Minutes 1971-04-19 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 139 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 lVOTICE OF H~ARING m REGULATI01~ 1 Allt ~OLLUTIO~ CONTROL RULES & REGidLATION - ~OUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 4m12mJlo Notice h~~ been re~eived th~t th~ San Luis Obi~po Gounty Boa.rd of Super~ visors will hold a public h~aring mn Apr~l 12, 1971 ~t ~,0:00 AoMo to ~onsider the adoption of Regulation l, Air Pollutio~ Gontrol Rules ar~d R~gulation for the County of San Luis Obispoo RECEIPT OF PETITION PROTESTII~TG THE BA~TING OF TRASH BURI~TIIVG IN ARRQYO GRADTDE Councilwoman Thompson subm~tted a petition, sigx~ed by 115 residents of Arro~o Grande, protesting the b~.nnix~g nf trash burning i~ Arroy~ Grande, The Coun~il discussed r~~eipt of the petition and instructed Administrator Butch to forward the petition t~ the San Lufs Ob~.~po Gounty Board of Supervisox°s, as the Air Polluti~n Con~rol Rules arsd Regulatio~.s will be adopted and admin- istered through the Board of Superuisorsa The total banning of rubbish burn- ing was discussed further ~.nd Administ~ator Butch was instructed to writ~ to the S~.n Luis Obi~po Caunty Bmard of Supex°visors, requestimg that the Board consider allowing burning of vegetatfon rubbish one or two days per month, REQUEST OF COUNCILMAI~T WOOD FOR PERMISSIOIV TO BE OUT OF STATE, On motion of Cou~c~.lman Talley, seconded by Councilrnan Schlegel and unani- mously carried, the requ~st of Gou~cilman Wood for pe~mission to be out of the State of California frogn Apr~l 24, 1971 to May 49 1971, was approved. AUTHORe MAYOR TO SIGN VARI~IED GOMPLAIIVT FOR CONDEM,DEP,REFUNDmHoLADWIG,l961 Administrator But~h reported th~t fn 1961 the City ~iled condemnation proceedings in co~.junetion. with Rex~a Street Improvement Dfstrict and had deposited $855e00 in this actio~9 the mattex° of condemn~.tion was settled out of court, but the deposit w~.s never released and xeturned to the Cftye City Attorney Shipsey requested Council authorization to file the neeessary docu- ment so that the deposit wfll be returned to the Citya After Councfl dis- cussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thampsm~, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, the Mayor was authorized to sfgn. a varified complaint and the City Attorney was fnstructed to file the complaint, which wi11 enable the County of San Luis Obispo to refund to the City certain moneys deposi~ed for condemnation purposes in Februa~°y, 1961, RECEIPT OF FRAI~TCHISE PAYNIENT FROM PACIFIC GAS A1~TD ELECTRIC CONIPANY Mro Chax°les Richmond, representatfve of Pacific Gas and Electric Co, prese~.ted to the Council a check in the amount of $2,536013 fox° the fra~chise payment for the calendar year 1970a The Coun~il accepted the check and thanked Mr o i~ichmond for presentircg : same e ADJOURNMEI~TT On. motion of Councila~an Talley, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carx°fed, the m~eting adjourrced at 10058 P,M, until 7s00 P,M>, April 19, L971o _ ,f ATTEST, , ~s ; 4 ~<y i` ~ITY CLERK ''1 MAYOR CITY COUNCIL APRIL 19, 1971 ARROYO GR,ANDE, CALIFORI~tIA 7:00 P.Mo The City Council met in adjourned regular session with Ma.yor Levine pre~ sidinga Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompsone Wood and Talley reported presente ADJOURNMENT TO EXEGUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councflman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the Couneil adjourned to executive session to dis~uss personnel mattersa RECONVENMENT The Council reconvened at 9059 P,M, with all members present as shown on roll calle ADJOURNMENT On motion of Gounc~lmazx Talley, seconded by Coun~ilman Wood and unan.i- mously carried, the meetin.g adjourned at 10e00 PoM. , , - _ ~ ~ ~r ~ )r y,:' ~ ATTE S T , ~ ~ ' ~ ~-~-~L~~ f ` - ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MA OR