Minutes 1969-11-25 2~3 GITY COiII~CIL ~'OVEMBER 25t1~, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, GALIFORNIA The City Council met in ~egula.r ~~~~i,o~. ~~th Mag~o~° Thc~mp~on presidinge Upon roll eall, Coumcilmen S~hlegel9 L~?i~e~ Waod ~n~ T~.11.ey r~ported pr~sente PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND IIQVOCATION Mayor Thompson led the Pledge o~ A11~gia~.~e t~ ~u~° flag; and im~nediately thereafter, Reverend Stanle~ Durh~m c~f. t~e ~~~~t ~~uthex~n Baptist Ghur~h af Grover City, delivered the invo~ationa APPROVAL OF MIIVLTTES The minutes of the regular ad~ourr~ed meetir~g csf Nov~mb~r l0a 1969 caere approved as preparedo APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion o~ Councilman S~hl.egel.~ se~c~raded by Cotsr°.cilman L~vine, and unanimously carried~ General Warrants IVoe 433 thrcaugfi No, 475, in tYee total amount of $20,506<93; Pay~°oll Wa~rants ~~0 719 thr~ugh Nco 786, ix~ the total amount of $11,816,58;an.d Trust and Aget~~c3~ Warrar~.ts No, 949 thro~gh Nno 9659 in the total amount of $246e00~ were approved and ordered paid, REQUEST OF CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS = F'EE EX~MPT LICENSE TO SEI~L CANDY Administrator ~ut~h advised that th~ ~~c~u~~t ~rom th~ ~hurch of Latter Day Saints for a fee exempt bu~ir~ess li~~.,~~~ t~ ~e~l ~~~dy~ during De~.eanber., 1969, has been withdrawn at th~s time. INVITATIOIV FROM GROVER ~1TY ~~,~5, B005TERS°C;O~~NCIL PtLRTICIPATE I~ XMAS PARADE Administrator Butch advised that a lett~r ~a~.e re~:eived Fro~n tha Gre~ver City Busi~.ess Bvcster~ req~aesti~g the Gity G~u~~.~,1 to parti~ipate in their Ann.uial ~F~ristm.as Parade, whi~h wi11 I~e h~Id an Satu~d~.y~ De~ember 139 19690 After Council dis~ussion, Administrator F3u~:ch w~s requested to advise the Grover C;ity Business Boc~st~x°s that the full Gcaur.e:i1 pla.~ to p~rti~ipate in the p~.rad~ a MUNICIPAL CODE AMEND,mTO ABATE OBSTR.UCTIO?~~ T~5 ~RAIl~AGE CHANNELS m ORD. ADOPT, Gity Attorney Shipsey read i:n its ~ntirety~ an Ordinan~e amer~di~.g the Municipal Gode to abate obstr.uct~ans in d~ai~age c.har~nel~ as a pulali~ n~isance. ORDINA~CE N0, 30 C,So AI~T ORDII~IANGE OF TI~E CITY 0~" ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TITLE 4 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNIGIPAL GODE BY ADDII~TG CHAPTER 7 TA~RETO TO ABATE OBSTRUCTIONS II~ DRAINAGE CHANNELS AS A PUBLIC NUISAN'CE, On motion of ~ouncilman Schlegel, se~onded by Councilman Levine~ and on the following r.oll c:all vote, to urit: A~ZES: Councilmen Schlegel~ L~vir~e, WQOd, T~.11ey and Mayor Thampsone NOES: Nonee A~SENT: Nonee the f~rego~ng ordinance was passed ar~d a.dflptecl this 25th da~ of November, 1969. REQUEST OF BUILD DEPT m PLAN CHECK F'EE O~T RESID~NTIAL COI~ST,BE AUTHORIZED Administrator Butch reviewed a rep~rt frcm the Building Department, dated November 13, 1969, regarding ~:nactme~.t of Section 303(b) of the Uniform Buildir~g Code, pracedure for ~harg~n.g of a Pl~.r~ Check Fee on Residential Construction, stating that a11 jurisdictions in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties, where the Unifo~m Building Code has been adopted, except the City of Arroyo Grande, are nQw c~lLectir~g these feese The Council dis- cussed and agreed additional informatic~n w~s ne~ded regarding this mattero Administrator But~h was instr.u~ted to m.ak~ a study of bu~.ldi~.g depart.m~nt costs in relation to fees eoll~:~ted c~veririg the past several ~earsa REPORT ON MEETING OF TFiE MAYORS RE o ANIMAI, REG~JLATIONS Ma~ror Thompson reported on the meeting caf the Ma~rQrs held l~~vember 12, 1969, at which the pro~lems regarding animal r~gulations were dis~:u~sed. It was gen~rally agreed that a committee be app~inted t~ ~tudy and prepare a uniform ordin.ance for consideratian a~?d adoption. b~ all the agencie~ witl~in the Countye A£ter Coun~il dis~ussiona Mayor Thompson appointed Admin~.strator Butch to work with the ~;ommittee on th.~ proposed Cour~~y wide animal ~~ntrol ordinance. v~~~ CITY COUi~TCIL ]~TOV~M~ER 25th, 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~~OR~IA P~G~ 2 ~ Judge Ger~~°d I7~.~a~ wa~ pr~~e~t ~a~~t ~~~5~°~~~ed h~~ ~~ora~er~ r~gax°dzrcg incc~r~e~t ir~fU~m~t.i~~. ~iv~n t~ th~ ~;,~~.;~~;x:t a~c~t ti~~ ci3~p~~i~ic~r~. c~~tati~ns issued ~'4~ vi~Iati~~s of ~.~i~~1 r~ga~~~~~.~ra~ ~~,a~~31e~ ~1~~~~xg~ tl~e ~ 4~h Judi~fal District Court, MAYOR THOMPS0I~T DECI,~D A I~(~ES~ AT ~o~'~ Pe~'Ie 'IH~ C,Q~~~~~L 1~~C~O~I~I~~~ AT 80~7 P,M, WITH ALL G0~3l~GIL 1~N~E;RS ~EI~TC~ ~R.~~~?~T A~ SHOW~ 0~ 1Z.OLL ~ALL, REPORT BY COL~T~rLMAN TALLE'Y ON AR~A PI~Ae~TI~T~ COORBI~~ATI~~ GO~.~C;IL M~~TI~G Councilmarc T~.11~~ g~.v~ a~ ca~~.1 r~:por.°t c~~ ~h~ x°~:~.~nt t~~~k~~g af th~ ~~u~~tgr and Cities Area Planr~~.ng C"~o~d.ir~~.tir~g (~~axr~~~.l ~~tat;~.~~g t~~.t t~io ~~~~ynmendatio~ns regardin.g mandat~r~ refu~e ~oll~rtic~~ wer~ d~~c~~zs~~d ~~t nc~ ~imal re~e~~endam tions were madeo ' FURTHE~t DISCUSSION ON AREAmWII~~ R~F"~ISE PROBLEM Caun~ilma~ S~:hlegel ga~r~ a~ ~~al. ~°ep~rt of the m~eting he h~.d attended on Octob~r 16, 1969, regard~rg rEfu~~ pr;;~l~~~s9 ~~~~ir~.g h~ ~~1~ th.at a citizens committe~ to study and promote mand~t~ry r~~~use ~°.~lle~tian.~ would be of great assi.stana,e to the G~v.r~~.i1, 'T~~ Cc~n~~:il. d.~~~;~.:~~~d a~~d rec~~.e~t~d that arayor~e interested in serving o~ thi~ C;it~~er.5 G~arres~tztt~e t~ ~at~ta~t Ad.mrnistrator But~;h for ad.ditio~.~.l i~fcr~n~.~i.~~AO M.r.a B~.~~.~rd. L~.nszn.ar~9 Sl9 N~w~nar~ Drive c~rally volunteered to sarve c~r~ t~.~.s Gc~:~~itt~~o~ o RE50L. GRA~TTIlVG DEED 0~ CO..Rr~l~~'AJ~~E `~0 ~aG,& ~o~~i~T:~T.WII.L~OW PARK ST, LIGHTS - Administx°afi.or ~uta:~ r~po~~°ted ~h~.t ~~.~~~.fi,~ and E;1e~tri~ C;~. ~.a~ re~ quested a De~d c~f Gc~r~ve.y~.r~~~ f~~~° uz~.da~g~°cur,~~ ~1~9~:.t~f~: Distr~b~ztior~ F'aci.lities, now in.stal.l~~ in Tra.~t Nc, 1:31, i~or ~tx°~~t l.ighti.r~g ~r~~ir~t~j~arc~~: plarposesa Af~ter Council d~.s~°-~~~~i~~.~ ~~.t~a Attc~z~x~e~ 51~i,pse~ r~~~ t~.e tit7,~ cf resolution r~~ ' gardin.g mainten.an.~e ~f St~~~t L~~ht~ zr~ '~r~.~t N~o 1"31, ther~~up+~~. a matior~ was made ~b~ C~~~~il.m~.~~ S~hleg~l, ~e~~ar~d~~. ~~~x:~.~~x~~.n L~vi~~~a~.d unan~anc~us~.~ ~arx°ied., to ~i~per~.~e w~i.th r~adi~g ~h~. ~a'la;~~~ ~h.i~ re~c~lut~dr~. R~~OL~,'TIQ~ ~00 ~3?a~ a A R.~SOLUTIOI~1 OF' THE GITY C;O~'~l;4~1L, OF T'HE CI`TY OF AR.R0~0 G1~A.NDE,GR.A~'TING A DEEi~ 0~ ~ONVEYAll~CE A~3D AUTHO1tIZTNG "THE MAYOR TO ~IG~ A CONVEYAl~TCE DEED I1V ~'A`~OR OF PACIFIC GAS A~T? ELEGTRIC COMPA~.~VY, On mcatian L~axr~~ilman Levime, ~e~ond.ed I~~ Cc~u~.~i1*.nan S~hlegel, a~d on the f~llowing ro11 call vct~~ t~ ~rito AYESe C~~a~.~i1~~~x S~l~l~g~l, Lev~.r~e, Wo~d9 Ta11ey ar~~. ~Iayor Thompson.. NOES: ~~ne ~ ABS~~TT e l~c~~~ the foregoing r~~~c~l~tian w~s pa~~~~d ~.rad adc~pt~d thi~ 25th da~ of NQVember, 1969. ' RECEII9T OF MI~UT~S 0~' ~I3E ~OA~TAL ~7A:L~L~~' I'I..A.T~1~I~TG CO~TI~C LL The miz~ut~s c~f the ~~~.a;tal Va11e~ Pl~.~.ning C~ux~cil me~ting of November 39 ~ 1969 were r~~,eived by t1~~ Co~n~a.l a~~1 c~~d~r~d iiled o RECEIPT OF OPINIO?~S & ORDE1tS F'ROM P.~J,C,~LTNDEI~,GROUND EXT, ~EG~ RESIDE~TTIAL SUBDIV, Administrat~x Butc:h r~po~°ted th~.t a capy ot ~n ~pinfon and order f~ro~n the P.U.C. or~ the dis~u~sfon of th~ u~~d~:rgrcaund e~ter~s~.ons within new resident~al subdivisions9 has been xec:eived a.nd is an. fi1e. PLANN.GOMM, REC, ~XGHAIV'GE 0~ PROPERTY-BROWzVE & CITY ~'0 ESTA73, ST.PLAN. FRONT, RD. Administrator But~h advz~ed th~.t the Pla~.ni~g Commi~~a.on ha~ re~o:mmended the proposed ex~;hange of proper.ty ~etw~~~ th~ Gity a.nd Ao Ao Brown~ to better align a~ur~re exist~.ng ~lo~~g th~ pre~e~t f~°~+r~tage x~ad l~~ated between Central Blvd, and the old C;athols.c ~.em~t~.ry ~a~te~°1y~ ~f th~ f~~e~aay right of way, After Cauncil discrzssion., on m~~tfon c~f ~~u~.~i,1~x~n T~.ll~ya se~o~ded by Ccauncilm~.n Wood, and unanimously ~.a~ried9 the rE~~mmen.d~.~~,~r o~' t~~ E~~~nr;i~g Cc~~mtissz~n by rem port dated November 19~ 1969 a~,d th~ re~~~r:r~~:r~d.a.tiv~. af Dir~:~t~r ~f Pub1i~ Works Anderson~ dated November 149 19C9~ w~r~~ a~~~:pt~d ~nd City A.ttorney Shipsey was irastructed to prepare the r~~~:~ss~.~y dgr~~m~nt t~ g~~~,eed with thi~ prc~perty exs:hange. , ~ . ~ CITY COUNCIL ~TOVENff3~12 2~th, 1969 ' ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~`ORNIA PAGE 3 ` 1~TEWS RELEASE ~ROM TELEG.TRIBUNE R~e S~°AT~ PAI~`~I~I, ~~V~LOP, 0~ WA~'~II2E PARK.S Administrator But~h advised t1~a~ the Tel~:~r~.m Tx°i~u~~ h~.~ s~bmitt~d a copy of a n,ews release re~e~.v~d by them f~°c~~a ~1~~ St~te ~f C~.litorn.fa Dep~rtm ment of Pub1i~ Workse regardix~g auth~~it~ grant~d thr~ugh Senate Bill 1238 allowing cities working with th~ St~,t~ Dep~~°ta!~.~rat of Publi~ W~rk~ to develop minieparks or similar c~nunity re~rea,tic+~~~,~. ~.rea~ o~ n~n=cpe~ati~~.~l parc~els of freewa~ rights of way lands, The bi11 ~~~~a~es the ~tate to ~11~w a Io~al agency full credit for funds that would h~v~. ~ee~~ spent on. lamds~~.p~nga x~~in~ • tenance or similar amenities that would h~ve b~en x~equix°ed 1~ad t~e l~.nd re~ mained solely under state cantrol. The Ci~~ r~f A~rayo Gra~.de ~,mo~g the ~irst fifteen cities zaorking with the Sta~e ISepart~:~n.t c.~f Publi~ Wc~r1~~ on this type projee;t, P, & It, COMM. RE i7EQ_____ST~ADD. FUDTDS FOR DE;VELOPN1~Iv~T OF BAS~BALL ~OMPLEX Administrator Butch ~eview~^d a report frc~m Parl~s Dire~tor GalYop9 dated November 209 19699 regarding additic~n.al fu~ad~ nece~sary for mate:rials required to conne~t th~ bas~ball ~:c~Tnple~ irrig~tic~~. s~~te~ t~ th~ ~it~ water maino The cost of this material was overlook~d at the time th~s groje~ct was bein.g dis- _ ~ussed, The Parks anrl Re~reatican Cvms~ission appr~~~d ~.?~d ~e~~mmen~ed Gc~uncil approv~l of this additi~nal e~pe~~diture r~~t tc; ~~~eed $700,00. Aft~r Council ' disCUSSi.orta o~ motion o£ Coun.~ilman Ta~"11ey 9~c~~~rd~d. L~~ C~u~r~ilman S~hlegel, and unanimously ~arrie~, the requ~~t fr~m th~ P~.x'k~ ar~=d Re~;reatic~n Gc~mmission for additiona.l fuxzds nc~t t~ ex~eed $700,00, f~~e ~eq~ai~ed mat~r~als t~ c~n.nect the baseball ~omplex irrigatior~ syst~m ta t~~ ~it~: tia~ter ~air~~ was appraved9 ' with the ~~alar~~e of fur~ds budget~d far Newpc~~t Med~a~. d~v~;lapmea~t ~o be trans-- ferred to Park Aev'~lopmen.t and th~s tc~tal pr~~e~t ~Q~t, r~c~t to ~~~eed $4,700v00, to be expend~d frc~~ Park Devel~pment budgeted fur~dsm REGEIPT OF' ~IDS AND AWARD OF CO~VTRA.CT ~OR ROAD MATERIALS Admini~trator But~h advrs~c~ that three bi~~ had been re~eiv~d and opened at 2:00 P,Mo, 1Vovemt~e~ 2G~9 1969, fo~ Su.ppl~ir~ Pla~it Mi~~d A~phalr~~ Rnad Patching Mater~al ~nd Aggr~g~te ~ase fc,~r t~i~ use c~f the Cities caf Arroycs ~ Grande, Gr~v~:r Gity and Pismo Bea~h, as fcalloc~s o PER TOI~T Hot Mix 'Cold Mix C1ass 2 B~.se Madonna Construetion Co, $ 5093 $ 5a93 $ 3,45 P:O, Box 9i0 San Luis Obi.spo, Calif, Southern Pa~ific Milla: Go. 5.37 5.57 2.25 3555 Vinyard Avee Oxnard, Galifd Union Asph~.lt~ In~e 5d30 5.50 2.20 P.O, Box 1280 Santa Maria., ~alif~ After Coun~il dis~ussi~n, ore moticen ~f Goun~ilman Levine, se~ondEd by Coun~ilmare Wood and unanimou~lg~ ~arried~ the cc~x~tract for ~upplying Plarnt Mixed Asphaltf~ Road Patching Mat~rial as~d Aggregate B~.se far the use of the Cities of Arroyo Gr~.nde, Grove~ City and Pi~~.o B~~.cha fr~m Januar~y l, through December 31g 1970, was awarded to Union Asphalt~ Tr~~. wh~ ~ubmitted. the l~,west bic1. RECEIP.T QF INFORMAL BIDS & AUTHORIZ~ PURCHASE OF A PAVING MACHINE Administrator Butch r~ported t1~at two ~nformal bid~ have been re~eived for a new paving ma~hine and review~d ~ repc~rt fraiYe Dire~tox° of Public Works Anderson, dated Navember 6, 1969, c~utlfni~.g the d~partments preference for and rec~nending the purchase of the La.~te~n Pav~r, Bids received are as follows: Hi.-Way Paver frnm United Equipm~nt Gom,pany, $2.,~90 and the Layton Paver from I,ayton- Sales o~ Sbuther~ ~ulif~rnia9 $2,a998. . ' _ _ " After Couneil dis~ussion, csn gnoti~ar~ ~f G~un~ilmaxa S~hlegel~ se~anded by Couneil- man Levine; and carried, Coun~ilman Wood abst~.ined, the purchase of the Layton Paver, Model He500 with diteh plates and ru~b~r under~arriage, in. the total amount of $3g247.90 delivered; was appr~aved. NOTTCE F`ROM STATE - INTENT TO REZINqUISH R-~O-W ON BRANCH ST. & GRAI~TD AVE.. Adrninistrator But~h advised as ~.nformation ortly, that a noti~e has t~een reCeived frorn the State Division of Highway~ that proceedin.gs have been ~om- menced to relinquish to the City tha~se portions of rights~-of~-ways an Branch Street~ Grand Ave. and Wesley Ave. riss longer nece~sary for highway purposes upon completio~ of the Traffi~ Waya Brax~ch St.9 Grand Ave. re~:lignmento ~ CITY GOUIVCIL ~OVENIB~~ 25t~.~ 1969 ARROYO GR~DE, ~AI,I~ORl~IA PAGE 4 RECEIPT OF REVISED "L~T'~ IMPROVE" BOOKL~;T Admir~istrat~x° B~t~h ac~~i~~d. t~~,~ ~h~~ ~~~~P~t ~~L~t;' ~ I~pr~ve", wh~c~h i~ distributed l~g~ the P~bli~ We~~.~ D~p~.~'~~c.~~t t~ p~:~~~~r~~ ~~t~r~~~te~ ir~ i~pr~vix~g their prop~~ty with t~e ir~~~~ll~.~~~r~ ~~x~~~ gatt~~~~ ~t~o 9 h~,~ ~eexx re~i~~d~ updated and printed and i,~ ~~~r ~v~~labl.~ f~s~ e~~~~~~~~~t~~~;o LETTER FROM DIV, 0~ HWYS, REo TRAF'~°IC FLAL~'a FOR BRA.~i;~T. STo 1ZEC01~STRLT~;TIO~i Admini.st~atox~ But~h ~ep~~t~cl that a 1et~~x~ h~~ ~~~r~ ~e~eivecd fros~ Hen~~ Oa Case, Distri~:t Advas~~~ Pl~,rx~i~g Ex~gi~~e~a f~~' th~ ~9iv~~i~x~ of H~.g~~w~~~9 advisir~g that sir~~e th~ re~;c~r~~tru~tf~ri ~~~~3~h. ~to I~~~ ~Se~ri ~et ~aacck ax~~ year, v~ry little pla~rr~~ng wc~~k h~~ ~:,~er~ d~~~~ c~z~ thi~ pr~~e~t9 but ~t is anticipated that the ~e~o~,~tru~tie~r~ will t~~ dc~~~~ a~x~~~~.~.1~ c~iclth at a time, to car~y traffi~ thraugh the wca~k on. Bx°arn~h Sto PROGRESS REPORT m FATR OAKS A~7E~i7E EXTE~'SIO~ Adm~ni~trator But~h r~portec~ th~t r~cs ac~d~tior~.a1 i~.formati~rc h~.s been r~eeive~ f~'om th~ 1~g~1 ~epr~s~a3t~ti~es t'~.~ G~'a~~~ m~~ 8~.~'uwat~ri ir~terests and thex°efore to enable th~ p~~aect ~o g~xw~:eed ~~:h~duled9 it f~ re~o~ncnended that ,~ondemnation pra~~ed.~ng~ '~Se ~~~mn~r:.~~ci ~s°~ t~s~ ~~,ve parcels of= p~op~rty necessary f.~r, r~ght o~ way pux~po~~~ ~or the e~t~ns~~~ of Fair Oaks Ave~ue, After Council di~~;u~sion, City Attdrn.r~~ Sh~p~~y t1~e title ~f a r€~solution dire~tfng the filir~g ~f ~~i~d~ar~~~tio~. ~.c:ti~~~ fc~r ~treet p~rp~~~s9 thereupon a motion wa~ znade b~ GQU~s:~,l~~~ LEVZ~,~; 9~ec;c~~.d~~. Ca~~r~~ilr~~;~. Talley~ a:~.d un~ni- mausly car~~~d 9 to di~per~s~ ~r~ttx ~~~d~~~ ~h~ t~~,:~~r~r~e ~f th~~ r~~c~lutiono R:~SOLL~'I0~ ~0 e f~~'7 RESOLUTIO~ OF THE CITX 0~ ~ROYO GR.A~DE, STATE 0~ LALTFOR~IA DIRECTI?~G TH.E FI.LII~dG OF ~OI~~ENNL~ATT.O~V AGTTO~ FOR STRF~'T FITR.PO~ES o On motion by Cc~ur~~ila~a~r~ Se.hleg~l, ~~;~~~~~y~~~. ;a~ ~'c~ur~c~il.n~ar.~ Zevin~, and by the fol l.a~urixag r~al l call vo~~ 9 t~ wf AYE3o Councilaxien Sc'hlegel9 Levx~~, W~~da T~.lley ancl Ma~o~ Thompson. NOES . 1Vo~.e ; ABS~NTa Nox~e.a - the foregoitxg resolutioa~: w~~ passed ~,~.d ~d~pted this 25th day of November, 13690 REPORT BY COiJI~CILMAAZ~ LEVI.1~7~ - Z0~'E 3 ADVISORY COMMITTE~ MEETING 11a13~69 C~un~i.lman Levine gave an oral ~eport ca~ the Zane 3 Advisor~ Committee meeting h~ld c~n I~ove~n.bex° 13 p 1969 9 advi sing t1~at th~ Flood ~ontrol. and Water Conservation Di~t~i~t, Zon~ 3~ i~ve~tiga~irg drainagE probleTn~~ with the Newsom Sp~in~~ dx°ai~age'area b~~~.~ li~ted as t~e next priority item< U,So ~UREAU 0~', TtECLAMATTOI~ REPOR.T "GIATER SIJP,~OR C~N,CALIFo COASTAL AREA" Admini~t~atox° But~1~ a~~~.~~d that an ~xpd~,t~d in,formation report on Water Supplie~ f~r the Ce~tral Cal.ii~~~~iia ~oa~t~l Ar~~ lids beet~ ~°~~eived an.d is on file, from the U~~ted States Bu~e~.u of Re~laznati~~, The report covers the water requi~z:m~~.ts existing, as w~l.l a~ f~a.tu~~ e~tinnated requiremextts, for the Centr~.l Coastal Areae PROGRESS REPC~I~T ARROYO GRANDE SEWER AS~ESSMENT DISTRTCT Aflm~~iistr~tor Buteh ~ep~u~~ed that t~xe mEeti~.g wit~ HUD officials in San Frarc~iscc~, has been. co~fir~~d fo~° T1e~em~~r 5, 1969~ represe~.t~tives from the County and Ciry plan~.ing to attend areo Robert ~orn9 Ecl Neary, York Peterson, Dir~etor of Publi~ Works And~r~o~a, Adar?ini~trator But~h and Mayor Thompsone PROGRESS REl'ORT ~,50,, SAl~ LUIS OBISPO (>OUNTY SANITATIO~i DISTRICT Administrator B~t~h advis~d that the ~perati~r~~ of the District are run- ning satisfactorily with x~o r~e~r de~~loprnerz~s to ~ep~rt at tha.s tiYnea R~(3UEST F'ROM BRAt~TCH 3To. MERCHA~~TS LEE A1~I3 ~AXT~R F'QR LIMITED PARKI~G The Ietter of reque~t f~°o~ Ri~le L~e az~cl M~.ry L~e Baxt~r, frsr Cc~ur~~il con~ s'f.d~rat'ics~ of est~.bl~,~h~.ng l~.zni~ed. parki~g i~. f~°~nt ~f th~ix~ busine~~ establish~ ments on Ee Bran~h St, , wa~ ~eferx°~cl to th~ ~ar~ir~g Cmx~rrnissi~~ t~r stu~.y and re~commendation ta the C~u~~;ilo ~.07 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 25th9 1969 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA P.AGE 5 DIV, OF H/W RECONIM~NDATION REe BRAI~CH STo REALIG~NT TRAF'FIC PROBLEMS Administr~tor Butch ~~pca~ted tha~ ~he State Divi~io~ of Highwa~s has completed a stud~r a~c~ f~rwarded t~ the Lity, a re~~~~~.datic~r~ c~n the t~°a.ffi~ flow problems st~.ll existing witYc the ~a~apletior~ mf t~ae realig~.m~nt c~f B~anch St,, Tra.ffic Way and Grand Avee, Dire~t~~ of Pu~lic Wo~1e~ Aa~:derson9 has re~ viewed the study and ~e~ox?~nends t~hat the Coun~il authoriz~ this traffi~. flow pattern ehange ancl aclopt a resolution e~tablisnxng no parlci~g area~ as sh~wr~. on the map presented~ The Coun~il di5~us~ed and approv~d tl~e proposed traffic flow pattern changeb City Attorney Shipsey r~ad the title of a resolution prohibi~ing parkin~ on the ~.ortherly side of West Bran~h ~t~°eet and Grand Ave., thereafter, a mot~on was made by Cmuncilman Schlegel~ secdnded by Coun~cilman Levine, ar~d unanimously ~arried9 to dispen~e with x°eadi~:g the balance of this resolutian. RESOLUTION 1~0, 8~+8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF ~ ARROXO GRANDE PROHIBITIl~G PARK.ING ON THE NORTHERLY SIbE QF WEST BRAI~CH STREET Al~'D GRAND AVEI~[TE, On motia~t of (;oun~3.lanan Wood~ se~o~aded ~S~r Cour~cilma~. S~hlegel and on the following roll carZ vot~, to wit: AYES: Ce~utx~iltn~n S~hlegel ~ Levine p W~od, Ta11ey a~d Ma:3~or Thampson. NOES . No~te ~ A$SEN'~, ~ta~e~~•. the forego~ng r~~c~lnt~c~s, was ga~s~d and adeopted this 25th da~ caf November, 19690 ADJOURNM.~NT On m~at~on of Co~na~ilman S~hleg~l, s~co~.~ed ~y Cour~~ilman Levine, and un~.ni- mously ~arr~ed, th~ meetirag adj~ux~~ed at 9:~2 PaM. AT~EST . . ~T.ERK R . C~TY COUNCIL . . DECEMBER 3rd, 1969 ARRO'YO GRAND~ ,~CAL~,~`ORNIA. , 4: 00 P. M. The C~ty'Council•met i~: special session with Mayor Thompson presiding. Upon roll.ca21, Gouncilmen~Levi.ne, Woad aizd Talley reported pxesent. Council+~~ m~n- Schlegel absei~t.` A~so in attendaxxce are City Administrator Butch, D~recror of Public Works' Artders~n~ Ri~hard Drahn, ~d NeBry and Xork Peterson. ~ D~SCUSSION~ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ENGI„1V'~ER~NG. CONTRACT fihe Cou~Cil reviewed the propmsed engineering c~ntract for the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment Di~trx~t9 between the County of San Luis Obispo, on behalf of t1~e,City of Arroyo GrandeA and the engineering firm of York Peterson and Asso~iatese After a great deal of dis~ussio~~ York Peterson agreed to sign the contract based upan a fee of 5,23'/ of the actual constructa.on costs of the project, plus hourly and fix~d fee for other items o~ zaorl~.~ AbJOURNMENT ° There being no further dis~uss~.on reg,arding this matte~y Mayor ~hompson adjourned the meeting at 5:15 P.Ma _ r-.` ~ ` ~ ~ , ~ ) ~ ? 4 ATTE S T : ,~t?^u~ _ l - ~,~--s_ ~ DEPUTY CZTY CLERK ~ YOR