Minutes 1970-05-06 . r CITY COUNCIL MAY 6, 1970 ` ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:3~} P.Nio The City Council met in adjourne~ regular session witY~ Mayor Levine presiding. Upon roll call Councilwoman Thompson, Council- ~ten:: Schlegel, Wood and Talley reported present. ~ BU.DGE T S TUDY SE S S ION The City Council and Administrator Butch began discussion of , the Preliminary 1970-71 Municipal Budget and reviewed the Budget Message and the Summary of Estimated Revenue & Expenditures portions thereof. The Estimated Expenditures, by department, were studied and diseussed from Page I, City Council through Page 24B, Fire Protection. The Council agreed tha~ the next budget study session b~e tenta,~ tively scheduled-for 7:00 P.M., May 13, 1970. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Gouncilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:12 P.M. ~ . , { j _ ~ . _ o f ATTEST , ~'`--~=7-~.L-~~.--~ ..~.%,--r..---e- s:~~~°~=_ . CLERK - MAYOR .