Minutes 1970-03-26 C~C'T'4' COTJNCI~, MARCH 24a 1970 ARROI'O GRAi~TD~, ,C~1IaIEORNIA PAGE 6 R~QiJEST FROM RESID~N'I'S ON SUNSE'I' DRIVE ~'OR S~WERS Coun~ilanan Ti,1o~~ repor~ecl ~;ha~ he has been ~on-~ac~ed k~~ res~d~n~.s on Sun:s~~ Drive requesting t~a~t sewers be ins~~l.~ec1 on: ~his s~re~~, and ~he he advi~ed ~Y~em ci,rcul~~e a pe~a.~~on requ.~~~ina ~evaers ~nd ~.pon c~mple~ion s~.~mi~, same ~o ~h.e Council for c~nsidera~iona DIS~USSION - PROPOS~D S~TE FOR LOPEZ HIGH CON~INL~'A'I'ION S~HOOL Councilman Woo.~ suggested, i~:~at wi~.h :~he diffic~al~y ~rge La~cia Mar Unified School Dis~ric~ has ~rz~oun~ered in l~c~~ing a s~~e ~or tYs.e reloca~tion of Lope~ HigY~. Continua~ion Schoolo perh~ps ~~ae ~i~:y could consider the possibility of leasing a por.~ion of ~Yae Ci~~ owned property on Elm and .AsYa S~reets ~o the Distr~c-ta witn. ~Y~:e hopes ~ha~ this struc-ture could also be used by the City in its recrea~ion pragram. Mrso Virginia S~ro~her, Chairman of the Parks and i2ecrea~ion Commassion, was presen-~ and orally inquired as to tY~.e exact l,ocation of this pro- posed site on the Ci~y owned 40 ~.cres and request~d tha~ ~Ya.is m.a~ter be reviewed by ~he Parks and Recreation Commission prior to ariy final action by the Cduncil~ Mr. Newell S~ro~l~.er, Planning Commissioner, was presen~t and oral~y req~.Ps~.ed ~hat this ma~~er be brou.gh~ ~o ~he P~anning Coms~ission for s~~~dy and recommenda-tion prior any f~nal ac~ion by the Council. After Co~ncsl discussion, Administra-~~r Butch was ins~ru~'~~d to rer~ues~ represen~a~ives from the School Distric~. b~ present a~ the adjourned nneeting of ~he Council on March 26, 1970, to dis~~,ss ~his mat~er. ADJOURNNIEN'I' ~ On mo-~ion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, -~he meeting ~djourned at 10:~0 PoMo until 7.30 PoM. March 26, 1970. AT'~E S T • - ~ GI CLERK YOR CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 26, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 PoMo 'I`he City Council met in adjourned regul.ar session with Mayor '1'hompson presidinge Upon roll call Councilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wood and Talley reported pres~ri~. DISCL7SSION - PROFOS~D S~'I'E FOR LOPEZ HIGH'CONTINUATaON 3CHOOI~ Mr. HPnry Wach~rn~nn, Mr, Norman Miller and Mr. Delwyn Wayner, represen~a-t~ves from -~7-~,e Lucia Mar Unifi~d S~hool Dis~ric~o were pre- sen~ and reviewed for ~he Coianci~ the -~ype of structure prop~sed and : ~he area size needed for ~he site for the reloGation df Lopez High Continua~ion Scl~o~lo ~nd sugges-ted a five year lease period be con- k- sidered, if Ci~:y o`vned proper-~y is appr~ved for ~hi~ use and a~.~aised ~ha~ ~Y~ae s~r~c~ure ~r~posed is reloca~able and has a life expec~~ncy of a~ leas~ 20 ye~rs; arid after ~he five year lease peri~d, if the need for renewal for this purpose is not necessary, considera~ion for o~her uses for this structure in conjunction `vi~th ~he City°s recrea- -tion program c~n be appraised. '~he Council discus5ed and:ag.reed -that thi~ proposal be reviewed by the Ci~y Planning Commission .and l~arks and Recreation Comrnission prior ~o ~he mee-ting of the CQUnc,il on April 13, 1970, so that -the School Distri-ct m~y hav.e the City°~s decision for i-~s Board of Trustees' ~ee~ing on April 14~ 1970. STUDY SESSION - R~VENUE NEEDS E'O~2 LOPEZ WATER CONTR~CT PAYMENT INCREASE Z`he Council reviewed a repor-~ dated March 17,: 1970~ prepared by Adminis~krator Butch, entitled "Stuc~y and Review o~.Lopez Charges and me~hods o:f Finance Mr ~ John Raaberg, of Diehl, E~ans & Co o, independ- ant auditing firm for the Ci-ty, was present, and r~.viewed a report which his firm had prepared for the Council in November, 1967o regard- ing. ways and means of providing funds ~o: me~t th~ Lopez Wa~er Contract Obligation a~'.i~s incep~ion. After Cc~uncil discussion, Administrator Butch and Mr. Raa.berg were au~horized tn fur~her,inves-~igate all available sources of revenue and prepare a repor~ for ~ouncil consider- ation. Administrator Bu~ch was instructed to investigate all possible ~47 C3TY COUNCIL MARCH 26, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2,. ~ ways by which the City might i~x?pose charges in tYaat area of the City now being served water by the County Service District No> 13, so that these residents of the City would be assessed Lopez Con~r.act Charges the same as all other City water users. I~ was the general feeling of the Council, -~hat a larc~e amount of ~his inc~ease sl~ould be derived by taxation of property, as undeveloped land is receiving a great benefit from the Lopez Project, but a~ ~his time is paying only a small fraction of the cost. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 PoMe until 7:30 PoMo, April 13, 1970. A TTE S T . _ ~f'~ C CLE MAYOR