Minutes 1971-06-07 ~ CITY COUNCIL JUI~E 7, 197~ ARROYO GRAI~DE, CALIFORNIA 7e00 P,Ma i The City Council rne~ in adj~ur~efl regula~° s~ssio~ w~th Mayor Le~r~ne pr~s~d~ ~ ing. Upon roll call Cou~c~l Members S~hleg~r, Thompso~,.~3~od ~and T~ll~y. r~~ ported presento STUDY SESSIOl~T - PROPOSED ORDINAZ3~E COI~TTROLLII>]G WATER WELL DRILLI.~TG WITHIN CITY, Th~ Council ~eviewed and discussed th~ px~oposed ~,rat~r well drilling cor~m trol ord~r~ance and generally agr~ed that the ~~ed for su~h a~ ordinan~e was ~mperat~ve to px°ote~t the Arroyo Grarnde Va~l~y wa~er basin a~d the City's watex° rights withi~ t.he basino Admi~~st~atmr But~h w~s i~struct~d to h~ve prem parecl a final clraft of th~ ordinan~e to ir~dicate the ameradment~, acldit~o~s and deletions as di~e~~ed by the Coun~ilo BUDGET STUDY SESSTO~T Th~ City Council ~.ncl Administr~ator But~h co~tinued d~seussio~ and r~view of the Px°eliminary 1971m72 Murticipal Budget from Page 21, 1'oli~e 1'~°ote~tion, thx°ou~h Page 62, Lopez Wat~r Contract, whi~h ~oncluded r~view of the proposed budgetm The Gouxncil instructed Administ~°ator But~h to pr~pa~e a~evised budget show~ng all additions, del~tions and amendments as di~e~tedo ADJOURIVMENT TO AI~T EXEGUTIVE SESSTON. On. motion of Cour~cilwoman Thompson, seconded by Courccilman ~chle~~l, and , unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:05 P,Ma RECOI~TVEI~EMEIVT The Council reconven~d at 10a34 l~oM, with all members present ~.s shown on roll ~allA ADJOURZ~PMENT On moti~n of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Couneilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. /f ~ ~ ATTESTo ,,,,,~..r-~ ~e~~ DEPU ' C ERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL JUNE 8, 1971 ARROYO GRAI~IDE, CALIFORNIA The Citiy Council met in regular session with Mayor Levine presiding. Upon x°oll call, Coun~il Members Schlegel, :~hompson, Wood and Talley reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAnTCE AND II~TVOCA~IOIV Mayor~ L~vfne lead the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereaftex°, Couneilman Schlegel deliver~d the invocationa APPROVAL OF MI~UTES The gninutes of the adjourned regular meeting of May 24, 1971 amd the regu~ lar meeting of May 25, 1971, were approved as preparedo APPROVAL OF WARRAI~TTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unan~mously carx°fed, General Warrants Noo 1004 through Noa 1046, in the total amount of $22,999a03; and Payroll Warrants Noo 1710 through Noa 1780, in the total ~mount of $14,513.68, were appx°oved and ordered paide CORRESo FROM G.R. REILLY, MEMBER STATE BD.OF EQUAL. ~UGGESTED 12 PT. TAX REFORMS Admin%strator Butch reported, as information only, that a copy of corres- pondenc~ directed to Goverr~or Regan, has been received from George R. Reilly, Membex° of the Stat~ Bo~rd of Eqrxalization, First District, outlining a twelve point tax reform pro~ram and urging Governor Reagan to consider his suggestionso LETTER FROM SAI~ITA MONICA~SUPP.OPPOSo SaB.249 REoMANDATORY RETIRE.CHGS.MISC,MEMBERS Administratar Butch ~eported that correspondemce has been received from the ~ity of Santa. Moni~a, obj~cting to the inclu~ion. of City employees in. Senate Bi11 249 an a mandatory basis and request~d Council support i~t opposing thfs legislationo The Council dfscu~sed ax~d ~greed no action be taken on this matter at this time as this bi11 has been considered and recommended by the League of Calif~rn.ia Cit~es,