Minutes 1970-03-24 ~4~ CITY COUNCIL _ MARCH 24, 1~7l~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA '1'l~ae Ci~ty Council met in regular session w~,-th Ma~or '~~mpson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen ScYalegel, Levine, Wood<~nd Talley repor~ed present. PLEDG~ O~' AI.eLEGIANCE AND INVOCP,T~ON Mayor 7.'hompson led -the pledge of allegian~e ~o o~r fl~g, and i~zunediately thereaf~er Reverend Rich~rd ScI~aarn of the Chur~h of ~~a.e Nazarene of Grover Ci-~yo delivered ~he invoca~ae~n. MINUTE APPROVAI~ ' The minutes of ~he regular meeting of March 10, 1970 and ~he adjourned regular ~x~eeting of MarcYa 17, 1970 were approved as p~epared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Counc~l~man Levine and u.nanimously carried, General Warrants No. 834 through Noa 877, in -the to-ta~ amount of $19,337.0~; Payroll Wa~rants No. 1300 tY~.rough No. 1379, in the total amount of $13,21$.75; and Trust and Ag~ncy Warran~s No. 1077 through No. 11098 in ~he to~al amoun-~ of $756.50, were approved and ordered paid. REQUES'I° FOR REDUC'~ION IN BUSINESS ,IdICENSE ~'EE - PAUI~ E3~RNAI3DE~ Mr`o Paul Hernandez, ~rho operates a rnusic less~n s~~dio dn a part ~ime basis, was presen.t and reques~ed a reduction in l~~s business license fee as he only gives music lesson~ in ~l~ae Ci~y four hours per week. City A~-~orney Shipsey advised ~hat ~he fees establis~Ced for busi~esses could only be chan.ged by ~he adoption of an or~l~.n~nce amending ~he Municipal Code regarding business licenses. '1'h.e Council discussed and ~greed -~hat the business license fees now es~.ablished. should not be changed at this time to provide a red~.ced fee for part time businesses as this classification ~aould be very diffic~xlt t~ define. I~r. Hernandez reques~ed that a class i.n music instruction be considered for the City Summer Recrea~.ion Program. ~*Yae Council : i~nstructed Administrator Butch to forward ~his request ~o ~he Parks and Recrea~tion Commission for consideration. LETTER FROM HAROLD EaLEE R~: VEHICLE ACCIDENTS AT AeGePOST OFFICE QK.LOT Aciniinistrator Butch reviewed a copy of a le~tter direc~ed ~o the IInited S~ates Pos~al ~ept.., San Francisco, from Harold E. Lee, regarding unsafe parking conditions at ~he Arroya Grande Pos~ Office, and reques~ed something be dane about this situation. ~lfter Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Sc1~.legel, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, Administrator Butch was instructed to write ~o the San Franeisco Pos~al Div~,sion requesting that cor- rective aetion be ~aken to make the par~ing area at the Arroyo G~ande Post Office more 5ervic~able to i~s patrons. RESOLoApOP'I'oES`'~ABoNO PARKING - M~D-STATE BANK & LIMT7[°oPARKo- NICKERSON'S Administrator Bu-~ch reported that with the opening of ~h~ new Mid-S~a~e Bank facilities unanticipated traffic prob3.enls ~ave been created and tYaat th.is mat~er`has been reviewed by the Public Works Dep~. and City Engineer Garing and i~ is proposed,to relieve this condition -tY~at a No ParJ~ing area between t~he entrance and exit drives to and from the Bank be established and that for safer entrance to the Bank parking lot, the two way~lef~ turn area in the'cen~er of Grand Ave., in fron~ of the Bank ~acila.ty, be widened to a11ow for vehicular storage, ou~ of ~he east bound driving lanes. After Cquncil discussion, Ci~y A~torney Shipsey read th~ title of a resolution estab- lishing a no parking zone on the northerly side of Grand Ave., there- a£ter a motion was made by Councilman:Schlegel, seconded by Council- man Levine and unanimously carried, ~o di~pense with reading th.e ba1- ance of this resolu~ion. RESOLUTION NOo 8~6 A RESOLUTIaN QF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C3TY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLZ~HING A ND PARKING ZONE ON THE NORTHERLY SI]~E OF GRAND AVENUEo On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and on the following ro11 call vo~e, to wit: - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CI'I'Y COUN~IL~ MARCH 2~, 1970 ARROYO GRANDEB CAI~IFORNIA PAGE 2 AYES: Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wood, '~~lley and Mayor 'I~hompson NOESe None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted ~h:is 24th ~lay of March, 1970. On motion of Councilman ~,evine, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, the widening, by removal of exis~ing markings and remarking, of the two way left ~urn area on Grand Avenue, in front of ~he Mid-State Bank property, a~ ~ cost not ~o exceed ,$25a.00, was authorized. 'I'he Council reviewed the recommendation of the Parking Commission regarding the reque'st from Mr. Nickerson for a limited parking area in fron~ af his busines~ on Grand Ave. and agreed that due -ko ~he circum- stances involved,Mr. Nickersons request should be acted upon at this time rather then to wait for the full Traffic Study on Grand Avenue and Branch Street. City Attorney Shipsey read -t.he ti~le of a resolu- tion es~ablishing a 15 minute parking zone on the southerly side of Grand Avenue, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Co~ancilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, to dispense wi~h reading the balance of this resolu~iona RESOLUTION NOo 867 A RESOIaUTION OF THE CITY COLTNCIL OF ~'HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A"15 MINUTE PARKING° ZONE l7N THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF GRAcND AVENUE o On mo~ion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilanan Levine and on ~he following roll eall vo~e, to wi~tc A~ES: Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wood, Talley and Mayor Thompson NOES: None . ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of March, 1970. ~ RESOLUTION ORDERING CITY CLERK TO CANVASS GENaMUNI.ELECTION 4-14-70 Ci~y At-torney Shipsey read the title of a resolution orde~ing the C~-~y Clerk to canvass the General Municipal Election, thereafter a motion was nlade-by Counc_ilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, ~o dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION NOe 868 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'I'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ~RANDE, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE CANVASS OF THE GENERAL MLdNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 14~H DAY OF APRIL, 1970, TO BE MADE BY THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~o On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood"and on the following ro11 call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wood, Talley and Mayor Thompson NOES: None ABSENTc None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of March, 1970. • AUTHORIZE STATE 'I°O MAKE ENGINEERING aNVESTIGATION OF CITY BRIDGES Administra-tor Butch reported that as a result of ~he Bridge Street bridge failure, Director of Public Wor~ss Anderson recommends that ~he Council authorize and request tha~ the Sta~e Division of Highways make engineering investiga~ions of all City bridges to C:L'~"4' COUNGIL ' MAI2~H 24a 1970 AR~20I,'O ~RANIJE o ~ALaIE'ORNIA PAGE ~ de~errnin ~he weigl~-~ and load cap~ci~~ -each bridg~ ~an s~~~l~ ~~,s~~in, which service is available at no cos-~ ~:o -~h~ Ci~.~, Af~e~ C~un~%1 discussion, on mo~ion of Councilman Schlegel, se~.onded by ~~uncilman Levine and unanimously carriecl~ the engin~ering ~nvestig~.~~~~ ~f all b~~dc~es wi~hin ~he City, ~o determirae ~h~ ~a~~.g~~ and 1~~~1 ~~pac~~y ea~h bridge can sa~ely sus'tain, ~~r~s authoriz~~. and Ad~~nis~ra~~r : ButcY~ was instructed to request ~his investiga~~on be done b~ ~~ae State D~parta~ent of Public Works, Division of Highwayso at n~ ~os~ ~o the Ci~y. DISCLbSSION REGAI2DING CONTINUED MOSQUITO ABATEMEN'I' PROGRAM Administrator Butch reported ~hat a letter has been received from James D. Gates, County of San Luis Obispo Health Dep~., regarding Costs Projection for Spraying Ponded Water Area for Mosquito Con~rol. ~`h.e Council discussed and agreed no action be taken at this time and Admin- istra~kor Butch was ins~ructed ~o c~nt~c~ Hlancliard ~lyii~g ~er~i~e.~o deter~ine when they plan ~o resume 'local helicop~er service, which, if available, will lower estimated costs considerably. FURTHER DISCUSSION - BILLBOARDS IN VIOLATION OF MUNImCOD~ SECa8-9.03 (f) Mr. Odum, Dis.~rict-Manager from Ryan 0utdoor Adver~i~ing Co.;Inc., was presen~ and xeques~ed ~hat this ma-~-~er again be held over until the next mee~ing of the Council, as the ~ompany°s A~~orney was un~.ble to at~tend ~his meeting due to iilness in his family. The Council approved Mr. Odum ° s request and s~gges~ed tha~ he reviecv ~h~ s.Yna-~°~er wi-~h oyher legal advisors for the company -~o ins~are l~gal counsPl a~~ten~l~nce on their behalf at ~he April 13, 1970 xneeting of t~he ~~uncil. NOTICE OF' PUBLIC HEARING - UPGRADING OF H/W 1 BETWEEN GUAIJAI~LT~~ & OCEANO No~ice has been received from the S~a~e of California, Division of Highways, advising that a public i~.earing will be held.at 1Om00 AoMo, April 15, 1970, a~ the Ve~erans' Niemorial Building in Pismo BeachB l~o consider ~he proposed upgrading of Highway One between Guadalkpe and Oceano and tYaa~ a pre-hearing sh~v-aing of the i~iaps of the proposed rou-tes ~aaill be held on April 8, 1970, between 3 a;nd 8 PoMo a~ ~he same loca~kion. RECEIP'I' OF MINUTES OF THE COAS'~AL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL NdEE'I'ING 2-2-70 T.t~ae minutes of the Coastal Valley Planning Council meeting of February 2, 1970~ were received by the Council and ordered filed. RECEIVED GQPY OF COMPLAINT F~LED BY S~'ATE RE:ENFORCEoSMOG CONTRa LAWS Administrator Butch advised tha~ a copy of the complain~ has been received, which was filed agains~t the` auto indt:istry by ~he State Depar-~men~ o~ Justice, for conspiring ~o re~ard ~he in~roduction of smog control devices in the State of C~lifornia, along with a lettes asking if the City wishes ~o have its attorney listed as co-counsel if an amended complaint is filed. City Attorney Shipsey advised and ~he Council concurred, tha-t listing ~his City~s A~torney would not be necessary in ~this mat-ter. REPOR'I° ON COUNTY AIR POLLUTION COMMIT~'EE MEETING 3-12-70 Councilman Talley gave an aral repu~x~t on ~Ghe County Air Pollu- tion Commi-ttee meeting of March 12, 1970, s-~ating representatives from all Cities within the Count~ were present and were advised, upon reques~.; that City representatives be appointed as an advisory commi~tee to ~he Air Pollution Committee, that all cities within the County will be informed of any action taken by the Committee;and that in the formation of the Air Pollution Cantrol District,.at the presen~ time, the County Health Officer will be Air Pollution Control Officer. The hearing on i~he formation of an Air Pollufion Con-trol District is still scheduled for April 6, 1970. After CQUncil dis- cussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Counc~.lman Levine and unanimously carried, Administrator Bu-tch was ins-truc-~~d to write ~o the County Board of Supervisors, requesting tha~. ali ma-~ters per~aining to Air Pollution to be`a~ted upon by the Air`Pollution Commi-ttee' and -the BoaY°d of Supervisors be submit-ted to -tY~.e City of Arroyo Grande pr~or to final adoption by ~l~s.ese bodiesm `~p~~ CITY COUNCIL MAR~H 240 1970 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNaA PAGE 4 RECEIPT O~' COMPI~E'I'ED REPORTS OF ALL ELEMEN'~S OF THE GEI~TERALs PIaAN ~~pies of ~he Elennen~s of th~ Gener~l Plana which ~aaere reviewed, upda~ed and aanended, and copies of tk~e ne~v elernen~s, Capital I~prove- men~ and Housing, were received b~ the Council ~nd ordered fil~d. REC~I~?T OF PACaFIC TELEPHONE APPLI o TO P o Uo G m FOR INCREA~SE IN RA'I°ES A copy of the Pacific Telephone ~oinpan~r°s application filed vaai~h 1~Yae Public Utili~ie~ Corzammission, for increases in Cer~~~.n intrasta~e ra~es and charges has been received and is on file a~ City Hall. RESOL oADOPTo ~OtJN'1'~ OF S a L. 00 COORD~NA'I°OR FEDERAL TOPT~CS PROGRAM Administra~or Bu~ch reviewed a repor~, da~ed March 240 1970e prepared by Dir~ector of. Public Works Rnderson, regarding the Federal TOPICS Program mee~ing held an_March 17, 1970, which outlined pro- cedure -~o follow to allow ~kne Ci~y to participa~e in ~.his Traffi~ Operations Program t~ Increase Capaci~y and Safe~y. Mr. M. McAllister, representa~tive of ~he Sta~te Division of Highways, was presen~ and orally ou~lined ~he objectives of -t~is newly es~ablished Federal ProgramB ~o pr~vide financial assis~tan~e to ~rban areas ~o pro~no~e ~the ~.evelopmen~ of urban area s~ree~s and roads for grea~er vehicular cap~city and ~raffic safety. Af~er Coun~il d~scussion, City A~~orney Shipsey read ~Yae ~itle of a resolution reques~~ng tl~at ~he S~age ~ppoin~ ~~e Coun-~y of San Luis Ob~spo as the "Coordinating Agent" ~or ~~ae Ci~y of Arroyo Grande, ~hereaf~er a n~otion was a~ade by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Schle~el and ~ananimously carried, dispense wi~l~ reading ~h~ b~lance,of ~his r~solu~i~n. RESOLUTION NOo 8g9 A RE S OLLd T~ ON OF THE C I'~'X C OUNC I L OF ~'HE C I'~Y OF ARRO~O GRANDE RECOMMENDING THAT '~HE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO BE APPOINTED BY THE STATE AS THB TOP~CS "COORDIN.A'~ING AGEN'~" FOR 'I°HE CITY OF ARR04'O GRANDE o On motion of Councilman S~hlegel, seconded by Counciln~an Levine and on -~he following roll call vote, ~to wit: AYES: Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wood, Talley and Mayor '1'hompson NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 24~h day of March, 1970. A~~orney Shipsey `vas instruc~ed ~o prepare the necessary resolu- tion indicating Council action regarding '~OPIC Funds.~ PROGRESS REP0~2T - FA~R OAKS AVENUE :EX'~ENSION AND BRIDGE Administra~or Bu~ch advised that tY~ere were no new developmen~s ~o rep~r~ at -~his -ti~ae . R~POR'I' ON BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE REPAIR & PAINTING Adrninis-~rator Butch reported that the repairs to ~Y~ie bridge on Bridge S-tree-t are ~rogressing as projected and the bridge sYaould be back in opera~ion by April 3, 1970, also, the sandblasting and pain~ing of ~he upper portion of the bridge, equipment and labor contributed by Burt Huston, local painting and sandblasting contractor, is nearing completion. During ~he :sandblasting operation a defective girder was de-tected and is being repaired by means of a steel plate being soldered over tkae defective area. AUTHORIZED ~URB GRADES - FARROLL AVEoBETWEEN E LM ST.& WEST CI'I°Y LIMIT Administrator Butch reported that curb and gutter are required -~o be installed in conjuction wi~h proposed developmen~s on Farroll Avenue, between Elm Street and the West City Limit, and as grades have no~ been established in this area, authoriza~ion ~or necessary enqineering to se~ the grades is requested. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilmar~ S~Ya,legel and unanimously carried, -~he engineering necessary to establish grades on Farroll Avenue, between Elm Street and the West City Limi~, a~ a ~as~t. not to exceed $700.00, was authorized. { ~4~ CI'I'Y COUNCIL MARCH 240 197Q ARR04'O GRANI~E, CAL3FORNIA PAGE 5 RECF:IP'I' OF C~NSUL'I°II~TG ENGINEER F~E S~I~Di~I.~ . Aclmini~~ra-~or Bu~ch repor~ed ~~aa ~ a revisecl F'ee ScY~ed~nle ~~r Engineering Services Yr.as been received from ~~e Gi~y ° s Coras~l~~.ng Engineer, Garinge 'I°ayl~r & Associa~~s~ ~nca, fee increases becarle ef~ec~ive October 1969. ORAL REPORT ~ ZONE ~ ADV~SORI,' COMMI'~°'a°EE ME~'I~ING 3-12-70 Councilman Levine gave an oral regor~ on ~l~e Zone 3 Adv~sory Commit~ee mee~ing of March.I2, 1970, s~a~ing ~hat the mat~er of increasing the tax `ai~hin ~he total Zone 3 Dis~ri~~ ~o cover increases in cos~s for ~he Lopez Wa~er Supply Pr~jec~ was disc~assed and ~Yr.e Council representative ~rom Pismo Beacl~ advised that Yais Cou~.cil h.ad instructed him ~o vote "No" on any proposed tax increases, ~herefore as all matters pertaining to the Lopez Wa~ter Supply Contracts ~ust be approved unanimously by all contracting en~ities, this proposal was not approved. 'I'~e am.at~er of j~diea~ion of ground ~aa~er was cliscussed, bu1~ no a~tion was taken at t~a.is time . PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANI~E SEWER ASSESSMENT DIS'~RICT Administra~or B~~~k~1 rsp~r~ecl ~ha~ ~he ~'i~yes applica~i~n for a Federal Grant ~o assis-~ wi-t~ financing -~he propos~d sewer assessment dis~rict, h~s been sen~ ~s~ -k1~e Ho~sing an~ Urban Development Officials in San Francisco, Mre Ed Neary, San L~is Obispo Coun-ky representative ~o ~tY~e C~~y on ~~ae sewer assessm~en~ dis~ric~ projec-~, was presen~t and revi~~re~ ~he esta.ma~ed casts for tlh.is pr~jec~, anc~ 4u~lined ~he areas ~f ~o~~ increas~s fro~a ~h.e prior es~imate of $l, 300, 000 to present~ cos~ ~f $2,100,000. '~e Council discussed and agreed ~o proceed ~v.~~h this projec~ a~ ~~ais ~imev PROGRESS REPOR"~° - SOtJ'~I~ SAN TaL1IS O~~~PO COUN~'Y SAN~TA'~ION D~S~RICT Adr~inis-~ra ~'or Ba~ ~h gave an oral report on -~h.e proced.ures and requiremen~s now being en~orced by ~he Wa~er Quality Control Board regarcling sewerage -~~ea~rr~en~ plants and i~s effe~t on the Sou~~r San Luis Obipso County Sanita~ion Dis~ric~. • NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF WORK/STUDY PROGaAGREE.-CUESTA COLL~EGE & CITY Administrator Butch reported tYe.a~ notice has been received from Cues-t~ Jr. College, advising.tha~ the Work/Study program agreement entered in-~o between ~he City and Cuesta Jr. College for 1969-70 fiscal year, which is a federally financed program, will be termin- ated on March ~l0 1970. RECEIP'~ OF" FRANCHISE S'I°A'~ENJ~NT FROM SOIT7CE~RN CQUNTIES GAS COMPANY ~dmini~~ra~or ~a~~.ch advised ~ha~ a Franchise S~atement has been received fro~a Sou~Y~ern Coun-~ies Gas Company, stating that the franchise paymen~ for ~he calenclar ~ear 1969„ is $7,323.71. RECEIPT O~' 1969 ~'RANCI-~ISE PAI~'MENT FROM UNION QIL COo Adminis~ra~or Bu~ch report~d ~l~at ~he 1969 ~ranchise payment in ~he amoun~ of $139.80 lz.as been received froan the Union Oi1 Co. NOTICE OF Nd~E'~'~NG - CITIZENS COMMUN3TY CLEAN UP COMMIZ°TEE 3-31-70 Admin~s~ra~or Bu~ch advised notice ha.s been received that the Citizens Community Clean Up Commi~tee will meet at the Margaret Harloe School on March 3:1, 1970 at 7:30 PoMo and the Council and all interes~ed residen~s are encouraged to attend. QUARTERLY REPUR~' -0N SALES AND CIGARETTE TAX REVENUE Administr~~or Bu~:ch'.~ubmitted a Progr~ss Repozt on..~he ~t1-a Quar#:e~ of 1969 Sales Tax and Cigarette Tax Revenue. DISCUSSION - HOUSE MOVING CONTROLS WITHIN 'I'HE CI'3.'Y Adm~nistrator Butch advised, upon inquiry from Councilman Schlegel, regarding Ya.ouse moving and relocation con-~rols within the Ci~y, tha-~ the City has no controls regarding -~he moving of stru~~.ures, but any structure reloca-~ed `vithin the Ci~y must be brough~ up ~o all City Codes regarding buildings. After Council discussion, this matter' was referred to -the Planning Commission for study and recommendation regarding con~rols. CT TY COLJNCI~ MARCH 24 a 19 70 ARROYO GRAI~TD~, ,GAI~IF'ORNIA PAGE 6 R~QidES'I° FROM RES IDEN'I'S ON SUNSE'I' DRIVE FOR S~WE~2S Coun~ilm~n TnToo~1 rep~r~ed tha~. he has been con'~ac~ed ka~ res~d~nn~s on S~.nset Drive reques~ing tha~ se~aers be instal~ecl on ~his s~r~e~, and ~he Yae advised ~~em ~o ~~rculate a pe~i~ion x°eq~.~s~ing sevaers and ~.pon c~mple-~i.on sulami-~ same -~o ~he Council for considera~ionm DISCUSSION - PROPOS~D S~°~E FOR I~OPEZ HI~H CON'~'~NL~A~'ION S~H~OL C~uncilman Wood su.ggested, ~~aat wi~h:~he di~fi~~a1~~ ~Y~e L~~cia Mar Unified School Distric~ has ~n~oun~ered in loca~ing a s~~e ~or ~.Y^.e relocation of Lope~ High Con-~inua~ion Schoolo perhaps ~~e Ci~y could consider the possibility of leasing a por~.ion of tYae Ci-~~r owned property on Elm and AsYa S-~ree~s to tYae Distr~ct, wi~Y~. ~he hopes ~h.a~ ~his structure could also be used by the Ci~ty in i~s recrea-~ion program. Mrso Virginia S~ro-~her, Chairman of the Parks and ~2ecrea~ion Commission, was presen~ and orally inquired as to tYae e~act loca-tion of tYz.is pro- posed ~i-~e on th.e Ci~y owned 40 ~cre~ and reques~~d tha~ this ~aa~~er be reviewed by -~he Far.ks and Recreation Commission prior to ariy final ac-tion by the Cc~uncile Mr. Newell S~rother, Planning Commissianer, was present and orally r~eq~.ested that -~his ma~~er be brough~ to ~he Flanna.ng Comn~riesion for s~~ady and recommendation prior any final action by the Council. After Co~ncil di,scussion, Administra~or Butch was ins~r~.~t~d to reques~ represen-~a~i.ves from the School Dis~rict be present a~ the adjourned ~eeting of ~he Council on March 26, 1970o to dis~~.ss -~his mat~er. ADJOURNNlEZ~'I' On motion of Counc~lman Levine, seconded by.Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, t;~ae meeting ~djourned a~ 10:30 p<Mo until 7.30 PoM. March 26, 1970. A'I°'I'ES'~: _ ' GI CLERK YOR CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 26, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PoMo The City Co~ncil met in adjourned regular session with Mayor Thompson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wood and Talley reported pres~ri~. DISCLpSSION - PROPOS~D S I'J['E FOR LOPEZ HIGH ' CONTINUATION SCHOOId Mr. Henry Wach~mann, Mr, Narman Miller and Mr. Delwyn Wayner, represen~a~ives trom ~kae Lucia Mar Unified S~hoo1 Distric~a were pre- sen~t and reviewed for ~he Co~ancil the type of struct~zre prop~sed and ~he area size needed for ~he site for the reloca~ion of Lopez HigYa Con-~inaaa~ion ScY~.oolo and suggested a five year lease period be con- a N- sideredo if Ci~,y ouaned property is appr~ved for thi~ use and aslvised ~ tha~ ~k~e s-~rizc-~ure proposed is reloca~able and has a life expec~ancy of leas~ 20 years; and after ~he ~ive year lease peri~d, if the need for renewal for ~his purpose is not necessary, consideration for o~her uses for this structure in conjunction with the City°s recrea- tion program c~n be apprai5ed. ~Yae Council discus~ed and :ag,reed that -thi.~ proposal be reviewed by the Ci~y Planning Commission and l~arks and Recreation Commission prior ~o ~he mee-ting of the Council on April 13, 1970, so that the School District may hav.e the City°~s decision for i-~s Board of Trustees' rneeting on April 14, 1970. STUDY SESSION - REVEI~TUE NEEpS FdR LOPEZ WATER CONTRACT PAYMENT INCREASE 'I'he Council reviewed'a report dated March 17, 1970a prepared by Adminis~rator Butch, entitled "Study and Review o~ Lopez Charges and me~hods of Finance", Mro John Raaberg, of Diehl,EVans & Cos, independ- ant auditing firm for the City, was present, and re_viewed a report which his firm had prepared for the Council in November, 1967, regard- ing ways and means of providing funds -ko me~t the Lopez Wa~er Contract Obligation at'.iks incep~ion. After Cc~uncil discussion, Administrator Butch and Mr. Raaberg were au~horized tn further,investigate all available sources of revenue and prepare a re~or~ for ~ouncil consider- ation. Administrator Butch was instructed to investigate all possible