Minutes 1970-08-25 CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 25, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with. Mayor I.evine presiding, Upon roll c~ll Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and. Talle~ reported.presen~, PLEDGE OF AI~LEGIANCE ~ID INVOCATIO~I ayor Levine e t e~P ~e ge.~ Allegfan~e to our Flag; and imrnediately there- after, Reverend Kermit Le Se~hawer, Qf the~Shell Beach Communi~y°United Methodist Churclz, d~livered ~He ~:nvocat~on, M~NUTE`APPROVAL T e minutes of the regular meeting of~August 11, 1970, were approved as prepared. t~PPROVAL .OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimouslgr cax°ried, General Warrants No. 161 through No, 395, in the total amount of $43,722.90; Payroll Wax°rants No. 265 through No. 360, in the total amount of $15,935.32; and Trust and Agency W~rrants No. 1197 through No. 1230, in the total amount of $2,992.45, were approved and ordered paid. LETTER FROM A.VeJOHNSON RE: ACQUIStTZON OF CITY OWNED PARCEL ON TALLEY HO ROAD Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received from A. V. Johnson, 366 Tally ~ Ho Road, requesting that the Council declare,as surplu~s~property not needed for street purposesathat parcel of property lying between Lo~ 5 of the Hilliker & Woodbury Tract and Lot 1 of the Vachell Tract, on the easterly side of Ta11y Ho Road, near its intersection with State Route No. 227, so that this property could be acquired by adjoining property owners for improvement and developmenta After Council discussion, this matter was referred to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation prior to the Council taking any action. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF PLAN AND AGREEMENT OF MERGER - SO.CO.GAS & SO.CALIF.GAS C0. Administrator Butch advised that a copy of a plan and agreement of inerger between the Southern Califarnia Gas Companv and tYze Southern Counties Gas Company of California, has been received, and as required by the Municipal Code regarding franchise opera~ions the Council must acknowledge receipt of this merger notice. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilcaaman Thompson, seconded by Council- man Schlegel and unanimously carried, the receipt of the notice of a plan and agreement of inergex° between the Southern Californi~ Gas Company and the Sov.thern Counties Gas Company of California, to be known as the Southern California Gas Company, was hereby acknowledged and the copy of the merger was ordered filede RESOLUTION ADOPT, Ib~I COMMENDATTON OF COUNTY SUPERVISOR LYLE F. CARPENTER City Attorney Shipsey read a resolution in commendation of County Supervisor Lyle F, Carpenter, for his many years of devoted service to the County of San Luis Obispo, RESOLUTION N0. 889 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE IN COMMENDATION OF COUNTY SUPERVISOR ZYLE F. CARPENTER On motion af Coa~ncilman Wood, seconded b~ Cov.ncilTnan Talley,and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Co~cncil M~mbers Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Ta11ey and Mayor Levine NOES: Nane ABS ENT : I~Ic~ne the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted. this 25th d~y of August= 1970. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE - ADOPTION City At~orney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code relating to Animal Con~rols, tl~ereafter a motion was ma.de by Co~.ncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thoanpson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NOe 35 C, S, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 1, TITLE 6 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE NNNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMEI~IT OF A PUBLIC POUND AND PROVIDING FOR THE REGULA- TION OF ANIMALS WITHIN THE CITY UF ARROYO GRANDE On anotion of Cotxncilwoman Thompson, seconded by Cov.ncilman Ta11ey and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine NOES: None ABSENT: None ~l~e foregoing ordinance was p~.ssed and adopted. this 25th day of August, 1970. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 25, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF C~LIFORNIA CITIES Administrator Butch reviewed the latest legislative bulletins received from the League of California Cities, and reported that he had called Senator Grunsky and was advised that the proposed legislation regarding police and firemen retire- ment at age 50 was not approved by the Assembly Finance Committee on Ways and Means, and that the proposed legislation regarding policemen overtime benefits had passed the Assembly, but probably will not be approved by the Senate Committee on Finance. DISCUSSION - FEDERAL PROGRAM FOR PROPERTY OWNERS ELIGIL.FOR INSeFOR FIAOD & MUD S~IDE ,A~.ministrator Butch reported, that as requested by the Council, he has acquired additional information regarding a new Federal Program, obtainable to Cities upon meeting eertain criteria, which would make property owners eligible for ~ederally subsidized insurance for flood and mud slide dama.ge; and that upon review and discussion ~ith Dick Drahn of the County Flood Control Office, it was determined that it wouid be quite Costly'for~•.the~City to?enter into such a program, for the City to meet the Federal Government requirements in the way o£ flood plan zoning, land use requirements, and other similar requirements of the Housing Code, and would not be of ~hat great a benefit to the citizens as the City is not, at the pre~ent time, in great danger of floods nor mud slides. After Council discussion, the Gouncil agreed no action be taken regarding this Federal Program at this time. FILER BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENT - PROPERTY DEDICATION - S0. HALCYON ROAD Administrator Butch reviewed that in conjunction with the issuance of a build- ing permit at 666 So. Halcyon Road, Filer Construction Co., Inc. was required to dedicate to the City a portion of this land adjacent to Haleyon Road, for future road purposes. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, the Corporation Grant Deed from Filer Construction Co., Inc. for the dedication of a strip of land 72.5 feet long by 15.22 feet wide adjacent to Halcyon Road, was accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and instructed to sign the Certificate of Acceptance on behalf of the City. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON'DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY ON WEST BRANCH ST. Administrator Butch advised that Certified Freight Lines and She11 0i1 Co. are again requesting that the City dispose of that parcel of property located on the north side of West Branch Street as acquired by the City from the Division of High- ways following the completion of the realignment of Traffic Way, Grand Avenue and Branch Street, as'these companies are interested in acquiring this parcel for development. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey was authorized and instructed to review and advise the Council on the action to be ~aken to dispose of this property. ORAL REPORT ON OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY - BY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE JAMES TI~MPSON James Thompson, Council representative to the Office of Economic Opportunity, was present and gave an oral report on the activities of this Office, stating that the Federal Government has provided funds to continue the Headstart and Grassroots programs and have initiated and funded two additianal programs known as the Emergency Food and Medical Program and the Migrant Workers Food and Medical Program, which are now in operation through the Office of Economic Opportunity. PLANNING COMMISSION REGOMMENDATION RE: PROPOSED ANNEXATION HUASNA ROAD N0. 2(Barber) Administrator Butch reported that at the Planning Commission meeting of August 18, 1970, the request of Donald Barber for annexation t~ the City of approxi- mately ~ acres of property contiguous to the easterly City Limit on Huasna Road adjacent to properties on the east side of Pearwood Avenue, was reviewed and dis- cussed by the Comrniss ion and that it reco~ended that this property be annexed to the City; however Mr. Barber has, since the Planning Commission meeting, contacted the City and has requested that the Council not act on this matter at this time. The Council discussed and agreed no action be taken at this time regarding this request for annexation. RESOL,ADOPT.ESTAB.STOP SIGNS AT FAIR OAKS AVE. - 1 ON VALLEY RD. - 2 ON HALCYON RD. Administrator Butch reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson, dated August 7, 1970, recommending that a stop sign be placed on Valley Road, so as to stop northbound traffic on Valley Road at Fair 0aks Avenue extension and that Ha.leyon Road and Fair 0aks Avenue be made a 4 way stop, by the installation of two additional stop signs on Ha.leyon Road, as projected traffic volume and proximity of schools will require traffic control at Va11ey Road and Halcyon-Road with the com- pletion of Fair 0aks Avenue extension. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution authorizing the installation of stop signs on Va11ey Road and Halcyon Road at Fair 0aks Avenue, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. 3~~ CITY COUI~CIL ' AUGUST 25, 19Bfl ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNT~4 PAGE 3 ~ i ~ RESOLUTION N0, 890 A RESOLLTTI0I~V OF~' T~3E CIfiY CQL~~TGI~. OF T~1E CI~Y OF ARROYQ GRA,~VDE AUTHORIZIN~ ESTA,BLISHMENT 0~' Bt~L1LEVARD STUP SIGNS On motion of Councilwoman T1~ompson, sec~ndlecl b~ Co~xncilin~.n T'a11e~ and on the following roll call vo~e, ~o w~ts A.YES: Council Membe~s Schlegel, ~'hoanpson, klopd, Talley ~nd, Ma~or Levine NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and ad.opted this 2.~th day pf Aa~.gr.tst, 19700 PROGRESS REPORT - FAIR OAIIZSS AVENiJE EXTEIVSIOI~1 AND BR~DGE Direc~ar of Public Wo~ks And~rson gave an oral progx~es~ repor~ an the construction nf the bridge and stated that construction of the roadway is estianated to commence on August 26, 1970, on Fair Oaks Avenue extensfon. RECEIPT OF DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS NEWSLETTER FROM DISTRe 5 RE: SAN LUIS OBISFO COUNTY Administra~or Bv.tch reported that copies of the Division of Highwa~s Newsletter have been receive.d from the Divisions Distx°ict 5 Office, which ~overs recent work completed and curren~ planned projects ~aithin San ~u~s ~bispo Caunty, RECEIPT OF PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR TCT~ ICS STUDY FROM LAMPMAN AND ASSOCIATES Administrator Butch reportecY t1~at ~he Consulting Traffic Engineering Firm of Lampman and Associates h~.s submi.tted a copy ~f a p~pposecl agreement for a TOPICS S~udy fa.r. the City of Arro~o Gr~.nde; and advised ~ha~ this agreement has to be approved by the State Divi.sion of Highways prior to Council ~ction and upon receipt of State approv~l the agreement wi11 be presented to the Counca~l fo~ consideration, PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Administrator Butch reported that the Cit~'s appl~catien for a Federal grant to assist w~.th ~he proposed sewer assessment district is now in the F~nance Depart- ment of HUD and this Depar~ment has advised th~.t th.e amount of the grant, if and , when approved, would be approximately $345,000,00; and that, at ~his time, the City's application ~ppears to be progx°essing toward fin~l approvalo PROGRESS REPORT - SOU~H SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch reported that there are no new developments to report at this time. RECEIPT OF REIMBL~RSEMENT FROM PoO.S,~`. FOR. POLICE C~FFICER TRAINING Administrator Butch reported tha~ a letter and cl~.eck have been received from the Polic~ Off~cers St~.nd~.rd.s and Trainin~ Division ~o~ering ref~tnd to the City of $512.20~ which repx°esents a greater pox°~ion of ~he cost borne by the City during the time RancYolph Lee was attending schoc~l fox° P~~.ice pfficer Training. TREASiJRER"S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JUZY9 1970 The Treas~rer"s Reporg f~r the Month c~f J~.ly, 1970, w~s r~cei~red by the Council, revieraed. and order~d filed. REPORT ON PRpPOSED P.O.S.T. SURVEY AIVD A~VALYSIS OF ARROYO GRANDE PO~ICE DEPARTMENT Ad.ininistrafor B~atch. r~po~~ed ~~at Mre Bradey Wo Koch, Cons~.ltant for the Commission on Peace Office~s Standards ~.nd ~'rainin~ ~PeOoS,To), St~te of California DeparGment ~f Justic~~ has anad.e ~n initial ~ri~i~ to the Ci~y ~nd d.iscussed the pro- posed P.O.S.T. survey and analys:°ts of tl~e Arro~o Grande Palice Deparl=ment, as requested by the City Council, A~ a later da~e PoOoS,Te Officials tia~ll spend. be- tween thx~ee and five days with t~e Police Departxnent su~eying, ~ev~ewing and study- ing Pol~ce proced.ure and frozn information obtained. wi11 make recommendations to the City Council on how and if changes sho~xld be i~plemen~~d wi~hin the Departmente ADJOURI~TMENT On motion of Cou.ncilman T~lley, s~condecl b~ Co~.ncilman Wood and ~.nanianously carried, the meeting adjoux°ned at 8:38 P,M, - . ` , , ATTEST: ~ ~ r--~ ,~~.n>~_ CTTY C K ~Y~R