Minutes 1971-05-17 `4~f~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 11, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 RECEIPT OF 1969 FLOOD DAMAGE REIMBURSEMENT FROM FED, GOV. THROUGH SLO COUNTY Adminfstrator Butch advised that the City is in receipt of a warrant in the amount of $1,180,00, from the San Luis Obispo County Engineering Department, which represents an advance of 75% of the tentatively approved 1969 flood da- mage reimbursement due the City of Arroyo Grande under the provisions of Public Law 81-875. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 P,M. until 7:30 PeM,, May 17, 19710 ~ AT~EST~ ~3 ...,,.,._<.-2?` d...~ 1 ~ ~ CI CLERK MAYOR C~TY COUNCIL MAY 17, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in adjourned regular session with Mayor Levine pre- siding. Upon roll call, Councilmen Schlegel, Wood and Talley reported present. Councilwoman Thompson is absent. BUDGET STUDY SESSION The City Council and Administrator Butch began discussion of the Prelimin- ary 1971-72 Municipal Budget and completed review of the Budget Message thereof. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded b}r Councilman Wood and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:09 P.M. until 7:30 P.M., May 24, 1971. ~ r~~ . ATTEST• w r~~ 4°~----- CITY CLERK MAYOR