Minutes 1970-11-16 3`3~ CITY C.UUNCIL NOVEMBER.I6,.1970 ARRUYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular adjourned session with the Arroyo Grand~ Planning Gammission. Upon roll ca1l,Cou~cil-Members 3chlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and_Mayor Levine reported present. STUDY SESSION - MOBILE HOME PARKS The Gity Council and Planning Commission.reviewed and discussed various reports compiled by the Planning Department and City Administrator, relati~.g to Mobile Home Parks proposed or located throughout California. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegel,+seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unaMimously carried, the meeting ~djourned at 10:30 P.M. until 7:30 P.M., November 17, 1970. . , ~ _ ATTE S ( r ~ . - L~'~ • /y~'~„Y_ - ` EPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNGIL NOVEMBER.17, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7s30 P.M. The Gity Council met in regular adjours~ed session with the Arroyo Grande Planning Cotmnission. Upon.roll call, Council Members Schlegcl, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine reported present. Councilwoman Thompson is absent. STUDY SESSION - MOBILE HOME PARKS The Gity Council and Planni~.g Commission held further discussi&n. ~egarc~ing Mobile Home ~arks and reviewed a xeport submitted by residents of the Va11ey Garden Homes area of the City, who are in-oppo.sition to the proposed develop• ment of a Mobile Home Park southerly of Valley Road. Guidelines and restrictions regarding Mobile Ha~me Parks were discussed with no action taken at this time. , Mayar Levine ad~ised residents.in the sudience that the Council wi11 take ` action on the rezoning application;and proposed development of a Mob~le Home Park at the regular meeting of the Council on November 24,.1970. ADJOURNMENT On motion of ,'Councilman.;.Talley,:.;:., seconded by Councilman 5chleg~l, and unanimiously rried, the meeting adjourned at.9:3U,P,M. , ~ = ~ ~ j/~ Q , w ' _ ATTES T ` f S`~ < " [ • ~wx~ ~ -.r.,-,-c- ` ~ DEI~UTY CITY CLERK ' MAYOR _ . ~ ~ . . . . ^&~~°9~:,'