Minutes 1970-04-13 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13a 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The:City Coun~il met i:n adjo~.rned regular sessi,~n with Mayor Thompson presidinge Upc~n roll calls'Courncilmen Schlegel, Levine, Wc~od and Talley r~~ ' ported present, _ PLEDGE OF AZLEGIANCE ADTD INVOCATION Mayor Thompson led the pl~dge of allegiance to our flag; and immediately thereafter Reverend John W. Gerimain.e`of the Bethel Baptist'Church of Arroyo Grande, dElivered tfie invocation, MINtITE APPROVAL The mimutes of the regular meeting of Mar~h 24, 1970 and the adjourned regular meeting of March 26, 1970, were approved as:prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman S~hlege~, seconded by-Councilman Levine and unanimou~ly carried,,General Warran~s No~..878 through No,'952, in the total amount of $50,479>e40; and Payroll Wa.rrat~ts No. 1380 through No. 1531, in the total'amount of $25,861.06, were ap.prcvEd and ordered paid, PRESENTATION DF GERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION°BURT AND JEFF-HUSTON,HAL YARRINGTON Mayor Thom.pson prese~.ted Certificates of Appreciation' to Burt Huston, Jeff Huston and Ha1 Yarringtc~m, f'c~r. their. autsta~ding serviee to'the City of Arroyo Grande by contributing their time and equipment'in sand blasting and paint- ing the bridge on Bridge Street,- Burt and Jeff Huston and Ha1 Yarrington were present and acc~pted the ~ert3.fi.ea~esa RECETPT OF'FRAN~HISE PAYMENT FROM PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Mro Charles Richmond, represe~.tative of Pa.c~.fic Gas and Electric Co., presemted to the Council a che~.k in the;amount of $2,471e71 for the ~ranchise paymemt,for the calendar yeax 1969o The ~ouncil accepted:the ch~ck and thanked Mr.,Ri~hmond for pre~enting `same. FEE-EXEMPT BUSINESS LIGEI~SE - RAINBOW GIR.LS ASSEMBLY 100'OF;A. G. Admin~.strator'Butch advised'that a letter has been'rece3ved from Joan Natho, Worthy Advisor'`E1ect of the Rainbow Girls Assembly 100 of Arroyo Grande, , requesting a fee exempt business license to sell safe and'sane fireworks. After Council discussion, on m6ti~n'of Councilman Levine, seeonded by Council- m~n Schlegel a~d una~.imously carried;~:approval was granted:~hat the;Rainbow Girls Assembly 100 of`Arrcayo Grande~be issued a'fee exempt business li.cense for fireworks: sales at the Giant Food Parking Lot:at 18th'snd Grand`Ave., subject to a11 Fire Department requirements. INVITATI~N T0 ATTENLI BUS TOUR AF SCHOOLS ° LUCIA MAR SCH, DIST. 4-24-70 Administrator Butch reported that a lettez ha:s been rece~ived from the Lucia Mar Unified`SchUOl District, invitirs.g the Council to`'aEtend'a'bus tour nf selec~ed schoals in the Distr~i~t:on April 24, 1970. Administrator Butch was instructed to advlse the School;District that'aIl inembers possible will : attend the tour. PROCLAMATI~N -"PUBLIC SGHOOLS° WEEK" APRIL 20-24t 1970 Mayor Thornpsonrpx°oclaimed April;'2.0 thraugh 24, 1970 as ''Public Schoals' Week",`as requested'by the Lucia'Mar Unified Sehool Districte PROCLAMATION - CLEANiTP WEEK ~ MAY 4-8, 1970 Administrator Buteh advised a:cleanup week ha§ been planned with the assista~ce`of the local refuse comgany and'City employees to,encoura,ge people to clean up their yards and place the refuse in proper containers at the curb, that a publicity program is also being planned as wel,l as newspaper;announcements of the gick up dates. Mayor Thomgson pxoClaimed May 4 through 8, 1'970 as "CLEAN.UP 4TEEK" for the City of ,A~royo Grande• PROCLAMATION °"POPPY DAY" - MAY 22, 1970 , - Mayor Thompson pr.ocla.imed Ma~r 22, 1970 as !'POPPY IIAS~!' as requested by the Veterans of'Foreign Wars a.nd the American Legion`Posts of Arroyo Grande. _ CTTY'OF MORRO BAY. RE: SUP. REQUEST ,CO. SUPERVISORS OFF.. OF ECON. OPPORT. Administrator Butch reported that a letter and resolution has been received from the.City o.f Morro Bay,_requesting this Council support their request to the San Luis Obispo County.Board of Supexvisors, that the Board of Supervisors accept the responsibility for supervision of the Office of Economic Opportunity, The Council discussed and agreed no netion be taken 24~ > . ,v~¢~~.~ 1 ~ ~ , . ¢wf ARROYO GRANDE, CALTF~ORI~IA -Pf~GE 2 on this matter un.til a report can be obtainied from th~ Coun~il's repre~e~.tnm ' tive to the' Econo~nie Oppox°tunity Co~issi~ro LETTER OF RESIGI~7ATIOI~' ° CITY 9 S REP o EC01~. OPPORT, COMNT, ~ BOWT.,~S Admiaxistx~~tor But~h r~ported ~h~t a l~ttex° of re~ignat~on has been re~ ceived from Chax°les BoYales, advisi~.~ that cYue to the press of business and attendi~g°classes he ~s~. no la~iger serve as' ~he Citye~ x°ep~esentatlv~ ~n the Economi~ Oppox~tunity Comm~ssi~n, After Cou~~il discu~sior~, on motiox~' of Councilma~a Wood, se~ond~d by Cou~.~ilman Talley a~.d un~~t?.im~usly ~arried, the resignation of C~arle~ Bowl~s as the G~tyas representativ~ or~. the Ecorcomic Opportun~.ty Co~nmissio~, ur~s a~eepted w~.th regrets; an:d Ad.~ir~istrator But~h was instructed to write a let.ter af thax~&s sn~ apprec~ation to Mr, Bowles for his servi~e to the Citq, TREASURER' S 1~PORT. FOR THE MOI~7TH OF ML~RCH, 1970 The Treasurer's Repart f~r~ ~he mon.th af Marcha 19709 uras ~~ceived by the C~u~~i~, revxewed ar~d cs~dered. fil~d, DEPARTMEI~dTAL REPOR.T FOR. T~iE I~Ol~TH OF MARCH, 1970 The Depa~t~nex~tal R.epart. ~a~ t~e; xno~.~h of M~.rch9 . d.97Q9 raa~ received ~y th~ Council, ~~v~ew~d ax~d order~d filed, LETTER FROM A~ G, VIZLAGE MERGH, A~SOC, REo TRASH DT~POSAL & ST. LT.TTERI111TG Admi~tist~°ator But~.h ~ead ~ l~tk.er f~csna La~rd Sms.th~ Pr~sident of .th~ Arroyo G~rancle V~.11age Me.~~h~n.ts A.ss~ciat~c~n9 ~equestir.~g additio~.al trash rer.eptac:les be p:La~ed. a:~o~g I3x~a~bc~.~ Stx~eet and ~mptied ar~. a reg~al~r twice per week basis and that the ~t.~eet 1~~ ~~r~p~ at least Q~~~c~ a raeeko Admir.~ist~ator Butch advised t~at th~ ~ost ru~.~ appr°nxiznately $40.00 p~r mor~th to the City .for trash pickup se~vi~e c~r~e t~me Eve~°~ two w~eks, an~l that the l~usiness districts of the G~.~y ~.~°e ~caept on a~egul.a~ ba~~.s trai~e each week, but ar the present time the st~eet swe~pex° i~ bx°ok~n d~c~m and due ta u~~ion strik.es, the n~cessary parts t~ ~epai.r ~Fie sweep~:~ hax°d to obtain, hc~wever ft appears at t.Tiis time, that the sureep~~ w~~..1.1 ~atuY~tx~d ro serv~.c~ w~th~,~. a weeke Peggy Porter, a Tne~~.ha~.t ~~r.~, B~~.zxs;h St, 9 was pres~~.t ~nd ~°equested that the present r~cep~~~les ~e repla~~d with smaller, cove~ed con.~ainers or that the ones on hand be ~overed sa that th~ ~on~ents ar~ not visable, Rick Lee, a merchant on Bran~h St. ; was presez~.t an.d sugg~sfi.ed that each m~rz:han,t provide and maintain a refuse x°ee~ptacle ir~ front of his own place of ~,usiness, such as the "Jiffy" Food Stor~~; ~.s dd~.nge After Cc~ux~cil dis~ussiori, Administrator Butch was ir~strue:t~d tn ~,n.vest~gate cost for improving or repl.a~ing the pre-. sent re~epta~l~~ ~.nd the po~s~.bilit}~ ~f th~ Public Works Dep~.rtznent handling the trash pickup and dispos~.l o~ ref~se from th~"recepta~Tes in the business distri~t of ~he Citg ; an.d tc~ ~he~k tirith. other Cities to determine how they handle similar situatio~i~< ~URTHER DISCUSSIO~°3iILLBOAR.DS I~ VI.OLATION OF MCTN'I. CODE_ SEC, 8-~9e03 {f) Mro Odum, Distrie:t Ma~:ag~r f~r the Ry~.n Outdmor Advertising Co., Inc., was pre~ent ~.TfCl rev~.ewed px~i~r acti~n. taken by the Planning Commission ar~d Cit~r Gc~u~.cil rega,~~dir~g de~~ial ~f per~.it applicatior~s to allow billboards in various lo~~,tinn.s rai~hi~ the Ci,t~. H~ th~n intr~duced Mr. Gary Rieks, Attox~riey ~ox° the Ry~n 0u~daor Adve~:ti~ing G~., Inc.9 who autlin~d Federal and State laws regardiz~~g c~utdoa~ ad.vertisix~g and his re~sans why billboards should be allowed and revi~wed areas of t~e Munic~.pal Code ~a~sieh he felt are in con- .flict regarding the date fo~ remo~val of th~: billboards an~l in his opinion the billboard~ do ~ot h~.ve to be r~moved until February 27, 1971 and that he feels the Sign Ordinan~e ~f the Cit~r is a•mbiguous and di~~r~.minates ~gainst the>~.~an 0utd.oor 9d.vertising Goo-, Inc. After Council dis~ussion, City ~ 1~tt~~ney Shipse~ was ~~.structed t~ p~°epare a legal opix~ic~n in answer to the argument prese~.ted by repre~entatives of the Ryan Outdoor'Adve~°tising Co;, Inc. , for ~ouncil review ~~n.d ~ons~deratioxi. APPROVAL OF REFUND OF' BUIL:uI~1G PERNTIT FEES ~ LEACH AND ~ARTER Administrator Bute.h ~°~pox~ted th~.t the cor~tx•actin.g f~xm of Lea~h and Carter ~had p~~d f~es for ~a~~.ldi~.rrg pe~it I3o, 4057 a~.fl I~oa 4056 and, as ~on.P structfon has never b~e~ ~t~.x°~ec19 ax•e x°eq~esting a r~furxd of these feese After Coun.cil di~~ussic~n, o~~. Yn~t~.~n of Courcci~.rn~n Wa~od9 ~e:c~nded by Council- man Schlege.l ar~d ur~a~imau~ly ~~x~r~.~d, the b~xildiYxg pex'm~.t fees paid by Leach and Cax°ter, Bua.ldx~.g Perm:it~ 1~cr, ~056 ~or $52a00 and 1~va 40.57 fo~ $51.00, were autihorized to lbe refu~.de~ ~onsrx°u~tic~n. of the facilities approved under these permits was xi~ver. started. CITY COUNCIL APRTL 139 1970 ARROYO GRA,'~DE, CALIFOR~TIA PAGE 3 LEGISLATIVE BULLETI~ FROM THE L~A~UE OF CALIFOR?~tIA CITIES Administrator But~h rev~ew~d the latest legislat~ve b~.1l~tir~s received from the League of Calif~rnia Cities and after Courxcil d~.s~u~sic~n, Ad~ninrs- ~°ator Butch was ixastr~ucted to write to the appropriate Legislatc~r as indica~ ted by the bi11, ~pposi~g the adc~ption of SB 695, regardixFg Sala~fes an,d Fringe Benefifis for Lo~al Poli~~mer~ and Firemen; SB 6769 regax°dir~~ Fines and Forfeitures, Cities" Sh~.re Eli.znirnated; AB 1335, rega~ding 'Px°evail~ng Wage Rates; SB 601 and AB T261, ~°e~arding Policemen ax~d Firemer~9 r~t~rernent at age 50; SB 371, regardi~.g Shoreline and Land Use Control; and AB 961, re- garding taxation ~r~ Utilit~.~se REPORT ON FORMATION OF C0, AIR. FOLLUTIOI~T CONTROL DISTR. MEETII~TG OF 4W6-70 Administrato~ Butch reported on the public he&ring held by the G~unty Board of Supervisors regarding the ~ormation of a Countywide Air Pollution Control District, held on. Apri~. 6y 1970, stating it was urgently reque~ted that the County give seric~us consideration to givi~.g the Cities beforehand knowledge of infoxm.ation of ax~~% proposed chan.ges, or actio~.s, by the Air Pollution. Control. Distric:t ar~d the County Board of Supex°visors did promise to 1) Consider the possibility of a represer~tative oxa th~ Exe~:a.t~ve Board, and 2) Present all r~commen.dation~ to th~ County-C~ties Area Con~c3ir~ating Council before it wc~uld go to the Bc~ard of Supervisorso APPROVAL OF SITE FOR LOPEZ HIGH GO~TIDt[JATION SCHOOL Adzninistrator Bi::tch rEV~,ewed the Parks and Reereati.or. Ca~mmi~~ion and Planning Comm~.ssion a~:t~c~ris ax~cl ree:ommer.dations r~gardi~.g the prQpcssed la-- cation of the Lopez Hi~h Contin:u~.iti.~ri S~chool on the City ~wned E1m St.reet property, as sta~ed ~.n the minutes o~ the Park~ a~nd Re~reatian. inee.tirxg of April 6, 1970 ~.nd the mirautes of the Pl~.xxning Comm~.ssian m~etir~g c~f April 7, 1970; and reviewed a Mi~~.c~r~.ty Report of the City Parks a~.d Re~c:r~ata~on Commissfon, filed April 1.3, 19~0 by Cammissic~n.ers Hugh Pope, Jr. ~r;d Virginia Strother and revieraed a lEtt~r supporting park developme~t of the City owned property from the Wom~.rc'~ C1ub c~f Arr.oyo Grandee It was reconunend.ed by both Commi~sions that ~eve~al alternate site lo~ations on. the 40 a!c~°es would be more accepta~.le thax~ ~he propo~ed site, Mr. Earl Dexxton, S;;periritendent of the Lueia Mar Schaol Distr~,et, was present and reported that the alternate sites prbposed would ea~h b~ to costly to develop and would not be desirable locations for a sehool site. Th~ Council discussed and determined that the need for a s~hool site is imperative at this time; and as the structure to be located on the site i~ moveable; and as the lease perind wi11 be for a five year period; it was agre~d that the site as originally requested be approved. On motion of Councilman Wood, se~onded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, City Attorney Shipsey taas instructed to prepare an agree- ment betwee~. the City af Arroyo Grande and the Lucia Mar Un.ified School Distriet, allowing the Scho~l District to develop a site totally at the Sehool District expe~.se for Lopez High Continuatiorc Schc~ol adjacent to the Elm Street Pa~°k on the southeasterly side of the City owned propQrty e~n Ash and Elm Streets, to in~lude the following: 1. All utilities to be placed underground. 2, Existix~.g ~hain 11~i~C ~ET1C~ on south property line be extend~d westerly on the property used by the schoal facil~.ty, and the~.ce north~rly to a point on the access road. 3, The parking area a~nd access road to be paved with A,C. paving with adequate base, with 30° right-of-way measured from the existing chain link fence and 24' travel section. Maintenaxice of parkin.g and access road t~ l~e the responsibility of the S~hool District. 4. Exterior dc~ors ~e p~~vided to the twn restro~ms, and the restrooms be made available to the ger~eral public in. c~njunctior~ with park ancl reereation ~.c:tivities, 5, The lease to be made for rzot more than. five years, sul~jeet to a reasonable extension upon agreeanent of both parties or cancellation by either party. 6, All site improvements other than bui'lding to revert to the City upon termin~tic~n of the :lease, arid arxy struetural r~:quirements for the schaol riot useful to park develupmetzt be retnoved by the Sehool District upoxx t~rmizl.ation of the 1eas~. 7, Any signs o~° sign.a.zig of th~ .sc:hool be approved by tr~~ ~1~.nriing Com4 missivr~ ax~d the Parlcs a~.d Recreation Commissio~, prior. to iristalla- tiono 25 ~ ~~i"S~~U471~~~ r "~v°~1r~ "~>r t.~~~ . ~~;~~~n~ tw , ~,~~i+ "~.~~~y`~.-« a~ ,'~,,P.'?:r _ , ~ ~=,sr~m? ..~R,.~.n,+,.~ t . 'urw >a~~~ "r~_- ~k. ~ ARROYO GRANfDE, CALI~'ORNIA ~A~~~M ~l VALLEY ROAD 1~'AME CHANGE ~ PROPOS~D FAIR OAKS AV~, ° PUBLIC HEAitI.~3G 5~1~,=70 Administrator. Butch reported ~hat the Plax~ni~.g Coamnission has h~ld a public hearing o~. the proposed re~naming of Va1ley Roade betraeen Traff~~ Waq and the proposed Fair Oaks Ave~ue int~e~'se~tion~ ~o Fair 0$k~ Avenue a~~d the Commission re~omznends that t1~e City Gou~.cil prd~eed t~ offx~ially ~hange the street name to Fair Oaks Avenuea After Council da.~cu.~sio~., ~n m~tion of Councilman Levine, seconded by Coun~ilman Wood and unan.imously cax~ried, a Public Hearing was s~heduled tor 8:00 PaMo, May 12, 1970, ft~r tfie purpose of considering the renaming o~ Valley Road, JAMES WAY~CANYON WAYmRIDGEVIEW WAY~PROPOSED ST. NAMES OFF TALLY H.0 RDo YN THE HILLIKER & WOODBURY TRACT PUBLIC HEARING 5~12~700 Administrator Butch repa~ted that the Plarnnin.g Gonanissi~~. has held a public hearing on the three names proposed for streets located aff of Tally Ho Road within the Hilliker a~.d Wv~dbury Tract, They are n.ot part of the City street system but theq are used as public roads and have never been officially named and due to the recent development of the are~ the Plan.nin.g Commissio~. recommends that these ~treets be officially ~kamed "James Way"g "Canyan Way" and "Ridgev~~w Way"e After Cou~.c:il d~s~ussi.~t~' a mcation was made by Councilma~ Schlegela see~oraded by Councilman Levin.e, an.d un~xaime~u~l~ carried, a Publie Hearir~g was s~.heduled for 8:00 PoMa, Mag~ 12, 1970, for the purpose of considering the nami~g ~f an unn.amed re~ad o~f of Tally Ho Raade On motian of Cc~1anc~lm~n Zevine, seconded by Coun~ilma~, Ta11ey and unanimously carried, a F~xbl~.c Hearing was s~heduled for 8400 PoM.' MS}Y 12, 1970, for the pu~pose of cons~.der~.r~.g the namir~g of an unnamed road ~ff of Ta11y Ho Road. On motion of Gour~~zl.m~r~ T~11~y, secocxd~d by C~sun~ilm~a~i W~od a~n.d un.ax~i° mously carried, a Pub~.~.c. Hearirig was scheduled for 8:00 PaMe, May 12,.1970, for the purpose of ~onsid~~°irzg th~ n~ming of an u~n.a~m~d reaad off of Tally Ho Roada PROGRESS REPORT - FAZR OAKS AVE, EXTE~TSION AND BRIDGE Administrator But~h reported that the Contractor started work oax the building of the l~ridge ~t Fair Oaks Avee extension, dn Apri1 1,,1970 and that ~ tentative request for an extension of time h~s been received, as the Con- tractor has been advised by his 5upplier that the girders.cannot be-delivered until August 4, 1970e Th~ Public Warks Dep~rtment is reviewing this request and will report bac1~ to the C~uncila ~ RECEIPT OF 1968 NATIONAL H/W FUNCTIONAL CLASSI.F, STUDY FROM DIVd OF" H/W Administrat~r But~h advi~ed, as inform~tion on1y, that the Git~ has received the 1968 l~ational Highw~y Fu~.ctional Classification Study ~rdm the Division of Highways and it w~.ll b~ on file in the City Ha11, NOTICE F°ROM STATE ~ RELI1~ UIaH R„O,W~ PTN, OF STATE RTe 227 AT BRANCH ST. ~ Administr-ator Butch reported noti~e has been received from the $tate Division o~ Highways that proceedings have been completed for relinqui~hment to the City, thos~ particrn.s of Branch Street, Grand Avea and Wesley Ave. which are no longer neces~ar~ :Eor highway purposes with the completi.o~. of the Traffic Way, B.ra~ch St,, Grand Ave< r~alignm~nt, _ RESOL. ADOPT, - APPLTGATION FOR ANIE~TDED DOMESTIC W,A,TE~t PERMTT Administrator But~h reported notice'has been received f~rom tne State Department of Health that the Cityes :Domestic tnlater Pez'mit must be ~amended and approved since our sou~ce of water supply wi11 be changing from str.ictly deep well pump3.ng to deep well pumping ax~d Lopez Water Supply Project f~cili,- ties and water treatmen.t plant; and tha,t, this application for amendment must be submitted to the 5t~.te by Resolution.authorizat~o~. by the Couxt~il> After Council dis~ussion, City Atto~n.ey Shipse~ read the title of a resblut3;on authorizir~g application for permit to supply domesttc wate~ from Lopez Wa.ter, Supply, thereafter a moti~n wa~ ~nad~ by Cauncilman Schlegel, se~orcded by Councilman Levine and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading.the balance of this resolutiori> , RESOLUTION NOe 870 A R.ESOZUTION OF THE CTTY ~OU~CIL OF THE CIT~' OF ~ ARR.OYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING APPL~TGATI01~ FOR.PERMIT TO SUPPLY DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM FROM THE LOPEZ WATER S~IPFZY (T?~1 ADDITION TO DEEP WE~L SUPPL'X) 2~~ CITY COUNCIL A~'RIL 13, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~`ORN~A PA.GE S On mo~ion of Coun~ils~ara Levine9 se~onded b~ Cou~~~~man W4~d ar~d on the following roll ~all vote, t~ urit; AYESD Cou~.cilmen Schlegel~ Levf~e, Wood~ Ta~.1ey ~~.d M~~or Thomp~on. NOES: None, ABSEIVT e I~one e the fo~°egofng resolut~o~ was pa~sed ~.nd adoptecl this l~th day of Aprila 1970. REC~IPT OF MI1~'[TTES ° COITI~TTX tn1ATER R~SOURCES ADVISORY ~OMMITTEE Copies of the minutes o~ t~e Febrv.ary 4, 1970 meetim~ ~f' the County Water Resources Advisory Commzttee meet~ng'were received by the Cau~xcil9 reviewed and ordered filed. PROGRESS REPORT - LOPEZ WATER SUPPLY , Copies of a lette~ received from the County Hydraulic Engineer°s Office, indicating the estimate of the City"s contract charges £~x° the ne~t five ~~ears, was received by the Coura~il., r.ev~.ewed and ordered fil~do AUTHORIZED YORK PETERSON E1~GT~'~ER TO DESIGN WATER LINE I.:ti~STALLATION~ Administrator Butt;h ~equested, as rex~ommended ~y Dir~~tor ~f Public~ Wox~ks Az?dersan, that authox°izatian be graxited tu hire E~.g3n.eer Yc~rk Peterson to prepar~ plar~s anc~ sp~c~.ficatiox~s for the installati~n. of a 12" w~te~° main extensio~n of San Luis R~ad f~om. Huasr~a lioad to Ta11~ Ho Road4 ~ wh~~h wi11 cozt?plete the ~.o~p in ~he ~xistirxg water main; the in.sta~latioir. ~f a 12" mafn on ~'rontage Road, from the ~risco prUperty tc~ Robles Road; a~~.d the i.nstalla~ tion of a 6" main. on ~hilfion ~nd Ro1~1es Rc~adg frc~m E'~on.tage Road. to Sierra Drive, After Coun~~.l. "c3iscu~si~n9 orL motion of Coun~ilmar~ Wood, seccanded by Councilman Levin.e arcd unaxaim.ously ~arried, authorization was granted tn hixe Erigineer Yox°k Peterson at a c;ost not to exceed $2,OOQ, to design a~n.d pr~pare plans and sp~citicatioxx~ fo.r t1~~ i~~stallatfon of ~wo Z2" w~aCex° mains and one 6" wat~r main. as '~udg~ted ite~r~~. ' PROGRESS REPORT a ARR0Y0 GRA~TDE SEW~R ASSESSMENT DISTRTCT Administrator Butch reported:that a recent conversation with H.UnDa officials ind~.cated that two additi~rial items were necessary concerning our application for a Federal Grar~t to assist with financing the proposed sewer assessment district, l) that th~ County-Gities Area Planning Coordinating Couneil must review anc~ approve our present application; 2) tha~ the new State Agency, which ac~s as a"clearing house" on all H.U.Do applicarions, must review and approve the City`s applicatfon,, Copies of the C~ty°s ap.pli~ation _ have be~n forwarded to these two agencies. PROGRESS REI~ORT ~ SO'UTH SAI~1 LUTS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Copies of the Chief P1ant Operator's Report for the month of March, 1970 and the Quarterly Financial Report for the District were re~eived by the Council, reviewed a~.d orde~ed filed. RECEIPT OF STATE COMPENSATIOI~ IIVSUIZANCE DIVIDE?~D 1967~-68 POLICY YEAR Administrator Butc;h advised that the City has r~~eived its annual divi- dend check from the S~ate Coz~pens~.tion In.surance Fund, in the amounr of $2,059067 and advised that tnis amounted to 2505% dividend on tne to~a1 premium paid for the policy ye~r 1967-~68. NOTICE OF LEAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES RTLY. MEETING ~ VENTURA 4~-24-70 Notice has been receiv~d fr~~m the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Citie~ that the quax°tex°ly meeting will be h~1c1 in Ventu~°a, April 24, 1970. II~IVITATION TO PASO ROBLES GELEBRA.TTON OF. "CLEAN WATER DAY" 4~17-70 A letter was re~eived f~am the Gity of Paso Robles inviting the Ci.ty Couneil to a"C1ean Water Day" ~.elebration scheduled in the City of Paso Robles on April 17, 1970e Atter Gc~unc;il discu~sioxx, Admin~strator But~h was instructed to write a l.et~er of congratulations and tha~k~s ~'o the C~.ty of Paso Robles and express the Counc:ilse regrets that they will not be al~le to attend their festi~rities, NOTrCE OF DISC. MEETTI~G - REt TMPROV. DISTR. FOR OFF-~STREET PARKING Mrs, Peggy Porter, r~presenting fi.he Ar~royo Grande Village Mer.chants Associatlan x°eport.ed ~ha,t there wi1.1 be a r~o host lu~.ch~on ~meeting at tt~e San Ramon Inn o~, Apri1 18, ~9`70a at w'hic~i Mr. Ri~k Southe~°lande of ' 0°Melveny and Myers bc~nd co~x~s~llors or~ assessment districts, will 3~e in 253 CITY COUNCIZ APRIL 13, 1970 ARROYO GRAl~TDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 ~ttendance to dis~uss the several acts which provide va~io~s ~ethods for e~tablishing vehicle parking di~~ri~ts, AUTHORIZED RENTAL FEE FO~R VOTI~G PRECINCT N0, 3 POLLING PLACE On motion of Councilman Talley~ s~conded by Gounc~lm~n Wood and una~i~ mously°.car~ied, a portion o~ th~ buflding lo~ated at 1U12 Grand Avees o~r?ed by Jim Clawson, was approve~ as a Polling Pl~ee for Pr~~in~t No. 3 voters9 for the April 14th, 1970 General Municipal Ele~ti~n, at a~ost ~ot to ex~e~d $15,00 for o~e days rent, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Coun~ilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Woad and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10012 P<Me ATTEST° c~z~ CZERK MA. R ~ CITY COLTNC3L APRIL 21., 197Q ARROYO GRANDE, ~AL~FC?RN~:A 7:3Q PoMo '~`he Gi-~~r Council m~~ ~.n session a~ rsq~.ir~d by i~Y~e El~~~ions Code of t~~e Sta~~ of Gals£ornia, ~vi~h M~~or °3~~omp~on ~r~~~dirag. Upon rol.l call, Cc~un~.iln~Pn S~~?lec~eld Levine, Wood and 'b°alley repor~ed presen~. PLED~~ OF ALI~G~.ALQC~ ANI) INVOCA'I°1~OI~T May~r ".b"hoa~pson led -~l~,e Pledge All.egi~n~~ our flac~; a~ad ir~~dia~ely ~.:~~rea£~ere ~o~.n~;il.z~~n S~h.~.egel delivered ~he invo~~~ion. R~SOIBU'I°~OI~T F~G~'~~NG ~'HE ~'AG'~' '~°E~ (.~~~RP~I~~ M~JI~~~~~AI~ ELEC'~°ION Admis~is~~a~or B~a~~Y~ read ~Y~e ~i.~.l~ af. ~~°~~ol.u~ion reci~ing t~ae fac~ of ~~.e General M~:ni.~ip~l E~ec~ionfl t~kaer~a.f~~r a n~au~eion vaas r~ade by Cour.cil~an L~v~ne, se~oncled by C~~.ncilrnan ScYnlegel an~ unania~ously carried, ~o d~spense ~aitl~a. reading ~xae balan~e of this resolution. ~