Minutes 1971-11-23 CITY COUNCIL I~CVE~tii~ER 23, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Levine presidinge Upon roll ca1L, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and Talley reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter Councilman Schlegel delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of November 9, 1971 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 363 through No. 403, in the total amount of $20,051.4Q; Payroll Warrants No.605 through No.654,in~the:total,amoun.t of $12,935.63; and Trust and Agency Warrants No. 1548 through No. 1568, in the total amount of $1,673.51, were approved and ordered paid, RECEIPT OF PETITION RE: DISESTABLISHMENT OF PARK.& BUS,AREA.IMPROV.DISTRICT Administrator Butch read a petition, signed by 23 Merchants whose busi- nesses are located within the Parking and Business Area Improvement District, petitioning the City Council to disestablish this district and that the Council set a public hearing regarding this matter. City Attorney Shipsey advised that the Council does not have to call a public hearing due to receipt of a petition, as the petition was not signed by a sufficient number of Merchants paying over fifty percent of the business license fees, and that if disestablishment of the district is to be considered it would be by Council action only, Mr. B. W. Malis was present and requested that a hearing be held as the petition was signed by a substantial number of Merchants in the area, and that the district has now been formed for one year with no apparent action having been taken. Don Curzon and Peggy Porter, members of the advisory board of this district, were present and advised that actian is being taken in an effort to acquire property and that the advisory board meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at 2:00 P.M. and are open to the public. The Council discussed and generally agreed that the district should not be disestablished at this time as progress is being made to establish additional off street parking; and ad- vised Mr. Malis that if he has a proposal for an alternate method of providing the necessary off street parking to present same to the Council for its con- sideration and if the proposal merits, then the Council may call a public hear- ing on the matter. INVITATION FROM GROVER CITY BUS.BOOSTERS - COUNCIL PART,IN XMAS PARADE 12/4/71 Administrator Butch reported that a letter was received from the Grover City Business Boosters inviting the City Council to participate in their annual Christmas Parade, which will be held on Saturday, December 4, 1971. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was requested to advise the Grover City Business Boosters that all of the Council Members who can will participate in this parade. LETTER FROM LOMPOC RE: RESTRICT INDISCRIMINATE ESTAB. OF AGRICULTURAL PRESERVES Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from the City of Lompoc requesting this Council's support of its resolution regarding indis- criminate use af agricultural preserves adjacent to cities. Mayor Levine ad- vised that this matter was discussed and the resolution was approved by the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities to be forwarded to the League office for submission to the League of California Cities at its annual conference. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS Upon recommendation by Mayor Levine and on motion of Councilman Wood, s~conded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the following were appointed to serve on the Building Code required Board of Appeals to serve for an undetermined period of time: Charles Emerson, Rt. 1, Box 264, Arroyo ~xande; W. M. Smith, 170 Spruce St., Arroyo Grande; Calvin Thurman, 933 Farroll ~$y~,F Arroyo Grande; Robert E. Walker, 155 So. Alpine St., Arroyo Grande; and ~k~~.~v Yasumoto, 235 Charles Drive, San Luis Obispo; alternate Board Member ~~~arge A. Burt, 414 Orchard Avenue, Arroyo Grande. ~~~i'3I~IPAL CODE AMENDMENT ~~~~T~'~.~NCE ADOPTION - REZONING CASE N0. 71-52, F-S TO H-S, TRAFFIC WAY, (LOVETT) * ~ity Attorney Shipsey ~~ad the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal ~~su~ ~o as to rezone from F-S to H-S, certain property in the City of Arroyo CITY COUNCIL ~tt;?`Jt~i~13ER 23, 1371 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 Grande, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council- woman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE N0. 62 C,Se AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAI~IDE AMENDIl~tG A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZOI~TE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, On motiori of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED:Councilman Wood the furegoing ordinance was passed and adopted this 23rd day of November, 1971. PUBLIC HEARING-REVOCATION OF USE PERMIT CASE N0.67-104, PHILADELPHIA TIRE C0. Administrator Butch reviewed the prior action of the Planning Commission regarding revocation of Use Permit Case No. 67-104, Philadelphia Tire Co., 111 Alder Street. City Attorney Shipsey reviewed the procedure for revocation of use permits as set out in the Municipal Code in Title 9, Chapter 4, Zoning and advised that the only items of the use permit which the Council could consider, are the two items which the Planning Commission determined were in violation of the conditions of the use peY°mit, Item 1. No outside storage of any materials and Item 5. Sufficient off street parking to the approval of the Public Works Department of a location. Upon being assured by City Clerk Kingsley that all requirements provided by law, ~egarding notification of hearing, had been complied with, Mayor Levine declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard for or against the proposed revocation of Use Permit Case No. 67-104. Mr. Duenow, Attorney for the holders of Use Permit Case No. 67-104, re- quested that if any member of the City Council is a party to the 7.2 million dollar law suit pending against the Philadelphia Tire Co, due to operations at 111 Alder St, that this fact be so stated and that those members of the Council be disqualified from acting on this matter. Council Members Thompson, Wood and Levine all have-businesses located within a one half mile radius of the recap shop located at 11I Alder Street and eaeh stated that they do not feel any real personal damage from thfs business' operations. The following persons were present and spoke in favor of revocation of Use Permit Case Noe 67-104: James Thwaites, Attorney representing Mr. and Mrs. Ribken and all persons within a one half mile radius of the Philadelphia Tire Co, recaping shop; Mrs. De Mova Allen, 169 Alder Street; Donald Haynes, 1012 Grand Ave., Attorney,~epresenting some residents on Alder Street; Ralph Richards, 151 A1der St.; Matt Gallagher, 520 Launa Ave.; George Ribken, 145 Halcyon Road; Bob Gulart, 801 Opa1 Drive and Morris J. Phillips, 152 Alder St. The following persons were present and spoke against revocation of Use Permit Case No. 67-104: Jim Duenow, Attorney, representing the owners of the business at 111 Alder Street, holders of this Use Permit; Robert Folkerts, owner of the property where the`business is located; and John Zeider, 5434 Stanford Way, Santa Maria, manager of the recap shop> There being no further discussion for or against the revocation of Use Permit Case No. 67-104, Mayor Levine declared the hearing closed. I~YOR LEVINE DECLARED A RECESS AT 9:17 P,M. THE COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 9:23 ~„MB WITH ALL MEMBERS BEING PRESENT AS SHOWN ON ROLL CALL. Councilwoman Thompson stated that she felt for the best interest of the ~:.s11 Council, that she would not vote on this matter. 'The Council reviewed the prior actions of the Planning Commission and a:~du~~,il regarding the ~perations of the Philadelphia Tire Gompany at 111 Alder °~£:YF an~ after much discussion, on motion o~ Councilman Talley, seconded by CITY COUNCIL 1VC~V~i`~IC3ER 23, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 Councilman Schlegel and carried, Use Permit Case No. 67-104, Philadelphia Tire Company, 111 Alder Street, was revoked due to violation of Item 1. No outside storage of any materials and Item 5. Sufficient off street parking to the approval of the Public Works Department of a location other than on Alder Street, of said use permit; and the action of the Planning Commission was upheld. After further discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and carried, the Philadelphia Tire Company was granted sixty (60) days from this hearing, to disban operatio~.s at 111 Alder Street in the City of Arroyo Grande, MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE ADOPTION-REZONING CASE N0, 71-53, R-A-B-3 TO R-1,VALLEY RD.(CRAIG) City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the Muni- cipal Code so as to rezone from R-A~B-3 to R-1, certain property in the City of Arroyo Grande, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance, ORDINANCE N0. 63 CeS. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN ' THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and Mayor Levine. NOES: Councilman Talley ABSENT. None the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted this 23rd day of November,l971. REPORT ON RECENT COUNTY-WIDE MAYORS' MEETING BY MAYOR LEVINE Mayor Levine gave an oral report on the recent coun.ty-wide Mayors' meet- ing, stating that a resolution reques~ing support of a proposed state wide uniform bicyele licensing procedure be established and State participation in funding of bicycle paths and horse trails was discussed. CLAIM OF M.J. HERMRECK, INCe,CONTR, ON FAIR OAKS AVE. BRIDGE PROJECT-HELD OVER Upon request of City Attorney Shipsey, on behalf of Gerald Weaver, Attor- ney for the claimant, the Council agreed that this item be held over to the next regular meeting so that Mr. Weaver could be present. FOURTH ANNUAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING OF GASOLINE WITH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Administrator Butch advised that notice has been received from the County Purchasing Agent that the County Board of Supervisors have again authorized Cooperative Purchasing of Gasoline by Public Entities, and if the City wishes to continue with this program the County must be so notified by December 3, 1971, for the calendar year 1972 contract. After Council dis- cussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution regarding the cooperatfve purchasing of gasoline between the City of Arroyo Grande and the County of San Luis Obispo, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 953 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVTSORS' RESOLUTTON N0, 71~498 REGARDING ENTERING INTO COOPERATIVE PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO On motion of Gouncilman Talley, seconded by,Councilman Wood and on the ~c~3lowing roll call vote, to wit: 46~ CITY COUNCIL ivt)"~~MBER 23, 19~1 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRNIA ~'AGE 4 AYES: Council Members Schlegel., Thompson, Wood, Ta11ey and Mayor Levine. NOES: None ABSENT: None the ~oregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day a~ Novemb~r,1971. RESOL. AUTHORIZ. ACCEPT. OF TAX DEEDED P~tOPERTX -~iALCYON RQAD & WOQD FLACE City Attarney Ship~ey read the title of a reso~u~ion autho~e~.zing ac~egt- ance o~ tax deeded property covering small portions ef riglhts of way on Halcyon Raad and Wood Place which were earried by the County Assessar as privately owned parcels, and by Agreement of Sal~ Na. 128, the City a$re~d to pay a token fee plus prior years deli.nquencies to ~1ear theae parcels ~'rom the County Tax Colleetors reeords, thereafter, motion wa~ made by Counc3.1- ' man Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Th.ompson and unanimou$1y carried to dispense wifih reading the balance of this resolution, RESOLUTTOTV N0, 954 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY CQUNG~L OF THE CZ~Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ACCEFT~NCE OF AE~AS TO REAL ESTATE. Qn motion of Councilwoman Thompsan, seconded by Couneilman Talley and an ~he follow~ng roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Couneil Members Schle~el, Thompso~., Wood, ~'~11~y and ~ayor Levine. NOES: None, ABSENT: None. the tore~oin~ ~°esolution was passed and ad.opted ttzzs 23rd day of ~1ov~~nl~~z,1971. REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETTNS FRQM T~IE I,EAGUE QF ~ALIFOI~IVT,~ CITI~S Administrator Butch reviewed the leg~.slative bullefii,ns rece~.ved frQtt~ t~~ League of California Citzes. R,ESOL. OF ZNTENTION TO ABAN,PTNSw ~F GAR~EN ST, & ARI~~YO AVE.-HE~~.12~~.4=71 City Attorney Shipsey advised that Che descriptian, including tk~+~ ~e~€:x~- vation af a foot path, ~.ECessary for the resolution vf fntention ~o ~ba~.~c~r~. ~ gorti.on of Garden Street and a portion of Arroyo Avenu~, have be~n ~rep~~~cl and the resalution is now ready for Coun~cil consider~~ion, After Coun~e~.l discussion, City Attorney Shipse}r read the titie o€ a reaolution to ~b~nd~t~. port3.ons of "paper street~" and setting a hea~°in.g on same for D,~~~mb~r ~4, 1971 at the hour of $:OQ F.M., thereafter a motion was made ~y Ctau~.~~lms~~ Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and un~.nimou~ly carried, to d~.~- pense with reading the balanee of this resoluti,on. RESOLUTIQN I~O. 955 A RESQLUTTQN OF zN~~NTxor~ ~ro vacA~r~, ABANA~N ANI~ CI,~1~~ A PQRTION OF GA1tDEN STREET AND ARR(~YCI AVENU~ IT'~ THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS QBIS~'0, STATE ~F CALIFORI~IIA, AND FIXI~TG THE TIME AND PLAC~ FQR HEAI~I~TG AS PROVIDED FOR BY STREETS AI~D HIGHWAYS CQD~ SE~'~I~CIN 8320, ET SEQ. Qn motion of Councilman Talley, s~conded by Councilm~n Wt~Qd ~~d following roll call vate, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and I~yor Levine, NOES: None. ABSENT; Nonea ~v~~~ :~a~~going resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day af Novemher,1971, ~~,PC}RT ON CALIF,COUNCIL CRIM,;TUST.MEETaRE:GRANT.APPLI.-CONSQL.OF LAW ENFOR.F'ACIL. Administrator Butch reported that he had attended the Califoxn,ia Council on ~~~~~xaal Justiee cneeting held in M~llbrae on Noveznber 12, 1971, and that the ~'%~v9'~ ~~plicati.on far a~r~~.~ ta ~inance a feasibility study on the cansolida- ' ~$x 1~.w enfore~m~nt ~g~z~~i~~ ~~a south San Luis Obispo County waS consid~red ~~$2,1~OOQa00 gran~ wa~ ~.pg~~°c~v~d for this project. 4~~ CITY COUNCIL ~JOV~NIBER 23, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 NOTICE P.O,S.T. SURVEY & ANALYSIS OF A.G,POLICE DEPT, WEEK OF 11/29/71 Administrator Butch reported that not~.fication has been received from the Police Officers Standards and Training, State of Californfa Department of Justice, advising that a survey and analysis of the Arroyo Grande Police Depart- ment will be conducted during the week of November 29, 1971. SIMPSON LOT SPLIT REQUTREMENT PROPERTY DEDICATION - GARDE~T STREET Administrator Butch reviewed that in conjunction for approval of Lot Split Case No. 71-141 on Garden Street, requested by Willard Simpson, he is required to dedicate to the City a portion of his land for road purposese After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimous'ly carried, the Grant Deed from Willard E. Simpson for the dedica- tion of a portion of Lot 19 of Steele's Resubdivision of a part of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chamisal, for road purposes adjacent to Garden Street, was accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance on behalf of the City. REPORT ON UNDERGROUND UTILITY COORDINATING COMMITTEE MEETING OF 11-18-71 Councilman Schlegel reported on, the Underground Utility Coordinating Committee meeting of November 18, 1971, advising that the committee discussed possible undergrounding of utilities on Branch Street from the 101 Freeway to Bridge and Nevada Streets. NOTICE OF PUB.HEAR.SET-ST.NAME CHANG."FRONTAGE RD" TO "EL CAMINO REAL" 12/14/71 Administrator Butch advised that a Public Hearing on the Planning Commis- sion recommended street name change from Frontage Road to El Camino Real, be- tween Cornwall Avenue and Halcyon Road, has been set for 8:00 P.M., December 14, 1971. NOTICE OF PUB,HEAR,SET-REZONING CASE N0. 71-54 & 55 - R-2 TO R-3 HUASNA RD.(WICAL) Administrator Butch advised that a Public Hearing on Rezoning Case No. 71- 54 and 55, Huasna Road, R-2 District to R-3 District, E. A. Wical, M. D., has been set for 8:00 P.M., December 14, 1971. REPORT ON HEARING ON WATER AND SEWERAGE MASTER PLAN COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Councilwoman Thompson reported that she had attended the public hearing held by the County of San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors regarding the adopt- ion of the Water and Sewerage Master Plan for the County of San Luis Obispo. Supervisor Mankins was present and reported that the Board of Supervisors had approved additional copies of the water and sewerage master plan be printed as the Boa rd had received numerous requests for copies and that the additional copies will be available by December 9, 1971. ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - REPORT BY COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL Councilman Schlegel gave an oral report on the recent Zone 3 Advisory Com- mittee meeting, advising that financial progress charts were presented and re- viewed and that future plant expansion was discussed, RESOLUTION ADOPTION - INTENTION TO SELL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO OAK PARK BLVD. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution of intention to se11 real property lying adjacent and westerly of Oak Park Boulevard, between E1 Camino Real and Atlantic City Avenue, and set public hearing on same for December 14, 1971, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, sec- onded by Gouncilwoman Thompson, and unanimously cax°ried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution< RESOLUTION N0. 956 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SETTING FORTH ITS INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPERTY AND SETTING A DATE FOR HEARII~TG THEREON AS PROVIDED UNDER PROVISIONS OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 37420 On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the fa~lowing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ~z~e foregoin.g resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of November,l971. ~ ~ CITY COUI~ICIL iVt?"~'~M~ER 23, I~JI ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 AUTHOR.COI~TTRACT WITH KOEBIG & KOEB~G,CONS,~~TGR<~STUDY OF WATER_I~TEEDS FOR CITY On motion of Councilman Talley~ seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously earried, the contract agreemerct covering.the scope of work to be accomplished by the firm of Koebig and Koebig~ Consulting Engineers, hired by the City to provide a study of Lopez con.tra~ted water and water needs for the City of Arroyo Grande, was approved as amended to provide a clause for termina- tion of agreement and the Ma.yor and City Clerk were autho~ized to sign the contract document on behalf of the City. COIJI~ICIL ADOPTION POLICY STATEMENT RE: LOT SPLIT REQUIREMENTS m RIGAT OF WAY DEDICATION & CURB AND GUTTER INSTALLATION AND DEI~TIED PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION, LOT SPLIT CASE N0, 71-143 Mayor Levine outlined the policy procedure agreed upon by the City Council at its study session held November 22, 1971, regarding installation of curb, gutter, sidew~.lks and driveway aprons and dedication of rights of ways After Council discussion, the following policy was agreed upon by the Council: in City initiated development of streets, the City will acquire needed px°operty for right of way purposes or exchange the installation of curb and gutter for the needed right of way; in Lot Split cases, the City will require deed- ing of property necessary for street purposes and the property owner will be required to install curb, gutter, sidewalk and driveway aprons and the City will set grades for said installation and will pave, at the City's convenience, from existing pavement to the installed curb. Administrator Butch was in- structed to specifically advise the Lot Split Gommittee of this established policy. After further discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley, and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the Planning Commission regarding Lot Split Case No. 71~143 was denied and the property owner is required to deed that portion of his prnperty within the Elm Street Plan Line to the City for street purposes and alsa, to install all necessary curb, gutter, sidewalk and driveway._apron at the property ocmers expense as a requirement for approval of Lot Split Case No. 71°1439 in addition to any other requirements which may have been imposed by the Lot Split Committee. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SADI LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SAIVITATION DISTRICT Administrator Butch advised that there were no new developments to re- port at this time, - PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Administrator Butch introduced Harold Bear, Stone and Youngberg Financial Consultants; Wally Burt, County of San Luis Obispo Engineering Department; and York Peterson, Project Engineer for the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District. Each representative in turn reviewed their portion of the project and outlined proposed time schedules to the actual construction phase of the projecte APPROVAL OF PLANS & SPEC.SIGNAL SYS.-TRAFFIC WAY, BRANCH ST., GRAND & WESLEY AVES. Director of Public Works Anderson and Consulting Engineer Garing presented plans and specifications for the installation of a signal system at the inter- sections of Grand Ave., Branch St<, Traffic Way and Wesley Avenue which will be installed with participation by the State and the use of TOPICS Funds. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, the plans and specifications _for the in- stallation of a traffic signal system as above stated, were approved and author- ized to be transmitted to the State of California Division of Highways for its approval. DOG CENSUS APPROVED TO BE TAKEN - 12/20-31/71 Administrator Butch advised that the necessary documents are being prepared and requested authorization to conduct a dog census during the school vacation period in December, 1971, so that students may assist with this project. After Council di-scussion, Administrator Butch was authorized to conduct a dog census in the City of Arroyo Grande from December 20 through 31, 1971. ~~J,~~U~ZNMENT ~ On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unani- ~ously carrfed, the meeting adjourned at 11:37 P.M, until 7;30 P.Mo November 3Q, 1971, fo meet with the Downtown Parking and Business District Advisory „ ~c~~.rd for study sess~ n. , ° . ~ .~~~~y ~ L . ~.~.`7'~,-,7',,,z,,;..;,... ~„yr.,C.%L,,...-.c„= L~;,,~~6. C Ci,E K MAYOR