Minutes 1971-01-26 c~~~ couNCrr~ ,~arrua~~ 26, 19~i ~ - ARROYO GRAIVDE, CALZFORNIA Th~: G~.tg~ Councit met in regui~r ~es~io~ wi~h ~I~y~r ~~~°tem Schleg~l pre~ ~id~~g, Up~n rUll ~a119 Cauncil Me~t?ber~ Th~mp~~a~^~y W~c~d an3 Ta1ley r~p~rted pre~ ~ento Mayor Levire is ab~ent. PLETIGE 0~ ALLEGIANCE AND I~IVOCATION Maycsr ~re~-Tem ~chlegel le~.cl the Pled~e of Allegi~.r~e tc~ csu~ Fl~.g; and im~ zne~~.~.tel~ thex°eafter Rever~nd Willia~n B1~~k of tt~e Ur.ited ~I~fihodist Chur~h ~f Arr~~~ Gr~.r~d~ delivered the i~vc~~a.t~on. A~PROVAL 0~' MI3~1'ir~TES ~ ThE m~~.~tes o~ the reg~alar r.i~etira.g ~af Jar.~a~ry~ 1~, 1~~1, w~re appr~v~d as ~rep~r~do APPF~OVAL OE~ WARRANTS On motion ~f Councilwcaman Thoynpson, seccnded by C~u~~il~rar~ Talley and unani~ m~u~1y ~arried9 General Warrarat~ Nc~. 612 thro~agh I~~. 654, s.~ the total amount af $70,~13.91; Payroll Warrants Noo 1089 through Noo 1143, i~ th~ total amount of $12,~6200~3; and Tr~st and Agency Warrants No. 1333 ti~rc~tagh ~Tca~ 1343, in the total am~ur~t of $~~1<~8, were approved and ordered paid. Mr1YOR LETIINE JOIi3~D TI~E COY7NCIL AT 7:33 P.M. AND ASSUMEI3 TI~~; CHAIR RESOL. ADOPTIOI~ - STATE LEGIS. URGED TO ENACT MAI~`DATORY AiJTO SAFETY FLARE LEGIS. CitgT Attarr~ey Shipsey~ read "the tYtle of a resoluticn urging ~he State Leg~s- l.ature t~r enact mandator.y auto~a~b~l~ safety flare leg~.sla.ti~n9 tl~ere~.fter, a mc~Gi~~ was made 'by Couneilmam S~hl~gel, s~conded by C~u~~~.lw~max~ Thomps~n and u~ani~n~~~ly carried to di~pe~.se wath reading the Y~aYa~~e of this re~olution. RESOL~3~IOI~ I~O, 920 A RESOLkJTI0i~1 OF THE CIT~' CO~.TP3CIL OF THE CIT~ OF ARROYO GRA1Vl~E URGIIVG STATE LEGISLATIOIV TO ENACT MANDATORY AUTOMOBIL~ SAF"ETY FLARE LEGISLATIO~'e On mat~c~n af Cour~~ilman Wood, se~artded by Councilmai~ Talley a~d ~n the fol- lowing r~11 ~a11 vote, to wito AYES: Council Members Schlegel9 Thompson, Woody Talley and Mayor Levine. I~OES: None. ABSEIVYT: Non~. the far~goi~g r~solution was passed and adopted fihis 26th day of January~ 1971. CORR.ESPa FROM R~ALTO RE: SUPPORT LEGISe ANN'~7AL VEHICLE INSP> OF EMISS.CONTROL DEV. Adininistr~tor Butch reviewed ~orrespandence received from the City of Rialto regue~tf~~ thi~ Cou~cil's suppart in urging the St~.te Legi~l~to~°~ t~ enact legis- l ati~r~ for m~r~dat6ry annual inspectior_ of every motor vehir.le f~r ~^ffi~ient emis- ~ion c:~r~.~r~l devi~e:s. The Coun~il discussed and agre~d ~o actimn t~e taken on this ax~atter at ~hi~ time. CQRIiESP. F'ROM SAN MATEO R.E: MEAI~INGF°LlL TA~ RELIEF FOR HOMEOWNERS Ad~ainist~ator Butch reviewed ~~rrespondernce rec:eiv~d £rca~n ~he City ~f Sara Mat~o reque~ting that this Gfty support its effQrts in m~m~ri~.iizir~g the State Legisl~tux°~ t~ provide mean.ingful tax relief for th~ ho~.~~wner by enacting legis~ la.tia~a ~or. t~x reform which eird.bodie~ a balanced r~ven~e prc~gram to meet the on- gc~in~ rie~.ds ~f citieso After Cou~~~l discussion, Cit~ Attorney Shipsey read the title ~f. a res~lution memorializing the State Legislat~are to ena~t legislatior~ f~r t~~ ~°ef~~°m., thereafter, a moti6~ w~.~ made t~y Couneilzr~a~. Schlegel, seconded by C~~z~~~l~rl~m~n Thompson and u~ani~+au~ly ~arrieci, to d~spens~ with reading the ba~ ~n~e ea:C thi~ ~~s~lutic~n. RESOLUTION N0. 921 A RESOLUTIO~T OF THE CITY COi.Ti~iCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEMORIALIZING THE CALIFORNI~1 LEGIS~ LATURE TO PROVI~E NIMEANINGFLTL TAX RELIEF' FOR THE HOMEOWf~ER BY E~rACTZ1~TG LEGISLATION FOR TAX REFORM WHICH EMBODIES A BALANCED REVEIVUE PROGRAM TO MEE~ THE ONGOIP3G NEEDS OF CITIES. On mcatic~n c~f Coun~ilman Talley, seconded ~y C~u~.cilman Wood, and on the fnl~ lowi~g rall ~all vote, to wit; CITY COUI~CIL JANUARY 26, 1971 ~~C~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORI~IA PAGE 2 AYES: Council Members Schlegel9 Thampsan, GJoc~d, T~.11~y and Mayor Levine. I~OES o No~.e. ABSENT: None. the f~regnin.g re~olution w~~ passed and ~.dopted this 26~h day of Januax°y, 1971. REC~I~'T OF' SLO COL~TTY DEVELOP. ASSOCa QUART~RLY REVENUE & EXP~NDITURE REPORT Copi~~ of the Quarter°ly 1?evelopment Revenue a.nd Exper~ditu~°e Report of the Lu~s O~isp~a Gaunty Development A~so~i~tior~' Inc. , dat~d Jar~uarg~ 1971, were re~eived bg~ the Council. LETTER FROM AMERICADT LEGIOI~i POST 136 RE: FEE EXEMPT ~USINESS LICENSE m FIREWORKS Administrator Butch ~dvi~ed that a letter has been re~:eived from the Ameri~an L~~ior~ Arroyo Grande Post l36 requesting a fee exempt bu~ine~s li~ense to sell saf~ ~~.d ~ane fireworksa After Council discus~fon, on m~stio~ c~f Councilman S~h1~gel, seconded by Coun~ilwoman Thcsmpson and u~an.imou~ly c~arried, approval was granted to the American Legion Arroyo Grande Post l3b fo~° a fee exempt busi- ness li~ense for fireworks sales at 1069 Grand Avenue, fram June 30 through July 6, 1971~ subject to all Fire Department requirements. TREASIdRER'S REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1970 The Treasurer's Report far the month of December, 19~0, was received_by the Co~nsil, reviewed and ordered filed. RESOL. ADOPTION - ESTABLISHING AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY COORDINATING COMMITTEE City Attome~ Shipsey read the title af a resolutis~n establishing an under- ~~ound utility coordinating ccsmmittee9 thereafter, a mcation was made by Council- man Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balanee of this resalution. RESOLUTION N0. 922 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY COORDINATII~TG COMMITTEE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPOII~TT PERSONS TO THIS COMMITTEE, On mc~tion o£ Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the fc~llowirtg roll call vote, to wit: AYESa Gouncil Members Schlegel, ThompsQn, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOESo 1Vone. ABSEI~T: None. ~.he for~g~~ng r~esolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of January, 1971. PUBLIC HEARING ~ APPEAL OF VARIANCE CASE N0. 70-45 (MORTUARY LOCATION) LUCILLE LOR Adaninistrator Butch reviewed the action of the Planning Commission from ~r~ minutcs ~f December 15, 19709 at which Variance Case No, 70-45 was approved. Upon being a~sured by City Glerk Mi11er that all requiremen.ts provided by law, regardin.g notification of hearing, had been complied with, Mayor Levine deelared the h~ar~ng open and all persons would now be heard for or again~t the appeal of the Decision of the Planning Commission relative to grant~ng Uariance Case Noo 70-45~ to allow the operations of a mortuary upon p~operty located at the noxthwesterl}r corner of Bennett Avenue and Bell Street, filed by Mrs. Lucille Lor a~.d that the letter of appeal was signed by 61 additional residents of the area. Adininistrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from Mr. J. B~uce Ioppini, applieant of Variance Case No, 70-45, stating his reasons in f~vor of granting this variance. The following persons were present and spoke against allowing the operations of a in~rtuary at this proposed lo~ation within a zoned R-1 District: Mr. P. B. Bretan, 323 Bell St.; Mrs. P. L. Cas~l, 603 Bennett A~e~; Mr, and Mrse H. W. Fea~, 619 Faeh St.; Mr. P. E. Nisbet, 608 Cornwall Ave.; Mrs. K. Law, 304 N. Alpin~ Street; Mrs. William Brazil, 603 Cornwall Ave.; Mrs. Irlene Doko, 71/+ Cornwall Ave.; Mrs. P~ I. Nisbet, 608 Gornwall; Mr. and Mrs. Jo Ae Sousa, 208 Bell Street; Mrs. R. Bayona, 609 Faeh Ave.; Mrs, Me R. Beck, 717 Benne~t Ave.; Mr. No Aspittle, 609 Bennett Ave.; Mrs. G. S. Alareio, 311 No. Alpine St..; Mrs, Lucille Lar, 612 Bennett Av~.; Mrs. E. B. Betita, 310 N. Alpine St.; Mr. G. S. Dan~., 514 Cornwall Ave.; Mr. Co Devereaux, 203 N. Alpine St.; Mrs. D. Agueda, 712 Gornwall Ave.; Mrs. C. M. Britzman, 612 Cornwall Ave.; Mrs. M. Chaves, 118 -~i~ ~9 C YT'Y CO~JN'C YL _ JANUARY 26 , 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 N. Alpine St.; Mary Guidotti~ 617 CornwaZl Ave.; Mr. R. Goularte, 801 Opal Dr.; Grace Hi119 624 C~'nwall Ave,; and Mrs. G~ Rapp, 711 Cornw~.Z1 Ave. Mr. E. Ren~haw, 601 Bennett Avenue, stated he was not for nor against the proposed variance use, but he eould not see how up gradi~g this property would devaluat~ surraunding property, ~.s this property in its preser~t state is very ur~~ightl~. Mrs. Lu~ille Lor, 612 Ben.x~ett Ave.9 irtquiY°ed a~out the requfred ~,m~un~ pa~°king ~or this propased use, as she felt there isn't sufficient ~xe~ the property for ad'~quate parking and th~refor~ thi~ wc~u.ld create con-~ ~ide~able on stx°eet parkin.g axtd would be detrimental to her u~e of her property. There b~ing no further discussion fo.r or'. against the appeal of Variance ~ase Noo 70-45, Ma.yor Levine declared the hearing closedo The Gouncil discussed this matter and as sufficient information was not avail~ble regarding the area for parking and parking requirements, it was ag~°eed further discussion by the Council be continued until the next regular meeting of the Council and Administrator Butch was instructed to obtain the ~.dditinn~l information for Council consideration. MAYOR LEVIIVE DECLARED A RECESS AT 8:50 P.M. The Council reconvened at 8:55 P.M< with all council members being present a.~ shc~an on. roll call except Councilman Wood, who is now absent. PUBLIC HEARIlVG - REZONING CASE N0. 70-41-ADJ.TO MYRTLE,:CIi~RRY;&_GA&DE1~t STS. (WOOD) Administrator Butch reviewed that a resolution has been received from the Plarxr~i.~.~ Commission recommending the rezoning from R-A°B-3 to Rel, approxi~ mately five plus acres of property adjacent to Myrtle Street, Garden Street and Cherry Avenue, as requested by the application submitted by Mr. Addison B. Wood. Upon bei~.g as~ured by City Glerk Miller that all requirements as provided by law regarding notification of hearing, have been complied with, Mayor Levine declared the hearing open and all persons for or ~gainst the proposed rezoning would now be heard. Admfnistrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from Mr. Don Gullicksr~rt, 5~l East Cherry St., stating his reasons in favor of the proposed r~zonfng; and that a l.etter has been received from Mr. Laurence Rasmussen, 517 Launa Lane, requesting that this matter be returned to the Planning Commission for it~ further consideration. . Mrs. Patsy Jea.n Phillips, Cherry Avenue extension, presented a petition cor~taining 93 siga~atures against allowing this rezoning. Tl~e following persons were present and spoke against allowing this rezon- ings Mrs. Pat Phillips, Cherry Ave, extension; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steelwell, 734 M~rtle Street; Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald, 756 Myrtle Street; Jean Keeler, 510 E~ Cherry Avenue; Ge~ald Browrt, 508 Allen St.; Robert Goularte, 801 Opal Drive; Jcahn Donnan, 8'1I E. Cherry Avenue; Matt Gallagher; Mary Russell, 411 E. Cherr~ Avenue; Laurence Rasmussen, 517 Launa Lane; and Mr. A. H. Reed, 795 E. Cherry Aveo The foTlc~w~ng persons were pre~ent and spoke in favor of allowing this re- zonings Delmar Wood, 502 Allen Street; Allen Thomas, 998 Sycamore Drive;,~ L~e Lo~ett 127 S. Mason St. and Deyere DeRycke, 537 E. Cherry Ave, Th~re being no further discussion for or against the rezoning, Mayor Levine de~lared the hearing elosed. Th~ Cc~uncil discussed the need for additional housing and reviewed that the Lar~d Use Plan of the Cityes General Plan e~pressly indicates that this area has been planned for low clensity development and that this area is presently adjacent to an R~l Zone; and therefore to be consiste.nt with the General Plan, which was adopted after much planning, study and consideration, this proposed rezoning should b~ allowed. In ~.nswer to questions regarding the condition of the streets in th~ area, the Council advised, that as traffic conditions dema.nd, and as funds are available in conjunctic~n with property owner participation, these streets will be upgraded, as has been done in other areas of the City. City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordi- nance rezoning certain property adjacent to Myrtle Street, Garden Street and Cherry Avenue~ within the Gity of Arroyo Grande, thereafter, a motion was made; CT~Y COU~C~~ ~A~~A~~ 26, 1971 6~ : - - ARROYO GRAND~, CALIFORNIA ~'i~C'?E 4 by Councilman Sc.hlegel, seconded by Couneilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. MAYOR LEVINE DECLARED A RECESS AT 10:27 P.M. The Council reconvened at 10:32 P.M. with all members being pr~sent as , shown on roll call. PUBLIC HEARING-REZONING GASE N0. 70-42-ADJ. TO HALCYON RD. RAB-3 to R°1 (Grieb~ Administr,ator Butch reviewed tli~t a resolution has been received from the Planning Commission reconanending the rezoning from R-A-B-3 to R°1 of approxi- mately three aeres of property adjacent to properties located on the southerly side of Olive Street and easterly of Halcyon Road, as requested by the appli- cation submitted by Lois and Stanley Grie'b. Upon being assured by City Glerk Miller that all requirements as provided by law have been complied with, Mayor Levine declared the hearing open and all persoris for or against the proposed rezoning would now be heard. Mr. Robert Goulart, 801 ~pal Drive, was present and spoke in favor of this proposed r~zoning. There being no further discussion for or against the rezoning, Mayor Levine declared the hearing closed. After Council diseussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code sa as to rezone from R-A-B-3 to R-1, certain property in the Gity of Arrayo Grande, thereafter, a motion was made by Gouncilman Sch~.egel, seeonded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense raith reading the balanee of this ordinance. MUNICIPAL CODE AMEND. - WATER & LOPEZ CONTR.RATE CHNGS.MOBILE HOME PARKS-1ST READ. City Attorney Shipsey read, for:its first xeading,an ordinance increasing cert~in Water and Lopez Contract rates for services to Mobile Home Parks, there- after a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ardinance. MUNICIPAL CODE AMEND. - SEWER MAINT. RATE CHANGES MOBILE HOME PARKS - 1ST READ. City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, an ordinaMCe increas- ing certain Sewer Maintenance rates for service to Mobile Home Parks, there- after a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. NOTICE FROM SLO CO.BD OF SUPER. RE: CITY'S REPORT ON IMPACT OF MOBILE HOMES,PARKS Administrator Butch reported, as information only, that notice has been received from the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors, that they have reeeived this City's letter and report on the impact of Mobile Trailers and Parks within 1 ocal communities and have submitted the report to the Administrative Officer for a report back ta the Board. ° RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF COASTA.L VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING 12-7-70. The minutes ~f the Coastal Valley Planning Council meeting of Deeember 7, 1970, were received by ~~e Council and ordered filed. REPORT BY COUNCILMAN TALLEY - CO.CITIES AREA PLANN.COORD,COLTNCIL MEETING 1-20-71 Councilman Talley gave an oral report on the County and Cities Area Planning Coordinating Council meeting of January 20, 1971, stating that St~.te and Federal Agencies responsible for administering grants have advised that unless regional plannixig has been campleted within a county, any further applications for grants will not be considered. Councilman Talley further reported that Regulation l, Air'Pollution Control Rules and Regulations of the Air Pollution Control District of San Luis Obispa ' County, dated Janua.ry, I971, was presented to the Area Coordinating Council and after discussion by the Area Council, it was agreed this regulation would not be presented to the County Board of Supervisors until after the Area Council meeting of February 11, 1971, to a11ow each agency within the County time to review and make recammendations regarding this proposed regulation, prior to its being forwarded to the Gounty Board of Supervisors for adoption.;; REPORT ON RECENT MA.YORS' MEETING BY MAYOR LEVINE Mayor Levine gave an oral report on the recent Ma.yors' Meeting, stating that the Mayors have requested that the County Board of Supervisors not appoint the County Planning Commission as the Airport Land`Use Gommission, as a majority of ~ ~ CYT'Y COUN'CYL JAI~`UA~Y 26, 1971 k~ ARR~YO GRL~ND~, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 th~ Magror~ h~ve ~,greed., that to prov~.cYe Ci~~ regr~s~nt~,~a..c~n on tt~~.s Cananissi~~, a n~`a C~~nis~ion sho~xld, b~ est~.blished si~ilar to the Loc~l A~encg~ Formation C~n- an~s~ic~no After Council disc~ssion, Ad.ministr~tor Butch ~r~~ instructed to notify ~h~ Co~nt~ ~~ard of Sa~pervisor~ that this Cc~uncil agrees tY~~~ t~e Airport Land ~,~s~ C~i~~for~ should be a new co~nissi~ra.iwhich will ~llow ~~pr~~entatio~ of all ~n~i~ies within t~:e County. l~S(~~i~TION ADOPTION m SUPP~RT OPPOSITIOIV TO STATE PURCHASE OF ~AI~TD DUI~IES Git~ Atto~n~y Ships~y r~~.d. t~.~ ~itle of a~~~olution ~pp~~ing the pur~hase of ~.dd~t~.~nal s~,nd d~n~ p~op~rty~ b~ tk~~ St~te of Calif~~nia9 tYaer~af~~~, a motion ma~~ b~ Councilan~.n T~.11eya ~~~oncl~d by Co~~t~.~zlm~.x~. Wood, ~.nd ~.x~~.x~i~nously ~ax'Y°ied' to di~~~ns~ `aith reading th~ bal~.nce of this resolution. RESOL[bTION N0. 923 A RESOLUTION ~F T~iE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~F ARROYO GRAI~TDE OPPOSING THE PURCHASE OF ADDI~'I~1VA~ SAND DUNE PR~I'ERTY BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNTA On rnot~on of Co~ancilcacrnan Thompson, secondc~d by ~~~ncilanan Schlegel and on t1~~ following roll ~a11 vot~, to wit: AY~S: Council Members Sch.legel, Tha~cnpson, Wca~d., Talley and N1~yor Levine I~OES: None ABSENT: Non~ ~h~ for~going r~solution was passed ancl adopted this 26t1~ d~.y of January, 1971. REI~EWA~ QF CONTRACT WITH WOODBS Al~IIMAL SHELTER - APPROVED 7-1-70 to 6-30-71 Ad.aninisCrator Btntcl~ advised. that Bi11 Tidwell, representing Wood's Animal S~~lt~~9 1~~~ forwarded, for Council consid~ration9 an Extension Agreement for re- n~~a~I ~f oaar cont~a.ct u~ith t~.~ Sl~elter for animal control, at an increase in fees f~o~n $300.00 to $3~0.00 p~a~ month.9 for~ th~ fisca.l y~ar J~ly 1, 1970 to Jtnne 30, 19AI, Da~~ to ax~ ouersight this 12~n~~ra1 Agreeanent uaas not presented for Council a~t~.an p~i~r to cormn~ncement of th~ contract date. The Council discussed and agreed ~1~~~ thf~ ynatt~r had been r~viewed and tentatively agreed upon d.uring the 1970-71 Budg~~ S~~d~r S~ssions, th~x~:aft~r on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Co~nciltiac~nan Thampson and unanimously carried, the contract agr~ement bet-ween Wood's Anign~.1 S~i~lter and the Citg~ for animal control was approved, cowering the period fro~n Julg~ 1, 19~0 ~hrough June 30, 19719 at a fee of $370.00 per month; and the Nk~y~x° ~.nd Gity C1erk w~e autho~ized to sign the Extension Agreement Contract on b~h~lf of ~h~ Cit~. A,G,FIRE DEPT. NEWS RELEASE RE: ANNtJAL INSPECTION AND TESTING -0F FIRE HYDRANTS Adani~ist~°ator B~.teh repo~~C~d that Fire Chief Ma.rsalek has prepared a news r~l~as~ ~o tl~~t residents wi1F b~ aiaar~ that the Fire Department intends to conducti i~s arcn~~.Y. inspection and t~sting of fire l~ydrants, as r~quired by th~ Pacific Fire R~.ting B~r~a~9 and aclvise~ tha~ soin~ inconvenience to t~.e Vaater users may be caused, as ~h~ h~~.v3~ f1r~w of water froan tl~e hgadrants tends to dis~tLtrb tkae sediments in the li~~~, r~a~~.ch disco~~rs and cl~cls ~he ,~ater for a short period, aiso water pressure to th~ aa~~rs facilit~r anay drop dra~tic~llg~ while the hydrant is actually being t~st~da FLTR~I~ER DISGi~SSI01V O1V UPWARD AND DOWNWARD DRIVEWAY CONSTRiTCT~~7I~I STANDARDS Di~cus~fon was h~ld r~garding the Cov.ncil's person~T. inspeetion and review ~f Ging ~ri~~~aa~s wit~in th~ City and it was agreed. that tapr~rard and downward d.riv~~a~~ ~~nst~ction standard~ sh.ould be established and enforced, and that the r~~o~.~,~i.on ~dopting these drivew~.y st~ndards should be revised to allow the Director mf P~nb1.~,c l~lorlcsm in case nf l~ardship, to permit a 25% grade rather than the spec- i,fi~c~ 20% gracl~ and ~lso9 t~ ~.nclud~ a provision wher~by an applicant can appeal to th~ Ci~y Co~.ncil, Gity Attorney Shipsey was.instructed ~o prepare a resolution, as c~~~lin~d abov~, for Council consid~ration. DISCUSSION - NEED FOR SIDEWALKS FOR PEDESTRIANS IN SCHOOL AREAS - Held Over Administrator Butch advisecl that the survey and cost study within the area ~f sid~ut~.11c n~ed on Halcyon Road, taas not yet been cotn~lefed. ~.UTH(~R~~ED SECOND ANN[TAL COOPERATIVE CALL FOR BIDS FOR ROAD MATERIALS Ad~ninistrator Bu~ch r~ported that the Cities of Pisano B~ach and Grover City ha~r~ subpnitt~d th.~ir estimat~d q~.antities of road material ne~ds for I971, and have ~~q~n~sted tha~C this Council include their road materia.l n~eds in the City of Arro~o G~°ande°s call for bids for the s~ppl~ of road materfals. After Council discussion, c~n motion ~f Councilman Talley, s~conded by Councilanan. Wo~d and unanianausly carried, a~xthorization to call for bids fnr ro~d materials fc~-r 197I~ w~s approved. R i C I T`t i; 0~' ~v~~ IL JAI~iUARY 26 , 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 REPOBT._. CROSS CONNECTION INSPECTION SERVICE AGREEMENT Adaninistrator $utch reported that the County of ~an Luis Obispo is preparing ~.n agree7nent for Council consideration and budgeting purposes, for cross connee~ion inspection service to be provided by a County-employed control specialist, who will ~rork ~.nder the direction of the County Health Office~ and in cc~operation with the' Council designated representative of the City of Arroya Grande, at an estimated rate of $10.00 per hour. It is anticipated that this proposed County-wide cross connec~ion program, which is required by the State to eleminate the possible hazard of contaminated water infiltrating the publi~ water s~.pply system from private service connections, can be initiated by July 1, 1971, Director of Public Works Anderson has estimated that initially the inspection time needed by the City of Arroyo Grande will be approximately one hundred and. fifty hours for fiscal 1971-72, PROGRESS REPORT ° ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Administrator Butch reported that he has met witYz Dick ~rahn,, from the County Engineering Dept., and York Petersori, Project Engineer f~r the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District, and reviewed the probability of several residences which cannot be served with sewers because of their isolated locations and elevations, which will Enak~: the costs prohibitive, The Engineers and a representative from Stone and Youngberg have been requested tc~ afi~end the Council meeting of February 23, 1971, to give a detailed pragress report on the engineering and assessment phases of this project~ PROGRESS REPURT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch advised that there w~re no new developments to report at this time4 AUTHORIZED ESTABLISHMENT OF GRADES ° ASPEN SAGE AND CEDAR STREETS Administrator Butch reported that due to current construction in the areas of Aspen, Sage and Cedar Streets, several requests for grades tc~ install curb and gutt~r have been received;and recommended that the Council authorize the engineer- ing necessary to establish the street grades in these areas. The Council discussed and approved the engineerireg work necessary to set srreet grades on Aspen, Sage and Cedar Streets, at a cost not to exceed Seven Hundred Dollars and Aclministrator Butch was instructed to obtain cost estimates prior to authorizing this worko LETTER OF REQUEST FROM LOIS GRIEB TO ANNEX APPROX 10 ACRES ADJ TO HALCYON RDo (Grieb~ Administrator Butch. reported that a letter has been received from Lois Buchen Gx°ieb, Trustee of the Grieb Estate, requesting that approximately 10 acres of ' pxc~perty, owned by the Grieb Estate, be annexed to the City. The property is located on the easterly side of Halcyon Road, adjacent to the northerly side of Tract Noo 131, and contiguous to the City Limit~ on the north, west and south sides of this propertyR AftEr Council discussion, a motion w~.s made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Council- man TaTley and unanimously carriec~, the request of Lois Buchen Grieb, Trustee of the Grieb Estate, for the annexation of certain property owned by them, to the City of Arroyo Grand~ was referred to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendationo KESOLUTION ADOPTION AND INVIT TO ATTEND "FRED THOMPSON NIGHT" PISMO BEACH COUNCILMAN Mayor Levine advised that the City of Pismo Beach is honoring retiring Council- man Fr~cl Thompson by holding a cammendation dinner on January 30, 1971, designated as "Fred Thompson Night" and invitations to attend this function have been sent to City ~Jfficials; and it was recommended that a resolution from this City Council be adopted in recognition of Pismo Beach City Councilman Fred Thompson~ After Council disc~ssion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution commending Fred T1~o~mpsan on his service on the Pismo Beach City Council, thereafter a motion was anade by ~ouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, to dispens~ with reading the balance of this resolution,, RESOLUTION NOo 924 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY _ OF ARROYO GRAND~ COMMENDING FRED THOMPSON ON HIS SERVICE ON THE PISMO SEAGH CITY COUNCIL On motion-of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman [~tood and on the follaw- ing roll call vote, to wit: ~ AYES: CounciY Members 5ch1egel, Thompson, Wood, Ta1Zey and-Ma.yor Levine- NOES: None- ABSENT: None ~~,~i.~~going resolution was passed and adopted ~his 26th day of January, I971o ADJOURNN~,~~J.VT On m~~ion of Councilman Talle~, seconded by Co~ancilman Wood and unar~imc~usl~ ~~~.°Y'1.P..~„~ t'~ 2'F1U'~1tlr~ arl. ~art~;ara~e.~*~. c'~,t; 1?_!~~ .P:~~a ir _ _ . ~ a . -~i. _ . ~ ~ rf ~ ~ ATTEST: ~/"x.~" .:.;.;a , - r.., . .r'+ CITY• LER~ . . , ; MAYOR.