Minutes 1971-03-09 a~ CITY C'~?L~l~"?:~ MA.ARCH 9 y 19J1 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFURNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Levine presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and Talley reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine lead the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and iu~ediately there- after Reverend Stanley Durham of the First Southern Baptist Chureh of Grover Gity delivered the invocationa ~PPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of February 23, ~.971, the adjourned regular ~eetings of March 2 and 4, 1971, were approved as prepared, APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unani- mously carried, General Warrants No. 725 through No. 758, in the total amount of $17,714,82; and Payroll Warrants No. 1274 through No. 1330, in the total amount of $12,81$.44, were approved and ordered paid. LETTER FROM CARPENTERIA SUP. REQ. STATE BUR. OF NARC. ENFORC,REGIONAL OFF.CARPENTERIA Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from Earnest C. G~ullbrandt, Mayor of the City of Carpenteria, requesting that this City support its efforts to have the proposed regional office of the State Bureau of Narcotic Enforce- ment situated within the City of Carpenteria, as the regional office as proposed, will serve the Counties of Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo and therefore wfll be centralized if located in Carpenteria. The Cauncil discussed and agreed no action be taken on this matter at this time, LETTER FROM ASSEMBLYMAN MACGILLIVRAY-STATE ACQUIS. OF SAND DUNES IN S0. SLO C0. Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from Assemblyman MacGillivray, regarding the State's acquisition of land in South San Luis Obispo County and advising that with much opposition from this area, the State may purchase thYS land, and therefore he has introduced legislation, Assembly Bill Noa 255, which if approved, will guarantee that the State will pay a.portion of taxes for a five year period, which would ordinarily be removed-from taxation, to allow the tax- ing entitfes this period of time to readjust and compensate for:the loss in taxes. LETTER FROM RONALD D. HANNA REQUESTING REDUCTION IN BUS, LIC. FEE FOR AUCTIONEERING Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from Ronald D. Hanna, 410 E. Branch Sta, requesting that the business license fee far auctioneer- ing be adjusted, as the present rate of $10.00 per day is prohibitive as they plan to hold an auction each Saturday, in conjunction with their regular business which is open five days a week. The Council discussed and agreed that in the case of an auction being held in conjunction with a regularly established business a lower business license fee could be considered and instructed Gity Attorney Shipsey to investigate the possibility of providing adequate coverage in the area of auctions and auctioneering on a short term basis and in conjunction with the operations of a regular business. ° RESOL< FROM MONTEREY PARK URGING PASSAGE OF SB 318 - IMPACT DAMAGE OF PASSEN~ER VEH. Administrator Butch reported that a copy of a resolution has been received from the City of~I~Ionterey Park, urging passage and adoption of SB 318 relating to impact damage of passenger vehiclesm The Council discussed and agreed no action be taken on this rnatter at this timeo LETTER FROM KEN ROOKER`RE: WAIVER OF CURB & GUTTER REQ: LOTS 20-27 BKTSoCROWN HILL Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from Mr. Ken Rooker, requesting that the building permit requirement for the installation of curb and gutters on Lots 20 through 27, Becketts Crown Hill Addition, be waived for that portion of the lots adjacent to Corbett Canyon Road, Crown Hill and Harrison Street, as he plans to acquire Lot 19 to provide access to Lots 20 through 27 as he has been advised that the State is reluctant to allow driveway access to Corbett Canyon Road, which is State Route No, 227 and he feels it is not financially feasible to devel.op these lots if curb and gutter has to be installed on all street frontagee Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed a report he prepared, dated March 5, 1971, regarding this request for waiver of curb and gutter requirements, which ~~~ommended that curb and gutter be required on Crown Street and on R~ute No. 227, ~~d due to the proximity of the school that sidewalks should also be cAnsidered; also the City normally does the grading for curb, gutter and sidewalk installations, but in this instance, the City does not have the eq~.~~anent necessary to do this grading due ta the nat~z~~ ~f t~rra.in and the cl~~~~~e of cut necessary in this . „F. . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~4~ CITY ~~?~,TI~~TI~ ~3RCH 9p 19.71 ARROYO GRA~iD~, CALZrOizNZA P~GE 2 area; a~.d that ianpx°o~em~nt~ ~~a H~~r~,~~~ S~~~et~ w~~1d n~t b~ ~~~ui~~d u~1~~s ~.h~r~ raa~ ~~~e clev~l~p~~nt ~f th~~ ~g~~~t ~e~~s~ary~,t~ p~~v~de a~~e~~ to L~t~ 26 a~d 27a Mro R~~tcer°~ ~~n, Ji~ R~~k~r~ w~~ p~~~~~t ~n~ wa~ adu~~~d th~t u~t~l ~urther i~.ve~tigati~~9 pe~i~~f~~. ~~~ld n~t t~~ t~ al1~~s to the pr.~p~rty d~~e~t ~x~c~m R~ute ~c~. 2~7. Aft~r Caun~il d~,~~u~sis~~9 ~rc~ta.flx~ ~f C~un~~lma~ T~,11~~~ ~e~or~d~cl b~ Ma~~~° L~v~~~ ar~d ~~x°~°fed~ th~ req~~~t KeY~ RooYc~r9 ~or a c~razv~r of ~rxrb ~nd. gutt~r r~qui~'~mez~~~ fox° L~ts ~0 thr~u~~ ~ B~~k~~t~ Cr~rar~ Hi11 Ad~~~~~~,~ ~ra~ de~.fede Ox~ gn~t~o~ of C~un~~.lmar~ S~hle~el, sec~r~ded 1~y Cou~~~~~~~~ T~~ley ~~d u~~nim ,~~u~l~ ~~,~er~~d9 the fo~egoi~.~ in~ti~n wa~ arn~rcded t~ px°c~v%de th~~ at ~u~h time a~ c~ff~~~~~ improv~ments are inst~lled, the Publi~ Work~ D~~~,rt~rn~~t will ~~si~t within. r~a~~~~ ~rith ~~°adin~~ l~dir~~ and h~.ulix~g away ~f surplu~ ~~~~~~~1 ~r~cl onl~ to tl~e ext~r~t p~~s~hle w~th C~ty ~qufpgn~x~te PUBLIC HEARII~TG a APPEAL OF" REZ~hIT~G CASE N0, 71~43 ~ GARD~1~ ~TR~ET (PACE) Admi~istratox° But~h r~vier~aed the acti~n of the Pla~~~~~~~~ Co~ni~si~~ fx°~~ it~ ~inut~~ ~f February 16 9 1971 g a~ whi~h Rezor~i~.g Ca~e e~ 1°! 3 tira~ ~~~.fed. Upon bein~ ~,~sa~red by City Cl~~k Mill.ex° th~t all requir~mex~t~ p~ov~ded by law9 regard~ in~ ~.oti~icat~o~ of hearing~ h~d been camplied with, M~y~~~ Levine d~cl~red the hea~ing ~perc a~d all pex°~~r~~ ~r~uld n~w be heard fcar ~r a~~fr~~t ~he ~,pp~al of the de~i~icr~ c~f the Pla~ni~g Cc~nan~~~i~n relativ~ to cle~.i~,l o~ Re~or~in~ C~,~e ~To, 71043, to ~~~o~e fr~~ R~A-Bwl t~ R~2 ~ertain propex~ty l~~ated the ea~tex°ly sid.e of G~rder~ Str~et ar~d th~ southe~7~y side of th~ Arroyo' G~~~.de ~r~ek9 ff l~d by Vi~k Pa~~, ~ppl~~~~t ~a~~° Rez~~.~ng Ca~e Noe 71-43e Th~ foll~wir~~ persm~.s wex°E prese~t and spoYce agafnst all~wi~.g thi~ r~~oning: Mr. Oo M. G~~rene 2~6 Gardert Sto ; Mr. Wil~iaxn McD~~~ldl~ 7~6 M~rtle St. ; Mro D. G. P~rtex°a ~4I Ide St.; Mra ar~d Mr~, A1bex~t C. Sti11~~11~ 734 ~Iyrtle Street; a~d Mr~. Pa~ Phill~,p~9 C~herry Avem ~xtEnsiona ~ ' Th~ foll~wr~mg pe~~or~~ wer~ present amd sp~ke fav~r o~ ~.11~wix~g thi~ re- ~~~ingo ~3ill Sirnpson9 Po O9 B~x 2059 Arr~a~~s Gr~~.de a~d Vi~k Pacee P. 0. Box 389, A~°r~y~ Gr~~de. There b~ir~g no fux°ther di~~us~io~. for or again~t the appeal of Rezonin.g Case 1~~e 71-43, Ma~or Levine de~~.ar~d the hearimg.~lms~d. ~~u~c~lmar~ Wc~od a&a~tai~~d from dis~u~sio~, and acti~n stating he has a per° ~~r~~~l ix~t~r~st iz~ px°operty ~.rc thi~ ~r~a. After G~u~.~~l di~~u~sion, ~ moti~ra wa~ ffiade l~y Caunciluroman Th~~apson, secomded b~ C~u~cilma~ ~~hl~~e19 that Rez~nfng G~~e I~c~, 71~43, be gr~nt~d~ rezoning to R-29 Dupl~x R~s~d~~t~al.o The m~tion. wa~ tied on th~ follow~ng roll c~ll vo~ee AYES o C~~~~il. Mem~~rs Th~~o~ ar~.d S~~l~gel, ~i0~~e _ C~u~~il.man T~lley a~.d i~fa~ox° Levirae. ABSTAI~IED: ~~u~~~~~~~. W~od. ~~t~% Att~r~~~y Sha~p~ey ~dvis~~, tha~ as provid~d by the Mu~icipaY C~dea re~ g~rdir~g z~~im~ ~nd app~als the~eof, that the Council may affirm9 rewise or modify ~h~ de~a~ic~~ o~ th~ Plar~~.ing Ca~ni~sio~s If the G~uncil does not take any actf~n th~ ~pp~al ~rfthi~ sixty ela~rs after the filing tl~ereof, th~ Plar~~ning Cormni~~ion°s ~~ti~~. sh~ll be deemed ~ffirmed, PUBLIC H.EARI~G - REZONII~G CASE N0. 71-46 - No ELM ST. (CARMICHAEL) Ada~i~i~trator Butch r~viewed that a resolution has bee~. re~eived from the Plan~ ni~.g ~c~mYn~~~io~. r~~om~r.endir~g the rezon.ing from H~S, Highway S~~vf~~, tc~ R-3, Multipl~ F'~rr~ily9 a portimr~ of Lot 15 ~sf the Fol~om Tract, adja~e~t to North Elm Street, a~ requ~~t~cl by the applica~for~ submitted by Kay L. C~.rmi~h~,el. Upmn be~ng ~ssured by City C1Erk Miller that all requfrements provided by law, regard- ir~g nc~tifi~aki~n of hearing, had been. complied with, Mayor Levfne declared the he~x°ing op~m a~d al1 persons would now be heard for or against the praposed re~ ~ar~ing. There being no discussion for or against the rezoning, M~.yor Levine declared The hearing closed. After Coun~il discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, for its ~ir~t re~.ding, the title of an c~rdinance amending the Munieipal Code so as to \ ~ezor~e fr~m H~S to R-3, certain property in the City of Arroyo Gramde, th~reafter9 a moti~n was Ynade by Council~r.an Schlegel, seconded by ~ouncilwoman Thompson, and una~~.mc~usly carried to ~isge:~~s~ with reading the b~?~nce of this ordinance. ~ 3~7 CI~Y GOUNCIL MARCH 9, 19:71 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI.YFOR~tIA PAGE 3 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR FEBRUARY.,19.71 The Treasurer's Report for the month of February, 19.71, c~r~~ received-by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. DEPARTM~NTAL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY, 1971. The Departmental Report for,the month_of Februar~,:1971, w~.~ re~eived by,th~ Council, reuiewed and ordered filed. APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT CASE N0. 70-166 - GOULART APPEAL DENIED m MOBILE.HOME PARK Administrator Butch revi~wed that the ~ity Council met in. ~~int session ~afth the Plan~aing Commission on. March 2,, 1971, ~.nd had reviewed ir~ detail the repoxt submitted to:the Gouncil at_its regular meeting of Febxuary-23,;1971 from the Arroyo Grande Citizens Committee for Better Local Govemm~~t, regardirtg con- ditions and requirements for approval of Use Permit Case ~To. 70m166, to.allow a Mobile Home Park in an R-3 District,: la,eated on the south~.rly;side of Valley Road, The Council discussed the fifteen items listed in the minutes of the Planning Co~nmission meeting of March 2,;1971, and Council action ~aas taken on eaeh item as follows: 1. Discussion was held regarding the meaning:of the word "solid", as referred . to in the Municipal Code, Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 2007, Fences and Walls, and after investigation, City Attorney Shipsey advised that-in his opinion, the word "solid" as used, means continuous, sturdy, and without breaks or openings and a chain link fence would come within this meaning; thereafter, on:motion of Council- man Schlegel, seconded-by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the Plax~.ing Co.~unission's recommendation to require a 6'.high chain_link fence in- stalled to State specifications on the perimeter of the development where decora- tive,block walls are not required was approved. ~ 2. On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and earried, the Planning Commission's recommendation that in addition to the two parking:spaces required for each iQObile home unit, that the developer must either provide one additional parking space for each 7 units in various areas ot the park, not includ- ing:spaces required for recreation facil~.ties or increase the width of the streets ' to 32' providing parking on one side of the street. 3, On motion of Gouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and carried, the plans and specifications regarding:type of curbs and gutters to be installed must be approved by the City of Arroyo Grande Director of'Pix~~.it Works. 4. On motion of Gouncilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Th~mpson and carried, five foot sidewalks on the outer perimeter of the two main streets-within the Park are required. 5. It was agreed that the location, size and style of mail boxes,.to be in~ stalled subject to the U, S. Government Post Office Department regulatioris. 6, On motion of Councilman Ta11ey, seconded by Councilman Wood and unani4 mously carrfed, Item 6 suggesting that the Developer file a perforznance bond with the City for this develapment of private property, was deleted. 7. Undergrounding of all on-site utilities to be specifically;required and listed as part of the conditions of the Use Permit. 8. On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Gouncilwoman,Th~smpson and carried, all mobile homes are required to be skirted with co~ercial slzirting materiale On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and earried, Item 22 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 71-187 U, requirements of granting ° the Use Permit, to be amended to include that the Developer be required to submit a copy of the proposed lease agreement, for tenant occupancy of the park, together with completed and detailed plans, to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Gommission prior to submission to the State of California for building.permits. 9. On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Gouncilman Schlegel an3 carried, the Planning Commission xecommendation was approved, that patio ~egulations not be made a xequirement of the Use Permit, subject to reviewing the lease agreement. a ~i~ ~ CITY C~IJ~t.IL I~fARCH 99 1971 ARROYO G12ANDE, CALf~"C3R~1I~ PAGE 4 10. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, s~conded by Ceauncilwoman Thompson and cax°ried, the Planning Commission recomrnendation was approved, that trash collection area regulations not be made a requirement of the Use Permit, subject to review and approval of final plans by the Planning Comanis~ion and the words "and review of the lease agreement" to be deleted frozn this item. 11. and 12. On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, secorr~.ded by Councilman Schlegel and carried, the Planning Commission recommendation was appr~ved, that ~ondition of mobile homes and landscaping of the park ~egulatioxas not be made a requirement of the Use Permit, subject to review and approval of final plans and the lease agreement by the Planning Commission. 13. On motion of Councilman Tal,ley, seconded by Coun~ilman Wood and carried, the Planning Commission recommendation, that drainage facilities are covered adequately under Item No. 10 of the Use Permit, was approved. 14. On motion of Counci~man Wood, seconded by Councilwoa~tan Thompson and carried, the Planning Commission xecommendation, that the minimum age of park residents to be left to the Developer's choice, was approved. 15. On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and carried, the Planning Commission recommendation, that the minimum lot size of 40' has previously been required and no change in the Use Permit would be necessary, was approved. Requirements for street-lighting was discussed, thereafter on motion of Councilman Ta11ey, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and carried, the Planning Commission recommendation that a 400 watt street light would be required at the main intersection of the Park, and one 175 watt street light was required at the north and south end of the development adjacent to Valley Road, making a total of three street lights, was approved. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and carried, the appeal to the City Council on Planning Commission approved Use Permit Gase No,70~166, filed by Robert Goulart, 801 Opal Drive, was denied and the decision of the Planning Commission was upheld, with Use Permit Case No, 70-166 being.c- approved as originally granted with the inclusion of the additional requirements as stated above, and that the Planning Commission amend its Resolution No. 71-187 U to show a11 approved requirements. COUNCILMAN WOOD REQUESTED THAT HE BE ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE MEETING DUE TO ILLNESS IN HIS FAMILY AND MAYOR LEVINE EXCUSED COUNCILMAN WOOD AT 10:22 P.M. ATTORNEY INSTR. TO FILE COMPLAINT RE: BILLBOARDS IN VIOLAT. OF MULVI.CODE.SEC.8-9.03 _(f) City Attorney Shipsey reported th~t he had contacted the Ryan Outdoor Ad- vertising Company, and that the Council's request to the company that they volun- tarily remove the four billboards located in the City, in violation of the Munici- pal Code Sections 8-9.03 (f) and 9-4.2910, was met with negative response. After Council discussion, on motion of Gouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Gouncilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, City Attorney Shipsey was authorized and in- structed to file complaints against Ryan Outdoor Advertising Gompany and the property owners, upon, whose property these four signs are located, for purposes of removing non-conforming signs. NOTICE-MORATORIUM ON CERTIFICATION NEW COURSES ON POLICE OFFICER TRAIN.TIL 9-:71. Administrator Butch reported, as information only, that notice has been re- ceived from the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, advising that a temporary moratorium on the certification of new courses for Peace Officer Train- ing was declared and will remain in effect through September, 1971, to allow the . Commission and staff this time to evaluate courses now certified and revise the training plan based upon actual law enforcement needs to maintain superior peace officer training in California. NOTICE OF OFFICIAL POPULATION OF CITY OF A.G. FROM 1970 FEDERAL CENSUS, 7454 Administrator Butch reported that the City has officially been notified by th~ State Controller's Office that the official population of the City of Arroyo Grande is 7454, based upon the 1970 Federal Census. AiTTHORIZED AGREEMENT WITH STATE DEPT. OF FINANCE FOR CENSUS ESTIMATE. Administrator Butch requested that authorization be granted for the City to enter into an agreement with the State Department a~ Finance for a population estimate, as the offi~ial re~carts on the 1970 Fedex~~.l Census show a decrease in 3~9 , C?:'~Y t"~LT~~~!9~~, MARC~' 9, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF~RDTIA I~AGE 5 the City's pc~pulation, but since the Federal Cen.sus was taken-~ number of new residences have beerc.constructed along with other factors whi~h indicate the popul~tion_of the City could now possibly exceed-its pric~r tot~.l, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council~a~. Talley and unanimously carried, an agreement between the City and the S~ate Department ~af Finance was approved, for an estimate of`populati~n in. the City ~f Arroyo Gr~nde, at a cost not to exceed $189.00; and the Ma.yor and City ~l~rk ~,r~re ~uthorized to ~fgn said agreeme~at ~n behalf of the City. REQUEST~1970 ED. OF T_HE UNIFORM BLDG.CODE VOLS..1,2, 3~~~D 4 B~ ADOPTEI?4Held Over. Councilman Scl~legel requested and the Cou~cil agreed th~.t this item-be held overo APPROVAL WORK STUDY PROGRAM AGREEMENT - CALIF, STATE POLYTE~HI~IC COLLEGE & CITY, Administrator Butch advised that the federally fina~.~e~l work study prograzn, administered through local colleges, has now been made available to the City through California State Polytechnic College, on the sazne basis ~.s the City's agreement with Cuesta College, whereby Cal-Poly Students ~~n T~rork for the City with the College paying 4/5th and the City paying l/Sth ~f each student employees wages, not to exceed 15 hours per week during school sessioras arcd n~t to exceed 40 hours per week while school is not in session per each ~tudent employee; and recommended Council authorization and approval of this agreemer~t, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Co~.ncil~an Schlegel and unanimously carried, the Work Study:Program Agreement between Galifornia State Polytechnic College and the City of Arroyo Graxxde was approved, for the period February l, 1971 through June 30, 1971; and the Mayor and City-~lerk were author~ ized to sign the agreement on behalf of tihe City. RECEIPT OF SANTA MARIA BAROMETER OF GROWTH FOR FOURTH QUARTER 1970, Administrator Butch reviewed a report entitled "Santa Maria Barometer of Grawth" prepared by the Community Development Department of the City of Santa Maria, which was compiled from source infoY°mation from Building Permits issued, Post Office Receipts, Electric, Gas and Water'Meters installed in s~uth San Luis Obispo County and north Santa Barbara County during the fourth quarter 1969 and the faurth quarter 1970. APPROVAL OF ONE PARK, DIST. ASSESSo-S0, CO. SANITAR.Y SERV.,TRI-CITIES DISP. SERV. City Attormey Shipsey reported that from his investigation of the matter of South Courxty Sanitary Service and Tri~City Garbage Co. operations within the City ~f Arroyo Grande, both companies are owned and operated through the South County Sanftary Service from one of€ice location, which is located_within the Business and Parlting Area Improvement District, and in his opinion orcly one Parkimg Area ~:mgr~vement assessment should apply to this company. After Coun~il discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilwoman. Thompson and unanimously carried, the South County Sanitary Service, Inc,, with its subsidiary business k~.own a~ the Tri~City Disposal Service, with one office located at 117 Ea Branch Street, was approved to be assessed for the Busfness and Parking Area Improvement ' District as one operation and pay one assessment to this district. REPORT ON LETTER FROM BUZZ BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP~DOUBLE ASSESS, FOR PARK, DISTRICT, City Att~rney Shipsey reported that he had reviewed a letter whi~h had been received from Orris R. Hedges, Attorney,for Mrs. Vareen Langenbeck, ~umer of Buzz's Barber and Beauty Shop, requesting that she be relieved fr~m one assess° ment to the Parking Area Imprcovement District, as the Barber and Beauty shops are both operated within one building with just an interior wall separation, and upon. investigation, in his opinion, Buzz's Barber and Beauty Shop are two separ~ ate busin.esses, as these two types of businesses cannot be conducted caithin one area, and therefore are subject to an assessment on each business. LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE QF CALIFORNIA CITIES. Administrator Butch reviewed the legislative bulletins received from the League of California Cities, which covered proposed 1971 legislation affecting cities. APPROVED AGREE. - HILLTOP DEVELOPERS RE: SEWER SERV. TO LOTS 19 & 20 TRACT 283 Administrator Butch reported that Hilltop Developers, developers of the re~ main~ng 26 lots in Tract No. 283, have requested authorizatiom to connect Lots 19 -~nd 20, fronting on So. Elm St., in Tract No. 283, to the sewer main on Carol Place so that these two lots can be sewered at this time, and will still partici- p~.te in the overall assessment for sewers on Elm St, at such time as this project is completed, ~ CITY ~OUNCIL MARCH 9, 1971 ; ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFOTtN~A PAGE 6 After Council discussior~, on motion of C~uncilman Sch~egel, ~eco~aded by Councilwoman_'I'homgso.n a~.d unanimously earrfed, Hilltop Deuel.opers were granted approval to provide sewer service to Lots 19 and 20, Tract No, 283, by an eas~ment thraugh Lots Nos, 31 and 32, to the existing sewer main on Carml Place, subject to the terms and conditions of an agreement between Hilltop Developers, In~., and the City of Arroyo Grande, regarding p~.rticipation i~. the ~onstru~ti~n of the Arroyo Gra~de Sewer Assessment District; and -the Mayor a~d City Clerk were in~ structed to sign the agreement on behalf of the ~itye GRIEB LOT SPLIT REQUIREMENT PROPERTY DEDICATION ~ HALCYOI~ ROAD, Administrator Butch reviewed that in conjunction for approval of Lot Split Case Nom 70-115 on South Halcyon Road, requested by Stanley an:d Lois Grieb, they were required to dedicate to the City a portion of their land for road purposes, 1yi~xg within the Halcyon Road P1an Line. After Council dis~ussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unan.imously carried, the Grant Deed from Stanley Grieh and Lois L. Grieb, for the dedicatian for road-pur~ poses that portion of Lot 108 of the subdivision of the Rarccho~ Corral:=de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chamisal, lying within the Halcyon Road Plan Line, was accepted and the Mayor and City Glerk were authorized to sign th~ Gertificate of Acceptance on behalf of the Citye CYARROCCHI LOT SPLIT REQUIRE. PROPERTY DEDICATION-WOOD PLo EXTEN. STREET IMPROVE. Administrator Butch reviewed that in conjunction with approval of Lot Split Case Noa 70-109 which required the extension of Wood Place, requested by Leonard'P. Ciarrocchi, he was required to extend and fully improve one half of Wood Place and terminate same in a_cul-de-sac and dedicate said extension to the City and Director of Public Works Anderson has reported that these requirements have been camplied witl~ to City standards. After Council discussion, on motion of Coun.cil- woman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the Grant D~eds from Leonard P. Giarrocchi and Sean M. Ciarrocehi for:the dedication of a portion of Lot 3 of the Folsom Tract, being a one half width extension of Wood Place, was accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance on behalf of the City. ACCEPTANCE OF WOOD PL, EXTEN. ONE HALF WIDTH STREET IMPROVE.INTO CITY ST. SYSTEM. Administrator Butch reported that the one half street improvement extension of Wood Place extended and improved by Leonard P. Ciarrocchi in conjunction with Lot Split Case No. 70-109 has been inspected by the Public Works Department and Director of Public Warks Anderson has advised that the street has been improved to City standards and recommended its acceptance into the City Street System. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilwoman Thomp:son and unanimously carried, the one half width extension of Wood Place was ~c~epted into the City Street System and accepted for maintenance. NOTICE OF APPOINT. OF REPRESENTATIVES TO UNDERGROUND UTILITY COORDINAT. COMM. Administrator Butch reported that notice has been received from the utility companies advising;appointment of each companies representatives to the City Underground Utility ~oordinating Committee. After Council discussion,,on motion mf Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, various representatives were appointed to serve on the Underground Utility Co- ordinating Counnittee as followst Pacific Telephone Co. - Lee Ballatti; Pacific Gas and Electric Co, - Chuck Aichmond; Central California Gommunications Corpor- ation ~ John Printz;"'-Arroyo Grande.Uillage Merchants Association - Jack Pence and Don Curzon; Council representative - Gouncilman Schlegel; City Staff Representatfves - J. E. Anderson, Jr., Director of Public Works and Robert C. Gallop, Planning Director, RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING 2-1-71. The minutes of the Coastal Valley Planning Council meeting of Februaryrl, 1971, were received by the Council and ordered filed. RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF THE PARK. AND BUS, IMPROVE. AREA ADVISORY BD. MEET.~,'~"~~'~i:'. Minutes of the Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory Board meeting of February 2, 1971, were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. RESOLUTION ADOPT. - SCH.ZONE SIGN & SPEED LIMIT ON STANELY AVE, AT HUASNA RD. Administrator Butch reviewed a report, dated February,l8, 1971, from Director of Public Works Anderson, regarding the need for traffic cantr~l on Stanley Avenue, an unimproved street, and recommended that a 25 mile speed limiC , be established on Stanley Avenue and a school zone sign be posted at Huasna Roado 3~ C?~T~' t'OU?~CIT MARCH 9~ 1971 ARR03~0 GRANDE, CA~IF'BRNI~ PAG~ 7 After Council discus~ion, City Attorney Ship~ey r~aci ~h~ title of a resolu- tion establi~hing : speed liznit and school z~n.e ~ig~ing ~n Staail~~ Ave~.ue at Hua~~.a Road, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Sehlegel, ~~~~~.ded by Cauncilwoman Thompson and unanimously Ca.~~ied' tm di~pen~e wi~h readir~g the balax~~e of this Resolution. RESOLUTION ~10. 928. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~;ITY OF' ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING AND ESTABLI~~IIZ~TG SPEED LIMIT ON STANLEY AVENUE. Or~ motion of Goun~ilwom~.n. Thompson, seconded by Couri~ilgn~~ Tall~y, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESo Gouncil Memb~rs Sehlegel, Thompson, Tal~.ey and Ma~r~r Levine. NOES: None. ABSENTs Councilman Wooda the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of March, 1971a RECEIPT OF BIDS AND AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR ROAD MATERIALSo ' Administrator Butch advised that three bids had be~n received and opened at 2:00 PaMo, February l8, 1971, t~ Supply Plant Mixed Asphaltic Road Patching Material and Aggregate Base for the use of the Gities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Pismo Beaeh, as followsc PER TO1V HOT MTX COLD MIX CLASS 2 BASE Southern Pacific Milling Coe $5,37 $5.57 $2.32 3555 Vineyard Ave. O~n~.ard, Ca. 93030 Union. Asphalt, Inc. $5.40 $5.60 $2,35 P. 0. Box 1280 Santa Maria, Ca, 93454 Madonna Corastruction Co. $6.42 $6.42 $3.42 P. 0. Box 910, San Luis Obispoa Ca. 93401 After Couneil discussion, on motion of Gouncilman. Schlegel, ~e~ond~d by Councilwoma~ Thompson and unanimously carried, the contract for ~upplying Plant Mixed Asphaltic Road Patching Ma.terial and Aggregate Base for the use o€ the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Pismo Beach, from January;l, through D~cembe~° 31, 1971, was awarded to Southern, Pacific Milling Co< who submitted the lowest bid. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL WATER PRODUCTION AND GONSUMPTION REPORT - 1969-70 Copi~s of the An.nual Water Production and Gonsumption R~port f~r 1~69-70, and a 10 year water record, were re~eived by the Council, review~d axad ordered filedo RECEIPT OF LETTER FROM CALo REGIONAL WATER QUAL.CONTR.BD,-COMPREH.SFWERAGE PLAN Admin.istrator Butch reviewed a copy of a letter received from t~ California Regio~al Water Qu~lity Cantr~l Board, directed to.the San Luis Obispo County Plan.ning Commission, advising that with regard to future proposals for xxew sub- divisions in the Caunty, anly those which can be provided with sewers an.d connect- fon to an existing treatment and disposal system will be considered for approval until a comprehensive sewerage plan is available by which any interim measures can be evaluated. ORAL REPORT ON RECENT CO.WATER RES. ADV.COMM. MEETING - COUNCILWOMAN THOMPSON Couneilwoman Thompson gave an oral report on the recent meeting of the County Water Resources Advisory Gommittee meetin.g, advising.that application for grants for two proposed water projects within the County have been applied for. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTR.ICT Administrator Butch reported that the Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment has advised that certain requirements under the Uniform Act S-1 94-646 reg~.rding Relocation and Acquisition responsibilities of local agencies must be forwarded to HUD prior t~ further processing of the City's appli~ation for a f~deral grant to assist with the sewer assessment ~i~trict project. City Attorney Shipsey advised, that i~. th~ i.nterim of providing ~:~Ze necessary inf~rma.tion re- GYTY t'Oirn?CIL, MARCH 9g 1971 ARR~YO GRANDE, CA~,IF(~RN~~ I'AGE 8 qufred 'by HUD, the adoption of ~ resc~lutio~. w~~ recmmme~d~da ~:~surfx~~ HUD that tl~e City will comply to its regulat~.o~s within a 90 day pe~~ocl, After Cou~~il dis~ cussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the ~itle of a~e.solution providing binder in connection wfth complian~e assurance regarding require~~nts for f.~d~ral assistance with the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District, thereafter9 a m~ti~xx w~~ gnade by Cauncil~ar~ Talley, se~onded by Council~an Schleg~l. and ana~iYno~z~l}~ ~arried, to dispense with:readirag the balance of this re~olution. RESOLUTION N0. 929 A RESOLUTION.OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDING BINDER I1V CONIVEGTIO~T WITH COMPLIANCE ASSURAI~ICE WITH THE RELOCATIOIV ASSISTAI~ICE PROVISIONS OF THE UNIFORM RELO~ATIOI~T ASSISTAI~TCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITI0IV POLICIES ACT C~F 1970. On motfon of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Goun~~lwom~n Thompson, and on the following roll ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompsone Talley an.d Mayor Levine. NOESa None. ABSENT: Councilman Woode th~ f~aregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of March,-1971. PROGRESS R~PORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATIOI~T DISTRICTo Copies of the Chief Pla.nt Operator's Report for the month of February, 1971, was received by the Council, reviewec~ ~nd ordered filed. ACCEPTAI~;CE OF DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR RECORDATIOIV - PAC. COAST R/W RQW Administrator Butch advised that it has come to the City's attention that at the time the City acquired a portion of the Pacific Coast Bailway right of way, naw known as Pacific Coast Railway Place, through a tax sale from the County of Sax~ Luis Obispo on September 18, 1959, the deed was not officially accepted nor re~orded by the City and it is recommended that this be done. After Council discussfon, on motion of Councflman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unarcimously carried, the indenture between J. E. Barrett, Tax Collector of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of Galifornia, first party, and the City of Arroyo Grande~ State of California, second party, granting to the City the easterly 50 feet of Pacific Coast Compa~ys right of way lying between the southerly line of Allen Street and the northwesterly line of Leedham Lane, was accepted; and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized and in~tru~ted to sign. the Ce~°tificate of Acceptance and the deed be recorded. AUTHORIZED LOCATION OF IRRIGATIOI~T LINE FAIR OAKS AVENUE ROADWAY EXTENSI~N Adm~nistrator Butch reviewed a r~port, dated March 9, 1971, prepared by the Publ~c Works Department, regardi~i.g the relocation and installatfon ra~ an irrigation line to serve the Grfeb properties and utilizing the City right ~f way on Fair Oak~ Ave~ue; with a bid proposal from Concrete Products, Inc.,,in the a.mount of $2,823096, far said lin.e installation, which has been approvec~ by Conrad Grieb. The relocation of this irrigation line became necessary with construction of Fair Oaks Aver~u~ extension. and payment of this installation may be made upon applica- tion tca the Coux°t, from funds deposited with the County for condea~aation proceed- ings in conjunction with acquiring this right of way. After Council discussion, on. motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unani- mously ~arri~d, the irrigatiQn line installation as presented and approved by Conrad Grieb, was approved and application to the Court for rel.ease of funds deposited for condemnation proceedings for payment of this installation in the amaunt of $2,823a96 was authorized, and in the event that court release of said ~un.ds is delay~d, said funds wer~ authorized to be paid from the City of Arroyo Grande Water Fund so that the contractor for this project may be paid in a tfinely and orderly manner, with said funds being repaid to the Water Fund upon r~lease from the Court. ADJOURNMENT On mcrti.on af Councilznan. Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and unani- mously ~a~ried, the meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. ATTEST. . ~ ~ C ERK MAYOR S