Minutes 1971-05-25 405 CIT~" COUNCIL MAY 24, 1971 AR~Q~O GR4.NDE, CALIFORNIA 3a30 P.M, The Gity Counc~l met in ~djourned r~~~1a~° session w~th Mayor L~vine presid~ ing, Upon ro11 call, Council Meinb~r~ S~hi.~gel9 Thompson, Wood and Talley rem ported present, BUDGET STUDY SESSION - The City Cou~cil and Administr~tox° Buteh contix~ued discussi~n ~nd x°eview of the Preliminary 1971m72 Muni~ipal Budget and x°ev~,ewed the Su~nar~ of Estimated Revenue & Expenditur~s portions thereofo The E~tima~ed Expenditures, by depax°t~ ment, were studied and discussed from Pag~ 1, City Coune~l, through Page 20, Ele~tiono Th~ Council agreed that the next budget st~d ~ ses~ion be tex~t~tively scheduled for 7a00 PaMe, June 7, 1971a ADJOURNNI~NT On znotion of Councilm~n Talley, seeondecl by Coun~ilman Wood and unanfmously carried, the meeting adjourn~d at 10:45 ~"aMo , . ~ ~N ______fi___ • r _ - ,z ATTESTa ~..t~,:~#~ ,..C-~.~'~ i,~'F-~--°---._ DEPUTY CITY CLERK ~ MA OR CITY COUNCIL MAY 25, 1971 ARROYO GRAI~TDE, CALIFORI~IIA The City Council met rxx regular ses~fon with Mayor Levine presidingo Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood a~d Talley reported present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine lead the Pledge of Allegi~.~.ce to our Flag; an.d immediately thereafter, Councilman Schlegel delivered the inv~catfon, APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meetimg of May 11, 19~1 and the adjourned regu~ lar meeting of May.17, 1971 were approved as prepareelo APPROVAL OF WARRAI~ITS On motion. of C;ouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwom~n Thompson and unani- mously carried, General Warrants Noo 968 through ~Toe 1003, in the total amount of $35,311095; Payroll Warrants No, 1659 through Noo 1~09, in the total amount of $12,293041; and Trust and Agency Warrants Noo 1413 through Noo 1434 in the total amount of $1a10b,58, were approved and ordered paid, NOTICE OF LEAGUE CHAlQNEL GOUIVTIES DIVIS:rON MEETIIVG AT PORT AUENEME, 6~~+°71 Notice has been received advising that the next meeting of the League of California Cities Channel Counties Division will be held in Port Hueneme on June 4th., 1971 e REQ~JEST FRQM S0, COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE, INC., FOR RATE II~TCREASEo Administrator Butch read a lettex° from the South County Sanitary Service, Inc,, x~equesting the Council take undex° coresideration a review of the existing disposal service rate structure for the purpose of increasing charges, as it has been approximately five years since a change in rates was made and the in- cr~ase in eosts, i,e<,.labor, insurance, equipment, clumping, etca, lias made the rate increase request necessaryo Administrator Butch also advised that a proposed rate schecdule had been submitted with the letter, Mra Gattaneo was present and discussed the request and proposed rates with the Council, and after discussion, fihe Couneil requested t~iat Mro Cattaneo submit ~ operating costs com- parison report for the last five year perfod for Council review and considera- tion of his requestm REQUEST FROM WOODS' ANIMAL SHELTER FOR RATE II~CREASE OF 15% PER MO~VTH, EFF.7-1°71 Administrator Butch read a letter from Woods° Animal Shelter, requesting a rate increase of 15% per month, effective July l, 1971, The Council revier~ed that this iteYn would be discussed on June 8,:1971, when the Mayors would me~~ ~ith the C~unty Board.of Sup~rvisors, and it was agreed that no action t~~ t~k~:n until the results ~f this meeting have been obt~ined, ORDINANCE ADOFTI~~ ~ HUASNA ROAD NOo2 ANNEXATI~~ Administratc~r Butch reviewed that discus~ion regarding the adoption o~ this annexation ordinance was held ove~ until a flz~l Gouncil was present, ar~d ~ ~ I CI~Y GOUNCIL MAY 25,, 1971 A12R(7~~~ GRANDE, CALIF'ORN~A PAG~ 2 after discussion, City Attorn~y Sh~psey ~e~e~ ~h~ tf tl~ of ~n, ordircacac~ approving the Huasna Road Noo 2 Axanexation to the C~ty A~royo Grattde, thereafter a m~tion was made by Councilmar~ Schlegel, s~co~.ded by Counc~lfaomata Th~mpson, and unanim mously carried, to dispens~ urith readin~ the balax~~e of this o~dinaneea ORDINAIVCE 1~Oa 52 Co S. AN ORDINADICE 0~' THE CZTY OF ARROYO GRAT]DE APPROVTI~~ THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF CERTAIN U~TI~THABITED TERRTTORY DESIGI~TATED "HUA~NA ROAD I~YOo 2 A1V~EXATTO~V"o On motion of Counc~lman Wood, se~ondecl b~ Coun~~l~,romaa~ Th~mpsort and on the following roll call vote, to wito AYESa Council Members Schlegel, Thompson a~d Wood.o NOES. Councilrnan Talley and Mayor Leviraeo ABSEIVTe Nanea the foregoing ord2nance was passed ~.nd adopted this 25th day of May, 1971m NOTIFICATION FROM LAFCO-HALCYON RD. N~a2 A1~I\TEX. APPROVED=ANNEXa ORD, FIRST READING Administrator Butch reported that officfal notificat~on has been reeeived from the Local Agency Foz°mation Commi~sion, acivising tha.t ~he City of Arroyo Grande is authorized to compl~te Halcyoix Road 1V~o 2 An~.exation without further notice, hearing or electfon, pursuant to Section 5479701 of the Government Codeo After,Council discussion, City Attox°ney Sh~psey x°ead, for its first reading, the title of an ordinanee to cornplete proceedings of Halcyon Road No, 2 Annexation, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schleg~l, s~conded by Cou~.cilwoman Thompson and unanimously c~.rried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance> REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrator Butch reviewed the latest legi~lat~ve bulletins received from the League of California Cities, amd after Council di~cussion, Administrator Butch wa~ instructed to write lefiters to the approprfate legislators regarding the following px°oposed legislation: regarding AoBa 813 Annexation and AoBe 1209 Competitive Bidding indicating this Counc~l's support of these measures and re~ garding AoBa 52 Zoning, Building a~d U~e ~'e~its Dedication Condition prohibited; SoB. 333 Gompuls~ry and Binding Arba,tx~ation; AoB> 1098 and SeBo 1352 Public Emm ployees Retirement System; AoB, 16D9 con~e~~ing publi~ works projects, indicating this Coun~il's ~pposition of these measurese COUNCII,MAI~1 SCHLEGEL' S REPORT OI~T T~IE U~DERGROUI~TD UTIL o COMM. MEET„ OF MAY 17 , 1971 Councilman Schlegel repox~ted that a~ th~ U~dergrour~d Utility Committee Meeting of May 17, 1971, discussion was held x°~gax~ding the development and prepara- tian o~ a pr~liminary Master Plan fc~r undergrouncling of utilities, t~at there were nine ar~as under consideration with Br~~ch Stxeet bein~ the prfority project. Councilmare Schlegel al~o advised that Supe~°visor Martlcins would investigate if any , of the monies allocated for undergrounding utilities within San Luis Obispo County fr~ri Pa~ific Gas and Electric Coo have be~n ~c~mm~.tted or ~xpended for projects ox° if a~y ~f these funds could be r~appo~t~on~d to projects within the City of Arroyo Grandeo REPORT & RECOMM, FROM PARKING COMMe RE: LIMITED PARKIIVG SPACES ON BRAIVCH ST. Administrator Buteh reufewed a recommendation from the Parking Commission requesting that twelve fifteen~minute parking sp~.ces be established on Branch Street; noting that the Police and Public Works Departments had not indic~ted any oppositfon to the establishment of these parki~.g spac~s, and that these spaces would be situated in front of or close to the following business establishments: Bank of America', Bi11's Cleaners, Baxter°s Clothing Sto~e, Dr. Wical's, Wilkinson's Market and the Village Music S~or~, After Council discussion, City Attox°ney ~ ~hipsey r~ad the title of a r~solution establishing lim~ted parking spaces on Branch Street, thereafter a motion was made by Councilma~ Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously ca~°ried, to dispense with reading the ba1- ance of this resolution, RESOLUTION ~VO. 938 A R~SOLUTI01~ QF THE CITY COU~dCIL OF' THE CIT~' OF t~RR0Y0 GRAI~TDE ESTABLTSHING "15 MTI~TUTE PARKII~TG" Z~NES ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE AND NORTHERLY SIDE OF E4~S~ BRAlVGFi STREET BETWEEN BR.IDGE AN~ SHORT STREETSe ~lJ~ C°~T~` GOUNCIL MAY 25, 1971 Ahn~YO GlRA1V']~E, CAL~~'ORNIA PAGE 3 On motion of Councilman Talley, s~~onded by Councflman. Wood, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Th~mpson, Wood, Ta11ey and M~.yor Levinem NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of May, 1971, REPORT ON PROPOSED COUNTY-WIDE MUNICIPAL COURT DISTo FOR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Administr~tor Butch reported that at a Mayors' Meeting held on. May 19,1971, the Mayors and Councilmen who were in attendanee discussed the "Proposed County- Wide Municipal Court District for San Luis Obispo County" plan which,is s~heduled for hearing before the Board of Supervisors on July 6, 1971 and that the Mayors moved to stand opposed to the centralization of the Municipal Courts until statistical information is made availableo Attorney Shipsey advised that the Bar Association is also opposed to this consolidation of the courts for basically the same reasons. The Council discussed and concurred with the Mayors request and instructed Administrator Butch to attend the scheduled hear~,ng to present this Council's views on this matter. PROGRESS REPORT ON PARKING AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA ADVISORY BOARD Administrator Butch reported that escrow action has been in.itiated by the City to acquire off-street parking propex°ty on the south side of Branch Street and that it was anticipated that it will take approximately 15 days for the property owners to receive the escrow, sign, and return to the City. MAYOR LEVINE'S REPORT ON RECENT COUI~TTY-WIDE MAYORS' MEETING. Mayor Levine reported that at the recent county-wide Mayors' Meeting dis- cussion was held regarding increasing the animal impound and redemption fees as a source of additional revenue for Woods` Animal Shelter, and after Council discussion it w~s agreed that this Councfl favors these fees being increased. RESOL. APPLICATION TO LAFCO-PROPOSED HUASNA ROAD N0. 3 ANNEXATTON (MUDGE) Administratox° Butch reported that the Planning Commission has recommended the annexation of an area easterly of the City Limits adjacent to Coach Road, Huasna Road and the Tabb Ranch Annexation, that the original request for annexa- tion had been xeceived from a Mr, John F, Mudge and a second request received from MrsA Helen Colettoa After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution making application to the Local Agency Formation Com- mission relative to annexing territory to the City, thereafter a motion was rnade by Couneilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously car~ ried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTI~N N0. 939 A RESOLUTION AUTHQRIZING APPLICATION BY THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION RELATIVE TO A PROPOSAL TO ANNEX TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAI~IDE. On motion of Councilman Ta11ey, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESm Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, W~od, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES~ None, ABSENT: None. the foregoing resolution was passed ~nd adopted this 25th day of May, 1971s REPORT ON RECENT ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMTTTEE MEETING BY COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL Councilman Schlegel reported that at the recent Zone 3 Advisory Committee Meeting it was agreed to request an operational cost report for the recreat~.on facilities at Lopez Zake so that a priority list of improvement projects can be determined for future capital developments; that Jack Penee, Richard Dr~hn and Ed Kiefer were appointed as a committee to investigate the possi.bility ~f ~hat area lying between the Zone 3 boundaries and Lopez Dam being form~d i~.to a County Seruzce Di~trict~ FURTHER DTSCi1SSI~N ON PROPOSED ORDIN'ANCE PROHIBITING THE DRILLING OF WA'~ER ~a~I~~,S Administx°ator Butch briefly reviewed a groposed ordin.ance prohibit~.n~ ~h.e ~ drilling of water zaslls within th~ Cztg~ Arroyo Grande, and the Council ~~~e~c~ that a study session be set for June 7~h, 1971 at 7.00 P,M, to study the ~src~~osed ordinanee. CI'~Y COUNCIL MAY 25, 1971 A1~It(~YO GIZANDE, CALTFORNIA I'AG~ 4 RECOMMENDATION TO ACCEPT 6" SEWER LINE ON ~°AIR OAKS AVEIQiJE Administr~tor Butch reported that Dir~~tor ~f Publi~ Wo~lcs Anderso~. h~d r~com?nended aceeptance of a 6" se~e~ l~~e in~t~ll~cl on Fair Oalc~ Ave, b~tween Alder Street and So, Halcyon Road a~ a11 ~osts have be~~ paid and the i~.st~llation confor~s to City requirementso After Cou~efl dis~us~io~, ~ motion was made by Coun~ilman Schlegel, seconded by Cour~~ilw'~~n~ 'l~~anp~~~, and u~a~imously carried, to aecept a 6" sewer line installed ox~ ~~.~r Oa4cs Aveo into the City sewer sy~tem, and prox°~tion of ~osts, as shaw~ b~low, reco~ex~d~d by Dire~tor of Public Works Anderson was approvecla ~ : . . . . SLWER-LIAIE I~ISTALLATION ON FAIR OAKS AVE: 5/6/71 . City Street . Main Lateral Engineering ~~A~ d~~ess er Cost Cost Cost Paid Due 994 Pace & Simpson $428.00 $SS.UO $48.30 $483.00 $ 48.~30 992 Pace & Simpson 428.00 55.00 48.30 483.00 $ 48.30 990 Fink 428.00 , 55.00 48.30 $531.30 9Q6 Kitasako 428.00 55.Q0 48.30 966.00 $ 48.30 $1,712.00 $220.00 $1,932.00 Mr. Kitasako paid the main cost as well as the lateral cost for Mr. Fink at 990 Fair Oaks Ave. When Mr. Fink xequests a ae`rer comiection to the existing lateral he will be re- ` quired to pay-in addi~iaa to the South Sari Luis Obispo Sewer District charge aud the CiCy sewer charge, the follawing -$428.00 main cost, $55.00 latersl cost, for ~ total of $483.Ofl refundable to Mr. Kitaeako if,connection is made within the next eight ye~rs. In addition to the portion refundable to Mr. Kitasako, a City Engineering assesament of $48.30 will also he paid by t~ir.'Ffnk. ~ - i (A a S - ~ ~ rn , ~ ~ .9' /6d. 9 " ~30 ' i ~ ~ ` ~ 0 06~ 2 ~ C'~ N~, ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ v ~ ~ Z ~ ' ~ ~ ~p ~ 9I9' 63.s' ~s' ~6~ 9' ~io' 9. ~ ~ , ~/t7s rPf~tr' r~+?~s r .~r~.s' , ~ .ti! o~. 6'YCP i C~eanout 3tT2.s' ~ ~ R oAres avE. p. . : . CI~Y COLII~?CII.: MAY 25, 1971 ~~~avY'0 GRANDE, CALIFORI~TTA PAG~ 5 PROGRESS REPORT O~Y THE ARROYO GRATIDE S~R DISTRICT Administrator Butch reported t~~t the Coun~~ Boarcl of Supervisors ha~ apm proved a loan of $23,000 for x°i~ht o~ w~y a~qu~~itica,~ ~~d t~~l~ r~ports in ~onm junction with th~ Ar~oyo Grande Se~r~r Di~tr~~t ~ubje~t to ~h~ ~vailabilit~ ~f fundso Administr~tor Buteh also advised t~~t an ~pplicati~~ for a loa~ had been submitted to HUD for a fecier~.l loan ~rhi~h w~ul~ be useci to pu~ch$se bond~ and that the City has re~e~v~cl a~ ~.pp~~v~ei ~or~tra~t from HUD fo~ the fed~ral gx°~nt f~r the s~rae~ installatio~a PROGRESS REPORT OIV THE SOUTH SAI~I LUIS OBISPO COUi~TTY SAI~ITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch advised there wa~ no~hin~ new to report $t thi~ timeo LUI~ICHEOI~T MEETII~TG FOR DISCUSSIOI~T OF ~O1~SOI~IDATED 1~OLICE FA.CII~TTIESo Administrator Butch advised that a 1un~heo~ ~eet~~~ woulcl be held by all entiti~s involved at the Sa~a Ramon Restaurant o~n Jur~e 2~ 1971, to review the proposals submitted by the Venclors ~o provide a feasibility study for the consoli- dation of the law enforcement agencies ~x~ the southex°~ portio~ of San Luis Obispo County, and requested that all Cou~,~~l Members that could, be in attendance at this meeting, APPROVED RE UIREMENT ON DEVELOPME1tTT ADJACEI~T TO CITY CO~STRUCTED STREETS Administrator Butch reported that Dire~tor of Publi~ Works Anclerson had requested that a policy be established re~arding stre~t improvement requfrem ments when property is developed adjacent to new City ~on~tx°ucted streets as at this time improvements are being pla~~.ed on the new Fair Oalc~ Ave, extension be- tween Woodland Drive anci Valley Roado Afte~ Cou~~il d~,s~ussfon, a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconcled by Councilr~ox~tarc Thompson., and un~.nimously carried, that a policy be e~t~.blish~d ~rcd accept~d. that ~«rhenever prop~rty is improved adjacent to new ~ity ~onstr~c~~d ~t~°~~ts9 the ~~operty owner or develop~ er will be required to fully impx°ove the ~tr~~~ to Cit~ requixeme~ts from the existing street improvement to the fra~tage o~ the property being devalopede ACCEPTAI~CE OF EDI~TA RD. AND CHILTOI~T ST. WATER LII~, PROJE;CT 1~100 60~70~2 Administrator Butch advised th~t Dire~tor of Public Worlcs Anderson reported that Water Line Project I~o, 60~70m2 had beerc ~ompleted b~ West Coast Construction Coa in accordance with the Pl~.ns and Specifi~ations wfth no extras or deletions and that fin.al payment coulcl be made, and t~~ water lin.es accep~ed by the City. Aftex° Council discussion., on'motion of Coun~ilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council- man Schlegel, and una,nimously ~a~ried, tha~t the installation of wate~° lines on, Edna Road and Chilton Street, Pr~ject l~oe 60m70~2, was accepted into th~ City Water System as recomm~nded by Directo~ of Public Works Anderson, PAYMENT TO AZCAiZATE FOR GRTEB IRRIGATIOI~ LII~E ON FAIR OAKS AVEo Administr~tor Bu~ch advised that Directo~ of Public Works Andersc~n reported that the Grfeb irrigat~.on line had b~en c~~npleted and re~ommended that payment be made~ After discussion, on motio~ of Coun~ilma~. S~hlegel, secone~ed by Council- woman Thmmpson, artd u~1~:animously ca~ried, pay~nen~ w~s authorized to Tony Azcarate in the am~unt of $2,729,44 fox the i~stall~tion of the Grieb irrigatipn line, as recommended by Director of Public Worlcs A~.derso~m NOTICE OF APPEAL OF DEVELOPME~TT PI.AZ~ Z~TOo ~ APPIZOV~D BY THE PLAI~IVII~G COMMISSION Administx°ator Butch advi~ed that Mable Mallory, Violet Mallory Holmes and Elsie Mallory Wilk~, 513 Ide Street, have filed a~ appeal to th~ ~ity Counci3~ on Development Plan Noo 5, which was approv~cl b~ the Plax~ning Coauanission, and that ~ a Fublic Hearing before the Council is set for 8e00 PoM., June 8th, 1971. RECEIPT OF SPRING-1971 IQEWSLETTER FOR CTTY 0~° ARROYO GRAI~DE Administrator Butch distributed copi~s of the Spri~g 1971 l~~wsletter for the City of Arroyo Grande to the Cou~~ilo REQUEST OF CITY CLERK MILLER TO BE OUT OF TH~ STATE, MAY 28Tfi THROUGH 31ST, 1971. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded lb}~ Councilwoma~. Thompson, ~ncfl unanimou~ly carried, approval was gr~.~ted fo~ City Clerk Po1~y Se Miller to be out of the State of California from May 28th, 1971 ~hrough May 31st, 1971, as requested by Mrso Millero ADJOURNMENT Qn motion of Councilman Talley, seeox~ded by Coun.cilzn~.n Wood a~d uman~mously carried, the meeting a journed at 9051 PoMo until,,7.00 P.M., June ~th, 197~.e , e ATTEST: i'~ c°''z',~,'`~ -t 1~-- - CITY L K ~ MAYOR ~ ~ ,L. .