Minutes 1971-07-27 ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL J~TL3~ 2~, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular se~~ion wi~h Ma}~or Lev~.~°,.~ presid~~g;o Upon roll call, Councfl Members Schlegely T~~~iTTPSOT~,9 W~od and Ta~7.~.~ ~eport~d present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine lead the Pledge of Allegiamce to ou~ F1~~; an.d immediately thereafter, Reverend Freeman A, Brun~on of the Chur~h ~f the ~Tazarene of Grover City, delivered the invocation> APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting o£ July 13, 19~1, were approved as pre- pared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Couneilman Schlegel, seconded by~ Coun~ilwoman Th.ompson, and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 49 thr~u~gh lVo. 77~ ~.,n the total amount of $41,985.50; Payroll Warrants No. 1 through Na, 70~ i.n the total amount of $15,169.59; and Trust and Agency Warrants No. 1455 th~o~xgh l~~a 1474, in the total amount of $540.54, were approved and ordered pa~d. LETTER OF APPRECIATION FROM MRS, ROGER L, HERSLIN m SUMMER REC, PROGRAM FOR CHILD. Administrator Butch read a letter received from Mrs. Roger L, Herslin, expressing her appreciation of the City's Summer Recreation Program for Children. COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL REQUEST 1971-72 FISCAL YR.CONTRIBUT, m BUDG.ITEM Administrator Butch advised that a letter has be~n re'~eived from the Coastal Valley Planning Council, requesting remittax~ce of the funcls budgeted by the City for assistance with the operational expenses of the Planning Council for fiscal 1971-72, After Council di~cussion, on motion of Coun~ilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the request of the Coastal Valley Planning Council for remittanee of 1971m72 budgeted funds in the amount of $275.00 for operational expenses, was approved. RESOLUTION FROM DOWNEY RE: SUP.ATTo GENER.AL°S LEGIS.FOR BETTER.CRIMINAL 3USoSYS. Administrator Butch advised that a copy of a resolution of the City of Downey has been received, urging support of legislation proposed by the Attorney General for the betterment of our Criminal Justice S~stem. After Council dis- cussion, there was no action taken on this mattere TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1971 The Treasurer's Report for the month of June, 1971, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. REVIEW OF LEGISLATzVE BULLETINS ~ROM TH~ LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrator Butch reviewed the latest legislative bulletins r~ceived from the League of California Cities, and after Council discussion, Administrator Butch was i~nstructed to write to the appropriate legislators expressing this Council's support of Assembly Bill 1617, the tippler's tax (authority to levy a local tax of 5% on bar drinks). RECEIPT OF SLO COUNTY DEV. ASSOC. MIl~TUTES AND THIRA QUARTER FINANCIAL STATEMENT Copies of the Third Quarter Financial Statement and minutes of the meet- ing of the San Luis Obfspo County Develapment Association, were reviewed and ordered filed. COUNCILMAN WOOD WAS EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING UPON STATING HE HAS A FINANCIAL INTEREST IN THE PROFERTY UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR REZONING. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING - REZONING CASE N0.71-45 - ADJ.BRANCH MILL RD.(GREENWOOD) Administrator Butch reviewed the prior action of the Council regarding Rezoning Case No. 71-45, and that the Council had, at its regular meeting of Apri1 27, 1971, continued this matter until this regular meeting of the Council. Carl J. Greenwood, applicant for this rezoning, was present and stated that if possible, he hoped the Council could reach a decision on this matter at this time. Discussion was held regardz.ng the dela:y of the public hear~.ng for the Arroyo Gra~.de Sewer Assessment District, and it was agreed that the applicant should not be required to wai~ an indefinite period for Council action on the rezoning request, Road ~onditions were also discussed and a study session was tentatively scheduled for August 30, 1971 at 7>00 P.M, to determine a pri~ ority list for budgeting funds for street repairs and improvements. Atter fur- ~'ther Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance rezoning from R-A-Bm3 to R~1, approx~mately 35 acres of property adjacent t~ Greenwood Manor, Tract No. 2569 b~tw~en Branch Mill Road ~ ~r d CITY GOUNCIL ~ULY ~79 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFO$NIA Pt~GF ~ and the Arroyo Grande Creek, thereaf~er a r~o~i~~ w~.~ na~d~ '~~~z~a~ilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilmarn Talley ~ and un~x~i~~us1~ ~~r~ie.d ~~a ~~~~~:~~.~e ~ wi~h r~ading the balanc~ of this ordinance. COUNCILMAN WOOD REJOIN,ED THE COUN~IL. REFERENDUM PE~'ITION ORD, N0, 52 C. S. - I3iJE1~~A RDa ~T0 0 2 A3~~E:X, mG~1~Te MUNI a~L~GT, 4/ 72 Administrator Butch read a letter ~~~~~ved ~~°c~~ D~~ Barb~r9 owx~.er of the property being annexed to the City bg~ Ord~r~an~e ~~e ~2 G,S,, wh~~h advised that he wished that the referendum regardi~g ~~ie an~.exa~i~~ ~f h~~ pr~pe~°ty t~ the City be placed on the ballot to be voted o~ a~ ~he ~~~~e~al ~un~~ipa1 election to be held April 11,1972. After Council di~~us~~~~~ ~~t~ At~~r~r~e~ Shipsey was instructed to prepare the necessary do~uanents tm ~11~~ ~h~~ mat~er t~ be voted on at the general mu~.icipal election in Apriln 1972, MUNICIPAL CODE AMEI~TDMENT ORDINANCE ADOPTION - REZONING GASE IvO, 71m4~ m P~THOD~ST C~ COMMISSION City Attorney Shipsey read the title of ordir~~,~~~ a~~~dr~g the Munici~ pal Code so as to rezone from R-AmBm3 to Pm~, ~e~~airc g~~p~rty in the City of Arroyo Grande, thereafter, a motion. was made by C~u~~~lman S~hlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimou~ly car~°ieds to di~pen~e with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDIIQAANCE N0. 55 CoS. A1V ORDINANCE OF THE C~TY OF ARROYO GRA~D~ AM~NDIIVG A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE C3TY 0~` ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TTTLE 9 CHAPTER 4 OF THE MU~TZCIPAL GOD~ SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY II~T THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Coun.cilw~man Thc~~np~o~, sec~nded bg~ Councilman Talley and on the following roll call vote, to wito AYES: Council Members Schlege~~ Thompsc~n9 Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine> NOES e Non.e , ABSE~TT: None o the foreg~ing ordinance was passerl a~d ~dopted this 27th day of July, 1971. RECEIPT OF MINUTES & F`'[TRTHER DISC, O~T R~COMM. OF UNDERGROUND UTIL.COORD. COMM. The minutes of the Undergrour~d ~J~il~ty Go~~di~ating Committee meeting of July 19, 1971, were'rece~.ved lay ~he ~oun~~l, ~°eviewed and ordered filed. Fur- ther discussion was held an the Comrnitteee~ re~omme~dation regarding establish- ment of districts requf~in.g underground~.x~g of o~iginal in.stallation of utili- ties. The Caun~il instru~ted C~.~~ Attor~ey Shipsey ta investigate and report to the Council if new district~ ca~. b~ formed ur~de~° th~ pr~visions of the ex- isting ordinance and if not, prepare an ordinance to provide for the establish- ment of districts for underground~ng of the origixaal installation of utilities. GRANT APPROVED FOR F'EASIBILITY ST[TD~mCO1VSOLIDATION OF SO,CO. LAW ENFORCE,AGENCIES Administrator Bu~eh reported that the City°s applicaticsn for Planning Funds for a feasibility st~xdy for the proposed central~zation of law enforcement_agen- cies within South San Luis Obispo Coun~y has been approved by the Local Regional Board on Criminal Justice an.d this matter will now be forwarded to Sacramento for final consideration and approval by the Califorr~.ia Council on Criminal Justic~. SET PUBLIC HEARING - REZOI~TING CASE N0. 71-48, GARDEIV STREET (PACE) The Council reviewed a r~sc~luti~n of the City Planning Commission recom- mending to the Council an amen,dment to ~he Muni.cipal Code by rezoning from R-A- B-1 to R-1 certain property located on the easterly side of Garden Street and the sautherly side of the Arroyo Gra~.cle ~re~k, fil~d by V~.ck Pa~e, applicant for Rezonfng Case No. 71~48. After Council discussYOn9 0~ moti~n of Coun~cilrna~. Wc~~d, secoxxded by Gouncil~ man Talley and un.animously car~i~de a publi~ hea~ing was set f.or 8:00 P.M,, August 10, 1971, on the rezon~ng applicatian subani.tted by Vick Pace. SET PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET lVAM~ CHAlVGE~GENTRAL BLVD/1$TH ST, TO OAK PARK BLVD. Administrator Butch repoz~ted that ~he P1aY~.ning Cc~iz~anis~io~ has held a public hearing to change the name of Ce~.tral BoulevardJl8~h Street to Oak Park Boule- vard; and that this name has been app~oved by ~he Gi~y of Grover Gity for that _ CITY COUNCIL ~~'L~' ~7, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORIVIA PA ~ portion of the street lying withfn i~~ L~~.~,~~ ~~d tr~~ r_=~.~~~~~ing C~~nissio~ has recommended that the Coun~il off~~~a11y ~h~~~~ ~h~ r~~.m~ that por~fon of thfs street lying within the incorpox~at~ 1~an~t~ th~ C;N~~° Arroyo Graznde to Oak Park Boulevard. After Council dis~ussion, on m~tio~ ~ca~~.ri3~~~~.~~ Th~znp~o~., ~~~~nded by Councilman Schlegel and uraanimously ~~r~ied~ a p~~l~c~ 1~~~~~ng raa~ ~~heduled for 80 00 P,M. , August 10, 1971, fox° the pu~p~~e o~ ~c~~:~~~cle~ing ~h~ renam~.ng of Central Boulevard/18th Street, REPORT ON DIV, OF H/W'S RECOM,ADD,OR DELE,FROM STATE ~'R~EW~IY,EXPRESS, OR H/W SYS. Administrator Butch reported tha~ he had ~c~~t~~~~~ ~;he S~ate Division of Highways and was advisec3 that a ser~es of St~tew~de m~~~i~~s whex°e l~cal govern- ments an.d in,dividual citizens will have th~ ~pp~~t~~i~~ t.~ j~in i~ g~iding the development of the California State Highway Systetn wi11 !ae ~~~-a this summer re- garding Division of Highways recommendatio~s for ~ddit~on~ a~.d deletions , from the State Freeway, Expressway or Hi~hw~y S~r~tem a~d ~he inf~rmation re- ceived by the City is tentative critex°ia w~i~h w~~ d~v~lop~.d t~ ~.dentify all California thoroughfares th~.t should be in~luded in the Sta~e Highwa~ System and those that should not, based on the tg~pe traffi~ ~a~rfed by particular city streets, county roads, or stat~ high~ays; ar~d that the Ci~.y will be notified in. advance when the public hearings w~11 b~ held i.~ ~hi~ area. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was instx°u~ted to wr~.te to ~he Division of High- ways and advise that the City Council wishe~ to g~ ~n re~ord as follows: l. Pro- posed deletion from the Hightiray Syst~~n ~f Hi~hway 0~~~ ~he G~uneil is strongly opposed to this deletion and feel that Highw~~ One a~i~.g;h~ray of gener~l state interest and should remai~ i~ tlie Sta~~ Highway S~st~rn; The Cou~~il is op- posed to the intended deletion f~om ~h~ Sta~e Ha~ghway System of Highway 227, between Arroyo Grande and San Luis Obispo; 3. The p~oposed additions to the Highway System of a State highway from R~~~e 101 tc~ ~he Lopez Lake and Recre- ational Area is strongly supported by ~h~ ~~ur~~~l; a~d 4, in priority the Council feels that the proposed Lopez I~~ke h~,ghwa~ ~ddition is of greater need than the retention of State Route 227m ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETI:NG ~ REPOR~ BX ~OUIVCILMAN SCHLEGEL Cou~acilman Schlegel repnx°ted that at ~he r~~en.t Z~ne 3 Advisory Committee Meeting, the proposed 1971m72 Budg~t £or Lap~z Tnlater Supply and Recreation Area was again reviewed, as addi~for~al e~plarnator-y information was presented for consideratione The Zone 3 Commit~ee ~ias recommended to the County Board of Superviso~s the init~.ation of legisl~~i~n ~o amend the State Water Code which would allow annual filing of a report with th~ Water Resources Control Board elaiming ground water rights; a~.d that a request for flouridation of the Lopez Water Supply had been received i~y th~ ~ommittee and direction from the contract- ing entitfes was requested. The Council d~.scussed a~ad agreed additional infor- mation, such as cost and application, would be necessary prior to action being taken regardix~g flouridatio~. of ~he watex~ and directed Coun~ilman Schlegel to obtain additio~al i~nformation and ~ep~~t b~ck to th~ Council. FIVE YEAR PROJ~CTION OF COSTS & REVE~TTJE NE~D~ TO MEET LOPEZ CONTRACT OBLIGATION Adminisfratar Butch revi~wed a repo~t~ da~ed Jul~ 21, 1971, whieh he pre~ pared, covering a projection of c~sh requirements for Lopez Co~.tract Funding f~r the next five year~, b~.~ed upon. ~ontra~t co~t est~.mates submitted to the City by the San Luis Obispo Coun~y Engirce~~°ing Department< PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRAIVD~ SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Adm~nistrator Butch reported tha~ York Petersfl~ae Engineer, and the County Engineering Departmerct are in the process of obtaixafr~g ~°ight of way easement: descripfion.s and title reports as n.eeded for the Arroym Grande Sewer Assessment District. ~I PROGRESS R~PORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO GOtJNTY SADdITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch advised that the~°~ we~e no new developments to report at this time, NOTICE ~ ARROYO GRANDE POL~CE D~PT, TO US~ RA.DAR. FOR S~~E~D COl~TTROL EFF. 8-2-71 Administrator Butch reported ~.h~.~ ~f~~~~~.ve August 2, 1971, the Arroyo Grande Police Department will u~e a radar uni~ in the poli~e vehicle in an ef- fort to reduce speed and accidents on City st~°eets, STATEMENT BY ROBERT GOULART: REFERE~TDUM PETITIOI~T 0~ O1tD.52 C.S,HUASNA RD.2,AIVNEX Robert Goulart, representing the Citize~.s Committee for better local govern- ment, was present ~.ncl read a statement regardin~ the referendum petitfon which ~ 4~~ CITY COUNCIL ~~JLY 27A 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA P~G~ 4 the committee filed protesting the ad~pri~s~ of Ord~~.~.~~~ l~~~o .~2 C.S,, which approved the Huasna Road No. 2 Annexati~n t~ ~he C~~ya that the Committee had been advised that a spe~ial ~l~~~ion. wa~ .~r~~~edator~ and this matter could be voted on by the citi~~ns at th~ ~er~e~~1 ~.~~x~~;ipal el~etion, and that the committee had received ~riti~~~~m in ~his mat~~~ ~~o~ld the ~ost of a special election have to be borne by ~h~ C~ty and ~he ~~s~it~~e felt that if the Council or property owner chose to requix°e a spe~~~,1 ele~tion on this matter it should not reflect on the committee. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman Talley, ~econded b~y ~oux~~~ilw~:n~n Thompson and unanimously carried, the meeting adjoux°ned to e~e~~z~~~re ~~ssion at 9e44 P.M. to discuss personnel matters. RECONVENMEi1IT The Council reconvened at 10027 P,M. with all m~m~er~ present as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Coura~ilman Ta11ey and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 1Oe30 P,M. ~ ~ , ~ ~ ATTEST: x~r..,...z...,,.~.t ~ ~r CITY ERK O' MAYOR . ~ . . . . . ~ . ~3. ~ . . . . , . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ - - . 't~ . . ~ , .