~on Incm request~ ing the appointment of a Couracil representative to this Associa~tiono After Council discussion, on motion o~ Councilman Schlec~~lo seconded by Councilman Levine and unanirno~asly carried, i~ar.~rl EloQd was - appointed,as represen~tative from Arroyo Grande, to ~.e_San Lu~s Obispo County Development Associa~ti.on Board of Directors. REVIEW OF PACKAGE INSURANCE COVERP,GE~~°HE HARTFORD INSaGROUP AUTHORoCOo Ad~tinistrator Butcka reviewed ~kaa~ the PYa.oenix of Hartford Ins v Company had, on July l, 1967~ been a~,aarded the contrac~ for the Package Insurance Coverage for ~.Ya~ C~~y for a three year period, but this company has since sold ~to Travelers Ins. Co., wYio ~aave cancelled the policy with the City as ~.hey do r~o~: vai~h to insure Munic~pal~ies . Morris and Dee, General Insurance Brokers, is the Ci~y°s local agent and they have revie~aed our insurance coverage and can insure the City through the Hartford Insurance Group with the following recommenda- tions: l. Medical Insurance on vekai~les be dropped, as this coverage is provided for through the uninsured mo~orest and 1:iability coveragem 2. That the City "self insure" for collision insu.rance as the pre- mium :~ar exceeds the history of collision losses. 3m That ~the City add False Arrest Insurance to the new policy, which will cover elected officials and all employees of the City up to the limit of $1,J00,000 at approximatel~r the same cost as ~he City now pays for $1~0,000 cove- ~age for elected officials and Police Officers on1y, Af~ter Council discussion, on motion of Councilrnan Wood, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, The Hartford Insurance Group was authorized as the insurance company to carry the Package Insurance Policy for ti~,ie City and the additions and deletions as recommended by,Morris and Dee Insurance AgentS for ~the Company, were approved as outlined in the report from Administrator Bu~ch, dated September 2, 1969. UPDATE REPORT FROM P.G. & E. - FI~TANGIAL PART~CoUNDERGROUND UTILITI~S Adminis~rator Butch read a le~ter frorn Mr. C. L. Richmond~ local 1!~anager of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, outlining preliminary estimates of costs and credits as per Pacific Gas and Electric Co~ preliminary agreement to par~ticipate in the proposed BrancYa S~reet Undezground Utility Distric~t No. l.. Also in regard ~o undergroundinq' of utilities, a letter was received froan L. R. Bala~~i, Manac~er of the Pacifie Tel~phone and Telegraph Co~pany, covering a repor~t ~ntitled "Rep1y Statement of Respondent Communication Utiliti~s in Support of _ their Excep~ions_ta the Proposed Report - PUC Case 8209°'e PUBLIC HEARING - INSTALL. OF CURB, GUTTERS, & SIDEWALICS-GRAND L~POINT STS. Administrator Butch xeviewed ~tkie proposed areas ~e~x~ curbe gutters, sidewalks and driveway aprons on Grand Avenue and LePoirat S~treet and the procedure to bE followed for ~the installation of such improveanents by use of the 1911 Assessment Act (short fc~rm), Af~er being ass~ared by City C1erk Miller ~that the properties have been pos~ed and the proper~ty owners notified as requir~d ~y law, Mayor 'b°knoaabpson declared the hearing ogen and any person f~r or agains~ the installa~ion as proposed would noi~ be heard. Adaninis~rator Butch advised that a letter of protest, dated September 5, 1969, was received f~om N~.c~los Gaynos, owner of a parcel of prop~r~y on ~he south szde of Grand Avee adjacent to Juniper S~treet. City En~~.neer Garing advised Mrse Dorothy Rector, 545 LePoin.t Street that th~ installation of a drive`vay apron ~ ~ i . ~CI'I°Y C~UNCaL SEP'I°EMBER 1D8 1969 ARROYO GRANDE n(:AY~IFORL~TaA PAGE 3 was req~~red if skne d~d no~ ~taa~~ ~lr~,vir~c~ acce~s ~:o h~r pr~per~~r, but ~a°~ ~e c~!rb arad c~~n~~er wm~n~d ~~~e b~ i~.s~a~led con~3~n~u~~y~ ~e f~~~. vu~~.d~~,Ya o~ ~e proper~~* ~r~rafi~~ge o e ~ere be~ng a~o f~artk~er discus~i~n for o~ aga~~is~ ~1~~ pr~~s~c~ ~~astalla~a.oxn Ndayor '~ompsor~ declare~l t~e heariaag closeda Af~~r ~~~xn~i~ d.~s~~n~sion, o~n a~o~a~or~ of C~~a~ac~.lmaa~n 6Voads seconded by C~~~~~,la~~x~ ~~r~,n~ a~d ~a~nara~ously car~°~.e,d~ °l~kn~ p~c~aper~~r ~~axned by ~T~~ls7~~~ Ga~os oa~ s~~,~a s3,de of G~~nc~ ~~~~~ert~ ~o Ja~t~ip~r S~o ~~s cle~,e~ed from ~e dis~ri~~ arad c~~ ~.'g~~~r, side`a~].lcs and clri~~da~y ap~~a~ d~ ~a~-~ have ~o lae ~ns~al3~ed a~ ~:s ~~,~aeo Ora a~aca~~.s~z~ of ~Cournci~.n~ara I~~r~n~, ~econd.ed l~~r Co~rncilman Schlegel a~nd ~aaai~~asly car~°~.ed, in~~al~.a~ion of curb aand gtz~~er ~ae f~al1 : wid~ ~f pra~per~y ~wa~ed b~ MM~°°s a Dor~i~hy Rec~or ~n ~Yae i~~tt.k~ si,de af ~eFo~n~, S~a ~~ait~gt ~a~ dri~a~~a~~r ~pron, was approv~do On a~o~ion of Ca~zncil~nan Lev~.aaeo s~conded by Councilman Schlegel and uxaaxnia~ously' ~arr~.ed, ~k,~a,e ~tn~~a~la°~~.a~a of c~arbs, g~a~ters,. sidewalks . ar~d dr~,vew~.~r ~pr~ns by ~nse of tYne 3.~~~. Ass~ssment Act (shor~ form) orr ~car~ia~a~s ~f Grand Ave o ar~d Le Po~,n~ s~a wa~ apgro~red as am~mded and ~~e D~.rec~~r af Proabl.i.c Works vaa~ a.n~~~c~nc~ed to proc~eed ~ai~h ~e - ins~al7.a~ican. 1969-°~0 MUN~CII~AL BUDGET A~inistrator Butch presented t~e completed 1969-70 Municipal ~udge~_,~o~ the City of Arroyo Gr~ndeo HARVES'I° FESTIVAL COMMZTT~E RE IJEST TO CLOSE STREETS FOR PA~1I)E 10-4-69 Ma~ar Thompson instru~ted Administrator Butch to~cont~ct the Division of Highways to obtain p~rr~is~is~n to close ~ranch Street a~d the Grand Avenue Free`aay Off Ramps ~ae~ween the hours of 9 a 00 AoMe ti1]. 12: 00 ~No+on,, on October 4, 19C9, for t~e annua~ H~rvest F~stival Parade, as requestc~d by th,e Harvest Fes~ival Cc~~ittee o COMMSSSION ON ~IVIL RIGHTS REPORT (J~? E U~,L OPPORTUNI'1'X; Adn~i.ni~trator Bu~ch ~dvi~ed ha: had received a bcoklet;,:~:' t+~~d °°For '~;],3, the People by Al1 ~he Peop~.~ 6 a report on Equal Opportu- nity 1.n &tat~ and Loca1. ~ovexnment Ernpl.cym~nt, by the United 3~ates Comr~isaie~n ~n Ci~il Ric~ht~ a 19~9 ~ Tta~ 3aoo]~1et vvill. be on file £or all 1r~terest~d p~rties a _ PROCaRES~ .,REP~RT - cAU'~'~iQ~'~ED.`:1~N~'ORM~?,~,o B~D~ FOR LOAI~'-F~Z12 QAKS AVEoBRIDGE r. F,c~niini„~tratc~r Butc~ r~ported Qn ~he fin~nci~l asp~ct o£ the pr~pmsed ~on~~ruction of Fair Oa}~~' Avenu~ and ~riclc~e~ stating. t~at at ~~hi~ ti~ne, a: i~. i~ e~t3m~~ted ~'he ~i~y wi~.l h~ve .~ha'~!!~ ~~p~~'~5,~ m~t~l~r $~0 o OtBO ti 00 t~~~rd ~hia pr~ j e~~ ~c~ tYaa~ ce~~astruction ~ full ` wi~th ~~°idg~ ~an prca~~~~ ~ppro~ed ~z~d s~~~~~a~,es~~a~, After Council ' dis~~~~is~r~, on m~~im~a o~' ~~ua~c~l~~ax ~5~h1~~c~~l, se~e~nded ~i~ Coun~ilman L~vi~~ ~nd un~nimou~,ly~ ~~rriec~, ~it~ Attorne~ SYaip~ey ~aa ira~,t,ru~ted ~ns~ ~u~ha~riz~d ~o pr~par~ the ne~~~~~~°y do~ument~ and call ~~r informal ~ ~aid~ on a$50~ OOO~r~00 ~,~~1KA+ tn~h~.c:h wlll all,ow ~ki~~ con~tru~tion o~ a ''full ~id~h ~~idg~ on F'~ir O~k~ Avenu~a P1t~7C~R~S~ 1~P~!RT ~ LOPEZ WAT,LR ~UPPLX A F~°~g~°eas R~p~r~ f~r the mon~~ ~~.~~1y, 19~9 w~s xeceived from th~ San Lui~ Obisp~i ~ounty Fiood ~~ntr~1 ~nd Water Conserva~tion Dis.~:~, tri~te Coun~ilman Levirie reported on ~~e~ent me~ting he had ~ttended; with r~p~~~c~ntative~ o~ a~.l entitie~ o~ ~on~ 3~nd Count~ H~dr~uli~ . Engine~r ~~rnn 'i''h~: projec:t from it~ i~~~~tL~~~:~,t~.~c~~a~.w~~~~reviewed, ~rhich ~~v~~°~:d the ma~t~er o£ con~e~n ~t this time ~°~c~~rdir~q. tl~~ feneing o£ t2~ae ~mp~~ I~a]ce and itecre~tion A~~~o Aft~r C~un~il diacuesion Admir~i~ ~trato~ Sut~h was in~t~u~ted to ~s~v~.~~ Mrn Boxn that this Council ht~s al~r~ys trl~d ~t~ coc~gsra~t~ ira ~v~r~ ~a~.~ ~~e~~irdin~ ~thi~ px~ject .end perh~p~ an infarmal c~i~~u~sion m~~~ix~g c~f all the ~onit~ac~ing ~~~~~:e~~~ . reqardinc~ tfl~e problem s~f £~ncing of ~~e ~re~i ~vmuld ~ adv~ntag~iou~ n- RESOLUTI~N & A~RESNIENT T~7 EX~HANCF P]I20PERT~C - C~'I'Y' & L. OUNG ETP~ Q Ci~~ ~,~~c~rnay~ Sk~i~sey r~vi~~€ed ~tkn~ p.r~p~r~d x~esolution and agree- ment for propert~ excka~a~g~ b~~w~~n tk~~ C~.~~ and Lawr~nce YoungA etal, for pr~~ , ~dj~ce~a~ Grand ~,v~nu~ ~rad ~ua~~~~,:~~treet, o~m~d by Mre Youn~ ~r~d p~°operty ~dja~ent tea ~r~r~~~ S~~e~~ owned by tYae City~a . . ~~3 ~ ~ ~ ~ CITX COU1~I~IL ~ SEPTEMBER 10; 19Fi9 ~1RR03~0 ~~NDE a ~AI~~~'Odt~T~~1 ~a°~GE 4 A€~e~ ~~un~il dis~us~a~rno C.~~~ ~~~o~raeg~ S~iip~~~ ~ead ~tYbe tit~e ~f ~ r~~~alut,i~rn ~~atY~o~~~~rnc~ ~i~ ~~c~n~~~ o~ an a~~eement to exck~ange ~eal prog~~t~r, t~ae:r~a~~.~~° ~ r~~~~,~~ w~~ rs?a~.e ~oun~ilman Scl~legel, seconded ~i~ ~mun~r,~~~n I~~rine ~nd ~~~:~~a?~~u~~,y ~~~°riedo "to di~p~nse `ai~n read~ra~ ~Yn~ ~al~~.ce ~f ~i~ .~~~~lu~i~n,o , . . . . . . . ~ : , daaa` ~7^a~dl.tu`~'.~~dd.~ ~ ~~~a . ~~~2~ ~ . . . , . ~ . _ A ftE ~ 6~IaUT I~1~ 7CI-~ ~ I'~,' ~~'LTNC ~ I~ OF 7CE~E C I'I'Y' OF ~1R,R0'YO C~RAND~ AU'~HOR~Z~N~ '1~H~ MA~LOR AND CI'I°~' CLERIC S 7C3N ~1~REEMEN~' '3°~ E~~I-~L~TG'.E REAi, PROPERT3~ On m~ti~n ~f Councilman ~~ka~~g~i~'~~conded by C~uncilInan Levi.ne a~nd ~ra ~e ~oll~wing roll c~lb ~~t~, vaai~e ~ _ ~ 11~~ o ~~unc~,lmen S~hlec~el ~~,~~irn~ 0 Wood a~d Mayor ~'k~ompson NO]E~ a N~ne : _ ABSENTo Councilman Smztl~ ~he fo~ceg~in~ re~~lu~i~n ~a~ ~~~~~d ~~d ~d~pted t~is I~th day of Sept~~ero 19690 FROC~2E~S R~PO~tT -,~RR~Y'~ ~Ra~I~TI~E S~VV~R P~SSESSMENT DISTRICT Admirnis~ra~or Butch reported ~ra t~e progress of the Arroyo Grande Seuaer- Assessr~aent Di~tr~~t a.nd no~~d tYa~~t ~1~e Cit~r is not eligi~le ~~~c ~ gr~n~ f~°~m HL~~o a~ b~~z~.s Obi~p~ C~unty does not ~ave ~11, rne~~ss~ry dev~lopm~n~ ~alan.s f~r all urb~za areas within tYae Countyo P~co,ect Enc~inee~° P~~eacso~; was present and reviewed t~e dif~i~ulties l~e has en~oun~ex°~~ re~ardi~g t;h~ contract for engineering axad stated tkaat Y~e l~~s b~~n working closely with county representa~iyes to complet~ a conitra~t ~atisfact~ry to all paxties conc~rnedo 1~fter Cour~~il dis~ussimn Admixnistra~or ~u~~ was ~ instru~ted t~ confirm ~.~ae rep~r~ ~°egarding the HUD grant and'if true t~ prepare a p~s~ card surv~~r d~termine if resic3~en~,s would , be ira~.eres°~ed. in a se~aer dis~ri~~ ~~,ri~~~:~ fi~a~ assistance of ~he . HUD gra~~m '~RIBUTE 'I°O MEMAR~' OF Tid~LIdS ~a SM3']C°°~i TiVI~O PASSED AWAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1969 Ma~or 'I~~mp~son spoke a few vaors~s in tribu~e to Councilman Wells ; C,- Smi~a, wYao passed away very suddenly on Tuesda}~, September, 2, 1969 . ~ 11: o~~ Ao,Mo f~om a~~r~nary ~a~:~rt a~~ack a~ the age of 60. Council-' man Sm~i~h ~,aa~ elec~~d ~o a four ~ea~r ~erm of office in April, 1968' ` and- f~om Niax°ch 140 1~~7 un~il he daa~ ~:lected ~o ~Yne City Couz~cil he servecl as ~ z~s~ea~~~ ~a~ A~~°oy~ Graa~de Planning Cvmmissione 'I°RI~U'b'E 'I°O 'I°I~ MEMORY OF ~AIRD I~o M~NE~Ia WHO PASSED AWAY SEPT. 10.1969 Nda~~r 'I°~nompsmn sp~ke ~ f~€a ~~~cls ira tribute ~o former Councilman B~ird Do McN~ila who passed aoaa~, ~~add~nly on Wednesday, `September 1C~B 1969o Mg°m Nd~N~i~ se.~°vecl ~xz ~~a~ ~o~ri~til from April, 7.962 ~nti~ Apr~l, 196~ raraa~.:.~E~oa~i .~;A~an~,;.~:~;~,.-;~~°~~a., ~a. ~Ia~-.~a~8;:;~~~fi~3 he served ~ oa~ ~1~ae Arr~~a~ G~°ancl~ F~arl~~ ~a~d 1~~~~~~~i.o~n G~rnmi~ s ion o I~ISCLISS~OI~T - INFORMP,I; ~~CI)a ~°Q3~2 JE~OAD 1MA'a'~RaA3~S ~oun~alr~an 5~~~,~~~1 ~u~g~~t~d ~~i~~t ~h~ Ci~y call for informal bids ~or road ~na~erials e~~ka fi~~al gr~~~ as tka~.s me~Yaod of purchasing c~u~d p~ssi}al~ prod~a~ce cons~.~e~a~~e ~av~~gs °~o °~he City~ After Counc~l dis~uss~on A~~.n~,~i~~a~~~ ~~.°~~~n vaas i,~n~~tr~c~c~d ~o ia~ves°tigate ~his r~~~h~d ~f p~a~cc~aa~.~.~ag road ma~~ri~ls a~nd r~port D~ack ~o ~Yae Council a l~I~oTOLbR~TMEI~T'I° TO ~XE~U'7~~C~ SES~T~1~ On a~ot~~n o~ C~~.~~s.lm~n L~via~e, s~c~a~nd~d k~~ Coua~cilman Schlegel . a~a ~~~~~~~~~iy ~~~~~~a.~ tkae r~~e~ia~g ad~y~ura~ed 9:39~~~~r1~~;,~o an ~x~~~,t~~v~ s~~si~m~a RECdNVENMEN'~ OF ~OLT~TC~]L '~n~ Co~zz~ci~. r~~oxa~ened a~ 1Om07 PoMo fr~m ~x~~a~~ive ~ession ~,ai~a a~~, nB~a~er~ 1~~ing p~c~~~ni~ a~ ~~n~~a ~aau ~°oll ~alla I i AI~J~ITRNNlE Nf °7~ ~r~ ~~a~~isa~ Go~nraci~.~aam: I~~~imea ~~cond~d C~~xacilman Sck~legel a~d ~u~n~a~~~o~sly°~ car~i~do ~~n~ ~«~~irac~ adjoan~~ned a°~ ~,0s 10 FoMo until % 5e00 FoMo Sep~e~~r <1963~~ £o~° a~r~ ~:x~~c~a~~v~ ~essiono i ~ A'~'I'~ ~ T o _ , ~ II~ r~~r. _ ~x:~'uu c_ nRavnb i _ _ ,