Minutes 1971-04-27 3~3 CITY COUI~TCIL APRIL 27' 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met ~x~ regular ses~~~~ ~ai~h Mayar Levine presiding, Upor~ rol~ call, Council Membex°s Schlegel, Thompso~a~ a~d Ta1ley r~ported pre~erat, ~ourc~ilman. Wood is absent. FLEDGE OF ALLEGIA~TGE AND INVOCATIO~T Mayor Levine lead the P1edg~ of A11eg~an~e to our Flag; and ~mmediately therem after Revex°encl Lar~°y A> M~ller of th~ P~ac~ Lutheran Chur~h of Arroyo Gra~cle de~ livered the invocationo APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regula~° me~t~ng ~f Apr~.l 13, 1971 an~ the adjoux°ned regular meeting of April 19, 1971, raere appx°oved as preparedo APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, se~mnded by Coun~ilwoman Thompson and unani~ mously carried, General Warx°~.nts I~oa 878 ~hx°ough Noe 915, in the total amount of $32,071.21; Payroll Warrants ~Vos 1540 throu~h Noo 1590, in the total amount of $12,140070; and Trust and Agency Warra~ts I~~, 13~6 thr~u~h No, 1~+12, in the total amount of $1,373099, were approved ar~d ordered paidm INVITATIO1VmC0.OFFo OF EDUCATION DEDICATIOIV OF EDUCATIOI~T~C0I~TSERVATION CANIPUSES 5-8~71 Administrator Butch reported that an i~vitatfon has been received from Wma J, Watson, Superintendent, San Luis Ob~~p~ County Office of Edu~~tion, inviting the City Council to attend open house a~d dedication ceremonie~ of the Educationm Conservation Campuses9 Rancho E1 Chorro ~,nd Piedra Blancas Marine Scienc~ Labora~ tOYy, at 1a00 PoM~, May 8, 19710 INVITATION TO ATTEND CAFETERIA LUNCHE6I~mLUGIA MAR UI~IIFIED SCHo DIST. 4~2~~71 Administrator Butch reported that a let~er of invita~ion has been received from Mrso Marie Bewley, Cafeter~.a Supervisox°, Luc~a Mar Unified School District, inviting the Council to attend a luncheon at one of the districts cafetex°fas on April 28, 1971o After Council discu~sio~.9 Adm~x~~strator Butch was requested to ad~ vise the School District that Cou~.~ilwoman ThoYnpson would att~nd the luncheon at the Ocean View Schoolo PROCLAMATION -"PUBLIC SCHOOLS' WEEK" APRIL 26~30, 1971 Mayor Levine px°oclaimed April 26 thx~ough 30, 1971, as "Public Schools' Week'°, as requested by Charl~s Bowlese P~bli~ Relatfon.~a Lucia Mar Unified School Districto LETTER FROM ASSOC CALIF.EMPLOYEES GOUl\TCIL REa SUPPORT SALARY INC,ST2.~TE EMPLOYEES Administrator Butch advised that ~orre~pondence has been recefved from Robex°t Dengler9 Chaircnan,San Lui~ Obispo As~o~iat~cl Galifornia Employees Goordinatfng Council, request~ng Council, suppo~t SB 101 axnd SB 104, whi~h proposed legislation will provide salary,increases for Stat~ c~vil service and State Colleg~ ~mployeeso The Coun~il discussed and agreed that no a~~ion be taken as mattex°s pert~ining to salary increases should be ~on~ider~d and ~,~t~d upon by the governing l~ody of such entitiesa TREASURER'S REPORT FOR MARCH, 1971 The Treasurer"s Report for the m~nth of M~rch, 1971, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filedo MiTNICIPAL CODE AMEI~DMENT ORDINANCE ADOPTION OF THE 1970 EDITION, UNIFORM BUILDTNG CODE VOLUME II,MECHANICAL Administrator Butch read the title of an ord~nance adopting.the 1970 Edition, of the Uniform Building Code, Volume II, Uniform Mechanical'Code, thereafter, a motion w~s made by Councilman Schlegel, s~~onded by Counsilwoman Thompson an.d unanim mously carrfed~ to dispense with reading the balance of this Ordinancee ORDINAIVGE ~TO o 48 C o S o AI~T QR.DI~TANCE OF THE CI'TY OF ARROYO GRAIVDE AMENDTI~G CHAPTER 10 0~' TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRAI~TDE MUI~TICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM MECHANTCAL CODE. On motion af Cour~cilwonan Thompson, s~~onded by Councilman Ta11ey, and on the folloraing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: ~ounci2 M~mbe~~ S~h1~~el, Thomp~on, Ta11ey and Mayor Levz.n~a NOESa i~on~. ABSENT; Goun~ilman Waod the foregoing ordin~n~~ w~.s passed an.d ~~.opt~d thi~ 27th day o~ April.,.197~~ ` " C'~'i'S~x~UUNCIL APRZL 27, 1971 ARROYO GRAIQDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 NNNICIPAL CODE AMEI~DM~~T ORDINANGE ADOPTION 0~ THE 1970 ~DITIO~V~UL~IFORNI BUILDI~TG ~ODE, VOLUME III, HOUSZI~G Adm~ni~tra~o~ But~h ~°~ad the ~~~1.~ ~f ~~c~~~a~~~ adopt~~g the 197C~ Editi~n, Unif~rm Brxild~ng Godea Vc~l~~e III~ Hou~~~~e ~~~~~~~t~ra a a~~ti~~ ~ras ~~d~ Cou~c~lman Schle~el~ ~~~ora~~d by G~~x~~~lra~~~~ Th~a~p~~~ a~d u~ar~~~ou~l,~ ~a~r~,~d9 to dfspense with read~~g tY~e ba1a~~~ ~f th~~ ~~d~~i~~~~o ORDT~'AI~~E' ~0 m~9 C o S o AIV ORDI.~ATv~CE OF THE ~I.TY 0~ ARROYO GR~DE AMEI~I3IT~TG CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRA~VD~ MU~TICI~AL CODE RELATII~TG TO THE U~~iIFORM HOUSING CODEo On mo~ion of Goun~il.zna~ Talle~~ ~ecorccled by ~~ur~~~lman Schl~~el and o~ the follo~ring roll ~all v~te~ t~ wita AYESo Caurc~il Membe~°s S~h1~g~1~ Thomp~ora, Talley and Mayo~ Levin~e NOES, Non~e ABSE~TTo Councilznan Woocl. the foregoing ox°di~anc~ was passed and adopt~d this 2~th eiay o~ Ap~il, 19710 MUNICIPAL CODE AMEI~IDMEl~TT ORDIIVAIVCE ADOPTTON OF THE ]L970 EDITIOI~, UNIFORM BLDGa~ODE, VOLUME IV,DANGEROUS BLDGSo Administrator But~h ~~ad ~h~ ~~tle of ar~ ordir~an~e adop~x~g t~e 1970 Edition, Uniform Buildfng Code, Volrsm~ IV, D~n,gex~ous Bu~1d~~.g~~ thereafte~, a m~tion was made by Councilman Schle~el~ s~~onded by Cou~.~~lr~o~nan Th~rnp~mr~ ax~d u~.~.nimously carried~ to dispense with r~ading the balar~~e o~ ~hfs ord~~an~eo ORDI~TA~~E ~0, 50 G.S. AN ORDIZ~ANC~ OF THE GITY OF ARROYO GRAI~TDE AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE ARROXO GRAI~DE MUI~TICIPAL ~ODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 11 THERETO RELATI~G TO TH~ DAI~TG~ROUS BUILDING CODE, On motiot~ af Coun~ilwoynan Thoanpsort, se~mnded by Cour~cilman Schleg~l ~nd on the following x°oll call vote, ~to wito AYESa Council Mem~e~°~ S~hle~el, Th~~np~or~~ Tall~~ and May~r Levine, l~IOES o I~~ne, ABSENTo Cou~~iltrna~x W~odm the foregafng ~rdirca~ce wa~ pa~sefl a~d adopt~d thi~ 2`7th d~.y of Ap~i1, 1971. NNNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEIVT ORDINAIVCE ADOPTIOI~T OF THE 19~0 EDITIOIV OF THE UZ~IFORM PLUMBII~IG GODE Admi~istx°ator Butch read th~ ~~~1e ~f a~ ord~nan~e adopting the 1970 Edition of the U~if~x~n Plumbimg Code, the~eaf~e~ a motion w~s made by ~oun~ilman Schlegel, seconded by Cour~cilwoman Th~zmpso~ a~.d u~.~n~Ync~u~ly ~arried, t~ disp~r~se with x°ead~ ing the balance af this ord~nar~ceo ORDI~7ADICE ~TO. 51 ~ o S m AD1 ORDINAIVCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAl~TDE AMEZ~DIl~G CHAPTElt 5 OF TITLE 8,0~ THE ARROYO GRAI~TDE NNI~TICIPAL CODE RELATII~TG TO THE U~IFORM PLUMBING CODEe On motion of Cou~~ilman Talley~ se~or~ded by Coux~~ilman Schlegel, ~.nd on the followin~ roll ~~.ll v~te~ to witm AYESm Counc~l Metnber~ S~hleg~l~ Th~mpso~9 Talley a~xd May~r Lev~nee z~QESa Non~. ABSEI~yTo Councilman. Wood, the foregoing ordina~.ce caas passed a~d ~dopted this 27th day of April, 1971e LEGISLATTVE BIT~LETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALI~'ORI~TIA CTTIES Administrator Bu~h x~evi~wed t~~ lat~st legisl~.tiv~ bulletins received from the League of Califox°nia Citie~, After Cou~cil dis~us~~~~s., Administra~or Butch was instr~zcted to ~rrit~ to I~s~~mblymaxc Ch~.ppi~ strc~~x~ly ~ppo~ing h~~ A~sex~ibly ~i1I. Noo 672, regarding p~°opo~ed reagpor~i~r~m~~~ c~f ~xi~~tz~~ Traile~° Coa~h Feeso ~ ~g5 CITY COUNCIL APR~L 27, ~971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALT~°ORN~A PAGE 3 COST ANALYSIS ON REZOi~TTNG APPLIGATIO~ F~ES Administrator Butch reviewed a~~p~~°t coverixng the ~o~ts ~~r le~al publication~ as required by law x°egarding re~oning ~ppli~at~ons, urhi~h ~ndi~atecl th~.t if ara ap~ plicatfon for rezon.ing was approveda th~ ~ost to the Ci~y for 1eg~1 publi~at~ons alone, exceeded the rezo~ing app~~i~~,tiA~ ~e~, Th~ C~un.cil dis~us~ed a~d agreed that the present fee remain in e~f~~t, a~ ~he ~w~t ~c~ th~ C~ty ~n relation to the fee is st~ll reasonable for this ~e~vi~~o REQUEST FOR REZIEF FROM BUSII~TESS LT~El~1~E FEE FOR 1971 ~ PAUL H~RT~ANDEZ Administrator But~h r~ad a 1ett~~ re~eived ~~om P~ul H~~~~ndez, whc~ operates a music lesson studio at 120 Bridge S~~°eete x~equesting that the anrnual business license fee be lowered, a~ due to ~11r~ess he ha~ ~ot been ~ble ~o ~ive musi~ lessons and that his w~fe is co~t~nui~.~ th~ bu~~~e~~, b~~ only g~,ves le~sons two to three hours per weeke City Attorney Sh~p~~y advi~~d that the busin~ss is l~~ensed not the person and that the fe~~ ~s~ab~~~hed fo~ t~u~~n~~~~~ ~ould a~1y be ~hanged by the adoption caf an ordina~~e ~,~~n.dirig th.~ Mu.~~~ipa1 Gode ~egax°dirtg busin~ss lim eenses. After Council dis~u~~ion, Ci~y Adm~.ni~t;~~.~~r Bu~ch r~a~ in.structed to write a letter to Mro Hernandez ~dvisi~.~ hiin that ~usin~ss li~ense fees cannot be estab- lished on an individual bas~.s, but are established ac~o~ding to busine~s classi0 fications, and therefore his reque~t for an ~djus~ine~~ of his busine~s license fee, due to poor health, ~annot be granted ~y the C~uncil, COUNCIL DISC.-REZONING CASE I~T0~71m45,ADJaTO BRAI~TCH MILL RDa~EoCITY LIMIT (GREENWOOD) Administrator Butch revie~r~d that during the Coun~il's dis~ussion after the public hearing was ~losed~ on Ap~°il 13, 1971, ~n the matter of Rezoning Case Noo 71-45, from R-AmB~3 to R~1, approximately 35 ~.cres of property adjacent ~o Greenwood Manor, Tract No, 256, between Branch Mill R.r~~d and the Ar~°oyo Grande Creek, it was determined additional information was nece~sa,ry prior to Couxicil action. Administrator Butch ther~ review~d reports re~eived from Directox° of Public Works Anderson, dated Apri1 27, 1971, regarding devel.opment of Gx°eenwood Mano~°a affect on City Services - Sewer, Wa~e~ ~nd Stre~ts; ~.nd Building Inspector Nicklas, dated April 16, 1971, regarding Septfc Tank~ in Green~rood Manor; outlining that on a short time basis septic tanks could be used i~. this area, but recommended that further development of this a~ea shauld x°equi~°e conne~t~on to an approved sewer system; water service to this area is cons~dered go~d, tihe area is sex°ved thxough a 10" main from Huasna Road and ~ 4" lin~ ~rom Cherry Av~o rahich should handle this proposed development; stx°eet access ~o th~~ area ~s very poor, and develop- ment of any major streets will b~ very ~o~t:ty and the St~tie Division of Highw~ys proposed rerouting of State R.out~ Nc~e 227 w~ll have ~ definite effect on Gity planning for street impx°oveme~t ~n this area, Cfty Attorney Shfpsey advised t~at if the petit~oner of the rezoning applf~ cation so requests, the City Gouncil can d~1,ay ~ina1 action on a rezoning appli- cation for an ind~finite period, Mro Cax°1 Jm G~ee~wood, ~pplicant of this rezoning request, was present ~nd or~lly r°~quested ~o~.tinua~.ce of R~zoning Case Nos 71-45, until the eonclusion of the public hear~ng scheduled fox~ Ju1y, 1971, in the matter of the formation of the Arroyo Grande Sewe~ Ass~ssment Distr~ct, After Council discussion, Adinix~istrator Butch 9wa~ ins~ruct~d ~o ~ontact the State Division of Highways, and obtain statu~ report on the re~°nuting of State Route Noo 227 pro- ject. After further discussion~ on motion o~ Cou~cilman S~hlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and u~animousl~ carrfed~ final ac~fon of the Couneil on Rezon- fn~ Case Noa 71m45 was ~ontinued ~n.ti1 th~ regular ~neeting of the Councfl on July 27, 1971, as orally request~d by Mro Carl Je Gree~raood, applicant of this x°ezoning requeste DISCUSSION-HUASNA RD. 1\T0. 2 A1~NNEXATTON ORDII~TANCE-HELD OVER UNTIL 5~25~71 Administrator Buteh ~°ead the ti~le of a~. o~di~a~~e to ~ompl,ete proceedings of Huasn~. Ro~.d No, 2 Ann~xat~ona ther~a.fte~° a mot~on w~s xnade by CouneflTnan Schlegel, se~onded b5= Councilman. Talley an.d unanimously ~arried, to disp~nse with reading the balance of this grdinance. Council dis~ussian follawed, th~reafter ~n mo~i~~. of Counc~lman Schlegel, seconded by C~uneilwoanan Thompson an.d ux~animously ~arx°ied, fir~al action ~f the Gouncil reg~rdin~ th~ adogtion af an ax°d~n~nc~ f~nalizing the Huasx~a Road No. 2 annexation proceedi~g was h~ld ovex~ until ~he ~°~gular zneetfng of th~ Council on May 25, 1971, at which t~zt~e th~ ful~ Coun~~l w~.ll be in attendarc~e to ~~t an th.is matter. Robert Goular~, Chairznan of ~ Ci~~.~en~ Gaznmi~te~, was g~esent and ora11S s~ated the Coamnittee is not in favor of thi.s px°~rposed annexation ~nd r,~ill circula~e a petition to, bring this mattex t~ a vo~e of the people if the Cc~uncil should approve this annexation. . CITY COUNCYL APRIL 27, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF PAR.K,& BUSoIMP,AREA ADVIS,BD, m 4/6m7°p20/71 The minutes of the Parking ~.nd Busine~s Improvement A~°~a Adv~sory Board meet~ ings of April 6, 7 and 20, 1971, were r~ceived by ~he Coun~il, ~evfew~d anci ordered fileda APPROVAL OF FORM ~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COI~TVEYAL~ICE OR CONTRIBe FOR OFFmSTREET PARKING Administrator Butch reported that the Park.ing and Bus~ness Improvement Area Advisory Board, had at its meeting of April 7, 1971, app~°AVed a form of A~knowledgem ment to be presented to all pe~sons a~.d businesses tha.t had contributed mon.ey and/or land for off-street parking within th~ Improvemen,t District Area ~.nd Central Busi- ness District; and Council approval of this Form is now recommendedo After Couxxcil discussion, on motion of Gouncilwoman Thoznpson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the Form of Acknowled~eznent, which will contain speciffc referm ence to parking requirements under the Central Business District regulations, and in relationship to square footage of ~he existing buildings, to officially recognize ~.11 persons and businesses, th~t had ~ont~ibuted maney and/or land for off-street parking within the Parki.ng and Business Improvement Distri~t Area was approved, sub- ject to ~larification that this Form of Acknow~edgem~nt does not relieve any busi- ness within the Parking.and Business Area I.mprovement Distri~t from its additional business license tax assessmenta LETTER FROM COASTAL VALLEY PLAN, COUN. RE: FINANCI.AL ASSIST. 1971m72 FISCAL YEAR Administrator Butch read a letter received from the Coastal Valley Planning Counci.l, r~questing that the City of Arroyo Grande again participate and budget funds for the operations of the Pl~.nning Council; and that the Council approve an annual inerease of $25000~ whi~h is to be utilized fox° developing more extensive seminars, as sponsered by the Planning Coun.cil on a semi-annual basis, Adminis- trator Butch was instructed to include this request for Council consideration dur- ing the annual budget study for the City nf Arroyo Grande, COUNTY OF SLO ADOPTED REGUL, li AIR POLL, CONTROL RULES & REGULe,WITH AMEND. Administrator Butch advised the City has re~;eived a copy of chang~s in the proposed County Air Pollution Control Rules and Regulations 1Vo, 1, which along with making typographical error~ and r~ferences ta appropriate sections and subm sections, has amended Rule 115o1-bs to a11.ow open burn~ng of dry leaves and dry tree pl~.ntings at designated times throughout the year, subject to strict control by public fire protection agencies; and that sin~e receipt of this notice of ~hanges, the County Board of Supervisors has adopted Regulation 1, Air Pollution Control Rules and Regulations, as amended, and this regul.ation will become operative on May 26, 19710 RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF THE UNDERGROUND UTIL. COORDINATeCOMM.MEET.- 4~19-71 The minutes of the April 19, 1971 initial meeting of the Undergro~znd Utility Coordinating Committee were rereived by the Coun~il and ordered filed, Councilman Sehlegel orally reported that th~s Committee formally organized and Councilman Schlegel was elected Chairman, Dr, Je 0, Penee was elected Vice Chairman and Plan- ning Director Gallop was appo°~nted Sec~etary; and organ2aation procedure and objeet- ives wer~ di~cusseda LETTER FROM J~WYNNE & Bm GOODSELL RE; CUTTII~TG FARROLL AVE.TO GRADE AT 1115 FARROLL, AVE. Administrator Butch reported that a letter h~.s been received from Jennie Wynne and Barbara Goodsell, 1115 Farroll Avenue, expressing th~ir feelings that the City plan has not mad~ adequate provisions for ex°osiol~. prevet`~~~ox~a stability of slopes and usability of drivewa:ys in conjunction. w~th the e~tensive lower~ng and widen~ ing of Farroll Avenue adjacent to their px°op~x°ty; ~.nd requests Council consideram tion o~ this znattero Admin~.strator But~h further reviewed a report, dated April 19, 1971, from Director of Publie Works Anderson, regarding property modif~.cation on Fax°roll Avenue, which autlined ~he modif~c~.tions n.ecessa~y to the three exist- ing driveways to allaw access to th~~ property, with ~hese modificatfons to be undar~ak~n by th~ City w~th the approval of the property ownerso Director of Public Works Anderson presented a dx°awing o~ this a~°ea~ which indicafied the exist- ~,ng ~onditions an.d the proposed ch~.nges, tha~ wi11 entail the removal of three of the exist~~g ~ypre~~ firees located an th~ p~operty line tA a11o~a far th~ n~cessary side slop~s ~or th~ dr~ve~rays, ~,s the st~°eet gx~ade ~equi~°ed an approximate 4' cu~. ad~acent to ~his progerty and that to px°eserve the r~z~aa~nin.g cypress t~°ees the sidewalk area will not be cut at th~.s t~z~~~~ th~s a~°e~ will be ~loped between new cu~b li~ze and prop~~°ty line u~t~l such time as ~idew~~ks a~°~ a~ns~alledo J~nni~ Wynne and Barbara Goodsell wer~ pz°~s~nt ~nr~ ~°s~c~u~st~d that n~t znor~ than th~~e trees b~ r~znoved ~~d that ~°~d ro~k b~ p1a~~d an th~ driv~ways, ~.s they felt ~us~ putting white sa~d an. the slriveways w~u1d nc~t hold ~.s the so~l. in th~s area is a fin~ sandy ec~nsist~n~y, Aftex° Council dis~u~siorz, ~he Puh1~.c Works Department was instructed to install 4 in~hes of x°ed ~°o~1c on these three d~iveways and ta CITY COUNCT,L A'PRIL 27, 1971 ' ARR~'YO GRANDE, CALI~"OR~TTA ~'AG~ 5 ~ assist the property ow~~r~ in ~v~~y w~~ po~sible in Tc~epfng w~th City policf~s regax°ding property ~c~ess co~ve~s~,~~ i~ ~~r~ju~~t~,o~ ~r~~h ~tr~~t g~a~~ ~hangesa PROGRESS R~PORT m ARROYO GRAI~TD~ S~W~R AS~E~51~4~T DTiTRTCT City Attox°ney Sh~p~~}~ a.d.v~~ed ~hat ~tte a~~~~~.~~~ o~ ~~z~p~~~~~~ ~e~olution rem garding relo~atio~, a~~ista~~~ ar~d r~al p~~p~~~y a~qu~~it~~~ polx.~f.~~ ~c~~ of 1970, required by HUD, ~~w p~ep~.~~d i~~~ ~~u~~i1 ~~~s~d~~a~~~r~ ar~~ ~d~p~~.~~.o Aft~~ Coun~il discus~iona G~~y Att~x~e~~ Sh~g~~~ r~acl the ti~Ye o~ ~e~~1ut~~n p~oviding assurance af complia~~~ r~gar~~ng f~d~~°al~~ ~.~~~~t~d p~ogram~ P~1~~~~~ A~t of 1970, thereafter a motion wa~ made by Coun,~il.ina~ S~hlegele ~e~o~decl b~ C~un~ilm~,x~ Talley and unanimously c~.~r~ed9 to d~~p~~s~ ra~~h re~ct~ng t~~ ba1a~.~~ t.hi~ r~~olutiona RESOLUTIOI~ ~Oo 934 A RESOLi~TI0~1 0~ THE ~I'~Y GO(TI~~IL OF' THE ~I:TY 0~` ARROYO GRAl~TDE PROVIDI~IG ASSURA~C:~ 0~ COM~'LIAIVCE WITEi THE PROVISIOI~TS OF THE U'l~I~`ORM R~LO~ATIOI~T ASSIST~CE A~D REAL P1tOPERTY ACQLTISTTIOI~ POLIGTES ACT OF 19700 On motion of Councflw~man Thc~~np~~n~ s~~~~ded by Cou~~i~~a~ T~.11~}~ and on the following roll ca11 vot~, to w~to AYES: Council Members S~hle~el9 Thompso~, T~,~1~y ~.~,d May~r Levineo NOES: IVon~o ABSE~TTe Councilttxa~ Woodo the foregoing re~olution wa~ pass~d ~~d. ~,dopt~e~ ~h~~ 27th da~ of Ap~~1~ 1971e Administrator Buteh x°eviewed a~~tter ~°e~e~ved f~om Proj~~t E~gfne~r Peterson, requesting an additio~al pa~~~t ~he agnou~t of $70~OOOo00, ~o that he can meet certain ~o~n~tment~ ~n~ur~°~d ~onjun~t~o~ with th~ ~ngineex°~ng pha~e of fihe Arroyo Grande Sewex° Assessment Di~tri~t Px°oject; and ~f it is at all p~ssible to pay this amou~t at ~hi~ time~ the a~se~~men~ d~str~.ct wri11 sav~ the 10% per annum inter~~t charge~ whz.ch Mx°o Peterson fe~l~ ~s cur~°ently appli~able on these outstanding accoun.t~o Admin~strator Butch furth~r ~°eported that he had df~cussed thi~ matter with Supervisor Manlci~s, who adv~~~d ~t w~.s h~s ur~d~rsta~di~~ tha~ th~ City could r~~ quest the San Lui~ Obi~po Cdun~y B~~.rd ~f Superviso~s to ~r~~t a loan in the amount of $70,000,00 to cov~r expense~ i~~urr~d ~r~ ~o~jum~~i~n w~th thi~ assessment districto The ~ou~~il dis~ussed t.h~~ pay~~~t ~~c~ue~t a~cl the questio~s regardrng the date of appl~~atic~n ~f ~h~ 10% ~r~ter~;st ~°~t~, thex°~a~ter~ on an~ti~n of Cou~.~ilm man Talley9 secon.ded b~ Coux~c:~lw~ztrare T~Qmp~o~ a~d u~ar~~mously ~arried, Adminrstrator Butch was authorized a~d ~~stru~t~d to reque~t the Sar~ Lui~ Ob~spo Coun~~ Board of Supervisox~s to g~°~.r~~ a l~a~ ~n the ancount of $70,OOOo00 to cov~r exp~nses in- curred to date for the ex~g~~ee~~ng ~f t~~ a~~e~~tnen.t d~.stz°~ct, b~r Yc~~k Peterson and Associates~ Project E~g~~~~rs ~or th~ Ar~o~a Grande Sew~r Assessm~nt District; w~th the County being reimbu~s~d fo~ ~a~d l~an at ~h~~~~me of the sale of the bonds fo~ this pz°oject; a~d that the r~qu~~t £ox° ~a3.d l~an b~~.~g sub~e~t to approval by the D~str°i.ct Attorney"~ Off~~~ re~a~°d~~g ~~e ef'fe~t~v~ cla~~ ~f ~he 10% int~~est rate appl~~able to th~ unpa~d bal~r~~e c~~ Ycz~°k Peke~sc~r~ ~~d A~~o~~~.te.°~ pr~ojeEt accounte PROGRESS REPORT m SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COU~TTY SA~IITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch report~d ~hat the Dist~°~~t Board has autho~~zed s~ptic tank pumper trucks to u~e the 7x~wly ~o~npleted d~~np~ng ~a~~l~t~e~ at the treatmexxt plant for dispo~al of pumpingso RESOL. ADOPT. RE: CTTY PARTIGIPATION TZ~ STATE'S PURCHASE OF TRAFF'IC PAII~TT Administrator Butch repox°~~d that the Sta.~e O~fice of Pu~°cha~i.~.g has advised that the State Procurement Of.f~~e is prepar~~g to ~all ~or bid~ ~~r ~ertain items9 ~.ncluding Traffic Paint, fo~ 1971a and if the Caty w~shes to pax°ti~~pate i~ the Stata pr~cag~°am, i~farznatipn regardi~g ~.he proposed pux°chase~ ha.s to be farwarded to the State prior tc~ May 1, 19:~1a and the pur,~hase of ~~°~ffi~ pa~.n~ through the Sta~e wi11 provid~ a con.sid~r~ble s~v~~~~ tc~ th~ Gity, as traff~c paint now purchas~d by th~ City through autlet~ in Sa~t~ Barba~°a and ~an Luis Obispoo After Goun~il dis~u~siox~, Gity Attca~°n.~y Sh~p~~y r~ad th~ titl~ of a x°esoluti~~. authoriz- ing the Stast~ Dep~.~t•_nent caf Generali S~~°vf~~s to ~n~1u~~ i~. t;he Sta~e c~Il for bids, traffic pai~t needs, for the Gity c~f A~roy~ Gr~nd~, th~~eaft~r ~ tnc~tio~. w~s made by Councilma~z S~h~egel, ~eco~ded bv ~~~~~ilwc~m~.~ Thc~mp~o~z, a~d. un~n,~~n.aus~~ ~~.~~°i~~, to dispense tia~~~ r~ada~~~ th~ kz~'.~aza~~ th~~ ~°~~~l~tzm~~ . , ~ t;ITY GOUI~TCIL HYtt1L 'C/, ry/t ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAG~ 6 RESOLUTIO~ ~Oo 9~~ A RESOLUTIO~ 0~' THE GITY ~OU~~IL OF THE CIT~' OF ARROYO GRAZVD~ A.UTHORTZTI3"~G T~T~ D~PA~T'~I~~TT OF GE~~RAL S~RVICES OF TH~ ~TAT~ OF ~ALIFOIL~TIA TO ~'UI~GHASE C~RTAI~T IT~M~ o I On motic~~ af C~ur~~~l~~,~n Tal~e~~ ~e~~~d~d ta~ Co~n~ilma~ S~hleg~l ancl on the followi~g roll c~ll vot~~ t~ wito AYESo Cou~e~l M~mb~~~ S~hlegel9 Thompsvn, Ta~.le~ amd Mayor Levimeo 'I NOES: I~onea ABSENTe Coun~ilna~n W~~sd the foregoing resolut~om wa~ pas~ed ar~d adopted this 27~h day of Apx°il, 19~1a DISCUSSIO~Tm1VEED FOR WAT~It WELL DRILLI~G ~O~TTROLS WITHIZ~T CITY A1VD ZO~TE 3 Administrator Bu~eh adv~s~d that a water well i~ ~~w be~r~g drilled within the proposed Chex°x°y Avenu~ Pla~ Li~e9 f~r fa~ing pux°pose~; ar~d th~.t ft has come to the City Staff's atte~tior~ that ~h~ ow~e~°s of the H~11 Tmp Trail~~ Park, located within the Bris~a Hill wa~er s~rvic~ area: of t~e City, on Frontage Road, have appli~d to the C~urcty for a perm~t tr~ drill a w~,~er we11 to serve the trailer pax°k, at the pre~ent time ~hi~ pa~°k i~ b~i~g se~v~d water by the City; and that Jim Gates, County Sanitari~.n, has advised th~t the G~unty has no ~odes prom hibiting the issuance of thi~ pex°~nite Drs~u~s~o~ was ~~l.d ~egax°ding the need f~r wat~r well drilling cc~nt~°~1.~ and tha~ ~h~ Cc~u~~il's ea~l~~x~ reco~nendat~on to the Zone 3 Advisory C~mmittee9 t~at a unifarr~ta~~.er well dr~l.li~g ordin~nc~ be adopted covering the t~tal Zone 3, had not beex~ acted upon by ~his ~ommittee and therefore to control water we11 d~°ill~~g w~.~h~~ the ~it~9 City Attorney Shipsey w~s instx°ucted to prepare an ordi~am~e fox° ~oun~il ~isc~us~ion and cor~sideration at its r~ext regum lar meetingo ADJOURNMENT On motion of Cou~~ilman Schl,eg~1, ~e~c~x~ded ~y Couneflwa~ma~ Thoinpson and unanimously ~ar~°fed, the meeting adja~rn~cl at 9:47 PoM, until 7a00 P,M> April 28, 1971, at rahi~h time the C~u~~il w~ll meet in joint sess~o~ with the Pa~ks and Recreation Commission dur~mg its regular meetingo ,r-'~' ATTESTo ~...._.-.~_~...,.G' CIT L~RK MAYOR ~