Minutes 1971-10-12 CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 12, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Couneil mefi in regular session with Mayor Levi~e presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and Talley reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilman Schlegel delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MZNUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of September 14, 1971 and the regular adjourned meeting of September 20, 1971, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Couneilman Schlegel, secanded by Councilwt~an~n Thompson and u~zanimously carried, General Warrants No. 235 through No. 290, in the total amount of $31,200.70; and Payroll Warrants No. 408 through No. 489, in the tatal amount of $16,678.05, were approved and ordered tiled'. RECEIPT OF CERTIFICATE OF SUFFICIENCY-REF. PETITION P~tOTEST. ORD. N0. 56 C.S. The Council rec~ived a Ce:rt~.ficate of Sufficiency, dated October 6, 1971, amd signed by City Clerk Kir~gsley, which certified that she had checked the Referendum Petition protQStic~g the adoption-of Gity Ordinance No. S6 C,S., • Rezoning from R-A-B-3 to R-1 approximately 35 acres of property adjacent to Greenwood Manor, Tract No. 256, between Branch I~Iill Road and the Arroyo Grande Creek, and that to the best of her knowledge, the Petition is signed by ten percent (10%) of the electors residing within the City Limits of Arroyo Grande. City Attorney Shipsey advised that the rezoning O~dinance No. 56 C.S. is subject to Referendum Fetition, that ir~ his opinion the petition is adequate and that the City Council eould either repeai fihe Ordinance or submit it to " a vote of the people. After Council discussion, it was agreed not to repeal Ordinance No. 56 C,S., as ten percent of the registered voters did nnt represent a majority of the people, thereafter, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council- woman Thompson and unanimously earried, Ordinance No. 56 C.S., will be sub~ mitted to the voters o~ the City of Arroyo Grande at the General Municipal Election to be held on April 11, 1972. RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF CLAIM-M.J. HERMRECI~, INC.,CONTR, ON FAIR OAKS AVE.BRIDGE Administrator Butch reported that a notice of claim has been received from Gerald Weaver, Attorney for 1r1. J. Hermreck, Inc., claiming that the City is indebted to it for wor1~, labor and materials provided the City for the coxnstruetion of the Fair Oaks Avenue Bridge project. Williams, Schott, Stewart & Associates, engineers for the project, have been contacted and have responded to this clai~n. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey was instructed to review the claim and the engi.neers response and report at the next meeting of the Counoil. RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF CLAIM-S.L.BARTLETT & J.R.RANDALL-PERS.INJUR. & PROP,DAMAGE Administrator Butch reported that a notice of claim has been received from Richard D. Wood, Attorney for Sara Lynne Bartlett, Claim for personal injuries, and Jerry R. Randall, Claim for property damage, claiming that the City negligently constructed, maintained and controlled the southwest corner of the intersection of Halcyon Road at Dodson Way, so that visability was ob- structed to traffic, resulting in damages due to a collision between claimant's vehicle and another vehicle. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was instructed to forward this claim to the City's insurance carrier for its direction in this matter. LETTER FROM MR, & MRS. W.T.LEE-IN APPREC. OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ASSISTANCE Administrator Buteh read a letter received from Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee, 486 Golden West Place, expressing their thanks and appreciation for the assistance rendered by the Public Works Department and specificately Con- struction Inspector Felmlee and Director of Public Works Anderson, for their personal assistance with a particular problem they recently encountered. PR4CLAMATION -"TELEPHONE DAY" - OC~OBER 30, 1971 Mayor Levine proclaimed October 30, 1971, as "Telephone Day" in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by Lee Balatti, local manager of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, to spotlight the change to the new telephone system in Arroyo Grande, which will go into qperation at 11:00 P.M, on October 30, 1971, ~ 44~ CITY COUNCIL O~TO~~R 12~ 1971 ARROYO GRA~DE, CALIFOR~TIA ~A~~ 2 LETTER FR~M SLO C0. DEV. ASSOC< INCe,~ASSOCIATION DISSOLVED EFFECTIV~ ~0~1-_7_1. Administrator Butch reviewed a lett~r r~ceived from Lewis M. Ho~la~d, Executive Vice President of the San Luis Obispm Cou~ty Devel~pmemt A~~~~ia~fon, Inc., expressing ~he appreciation of the Board of D~~ectors for th~ v~lued contributions of the City during its years of operation a~d advi~i~~ that the activities of the Associatio~ were formally dis~~lved effect~ve October 1, 1971' wi~h the hope that a properly fina~~ed cou~ty pro~ra~ migh~ b~ ~eveloped in the future. LETTER FROM SLO COo SYMPHONY ASSOC. REQUESTING FINANCIAL SUP~ORT FOR OPERATIONS Admimistrator Butch reviewed a letter received f.~om Arthur Al1en, President of the San Luis Obispo County Symphony Ass~siati~~, reques~ing ff- nancial support from,the City to assist with ope~atio~al expe~~es for the 1971- 72 fiscal year activities of the Associatio~. The Council di~~u~sed and agreed that the San Luis Obispo County Symphony Association is a cultural asset to the County and City along with various other associatio~s t~roughout the Caunty, and in view of other potential requests for assbstan~e and due to a shortage of funds, financial assistance to this Associati~n could ~ot be approved. NOTICE FROM BANKERS LIFE CO.~GROUP MEDICAL INSURANCE EMPLOYEE RATE INCREASE Administrator Butch reported that notice has been received f~om the Bankers Life Company, Group Medical Insurance carriers for the Gity, advising,that effective November 1, 1971, employee only insu~ance premium rate will be in- creased by $1.68, from $12.44 to $14.12, in accordance with the rate basis guarantee provision af the group policy. Administrator Butch has ~hecked other possible group plans and recommended continua~ce with the present plan as most favorable for coverage and cost to the City and its employee~: After Council . discussio~, on motion af Councilwoman Thomp~on, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously car~ied, The Bankers Life Company9 contract carrier for major medical insurance for the City of Arroyo Grande, rate increase for Employee Only portion of the contract from $12.44 to $14,12 per month per each full time employee, was approued effective November 1, 1971. LETTER FROM GOODWILL INDUSTRIES RE: CONDITIONS AT COLLEC.BOXES~WMS.BROS.SH.CTR, Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received ~rom Larry Dominguez, Executive Dfrector of Goodwill Industries, responding t~ Administrator Butch's letter regarding the unsightly conditions around the location of the Goodwill Industries collection boxes at Williams Brothers Shopping Center, stating in part that theft, littering and other abuses seem almost unavoidable at certain locations and that it is the intent of the Goodwill Industries to help both the handicapped and the communities it serves; and included with the letter was a report covering the objectives and functions of the Industries. Admini~- trator Butch reported that since receipt of the letter, the collection boxes at Williams Brothers Shopping Center have been removed, and that now the area around the collection boxes located at Giant ~ood Shopping Center are becomming unsightly, but that the collection boxes have now been relocated nearer the building, in an effort to provide better control. LOPEZ HIGH CONTINUATION SCHOOL STUDENTS ~ COMMUNITY SERVICE CLEAN UP PROJECT Mr. Norman Natho, instructor at Lopez High Continuation School, was pre- sent and orally reported that some of the students have undertaken a community service clea~ up project, whereby the students have been cleaning up areas be- hind and adjacent to commercial establishments in"an effort to help beautify the ~ommunity, but have discovered that they cannot dispose of the large amounts of debris collected, and requested Council direction in this mattere The Council commended the students f~r their community efforts and after discussion it was agreed that if the students will provide a listing of the locations they wish to clean, the City staff will send letters t~ the property owners ad- vising them of the clean up project and advising that the disposal of all debris collected by the students will be the responsibility of the property oc~mer. ORAL REPORT BY LARRY NUNES CHAIRMAN 1971 HARVEST FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Larry Nunes, Chairman of the 1971 Harvest Festival Committee, was present and gave an oral report on the annual Harvest Festival Activi.ties of September 30, through October 3, 1971, and thanked the Council for its assistance and the City Employees for the cooperation and help given. him before, during and after the Festival, PUBLIC HEARING - PREZONING CASE N0. 71-51, A~1-1 TO R-l ~ STAGECOACH RD,-KUDEN Administrator Butch reviewed that a resblution has been received from the ?lanning Commission recommending the prezoning from San Luis Obispo County designated A-1-1 to City designated R-l, approximately 28 acres of property ~ r CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 12, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 contiguous to the southeasterly City Limits with access from Stageeoach Road, as requested ' by the application submitted by John Kuden. Upon being assured by City Glerk Kingsley that all requirements provided by law, regarding notification of hearing, has been complied with, Mayor Levine declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard for ar against the proposed prezoning. Bob Goulart, 801 Opal Drive, was advised that City services are now lo- cated on Huasna Road and that it is the responsibility and expense of the Developer to extend services. There being no further discussion for or against the prezoning, Mayor Levine declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey was instructed to prepare a prezoning ord~.nance enabling this prpperty to be zoned R-i upon annexation to the City. PUBLIC HEARING-USE PERMIT CASE N0. 71-175-ELEM.DAX CHRIST,SCH,(SCOTT)WITHDRAWN Administrator Butch reviewed that action of the Planning Commission from its minutes of September 7, 1971, at which Use Permit Case No. 71-175 was approved to allow the Central Coast Christian Academy to conduct an elementary school at 227 Bridge Street. Upon being assured by City Clerk Kingsley that all requirements provided by law, regarding notification of hearing, had been complied with, Mayor Levine declared the l~earing open and all persons would now be heard for or against the appeal of the decision of the Planning Com- mission relative to granting Use Permit Case No. 71-175. City Attorney Shipsey reported that Gerald C. Weaver, Attorney for Byron Scott, petftioner of this appeal, had orally advised him, prior to commencement of this meeting, that his client wi~hed to withdraw his appeal to the Gity Council. There being no further discussion for or against the appeal, Mayor Levine declared the hear- ing closed. There being no further Council aetion required, this matter was tabled. - TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST, 1971 The Treasurer's Report for the months of July and August, 1971, were re- ceived by the Council reviewed and ordered filed. DEPARTNI~~tTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1971. The Departmental Report for the month of September, 1971, was received by the Council reviewed and ordezed filed, MUNIGIPAL CODE AMENDMENT ORDINANGE ADOPTION - REZONING CASE N0. 71-150 - MASON ST. C-B-D TO.P-C-D(LOVET~) City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the Muni.cipal Code so as to rezone from C-B-D to P-C-D, certain property in the City of Arroyo Grande, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council- woman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the bala~.ce of this ordinance. ORDINANCE N0. 58 C.S. _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: , AYES: Council Membexs Schlegel, Thompson, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAINED;Councilman Wood. the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted this 12th day of October, 1971. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE ADOPTION-REZONING CASE N0. 71-149 - HUASNA RD, R-A-B-1 & 3 TO R-.1.(KUDEN) Gity Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to~ rezone from R-A-B-1 & 3 to R-1, certain property in the City of Arroyo Gra~lid~, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seeonded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. 451 CITY COUNC~L O~TOBER 12, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA PAG~ 4 ORDINANCE N0. 59 G.S< AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO G~DE AMEIVDING A PORTTON OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE ~ITY OF'ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9~ ~HAPT~R 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE ~ERTAYIV PROPERTY IN THE CITY 0~ ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilman TalTey, seconded by Councilwc~ntaa~ Tt~ompsm~, and an , the following roll call vote, to wite AYES. Council Members Schlegel, Thompson9 Wo~d~ Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None: ABSENT: Nonea the foregofng ordinance was passed and adopted this 12th day of October, 1971. REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORI3IA CITIES. Administrator Butch reviewed the legislative bulletins receaved from the League of California Cities, After discussion, Administratcar ~utch was in- structed to write to Senator Grunsky and Governor Reaga~, expr~~sf~.~ this Council's opposition to the adoption of AB 1098, Policemen and Firemen Manda- tory Retirement Benefitso ORAL REPORT-ANNUAL CONF. LEAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES~COUNCILMEN SCHLEGEL & TALLEY Councilmen Schlegel and Talley gave an oral report on the annual ~onfer- ence of the League of California Cities, whi~h was held in San Francisco, September 26 through'29, 1971, stating that tYae highlight of the conference was Congressman Mills presentation on Revenue Sharing between the Federal, State and Local Governmentso NOTICE OF COUNTY SUPERVISORIAL REDISTRICTING ADOPTED ~Y CO,BD. OF SUPERVISORS Mayor Levine reported that the Cou~ty Board of Supervisors held a hearing on October 12, 1971, on the reestablishment of Supervi~~drial Districts within San Luis Obispo County, and that the Supervisorial Districts have been approved as shown on the Redistricting Map Proposal "C". SANTA ROSA RESOL. RE: GARBAGE FEE TAX DEDUCTIBLE SUPPORT REQUESTED Administrator Butch reviewed correspondence received from the City of Santa Rosa requesting this Council's support of its proposal that fees for mandatory garbage collection be deelared tax deductible by the Internal Revenue Service. The Council discussed and agreed no action be taken on this matter at this time, as garbage collection in the City is not mandatory. DISC. OF PROPOSED ORD. - EMERGE~TCY REGULATIONS DURING CIVIL DISTURBANCE City Attorney Shipsey advised that he had reviewed District Attorney Tate's proposed ordinance covering emergency regulations during a Civil Dis- turbance and that the main difference betweem this proposed ordinance and the City's Civil Defense Ordinance now in effect, is the chain of commando The Council discussed and agreed that the Civil Defense Ordinance n.ow in effect which specifies that a quorum of the Council or the Governor of the State can declare a state of emergency, is sufficient at this time. NOTICE-HUASNA RD. N0. 3 ANNEXATION APPROVED BY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMZS. Administrator Butch reported the official notification has been received from the Local Agency Formation Commission, advising that it has approved the Huasxaa Road No. 3 Annexatian application from the City of Arroyo Grande and proceedings by the City can now be commenced. After Council discussion, City Attorney SY~ipsey was instructed to'prepare the necessary resolution to continue proceedings and set a public hearing regarding this annexatio~.. PROGRESS REPORT-APPLICATION FOR GRANT-CONSOL. OF LAW ENFORCE.FACIL.SQ._C~UNTY Administrator Butch reported that the City's application for a federal grant for a feasibility study for the consolidation of law enforcement facil- ities in the south county has been delayed due to a new policy developed by the State Council on Criminal Justice, which specifies that consultant charges for studies shall not be higher than. 20% of the'salaries and wages charged by said consultants. CITY COUNCIL O~TOBER 12, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 NOTICE FROM STATE DTSASTER OFFICE-TOTAL VALUE OF CIV.DEF.SUPP.PURCH. BY CITY Administrator Butch reported, as information only, a notice has been re- Geived from the State Disaster Office that in the last eight years the City of Arroyo Grande has received a total of $27,677 worth of surplus property and equipment from the Di.saster Office, representing the largest amount for any agency in San Luis Obispo County. RECEIPT OF PARK. & BUS. IMPROVEMENT AREA ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES FOR 9-14-71 The minutes of the Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory Board meeting of September 14, 1971, were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. Mrs. Feggy Porter, Advisory Board inember, was present and advised that escrow proceedings have again been initiated for the proposed purchase of property adjacent to the Arroyo Grande Creek an.d businesses on the southerly side of Branch Street, located between Bridge and Short Streets, for the de- velopment of off stree~ parking. AUTHORIZED OPEN BURNING WEEK - OCTOBER ll- 23, 1971. On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Sehlegel' and unanimously carried, a,~'g.b+~' 17 through 23, 1971, was designated as q~en burn- ing week during the fall period of 1971, as recommended by Fire Chief Ma.rsalek. RESOL. ADOPT. ESTABLISHING STOP SIGNS - FARROLL AVE. AND MYRTLE STREET Administrator Butch reviewed a report, dated September 28, 1971, from Director of Public Works Anderson, xecommending that boulevard stops be es- tablished on the northeast and squthwest corners of Farroll Avenue at Elm Street and the northeast corner of Myrtle Street at Garden Street. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey re~:rl the title of a resolution ' authorizing establishment of boulevard stop signs on Farroll Avenue and Myrtle Street, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unan~mously carried, to dispense with reading the balance vf this resolution. RESOLU~ION N0. 950 A R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS. On m€~tio~ of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following ro11 call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the forego~ng resolution was passed and adopted this 12th day of October, 1971. NOTICE FROM STATE AIR RESOURCES BD. RE: EXTENS.LIMITED TIME OPEN BURNING DUMPS Administrator $utch reported that notice has been received that the State t~ir Resources Board has granted an extension ot time to submit any ideas on the question of open air burnings of county or city dumps; and that the San Luis Obispo County Executive Committee on Air Pollution Control has contacted the State Air Resources Board regarding the establishment of workable and equitable rules for agricultural burning in interpreting or amending "Agri- cultural Wastes" and "Agricultural Burning" as defined in AB 16, Article 2; Prohibitions. RECEIPT OF THE 1971 SUrIlKER RECREATION "WRAP UP" REPORT Copies of the 1971 Summer Recreation "Wrap Up" Report were received by the.Council, reviewed and ordered filed, ADULT RECREATION SUPERVISOR - RUTH VAN NEST Administrator Butch reported that the Parks and Recreation Commission had interviewed six candidates for the part time position of Adult Recreation Supervisor and that Mrs. Ruth Van Nest was selected for this position. 453 C TY COUNC L OCTOBER 12 1971 I I , ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA FAGE 6 DISCUSSION ON STREET ABANDONMENTS-PTNS. OF GARDEN, ARROYO & HARRISON STREETS Administrator Butch reported that requests for street abandonments of paper streets have been received as follows: that portion of Garden Street located , between Ide Street and the Arroyo Grande Creek; that porfibn of Arroyo Avenue located between the 101 Freeway and Lot 24 of the Jones Tract, which beeame an isolated remnant upon completion of the Freeway system through the City; and ' the easterly end of Harrison Street, to create a cul~de-sac and terminate access to Corbett Canyon Road; and that the Planning Cammission has reviewed and recommended abandonment of these paper streets. Aftex° Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey was instructed to prepaxe a resolution for Coun.cil con- sideration. RECEIPT OF 1971-72 STATE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT 5 NEGlSLETTER Administrator Butch reported that a copy of the State Division of High- ways District 5, 1971-72 Newsletter has been received and is on file at City Hall. RECEIPT OF DRAFT COPY COUNTY WATER AND SEWER GENERAL PLAN Administrator Butch reported that a draft copy of the San Luis Obispo County Water and Sewer General Plan prepared by C.D.M. Inc., Environmental_,: Engineers, has been received and after review will be returned along with any comments; and that the ~'inal report will be completed by November 1, 1971. SET MEETING TO REVIEW PROBOSALS FOR LOPEZ WATER COSTS & NEEDS STUDY, 11-8-71. Administrator Butch reported that several proposals have been received from Consulting Engineering Firms to prepare a study on Logez water Costs and Needs. After Council discussion, a meeting to review the water study pra- posals was tentatively scheduled for November 8, 1971. ORDINANCE-INSP. & REGUL. PROV.-CROSS CONNECTIONS TO PUB.WATER SUPPLY, 1ST. READZI~TG City Attor~ey Shipsey reported that he had reviewed the proposed ordinance to establish provisions for inspection and regulatioza of cross connections to public water supplies and recommended that the Council adopt the ordinance in its entirety rather than adopt the County's ordinance by reference. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title of the ordinance amending the Municipal Code to establish provisions for cross connections to public water supplies, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, s.econded by Couneilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. STUDY SESSION-STREET Mt~INT. AND IMPROVEMENT PRIORITIES - 10-18-71 A study session was scheduled for 7:30 P.M,, October 18, 1971, to consider a priority listing for budgeting funds for street repairs and improvements. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE $EWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Administrator Butch reported that a meeting has been scheduled for October 14, 1971, with representatives from San Luis Obispo County Engineering Depart- ment, representatives from the City and Stone and Youngberg, Financial Con- sultants for the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District, to review the project and proceed with final projections; and that on October 15, 1971, representa- tives from HUD will conduct a tour of the City to review the area of the pro- ject to meet federal loan requirements. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Copies of the Chief Plant Operator's Report for the month of September, 1971, were received by the Cauncil, reviewed and ordered filed. REQUEST OF COUNGILMAN SCHLEGEL FOR FERMISSION TO BE OUT OF STATE 10/23-11/15/71. On motion of Councilman Ta11ey:, secoraded'by CQUncilman Wood a~.d unani- mously carried, the request of.Couneilman Schlegel for permission to be out of the State of California from Ocfiober 23, Z97~ through November 15, 1971, was approved. _ STATUS REPORT - MAYOR SIGNED COMPLAINT RE: BILLBOARDS IN VIOL. QF MUNICIPAL CODE Mayor Levine reported that he has signed and Attorney Shipsey will file the complaint against the Ryan 0utdoor Advertising Company and the property owners, upon whose property four outdoor advertis~.ng signs are located, which are in violation of Municipal Code Sect~on 8-9.03 (f). ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and unani- mously carried, the Council adjourned to executive session to discuss perso~nnel a~atters at 10:01 P.M. ~ ~ 4~~ CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 12, 1971 ARROYO GRAAtDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 REC ONVENMENT The Council reconvened at 10:15 P.M, with a11 members present as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT On:motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:16 P.M. unti.l 7:30 P.M., October l8, 1971. ~ . .-~z.~- ~ ATTES T : f ~ ~_____t , C CLE - MAYOR CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 18, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular adjourned session with Ma.yor Levine presiding. Upon roll call Council Members Schlegel, Thompson and Talley reported present. Councilman Wood is absent. STUDY SESSION - STREET MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT PRIORITIES The City Council, Admini~trator Butch and Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed and discussed the Street Projecfi Priority Study Report prepared by Director of Public Works Anderson, which was prepared to assist the Council in establishing a street priority program and covered thosr~streets determined by the Public Works personnel as the most necessary projects to t~e accomplished at this timeo The following streets were determined to be top priority projects: East Cherry Avenue, between 'Traftic Way and Pacific Coast Railroad Place; Branch Street, between Traffic Way and Crown Hill; Elm Street, between Poplar Street and The Pike; and Newsom Springs Road, between East Cherry Avenue and Coach Road. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman S~hlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. ,r""----.- '_-'"r ~ ~ , ~ f~ ~ , . ~ ATTES~ ° "`~y~r~t-a l~ ~~y~~~ . ° ~ ~.C~>~~, _ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR ~ I