Minutes 1970-10-21 ~ITY CQUNCIL -0CTOBER 21,:1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The Cfty Council met in adjourned regular session with Mayor Levine presid- ing. Upon roll ~all, Council Me~ers Schlegel, Thompson and Talley,reported present. Councilman Wood is absen.t. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine led the Pledge of Allegia~.ce to our Fiag; and immediately thereafter ~teverend Dan McHugh of the St. Barnabas Episcopal Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the inv~cation. 4 APPRpVAL OF WARRANTS On m~tion of Councilmarn Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 335 through No. 384, in the total amount of $25,459,36; Payroll Warrants iVo. 655 through No. 721,.in the total amount of $12,976.76; and Trust ared Agency Warrants No.1265 through No. 1299, in the total amount of $717.98, were approved and ordered paid. LETTER RE: COUNCIL ENDORSE ~UESTA COLLEGE BOND ISSUE-11-3-70 ELEC.BAL.MEAS. A Administrator Butch read a letter received from Robert C. Baker, 602 Wood- land Drive requesting that the Council endorse San Luis Obispo County Measure A on the November 3, 1970 election ballot, which if passed, will provide for the sale of bonds ta finance the construction of permanent facilities for Cuesta Junio~ College, at a tax rate of approximately 16~ per l00 of assessed valuation per year, for fifteen year~ and if construction is completed within five years the State will pay 50% of the construction costs, rather than the present "pay as you go" program, which will fncrease property taxes to approximately 31~ per 100 of assessed valuation over a-10 year period, and the State wi11 only pro- vide 50% of the construction costs over'the first five year period. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Couneilman Talley and unanimously carried, San Luis Obispo County Measure A on the ballot for the General Election on November 3, 1970 was endorsed by the Council and all citizens were urged to vote "Yes" on Measure A. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1970 The Treasurer's Report for the month of September,,1970, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. ORDINANCE ADOPTION ° HALCYON ROAD N0. 1 ANNEXATION City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance approving the Halcyon Road No. l Annexatio~a to the City of Arroyo Grande, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Talley, secon.ded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINAI3CE NO , 36 C. S. AN ORDINANCE -0F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF CERTAIN UNINHA$ITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED "HALCYON ROAD N0. 1 ANNEXATION". On motion of Cc~uncilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Wood the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted this 21st day of October,,1970. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES REPORT - ANALYSIS OF 1970 BALLOT PROPOSITIONS Administrator Butch reviewed reports received fram the League of California Cities, an analysis of the 1970 Ballot Propositions to be voted on at the November 3, 1970 General Election; and Federal Revenue Sharing; and HUD Disaster Aids, pamphlets describing forms of assista~xce are available from the Storage and Distribution Service Center in Washington, D. C. DISCUSSION ON REQ. TO ABAI~DON SURPLUS PROP~PAPER ST.PTN. OF TALLY HO ROAD Administrator Butch reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson, advising that that portion of Tally Ho Road, which.is a pape.r s.treet, lying between Lot 5 of the Hilliker & Woodbury Tract and Lot l of the Vachell Tract, on the easterly side of Tally Ho Road, near its intersection with State Route No. 227, is no longer needed for street purposes, and recommended that a 20 foot easement, 10 feet on each side of the centerline of the street, be retained by the City for Public Utilfties, drainage arad egress and ingress to . ~z~ C~TY COUNCIL OCTOBER 21, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 ' the creek area. After Council discu~~ion, Cit}r Attorney Shipsey ra~.s instructed to prepare a resolution for Council c~nsideration, initiating procedirigs to abandon that portion_of Te11y Ho Road n.o lo~.ger necessary for street gurposes and reserving necessary easements as recommended by Director of Public Works Anderson. . RECEIPT OF BTDS AI~D AWARD OF CONTRACT ~ STREET CHIP SEALING, 1'ROJECT N0. 90-Jf~_2 Administrator Butch reviewed that one bid was received ~nd opened at 2;00 P.M., October 15, 1970, for Street Chip Sealing, Project No. 90~70-2 frmm Har~ld D. Peterson, Pe O. Box 366, Atascadero, Calif: in the amount of $4,559.50; and advised that this bid is less than the Engineers Estianate for this project and that Director of Public Works Anderson has reviewed this ~id and recommended the awarding of the ~ontract to Mr. Peterson. After Council diseussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded'by Couxacilwonaan Thompson and unani~ mously carried, the bid in the amoun.t of $4a559.50 for Street Sealing Project No. 90-70~2 was accepted and the contract awarded to Harold Do Peterson, who submitted the lowest an.d best bid; and the Mayor and City ~lerk were authmrized to s~gn the contract document on behalf of the City. FINAL REPORT - FAIR OAKS AVEI~tUE EXTENSION AND BRIDGE Administrator Butch reviewed a c~st summary report9 dated October 16,.1970, from Direetor of Public Anderson, on the con.structic~n of Fair Oaks Avenue ex- tension roadway and bridge, which summarized the cost for Preliminary Engineer- ing, Design Engineering and Construction of the bridge and roadway phases at a total cost of $214,175.17 for thi~ project. RECEIPT -0F MINUTES - COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETII~G Copies of tl~e minutes of the last County Wa.ter Resou~ces Advisory Com° mittee-meeting have been reeeived by the City and placed on fileo RECEIPT OF lst QUARTER 1970~71 FINANCIAL STATEMENT A1~1 LOPEZ WATER TREATMENT PLANT Copies of the lst quarter 1970-71 financial statement on Lopez Water Ter- minal Water Treatment Plant_operations was received by the Council, reviewed and nrdered filed. DISCUSSION & APPROVAL T0 ESTABLISH PARKING AND BUSIl~tESS AREA IMPROVEMENT DIST. AdminisCrator Butch reviewed the prior proeeedings of the Couneil regard- ing establishment of an improvement district under the pro~isions of the Park- ing and Business Area Act of 1965, ~t~.ting that a public hearing;was held on September 8,:1970, and following the closin.g of the publi.c hearing the Council agreed no action be taken prior to this meeting, to allow time to compile additional information regarding this matter. The Council reviewed a letter received from Laird Smith, Chairman of the Arroyo Grande Village Merchants Association, ou.tlining a proposed develogment program and estimated yearly, revenue needs from assessments to meet development costs. Ad~ninistrator Butch reported, that at this time, the number of inerchants and the business license fees paid within the proposed district are as follows: NUMBER OF LICENSE PERCENTAGE BY BUSINESS FEE LICENSE FEE 21 $ 727,00 52.1 In favor of Improvement District. 22 504.00 35.2 Against Improvemernt District. 3 163.00 12.7 No prefe~°ence expressedo TOTAL 46 $1,394.00 100.00 Mayor Levine stated that as the public hearing has been clased and as this di5eussion is to pr~vide additional information so that the Couneil might take action on this matter,at this time he requested that one per~on, repre- senting the proponents, and on.e person, representi.ng the opponents, speak re- garding the proposecl formation of this isnprovement districte B. W. Malis, 115 E. Branch Street stated that he has not had ~ufficien.t time to prepare an alternate recommendation for consideration, but feels it sho~ld be left up - to the property owners to develop off-street parking, and recommended that if an assessment district is necessary, it should be based on property values and assessed to the property owners, Peggg~ Porter and Administrator Butch advised that this method of financing ha~ been co~nsidered and it was determined that the assessed value of the prDperties within the proposed district is so low that between one~third and on.e-half of the bonding limit total would be absorbed by the legal procedures required to form a regular assessment district by any a~sessmerat act now available for such uses, Laird Smith, 106 W. Branch. Street, stated that the propanents of the district have, by letter, expressed 3Q~~~~ i CITY COUNCIL , OC'T4BER 21, L970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 their recommendations.regarding the formation of the district. City Attorney Shipsey advised that procedi~igs will terminate if the merchants who pay a majority of the Business License Fees-protest, otherwi8e.it is up to the City ~ouncil to act for or against the formation of this proposed district. The Couneil discussed and agreed that this proposed district has come • before the Council after many years of work and study on the part of the mer- chants, and they felt that as this was apparently the most economical and only formal proposal presented for consideration, it should be approved to-prouide basis for the development of much needed off-5treet parking.in the Braneh Street area of the City. City Attorney Shipsey was instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance estabTishing a Parking and Business Area Improvement District within the estahlished district in_the'general area of Branch Street, between Crown Terrace and approximately 23p feet westerly o£ Bridge and Nevada Streets, to include the following: 1. The assessment charges to be applied as follows: Business License Fee of $20.00 or less per year. , Asses.sment Gharge $120.00 per year, Minimum Assessment Charge. ' Business License Fee from $~1.00 to $40.00 per year. Assessment Charge ~132.00 per year. Business License Fee from :$41.00 to $60.00 per year. Assessment Charge £144,00 per year. Business License Fee from $61.00 to $80.00 per year. Assessment Charge $156.00 per year. Business La.cense Fee from $81.00 to $100,00 per;~ear. Assessment Charge $168.00 per year, Maximum Assessment Charge. 2. The Advisory Committee to the Council on the Improvement Distriet raill consist of Five Members, to be appointed from merchants within the area of the District, by the City Counail. 3. An:y new business established within the district shall be exempt from assessments for the first six months of operation. 4. Said Assessment Charges shall be payable annually as part of the regular Business License Fees. 5. Any business located within the District which is not licensed under the provisions of Title 3. Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code of the City of Arroyo Grande, shall be assessed and shall pay the minimum assessment charge of $120.00 per year. DOROTHY RECTOR'S ORAL THANKS FOR LE POINT STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND PAVING Mrs. Dorothy Rector was-presen~ and orally thanked the Counc3.l and City Crew for a"beautiful job we1L done" on Le Point Street.curb and gutter install~ ations and street paving. Mayor Levine thanked Mxs. Rector for attending.the meeting and expressing:her appreciation for this irnprovement to the City. PROGRESS REPORT - AR.ROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Mr. York Peterson, Engineer for the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District, was present and gave an oral progress report by map presentation_on the engineer- ing aspect of this.project. Mr. Orville Poler, San Luis Obispo County represent- ative on this project, was present and reported that he has been advised by the Assessment Consultants on this project, that if the engineering.phase is com- pleted by January1, 1970, it is very;possible that actual construction of the project could start by the end of May, 1971. PROGRESS REPORT - SQUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch advised that there are no new developments to report at this time. 32~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 21,;1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 NOTICE - A.G. VILLAGE MERCHANTS ASSOC. COMM. MEET, DATE - THURSDAYS AT 8:00 A,M. Administrator Butch reported that notice has been received that the Arroyo Grande Village Merehants Association Committee meeting day has been rescheduled to meet each Thursday at 8:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Ha.ll, BURKE LOT SPLIT REQUIREMENT PROPERTY DEDICATION - FAIR OAKS AT ALDER STe Administrator Butch xeviewed that in con,~unction with approval of Lot Split Case Noo 70-112 on the northwesterly side of Alder Street and Fair Oaks Avenue, requested by Roy Burke, he was required to dedicate to the City a portion of his propertq for the proper alignment of the curb return on the northwest corner of A1der Street and Fair Oaks Avenue, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilrnan 3ehlegel and unani- mou5ly carried9 the Grant Deed from Roy Burke and Bonnie Maria Burke, for the dedication of a portion of Lot l, Bloek 2, of the Fair 0aks Tract, for road purposes adjacent to the northwesterly side of Alder Street and Fair 0aks Avenue was accepted and the Mayor and ~ity Clerk were authoriaed to:sign the Gertificate of Aeceptance on behalf of the Gity. SET PUBLIC HEARING ON BTREET NAME CHANGE - CYPRESS COUR.T - 11-10-70. Administrator Butch reported that the Planning Commission has held a public hearing to change the na~e of Cypress Court located between Halcyon Road and Gaynfair Terrace, to Sandalwood Drive, and that this name has been approved by a majority of the residents living on this street and the Planning Com- mission has recommended that the Council officially change the name of this street. After ~ouncil discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded tay Councilman Talley ~.nd unanimously carried, a public hearing was scheduled for 8:00 P.M., November 10, 1970, for the purpose of considering the renaming of Cypress Court. DISCUSSION - EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER 911 Administrator Butch reported that he has contacted representatives of the Pacific Telephone Company regarding the Gity's or South Count,y's area use of the emergency;phone number 911 and was advised that the cost to a City of our size would be prohibitive at this time and that one of the problems of this number serving the South County;area would be that there could only be one receiving station and the purpose of the emergency number would be lost if the receiving station would have to place additional calls to relay the mes- sage to the entity of jurisdiction, but perhaps this emergency number would be beneficial if the proposed consolidation of the South County;law enforce- ment agencies proves feasible. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Sehlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:24 P.M. . ATTE S T : ~ ~ . e,~-s-,..-,•--_.. ~ ITY CLERK MAYOR CITY GOUNCIL OCTOBER 27, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The regular meeting scheduled for this date was not held due to a lack of a quorum. , The next regular meeting of the Gouncil will be held November 10, 1970. J ~ . ATT ST .~~'zw.-~~" - _ E Ci CLERK ,MAYOR