Minutes 1970-09-22 w ~u" CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 22y 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Levine presidingo Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Waod and Talley reported present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine led the Pledge of:Allegiarcce t~ our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilman Schlegel delivered the invocation.. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of September 8, 1970, were approved a~ prepared, APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimausly carried, General Warrants No, 229 through Noo 272, in the total amount of $47,395.22; Payroll Warrants No, 431 through No. 508, in the total amount of $14,735.57; and Trust and Agency Warrants No. 1231 through No. 1264, in the total amount of $920.68, were approved and ordered paid. PROCLAMATION -"4-H WEEK" - OCTOBER 4- 10, 1970 Mayor Levine proclaimed the week of October 4 through 10, 1970 as "4-H Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande in recognition of 4-H'ers National Gele- bration, as requested by Jill Johnson, Home Advisor, Agricultural Extension Service, University of California, Mr. Roger Davis, Local Leader of the E1 Camino Chapter of the local 4-H Glubs, was present and introduced Mary Anne Gularte, of the Branch Chapter, who in turn introduced representatives of the Branch, Nipomo, E1 Camino, Las Lomas, Arroyo Verde, Ocean ~iew and Nipomo Foothill Chapters of the local 4-H Clubs, who then pra~sented Mayor Levine and each Council Member certificates of appreciation for the proelamationo PROCLAMATION -"FIRE PREVENTION WEEK" OCTOBER 4-10, 1970 Mayor Levine proclaimed the week of Oetober 4 through 10, 1970 as "Fire Prevention Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by the Arroyo Gran.de Fire Department. PROCLAMATION -"HARVEST FESTIVAL WEEK" OCTOBER 4- 10, 1970 Mayor Levine proclaimed the week of October 4 through 10, 1970 as "Harvest Festival Week" as requested by th~ Harvest Festival Committeeo LETTER FROM CITY OF CARPINTERIA RE: ESTAB. OF TRI-COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONaDIST Administrator Buteh reviewed a letter received from A11an R. Coates, Jr,, Mayor of the City of Carpinteria, requesting that this Gity consider th~ estab- lishment of the areas of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura as Tri- Gounties Air Pollution Control District, and if this Council is in agreement with this suggestion, to request the San Luis Obispo County Board of SupervisQrs to look favorably upon this coneept, The Council discussed and agreed that this matter be forwarded to the County and Cities Area Planning Coordinating Council, LETTER FROM SLO CO, DEV. ASSOC.RE: APPOINT,OF REP. TO ASSOC.BOARD-DARYL FLOOD Administrator Butch reviewed a letter reeeived from the San Luis Obispo County Development Association, Incs, thanking the Cauncil for its contribution in support of the Association's 1970-71 budget; and requesting that the Council appoint a representative to the Associations Board of Directors> After Council discussion, Daryl Flood was appointed, to continue to serve on the Baard of DirectArsa of the San Luis Obispo County Developznent Association, Inc,, as this City's representative, until such time as a replacement appointm~nt can be made, as requested by Mr. Flood. TNVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN HARVEST FESTIVAL PARADE ° 10-10-70 Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been reeeived from the Harvest Festival Gommittee, inviting the Council to participate in the Harvest Festival Parade on Saturday, October 10, 1970. Administrator Butch was in- structed to advise the Harvest Fest~val Cac~nittee that all members af the Council plan to participate in this aetivity and will ride in Councilman. Schlegel's antique car. LETTER FROM A. G. CHAMBER OF COMNIERCE RE~UESTING BUDGETED FUNDS Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been r~ceived from Del Cax, Manager of the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce, requ~sting remittanee of the funds budgeted by the City for assistance with the ope.rational expenses of the Chamber for fiscal 1970-71, The Council discussed and approved th~ request from the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce for remittance of 1970-71 budgeted funds in the amount of $2,500,p0, to be used for operational purpaseso CITY CbUI~CIL SEPTEMBER 22a 1970 ARROYO GRAI~DE, CALIFORNIA PAG~ 2 PROPOSED MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITTES OF AR.ROYO GRANDE AND SANTA MARIA Administrator Butch advised that the Fir~ Chfef ~f t1~e City of Santa Maria has initiated and Fire Chi~f. Marsalek h~.s rec~mmen.ded that the Cit~es of Arx°oyo Grande and Santa Maria enter into a mutual aid agre~anent, by whi~h either City will assist the oth~r irn case of need in relation. to fire ~r lo~al eznergencyo City Attorney Shipsey advi~ed that he had reviewed th~ pr~p~~~d a~reement and approves s~ane as to form. After Council discussion., ~n m~~ic~~. of Cour~~~~.~a~m~n Thompsor~, seconded by Councilman Talley and unani~o~asly earried, the M.utual Aid Agreernent between the City of Arroyo Grande and the Cit~ of Santa Maria for assistance to each other with fire or local ~m~rgencya wa~ approved and the Mayor and City Clerk were authc~rized and instructed to execute the agreement for and on behalf of th~ City ~f Arrayo Grande. y RECEIPT OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HTGHWAY COMMITTEE REGOMNLEI~IDATIONS The Council received c~pfes ~f a report from the Chamber of Cca~rnnerce High- way Conanittee meeting of S~ptemb~r 1, 1970, outlini~g priority recom~endati~ns to the State Uf California Division of Highways f.or state highway c~nstruction in the south San Luis Obispo Coumty area. APPROVAL OF SECURITY DEPOSIT FOR FUTURE ST. IMPo°~LOT SPLIT CASE 70~111 (Wallace) Admin~st~°ator Butch r~ported that in conjunction with th~ approval of Lot Split Case l~o, 70-111, certain street improvements were required, but in view of the propQSed sew~r asses~ment district, it has been request~d by Clyde C. & Carolyr~ ~o W~llace, that th~ street improvements b~ postp~necl until the sewer lines have be~n installed and they hav~ submitted an. agreement covering the necessary str~et i~prov~zrdent ~nd a certificate ~f deposit with the Ba~k of America, ~overing the esfiimated co~t for such improvemento After Coun~il dis- cuss~.oaa, on motion of Cour~~flman Talley, se~a~ded by C~uncilma~. Wpc~d an.d unani- moixsly carried, the agr~ement from Clyde Ca and Carolg~n Eo Wallace, was approved allowing certain street imprwve~en~s required by Lot Split Cas~ N~. 70-111 to be postporn~d subsequent to the installati~n of sewex° lines within the access ~aseznent; and the Certifi~ate af Dep~sit frcac?i Bank of Aznerica, in the amaunt of $1,200,00, made payable to the Gity Qf Arroy~ Grande, was accepted to guaran.ty ~.dequate funds for the street impr~avement; and the May~or and City Clerk were authorized ta sign the agreement on laehalf of the City~e REQUEST FROM CITY OF PORT HUENEME-OPPOSE FCC PRO~O~ED RULE TO LT,FRANCHISE~CATV Administrator Butch r~po~ted that a letter has been x°eceived fr.om the City of Port Hueneme, requesting that this City suppnrt oppo~ition ta the establish- ing of a two per cent limitation ran a Citg~'s franchise fe~ for Cable To Vo, which has be~n propc~sed by th~ Federal Gommunicatic~ns Commf~sian.a Aftex~ Cc~uncil diseuss~oxt' City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a res~luti~z~ ~xpressing oppositic~n to the establishing of ~ two per cer~t limitation. on a City's Franchise fee for Cabl~ Te Ve, thereafter a moti~ra was made by C~u~.cilman Schlegel, second- ed by CruncilwoXnan Thompson. and unanimously carried, t~ dispen~e with reading the bal~rc~e of this resolutic~no RESOLUTIOI~ ~0. ~93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COTJl~CIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAND~ EXPRESSING OPPOSITI0~1 TO THE ESTABLI~HING OF A TWO PER CE:~T LIMITATION ON A CITY'S FRANCHISE FEE FOR CABLE T. Vo On matio~ af Cour~cilrRan Talle~, se~nnd.ed by C~uncilm~an Woad and on the following r~ll call vote, to wite AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, W~od, T~.lley and Mayor Levineo NOES. Nc~~e ABSENT: None the £or~gaing resolutior~ was passed an.d adopted this 2.2nd day ~f September,1970. RE~PORT BY COTJNCILMAN TALLEXmCOo CTTIES AREA PLADtN.C00RD.C;OUNCIL MEET, 9m17-70 Goun.cilman Talley gave an nral r~port an the C~unty and Cities Area Plan- n.ing Coordinatin.g Cauncil meeting of Sept~mber 17A 1970, stating t1~at ~he Plan~ ning Council has recomm~nd~d t~ the Cc~unty BQard of Supervi~ox°s that the develop- ment o~ the iz~aster plan f~r siewer a~d water needs throughcaut the C~unty; and that the County has reappl~ed fc~r a 701 HUD Grant for master plan.nin.ge ~ CITY COUNCTL SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 NOTIGE FROM PUC-POLLUTION OF RAILROAD R/W BY RAILROAD COItPORATIONS Admini.strator Butch reported that notice has been received from the Public Utilities Commission, advising that the time limit for submitting written com- ments concerning the matter of the investigation on the Commission°s own motion into the adoption of a ge~neral order prohfbiting,pollution of railroad rights- of-way by Railxoad Corporations, has been extended to Septemfl~er 30, 1970, The Council discussed $nd agreed no actiom be taken on this matter, as there,are no railroads within the City and that adjacent Cities have reported that they have not had any problems in this regard. ECONOMIC OPF. COMM. REQUEST SUPPORT ON LTD, TRANSPORTATION SERV,FOR SENIOR CIT. Admfnistrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from John Morris Ryan, Tri-County Planning Coordinator, Economic Opportunity Commission r of San Luis Obispo County, Inc., requesting this Council's support in their efforts to obtain federal funding for a program designed. to provide trans- portation for senior citizens in San Luis Obispo County. James Thompson, Council representative to the Economic Opportunity Commission, has requested, an,d the Council agreed, that no action be taken on this matter, to allow him additional time to obtain additional information regarding this request. REQUEST OF A. V. JOHNSON RE: ACQUISITION OF CITY OWNED PARCEL ON TALLY HO RD. The request of Ao V. Johnson, 366 Ta11y Ho Road, that the Council dispose of a parcel of property on Tally Ho Road, not needed for street purposes; and _ the recommendat~.on from Director of Public Works Anderson, that the request be denied, was held over for additional informatiom and presentation of map of , the area, • SET PUB. HEAR.-APPROX, 55 AC. SLY OF VALLEY RD,-REZONING CASE N0.70-39 (KLIEWER) The City Council received a resolution of the Planning Comcnission recammend- ing an amendment to the Municipal Code by rezoning from RAB-3 to R-3 approxi« mately 5S acres of land adjacent to a present C-N zone, located on the soutlierly side of Valley Road. After Council dfscussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unari.im~ously carried, a public hearing was set for 8;00 P,Ma, October 13, 1970, on the rezoning application submitted by Victor Kliewer. r APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSTONER Nt3NES AS ALTERNATE;REP. TO,C.V.P.C. On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanfmously carried, Planning Comsnissioner Henry Nunes was appointed to serve on the Coastal Valley Planning Council as this City's alternate representative, as reeommended by the Planning Commission. AUTHORIZE CA.LL FOR BIDS - STREET CHIP SEALING. PROJECT N0, 90-70-2 Administrator But~h reported that Director of Public Works Anderson has requested at~thorization to call for bids for chip sealing.various City streets. After Couneil discussion, on mation of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council- man Wood and unanimously carried, approval and author~.zation was given to call for bids for Street Chip Sealing, Pro,ject No. 90-70-2, said bids to.be opened at 2:00 P.Mo, October 15, 1970, PROGRESS REPORT - FAIR OAKS AVENUE EXTENSIOI~I E~Nb BRI1~E Director of Public Works Anderson reported that the construction of the bridge on Fair Oaks Avenue extension is nearing completion and that work on the roadway is progressing satisfactorily; and that in Conjunction with the installation of the three equipment crossings, which must be provided in the roadway, a change order approval was requested, to allow the roadway contractor to install the three concrete crossingse After Council diseussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, Ghange Order No. 1, for Project No. 90-70-1, authorizing C. Sanchez & Son, Inc. to construct three concrete equipment ,erassings within the construction area of Fair 0aks Ave, extension roadway, at a cost not to exceed~$1,050.00 FAIR OAKS AVE, EXTENSION AND BRIDGE ~ DEDICATION CEREMONIES. - 10-9-70 Administrator Butch advised that Fair Oaks Ave. extension and bridge will be co~pleted by October 8, 1970 and requested authorization to gchedule the bridge dedication and street opening ceremonies. The Council discussed and agreed that the bridge dedication and street opening ceremonies be scheduled for 10:00.A.Ma, October 9, 1970, and instructed Administrator Butch to proceed with the neeessary arrangements for the dedicationo ~a~ CTTY ~OUi~CIL ~~PT~MB~R 22~ 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CAT~~FOR.I~IA P~GE. 4 RESOZ . ADOPT o E~TAB ~ SPE~D ZO~1~S 0~? F'A~:R. OAK~ ~VE o BFTG~TE~~ VAL~~Y l~Da & WOODLAlVD DRe City Attorr~y ~h~p~~y r~ad th~ t~i~le afi a x°~~~lut~nr~ ~.~t~~~~shi~g ~peed zo~e~ on cert~.in po~t~ax~~ ca~ ~'~~r Oak~ Ave~u~ ~ t~Z~~°~aft~~° ~~~~~.c~~ wa~ ~ceade by Councilzna~. Schl~gel, ~~~~r:.d~d by Co~r~~~lw~nna~. Th~~p~~~ a~d ux~ar~~~~~~1y ~arr~ed9 to dispense with r~ad~~.~ th~ 1~~laa~~~~ ~hi~ ~~~~l~t~~r~.~ It~SOLi3T~0.~i ~"Oa ~9~ A R~~OLTJTIO~ 0~ TH~ ~TTY ~OL~T~TT, OF TH~ GITX OF ARROYO GRA~V~~3E AI.~THORIZI.I~C~ A~rT? E~TABLIiHZNG SP~~D LTMITS Ol~ ~~RTA~~i POILTTOI~~S OF ~AIR OAKS AV~~L~E; o On mation af ~c~~:~~~lxnan Wo~d~ ~~cc~rd~d C~axn~~1~~.~ 5~1~1ege1 and on the follcswing rc~1.1 call vat~A t~ ta~~° ~ AYES~ Cc~un~il M~~.~er~ S~h1e~~l, Thomp~~~:, Wc~~dl, T~11~y ~n.d Ma'yor L~vin~o ~ ~TOES n N~z~.~ ABSF~T: ~1~n~ th~ f.~s~e~oir~g x.~ss~lu.t~a~. w~~ p~.~~~d. and adc~pt~d ~I~~~ 22nd day of September,1970, , PROGR~SS REPORT ~ LOFEZ WATER SL~PPLY A Prog~ess R~po~rt ~~a L~p~~ W~t~:~ S~.pplg for ~h~ x~onth af Au~u~t, 1970, was rec.eived fr~m th~ Sa~. Luzs Obisp~ C~~nt~ F1ood (~~r~t~~1 ax~.d. Wat~r Conser~ vation Distr~ct~ togetl~~~ ~,rith ~ R~vernue ~r~.d Expe~d~t;u~~ R.~pox°t on Lop~z Rec~°eati~an.al Area fax° ~p~rati;o~9~ fo~° ~h~ fi~cal ~~ax°, July l.~ 1969 through Ju~.~ 30, 1970, rahi~h wer~ r~viewed ~~d ~rder~d, f~.1~d~ PROGR~SS REPORT ~ ARROYO GRAiv~g~ SEWER ASSES~ME~T DTSTR.IGT Adminzstrat~x~ Bu~~h ~dv~.sed that ~h~ Cifiy~ ~a~ ~a~~xa no~~.fi~d th~.t it's ~.pplicati~n fc~r f~d~~al ~~~~t t~ a~d with t1~.~ ~~~t~ of ~~we~'ing all un.m sewe~ed ar~as of th~ Gity an.d ~~rt~i;r~ a~°~as adaae;ex~~ ts~ th~ ~i~'y, has ~aeen appx°ov~d axa.d ~he a~ount th~ g~an.t will ~a~ $3~5~450000~ The Cc~uncil expressed the~r grati.fi~ation that thi~ loan h~.d b~en app~°caveclA a~d Ccau~~.ilwo~an Thompson exp~°essed her thanks to Ad~szz~i~tx~atUx° Butch f~r~ hi~ d~t~~mined effmrts in ob~- taining th~s gr~xet fca~ ~he b~tte~nen~ ~f t.h~ Git~~ a~a.d the athe~° Gouncil Members joinEd w~.th Coux~~~.1~i~¢~an Thc~~p~~n f~. tF~z,~ ~~pr.~~szor~: c~f g~at~tud~o Th~ Gou~~~~1, dir~~ted Ad~rii.ni~t~°~tor But~h tc~ p~°~pare amd ~u~aznit to the Coun~il ~a~ ~an~~de~°a~i.ran. a r~~~~~~::d~t~~~. tc~ th~ Cc~u~xt~ Baard o~ Supervisors, regardin.g th~ installa~im~. of l~t~~al~ ~~.d wy~s dur~ng ~c~nstx°u~tion. of thY~ proj~~t~ PROGRESS REPORT ~ SOUTH SAI~I ZUTS~ OBISPO ~OLT~3'TY SANITATI01~ DISTRICT There we~°e n~ new d~v~l.opzn~nt~ ta ~°~pc~r~ at tha~~ t~mi~~ COUNCTL TO HOST BAR~B~°QU~ FOR VT.SITT.~G DIGI~I"TAR.IES PATtTCIPATI~G I~ HARVEST FESTIVAL PA.RADE 10~10~70 Th~ ~auncil ~a~~tru.~t~d Admin.i~t°~~.~c~~ B~~eh ~~a ~n~k~ ~11 n~~ess~.ry arrange~ men~~ fo~ th~ (;ity t~ Ha~t a Ba~~B~Qu~ fc~r ~ity O.~fi.~~~.1~ f~~~ oth~~ Cities and vi~~ting dig~sitari.~~ whc~ will &a~ pa~°t~.~:ipati~.g th~ H.~~v~~t Fe~tival Parad~ a~d ~.~tiv~tie~ cax~ O~fiol~~~ 10, 19~Oo QUARTERZY REPORT 0~ ~AL~S A?~D ~TGAR~TT~ 'TAX R~V~~[?E Ad~zeini~trat~~ Butch ~u&~znitted a P~~g~'~~~ Repa~r't on ~1~~ 2nd Qua~~ter of 1970 Sales Tax and Ci~aretfi~ T~x R~v~:~u~~ NOTICE°~TUDY FOR CO~VSOL, 0~ POT.TC~ SERV, APPa & Ad]THORa CITY TO APPLX FOR GRAI3T Administrator But~h r~p~~t~d that the Dep~.r.tz~~x~t of Cx°i~sinal Justice ha.s advised that the City`~ x~equ~~t fo~° a F'ed~r~.l Gr~.~t ~o pre~vide funds f~r a feasibilit~ ~t~ay r~ga~din.g ~mnsr~lida~i~x~ af Law En.f~~~~z~n~nt Agencie~ in South San Lui~ Ob~spc~ Cour~.ty h~.~ lbe~~ appro~re.d azld the C~.t~ h~.~ b~~~! ~.~tnnr~~ea to file a~ offi~ial appli~at~~an f~~ the~~ funds~ R.EQU~ST OF AM~RICA.T~ LEGTO~ POST 136 R~~DOI~ZKEY BA.SEBALL GA~I~GFEE ~XpBUSoLIG.APP, Admirzistrator Bu.tc;h ~~v~.ew~c~ a. 1ett~~ f.roan th~ ,e,aue~i~an. L~g~~n Post 136, requesting au~hcar~zatic~n 'fo~ i~ tc~ spa~~~r a Do~~k~y B,~sebal.l. ~ame w~thin the City on Oc~ob~r 10, 1970~ and a°~~cA the $~~nt~ng o~ ~ f~e ex~znp~ busir~e~~ license cover~n.g this even~, ~f appr~v~do ~"~.~~~r' Go~irs.~~1 d~.~~u~~f.~~, on znoti~n of Coun~ilrn~za. Wood, seco~ded by Gou.~~ila~a~,n T~ll~y and. rxn~.~a~~.a~~ly° ~~rried, the rem quest of ~h~ Aan~.~i~an Le~~.c~~t P~st 136 t~ ~p~~se~° D+~nke~ Ba.~eb$11 game CITY COUNCIL S~PTEMB~R 22, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALYFORNIA PA~~ 5 on Octotaer 10, 1970, at StA Patrick's S~hool was apprc~vecl arnd the City Clerk was auth~rized to is~ue a f~e exempt bu~ine~s li~er~se c~vering thi~ on.~ day event, LETTER FROM VILLAGE MERCeASSOG.RE: PROPOSED RELOCAT.OF CO.LIBRARY FACIL.IN A.G, Adxninistrator Butch reviewecl a~opy Af a lette~ r~~eeived from the Arroyo Grande Village Merchants Associatiox~, dir~cted t~ Cc~ux~ty~ Supervisar Ly1e Carpenter, requesting that the Arroyo Gran.de Branch mf th~ Count~ Library not be relocated, The Council discussed ax~d agreed that they could not object t~ the r~locating of the Arroyo Grande Librar~ to larger quarters, whieh will also provide ~ddition.al parki~.g fa~ilities and in this way will better serve the full community, as the Co~uncil is aware of the present inadequate facil- ` ities. LETTER OF RESTGNATION - PARKS & 1Z~CREATIOI~ COMMISSION~R THOMAS TALBERT A letter of re~ignatioz~ uras received fr~m. Commissione~ Ths~~as Talbert, advising that due ta work ~ommitments, he wauld ~ao longer be able ~o serve on the Parks and Recreation. Comanission~ On. m~tion of Cauncilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously ~arried, the xesign.~.tion of Thomas Talbert fxom the Parks and Recreatioxa Commiission, was accepted, and Administra- tor But~h was instructed to write M.r, Talbert a letter of tharnks an.d appreci- ation. for his service to the City. APPOINTMENT OF PAR.KS 2,1~TD RECREATTON COMMISSIO~T~R HOMER MILLARD Mayor Levin.e recoatmiended that Homer Millard be appoi.nt~d to the Parks and Reereation Ccammissic~n ta fill the vac~.n.~y created by the resignation of Thomas Talbert, On motion of Councilman Wood, secAnded by Cc~uncilman Talley and unanimously carried, Homer Millard, 544 Crown. Hill, was appoin.ted to serve as a commissioner an the Arroya Gr~.nde Parks and Recreat~~n Comanission., with his term of office expir3.ng o~, June 30, 1972. DISC.v ST. SWEEPING HINDERED BY CARS PARKED Oi~ BUS. DTSTe STSABETWEEN 4& 6 A.M. Councilman Talley repc~rt~d that it has coan~ to hi~ attention that street sweeping in the business districts of the City is being hindered due to vehicles being parked and remainin$ on. streets in thes~ are~s between the hours of 4 and 6 A.M. The Council discussed this xna~~er°and directed Administrator Butch to review this situation and prepare a repart and re~ommendation. for Cauncil con~ sideratione ADJOURNMENT On motion of Coun.cilm~.n Ta11ey, secanded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:2$ P.M. ~~~'r ATTEST: ~ . ~ ,i.~ K-_--- CIT LERK MAYOR