Minutes 1971-05-11 39~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 118 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Levine ~re~i.di~g, LTpon roll call, Gouncil Members Thompson, Wood and Talley reg~orted present, C~ur~cil- man Schlegel is absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION ' Mayor Levine lead the Pledge of A1legiance to our Flag; and imme~iately thex°e- after Reverend Reynolds Ritchie of the Church of Gvd of Grovex° City deliv~red the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of April 27, 1971 caere approved as pre- pareda APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unani- mously carried, General Warrants No. 916 through No, 967, in the total amount of $22,239,98; and Payroll Warrants No. 1591 through No, 1658, in the total amount of $14,048e33, were approved and ordered paide PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES TO PUB. WKS. EMPL. FOR COMPLETION OF EDUC. COURSES ' Admin.istrator Butch advised that five public wor~s employees of the City have successfully completed courses in Roadway Maintenance 31, Subgrade Construct- ion, Asphalt Pavements and Water Treatment Works Operator Grade IV, which involved a great deal of personal time on the part of the employees studying and attending evening classes. Mayor Levine presented certificates of completion of the street courses to Charles F, Nonella, Ronald La Menezes and Eugene F. Jones and the Water Treatment Works Course to Edwin S. Bennett. Mayor Levine gave Adrninistrator Butch the Certificate of Completion of a Street Course for later presentation to Gregory J: Dutra, who was unable to be present for these presentations, CORRES.FROM MONTEREY PARK RE: SUP. LEGIS. TO AMEND ELECT, CODE RE: PRECINCT OFFICERS Administrator Butch repor~ed that correspondence has been received from the City of Monterey Park, requesting Council support of proposed legislatian to amend the Elections Code regarding precinct officers. After Council discussions City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution supporting an amendment to the Elections Code to eliminate the requirement for unnecessary precinct officers, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution, RESOLUTIO~I N0. 936 A RESOLUTIO~I OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING AbT AMENDMENT TO THE ELECTIONS GODE TO ENABLE THE SAVINGS OF UNNECESSARY ELECTION EX~ PENSE BY ELINTINATING THE REQUIREMENT FOR UNNECESSARY PRECINCT OFFICERS. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the follow- ing roll eall vote, to wit: AYES; Council Members Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel. the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this llth day of May, 1971. CORR.ES. FROM SANTA BARBARA-SUP.OPPOSITION SB 333-COMPUL. & BINDING ARBITRATION Administrator Butch ~eported that correspondence has been received from the City of Santa Barbara, requesting Council support opposition to the enactment of Senate Bi11 333 - Compulsory and binding arbitration, After Council discussion, Adminis~rator Butch was instructed to advise the City of Santa Barbara that this Council has gone on record strongly opposing the enactment of Senate Bi11 333. LETTER FROM IRWINDALE - OPPOSING AB 813 & S20 - RE: ANI~TEXATION PROCEDURES Administrator Butch reported that correspondence has been receiv~d from the City of Irwindale, requesting Council support opposition to certain porti~ns of Assembly Bills No. 813 and 520, regarding proposed chan.ges in the proc~dur~~ f~x~ annexing territories to cities, Ass~mbly Bi11 1~Tos $13 deprives cities of the power to determine whether territory shall be an.nea~ed to the City and Asse~nbly Bill No. 520 allows for annexation of ~reas within a City to anather con~igu~us City wfthout the approval of that City. The Council discussed that the iatest bulletin received from the League of California Cities reported that these two ~ _ ~ 4~~ cr~~ cou~czL r~a~ ~i, z97i ARROYO GRA~DE, ~AL7.~ORL~I.A PAG~ 2 items h~.v~ ~,ora b~era ~mi~~~d f~o~ t~~ p~~spc~~~c~ i~gi~l~~i,~~ ~h~~ef~~°e ~o action wa~ tak~n o~ th xrc~tt~~ o REGEIPT 0~" SLO GOTd?~TY DEV~ELOPM~~VT AS~OCIATIO~ ~UARTERLY NEWSL~TT~R C~p~~~ o~ the Qua~°t~~~~ De~ael~pm~nt ~era~l~tt~~x~ c~~ ~h~ ~a~ L~i~ Obis~m C~u~ty Developme~~ A~~c~~iatio~e I~~o~ da~~d Ap~~1~ 19~19 r~~~~, ~~~~iv~d the ~~un~.ila ~TOTIC~ F"ROM GIt~YHO[3~VI7 L~l~:E~ I~~~ o~ AI~~~Ii~ATI.OM~" F'I~~D ~I.'I`I~ P o IT o C; o FOR RATE II~GREASE Ad~in~~tr~~~r But~h ~epo~t~d. ~h~~ a r~~~~~ ~~~e~v~cl Greyhoua~d Lines In~. a ac~v~~~ng ~hat h~~ ~~.1ed ~ppL~~a~i~zi f'~~ ~ l~l ~ate ~n~xea~e raith th~ Pub~.~c Ut~,l~t~es C~~na~~~~o~~ ORAL RFPO~2T 0~ OFFI~E 0~ EGOI~OMI~ (7~'PORTUi~TITY Ad~~nf~t~at~~° But~l~ ~epcar~~d, that due to a~~the~ ~c~~nitnae~at~ C~~n~~l rep~em sentati~re to th~ Off~~~ ~~on~cn~~ Oppo~tun.~,~~~ Jaan~s Tho~npso~, wa~ unable to att~~.d this gne~~i~;g, bu~ hac~'acl~i~ed. ~hat th~ OeEeCa i~ ~ow operating under the supervision of the ne~1~ appa~.r~ted d~re~to~° on a~. ~f~i~ier~.t bas~so ~ PIZOCLAMATIOIV m'"B~CH DAY" - MAY 2~ ~ 1971 Mayor Leva~ne prc~~la.iined M~y 28, 1971, a~ "Brar~~h D~y" the G~ty of Arroyo Gx°ande~ as requestecl by th~ W~~a~'s Cl.ub n~ A~x°oyo C~~.~~ee The Wc~at~ar~'s Glub is pl~nx~ing a dec~~~a~~c~n ~~r~znnr~y~ o~. th~~ dat~ far a ntark~~ ~~~ng pYa~ed z.~ the - Brarcch Millstr~r~e at Arroyo G~°ande H~gl~ ~~ho~l~ Va11e~r Roac~ Campus, in tribute to Franci~ Ziba Bx°ar~ch, who ~ras the or~~~~al ~~tt1.~r af th~ Arroyo Grande Valley and established ehe Gr~st Mill t~i~ Valley's first i~d.u~tr~ in 18440 TREASURER'S R~~OR.T FOR APRIL, 1971 Th~ Treas~a~~~°'s Rep~~°~ fo~° the mo~~h of Apr~l, 1971~ raa~ r~ce~ved b~ tihe Coun~~1~ ~°evieGreci and o~c~e~°~d f~,1~do DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Depa~tment~l rep~rt for the month of April~ 19~1, was rec~ived by the Counc~l, reviewed ~nd orde~°ed filecla REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETII~ FROM THE LE~-1GUE OF CALTF"OR1~IA CITI.ES Adtn~nistx~ator Butc~ rev~ewed tfie lat~s~ legi~lative bull~tins re~eived fY°~m the League of Cal~,f~a~°n~a Cit~es, ar~d advised that AB 67~ ~ Redistril~ution of Trail~r C~a~h ~ees, w~.i~h was strongly ~spposed by the City, has been defeatec~, LETTER OF RESIGI+~ATIOi~ - PARKs & BUS, IMPR.OV,AREA ADVo BOARD ~ LAIRD SMITH Adm~nistrato~° But~h read a l~tte~ rec~iv~d f~oan L~.~rd Smith~ advising that he could no ~o~.ger serve a~ a~ Aclvisory Board mem~~r ~n th~ Parki~g ar~~ Business Improvem~r~~ Area due t~ perso~a.l ~orr~itm~x~tso A~ter Cour~cil dis~~ssiorc, on motfon of Coun~ilman W~od, se~o~ded b~ Coun~ilan~n T~1~e~ a~d ~x~ani~nously c~~ried, the re~ignat~~x~ of L~i~d Smith from thc Pa~~i.ng ~nd Busine~s Improv~crie~t Area Advisory Board wa~ a~cepted, wi~h ~~gr~ts; a~d. Adx~~ni~t~at~r But~h was i~structed to write a lettex° of tha~ks at~d appr~~fat~.~r~. to Mra Smith for his ~ex°vice to the Gity. APPOT~'I~~tiT OF PARK, & BL~~~ TMFROVa L~REA ADV. BOARB M~MBER ~ WILLIAM SMITH Mayax~ L~v~~e r~~~~ner~ded that W~.11.iam Smfth be appo~~ted to th~ Parking and Business Improvem~nt Area Advi~o~~ Baa~d tia fi11 th~ va~a~.~y cx°eated by the resig- na~ion a~ Lai~°d Smith, On xnotion o~ C:o1x~~11.WOm~1`~ Thc~mpsc3rLa se~and~d by Councilman Wood ancl unanimcsusly ~a~ri~d~ Will.ra~n ~mith, owrier~ope~ator o~ Bill's Clea~ex°s, 109 E, Br~n.ch S~reet, w~~ appointed ~o s~~v~ ~n th~ Parlcin~ and Busi~.~ss Imp~°ove- mer~t Area Advi~o~y Board., urith his te~e of affice e~piri~g on February l, 1973. LETTER ~'ROM PROPERTY OWI~IIER.S OI~T MONTEGO ST~ REe ~EW ~O~ISTRUCTTON OBSGURII~IG VIEW Administrator But~h x°ead. ~ 1et~;e~ ~e~~iv~d frorn p~opert~ cawne~s on Mon.tego Stre~ta e~bject~ng ~o ~he ~~~st~uction ~f a house o~ the ~outh~rly side of Montego Street, wt~ich they feel will obst~uct their Ui~c~r, Al~o a letter was received from Barry Hamme~°, Attcax°ney9 repre~enting seven par~el own~x~s on Mc~r~fiego Street, re- questing th~.t actio~ b~ tak~~, to enforce the Z~n~.ng O~dina~.~~ and protect his ~2ients` p~operty r~ght~. The Caun~~l r~view~d a repUrt, px°epared ~a~ Planning Di~°~ctor Ga~lop, dated May 11, 1971, s~~.tirzg that in. th~ opinion of' the Build~~.g and Planning Departments, th~ b~zilclin~ det~~ls show~ oz~ the pl~.xis for th~s house constructio~,, plus a fi~ld inspe~tion do~.~ 1~y Ci~y Enginee~° G~ring and Constru~tio~. Zn.~pector FeZzn~ee deter- mined the cros~ s~ctiaYl elevations a~ ~h~ exz.~ting ~uildings and the r~of line of the new buflding ra~.ll not ab~cure the view of th~ ~lder homes from mucs~ o~ the ~ souther~ly part o~ the City~ dzx~e~ a~ ~.~~~ar~., Dire~tox° ~f Publ~~ Works AndP?-sen further revier~ed th~ cx~~~s se~tic~n elevat~c~rts by use of a dr~win.g, which i.ndzcated 441 CITY COUNCIL MAY 11, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 distances and elevations between the new structure and the existircg house lo~ cated on the northerly side of the streete Several of the prope~ty owcaers on ~ Montego Street were present and orally expr~ssed their concern regarding this matte~o City Attorney Shipsey advised that in h~.s opinion the wordir~g of Sec. 9-4e2422, the "View Control" section of the Zoning Ordina~ace, was too general and ambiguous, and therefore did not provide sufficient directions for precise guides to personnel aclministering tfii~ portion of the Municipal Code, The Council discussed and inst~ucted City Attorney Shipsey and the City Staff to obtain information on "Vfew Controls" used by other ~ities aa~d prepare an ordinance to amend this section of the Municipal ~ode for Council consfdera~ tione The Council instructed t~dministrator Butch to refer this matter to the Planning Goma~ission for its review and recommendation; and further that any future requests for permits to build on the southerly side of Montego Street be presented to the Council for review and approval prior to any permits being issuede RECEIPT OF MINi1TES OF PARK. & BUS, IMPROVEMENT AREA ADVISORY BOARD 4-28 71 The minutes of the Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory Board mee-ting of April 28, 1971, were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filede APPROVAL OF PARKING ANP_BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA ADVISORY BOARD ~Ee NEGOTIATE PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND DEPOSIT ESCROW FUNDS. Administrator Butch reported that the Parking and Busineas Improvement Area Advisory Board had discussed with the Council a proposed improvement project to develc~p off street parking on the southerly s~de of Branch St~°eet and that methods of financ~ng land acquisition was being investigated by the Advisory Board.David Loomis, Ch~.irman. of the Advisory Boax°d, was present, and orally reported on nego~ tiations to date for property aequisition; and advised that the Advisory Board has recommen.ded that the Councfl ~uthox°ize and approve the initiation of escrow proceedings for the acquisition ~f the property necessary to develop off street parking, which will require a deposit of approximately 10% of the purchase price at the time escrow is requested, and as projected, the full purchase of the prop- erty should be completed wfthin a five year period, along with sufficient improve- ments to allow use of the property for parkinga After Council discussion, on mc~tfon ~f Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, proceedings for a 90 day escrow for the ~cquisition of certain property to provide off street parkrng, located on the southerly side of East Branch Stx°eet, adja~ent to Short Street, was appx°oved and the Mayor was authorized to sign the escrow fnstructions; and the deposit of approximately ten percent of the purchase price, required at the time escrow is requ~sted, was approved, said deposit to be pafd from funds callected from the addit~onal levy of business Ifcense tax from within tlie Arroyo Grande Gity Park- ing and Business Iznprovement Area; and upon completion of a Coun.cil approved lease purchase agreemexxt all future year~ payments for the property to be paid from said Ax°ea fundso ORAL REPORT BY MAYOR LEVINE-MEETING ON PROPOSED LEGIS, ON COASTAL PLAN. CONTROLS Mayor Levine gave an oral report on the special meeting called by the presi- dent c~f the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Gities, which was held in Santa Barbara, April 30, 1971g regarding px°oposed legislation on coastal planning controls, stating that the Federal Gavernment is instrumental in the establishment of a State Agency to con.trol all coa~tal areas as to plann- ing and zoning, and that no actio~. regarding this matter was taken by the Division at this timee R.EGEIPT OF MINUTES OF THE COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUIVCIL MEETING 4-5-71 The minutes of the Coasfial Va11ey Planning Council meeting of Apri1 5, 1971 were received by the Council and ordered filed. REPORT ON AMBAG MEETING OF APRIL 21, 1971 Administrator Butch advised th.a~ representatives from San Luis ~bispo County who attended the AMBAG meeting in Watsonville, regarding its By-Laws an.d Jc~int Powers Agreement, wi12 give a report or~ same at the County and Cities Ar~~. I'la~.zs- ing Coordinating Counci.l meeting on May 13, 1971. I CITY GDUNCIL MAY 11, 1971 ' ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 , PRESENTATION OF PRELIMINARY MUNICIPAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971-72 Administrator Butch distributed copies of the Preliminary Municipal Budget for Fiscal Year 1971 72. After Council discus5ion, a budget study session was scheduled for Ma.y 17, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. RECOM. FROM PLAN. COMM.-URGE STATE TO ESTABL. ROUTE DETERMIN. FOR STATE H/W 227 Administrator Butch reported that the Planning Commissfon, at its meeting of May 4, 1971, recommended that the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce urge the State Division of Highways to establish a route determination for State High- way No, 227, to enable the Planning Commission to better plan for street improve- ment and routes in the easterly portion of the City, Administrator Butch further reported that he had been advised by State Representatives that the rerouting of State Highway No. 227 is again being considered within the a.rea of Arroyo Grande. After Council discussion, Administrator Buteh was instructed to forward the Plann- ing Commissions recommendations to the District Engineer of the State Division of Highways and,to the State Chamber of Commerce, RECOM. OF P& R COMMISSION - NAME LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL AREA "PETE SANTOS FIELD" Administrator Butch advised that the Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended that the City Council officially name the Little League Baseball , Field of the baseball complex, located o~ Ash Street, between South E1m Street ' and the West City Limit, "Pete Santos Field". After Council discussion, Adminis- ' trator Butch read the title of a resolution officially naming the Little League ~ Baseball Area, "Pete Santos Field", thereafter, a motion was made by Councilwoman , Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. ~ RESOLUTION N0. 937 ' A RESOLUTION -0F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~ ARROYO GRANDE NAMING THE LITTLE LEAGUE AREA OF ~ THE BASEBALL COMPLEX "PETE SANTOS FIELD". On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel. the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this llth day of May, 1971. RECOM. OF P& R COMM. - FARM LANA AREA BE REDUCED WITH RENEWAL OF LEASE TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT AR.EA FOR MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL FIELD, Administrator Butch reported that the Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended that upon request for renewal of the existing farm land lease, that the Council reduce the area for farming to allow full development of the major baseball field. After Council discussion, it was agreed that this item will be given full consideration at the time renewal of the lease is requested. RECOMMENDATION -0F P& R COMMISSION - STREET TREE FEES INCREASE TO $7.50 EACH Administrator Butch reported that the Parks and Reereation Commission have recommended that the fees for street trees, required with subdivision developnent, be increased from $5.00 to $7e50, due to the increase in costs. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, eftective immediately, the fee for street trees required with subdivision development, was set at $7.50 each. AUTHORIZED A FEASIBILITY STUDY ON DRAINAGE-NEWSOM SPRI~IGS ~1REA-U,S.SOIL CONS.DEPT. Administrator Butch reviewed a report, dated May 4, 1971, from Director of Public Works Anderson, advising that Mr. Clark Moore, U. S, Soil Conservation Representative, has informed the City that the U. S. Department of Agriculture ha.s a program under which the City might qualify for assistance on drainage pro- jects; and that he has reviewed drainage problems within the City and feels that a project on the upper Newsom Springs drainage ehannel might qualify ~xnder this program if sufficient in.terest is expressed by adjacent property owners; and recommended that the Council authorize the U. S. Department of Agriculture to prepare a preliminary feasibility study on the Newsom Springs drainage a~ea. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, secondeei by Councilman Wood a~nd unanimously carried, Clark Moore, U. S. Soil Conservation Representative, and his staff were authorized to prepare a feasibility study on the upper Newsom Springs drainage channel, at no cost to the City for this service. 4~3 ~ cz~ cou~tczL rraY 119 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 DISCUSSION - PROPOSED WATER WELL DRILLING COI~TROL -0RDII~AI~ICE Administrator Butch briefly review~d a proposed water well drilling control ordinance, prepared by the Publi~ Works Depar~xr~~nto The Gou~.~i.l dis~ussed and agreed that a study ~essio~ be scheduled to ~~~.s~.de~ this prOp~sed ordfnan~e, and Cfty Attorney Shipsey was i~~tructed to revi~r~aa the ordinance prior to the study session~ making any changes tn~~e~~ary~ so that the-propo~ed ordinan~e un.der study and if approved by the Coun.~i1, raill be leg~l a~cl e~forceableo REPORT ON REQUEST m FOUR WAY STO'P AT BRANCH AZ~D MASOlV STREETS, Administ~°ator Butch reported that a l~tter ha~ laee~ received from the State Division of Highways in answex~ to th.is city's request that stop signs be installed on Branch Street at Masan Street, whi~h stat~d that froin the Division of Highways investigation, it is not advisable at this time to stop Branch Sta (Route 227) traffic; and submitted with the letter w~.s a Dire~tfonal Tx°affic Count diagram, indicating the t~°affic flow and pedestrian u~age at this i~ter~ectiona Police Chief Richardson and Dix°eetor of Public Wox°k~ An.der~on, have reviewed this ~e° quest and are in agreement with the recmYnmendatfon of the Divisfon of Highways; and re~ommended that the State Div~.sion of Highwa~s be requested to install a cross walk across Branch Street on th~ east side of Mason Streefi, After Cou~.~il discussion, on motio~. of Coun~i~.taoman Thompsons seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carrieda Administrator Butch was authorized and instructed to write a letter to the ~tate Divisio~ of Highways requesting that the State install a cross walk and pedestrian crossing signs on Branch Street ~.t Mason Streeto PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSNIENT DISTRICT Administrator Butch reported that Ric~arci Drahn, Sax~ Luis Obispo County Hydraulic Engineer; Director of Public Works Ande~son; Mayor Levine and he had met with representatives of HUD in.its Lo~ Angeles office, on Ma:y 10, 1971, to investigate the possibility of obtaining a federal loan which would be used to purchase bonds and if approved would provide a low~r interest rate on the loan amount for the Arroyo Gran.de Sewer A~sessment District; and the HUD representa- tives advised that the City, thx°ough the County as its agent f.or the assessment district, should submit an application for a loan for consideration by HUD in the 1971-72 fzscal yeare Info~natlon necessary to prepare the application for a loan-is now being compiled,and the application will be submitted at the earliest date possible. DISCUSSION - FEDERAL FUNDII~IG OF PARKS 20 ACRES OR LESS 50/50 BASIS Administrator Butch repo~°ted that at the above Ynentioned meeting, HUD officials advised that a new federal program ha~ been initiated for federal fund- ing of parks consistin.g of 20 acres or l~ss and can be funded on. a fifty/fifty basis or a 50% Federal Fu~ads, 2~% donation of lar~d.s or funds and 25l City funds. Dre J. O, Penee was present an.d informed t~e Council that prior Gity Councils had propos~d the development of a park in the easterly secti~n of the City ad~ jacent to Huas~.a Roada Adm~nistrator Butch advfsed that he would further investi- gate this program and report back ta the Gouncilo AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY MAPS OF CITY DECLARED PUBoRECORDSmItEPRODUC.COST ONLY CHARGE Administrator Butch repo~°ted that the City h.as re~eived a request for copies of the aerial photogrammetry maps, which have b~en prepared for the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District, and requested Coun~il directfon on fees to be charged for the reproduction of these inaps, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Coux~cilwoznax~ Thompso~ and un.an%inously ~aY'Z'1ed' the Aerial Photogrammet~°yy M~.ps of the City were decl~red public recox~ds; and that cop~es of these m~.ps would be made available to the public, upon requ~st, at a fee to cover r~produetior~ costs onlyo PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SAIVITATION DISTRICT Gopies of the Chief Plant Ope~ator's Report for the month of April,,1971, were received by the Council, reuiewed an.d ordered filed. APPROVAL TO DISPOSE OF CITY OWi~ED SURPZUS VE~ITCLE-19b8 FORD - P~LICE DEPT. Admin.istrator Butch reported that the n~w police car is now in operation and requested Council authorization to dispose of the 1968 Ford, which is no longer serviceable as a Police Department uni~, After Council. discussian,.~n.m~ti~n of Councilman Wood, seconded by Cou~.cilluan Talley and unanimously carri~d, t£~e ~968 Ford, was declared as surplus and to be solci by public bid, said bids to be o~ened at 11:00 A.M., May 25, 1971a with the vehiGle being on d~splay for publi~ f~.- spection thraug~ May 24, 1971, at the City Ha11 parkin$ 1ot; anci a minim~zz? bid of $500.00 was set €or this vehicleo ~ , ~g,~~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 11, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 RECEIPT OF 1969 FLOOD DAMAGE REIMBURSEMENT FROM FED. GOV, THROUGH SLO COUNTY Administrator Butch advised that the City is in receipt of a warrant in the amount of $1,180,00, from the San Luis Obispo County Engineering Department, which represents an advance of 75% of tk~e tentatively approved 1969 flood da- mage reimbursement due the City of Arroyo Grande under the provisions of Public Law 81-875. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Woocl and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 P,M, until 7:30 P,M., May 17, 1971a r ' , _ AT~EST~ . 6--~.. - - ,~j' - C I CLERK ~MAYOR C~TY COUNCIL MAY 17, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7;30 P.M. The City Council met in adjourned regular session with Mayor Levine pre- siding. Upon roll call, Councilmen Schlegel, Wood and Talley reported present, Councilwoman Thompson is absent. BUDGET STUDY SESSION The City Council and Administrator Butch began discussion of the Prelimin- ary 1971-72 Municipal Budget and completed review of the Budget Message thereof. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:09 P.M. until 7:30 P.M., May 24, 1971, . ~ ATTEST: ~=~.-,w-~ ~ ~~.-...--r._...-` y- CITY CLERK MAYOR