Minutes 2001-03-13
Mayor Lady called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
City Council: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara,
~nd Mayor Lady were present.
City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; Director of
Administrative Services Wetmore; Director of Financial Services
Snodgrass; Community Development Director McCants; Director of
Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Hernandez, Director of Public
Works Spagnolo; Associate Planner Heffernon; Assistant Planner
McClish; and Police Commander Andrews.
Members of Boy Scout Troop 234 led the Flag Salute.
Pastor Richard Scharn delivered the invocation.
6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only
Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion
passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall
be read in title only and all further reading be waived.
Jordan Lacey, 1100 Refugio, Grover Beach, spoke about kids that ride and jump
bicycles in the empty lot behind K-Mart, and requested that the City not remove the
bicycle jumps that have been created by the kids who ride there.
Beth Oates, 740 Teddy Bear Lane, Grover Beach, stated she was here with Jordan
Lacey; supported his request for allowing the kids to ride their bicycles in the empty lot;
acknowledged that it was City property; acknowledged potential liability issues; and
requested the Council consider allowing the kids to continue using the empty lot.
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Joey Britton, 904 Trouville Avenue, Grover Beach, spoke in favor of kids being able to
use the empty lot for bicycle riding and jumping and stated that this activity keeps him
busy and out of trouble.
Dustin Miller, 226 N. 11th Street, Grover Beach, spoke in favor of kids being able to use
the empty lot for bicycle riding and jumping.
Otis Page, 606 Myrtle, spoke regarding the proposed Arroyo Linda Specific Plan; the
status of the Project Study Report for the EI Campo Interchange; and requested the
City advise the applicant to move forward with the Arroyo Linda Specific Plan in order to
resolve various issues prior to the Council finalizing the General Plan Update.
Michael Britton, 904 Trouville Avenue, Grover Beach, stated he would like to see a BMX
track built in the area. He said the kids need somewhere to go to ride their bikes. He
requested the City continue to allow the kids to ride their bikes in the empty lot behind
Kmart and stated that the kids have worked hard to keep the area clean.
Ryan Burnes, Elm Street, stated this was the only place to ride bikes, it was fun, and it
keeps kids out of trouble. He said they are not allowed to ride their bikes at the Skate
Council Member Runels moved and Council Member Lubin seconded the motion to
approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.g., with the recommended courses of
8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification.
Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period February 16,
2001 through February 28, 2001.
8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits.
Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of
February 28, 2001.
8.c. Annual Review of City Investment.Policy.
Action: Approved without changes the City of Arroyo Grande Investment Policy.
8.d. Cost Allocation Plan Update.
Action: Adopted the Fiscal Year 2001-02 Cost Allocation Plan.
8.e. Approval of Minutes.
Action: Approved minutes as submitted for Special City Council Meetings of
February 2, 2001, February 13, 2001, and March 2, 2001; Regular City
Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of February 13, 2001; and Regular City
Council Meeting of February 27,2001.
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8.f. The Scenic Creekside Walk Through the Historic Village of Arroyo Grande,
Phase II, Progress Payment No.2.
Action: Authorized progress payment in the amount of $8,909.10 to R. Simons
Company, Inc.
8.g. Funding for Pre-Construction Activities for the Paulding Middle School
Bikelanes (Bikeway.One) Project.
Action: Authorized the use of $7,064 of unused Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) disaster funds for pre-construction activities on the
Paulding Middle School Bicycle Lane Project.
AYES: Runels, Lubin, Dickens, Ferrara, Lady
NOES: None
There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby decJared to be passed.
9.a. Final Approval of Fiscal Year 2000-01 Community Development Block Grant
Assistant Planner McClish presented the staff report. Staff recommended that the
Council adopt a Resolution approving the projects to be funded with the City's allocation
Program Year 2001 CDBG funds.
Mayor Lady opened the public hearing.
Jan Sarhad, representing the Economic Opportunity Commission, thanked the Council
for allocating funds to the Health Services program and the Senior Health Screening
Michael Pascarelli, representing the Food Sank Coalition of the Central Coast, thanked
the Council for allocating $5,000 to the Food Bank for the purpose of acquiring property
for the placement of a warehouse. He referred to the Cedar Street project and
requested that the Food Bank be reconsidered for additional funds if the project was not
eligible for funding under CDBG guidelines. I n response to issues raised at the
previous public hearing, he further clarified issues relating to the Food Bank's role in the
Brown Bag Program.
Joey Hughes, representing Camp Fire Boys and Girls of the Central Coast, thanked the
Council for allocating funds for the Teens-In-Action Program.
Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady closed the public hearing.
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Council Member Dickens referred to the City's application for funding 40% of a full-time
Code Enforcement Officer for the enforcement of the City's Building and Development
Ordinance and stated he felt that those funds should be allocated to the Economic
Opportunity Commission's Home Repair Program. He also expressed concern that the
Cedar Street Sidewalk project would not be eligible for funding as a result of the
Census. Council Member Dickens stated he would support moving the proposed
allocation from the Cedar Street Sidewalk project in order to benefit the Home Repair
Program and suggested increasing the allocation for the Food Bank Property
Following further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara moved to adopt a Resolution
determining those projects to be funded with the City's Allocation of Program Year 2001
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds. Council Member Lubin seconded
the motion, and on the following roll call-vote, to wit:
AYES: Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Lady
NOES: Dickens
There being 4 AYES and 1 NO, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
11.a. Request for Speed Limit Reduction on Huasna Road.
Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report. Staff recommended the
Council adopt a Resolution amending the City's speed survey to reduce the speed limit
on Huasna Road from 45 miles per hour (mph) to 40 mph.
Mayor Lady opened up the item for public comment.
Geney Gruber, Oro Drive, spoke of the traffic problems on Huasna Road with speeding
and unsafe passing and supported a decrease in the speed limit.
Dean Clark, 1147 Huasna Road, spoke of the traffic problems on Huasna Road with
speeding and unsafe passing; expressed concern for the safety of the seniors residing
in the nearby mobile home park; and referred to the Vehicle Code, stating the City had
the right to reduce the speed limit to 25 mph in front senior complexes. He asked about
the basis of the speed survey as it related to classification of vehicles; spoke about
stopping distances, particularly with. regard to trucks; expressed concern for the safety
of the neighborhood children who wait for school buses on Huasna Road near Strother
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Park; referred to the high volume of traffic going to and from Lopez Lake; and favored
further reduction of the speed limit on Huasna Road.
Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady brought the issue back to the Council
for consideration.
Council and staff discussion ensued regarding special circumstances or conditions
identified in traffic surveys; enforcem~nt issues related to reducing the speed limit;
whether there could be separate speed limits for vehicles and trucks; and whether it
would be beneficial to meet with the Court Traffic Commissioner to generally discuss
the matter.
Council Member Dickens moved to continue the request for a speed limit reduction on
Huasna Road to further investigate special physical features, extraordinary
circumstances, and special conditions on the road that can be used in a survey and to
look into the possibility of meeting with the Traffic Commissioner to discuss these
issues. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll-:call vote,
to wit:
AYES: Dickens, Lubin, Runels, Ferrara, Lady
NOES: None
There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
11.b. Agreement for Mitigation Payment from County Flood Control District for
Road Paving as a Result of the Lopez Dam Retrofit Project.
Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and responded to Council
questions regarding the source of the funds and the portion of Huasna Road that would
be paved. Staff recommended the Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the
agreement for mitigation payment from the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and
Water District as a result of impacts to Huasna Road from the Lopez Dam remediation
Mayor Lady opened up the item for public comment.
Gordon Bennett, 415 Allen, spoke against construction trucks going through the Arroyo
Grande Village for the remediation project due to concerns regarding air pollution and
safety of the general public.
Dean Clark, 1147 Huasna Road, asked whether Huasna Road was going to be repaved
or patched. He continued to express concerns regarding the speed limit on Huasna
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Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady brought the issue back to the Council
for consideration.
Council discussion ensued regarding proposed truck traffic routes for the Lopez Dam
remediation project and the road, safety, and environmental impacts of using the route
which goes through the Village to Huasna Road. Council Member Dickens displayed an
overhead showing all the available routes and stated that even though there were
mitigation measures in place, there should be no traffic going through the Village at all.
He commented that the deterioration of pavement was only one impact and stated that
the other routes did not have schools or businesses that would be impacted. Council
Member Dickens stated he did not support the agreement.
Following further discussion regarding the Lopez Dam remediation project and the
benefits of repairing and replacing the portion of Huasna Road prior to the beginning of
the project, Council Member Runels moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign
the agreement for mitigation payment from the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control
and Water District as a result of impacts to Huasna Road from the Lopez Dam
remediation project. Council Member Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following
roll-call vote, to wit:
AYES: Runels, Lubin, Lady
NOES: Dickens, Ferrara
There being 3 AYES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed.
11.c. Review of Design Guidelines for Historic Districts.
A letter with suggestions for changes to the City's Design Guidelines For Historic
Districts was submitted for the record from Chuck Fellows, Chairman, and Howard
Miura, member, of Preserve The Village.
Community Development Director McCants presented the staff report, giving an
overview of how the Guidelines are applied in the planning process. He commented
that staff had not had time to review the correspondence submitted by Mr. Fellows.
Council and staff discussion ensued regarding how the Guidelines would be reconciled
with the GeneraJ Plan and Development Code for consistency; clarification on the
definition of historic structures; applying the Guidelines to historic structures on Traffic
Way; and the need to strengthen the Guidelines to be used as an effective tool for the
preservation of the Village.
Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara moved to direct staff to review the memorandum submitted by
Chuck Fellows and Howard Miura and make recommendations as to how the various
proposed citations and modifications in the memorandum can be integrated into the
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Guidelines, with a view towards removing the ambiguity and potential for conflicts, and
to bring those recommendations back to the Council by October, 2001. Council
Member Dickens seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously by voice
11.d. Pre-Application Case No. 01-001; Subarea 2 of the Berry Gardens Specific
Plan; S&S Homes.
Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report. She explained the applicant is
requesting feedback on a proposed 23-unit residential subdivision located within
Subarea 2 of the Berry Gardens Specific Plan. She responded to questions from
Council regarding clarification on zoning and the requirement for a Specific Plan
Amendment, General Plan Amendment and Development Code Amendment, and
whether there was more room to essentially extend the Berry View Lane cul-de-sac for
more vehicle maneuvering capabilities.
Mayor Lady opened up the discussion for public comment.
John Mack, architect and representative for S&S Homes, gave a brief overview of the
history of the project and requested that the City allow the developer to put in all the
streets, relocate and underground all the power poles along Ash Street. He stated this
was the first proposed plan to extend the Berry Gardens project. He explained there
would be a dedication of 20 feet in front of Ash Street for a meandering path/landscape
buffer between the homes and the Soto Sports Complex.
Council Member Dickens referred to the Berry View Lane cul-de-sac and suggested the
installation of an island or planter to create a visual barrier for those traveling down
Courtland Street. He asked if the proposed homes would be of the same neotraditional
design and criteria as Subarea 1.
Mr. Mack responded that the plans are a carry-over from Berry Gardens which are of a
neotraditional design, with the garages located in the back.
Council Member Dickens expressed serious concerns about the need for affordable
housing within the City. He highly recommended the applicant consider providing as
much on-site affordable housing as possible as part of this project. He also encouraged
the applicant to apply for the in-lieu fees that the City has collected. He spoke of the
limited amount of space left in the City for affordable housing. Additionally, Council
Member Dickens asked questions regarding the enlargement of the proposed drainage
Mr. Mack replied that there were two options for enlarging the basin. He said if it could
not be deepened, it could be expanded horizontally. Mr. Mack informed the Council that
the developer had already contacted the Housing Authority to discuss what types of
affordable housing programs are available and how they work. He explained that S&S
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had successfully constructed affordable housing projects in the past and was open to
this option.
Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara asked what the price range of the homes would be.
Mr. Mack replied it would be an extension of the sales range of the Berry Gardens
project which start in the mid $200,000's and go up to mid $300,000.
Council Member Runels asked a question about the location of the property line.
Mr. Mack replied the property line was located at the back of the sidewalk.
Hal Rosen, Executive Director of Affordable Homes, spoke of how affordable housing
projects can be retained in the affordable housing category through various enforceable
restrictive covenants and agreements. He gave an overview of affordable housing
programs and the desperate need in this County to provide affordable housing for low to
moderate income persons.
In response to questions by Mayor Pro Tern Ferrara, Mr. Rosen explained how deed
restrictions are utilized to ensure that when affordable housing units are sold they
remain in the affordable housing inventory; and confirmed that there is a greater need
for more single family affordable housing units than multi-family affordable housing
Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Lady thanked Mr. Rosen for his comments
and brought the discussion back to the Council.
Council Member Dickens reiterated his desire for creating affordable housing within the
City; stated that the City needs to utilize the in-lieu fees it has collected to facilitate the
construction of affordable housing; and suggested that the applicant work with staff on
this issue.
Council Member Runels stated his support of this proposed extension of the Berry
Gardens project and supported the proposed street layout.
Council Member Lubin agreed with the need for providing affordable housing in the City.
He encouraged the applicant to pursue any funds that were available for affordable
housing projects; supported the expansion of the drainage basin if required; and favored
the extension of Berry View Lane.
Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara emphasized his belief that the affordable housing issue was
paramount for this project. He stated he would support a redesign of the project. He
also suggested that the site might be more suitable for a senior housing project like
Wyndam Residence. He said in terms of a housing perspective, it was time to address
these issues. He did not support the proposed plan.
MARCH 13, 2001
Mayor Lady concurred that affordable housing, as well as senior affordable housing,
was a critical unmet need in the City. He supported efforts to include affordable housing
units or. an assisted living facility within the proposed development.
No action was taken on this item.
- Council Member Dickens invited the Council and public to attend the public unveiling
of Community Center concepts by students of the Cal Poly Architecture Department
to be held on Sunday, March 18, 2001 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. He also reported
that he had received an application from Assembly Member Maldonado's office for
potential State funding for the project.
- Mayor Pro Tem Ferrara announced the Long Range Planning Committee will be
meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Lady adjourned the meeting at 10:55 p.m.
Michael A. iflf
e, Director of Administrative Servicesl
Deputy City Clerk
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