Minutes 1971-09-20 CITY COUNCIL SEPTENI~~R 14, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 RECEIPT OF PETITION PROTESTING ORDINANCE N0. 56 C.S, m REZONI~G FROM 1~~A~B~3 TO R-1 PROPERTY AAT.TO BRANCA MILL RD. (GREENFIOOD)-GEORGE C, & LINDA Lm SI~ITH Administrator Butch reported that the City Clerk's Offic~ is i~ r~~eig~ of a petition protesting , the Council's adoptiora of Ordin.arcce Noo 56 C. So a a~n amendment to the Municipal Code so as to rezone from R~A~B-3 to R~1~ ~ppro~i~ rnately 35 acres of property adjacent to Greenwood Manor, Tract ~om 2~C, 'b~tween Branch Mill Road and the Arroyo Grande Cre~k. City Attorney Ship~~y r~p~x~ted that he will advise the Council on this matter following the 30 clay p~riod ir~ which the City Clerk must cheek the signatures on the petiti~r~ f~r ~uffi~iencya ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, secon.ded by Councilman S~hle~~l and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. until 7030 ~<Moy September 20, 1971. ~ ~ ~ r ___I. ~ f~ ATTE S T. 4 l i' i~~ "~-c~ ~ j~~%~-z ,-~~~f~ ~ r' DEPUTY CITY CLERK 'r MAYOR CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBEIt 20, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7c30 P,M, The City Council met in adjourned regular session with Mayor Levi~e pre- siding. Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel and Thompson r~ported pre~ent, Councilmen Wood and Talley are absent. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On m~tion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried,General Warrants No. 203 through No. 234, in th~ total amount of $19,023.62; Payroll Warrants No. 357 through No. 407, in the total amount of $12,950.23; and Trust and Agency Warrants No, 1503 through No. 1521, in the total amount of $508.94, were approved and ordered paid. COUNCILMAN TALLEY JOINED THE COUNCIL REPORT ON RECENT COUNTY~-WIDE MAYORS' MEETING BY MAYOR LEVINE: Mayor Levine gave an oral report on the recent counCy-wide Mayors' meeting, stating that the Mayars have requested that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, nr a member of the Board of Supervisors, to attend the meetings of the Mayors' so that discussions would include the total County for better co- operation and coordinations of matters brqught before them; and that the Mayors have requested that a repart of the County Board of Supervisors recomctier~dations regarding the redistricting of the County Supervisorial Districts be sumitted to the Ma.yors for their perusal, ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT BY COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL Councilman Schlegel reported that l) at the recent Zone 3 Advisory Cobn- mittee meeting the Operational Report for Lopez Lake and Recreation A~ea was discussed and the Committee requested that the report be revamped and con.d~nsed for clearer understanding; 2) the fire hydrant matter regarding metered ~harges or stand by charges is still under study; 3) it was discove~ed that ~he ~om~ mittee's recommendations had not been submitted to the Board of Supex°v~sors re- questing that the Flouridation of Lopez Water Supply be submitted to a vote of the people and that the County Board of Supervisors initiate legislation to amend the State Water Code to allow annual filing of a report with the Water Resources Control Board claiming ground water rights; and Mr. Deliqui~t was specifically directed and instructed to forward these recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors; and 4) the Committee requested that a represent- ative from the Parks and Recreation Department attend the Zone 3 Advisory Committee meetings. NOTICE OF APPEAL -USE PERMIT CASE NO 71-175-PLAN.COM.APP.ELEM,DAY CHRISoSCH.(SCOTT) Administrator Butch advised that Byron Scott, 121 Poole St., has filed an appeal to the City Council on Use Permit Case No. 71-175, which was approved by the Planning Commission. The Public Hearing is set for 8:00 P.M., October 12,1971. AUTHORIZED CALL FOR BIDS-STREET SEALING PROJECT N0. 90-71-1 - 10-20-71 Administrator Butch reported that Director of Public Works Andersoxa has pre- pared the Plans and Specifications for sealing of various City st~eets. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded tay C~urecilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, approval and authorizat~.on was give~. to call for bids for Street Sealing, Project No. 90-71-1, said bids to be ope~ed at 2000 P.M. October 20, 1971. CI'T'Y COUNCIL SEPT~MBER 209 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA FAGE 2 QUARTERLY REPORT ON SALES AND CIGARETTE TAX REVENUE Administrator Butch submitted a Progress Report on the 2~ad Qu~~°ter of 1971 Sales Tax and Cigarette Tax Revenue. AUTHOR. SANTA MANUELA 4-H CLUB TO CLEAN UP STREAM BED ADJACEl~T TO CITY HALL Administrator Sutch read a letter received from Ronald D~mni~~ Pr~sident of the Santa Manuela 4-H Club, requesting Couneil approval to ~c~~.du~t ~ clean. up program of the stream bed, between Bridge Street and Mason Street, and that the 4-H Club has written to each stream bed property ~wner for thef~° permission to enter their property to conduct this project from Octobe~ 3 thr~ugh 9, 1971, which is National 4-H Week. The Council discussed and approved this x°equest and commended the Santa Manuela 4-H Club for its civic pride a~d efforts in undertaking this project. DISCUSSION - PROPOSED RECONST. & UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES m BRANCH ST, Administrator Butch reviewed the progress to date on the proposed Branch Street reconstruction and undergrounding of utilities. James Ba~tge, repre- sentative from the State of California Division of Highways, was present and by map presentation reviewed the preliminary design for the reconstruction portion of the project, and stated that the project must have Council and State approval by January 1972, to allow sufficient time for funding if actual construction of the project is to be comznenced in fiseal year 1973-74. Administrator Butch and Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed the City's portion of the project at an estimated cost of $85,000, for the recon- struction of curb, gutter, driveway aprons and sidewalks. General discussion followed between the Council, representatives from the Division of Highways and Pacific Gas and Electric Co, and several Branch Street Merchants regarding the reconstruction project and the proposed undergrounding of utilities project, The Division of Highways recommended that the two pro- jects not be constructed simultaneously, as this could increase the cost for both projects. Additional information regarding projected costs were presented, which had not previously been considered regarding the undergrounding of utili- ties, l.) Pacific Telephone Company will underground its lines, on the same basis as Pacific Gas and Electric Co., but it does not allocate funds on an annual basis as Pacific Gas and Electric Co., therefore the cost to the district is estimated at $100,000; 2.) Decorative street light standards and connections thereto, estimated to cost $12,000, are not provided by Pacific Gas and Electric Co, which indicated that the total cost of the projects will exceed $500,000, with an estimated 5% increase each year after fiscal 1973-74. It was the gen- eral feeling of all concerned that additional information regarding costs and extent of project be obtained prior to any action being taken on this matter. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was instructed to prepare a project report showing firmed up figures,,with as accurate cost factors as possible covering the undergrounding utilities project and the reconstruction of Branch Street project, showing cost factors for various limits of the project, such as just that portion of Branch_Street located between_Bridge and Mason Streets; Traffic Way to Mason Street; and Bridge Street to_the Tal1y Ho Creek crossing; and present same to the various boards, committees and organizations concerned with these projects, prior to October l8, 1971, at which time a tentative study session was scheduled to determine a priority list for budget- ing funds for street repairs and improvements. REGULAR MEETING OF 9-28-71 CANCELLED. On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schleg~l and unanii mously carried, the regular meeting of September 28, 1971, was cancelled to allow Council attendance at the League of California Cities Conference to be held in San Francisco, September 26 through 29, 1971. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried~ the meeting adjourned at 9:24 P.M. ~ ' r~ ; ~y ~ , ~~2 ATTEST: i~~ ..,c'.-.~,~.•-,....~, ~ CITY ERK MAYOR