Minutes 1969-10-28 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 28, 1969 ARRO~.'O GRANDE, CALIF'ORNI1~ '1'he City Council met ~r~ regular ~~ssion ~ith Mays~r 'I'hom~s~n presiding. Upon roll call Coune~lmen Levine, Wood and Tal~.ey reported present. Councilznar~ Schlec~el, is absent, FLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND ~NV0~11~.7CION Mayor Thompson led ~he Pledge o~ Al,legiance ~o our flag; and immedia~ely therea.f~era Reverend John GV. Germa~ne, of the Bethel Bap~ist Church ~f P.~royo Grandea clelivered the invo~at~on. APPROVAL O~' MINU'I'ES ~The minu-tes of ~he r~gul~.r a~ee~ing of Oc~ober 14a 1969 and the adjourned regular meeting of Oc~olaer 220 1969, were approvecl as prepared. APPROVAL OF WAI2RAN'~S On n~aotion of Councilsnan 7Gev~n~o seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carriecla General Warran-ts No. 348 ~hrough No, 374, in the total amount of $15a923e?4o Payroll Warran~s No. 577 through No. 641, in the total amount o~ $11,684.97; and Trust and Agency Warrants No. 931 through Nae 948o in ~Yae total amoun~t of $323.30, were approved and ordered paid. LE'I°'I°ER FROM ~ITIZ~N5 12EQLT~S'I'ING I~P,~H I~AW BE EN~ORCED Administxator Butch read ~ le~~er from Mr. James Ro Phinney, 720 Paul Place, Mrso Henslir~, 730 Pa~l Place and Mr. & Mrso John W. Davis 731 Paul Placea regarding damages ~o their person and pxoperty caused by stray and unle~shed dogs, and requesting ~hat some relief of this xa.~.isance be provicled by the Ci~y. Mr. Ph~nney was present and further expressed l~i~ concern regarding this problem. Mr, William Tidwello representing the Wood's Animal Shel~er, was ~Sresent and stated that the Caunty c~o~s not have a leash law and therefore the Russ Ctm - Paul Plac~ ar~a does get a lot of dogs from Oceano. The shelt~r is work~.ng on ~his problemo ~nd are now revamping -the patrol system, which will require additional personnel. Mayor Thompson advised tha~ the problem of dog control is of concern throughout the county and has been scheduled for discussion and recommendations for coordinat.ion of controls and fees at the meeting of the Mayors of ~he Citie~ in this County, wYaich will be held November l2, 1969. AoGe VILLAGE MERGHA~T'~S ASSOCo REo ~]C~ANoD~RoASSaS'~. - B1RAL~TCH STo PED. MALL . Aclniinistra~or Bu~ch reviewed a le~~er received from Laird Smith, Secretary of ~he Axroyo Grande Village Merchants Association, and the Gouncil appravecl ~l~e A~so~ia-~ion reques~ tha-t Ci~y Planning Director Gallop assa.s~. ~~e A~socia~i~n `aith final project plans and development.of the proposed pedes^~x~an mall o~ the north side of Branch S~reet be~ween Ru~Yaerford°s`Je`aelers and Don°s Variety Store, RESOIaU'I°ION AU'I'HORIZING PLdRC~iAS~ O7E' 'a'I~S &'~`UBES THROUGFi S7CATE PURCHASING Administrator Bu~ch repor~ed ~h~t the State Office of Purchasing has advised that the S-~a~e Procurement Office is preparing to call for bids for vehicle asse~sories for fiscal 19~i9-70 and if the Ci~y wishes to par-ticipate in the S~ate prc~gram, infor~?a~ion regarding proposed purchases has ~o be forwarded ~o -the State prior to November 1, 1969. Af~er Counc~~ d~s~ussiona City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolu~ion autka,oriz~ng the S~ate Department of General Services to include in t~e S~ate call for bids, tires and ' tubes for the City of Arroyo ~rande, ~l~ereaf-~er a~o~ion was made by Councilman Levine, secor~ded 3~y Co~anca~lmar~ Wood and unanirzaously carried, ~o dispense `ai~h reading ~k~~ balance of t~ais resolu~ion. RESOI~UT30N NOo ~43 A RE S OLU T I ON OF B°H~ C~']CY G OUNC I L OF' '~N.~ C I'~Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AU7L°H~R]C~~NG 'I°HE DEPAR°~MEN~° OF GENERAL SERV~CES OF' `7["I-i~ ~'~~TE OF CALIFORNIA °~O PURCHASE CER'I°A~I~T I'~EMS o On motion of Co~nciln~an W~~~lo seconded by Co~ncilman Levine and on the following roll call vo~e, ~o witm ~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 28, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALa~ORNIA PAGE 2 AYESo Counca.lanen L~vineo V1~oda Talley and Ma~r~r TYnotnps~n NOESe None ABSENT: Co~an~ilm~n S~~l~g~~ the foregoing resolu.~~on ~nras p~ss~d and adopted this 28th day of October, 1969. NO'I°ICE FROM STA~°E ~ S1~L~S 'I'AX ~OL~C'b°ION & IJIS'~1~~BLT'I'ION COSTS RE]~UCED Adminis-~ra~or Bu-~c1~ r~~aor~~d notice has been received from the State Board of Equala~~~~.~.or~ ~kna~ ~he S~a~e ~dministrai~ive cost for collectina and dis~ribu~~,~.g s~~es ta~ reven~ne h~s been reduced from 1.23/ ~o l~l~/o NO'I'ICE FROM COLdNTY - COI~T'~gI~TiJENC~ O~' MOSQLT~'~'O ABA'I° o PROG o APPROVED Administra~or Bu~~k~ repor~ed ~,k~~~ no~ice has been received from the County Board of S~perv~.sor~o ~ha-~ the con~inuance of the mosquito abatemen~ program Y~.~s be~n referred -to the Agricr~l.tural Con~missioner of the ~oun~y so -~ha-~ ~e r~a~~r con~inue the program wi-~h the Cities in -the `so~~h coun~y, ~s x°eq~e~~ed by the Council. REPORT ON JOIN'I° STUDY M]E~~~L~TG ON ~TT~~ISH D~SPO~AI~ Administra~or Bu~c~a r~vieva~d a repor~e dated October 17, 1969, on the joint meeting of represen~a~iv~s from Pismo ~ea~h, Grover City, San Luis Obispo ~o>o ~~ald ~an~on Land ]E~11 Co. and Arroyo Grande e wh,o me~ Octob~r 16 a 19~9 ~i~~uss ~l~e pr~blem of rubbisY~. disposal, stating tYaa~ `aa~ g~n~r~lly agreed m~ndatory zefuse collection should be es~abli~Ya.ed ir~ ~l.l p~pula~~d areas of the south county and tha~ ~he en~i~eie~ repr~s~n-~ed should further discuss this problem and consicler ~~~ablishing mandatory ~efuse collectionv NOTICE FROM S o La Q o CO o I~~~Ao ASS~~ ~-~~T~ DAY CONFERENCE 11-11-69 Administrator B~.~cl~ aclvised ~.1~~~ no-tice has been received from the San Luis Obisp~ Co~rat~ De~~~opa~ent Association, that a one day conference, Goun~.y Gene~al P~an - Guide Lines £or Development, will be held a-~ Ca.l Po~.y on November 11, 1969. NOTICE OF USE PE1~MI'~° APPEALS F'120M RYAN OU7C°DOOR AI)Vo- HEARINGS 11-1~-69 Administrator Bu~ch advised,~~~a~ ~"ames Odum, Ryan Outdoor ~Advertising,_.Inca, has filed appeals ~o the City Council on Use Permit Nos. 148, 149a 150 and 151p cahich were denied by the Planning Commission, Public Hea~°ing~ are 5et for 8:00 P.M. November 10, 19b9. PROGRESS REPOR'~ -~A~~. OT~IC~ A~I~T~d~ EX']C°~NSION Adrninistrator Bu~~k~ read a~e~~er ~ram~ B. D. Conrad, Jr. , Coun~y Ac~rzbinis~ra~ive Officera ~n ar~s~a~r to this City ° s request for financial assistan.ce from ~Y~e Co~an~~r ~oward the+; development of Fair Oaks Avenue ex~ension, ~~a~ir~c~ ~ha~ because of the fina- ncial burden placed on -the Cau~.~y due ~o flood damage,no funds are available for assis-~ance tc~ Ca.~ies for projec~s of ~this na-ture. Administrator ~utcYa revievaecl ~°a°en~a~ive Schedule for the Construction of Fair Qaks Ave~~ae ~~°o j ecta which p~o j:~ct~.d bs~dg~. canstructi;on ~a be co~a~~.e~~d ~~r A~~~.~s~a .1970.. SET PUBLIC HEARING - CIJRB & C~U°I°~°ER ~NS'~°°~LL. QN ~RA.I~TD. AVE. Z`1-10-69 Administrator Butch adv.is~d ~ha~ D~rector of Public Works Anderson has subriiit~ed a regor~o s~~teing ~ha~ on the south side of Grand Avenue, be~ween Alp.~ne S~.o ~n~ -~Y~e Free~aay on rainp, there . is one parcel of proper~y vahicY~ presen~ly does nrt Yiave curb, gutter, sidewalk or driveway apron ins~alled an~, ~k~a~ ~.~ae property owner has requested that tYais ins~all~t?~on be ~ade by ~he 1911 Impraveznent Act procedur~. After Council discu~sion, on motion of Councilman Wood, sec~onded b~r Cou.nca,lxnarn '~.'a~~.~~ and unan~r~aously carried, a Public Hearing was schedul~d for Mond~~a I~T~vernber 10, 1969, at 8 0 00 PoMo, in the Council CY~ambers ~f ~~~y Ha.11B for -~Y~e purpose of hearing pro-tests ~o t~e pr~p~~~d ~on~~~°~ac~ion of c~arbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveway apron~ on a gar~:el of property located on -the south side o~ Grand .Avenueo kae~va~en Alpine Stree~ and ~he F'ree- way on ramp, ~ ~ CITY.COUNCIL OCTOBER 28, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF'ORNIA PAGE 3 AUTHORIZED CALL E'OR BIDS FOR R0~1U M~1"I°°~RIAI~S Adm.~nistrator Butch repor~ed ~ha~ ~he Cities of Pismo Beach and Grover City have submi~~ed to ~he City estia~ated quan~ities of road znaterial needs for corn}ained bid purposes. Tkae County ; of San Luis Obispo has been con~ac~ed regarding ~heir interest in participating in this progr~ and i~k is estiznated their reply will be forthcon~aing wi~hin a~aepk. Af~er Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Wood, and unanimously carried, au~horizatiora ~a call for bids for road material for 1969-70 fi~cal year wa~ appraved. PROGRESS REPORT - LOPEZ WATER SUPF'I~~.' A Progress Repor~ for the rnon~h of September, 1969 was rece- ived from the San Luis Obispo Cou.nty Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Admini~trator Butch reported ~hat the Contractors are now installing ~Y~e Lopez Water Distribution Line within the City and -the Public Works Dept, is working closely with the contractors on this proje~~. REQUEST FOR WATER MAIN EX'I'ENSION - Ho SAPPINGTON, 1220 HUASNA RDa Administrator Butch repor-~~d ~hat Mr. Ho Sappington has with- drawn his request for wa~er main ex~ension for water service to 1220 Huasna Road. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE S~4~ER ASSESSMEN'a' DISTRICT Administrator Butck~ xeported that of tY~e approximately 900 . return postal cards sent to resiclents living in unsewered areas of the City l/3 have been returned indicating sewer preference as follows: Interested in sewers now, without assistance of Federal Graa~~ , 38.2/; Prefer to wait for assistance of Federal Grant, 53/; Do not want sewers now or later, 7.8/. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT~ Administrator Butch reported ~ha~ the City of Pismo Beach has indicated an interest in participating in the Sanitation District Treatment Plant and they have now hired an engineering firm to advise which wou.ld be mos~t economical for that City, enlarging and expansion of their present facilities or contracting ` with ~he Sanitation District. ANTONINET°I'E ST~7RTEVANT. ORAId REQUEST RE o ACCUMULATION OF RUBBISH Mrs. Antoninette Stur~E~vant,. a resident on Spruce St., was present and requested that some~thing be done to clean up unsightly rubbish on private proper~y in tY~e area where she lives. After Council discussion, Administra~or Butch was instructed to investi- ~ gate this matter as ~o fire or health hazard condi~ions. ADJQURNMENT On motion of Councilrnan Levine, seconded by Councilman TaTley . and unanimously carried,.the rneeting adjourned at 8:50 PoMo until 7:30 PaMo November 10, 1969e ~ F, ATTEST ~ , ~ CITY CI~ERK MAYOR