Minutes 1970-04-28 2~~ N _ . CITY COUNCIL APRIL 28~ 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF"ORNIA 'I'l~e City Council met in regular session wi~~ Mayor L,ev.~ne presiding. Upon roll call Council`aoman. 'I'1-a.ompsono Coa~ncilrraen ~~h].egsl, Wood, ~:nd '~alley reported presen~. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAL~TCE AND INVOCA'T'ION M~yor Levine led the pledge of allegiance to our flag; and immeclia~ely ~hereaf~er Reverend Wiegardt of ~he 7~h Day Adventis~ Church of Arroyo Gr~nde, delivered tY~e irivoc~a~ion. _ , MINU'I'E APPROVAL The minutes of ~he adjourned regular mee~ing of April 13, 1970 and the special meeting of April 21,~1970 were approved as prepared; APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 953 through No. 1008, in the total amoun~t of $31,376.85; Payroll Warrants No. 1532 through No. 1589, in ~he to~al a~oun~ of $11,678.88; and Trust and Agen~y Warrants No. 1110 through 1117, in -~he to~al amoun~ of $285.91, were approved and ordered paid. 'i APPOINTMENT OF COUNCIL MEMBERS ~O VARIOUS COMMI'~'g'EES ~ Mayor Levine appointed Council representa~ives ~o s-~andin.g . ~ committees and commissions as fol.lo`,vs: South San Luis Ok~ispo County Sanita#:ion District - Councilman Wood; Cities~Couni~y Coordi.na~ing Planning Council - Councilm~an T~lley; County Water Res~urces_.Advisory Commit~ee - Councilwoman Thompson, ~one 3 Advisory Coar~xni~~ee - Coaancil- man Schlegel. REPORT.- MORRO BAY RE: COLJNTY SUPERVISE OFFTGE OF ECON~(JMIC OPPORTUNITY Administrator Butch advised that additional informa~ion Yzas been received regarding the reques~t of -khe Ci~y of Morro Bay, that i~his City support their request to the San Luis Obispo Coun~y ~oard of. , ' Supervisors, that the Board accep-~ -~he responsibility for supervision ~ of the Office of Economic Oppor-~unity, it has been determined that as the Office of Economic Opportunity is established as an independent non~ profit.organization, the supervision and admi~.istration of this office cannot be assumed nor directed by the County Board of Supervisors. , : LETTER OF APPEAL FROM MELVIN FOWLER - REQUIREMENTS ON PROP.MOBILEHOME PARK ~nninistrator Butch reported tnat a letter has been received from Mr. Melvin P. Fowler, owner and developer of a proposed Mobilehome Park on South Halcyon Road, jus~k outside the City Limit, appealing several of the requirements recommended by the City Planning Commission to the County Planning Commission and which the Coun~y Planning Commission . has included with the approval of -this use permit. The Council reviewed the Planning Commission's recommended requiremen-ts, listed on a report dated March 19, 1970, which was filed wi-th the County Planning Cor,~missian. Mr. Henry Diel, design-developer of ~he proposed Mobilehome Park, was present and orally stated his objections to fhe requirements of the City Planning Commission. After Coun.cil discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, secon~ed by Councilwoman 'I'h.ompson, the requirements of the ~ity of Arroyo Grande Planning Commission, as recommended -to the Coun~y of San Luis Obispo Planning Commission, regarding the development of a ~ proposed Mobilehome Park at 947 So. Halcyon Rd., were amended to_read ' as follows: ' l. Dedication of 10' of property on Halcyon Road for right of way purposes. 2. Map be correc~ed to show that the City has a plan line on South Halcyon Road 80' in width, which would require the akro~re noted property dedication. 3. That the development be connected with the existing sewer line I on Halcyon Road, subjec~k to availability of a new line paralleling the s~reambed ta the eas~. 4. That the park be developed in keeping with plans on file, including indicated landscaping on ~he Halcyon Road frontage. Drainage plan of ~he propertX eas~erly be approved by the County, with a copy to the City.of Arroyo Grande. 6. Cunsic~eration of.fire hydrant preferably in the interior of the park or at the entrance of the service road on Halcyon Raad. 7. All utilities to be placed underground. ~ and that the foregoing requirements be recommended to the County Board 25~ CITY COUNCIL ~ APRIL 28, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA t., PAGE 2 of Supervisors for ~c~nsideration and action. T1~e mot~;on carried on the following roll call votE, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilme~ Schlegel and TnTood NOES: Councilman Talley and Mayor Levine ABSENT: None PROCLAMATZUN -°CORRECT POSTURE WEEK" MAY 3-9; 1970 "Mayor Levine proclaimed May 3 through 9, I970, as "Correct Pos+ur~ Week° in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by the California Chiropractic Association. REPORT - VILLAGE MERCHANTS ASSOC.MEET.WITH REP.OF O'MELVENY & MYEIZS Administrator Butch reported that on April 1$, 1970 Mra Rick Sutherland, legal counsel with O'Melveny and Myers, me~ and discussed with the Village Merchants Association wa~s and means to develop.:off street parking and improvemen~s by use of assessment or improvement districts. It was determined that prior to an assessmen~, or ix~?prowemen~ distric~ being £ormed, the land necessary for these improv~ments sYaould be acquired, and that the Council will be iriformed as meetin.gs regarding this matter are 5cheduled by the M~eYchants. ' NOTICE FROM WATERaQUALITY. ~ONTR~L 'RQARD :RE: SUBDIV.& BUiIaF3.REQUIRIENlENTS Administrator Butch reported that a notice has been received from the C~lifornia Regional Water Quality Control Board, advising that under new provisions of the Water Code, certain information ~,~garding subdivisions and building requirements must be s~abmitted to ~~kne '~iT~~~er'~.: ~~ality Control Board. ~ FURTHER DZSCUSSION - TRASH'DISPOSAL IN BUSINESS DISTRICT- ~ldministrator Butch repor~ted that he had con~ac~ed the ga~bage companies and that they have agreed to empty the trash receptacles in the business district of the City on~e each week at basically the same fee as the City now pays for bi-wee~.~y service. Af~er Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Z'l~ompson and unanimously carried, Administrator Bu`tch was instructed to wri;te a let,ter to the County requesting additional trash receptacles be p],a~ed in the Lopez Recreation area as many tourists are disposing~of th~i~' we,t garbage and refuse int,o the trash receptacles on the ' street in t,h~ 'b~usin~~s district as they pass through the City. , _ ? ~ APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO ~CODTO.DQIG OPPORTUN.~TY COM. -JA1~ES S. THOMPSON Niayor Levine recommended that James_S. Thompson be appoi ted as . the City's representative to the Economic qppQrtunity Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Charles S. Bowl~s. On Motion of Councilman 5chlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and unan~ imously ca~ried, James S. Thompson, 221 Stanley Ave., was appointed to serve as the City's Representative on th~ Economic Opportunity Commission. LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrator Butch reviewed the latest legislative bulletins seceived from the League of California Cities: LEAGUE OF CALIF.CITIES, MAYOR'S AND COUNCILMEN'S IN5TITUTE - 5/20-22/70 Councilmen Talley and Schlegel reported that they plan to attend the League of California Cities Mayor's and Councilmen's Institute.in Los Angeles, on May 20, 21 and 22, 1970. ` ' NOTICE OF REZONING APPEAL FROM GOLDEN WEST HOMES, INC.-HEARING 5-12-70 Administra~or Butch advised that C. L.'Martin, Ac~ent for Golden West Homes, Inc., has filed an appeal to the City Council on a rezoning application, which was denied by the Planning Commis;sion, a Public Hearing has been set for 8s00 P.M. May 12, 1970. RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF THE CUASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL NiEETING 3-16-70 The minutes of•the Coastal Valley Planning Council meeting of March 16, 1970 were received by the Counc'il and ordered filed. PRESENTATION OF PRELIMINARY MUNICIPAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1970-71 ~ldministrator Butch distributed copies ot the Preliminary Municipal Budget for Fisca~ Year 1970-71, After Cauncil discussion, a budget study session was scheduled for May 6, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. C.I'I'~ ` -19 7 0 , z~R~+~~~~~.~ :~r~ r~~.~w ~~+~~.,v~~a~,~;.~a~ ~.j . ARROY~ ~ ` RA'~1'~ ~C~ ~ x ~ ~ ' r~s,oLU~ii~rr, =i~Q'~rE-~~r ~~~~x ~~u~~s=-~~g~i~~Cr~~i~~~ ~~~r~~°~.;~~ City At~torney Sh,ipsey read ~he title of a resol.u~ion req~~s'~ing t~a,t .~l~e ; St,ate,{ Aepa~, ~nt.: t~~ P.~a.blic Work~ ~ppor~ion funds fox ~he .a , , h . 4r~~ '?T Ti~PICS prz~g~a~-an~ -~°`r~ jsax~l f~,~~s ~].bz~ed` te~ ac~a~~~a~ y,,, TnY~ ~ ~ t~~r ~s~ v r~c~,~ ~n~~~a„~ r ~ib~ion ~~s a~ai~~ ~ ~ounci~,- ~ ~c~r~c~"ed,~~ ~,~~~`~~~i~o~a~`~~:"~~~'' ~:~~~ii'~~~`~~~~~'a~°ri~~a. °to d~i'sp`erise v~tith reading ~tY~e balan'ce of this resolu~ion. _ RES~LUTION NOo 872 A RESOLUTION OF fiHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CaTY O~' ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THAT 'THE STATE DEPAR~.'NlELVT OF PUBL~~: Cnl(JRKS APPORTION FUND3 FOR. 'I°F;E TUPIC3 PROGRAM On motion of Councilman Woad, secondEd by Councilman Talley and on ~he following xall call vote, ta wit. AYES: Counailwoman T'~aompson, Counc#.lmen Sc~ilegel, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levin~ NO~S: None : , , ~,BSENT: None . . , , the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day ot , April, 1970. REPORT OF PUBLIC I-~E~,RING - UPGRADING OF H/W I BE'1'WEEN GUADALUPE & OCE1~N0 Administrator Butch repor~ed that he had attended t~e Public Heari~g held by the State Division of High`vays on April 15, 1.970, at which the realignment of a portion of Highway One, from a poin~ north of Guadalupe, to a poin~ west of the City Limit, near Oceano, ~ was being considered. Of the £our a],terna~te routes pr~sen~ted, ~t1~e majority o~ the people present, were in favor of Al~ernate Rout~ A, and i~ was recommended ~that the Cour~cil adop~ a resolution ou~tlining , , its pref~rence regarding this proposed realignment. After Council discussion, City A~ttorney Shipsey read the title of a resolutian - requesting that the State H~ghway Commission`Adopt Alternate Rou~,e "A" Realighment ~or HighwaX One, thereafter ~ motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seaonded by Gouncilwaman Thompson and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. . RESOLUTION NO. 873 A RESO~,UTTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL O~' THE CITY Ok' ARROYO r~tANDE REQUESTING THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION ADOPT ALTERNATE ROU~,'E "A REALIGNMENT FOR HIGHWAY ONE BETWEEN GUADALUPE AND OGEANOo On mo~ion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Co~nncilman Talley and on the foll,owing ro~.l call vote, to wit: ,AYES; Councilwoman ~.'hompson, Councilmen Schlegel, Wood, Ta~.leX a~d Mayor Levine NOE S : None .ABSENT: Nane the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 28th day c~f April, 1970. PRC)GRESS REPORT - FAIR OAKS AVENUE EXZ°E~TSION AND BRIDGE Administrator Butch advised ~that there were no new developments to report at thfis time. REPORT ON CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS ON FAIR OAKS AVE o, WALNU7[' ST. & PALM C~ Administrator Butch reviewed a report•dated April 28, 1970, from Director of Public Works Anderson, regarding coixiplain~s fronn residen~s on Fair Oaks Ave., Walnut St. and Palm Court, where new curb an.d gutter grades do not match the existing driveways;,, causing existing dr~.veways to ha~e to be modified to permit access to-`the prQper~ies, and stated that most of the problems have been resolved and that ~he City C~ew has been working with the property owners. Z'his ~odificat~on on private property is the responsibility of the propexty,owners, however the Ci~y Grew will, ,in many cases, assist in removing existing concrete and ~~'b°~' COULtT~I~ ~,PRIL ~~0 1.970 d1k2R~~'~ G~..ANd~E ~ ~~I~g~'~RNI,A PAGE ~ c~radi~gv w~~n app~~ved ~y ~he prop~r~y owner, b~~ r~o f~nar~ci~l ~~sa.s~- ~n~e pr~vided far c~s~f~xming exis-~ing drivevaays ~o ~ee~ t~?-~~se ~e~ gr~~esm ~ROC~122~~S REPOR'~° - ~N~LA'g°AB~ ~OVER 1RESERVOIR NOo~ - PROJE~2C° ~T~o60-69-2 Adr~i~a~c~~.~~-~.~r B~.~~~h 'r~por~~d ~h~~ .'~~ie 'C~an~.~~~t~~i~ ~~s~nova coa~aple~ecl ~~he in~~alla~i~n of -~Ya.e infla~~b~~ cover on Reservoir No. ~o '~ae Ci~Y Creva cl~~ned ~nd re~aaired ~he re~ervoir prior ~o ~Y~e ro~~ ka~in~ ins~~~l- ed and a£ter ~,h~ r~~erv~ir was filled wi~h w~~er a ver~ s~riou~ leal~~ge ~a~s ~iscove~ed. '~e reservoir w~s emp~ied and i~ ~aas discovered ~Y~~~ ~~e apox~~ gro~~inqr, which was placed in all of ~he spaces in ~1~~ cor~crei~e slab floor of -~he reservoir as per ~he specifica~ions of ~he supply cor~pany, k~ad cr~ckede and upon ch.eckinq wi~h the supply cor~pany i~ ~aas determined ~k~a-~ ~Y~e apoxy grou~ing used was not ~he ~orrect sz~~terial for ~his ~~pe proje~~. Director of Public Works Anderson and Adminis~ra~~r B~-~ch me~ ~ai~h ~°epresen~a-~ives bf tl~a..e supply c~ornpany and i-~ w~s m~tually agre~d ~h.a~ ~1~~ ~ompany will supply ~he correc~ regl~a~er~ne~~ ~~~.~yri~.l at no cos-~ ~ka~ C~.~.~ an~ ~ha~ ~he ~it~r crew ~aill ans~all ~'~e nnau erial tand~r ~~ae s~:p~rvasion of represen~a~ives from ~h~ s~pply ~oa~par_.y; and ~ha-t ~-~?e repre~s~n~~~iv~s o~ ',ehe ~~~pp~.y ~ompany als~ r~~~rc~~aer~d~d ~~Sa~ -~~e r~servoir ~~a~zn~ricall~r sandblas~ed and s~al c~.a~ p~i.n~e~0 as ~~a~~ xao~e~l de£e~+s in k17:e walls of ~Y~~ reserv~ir ~h.a~ co~.ld b,~ c~rr~c~~d in ~Jh~~~ a~nanner~ ~~~~~~er Council ~i~c~~~ion it was ag~~~c~ ~~3~~~ ~~~,e P~a~~.ic WQrk~ Dep-~. pa~ocepd F~ai~~ ~.l.i. xep~irs necessary s~ Reserv~ir Nov I c~r? k~p r~~izrn~~. s~rvice jus~ ~s s~on as po~sible. ~~tOGR~SS R~~032.'.l~" ~ T,,,,,pp~~ WA`~'ER S~JF~LY Adrn3,r?is-~r~~.or ~~.~ck~ repor~ed ~hat all necessary i~;~ur~rna~~~rz wa~ no~ y~~ av~~,l~.bl.e ~or ~o~n~il c~nsideration of wa~~ ~nd ~~~~ns ~o n~e~~ in~r~ase c~s~~ ~f ~Yr.e L~pez Wa-ter Supply Con~:ra.c~. pI2OGRE~S R~~OR"~' - AR~05~0 ~RAND~ SEl~T~R ASSESSNi~N'b° DIS`.2°RIG'~' ?~d~inis~rs~~.~r B~+:cl~. advised -~ha-~ r~presen~akiv~s fro~ H~I~ ~.ac~ ~o~re~ ~Yae pr~pos~d ~~a~andaries of ~~~e Sewex Assessm~rz~ Dis~r~~~ and l~ad. review~~. ~~a?~e enginePring phases of ~he projec~ on May 1, 1970; and Yaad suc~gss~e~ ~h~~. ~.Yae Council set a time period afiter the comple- ~ion o£ ~~ae p~°oj~c~t ~.n wYai~ck~. a11. d~veloped properties within ~Y~e dis~ric~ would b~ re~~~.irecl to ~P conn~cted to th~ sewer m~ain. P,f~ex ~ouncil disc~,s~iorzd c~n r~io~.ion Co~ncilman Schlegel, seconded by Co~n~~_lwom~n ~~~p,~~r~ ~n~ ~nan~rno~sly carried, all, devel~ped ~roper-~ies va~~hin A_rro~~a Gr~ncle Sewer Ass~ssment District must k~e ~onnec~ed ~o ~rr.e s~~er mains ~~vi,-~hin a~~v~ year period after ~he ~omgle~aon of ~11-~e sew~r pr~j~c~; arn~. Adrrainistr~~or Bu~ch was ins~r~.c~:ed na~~ify ~kxe D~pariz~e~.~ H~~r~s~nq ~nd iJrban Development of ~~~e foregoing ac~ion. PRO~R.E~S REF~J~t'~C - SO~"~.°H SAN LUIS OB~SPO COUN'I'Y SAN~'~A~'~UI~T I~~:S'~R~C"~" ~dmini.s~.r~~,c~r B~.~Gh advi,~ecl ~h~at~ ~here were no ne~vv devel~pmen~s ~o repor~ a~ ~k~is ~~..z~ae . ~C~VFI~L~T~J12 ` S ~'~JGLAMP.'I°ION - POI~~CE DEPTo C00PERA'I°ION DUR.TN~ RIO'~ ~1'T' LB+CSB ~ pr~~l~a~af~io~ from ~kse Governor of -~he S~a~e of California was re~~iveclo ~1~anl~ing ~.:he Poliee D~p-~. of the Gi~y of Arroyo Grande for ~~s c~~perai~ion ~.r~d assistan~~ during ~he rio~ at the Univer~i~y of California a~ San~a Barbar~. 1~]~~OLTI2NMENT 'I''~ EXEC1[I°~"~VE SESSION On m~~ion of Gouncilman Wood, seconded by Councilman $chlegel and ~,nan~~ou~sl,y carrieda the mee~ing adjourned at 9:27 PoMo ~o an ~xec~.tive sessi~n ~o d~sc~s~ pending li~igation. R.EC~NVEN.NI~N7C OF ~'OIJNC~Lo '~he Counc~.l recon~~ened at 10:00 PoMo from exect~.~.a."v~ session wi~h al1 m~zn~ers b~ine~ pr.esen~ as shown on rall _call. AD~OU~I~TNIEN'I' On ~oti.on ~f G~t~n.cilman ~chl.~gel, seconded b~ Councilz~an Talley ~n~ ~;in~nir~o~;sl,X ~~arried, -~he me~l~ang adjourned 10:O1 PaMo un~il 7;30 PoMoB M~y 6, 1970. . r-` _ t ~ ~ ~ ~ , ? ` a~~~°~s~- ~ ~ -~~n-~ 1~` / ' ~ . ~ J DEPi,x'~ CIT'X ~I~R~ L 3~~~~.- MAXOR