Minutes 1971-11-09 461 ~~~t ~ou~c~~ ~~v~~~~~ ~~7~ A~RO~o c~~~~, ~~~~~o~~~ The City Couneil m~t ~°~~~1~~ ~~aeio~ wi~~ ~ayo~ ~~vi~~ p~~~idi~~. Upo~ roll call, Cour~cil ~mb~r~ ~om~~~~~ ~o~d ~~d '~~~l~y ~~po~t~~ pr~e~~~. Cou~cil~ man Schlegel ie ab~~~t. PLEDGE OF A~LEGI~?NC~ AND INVOC~~IO~ Mayo~ I~evine lead'the Pl~dge of All~~ianc~ ~o ~ur ~1~~; ~~d ~~din~~ly there~ft~~, ~verer~d ~arry l~ill~r of th~ Pea~~ ~~~h~r~~ Ch~~~h o~ ~rroyo Gra~de deliverad the invocatio~s, APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutee o~ t~~ ~e~ul~~ t~~ti~~ o~ Oct~b~r 26~ 197~,'~a~~~ app~oved ae prepared. APPROVA~ 0~ WA~~N~3 On motion of Cou~cil~ao~na~ ~~omp~~~~ ,~c~~d~d by ~o~~~il~~~ ~~llay ~t~d u~a~i- mouely carried, ~~~~~al ~a~rant, No. 322 t'~~o~~h 362~ i~ t~n ~otai a~ou~t o~ $25,942.44, a~d Pay~°o~~ W~rra~~~ 1~0, 537 ~t~~~+~~~ ~o~ 604, t~~ai ~~n~u~fi o~ $15,007.14, w~r~ app~ov~d a~d o~°d~~~~ p~~d. I~EAGUE 0~' C~~I~'e C~TI~~ C~~.C~~I~3 ~~~.~~T~~~ ~0~~~~ ~~1-~~-71 Notica ~a, bm~~ ~°~c~~v~d adv~ei~~ t~~ ~~x~ q~~~~~~~y ~nt~~~ o~ Laague of Cali~or~ia C~~i~e C~~~~~ ~o~~s~~~, D~v~ai~~ ~~1~ ~~i~ i~ ~a,o ~obl~, on November 19, 1971, wi~~ ~~~ka~op ~~~~i~~ ,~a~~i~~ 480~ ~e~, TRE~SU~~' 3 ~~PO~~ ~9~ ~~'~0~~~. 197~ ~h~ ~~°~a~~~ar', ~n~~t~ 0~~~~~~, 1~71, ~ae ~@~@iv~~ ~l~~ Cou~cil,r~vi~~~d a~~ o~d~~~~ ~i~~~. ~EP~,~~N~~~ ~0~~~~ ~~~0~~ 0~'~O~~~B 1~7~ ~e ~ep~r~~~~~1 ~~p~~~ ~~7~, ~~e ~~~~i~~~ t~~ ~~u~cil, ~~v~.~~~d a~d APPOINT~~fi~ 0~ @~ (~1~ ~@~) ~d~i~i,t~at~~:~~~~~ ~~v~a~~ i~ ~~v~@~~~~ ~p~~~~~ by ~ou~ci~ o~ 2~, ~~~2, ~w~ ~@~~~~~ ~~@ ~~~1~~~@~ earve o~ ~oa~~~ ~~~~~i~~ ~~~@ ~@~~~~°~~ ~iv@ ~~~@~~ ~@ ~~~~i~~~~ t~ ~oa~~ ~~~~~~e @~€~~~~~~~@ ~~~~~i~~ +~po~ mat~~r• ~~~~~~~i~~'~~ ~~~~@~~@~ ~~@ a~~x~~d, ~~s~ ~~~e m~~~~~ ~~1~ ~~@~ ~~~~w ~~~~~~@ ~ ~@~@~~~i~ cit,iaa~a q~~~~~i~~ ~~~~~W 0~' ~E~~~~~~~V~ ~~~~~~~~fi~ ~~@~ ~d~~~~e~~a~~~ ~@v~@~~~ ~@~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~@~ ~~@ ~~li~~~~~~ ~~~s ~2~ _ ~~~~1~~@, , b~~~ ~~v@~~~~ ~~@~ @~~e~~ 1~~~, ~o~~ ~~~~~fi~~fi~~ ~~~~~~@~fi-~~~~~fi~~fi~ ~~.~~~~~1. ~~A~ ~~~~~fi) ~i~~ ~~~~~~@~ ~~~~~@~ ~@~~ ~~e ~~~~~~~~@ ~~@ ~i~~~~~~~ eo ae ~@~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~@~ ~@~_ ta~~ ~~op~~~~ ~~@ ~~~~~@~~~@~~~ ~~m~~~, ~~~~@~~~~~, ~ ~a, ~ad~ b~ ~o~~~~~m~~ ~~~~@~, ~@~~~~~~ ~fi~~~ ~~~~~~~~~1~. ~arri~d, ~o d~,~~~~~ ~~~~i~~ ~~~~~~@ ~~~~~~~~@~ ~~~~~fi~~fi~~ ~fi@~ ~~fi ~~~~~~fi~~ ~~fi~~ ~~~~@~fi~~fi~ ~~~N~9~~~~'~~~ ~~~~~~@~~ 0~' ~~~~~~fi~ ~9ii~~~fi~ ~~~~~@~ 6~9~~ ~~fi~~~~~~ ~@~~ O~ ~o~~o~ ~o~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~1~~~ ~~ii~a~i~~ ~oll ea~l v~~~, w~~a ~~~9. ~o~~e~~ ~~~@~~ ~~~~@~ ~~~~~@ ~Q~~ s ~fi~~~ ,~~~~~fi~: ~ot~~~~~~~~ t~~ ~~~~~o~~~ o~d~~~~~~ ~~e ~~~~~@~ ~fi~~@m~@~, ~~~~w ~ , . CITY COUNCIL NOVEI~BER 9, ,i97~, ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 ~ CLAIM OF M,J.HERMRECK,INC., CONTR. ON FAIR OAKS AVE. BRIDGE -(Held Over) City Attorney Shipsey reported on his finding regardircg the cla.im of M. J.~ Hermreck, Inc. for work, labor and material provided the City fo~ the corastruction of the Fair Oaks Avenue Bridge project. After Council discussio~, it w~.s agreed that this matter be held over for further review of the Project Engixtee~°"s letter ' of explanation regarding claim. RESOL. ADOPT.-SET PUB.HEAR. - HUASNA ROAD N0. 3 ANNEXATION - 12~28°71e ? City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution declaring Council initiated proceeding to annex uninhabited territory known as Huasna Road No. 3 Annexation, and setting a public hearing thereon for December 289 1971 at 8:00 P.M., thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this reso- lution. RESOLUTION N0. 951 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAI~TDE TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "HUASNA ROAD N0, 3 ANNEXATION", AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION On motion of Councilman Waod, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Schlegel a the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of November, 1971. RECEIPT OF MIN.& REQ. FROM PARK.& BUS.IMPROV,AREA ADV.BD, RE: JOINT MEETING , The minutes of the Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory Board . meeting of October 21, 1971, were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered • filed. - L The Council agreed to meet with the Parking and Business Improvement Area ~ Advisory Board, as the Board requested, on November 30, 1971 at 7:30 PaM. . ~ RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF THE COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING - 10-4-71 The minutes of the Coastal Valley Planning Council meeting of October 4, 1971, were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered fiYed. REPORT FROM UNDERGROUND COORD.COMM.TECH. COMM. RE: "CLEAN UP" BRANCH ST. ~ Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received from Leland A. Balatti, Pacific Telephone Co.; John Printz,Cable TV; and Peter R. Darnton, Paeific Gas and Electric Co., who served as a Technical Committee of the Underground Utility Coordinating Committee, to provide a cost estimate to "Clean Up" overhead utility pole lines on Branch Street, which outlined the work involved to accomplish this project and stated that the cost to the City or local prop- erty owners would be in excess of $42,000. The Council discussed and agreed that the cost to accomplish this project was prohibitive, as the ultimate goal is for total undergrounding of utilities on Branch Street. PUBLIC HEARING-REZONING CASE N0. 71-52, F-S TO H-S, TRAFFIC WAY (LOVETT) Administrator Butch reviewed that a resolution has been received from the Planning Commission recommending the rezoning from F-S to H-S, property located adjacent to Traffic Way and Grand Avenue, as requested by the application sub- mitted by Lee Lovett. Upon being assured by City Clerk Kingsley that all re- quirements provided by law, regarding notification of hearing, had been complied ~ith, Mayor Levine declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard for or against the proposed rezoning. Bob Goulart, 801 Opal Drive, questioned Councilman Wood regarding his possible conflict of interest in this rezoning matter. Couneilman Wood ad- v~sed that he had stated at a prior meeting that he does have a financial in- terest in this property and therefore would abstain from any discussion, action or vote in this matter. There being no discussion for or against the rezoning, Mayor Levine de- ~~~.red the hearing closed. After Gouncil discussion, City Attorney Shipsey ~ CITY .COUNCIL ~~3V~~~~S}~~ iu.; ~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~ ~~~G~,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinarace ame~.~i~g the Mur~i~ipal Code so as to rezone from F-S to H-Sa certain. property in the Git~ ~f Arroyo Grande, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman. Talle~e sec~~ded ~b~ Cou~~il- woman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispe~.se with readirsg th~ balar~~~ of this ordinance. PUBLIC HEARING~REZONING CASE N0. 71-53, R-A~B-3 to R~l, VALLEY RDo (CRAIG) , Administrator Butch reviewed that a resolution has bee~ rec~ived from the Planning Commission recommending the rezo~ing from R~A~Bm3 to R~1, p~°operty located adjacent to Valley Road, immediately across the street from Tra~t 1Vo. . 186, as requested by the application submitted by K.M, Craig< Upon being assured by Gity Clerk Kingsley that all requirements provfded by law9 regarding notification of hearing, had been complied with, Ma}~or Levine de~lared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard ~or or against th~ proposed rezoning. There being no diseussion for or against the rezoning, Mayor Levir~e declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, City Attorney Ships~y read9 for its first reading, the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code so as to rezone from R-A-B-3 to R-1, certain property in the Gity of Arx°oyo Grande, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordi- nance. RESOL. ADOPT. REVISED UPDATED CIVIL DEFENSE GENERAL PLAN FOR CITY OF' AoG. Administrator Butch reported that to meet State requirements, the Civil Defense General Plan for the City has been revised and updated and copies of the revised plan were made available to the Council with the agenda material, and requested that if the revised plan is acceptable to the Council, the plan must be adopted by a resolution which is prepared for Council comsideration. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution adopting a Civil Defense and Disaster Plan for the City, thereafter a motion was made by Councilrnan Wood, seconded by Councilwaman Thompson, and unani-~ mously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 952 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER ' ~ PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, ` On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Thompson, Wood, Ta11ey and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: Couneilman Schlegelo the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of November, 1971. DISC.-STREET ABANDONMENTS - PTNS OF GARDEN ST „ ARROYO AVE. & HARRISON ST. ` City Attorney Shipsey advised that a description of the requested foot path within the area of Garden Street proposed to be abandoned, must be speci- fically stated and included in the resolution of intention for this abandon- ment. After discussion, Director of Public Works Anderson was instructed to prepare the description necessary to retain a foot path within the proposed abandonment area of Garden Street and that the descriptions necessary to pro- ceed with the abandonment of a portion of Harrison St. and a portion of Arroyo Ave. be made available to the City Attorney for final preparation of the reso- lution of intention to vacate and abandon these portions of City streets. I~~'PORT FROM PARKS AND RECREATION AND PLANNING COMMISSIONS RE: EXCESS STATE OWNED LAND FOR SALE ADJACENT TO OAK PARK BOULEVARD. Administrator Butch advised that the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission have reviewed the notice of intention to sell excess State owned land adjacent to Oak Park Boulevard and Frontage Road in the City o~ Arroyo Grande, and the Commissions have determined that the City has no particular use for this property. After Council discussion, on motion of ~auncilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, Ar~ministrator Butch was in5tructed to write to the Division of Highways and ~,dvise them that the City has no interest in purchasing this property. GITY COUNCIL ~?~1~JFI~13~~ 9$ ? ~?1 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~~iG~: 4 SEMI-ANNUAL JOINT MEETING-COUNCIL & PARKS AND REC, COMM, 12~15~71 The Council agreed to meet in joint session with the Park.s and Recre~~~on Commission, as the Commission requested; on December 15~ 1971 a~ 7m30 P,M, DISC.-MOBILE OIL C0, REQ, CITY DISPOSE OF EXCESS R/W, SLOPE EASEMEI~T,OAK.PK,BLVD, Administrator Butch advised that the Mobile Oil Co. has agai~. requested eonsideration for the disposal of surplus right of way not ~.e~essary for street purposes at the southwest corner of Frontage Road and Oalc P~r~e B~ulevard9 said area being a slope necessary for drainage, which the Oil Comp~.ny wishe~ to fill for development of a service station, with the drain.ag~ to be d.isposed of through the additional property the Company plares to a~quire9 a~d further advised that this matter was brought before the Planning C~~i~sion on September 16, 1969 and the Commission recommended that the Cou~.cil decl-are inten.tion to dispose of said property subject to certain items as stated in the Coun~il minutes of September 23, 1969. City Attorney Shipsey advised that this property can be sold at public auction, with first priority being given to adjacent property ow:~.ers a~d the sale can be subject to conditions as determined necessary by the Gou~.cila After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey was instx°ucted to prepare the resolution necessary to proceed with the sale of this property, PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Administrator Butch reported that the tentatively scheduled meetir~g with HUD officials in Los Angeles to discuss application for a federal loan for the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District, has been delayed for approximately one month, due to revised loan application procedures received by the HUD office. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Copies of the Chief Plant Operator's report for the month of October, 1971, were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. CALIF; COUNCIL ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE HEAR.°CITY APPL, FOR CONSOLID.STUDY 11-12-71 Admin.istrator Butch requested autl~orization to attend the California Council on Criminal Justice meeting to be held in Millbrae on November 12,1971, at which time a hearing is scheduled to consider the City of Arroyo Grande's appliaation for a grant to finance a feasibility study on'the consolidation ~ of law enforcement agencies in south San Luis Obispo Gounty. After Council discussion, City Administrator Butch was granted authorization to attend this meeting. AUTHORIZED t3IRING KOEBIG & KOEBIG, CONSULT,ENGR.,STUDY OF WATER NEEDS FOR CITY Administrator Butch reported that at the adjourned regular Council meet- ing held November 8, 1971, the Council interviewed applicants representing four engineering firms being considered to be hired as consultants to provide a study of Lopez contracted water and water needs for the City of Arroyo Grande, and that the selection of a consultant could now be made, After Council dis- cussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the Engineering Firm of Koebig and Koebig was authorized and hired to provide a water needs study for the City of Arroyo Grande; and the City Staff, City Attorney and a representative from the Firm of Koebig and Koebig were authorized to prepare an agreement for Council consideration cover- ing the scope of work to be accomplished by this study. LETTER FROM A.G. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUESTING BUDGETED FUNDS Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from Del Cox, Manager of the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce, requesting remittance of the funds budgeted by the City for assistance with the operational expenses of the Chamber for Fiscal Year 1971-72. After Council discussion, on motion i of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, ~he request from the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce for remittance of 1971- 72 budgeted funds in the amount of $2,500,00, to be used for operational pur- poses was approved. RECEIPT OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DRUG USE SURVEY - 1971 REPORT Administrator Butch reported that the San Luis Obispo County Drug Use Survey - 1971 Report, prepared by San Luis Obispo County Juvenile Justfce ~.md Delinquency Prevention Commission, has been received and is on file at ~;ity Ha11. 465 CITY COtJNCIL t~0~1E1~~~ 9, ~9~1 ARROYO GRANDE, CA~IF4R1~fiIA P~~~ 5 CITY OF A.G~DING,IN3PECTOR P08ITION FILLED~_NrfiET~ VICTO~ NO~DIN Adminietrator Sutch advieed that Kenneth Victor Nordin ~as bnen hired aa Building Inepector for ~he City of Arroyo Grar~de, replacing Ja~nee Nicklae, who reeigned from thie posit~.on to take employmm~?t eleewh~re. ADJOURNI~NT On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, eeconded by Councilma~ Wood and unan.imouely carried thA meeting adjourned at 8e57 ~~M., unti~ 7:30 P.M., November 22, 1971. • ,r', ~ ~ ATTE S T ; e~''-----. C CLER ,J M~?~0