Minutes 1970-11-10 3 . _ . CITY COiJNCIL _ _ . NOVEMBER:10, 1970 _ _ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular sessfon with Mayor Levine pre~~ding. Upon roll call, Council Members Thompson, Wood and Talley reported present. Council- man Schlegel is absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine led the Pledge of Allegfance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Larry A. Miller of the Peace Lutheran Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. MINUT~ APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of October 13, 1970 and the adjourned r.egular meeting of O~tober 21, 1970, were approved as prepared. AFPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood and unani- mously carried, General Warrants No. 385 through No. 440, in the total amount of $39,916.37; and Payroll Warrants No. 722 through No. 802, in the total amount of $14,420.10, were approved and oxdered paid. RE4UEST OF ST. PATRICK'S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL FUlt FEE EXEMPT BUSINESS LIGENSE (DENIED) Admin~.strator Butch advised tk~at St. Patrick's School has requested a fee exempt business license to se11 See's candy at 133 East Branch Street, from December l through 25, 1970. After Council dfscussion, on motion of Councilman Woad, seconded by Cour~~ilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the request of St. Patrick's School for a fee exem,pt business license to sell candy was denied, as this sale of candy would be in competition with business firms that purchased a license to sell. ' CITY OF LONG BEACH RESBL. RE: USE OF SURPLUS MIL.AIRCRAFT IN FIGHT.FOREST FIRES Administrator Bu~eh reviewed a resolution xeceived from the City of Long Beach, requesting that National and State Legislators, the League of California Cities and Member Cities thereof approve the program of utilizing surplus mili- tary aircraft in fighting forest fires, and urging this City's adoption of a similar resolution supporting this proposed program. The Council discussed and agreed that due to lack of information that this matter be tabled at this time. LETTER FROM LOMPOC MAYOR RE: SUPPORT CONT. OF AEROSPACE INDUSTRY IN CALIF. Administrator Butch reviewed correspondence recefved'from Arthur D. Scott, Mayor of the City of Lompoc, requesting that this City join with the City of Lompoc in an effort for a resurgence of the serospace industry in California, by contacting,,in_person or by letter, federal and state leaders at the highest levels regarding this economic need. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was instructed to write to federal and atate officials regarding the NASA - proposed space shuttle program. ~ CITY OF SLO RESOL. RE: COUNTY OPEN SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY REPRESENTATION Administrator Butch reported that a resolution has been received from the City of San Luis Obispo, regarding cities representation on the Open Space Ad~isory Committee to the County Board of Supe rvisors. After Council di.scussion, Administrator Butch was i~structed to write to the City of San Luis Obispo and advise that this City has already taken similar action in requesting that the County Board of Supervisors provide for cities representation on the Open S.pace Advisory Committee. ~ PROCLAMAT_ION -~.O.W. WEEK - NOVEMBER.10 - 17, 1970, ' Mayor Le~ine proclaimed the week of November 10 through 17, 1970 as "P.U. W. Weele" in the Gity of Arroyo Grande, as requested by Ed Reinecke, Lieutenant Governcir of-California, to demonstrate a united stand to. ensure the humane t~estment gf our men, who are being held prisoners of war:in North Vietnam. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR OCTOBER, 1970. ~ The Treasurer's Report for the month of October,:1970 was not'completed at this time. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR OCTO$ER, 1970. The Departmental report for the month of October, 1970, was received by the Council reviewed and ordered filed. . . . . . . i ORDTHANCE ESTAB. PARK. AND BUS. AREA IMPROVE. DIS~.°BRANCH ST.,-FIRST READING, ~ C~ty Attorney Ships•ey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinaac+e~ establialti'~ag,a Parking and Business Area Im~provement District.in the gen~ral a~ea af Branch St'reet, which establishes an assessment procedure in conjunction w°Yth 323 CI~"Y COZII~TGI~, ~ . „NOVEMBER , lp, , lg.7p 1~RROYO GRANDE, C~,LIFORNIA PAGE 2 business~licensing to provide off street.parking, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with r~ading:the balar~ce of this ordinance. AU1iHORIZED EXCHAN~E -0F PROPERTY-CITY AND LANGENBECK-TRAFFIC WAY & BRANCH ST. Admi~istra:tor Butch advised that the deeds are now ready to tinalize the Council approv~d property exchange between the Gity and Vareene Langenbeck. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Council- man Wood and unanimously carried, the deed from Varee~e Langenbeck was accepted, for a portion of Lot 104 of the James T. Stratton's Subdivision of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bo1sa de Chamisal,:lying between the newly aligned West Branch Street and property commo~.ly;known.as Certified Freight Lines. On.motion of ~ouncilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously earried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign a deed conveying.title to a portion of Lot_lU4.of the James T. StrattoM`s`Subdivision _of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Ghamisal,.lying:between the ne~vly aligned Traffic Way and that parcel cmmmon.ly; known as the Lange~abeck property, to Vareene Langenbeck. NOTIGE FROM S.L.O. COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASSOC. - ONE DAY CONFERENCE;11-11-7U. Administrator Butch advised that notice has~been received from the San Luis Obispo County Development Associstion, that one day confereMCe, Tomorrow as We see it Today - the Communities and County o'~ San Luis Obispo, will be h~ld at Cal Poly on November 11,;197Q. LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN ~ROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. Administrator Butch.reviewed the Highlights of 1970 LegisZation Affecting Gities report received from the League of California Cities. :PUBLIC HEARING-STREET NAME CHADTGE RAILROAD AVE. TO PACIFIC COAST RAILWAY PLACE Administrator Butch reviewed that the Planning Commission had held a public hearing tq change the name of R.ailroad Avenue, located between East Cherry Ave. and Allen Street, and have recocmaended tt~at the street be named Paeific Coast Railway Place. Upon being.assured by City ~lerk Miller that all requirements as provided by law have been complied with, Mayor Levine declared the hearing opened, and all persons for vr against the proposed street name change wauld now be heard. Gordon Bennett, ~i15 Al1en Street, spoke against adding.the word ~'Place" to Pacific Coast Railway, and was advised by Mayor I~evine that.as re- quired by the Street Natne Ordinance "Place" is a necessary part of this street name.There~being.no.correspon;denee. received nor any further discussion for oz against the proposed street name change, Mayor Levine declared the hearing closed. After Council diseussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution chaMging the name of the street'known as Railroad Avenue to Pacific Coast Railway Place, thereafter, a motian was made by Councilman Talley, seconded`' by Gouncilman Wood and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this.resolution. RESULUTION NO. 900 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CHANGING THE NAME OF THAT STREET KNOWN AS RAILRO~P?D AVENUE, BETWEEN EAST CHERRY AVENUE AND ALLEN STREET, TO PACIFIC CQAST RAILWAY PLACE. On motion of Counc~lman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompeon, and_on the following;roll call vote, to wits AYES: Council Members Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman. Scl~legel. the foregoing resolution•was passed and adopted this lOth day of l~bvember, 1974. PUBL'IG HEARING-STREET NL~ME CHANGE CYPR~SS COUR~ TO SANDALWOOD AVENUE. Administrator Butch.reviewed that the Plan:ning Ccmnmission has held a public hearing to change the name of Cypress Court, lecated bezwdeen Alder Street and Halcyon Road, and have recot~nended that the street be named Sandalwood Avenue. Upon being assured by City Clerk ~Ii11er that a11 requirements as-provided by law have been complied with, Ma~ror L~vine dealared the hearing now open and all peraons for or against the proposed street name change would now be heard. - CIT~ COUNCIL - _ NOV~MBER .10,. 19.70 ARRaYO GRANDE, CALTFO1tNIA PAGE 3 Mr. 4scar Kraatz, 919 Cypress Court, stated that Evergreen Court or Ever- green Avenue was the street natne he preferred. Administrator Butch advised that 17 of the 19 adult residents on Cypress Street have signed and submitted a _letter requesting Sandalwood Avenue as first choice and Evergreen Avenue as second choice for this street's name, and Mr. Kraatz had signed tl~is~letter. There being no further discussion,for or against this street ~ame change, Mayor Levine declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a xesolution changing:the name of the-street from Cypress Court to Sandalwood Avenue,thereaf~er~a motion"was niade by Councilma~! Wood seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading.the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 901 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY - OF ARROYO GRANAE CHANGING THE NAME OF THAT STREET KNOWN AS CYPRESS COURT, BETWEEN ALDER STREET AND HALCYON ROAD, TO SANDAI.,WOOD AVENUE. On motion of Councilman Talle.~, seconded by Councilu~an Wood and on the followi~.g:roll call vote, to wit; AYES; Gouneil Members Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT; Councilman S~hlegel. the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this lOth day,of November,197U. REQUEST MUNI.CODE AMEND,-CURRENT EDITIONS UNIFORM BLDG.& PLUMB. CUDES-HELD OVER Administrator Butch advised that the current editions of the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Plumbing Code have not been reviewed by ali de- partments concer~.ed and requested, and the Council agreed, that these items be held over. SET PUBLYC HEARING-INTENT. TO VACATE A PTN. OF TALLY HO ROAD{PAPER ST.~ 12-8~70 City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution of intention to vacate a portion of Tally Ho Road, a paper street, and setting a public hearing;in its regard for 8:00 ~.M., December 8, 1970, thereafter, a-mation.was made by Council- woman Thompeon, seconded by Councilman Ta11ey an@ unanimously carried, to dis- pense with reading;the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 902 A RESULUTION OF INTENTION TO VACATE, ABANDUN AND CLOSE A PORTION 0F TALLY HO ROAD IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALTFORNIA, AND FTXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING AS PROVIDED FOR BY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION ~3320, ET SEQ. On motion .of Cour~cil~an Talley, seconded by Couxtciliaan Wood and an the following;roll call vote, to wit; AYES: Council Members Thompson, Wood, Ta11ey and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT; Gouncilman Schlegel. the foregcing:resolution was passed and adopted this lOth day of November,:],970, INVITATION-SLO CO. DEV. ASSOCIATION DINNER MEETING - 11-1$-70. Administrator Butch reported th~t an invit~tion has been received, to att~nd the fourth annual.installation dinner meeting.of the San Luis Obispo County De- velopment Association on Alovember 18,;1970. JOINT MEETING - COUNCIL AND PARKS AND RECREATIUN COMMISSION ~ 11-17-70. Copies of the Parks and Recreation Com~nission agenda for the joint study session with the Council for November 18,:1970 were received by the Council. After Cous~cil discussion, Administrator Butch.was instructed to advise the ~t~m- mission, that as the San Luis Obispo County Development Association.dinr~er ~seet- ing.is scheduled for November 18, 197U, the joint iaeeting cannot be held on this date; and that this joint m~eting.could be rescheduled for November 17, i970. 325k ~ CITY COUNCIL . _-NatIEMBE~R :10, . 197U A~YO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 SET PUB. HEARING-SPREADING OF A~SESSMENTS-GRAND AVE.,LE POINT, SQ.RENA-11-24-70, Administrator Butch advised that Director of Public Works Ariderson has reported that work as designated within.each.of three separate distriets, for the installation of cu~b, gutter, driveway aprons and sidewalks have been com~ pleted under the provisions of the Shart:1911 Act, on-portions of Le Point Street, So. Rena Street and Grand ~,venue,`and requested that a public hearing on.the spreading of assessments be set. After Coux~cil discussion, on motion of ~ouncil- man Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the Publi.c Hearing on.the spreading.of assessments for the installation of curb, gutter, .driveway aprons and sidewalks on the north side of Grand Ave. between Fair ~liew Drive and Elm Street, on the sauth side of Grand Ave. between ~lm Street and Juniper Street, the installation of curb, gutter and driveway aprons c~n the no"rt,h side :nf Le Point Street between Crc~m :Terra~e and McI~inley Street, Project No, 90-69-3; the installation of curb, gutter, driveway aprons and sidewalk vn the south side of Grand Avenue between South Alpine Street and the south on-ramp to the 101 Freeway, Project No. 90-69-4; and the installation of sidewalks on the easterly side of South Rena Street, between Grand Avenue and Dodson Way, Project No, 9U-69-1, was set for 8;00 ~.M., November 24, 1970,.in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. REPORT ON COASTAL VALLEY PLANN:COUNCIL MEET.RE: ESTAB.OF JOINT BOARD OF APPEALS Administrator Butch reported that he had attended the last meeting of the Coastal Valley Planning Council and advised the Planning Council, as directed by the City Council, that tl~is City wishes to maintain its present established board of appeals, which was formed to serve the City of Arroyo Grande only and it was determined that the cities represented on the Planning Council each want its own appointed board of appeals rather than a joint board of appeals. PROGRESS REPORT - STREET SWEEPING BUSINESS DISTRICT BETWEEN 4~6 A,M. Administrator Butch gave an oral report regarding the effectiveness of the proposed solution to street sweeping problems in the business district of the ~ity due to on-street parking of vehicles between the hours of 4:U0 and 6:OU A.M., stating.that to date the owners of the vehYeles have been contacted and the st~eet sweeping.problems have been resolved to the satisfaction of the sweeper operator and the Public Works Department. AUTHORIZED CITY~S FISCAL RECORDS BE MAINTAINED BY DATA PROCESSING FIRM,~IEHI:,, EVANS & C0. ~ Administratox Butch reviewed a.report dated October 30,;197U, submitted by City ~lerk Miller, outlining the economical need and recommending Cour~cil approval, fur contracting data processing services for the City's fiscal record~ , with the data processing division of Dieh1; Evans and Company of Santa Maria. After CouMCil discussion, on motion o£ Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously c$rried, contract service for data processing.for the fiscal records of the City with the data processing division of Diehl, Evans and Company of Santa Maria, was approved at a total cost not to exceed $394.00 per month upon fu11 conversion of all fiscal records to data processing; and _1970-~71 budgeted funds were approved to be transferred as follows: General Fund- City Clerk Dept.-Aecount No. 110; $3,U00 from 110.00 Salaries to 110.09 Gontracts and Water Fund-Commereial-Account No. 410; $1,000 from 410.0U Salaries to 410.09 Contraets, to appropriately distribute the costs for data processing services. PROPOSED MUNI. CQDE AMEND.-~ONTROL OF HOUS~MOVING INTO,THROUGH & WITHIN CITY The progosed Municipal Code amendment to-provide controls for the movtng of houses into, through or within.the City of Arroyo Grande, was held over for further review and consideration by the Council. DISCUSSION - STREAM BED OBSTRUCTION AT FAiR OAK8i1~iVE. BRIDGE Mr. B. T. Marquis, 411 Woodland Drive, was present and reportec~ that the unsightly condition of the stream bed at Fair 0aks Avenue Bridge has not yet been completely improved and inqu~,red as to the status of his prior request. Administrator Butch:reported that th~e contractor has been contacted, but due to a union strike at that time, could not make corrections in the stream bed and since the end of the strike, Mr: Sehott, the ~ngineer on this project, has been unable to contact the contractor, but has advised the contractor by letter of' this continuing condition and requested a response from him.within a specified period of time. The Council discussed and.instructed Administrator Butch to request.Mr. Schott to again.contact the Contractor ta endeavor to get.this matter resolved prior to the next Council meeting,at which time the Council will.. take stronger action if the stream bed has not been restored ta its original eondition. ~ ~ ~ ~ C T'~Y •~OUNC I~, _ ~,NOVEMBE~t .10, : 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRNI.A PAGE 5 - ACCEPTANCE 0~' 6" WATER MAiN EXTENSION DN FARROLL AVE. TO. SERVE TRACT N0. 398 ° Admi.nistrator Butch'reviewed a report from Dire.ctor of Public Works Anderson, recomu~ending Council acceptance of the 6" water main extension.on Farroll Avenue, which was:tnstalled for and paid for by Golden West Homes, Inc. to serve Tract No, 398, and which wi11 ultimately serve three additional existing properties, and at the time these properties request water se~~ice a $1.50 front'foot cl~arge should be made. Any payments reeeived on tl~is line extension to be refunded to Golden West Homes, Inc., until July l, 1975. Bene~- fiting;properti.es are identitied by.the 1970~71 ~an Luis C~bispo County Aesessor's Pareel Numbers,as fol"lows': 77-241•12- 293 front feet-' ~$439.50 cost 77-2~1-01 239 front feet $358.50 cost 77-251-02 298 front feet $447,00 cost and are more particularly identified by the following map; i ~ i M 1 I ~ ~ I E TT-Q41 • i l ~ N i _ (TRACT 398) ~ _ p i_______ , T7' 241 12 , ~ - , i ~ ~ i 29 ~ ~ ~ FARR~LI. 1- --~0 Exte~sion of 6 Water Main _ Existi~ Water Main ~ _~E. 98 4p ' ~ 7T-251 ~02 i TT• 2S1 ~OI TRACT i ~ ~ 283 ~ ~ i I _ , - After Council discussion, on motion of Couneilman Wood, seconded by Council- woiaan Thompson and unanimously carried, the 6" water main exteMSion on Farroll Avenue instialled by Golden West Homes, Inc.,.was accepted inta the City Water System. On motion_of Cour~cilman Talley, seconded by Couneilman Wood and nnani- ~ mouslx carried, the pro-ration of costs to property fronting on the 500' ex- tensiun of a 6" water main installed on Farroll Avenue was approved as shown on the above ~??ap; and the ~ity of Arroyo Grande will refund to Golden West Homes, Inc. the snm of ,$1.50 per linear foot for property fronting.on this ex~ tension when said property requests water seruice; this refund to continue fn effect until July,1,;1975, after ~sid date no refunds.will be made. REPORT BY COUNCILWOMAN THOMPSON - C~, WATER RESOURCES ADV. COMMITTEE MEETING. Councilwoman Thompson gave an oral report on the recent County Water Re- sourees Advisory Committee meeting, atating that the proposed Stenner Cresk Pro~ect was discussed. This project is proposed to provide a terminal reser- voir for the treatment of water from Whale Rock Dam for domestic purposes so that the dam_itself can be developed for reereational purposes. A.report en- titled "Stenner Creek Pzo,ject Comparison of Assessed Valuation of Alternative . Zones-of Benefit" was received by the Council and after di~~ussion, Adminis- ` trator Butch was i~structed to write to the County Board of Supervisors and the County Resources Advisory Co~ittee, expressing,this Council's decision that Zone 3 be eliminated from.any phase of the proposed Stenner Creek Pro- ' ject, as only the area within Zone 3 is now carrping;the fu11 f~nancial re- ~ponsibility for Lopez Dam and terminal reservoir, which prouides recreational facilities for county wide use. 32°~ CITY ~OUNCI~ N~VEMBER.10,,19.7~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALrFORNIA PAG~ 6 , ACCEPTANCE OF 6" SEWER MAIN ON BELL ST, TO SERV~ LOTS;15 & 16 BLK 7 WEST. ADD. VICTORINO Administrator Butch reviewed a report from Director of Publia Works Anderson, xegarding the installation_of 165' of 6" sewer main extension. on Be11 Street to serve Lots 15 & 1 6, B1oek 7, Western Addition, which was paid by M~'. M. S. Victorino, which also provides sewers to Lot~ 13 &-14, Block 8, Western Addition; and reco~tends Council acceptanee of this ext~:nsion into the ~ity seWer system and approval of the proration-of costs to ben.efiting properties, to be refu~nded to Mr. Victorino upon payment being received by the City, until Ju1y 1,:1975; said extension is as shown on the following map: ~ ~ f~ Srq T~ Pv~' ~~G~w~l y / . F PtiN P`~~. r - ~ 1Ytl~ p'~~~/ ~ N N~~c~ ~ ~O~ 9EN- P - ~d / ~6~' 0 ~ ~ ~~r ~ ~ N ~pC. ~ \3 ; 0 PJ~. v~ , - 6 o,, ~ ~ ~ m . a e~ ~ ~ a° ~P~-~' ~ GD~N . After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Gouncil- man Talley and unanimously carried, the e~tension o£.165' of 6" sewer main.in~ stalled on Bell Street was accepted into the City sewer system; ~and the pro- ration of costs to benefzting properties designated as Lots-13 & 14, Block 8, Western Addition, in the amount of $300,00, plus 15% to cover administration costs payable to the City, was approved; and when said propert~,requests a sewer - connection and pay said amount to the City, a xefund will be made to Mr. M. S. Victorino, until July,l,;1975, after which time no refunds wi11 be ~ade. ACCEPTANCE OF 12" SEWER MAIN ON FARROLL AVE. TO SERVE TR.NOe398 & CUN~'AL.HOSP_,_. Administrator Butch reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson, recommending Council aceeptance a~d approval of proration of costs for the extension of 755' of 12" sewer main installed on Farroll Avenue, between Carmella Drive and the West ~ity Limit,,paid by Golden West Homes, Inc., de- velopers of Tract No. 398 and J. Bo Wyatt, co-owner of South Go~tnties Convales- cent Hospital, which was installed to serve their respective de~elopments; with the proration of costs to benefiting properties as shown on the following map, to be refunded as shown on Unit A, to Golden West Homes, I~c. and Unit B', to - J. B. Wyatt, until July 1, 1975,<after said date no;refunds will be'made. S'EE PAGE 7 FOR MAP ~ . , ~ ~ _ CITY GOUNCIL . - -~TO"UEMBER . lU, . 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFdRNIA PAGE 7 D NoRrH ~ ~ 200' ~ 'J CITY LIMITS I ~ HC' -p ~ N :~l ~ ~ W ~ -P J~~J 1~' ~ F r~ ' n N ' - ~ i------~---- ~ ~ _ ~ ~ i 0~ ~ ~ w ~.Np J~~l 1 r ; ~ - ~ D ; ; ~ ~ n N ~ ' - ~ ~ o ~ ~ _ 1A~. ~1 ~ ~ U1 'A W N , O N _ ; ~ GARMEL~.A ~ DR. D ~ ~ ' O ~ ~ ' ~ ~ D i N ~ ~ OD ~1 (7~ ~ W N A ~ D ~ ~ ~ c-~ CAROL PL-• c~ w N W ~ m n O ~ ~ S._w_ ELM ST. The County-of San Luis Obispo Assessor's Parcel No. for 1970-71 Parcel Map • Books.are used to iclentify benefitin.g,properties, as followst U1VIT A- Refunds payable tq G~lden West Hoa~es, Inc. 77-251-02 $6~3.50 UNIT B- Refunds pay~ble to J.B. Wyatt, South Counties Convalescent Hospital. 77-241~12 $891.27 ` 77m251-0,2 $341043 ~ 77-251~01 $670,68 The benefiting,properties within Tract I~o, 283 are prorated as'foliows: Lo~t 1 $177.61 Lots 2 through 18, 31 through 36, and 42.thr~ugh 49 $ 12..70 each, After (~ouncil discussion, on motion of Coux~cilman Talley, seeonded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, the extension of 755' of 12" sewer main.installed on Farr~Yl Avenue9 b~etween. ~armella Drive and the West City . . ' , . d3. . . _ 32~ ~~Ty ~Q~~r~, NOVEMBER. 10, ; 19~U ARROYO GR~TDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE Limi't, was accepted into the City S~wer Systeu~; and the proration of costs as shown~.above was approved, and when payatent is received by the City, refunds wi11 be made to Golden West Homes, Inc, and J. B, Wyatt.~s shown above, untfl July,1, 1975, after said date no refunds will be a~ade. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRt~NDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT A copy of the Enginee~s Progress Report for the month of October$.197U, on the engineering,,phase of the Arroyo Grande Sewerage Assessment District, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. Administrator Butch ~dvised that a resolution authorizing the filing.:qf application for a Federal Grant must be passed by the Council to accompany the City's offieial application for a grant. After Council discussion, City ' Attorney Shi:psey read the title of a resolution authorizing:the filing.of appli- cation for a grant, thereafter, a motion was made by Couneilman Ta11ey, seconded by Councilman ~Iood and unanimously csrried, to dispense with reading.the bal- arice of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 903 A RESQLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF APPLICATION WITH.THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ? FOR A GRANT UNDER P.L. 89-117. On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the' following roll call vote, to Wit: AYES: Councfl Members Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel. ' the foregoing:resolution was passed and adopted this lOth day of November,1970. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT . ~ Copies of the Chief Plant Operator's Report for the month of October and the Quarterly Financial Report for the District were reeeived by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. ; RECEIPT OF LOPEZ WATER ANALYSIS REPORT ' Administrator Butch reviewed a report, dated November 6, 1970, prepared by D.irector of Public Works Anderson, su~a~izing:a Water Analysis Report received from the Lopez Water Treatment Plant Laboratory,.listing 2U_items of water testings and showing ratings in comparison with the United State~'~Publ.ic Health Ser~ice and American Water Works Association's recommended minimum ratings for dotnestic water. INVI'~ATION TO ATTEND DEDICATION OF NEW LOPEZ HIGH CONT,SCH, FACILITIES.11-24-70 Administrator Butch reparted that a letter has been received from the Lucia Mar Unified School District, inviting;the Council to attend the dedication ceremonies for the newlq eompleted Lopez High Gontinuation School facilities, located on Gity-owned property westerly,of Encinas Bonitas Cot~unity Park on So. E1m Street, to be held November 24, 1970, at 1:00 P.M.; and thanking the Council for the ~it~'s assistance and lease contribution.in making;these facili- ties:possible. REQUEST FROM LEAGUE CHANNEL DIVISION~GHAIRMAN RE: COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS . Administrator Butch advised that Mayor Prueter of Port Hueneme, the Channel Division Director of the League of California Cities, has requested submission of names of City representatives to be considered fox appointment to various com- mittees as established by the League of California Cities, ADJOURNMENT On motion_of Couneilwoman Thompsan, seconded by Councilman Wood and unani- mously carried, the meeting ~djourned at 9:32 P.M. until 7:'30 P.M., November 16, 1970. ~ • ATTE S T : ~c-~----~ CIT LERK MAYOR < ~ , a~:~.~ , . ,