Minutes 1970-12-22 CITY COUNCIL DECEMB~R 21, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in adjourned regular session with Mayor Levine pre- siding. Upon roll ca11, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and Talle'~ reported present. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT DISCUSSION Administrator Butch reviewed his attendance at the Assembly Committee on Mobile Home Parks study meeting and hearing on Deeember 14, 1970, fn San Diego, and submitted a report on proposed changes to the Business Lieense Ordinance, the Water Ordinance and the Sewer Ordinance which would better equalize City charges, which the Couneil reviewed, discussed, and instructed Administrator Butch to proceed with the preparation of the necessary Ordinances indicating the deletion, additions, and modifications as agreed upon by the Council, for their further consideration. DISG. ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGARDING ON-STREET PARKING AND HOUSE MOVING The Council reviewed and discussed the proposed Municipal Code Amend- ments regarding On-Street Parking and House Moving and instructed Administrator Butch to proceed with the preparation of the necessary Ordinances indicating the deletions, additions, and modifications as agreed upon by the Coune~tl, for their further consideration. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED RESOLUTION EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS The Council reviewed and discussed the resolution xecommended by the League of California Cities regarding EmpXoyee Organization Recognition and ir~- structed Administrator Buteh to place this matter on the agenda for the firs~ regular meeting in January, 1971. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Sehlegel, and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10;00 P.M. ~ . ,o` < - ~ _ - ` „ ATTEST: ` ~ ~ . •xi--y ~~.",.I~s~ ~~-~-y~°~- ~ ~ _ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER.22, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Couneil met in regular session with Mayor Levine presi.ding. Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and Talley reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levin.e led the Pledge of Allegianee to our Flag and delivered the invocation. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of December 8, 1970, were approved a8 prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Couneilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 508 through No. 548, in the total amount of $173,722,01; Payroll Warrants No. 947 thxough No. 1020, in the total amount of $13,628.08 and Trust and Ageney Warrants No. 1321 through No. 1332, in the total amount of $1,534.Db, were approved and ordered p~id. PETITION REGARDING CONDITION OF STANLEY AVENUE. Administrator Butch advised that a complaint signed by twenty-five citizens was received regarding the poor condition of Stanley Ave. and requesting that the City myake the street passable; and reviewed a report dated December 15, 1970, from Director of Public Works Anderson, which advised that before the City can aceept a street for maintenance, it must be improved to such condition that maintenance will be kept to a minimum, so that present street maintenance pro- g~ams will not be encumbered with excessive items, as monies for this purpose is limited; and the report also noted that the problems that would be created on Stanley Ave. with the additional use created by the Peter Pan Nursery was discussed with Mr. Peters at the time it was requested to put the bui,lding in this location. ~ 34~ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER.22,,1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE~2 Beth L. Peters, owner of the Peter Pan Nursery was present and read a letter dated December 22, 1970, and submitted a,report signed by Glenn E. Peters and Beth L. Peters, that aIl that the City required them to do at the time of the building of the Pre-School has been complied with and stating that they felt they:had no further obligation regarding the~improvement of the street.to their property. It was di.s:eussed that Stanl~y Ave. from south of Edmands Ave. to the Peter Pan Nurse~y School is abutted on both sides by the Lueia Mar Unified School District property.. After Coun.cil diseusgion, Administrator Butch was instructed to contact the School District and request they participate with the improve- ment of this street to a passable condit~on during;the sehools Christmas va- cation period; and that a copy of the Director of Public Works report.be sent to all signers of the original eomplaint; and report back to the Coun~il at the next regular meeting. Mrs. Peters thanked the Council for their considex- ation of th~s matter. RESQLUTION FROM MORRO BAY RE: AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION. Mayor Levine requested that no:actian be taken until after the next Mayors' Meeting, which will be held early.in January, regarding tl~e adoption of a resolution requesting that the Baard of Supervisors of San Luis Obispa County join the Mayors of the incorporated Cities of San Luis Obispo County in designating the San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission as the appropxi- ate body to prepare the Airport Land Use Plan, as some of the Mayors now felt there should be City representation on the Airport Land Use Commiss~on. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was instructed to requesC the Board of Supervisors of San.Luis Obispo County,to withhold final action on this matter, ,until after reconsideration by the Councils of the incorporated Cities. TREAaURE1t'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1970. The Treasurer'.:s Report for the month of November, 1970, was received by the Couneil, reviewed and ordered filed. NOTIGE OF FIRST FORMAL MEETING OF DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT COMMITTEE 12/29/70 Administrator Buteh advised that the first fprmal meeting of the Downtown Parking District Committee would be held Deeember 29, 1970 at 7;30 P.M. in the Couneil Ghambers. ` RESOL. RE: GITY PARTIGIPATION TN STATE'S PURCHASE OF TIRES AND ~tTBES ~dministrator Butch reported that the State Office of Purchasing has ad- vised that the State Procurement Offiee is preparing to call for bids for vehicle accessories for the calendar year I971 and if the Gity wishes to par+~ ticipate in the State pzogram, inforrnation regarding:the proposed purchases has to be forwarded to the State prior to January l, 1971. After Couneil diseussion, Gity Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution.authoriai.ng the 5tate Department of General Services to include in the State ca~l for bids, tires and tubes for the Gity of Arroyo Grande, thereafter, a motion was made by Couneilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, to dispense with readi~.g:the balanee of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 91S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ALtTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF GALIFQRNIA:TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS. , On motion of Councilwoma.n Thompson,'seconded by Councilman Wood, a.nd on the following.roll ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Co~ncil Members Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: ~ouncilman Schlegel. ABSENT: None. the forego~ng resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of December, 1970. RESOLUTION OPPOSING RECOM. CONSOL. WITH REGION 8 N:. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SY$TEM Admi~istrator Butch advised that Region VIII North a~.d Region VIIi South are opposed to the consolidation of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara cou~ties with Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties.into one region and recom- mends that tt~is Gouncil express their opposition.to this proposed.merger. e~i ~ ~ _ CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER.22, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a ' resolution urging opposition to consolidat~.on of Regions VIII North and South, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, ta dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 916 A RESOLUTIQN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE URGING THE CALIFORNIA COUNCIL ON CRTMINAL JUSTICE TO DISAPPROVE THE CONSOLIDATION OF REGION VIII SOUTH AND REGION VIII NORTH. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and on the £ollowing roll ca11 vote, to wit; AYES: Gouncil Members Schlegel, Thompson, Woad, Ta11ey and Mayor Levine. NOES: None, ABSENT: None. the foregoing resqlution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of December,1970. RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF CQASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING 11-2-70 The minutes of the Coastal Valley Planning Council meeting of November 2, 1970, were received by the Council and ordered filed. r RECEIPT OF SLO COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION. INC. BY-LAWS Copies of the San Luis Obispo County Development Association, Inc, pro• posed changes of its by-laws, as recom~nended by the Ad Hoc Coaaaittee on Orgac~iz- ation, Program and Operations, were received by the Council for review and con- sideration. MiTNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - ORD. REGULAT~NG MOVING OF BUILDINGS - FIRST READING i Administrator Butch reviewed that~at the Study Session held Decemb~r 21, that the Gouncil considered the proposed ordinance an.d made changes and modi- fieations they felt necessary, and that the ordinance is now ready for Council actian. After Council discussion, Gity Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance regulating the moving of buildings withi~, through and into the City, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balanee of this ordinance. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - ORD. REGULATING ON-STREET PARKING - FIRST REAAING Administrator Butch review~d that at the Study Session held December l, that the Council considered the proposed ordinance and znade changes and modi- fications they felt necessary, and that the ordina.nce is now ready for Council action. A£ter Council discussion, Gity Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance regulating on-street parking withi,n the City, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Snhlegel, seconded by Cou~cil- woman Thompson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance~ of this ordinance. DISC. ON REVISIONS IN BUSINESS LIC.,WATER, SEWER ORDINANCES RE: MOBILE HOMES Administrator Butch reviewed that at the Study Session held December 21, the Council eonsidered proposed changes to the Business License Oxdinance, the Water Ordinance and the Sewer Ordinanee and made changes and modifications they felt necessary in regards to Mobile Homes, After Council discussio~, City Attarney Shipsey was instructed to prepare the ordinanees neeessary to incor- porate the proposed changes in the Municipal Code. QUARTERLY RE~ORT ON SALES AND CIGARETTE TAX REVENUE ~ Administrator Butch submitted a Progress Report on the Third QuarCer of 1970 Sales, Tax and Cigarette Tax Revenue and noted that this third quarter re- flects th~ highest sales tax yield received by the City. AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF INCREASE IN PACTCAGE ZNSURANCE COVERAGE Administrator Butch advised that the Gity insurance broker, Morris and Dee, had inforn?ed him that the Liability Insurance Carrier tor the City err~d. in its billing on the 1969-70 fiscal yQar and the streets and sidewalks portiqt~ had been exc~uded, and although they are presently covered, paqment has not been made for this insuranee. Mr. A1 Sawyer of Morris and Dee was present and CITY COUNCT.L _ _ _ DECEI~ER 22, 1970 _ ARR.bYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 ~ ~ ~~~q,,r state~~'that an additional $1,~3Q should have i~een inicluded in the origi~aal bid, and it would be to the-City`s advantage to pay this omi,tted charge, as to re- place the same coverage with ano~~er insurance carrier, would be in a total amo~nt considerably higher. After Council discussion, on motion of Counc~l- woman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley, and unanimously caxried, author- ization was granted that Che annual prem~um increase for the Cit3r's Fackage Insurance Coverage be paid. ' FURTHER DTSC. ON PLANN. COMM. RE(~LTEST MORATORIUM BE AELD ON MOBILE HOME DEV. ~ Adm~.nistrator Butch briefly reviewed his_ attendanee at the Assenib~.y Coa1- mittee on Mobile Home Parks study meeting and hearing`on Decembe~r 14, 1970~, in Sa~n Diego, and reported th~t he had presented'the information and fa~ts on Mobile Homes-and Mobile Hom~ Paxks that had been compiled iocally, and hQ felt that the r~presentafiives on this Committee would give the Cities every consideration regardiag l+egislation ~qual.izi~ig_; mobile homes with permanent structure~s. Af~er Council discussion, it was agreed that a moxatorium just ' """""~S'ithin the City of' Arroyo Gf"ande would not 'be effective, and that as the Council has, by proposed amendments to the Municipal Code, equalized se~vice charges within their juri,sdiction, further equalization wou~.d have to be doqe by State legislation. ` The Council instructed Admi.nisCrator Butch to:write to the County Board of Supervisors, advising them of the study the City has comp~.eted in regard to MobilE Home equal~zation of service charges and taxes and request that thep consider'this present inequ~table situation im this county, and stress ~hat with the present distribuzivn of Mobile Home fees"paid to the State, the ape~ial districts receive no benefits. LETTER OF R~SIGNATIDN - FLA1~lI~TING COirII~tISSIONER HARRY W. MCMILLEN A letter o~f resignation was received from Planning Commissioner H~rry W. MeMilien, advising that in con3unction with his employment, he was be~ng trana- ferred to Bakersfield and would no longer be a resident of our City. On motiot~ of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood, and unanimously e~xied, the resignation of Harry W. McMillen fxom Che Planning Commission was aCCept~d with reg~~ts, and ~dministrator B~tch was instructed to write Mr. McMillen a letter af thanks and appreciatfon for his service to the City. PLANN. COMM. REQUEST COUNCIL RECONSIDER NAMING'FRONTAGE RD. TO EL GAM~NQ it_EAL_, Administrator Butch reported that the PTsnning Commission has requeste~ that rhe City Council reconsider changing the nama of Frontage Road to'E1 Camino Real, particu~.ar~.~? noW ~ht~~ th+~ C~u?~t~ ~Qa~'d c~~ Su~~xv~.sc~~r~ ~s~ the Grover C~,ty Ci.ty Counci,~. Y~a~ aPpa~~aved t[~~ ~am~a cfi~~~~~, ~,;~t~ae Couin+~i~1 'd~.s~ cussion, it was agreed that because of the historical significenc~ of ~1.. Caiaina Real, it should not be used.to desigz~ate a mfinor City street, thereaf~e~~ on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unat~f.- mously carried, that_:the r?aine of that portion of Frontage Road-b~tween Barnett Stree~ and Brisco Road noC"be changed to E1'Camina Real; and the request of the Plan'ning Commission was denied. LETTER FI~OM PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT REGARDTNG CROSS CONNECTIONS. A letter dated December 7, 19?0, wss received from the Departmeat of Public-~ealth advisiag that 3.t ~saa praposed ta inaugurate a pragra~» by Ju~y 1, 191i, for a County~ride cros~ aanAeetion pragram, to eleminaCe the 1~aa~szd be~ween publtc waCer .supply s~rstem~. and private service'counectiona, t+hich woald entail a Gountq~?sa~pl.oyed control specialf,st wha would work under Che direction r~f the Cour?ty Health Officex and ia coaperation w~th th+n aater purve~t'ot ~..rt.,.._i,n whose jurisdiction,he is operstiag, w~.th eac~'utility paying by an houzly rate for ehe service received. Af ~er disctsssian, the Council sgreed tbat tbls matter will be further considered aft~r the x~ext"meeting of the Msyors. ORAL REP4RT RE: ZONE 3 ADVISORY Ct~IYTTEE MEETING OF 12•17-70. Councilman 5~chlegel orsl2y reported on the Zone 3 Advi~orq Comaittae Meeting of December 17, I9~0, and briefly revfewed that the p~oposed nr~tCershed ordinaace is being rev~ewed by the Dietrict Attorney's c~f~ice in reg~?rd to the proposed changea suggested by Ch+~ Zane 3 Comanittee and that the proposed agreemant for the a].loc~tion +~f g~aur~d water in the Arrayo Grande basia was di,scussed. ~ ~ . ;.~a ~t,~~.. . ° ~~~,~~az;.~x,~~,:;...~c~.°~.~~. . , , FURTHER DISCUSSION OP iII'WARI? AND D(?WNWARD DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION` `STAl1DARD$' Tt?e discussion of adoption of consCruction stand~rd's fo~ Che~ i~?~3~a~~atioa of Upward" and Dawnward Dri,veways~w~s held over ta the next regular ~etee0itlg, ~d~~ to the absence of Airectar of Pub~ic Worlcs Andersan. ' ~ . ~ ~ , ,a., . . ~ „ ~ . . _ _ - '~`~s,. ~ ~ . aw~ _ ~ R~ ~ . +~y~yi'. 'a~~~ 7 ~~.yyy~~ ; ~~µi~r ,w~ ~ ,fip CITY COUNCIL DE~EMBER 22, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 PROGRESS REPORT ON THE ARROYO G~tANDE SEWER DISTRICT A Progress Report from Mr. York Peterson on tfie Arroyo Grande Sewer District was received~by the Council, reviewed,. and ordered filed. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT AdininistratarrButch advised that Supervisor Mankiris woul,d replace retiring Supervisor Carpenfer on the Board of Directors of the District;-and that the Board will reorganize at their first meeting in January, 1971. RESOL.'ADOPTION REGARDING APPROVED HOZIDAY SCHEDULE FOR ~ITY' EMPLOYEES Admini`strator Butch advised that`~he Federal and State Government Codes have been amended to"sub'stitute'four Monday`holidays for holidays which, in the past, occurred ori specific dates, and briefly revi,ewed the specified ' Mondays t~hat are now legal holidays, After Council discussion, City At'torney Shipsey r~ad the title of a resolution regarding an approved holiday schedule for City'employees, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegei, seconded by Cou~cilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolufiion. - RESOLUTION N0. 917 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ` APPROVED HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR"`THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BY AMENDING SECTION 7, RULE X OF RESOLUTION N0. 606. On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council~ian Talley, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Ta11ey and Mayor Levine. : NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of December, 1970. ADJOURNNIENT ' On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman.Talley, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:07 P.M. . , ATTE~T; ` . Y, ~ CI CLERK ~ MAYOR `