Minutes 1970-09-08 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 8, 1970 ARROYO GRAI~DE, CALIFORNIA The Gity Council met in regular session with Mayor Levine presiding. Upon r~ll call, Council Members Sehlegel, Thompson, Wood and Talley reported present. ~'I~T`I3GE C3F .F~~.,~~''~~~r1NGE AND INVOCATION Mavor Levine led the Pledge of ~Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Rev~rend John Germaine of the Bethel Baptist Church of Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of August 25, 19?0, were approved as grepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously ~arried, General Warrants No. 196 through Ivo. 228, in the total amount of $6,650.43; and Payroll Warrants No. 361 thraugh No. 430, in the total amount of $13,514.63, were approved and ordered paid, LETTER FROM RESIDENTS ON NEWPORT AVE.--THANKS & APPRECIATION FOR INCREASED WATER PRESSURE. Administrator Butch read a letter signed by ten residents on Newport Ave. expressing their thanks and appreciation to the City Council and City Employees for the greatly improved water pressure now being enjoyed by them. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1970 The Treasurer's Report for the month of August, 1970 was not completed at this time. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1970 The Departmental Report for the imonth of August, 1970 was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed, RECEIPT OF 1970-71 MUNICIPAL BUDGET BOOKLET Administrator Butch presented the completed 197~-71 Municipal Budget for the City of Arroyo Grande, FURTHER DISCUSSION ON DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY ON WEST BRANCH ST. City Attorney Shipsey reported, that in his opinion, the City Council is not in a position to sell that portion of West Branch Street no longer needed for street purposes, but the property c~n be abandoned with public utility lines lying therein being reserved by the City. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution initiating proceedings . to abandon a portion of West Branch Street no longer needed for street pur- poses and setting a hearing for 8:00 P.M., October l3, 1970, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resolu- tion. RESOLUTION N0. 891 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF WEST BRANCH STREET AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEAR.ING AS PROVIDED FOR BY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 8320, et seq. On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following roll call vote, to wit; AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. ~ NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of September,1970. ~ETTER FROM SEN. COLLIER RE: SUPPORT OPPOSITION TO PROP.18-DIVEB. OF GAS TAX FUNpS Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received from State Senator Randolph Collier, requesting that this Council support opposition to Proposition No. 18, to be voted at the November 3, 1970, election, regarding use of Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation. After Council discussion, it was agreed no action be taken on this matter at this time. CITY COUNCIL S~PTEMBER 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, GALIFORNIA ~'A.~E 2 1~tOTICE FROM STATE DISASTER OFFIGE~TOTAL VALUE OF CTV,DEFo~UPPLI~S PLTAeBY CITY Administrator Butch reported, as inforanation onl~~ ~ rc~tice ha~ been. re- ce~ved fr~ns the Stat~ Di~a~ter Offi~~ th~.t in the la~t six ye~r~ fro~n July l~ ~;'~i~€ thr~;~~i3 T~.~rce ~.970, the City of Arroyo Gx'ande ha~ re~~ivEd a t~t~1 s~f $27,bn0 s~aoxt~i of surplu~ proger~y and equipment from the Disaster Offi~e9 ~e° pr~~ez~ting ~.~~r~ximately fifty percent of the total received by all g~vex~.~ ra~ntal agen~ies with~.n and irccludix~g the Gounty of San Luf~ O~i~poa liEQUFST QF 1~. To & T, - EASEMEIVT FOR TELEPHONE CONDUIT CORNWALL AVE a TO BRA~TCIi ST. Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been. received fr~m th~ Pacific Tel~phone Company requesting that the Council gx~ar~t arc easement tc~ the Telephone Company in c~njunction with the installation of an underground c;on- duit system from A1p~ine Stx°eet, along Cornwall Avenu~~ under the freewa}~ and along W. Bsanch Street; and that Director of Publ~.c Wc~rk~ Anderson has re- viewed this request and has re~ommended that the in,~t~llation of this conduit system be hand~ed by the Public Works Department by issuance of encroachment permits, rathe~ than ~ranting an easementa The C~uncii discussed ~na ~gr~ea that t~e Pacific Telephone Companyes proposed conduit system from Cornwall Avenue to West Branch Street be installed by issuance of encroachme~zt pergnits rather then the granting of ~n easemer~t. RESOL. APPLICATION TO LAFCo ~ PROPOSED AI~NEXATION HUASNA RDe I~TOa 2(BAR.BER) Administrator But~h reported th~.t Donald Barb~r has ag~in requested annexation to the Gi~y ~f approximately 12 acres of pr~perty now owned by him, which is contiguous to the ea.sterly Gity Litnit on Hu~.sna R~~d and that the Planning Cammission has reviewed this r~quest ~nd re~o~ended that this parcel be annexed to the City, After Council di.scus~fon, City Attox°ney Shipsey read the title of a resoluti~n making appli~ation to the L~cal Agency Formati~n Commission relative to annexf~g territory to the Gity, thereafter a motion was made by Councilmara Schlegel, secor~ded by Councilwoman Thomp~~n ar~d un~nimously carried, to dispense with reaciir~g the balance of this resoluti~no RESOLUTIOI~I 1V0> ~92 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZII~IG APPLICATION BY THE CITX COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO T$E SADT LUIS OBISPO COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY ~ORMATIOI~ COMMISSION RELATIVE TO A PROPOSAL TO ANNEX TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDEo On Ynotf~n of C~un~ilman Wo~d~ se~onded ~ay Councilw~sanan Tho~pson and on the followin.g roll ~all veste~ t~ ~,rit: AYES: Council Members Sch1~g~1, Thompscan, Wood, T~.lley and Mayor Levine. NOESo Nonea ABSEI~TT° I~Tone. ~ the for~going resolution was passed and adopted this 8th day of September,1970. SET PUB HEARII~7G ON STREETS NAME CHAIVGES - FRONTAGE ROAD, PRINTZ ROAD EXTENSION, CORBETT CANYON ROAD CONTIN[JATIOIV ° 10-13-70 Administrator Butch repo~°ted that the Plaraning Commi~~fon has held public hearings on the three x~a.mes proposed fnr st~°eets ~lr~ated ~s follows; to name that section of State Route No. 227, lying l~etween its intersecti~n with Gorbett Canyon Road and its intersection. with Crown Street, Branch Street, Stanley Avenue and Hu~sna Road~ to C~rbett Canyon Road~ to name that ~ection of State Route No. 227, lying b~tween its intersection with Prin~z Road and its intersection with Corbett Ca~.yor~ Roada to Prfn.tz Roacl, and ~to name that section of street commonly know~s. a~ Frontage Road~ located on the southerly side o~ Highway 101; between Barnett Street and Halcyon Road9 to E1 Caznin~ Real; and the Planning Cammissi~n fias recommended that the Gity Cou~cil o~ficially name these streets as proposed. After Cc~uncil discu~sion, on motion. of Councilman Wood, seeonded by C~uncilman Talley and unaniznou~ly ~arried~ a Public Hearing was seheduled for 8e00 P,M., Oetober 13, 1970, for the purpose of c~nsideriaag the naming of a portifln of Frontage R.oad lying within the City. On motian of Gouncilwoman. Thompson, seconded by Counc~lman Schlegel and unanimously carried, a Public Hearing was scheduled for 8:00 P<M., O~tober 13, 1970, for the purpose of considering the naming of a portion of State Route No. 227 lying within the City. CITY COUNCIL S~PT~NIBER ~9 19`70 A1tR0Y0 GRAIQD~, CALI~ORNIA PA,~~ 3 On anotion of ~oun~fl~x~~. Talleya s~c~nded by Cou~,cil~ar~ W~~d a~.d. unanimously ~arried9a P~b1ic H~arir~~ r,~as s~hedul~d for 8:00 FoMo, O~t~~~r 13~ 1970s f~x° ti~e pur~~~~ af ~o~~~d~~~~,g t~e ~~~ming of a portion ~f State Route l~~0 22`~ lyi~g ~~.thi~ REC~II~T' OF THE I~370 SUMM~R RECREATION "WRAP UP" REPORT Copies wf the 1970 Sua~n~r Recreation "Wx°ap Up" R~pox°t were re~eiv~d by th~ ~~uncil9 revi~wed and. ordered. filed, PUBLIC HEARING ° TO ESTABLISH PARKING AND BU~II~TESS AREA IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Administrator Butch review~d the pro~edure for the establi~ha~.e~.t ~f ~m improvemen~ district under the provfsions of the Busi~.e~s & Parking Ax'~a Act of 1965; and reviewed, by z~ap pTe~exl.t~t1~x1' the proposecl boundarie~ o~ the district ~.n. the general area of Branch Stx°eet, betwe~n Croran Terra~e ~nd approxim~~ely 230 fe~t westerly of Bx°idge and Nev~da. St~~~t~a Aft~r b~ing assured bgr City Glerk Miller that copies of the n.ati~e c~f hearing had been. mailed to all businesses within the prop~sed district and publish~d. ~.s re- quired by law, Mayor Levin.e d~clared the hearing open an.d all persons for or , against the formation of an ianproveanent district as provided by the Business and. Parking Area Act of 1965~ would now be heard< : Admfnistrator But~h rep~r~ed that two petitions have been subinitted, one signed by 22 merchant~ within th~ propos~d district,,in favor of the formation of said district; the se~ond petition was signed by 18 mex°cha~.ts within the proposed distx°ict~ ~gainst the foz°anatio~ ~aid district, M~e Ba Wa Malis9 owner of Malis Dupli~ating Co,, 115 Ea Branch Sto, submitted ~ dupli~ate of the origir~al petition which conitained two valid additional signatures against the fo~°°mation of the di~tri~t, The following are the xnerchants tal~o were prese~.t and spolce against the formation of the i~provement district; Ba Wo Malis, Malis Dupli~ating Coa, 115 Eo Branch St,; Art Mesquite Art Mesquit Furniture, 102 Bridge St,; Virgil Walton, Public Acc~untant, 1152 Eo Branch Sta9 Neil Harvey8 1172 Eo Bran~h Sto; and Harlan Ramage, Arroyo Liquor, 106 Ee Branch Ste The following are the zn~~°~hants`who were pres~nt and spoke in favor of the fox°mation of the improveznent distri~t; Lafrd Smith, Cmuntry Casu~ls, 106 Ws Bx°anch St,; Dav~d Loo~i~~ Ee Ce Loomis & Son Feed Store and Lo~mix, Ince, 415 E. Bra~~h Sto; Jer~~ W~gn~r, Arroyo Drug Ca.9 130 E, Branch Sta; Don Curzan, Don's Variety, 7.23 Ea Bran~h St.; Jo Ann Wizeman, Louise Ralph Ladies App~rel9 131 Eo $~an~h St~; ~.nd P~g~y Port~ra pegg~as ~f Arroyo Grande, l26 Ee Branch Ste The ne~d for th~ development of adclitional parking in the down.town ~area was dis~ussed, A possible five year lian.it for tt?e assessmen.t of $120000 per year per each merchan.t wa~ dis~us~ed and Mra Mesquit ~tated that he would be in favor 9f the fo~atio~ of the di~trict if the assessments did not exceed a five year period and i~ th~ t~rm hour pax°king restri~tion now on Branch Sto was ~nforced, Gity Attorney Ship~ey advised th~.t the di~trict could be di= solved in the same m~n.nex° by wh~ch it is fox°med at any ti~e the merchants paym ing a majority of the bu~~~.~ss li~ense fees submit a petition to the Council requestfng s~ne, Mr. Mali~ ~eque~t~d that the Council talce no action regard~ ing the fox~a~fon. o£ th~ distri~t at this time to allow hian time to consult legal counsel and prepare propo~al ~o provide off street parking which he feels would be more ~quftable to all parties con~erned, There being no fur^~ ther discussion for or agafnst the fo~ation of the px°oposed. improvemerit district, Mayor Levine declared th~ hearing closedo The Council recognized and allowed all protests submitted orally and by petition. The Coun~il di~~us~~d ~nd ag~eed no-a~tion be talcen on this mattex° until the meeting tentatively seheduled for October 21,.1970e Adininistrator Butch was in.structed to schedul~ a study sessiAn for the Counc~l prfor to October 21, 19700 PROGRESS REPORT - FAIR OAKS AVENUE EXTENSIOT~ AND BRIDGE Di~ector of Public Works Anclerson gave a progress repo~°t on the ~onm struction of the Fair Oaks Avenu~ Bridge~ stating that the bridge deck has now been. poured an.d relat~d work is p~°ogres~ing satisfa~torily and that the roadway sub-grade is nearin.g;coznpletiane RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF MEETING ~ COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COIKMITTEE Notf~e ha~ been recefved that the County Water Resources Advisory Com- mittee had met on Septeznb~~ 2, 1970, 3Q5 ~ CITY COUNCIL iEPTEMBER 8, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORI~TIA PAGE 4 AUTHORIZED CALL ~'OR BIDS m INSTALLATION OF WATER LIIVES ° SA~' LUZS RD,& FRONTAGE Administr~tor But~h r~ported that the plans a~.cl ~p~~if~~ati~n~ and ne~~s- sary encroa~hm~r~t p~r~ft~ are ~ow ~a~mpleted and requested au~horizati~n to a~lv~r~~.~e ~~~1 f~r bids. Afte~ Coun~il discus~i~n, ox~ motion of Gour~cil~~n s~r~i~gei, sr~~~~.d~d by C~uncilwoman Thoznpso~. arad un.animously ~arrfede appr~~ra1 and ~uthori~ati~n was g~anted to acivertise the call fo~ bid~ for the in~talla~ ti~n of watc~~ m~.ins in axxd adjacent tc~ the City ~f Arroyo G~ande o~. Sa~. Luf~ Ro~.d, Frontage Road, Chiltox~ St,, Sierra Drive and Robles Rd, Projeet N~, 60-70-2, with said bids to be opened October 7, 1970 at 2:00 PaMa in the Council Chambers e~f the Arroym Grande Gity Ha11. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRADIDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Administrato~ Butcfi advised that th~re were no ne~r devel~pment~ to re- port at this time. PROGRESS REPORT ~ SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUI~TTY SANITATIO~T DISTRICT Copies of the Chief Plant Operators Monthly Report for August, 1970, were received by the Couneil, reviewed an.d ordered filed. ORAL ~EPORT BY NEWELL STROTH~R ~ HIGHWAY COMMI'~TEE MEETING 9-1~70 Newell Strother gave an or~.l report on the Hi~hway Coamriittee Meeting, which was held on September 1~ 1970 for the purpose of study and to make recom- mendations regarding prio~i~~r ~on~ideration for iYnprou~ment and construction of State Routes within San Luis Obispo County~ to th~ St~te of California Divisfon of Highwaysa to be con.sidered at a meeting scheduled by the Division of Highways to be 1~~1d S~pt~mber 16, 1970. REQUEST OF COUI~TCILMAI~T SCHLEG~L FOR PERMISSION TO BE OUT OF STATE On motion. of Cou~~il~~.~. Ta11ey, se~onded by Councilman Wood and unani- mously earried, the request of Gov.r~cilm~n S~hlegel for peY°mission to be out of the State of Califox°nia froar~ O~tola~x° 22, 1970 until November 9, 1970, was approved, ADJOURNMEI~T On motion of Councilman Wood, secondecl by Mayor Levin.e and unax~imously carrfed. the ineetix~g aclJourned at 9a29 P.M. d`~ ~ ~ > ~ ~ „s . ~ 9 ' ~ r " ~ u- ti .,._.~-fi ~~i'~ ~ , P MAYOR ATTEST C I'T L ERK