Minutes 1969-10-14 1$~ C~'I'~ COUNC~L OCTOBER 14a 1969 ~,ItROYO GEtALtTI~E o ~AI~~FORN7~~, °~"he C~t~y ~o~n~il ~e~ ~n ~eg~~~r ~ession wi~h Mayor '~hompson presiding. LTpori r~ll c~ll Co~n~~~nrnen S~hlegel, ~evine~ Wood. and Talley repor~ed p~°es~n~, PLEDGE OF' AI~I~~~[AI~T~E ANI~ ~Nf~7~~~'R~J~~I~T Mayor '~a~~pson 1ed ~~e P~edc~~ Allegian~e ~o our flag; and i~edia~ely ~t~~r~~~~e~°o R~v~~~r~d ~o~r~ Wa Germaine, o~ ~l~e Be~hel ~ Ba~~.is~ Churc~ o~ A~~~~o G~and~a ~el~~a~x°ed ~he invoca-~ion. APPItOVAL OF' MII~ltT'I'E~ ~ 'T'kbe nainutes o~ ~he ~eg~l~~r r~a~~~irag of September 23, 1969 `aere ~ppro~ed as prepared. APPRO~PAL OF WAI2RAN7CS On ano-~ion of ~o~,n~ila~an L~vir~eo se~onded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanin~ousl~ carrieda ~e~.~ral Vdarx~.r~~s I~To. 272 throuqh I~To. 347, in ~Y~~ ~o-~al ~~oun~ ~f $47~ 97~.38e F~a~~°oll Warran-~s No. 425 ~hrough No. 576, in tl~e ~o~al ~asa~u.r~~ s~f $~5,802v23; and 'I'rus-t and Agency Wasran~s DToe 898 tk~rough No. 930, in ~he ~otal amount of $421.30a `aere approved and ~rder~d ~aic~.. I~'~'~R O~' APPRE~I1~`~IOI~T ~'I2~N~ TnT~~,i~dA &~IUI~ND GAI2RISOI~T - CI'1'~.' BEAU'~IF' o PROG o , I~ds~a~~a,s~ra~~x~ Bu~~~i r~ad ~~~~~~r from Wilrr~a and Noland Garrison, expre~Sing ~ll~aei~ ~~~~nks ~nd app~e~~~~ion for the Council's efforts ir~ general ancl p~r~~c~l~~i~:~ b~~u-~i~ying ~he Ci-~y and ~cclair~ing the accor~pl,is~araen~s o.f annir~~ a~d Park Direc~or Gallop in ~he deve- l~p~aen~ and a~a~.i,n~en~n~e ~Y~e Ci~y pa~k areas. ~PRO~I~MA~~ONo °~iJ~T~'~°E~D NA'~°IOI~T~ 1~1~~'"° - OCTOBER 24, 1969 M~~~r 'b'ho~pson pro~laime~. Oct~ob~r 24, 1969 as "United Nations Uay'~ ~n ~Y~.e Ci~~ of Ar~°o~~ ~~°~nde m 'b°REASURER E~EPOR'g' ~'O~ 7l°H~ 1!~ON~I~ O~ SEP°~MBER, 1969 7~e °~re~s~rer ° s Repor~: ~or ~l~e s~non~h of Sep~ember, 1969 was re~e~v~d k~~ ~~ae Co~nc~~o r~vi~~~d an~ ordered filed. I~EPAl~'I°N1EN'I'AL, 12~POI2']~ ~012 'I°d~ I~IOL~T'~°~i OE SEPTEMBER, 1969 , '~k~~ ~ep~r~n.nen-~~l Re~aor~ ~or month of Sep~ember, 196.9 was received }ay ~he Cou~ci]~d d~s~~ass~d and ordered filed. S"~°A'~E DEP'][°o OF' ~7"LT~'~"7~~~ ~o SLJ~P0~2°~° FI~I~'ORCEMEN'Ia OF' SMOG CON'I°ROL LAWS .~c~rrbirais~ra~ox° ~t~~~~ ~d~~~~d a resolution of the Los Angeles ~oun~y Boarcl ~f Supervisoar~ 1-bas b~~n received, requ.esting that this Council supp~r~ ~Y~.e r~~.en~ I~epa~~en~ of ~Taastice°s suit against the Au~o ~nd~s~ry for v~~la~ion o~ S3?erman Antitrust Act. City Attorney 51~ipse~r r~port~~d t~Y~~-~ Ya~ k~~~ r.~ceived correspondence from t~k~~ S~a~e A~~~r~ey Gen~ra~ .r~~~e~~~r~~ ~~kae Council authorize ~he State ~f .Calif~rni~ ~o fil~ leg~l a~~~~a~.~ ~n behalf of or tivith ~he City of Arr~yo Grande ag~in~~. cert~in a~~ornobi.le manufacturers for con- ~pirinc~,r ~o ~°~~~rd ~~e ix~~r~d~,c~.~~n ~f s~ioc~ control devices in the S~at~ o~ Cal~.~Eorn~~m Af-~~~ Go~nc~l discussion, City Attoxney Shipsey re~d ~1~.~ ~i~le of a re~ol~~~on au~:kr6~rs.zing the Attorney General of ~~:~,iforni~.. ~o proce~~l wit~l~ p~°~s~~utei~n of a Civil Antitrust Suit ag~inst ce~°~~in au~~a~~bil~ a~~r~ufacy~~~se ~h.ereafter a motion was made b~ Councilra~an Levineo ~~~onde~ b~ ~~~rsncilman Schlegel and carried by a ~5~h m~j~ri~.~~ ~~~~ee ~o ~~i~p~~~e ~~ai~l~ r~:.a.ding th~ ~alance ot this resolution. ~S~~~b°~°I~~ N~o 840 ' 1~ 1~ S OLU'~ I QNf OF '~°H~ ~~'I°~' ~~i~L~TC I L OF THE C I TY OF 1~~tEtOY~ G~,IQD~ G12~11~°~°~N~ AU°7~HORIZA'I°ION TO THE ATTO~TEI,' GEN~RAI~ ~ALg~'O]~L~TIA "I°0 PROCEED ON THE ~~'~°Y ° S B~I-~~F ~nT~"~°~ °~°°F~ ~R9,~~~Ld'~ION OF A CIV~L AN~'2- 'I°~TJ~'~ S~T~'~ AC~AI~T~°~' ~.~~'~°A~L~T ~L7°~°OM~B~LE MANUF'AC'~'LTRB'RS . On ~ruo~i~n Co~ancil~~.n I~evia~eo seconded by Gouncilman Schlegel ~nd or~ i~Y~e ~E~ll~w~nc~ rol~ ~all v~~~~ wi~s I~~,'ES a C~~,n~~ ~z~~~. S~l~legel o L~vine a Talley and . Ma~o~° '~°~h~anps~n : I~TOES a C~~a~~iln~a~n W~oc1 • P,BS~N"~i°m I~l~ri~ ~1-i~ f~~°egoing r~~olu~~oxa w~s p~ss~~ ~~d adopted this 14~h day of O~~~b~rd 1969. CITY COUNCaL OC'I°OBER 14, 1969 ~ ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORN~A PAGE 2 ~ RESOLUTION AU'I°I-~ORIZING SEIdL OF P'I'I~ToOL' R-O-W. SOeTRA]E'FTC WA~' - CA'~']C°OaR Administrator Butc~n repor~ed ~~a~ Mr. & Mrs. Albert Catto~r have submitted a bid for ~he purcYaas~ of ~k~at portion of surplus right of way on South '~raf fic Way ad j ac~n~ -~o propesty presently o`vned by ' them. After Council discussiono ~a~~.y A-~~orney Shipsey read the ti~1e of a resolution accep~~ng -~h~ bid ~or p~rchase:,of City propertyo there- after a mo~ion was naa~e kay C~~n~~~,~an Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Leuine and unanii~ously carra~eel, t~ ~ispense `vith reading ~he balance of this resolution. RESOI~UTIOL~T NOo 841 A RESOLUT°IOI~T OF 'I°H~ CI'~Y C~UNCIL OE' THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA~TDE ACCEg°~°~NG BI]J FOR PURCHASE OF CI'I"Y PROPER'~;'~,'ANI? ;AU~HORIZ~L~TG '~°HE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK Z°O SI($N ]~]~EI~ '~°O SAID EROPEJ~'I'~.' _ On mot~:on b~ Counc~lax~an Wo~dB ~econded by Councilman Talley and on the follpwing roll cal]. vo~e, ~o ~vi~: ~1YES: ~ouncilmen Schlec~elo Levine, Wood, Talley and . Mayor '~homps~n N~ES : I~Ton~ ABSEN'~: None the foregoing resol~~i.on saas pass~d and adop~ed tYais .14tk~ day of _ October, 1969. , LEGISLA'I°IVE BULLE'I'IN ~'ROM '~HE I~AGiJ~ O~' CAL~FORNIA CITIES Adminis~rator ~u~ch ~evi~~ved ~he Highlights of 1969 Legislation Affecting Cities repor-t r,°e~~~.ved fxo~ ~he League of California Cities. After Council discussionB Adz~ainis~r~-~~r Butch was instructed to re- quest Assemblyman MacG~llivary sched~ale a mee~ing with -the,Council to discuss current leg~s~ation. REQUEST TO USE COIJNCIL CH1~MB~'.> ~'OR PUBLIC NiEE'~ING ON LIBRARY NEEDS Administrator Bu~ch ~°~~or~ed tha~ Mrs. Lois Crumb, County Librariana has reques-ted per~ission -to use the Council Chambers on ~c~;oher 3'0, 1969 a~. 7:30 FoMo -~o discuss various library needs for Arroyo Grande. The s~ee~i,~g is planned to be open to the public and all Councilm~mbers are i:nvited ~o attend. The Council gran~ed permission for tne meetinc~ to 3ae held in the Council Chambers and advised as many ~~o~nciTn~~rnbers ~s p~ssible will attend. RECE IPT OF 5'I'ATE RE IMBLJRSEMEN'I' -~US ~NESS INVENTORY 15 / E~MPTION , Administrator ~u~ch repor~ede as a ma~ter of interest only, that the City has received ~he fir°~~ rea~a~bursement on the 15/ business inventory exemp~ion as se~. up by re~en-~ amendmengs to the Government Code. RECEIPT OF MINU'l~ES & APP~tOV.AT~. OF AM~NDMENT - JOINT POWERS AGREE. C o V o P A C o Administrator Bu~ch repor~ed ~ha~ copies of the minutes of the Cc~astal Valley 1~ianning Counc~l for September 15, 1969 and a revised Cc~as~a1,'Valley Planning Co~ncil Joint Powers Agreement have been received. 'I°he City Plann~ng Co~ission has reViewed and recommended that the Ci~y Council approve -~h~ amend.ed ag.reement... After Council discussion, City A~torney Sha.psey rp~d -the ~:itle of a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Ci~y Cl~rk ~o execute the Joints Powers Agreement, tkaereafter ~ mo~ion ~aas made by Councilznan Schlegel, seconded by Councilman ~~vine and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this re~olu~ion. RESOLU'I°IOAT ~TOo 842 ' A RE S OLU'I° ~ ON O~' '~HE C 3'~ C C)IJNC I L OF THE C I TY OF AI2ROY0 GRANDE AU'~"HOR~ZIN~ 'LB'HE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECLJTE J'O~~T~° PObV~RS P,C~R~ENIEI~TT FOR COASTAL VALLEY P IaANN I 1~T~ C OLdRTC ~ I~ o On motion of Councila~an Levi~eo seconded by Councilman Ta11ey and on tYi~ `~fcsllowing ro11 c~ll v~~~ p~~ wit: ~ AYES: C~aunci~a~~n Schl~c~el, Levine, Wood, Talley and ; .Ma~r~r '~°ka.~~ap~on NOES : N~n~° `i A~SENT: Non~ tithe foregoincr ,r~solu~a.on ~v~s p~s~~c1 an~d ~dopted this 14~ka day of f5`c~-tc~b~ r , I g'~i _ ~ C I TY COUNC a L OC'~°O~E I2 14 0 19 69 ARROYO GRANDE, CAIaIF'ORNIA PAGE ~ REPOR~° ON BUSIN~ ~S ,LI~ENf~E 1~42LI~~1~~T'~°~ ~~A1~~NG AS'~1~OI~OGY Ad~irfistra~or Bu~cYn arep~r~~d ~ le-~~er has been received from the League of Cal~fmrn`ia C~,~~,~~ ~egard~ng Business L~cense. Classifica~ion and CYna~g~~ by o~Y~~~ ~i~ies for As~`~ol~gy. 'I'he League advised ~ha-~ n~os~ ~11 ci-~i:es ~~~ss:~fy ~s~~°o~qgy vai~hin the Fortune 'I~elling ca~°~ g~~°~ ~n~ i~~~~ fees run from ~$~0. 00 pe~ quarter ~o $150,00 p~r c~~~~~ A~~~r ~~~z~~~l dis~us~i~n was agr~ed -that this ma-~1~er be -~abl~d' ~1~r,~~ ~~me o , MEDICAL INS o COS'I° ~NCREASE P12~JI2EN'I"~~I~. ~ AU'IaHO12o NEW CARRIER B~1I~T~1ZS IaTFE Administra~or B~a~cl~ rep~r~ed -~ha~ x~o~ice had b~en received from ~he Pruden-~ial Ia~s. Co. -~h~~ M~~i~~l coverage premiuans ~or emplo~ees and their £~m~l~s ~v+~~zl,d be increas~d approxima~ely 50/ effe.ctive November l, 1969, In l,ieu o~ this increase Acl~xainis~rator Butch had inves~iga~ed o~YYaer comp~~i~p~ ~harges and coverage plans and has determinede af~er rev~~w wifi~~ ~nd approval of tk~.e Ci~y Employees, -tha~ Bankers Life Co. ~overage plan and premium costs is the best available a~ this -~i.?~ae ~n~ -~he premium rate is guaran~eed for a three year periodo A~~e~ Co~~.il discussion, on moti.on of Councilman Wood,';seconded by ~o~.nciZ~~n Levine, Bankers Life Go. was aut3~orized and approved a~ ~l~a.e insur~n~e carrier for major medical insurance for Ci~y erx~ployees and ~heir familes . Mo~,ion ~~ously carried. PLANNING COMMa AC'I'IOl~T - PO~~'~~2 PAN~Io S'~12UC'I'URE TJSE P~RMI'I' DENIALS , ~ Adminis~rat~ac Bu~c~ r~por~~do a~ ~n~or~aa-~ion only~ that ~Ghe Planning Commission l~ade a~ '~1~e~r rn~e-~ing of October 7, 1969, denied four out of five Use Perrr~~~ appl~ca~i~ns filed for poster panel stru,c-~ures ~o be loca~~sl in, ya~iou~,~ ar~as of ~he City. RESIGNATZOI~T FROM PARFCS 1~L~TD REC~A°~~~IQ COMMISSION - DONALD Lo 7CALLEY Donald L, Talley or~,~;ly ~~~a,c~nec~ f~°om ~he Parks and R~creation ' Commission as he c~u~ld no: 1,onge~ s~rve on this connmission since being :appointed ~ko -th~ ~o~znc~l, On motion of Co.uncilman I,evine, seconded; b~ Coun~ilrc'an Wo~d and c~.°~~rr°~.Pda -~he re~ignation o-F Donald L. Talley from the Parks and Re~~~~~~on Coa~ux~ission was ac~ep~ed. APPOINTMEN'I° OF PARKS & R~CR~A"~.~.OI~T C~NdMISSIONER -'~HOMAS Fo TALBERT N,[ayor 'I'hompson xecommended ~h~~ '~.'Yiomas F.. Talbert be appoirited to the Parks and Recrea-~ion Commissi~n to fil~ the vacancy cxeated. ' by the resigna~ion of D~nald L. 'I°alley. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Gounc~lman Leva~n~ and. unanimously c~rrieda '~°homas F. Talbert, 15$0 Hillcrest Dr.iv~o A~°royo Grande, `vas appoin~ed to serve as a Commissioner.on ~he Arr~yo Grande Parks and Recrea~ion - Commission6 with his ~erm of ~~~i~~ -~~rminating on June 30, 1972. CI'I°Y COUNCII~-PA~S & 1~Co~OMNIo S~MI~-~A~TNiJAI~ JOIN'I' MEE~'ING 10-22-69 Administra~or Bu~~h advised ~,h~~ ~he Parks and Recreation Commission has z°egues~ed ~,ha~ tk~e S~mi--Annual Join~ Meeting b~~ween the C:ity Council and ~.h.~ Caz~m~~ss~on be h~ld on Oc~ober 22, 1969e After Council discu.ssiona on a~o~~or~ ~f Gouncilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel arad unan~~~~s~~ carri.edo the Semb-llnnual Joint Mee~ing of the Ci~y ~~uncil ~.nd th.e Parks and Recrea~ion Commission was schedul~d for 8:OQ ~oMoo Oc~ober 22a 1969 in the Council Chambers. Po & Ro COMMo RECOMo & APPRO~IAIo - IaAP~I & IRI2IGA'I°ION SYSaBASEBALL GOMPLEX Administrator ButcY~ r~viewed a reporto dated Sep~ember 30, 1969, from Parks Director GaZl~po o~.~~~~i.xag ~Cn~auies ~na ~osts for install- ing a lawn and irriga~ion sys~ez~..in ~he proposed baseball complex, as approved and recommendecl b~ °~he Parl~~ and Recreat~ion Co~issionm After Council di~cussionB on ~.o~~on of Council~?an 5chlegelo seconded by Counciln~an '~alley and unan~aabou~~~ ~arrieda ~he elevel~gment of the irrigation system and l~wxa. f~r ~l~e ~aseba~l cor~ple~ was approved as follows o- From the rep~r-~ ~as~~~~l Gar~plex ~s~iilnated Cos~, dated September 30a 1969a Se~c~~ng - A~.°~~~°n~~e i~7om ~ie es~a.ma~ed eost $716.10; Irrigation System - Al~e~na~e N~. .~a esti~a~ed ~os~ $3B06C,00; ~he cost for electrical p~wer in.~~~l.la~~one no~ ~t~ ex~~~d ;$250.00; ~o~al pro j ec~ not ~o exceed $4 0 000 o A0; f~nds budge~c~d~'~~ia~k area dev~e- lopment of tYne Newport Mecl~an iz~ axnount of $90D.00 be transferred to Park Developmen~ f~r ~hi~ pr~je~~. ~ CI'PY COUI~TCIL OCTOBE~t 1~a 196~ ARROYO GRANI~E, CALI~'ORI~TIA P~,GE 4 t ARROYO GRANDE ~ASE~AI~L ASSOC~A'~°ES ~~JES°I~ FOR BLJDGE'I'ED F'iJ~I~S Administra~~r Bu~~ka, advis~d ~Ya~i~ a~et~er has been ~°~~eived from Frank ;~~t~r, Presiden~ of ~.:~e P,rro~r~ G~°and~ Baseball Associa~es a re- quest,ing tunds budge~ed by'-the C~~y for assistance of b~ll field e~-. penses incurred by ~he Associa~~on. Af-~er Council discussiona on motion of Councilman Talleya second~cl by Councilman Levine and ~,raani~ mously car~ied, tYae request of ~1~~ Arr~~ro Grand~ Baseball Asso~. fox° remittancc~ o~ b~a~lge~ed ~~nds ~n ~Y~~ ~z~oun~ of $5~0.00 f~r ball f~~lc~ expenses, vaas approved. PROGRESS: 12EPORT - J~AIR ~AI~~ `:A~J~ o~~'T' o~~CEP'I°ANGE ~F AEEDS , On motion of Counciln~aan L~vin~o seconded by Councilman Schlec~el ; and unanimously .carrieda t~h~ Gr~.n~ ~le~~ fron~a Z'owery-Norrnan Devel.opnneni~_ Company, for a por~ion of pr~per~~r ~~ing within ~he proposed ~'air Oa~cs Avenue right of way, ~,aas a~cep~ed ~rad ~Y~.e Mayor and City Clerk were au-thorized to sign the ~~r~ifi~~-~~ o~ Acceptance -on behalf of ~he Ci~y. On motion of Co~ncilrra~n ~ck~,l~c~~lo seconded by Councilman L~vine and unanimousl~ carrieda ~h~ Ea~eaga~n~ De~d from ~he Lueia Mar iJn~.~ied School Distri.ct, for a po~~.ion o~ proper~y on Valley Road necessary ~o. intersect with the propos~d Fair Oa~~~ Avenue extension, was accepted ~nd the Mayor and C~.-~y Cle~°k ~ve~°e ~~~~c~ri~ed -~o sign ~he Certifica~e ' of Acceptance on behal~ of tl~..~ Ci~ye NOTICE FROM S'I'A~"E APP~OV~N~ Q~TE ~~,~t E~'I°o RECONS'~°~2iJ~'I"ION O~ BR~N~H S'I°o Adminis~r~~or Bu~c1~ ~ep~r~ed ~h~~ tYae Sta~e Div~sion of Higk~wa~s ~ has informed the Cit~r ~1~~~ is ~d~,~a~.;~ing ~he planning progra~ on Branch Street recons~r~~tion 19?~~7~ fiscal year, ~s reques~e~ through tlze City for the Arro~ro ~ar~nc~~ V~11age MercYaar~ts Associa~i~n. ZONE 3 ADVISOR~' COMM~'~'~~~ 1~~'~°~~T~ ,~~~°~~3~ 9 e 1969 CANC~~,LED Adminis~rator Bu~cY~ ~dvi~e~d ~1~.~.~ n~-~ice had been received tha~ the regular meet~na of ~k~e Zone '~r~~ Ad.visory Commi-ttee schec~ul.e~l foz Qetober 90 19;69 had been can~e~.~.~d. RE~EIPT OF MINUTES - COL7N°3°Y WATER R~SQ~.3RC~S P,DVISORX C~NiMI'I'~"E~ Copies of ~.he las~ ~oa~n~k~ V~1a~~r ~esources Adv~sory Comn~i~~e~ meE~ting have been recsived lay ~~.e C~~y and placed on ,fileb CERTIFICA'1'ES FOR COURSE IN CONf'I0R0~ DOMESTIC WATER QUAL~~"Y Administra-~or B~tch advase~. ~~a~'~ -~tivo e~p.loyses of the Ci~ty have successfully completed a~o~r.s~ in ~pn~rol of Do~aestic Water Qual.ityo which involved a grea-t deal of perso'ra~l time on the part of the employee studying and a~tending evening c~as~e~ for six vaeeks ii~ S~n Luis Obispo. Maypr 'i'h.oaz~pson read ~he c~rtifica~e~ for Water Trea~nnent Works Operator . Grande III and gave thean ~o Adminis~xa~or Butch for later presenta~ion . to J. E. Anderson, Jr,, Di~ec~or o.~ ~~,b~ic Works and Earna W. Lanca~~er, Water Departn~.ent Foreman~ ~ah~ `aex°e unable ~o a~~end -this mee~ing. PROGRESS REPOR'~ - ARRO~O GRAND~ SEW~R, ASSESSM~NT DISTR~G'I' Adzalinis~rator ~~~cY~ re~aar~ed t~k~~~ ~l~e le t~ers tiai~h re~tarn survey cards hav~ all been rnailed ~~a r~~id~n~s living in areas of tY~e Ci~y in which se~nier mains have ri~~ been ins-~al~~d. Approximately 20% have been returned at ~his ~ime . A coatapl~~~ ~~pc~r~ is schedu~led for ~Yae nex~ regular meeting of -~he Counc~l. PROGRESS REPOl~'IA - SOLT'~°~i ~~1~T ~tT~S ~~~SP~ GOLTN'I"~' S~1NI'I'AT20N ]~~S'~~tIC'~ Copies of ~.he Chief P1an~ ~per.~~ores Report for Septembero 1969 were received by -~he Councal, revie~~d and ordered filed. COUNCIL REPo CT'I'Y COUL~T~ ~,REA COO~tD~~TATING COUNCIL - COUNCILMAN "I°ALLEY Mayor 'l~kaompson appo~,n-~ed C~~~.~i~a~an Talley as Cit~r represen~ative to the City County Area Coox°cl~n~~~nc~ C~uncil. REQUES'~ OE GOUNCILMAI~T SCHIBEGEL C))LJT C)F SZ°A'I'E On motion of Councila~an Woodo ~e~~ndec~. by Councilman Levin~ and unanimously carrieda ~he ~~q~~s-~ of ~ouncilman Schlegel fo~° permi~s~on to be ou~ of ~h~ S~a~~ ~al.~~~~°n~~ fr~m O~~ober 22B 19Fi9 ~c~ Nov~atnb~r 8, 1969a was approved. ADJOURNMEN'I" On mo~ion of Counciln~,an Leva~n~o ~~~onded ~y C~uncil~xaan "~alleX and unani~ously ca~riedo ~h~ a~~~~~nc~ ~c~journed at 9:05 PoMa un~il 7:Q0 PoMo October 220 1969. • . AT~'EST ~ , C I'I°Y C L~ RI~ ~ MA~ OR