Minutes 1972-01-11 483 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 11, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor I,evine presiding. Upon roll ¢a11, Council Members S~hlegel, Thompson, Wood arrl Talley reported present. PLEDGE OF ALI,$GIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine lead the Pledge of Allegiance to our Fl~g; and immediately thereafter, Reverend James Wickstrom of the First Presbyterian Church of Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL -0F MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of December 2$, 1971, were approved as prepared. AFPROVAL -0F WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Counci~.woman Thompson, and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 510 through No. 559, in the total amount of $26,706.54; and P~yroll Warrants ~10. 794 through No. 839, in the total amount of $13,539.52, were agproved and ordered paid. LETTER FROM CAMARILLO URGING STRICTER C013TROI, DF WASTE Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received from the City of Camarillo, asking the City Council to urge stricter standards to control effluent waste being discharged into the ocean. After Gouncil diseussion, it was decided no support would be given in this matter by the City as it is felt the present controls are strict enough. LETTER FROM CARPINTERTA RE. COASTAL CONTROLS CONFERENCE Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received fram the City of Carpinteria calling for a conference in February, 1972, on coastal controls with representatives of coastal cities and counties in the Tri-Counties area. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch was di~'ected to advise the City of Carpinteria of the Council's approval of the proposed conference. ~'ROCLAMATION -"JAYCEE WEEK" - JANUARY 16 TQ JANUARY 22, 1972 Mayor Levine proclaimed`the period from January 16 to January 22, 1972, as "Jaycee Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by Dick Blankenburg, Jr, of the Five Cities Jaycees. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1971 ~ The Treasurer's Re~ort for the month of Dec~mber,_1971, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 1971 The Departmental Report for the month af December, 1971, was received by the Couneil, reviewed and ordered filed. DISCUSSION OF CLAIM - M. J. HERMRECK, INC., CONTR. ON FAIR OAKS AVE. BRIDGE Administrator Butch reported that figures on the extra work done by Hermreck Company had been received from Attorney Weaver on Jan. 1Q, 1971; and requested that in order to enable Director of Public Works Anderson time to. review the €ig~.res and prepare a report, th~ Council and Attorney Weaver, who was present, agreed that this item be held over to the next regular'meeting of the Council. FINAL REPORT - DOG CENSUS Administrator Butch reviewed the Dog Census Report submikted by Mike Hurtado, Intern Administrati,ve Analyst. The report indicated a population of around 1500 dogs in the City'of Arroyo Grande, of~which about 1000 were unlicensed, but, .as-, of Janu~;ry 1.Q,, 197.2,; 434 dogs had been Iicensed. At 'the end of February rem~,nders will be "sent to dog own~,~'s.`whose ~.o,gs r~mai.~, unl,icensed according to records compiled during the census. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE ADOPTION - HUANSA RQAD NO 3 ANNEXATION Gity Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ord~nance amending the Municipal Code so as to annex certain groperty in the Gity of Arroyo Grande; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schiegel, seco~ded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to disp~nse with reading the balance of this ordinance. ~RDINANCE NO. 65 C.S. AN ORDiNANC~ APPROVING THE ANNEXATI01~ OF CER~AIN UiVI~TI~ABITED TERRITOI~`~; DESIGNA'~'ED 10'FitJASNA ROAD NQ. 3" ' '~'Y~ C I ~ ~ A~bROY~ ~EiA13I~~ . ~ , 4~~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 11, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 On mQtion of Co~:ncilwoman Thcn:ipson, second~d by Councilman Schlegel, and on the following roll c,all vote, to wit: AYES: Council M~mbers Schl~g~l, ~'hampsan, Wood, Talley and Ma.yor Levine. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing orclinance w~s passed and adopted this llth day of January, 19720 RECEIPT OF MINUTES OF THE COASTAL VALLEY PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING - DEC 6 1971 The minutes of the Coastal Valley Planning Council meeting of December 6, 1971, were receiveci by t~e Council, r~viewed and order~d filed. Mayor Levine report~d on his att~ndance at the Coastal Valley Planning Council meeting of Jannsary 3, 19Z2 and Y1is conv~yance to th~m of the Council's dissatisfaction with the s~treet name change of Frontage Road to E1 Camino Real, He further reported tl~at it does not appear that consideration will be given to the Council's dissatisfaction of the name change, which has already been accepted by the other cities involved, AUTHOI2.IZATIQN - NO FEE FOR FT~ING CANDIDATES STATEMENT - 1972 MUNICIPAL ELECT. Administrator Butch reviewed that with the forthcoming Municipal Election, candidates for office can prepar~ a statement about their ability, education and ba,ckground which will be mailed out to the voters with the sample ballots and that tthe Council has the option to re.quire payment from the candi- dates or have the City pay the cost. After Council discu.ssion, on motion of Councilman Wood, second~d by Cc~r~ncilman Schlegel and unanimo~.sly carried, it was approved that pa_ym~.nt for candidatFS' statem~nts of qualzfications for the Municipal Election to be held. April 11, 197Z, woul.d be paid from the general fund of the Ci~y of Arroyo Grand~a RESOL. REQUESTo BDo ~F SUPERVISORS TQ PERMIT SERVICES RE: Mi7NICIPAL ELECTION City Attorn~y Sh.rpseq read the title of a resolution requesting the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors to permit th~ County Clerk to render specified services relating to the G~neral Municipal ElECtion; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, to dispEnse with r.eading the balance of this resolution, RESOLUTION N0. 963 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CpUNCIL OF THE CITY QF ARROYO GRANDE REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPER- VISORS ~F THE COtJNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO TO PERMIT THE COUNTY CLERK ~JF SAID COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD I'N SAID CITY ON APRIL 11, 1972. On motion of Councilman Ta.lley, seconded by Councilman Waod and on the following roll ca11 vote, to wit: ~ AYES: Council Members Schl~gel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution tiaa.s pas,sed and adopted this llth day of January, 1972Q RESOLUTION ADOPT~ON - CALLING MUNICIPAL EZECTION ON APRIL 11 1972 City Attorney Shipse~ read the title ~f a resolution calling a Municipal Election to be held on April 11, 1972; thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Cs~uncilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. CITY COUNCIL JANiJARY lI, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 RESOLUTION N0. 964 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -0F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; CALIFORNIA, CALLTNG AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING -0F A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CI'TY ON TUESDAY, THE lITH DAY OF APRIL, 1972, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF SAID CITY AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISiONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES AND FQR THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "HiJASNA ROAD N0, 2 ANNEXATION" AND FOR THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO REZONING OF CERTAIN TERRITORY ALONG THE EASTERLY PORTION OF SAID CTTY FROM R-A-B-3 TO R-l, On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES; Couneil Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this llth day of January, 1972. PUBLIC HEARING - AMENDED CHERRY AVENUE PLAN LTNE Administrator Butch reviewed the prior action of the Planning Commission and ~Che Council in the top priority project of widening Cherry Avenue from Traffic Way to Pacific Coast Railway. Both Administrator Butch and Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed the proposed amendment to the Cherry Avenue Plan Line with the aid of maps and aerial photograph of the area. A petition signed by seven residents on East Cherry Avenue was received objecting to the proposed East Cherry Avenue amended Plan Line. Upon being assured by City C1erk Kingsley that all requirements provided by law~ regarding notification of hearing, had been complied with, Ma.yor Levine declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard for or against the amended Cherry Avenue Plan Line. Vidal Garranza, 303 E. Cherry Avenue, thanked Administrator Butch for notifying residents of the hearing. The follawing persons were present and spoke against the amended Cherry Avenue P1an Line: Agnes Luke, 425 Traffic Way; Mr. & Mrs. Ton.y Abrate, 309 E. Cherry Avenue; Mr. & Mrs. Curtis S. Logan, 321 E. Cherry Avenue; Elizabeth K. Finley, 407 E, Cherry Avenue; Vidal Carranza, 303 E. Cherry Avenue; Mildred Lovall, 133 E. Cherry Avenue; Bernice Hol.mes, 411 E. Cherry Avenue. Bob Goulart, 801 Opa1 Circle ~nd Bruee Adams, 451 Woodland, commented on the proposed amended Plan LineW There being no further discussion for or against the amended Cherry Avenue P1an Line, Maqor Levine declared the heaxing closed. Z'he Council discussec~ this matter further and questioned Director of Public Works Anderson about the f~asibility of taking only 12 feet from the north side instead of l4 feet and eutting:down on the size of the parkway by . 2 feet; thereafter, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, Director of Public Works Anderson was ' authoriz~d and instructed to prepare an amended East Cherry Avemse P1an Line map reflecting a 12 foot take from the northerly side of the street and to present same for Council consideration at its next regular meeting. MAYOR I~EVINE DECLARED A RECESS AT'9:10 P.M. The Council reconvened at 9:I5 P.M, with all members being present as shown on ro11 callo PUBLIC HEARING - INTENTICiN T0 SELL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO OAK PARK BLVD. Administrator Butch ~eviewed the bae,kground on the previously submitted re~ommendation o€ the Planning Commission to sell real property lying ad~~cexa~ and wes~:erl~ of 0ak Park Boulevard? between E1 Camino Real and 4~~ _ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY II, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 Atlantic City Avenue. Upon being assured by City Clerk Kingsley that all requirements as provided by law had been complied with, Mayor Levine declared the hearing open and all persons would now be heard. Bob Goulart, 801 Opa1 Circle ancl Mrs. Herbert Kiger, 775 No. 0ak Park Boulevard, raised questions as to who could bid on the property, which point was clarified by City Attorney Shipsep. There being no further discussion, Ma.yor Levine declared the hear~ng closed. After Council discussion, City Attorneq Shipsey read the title of a resolution relating to the sale by public auction of real property lying adjacent and westerly of 0ak Park Boulevardy between E1 Camino Real and Atlantic City Avenue; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried to dispense with reading the balance of this resol.ution. RESQLUTION N0. 965 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -0F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARING (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 37420 et seq) On motion of Councilwoman T'hompson, seconded by Councilman Wood, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councii Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Ma.yor Levine . NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this llth day of January, 1972. Mayor Levine then announced that bids would be accepted at this time, whereupon Nina J, Kiger, 775 N. Oak Park Boulevard, Grover City, submitted her bid in t~ie amount of $500.00 to City Clerk Kingsley. There being no furthar bids, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unani.mously carriecl, the bidding was closed. After Council diseussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, Nina J. Kiger`s bid fn the total amount of $500„00 for the purchase of real property lying adjacent and westerly of Oak Park Boulevard, between E1 Camino Real and Atlantic City Avenue, was accepted. After further Council discussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the Mayor and City ~ Clerk were authorized to sign and issue a deed for the above described property, on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande to Nina J. Kiger. DOECKEL APPEAL RE: I,OT SPLIT CASE NO 71-147. FAIR OAKS AVE - APPRVD BY PLAN. COMM,, Bernice Doeckel, 450 Woodland Drive, presented a petition signed by residents in the ixranediate area of the requested lot split, appealing the Planning Commission's approval of a lot split for three lots on Fair Oaks Avenue, between Woodland Drive and Todd Lane. Administrator Butch reviewed the prior actions of the Planning Commission and Lot Split Committee. 1~Ia.qor Levine asked for comments from residents present who lived in the immediate area of the proposed lot split to aid the Council in making a decision. Bruce Adams, 451 Woodland Drive outlined a munber of specific objections to the lot split as compilefl by the objecting petitioners. Mrs, Carmen Baca, 851 Todd Lane, raised questions regarding easements across the~property. Dan 0'Donnell, representing Mr. & Mrs. Beti~a, the applicants for the . lot split, reported verbally and visually by diagram of possible development plans of the thre~ lots and also indicated the main purpose of the lot split was an effort to dispose of the property more readily and not an effor~ to antagoni.ze surrounding residents. 4~0 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 11, 1972 AR.ROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 A1 Holmes, 441 Woodland Drive, commented on the location of the proposed home sites if built on the present terrain of the lots> After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the Council's decision on Lot Split Case No. 71-147 was held over for thirty days until the regular Council meeting of February 8, to provide the applicants and objecting petitioners additional time to discv.ss possible plans for the property and come to an amicable agreement. INFO. FROM SAN LUIS OBISPO CD. RE: CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Administrator Butch reported the receipt of information from the San Luis Obispo County°Planning Department in the recent appointment of a Conservation Advisory Committee that is charged with the formulation of policy for the Conservation ~lement of the General Plan to be completed in June of 1972. T'he committee will keep the City informed and Council Members are invited to attend any of the meetings. REPORT ON STORM OF DECEMBER 26 & 27. 1971 Administrator Butch reviewed a report from Director of Public Works Anderson on the recent storm of December 26 and 27, 1971. Also reviewed was a memorandum from R. W. Patterson regarding damage to his business and suggestions for alleviating such in the future, Administrator Butch advised that the Police Department has been provided with ~he home phone and address of Mr. Patterson so he c:an be contacted in the event of another unanticipated storm. 'I'he report and memorandum were reviewed by the Council and ordered filed. CITY PARTIC. IN STREET GRADE CHANGES MADE ON STREET PROJECTS BY CITY Gity Attorney Shipsey requested and the Council agreed that this item be held over to the next regular meeting as he is still in the process of determining applicable code sections on this matter. LETTER OF REQUEST FROM C.E, BOSWELL-REFUND PRTN. BLDG. PERMIT FOR CARPDRT-~APPRVD. Administra~ar Butch reviewed a request received from Clifford E. Boswell, 1177 Ash Street, for a partial refund of his Building Permit No. 4404, which he obtained to build a carport and remodel his garage, when said garage use was nullified due to-the grade change of Ash Street in the Fair Oaks Tract. After Council discussion, on mo~ion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoma.n Thompson and unanimously carriecr., approval of a$25.00`refund to Mr. Boswell was effected of his original $47.50 permit cost. REPORT AND AUTHORIZ. OF TENIP HIRING OF STEP PROGRAM PERSONNEL Administrator Butch reported that the STEP training program, under which ~emporary personnel was hired for the City by the State Department of Huma.n Resources, was to expire December 31, 1971, but has been extended to the end of January, 1972. Because of vacancies in various City depart- ments, Administrator Butch requested the retaining and hiring of four of these employees as temporary personnel at $2.Q0 an hour'until June 30, 1972. After Council diseussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried', Administrator Butch was author- ized to retain four ernployees, who are presently working under the STEP Program, after the program's expiration to work at $2.00 an hour as temporary employees until June 30, 1972, and. whose salaries will come from budgeted positions which are presently vacant. RECEIPT OF ESTIMATE OF MAINT. & OPERATION COST FOR LOPEZ WATER - 1972-1973 Administrator Buteh revieiaed estimated maintenance and operation costs for Lopez water as submitted by the County Engineering Department`s accounting officer, Leland N. Kirby. L~fter Council review and discussion, it was noted that there is an increase in this year's operational costs and Counci.lman Sch].ege1 was directed to request an explanation for the estimated increase. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Ma:yor Levine and Administrator Butch reviewed the special study session on the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District which was held January 10, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. At this special session the County Engineer's Office was directed to review and get cost figures on the deletion of certain property from the sewer district as requested by property owner Al Brown at that meeting. PROGRESS REPORT - S0. SAN LUIS OBISPO C0. SANTTA.TION DISTRICT Gopies of the Chief Plant Operator's Report for the month of becember, 1~7~.~, and a quar~erl~r report on revenue and expenditu.xes fox the South San CITX COUNCIL JANUARY 11, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 Luis Obispo County Sariitation D~strict were reviewed by the Council and ordered filed. STATUS REPORT - REVOCATION OF USE PERMIT CASE N0. 67-104, PHILADELPHIA TIRE C0. Adminis~rator Butch reported that on January 22, 1972, the sixty (60) days granted to the Philadelphia Tire Company to disban operations at 111 Alder Street will expire. Administrator Butch reported that from all indications the business appears to be closing. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CITIZENS' INTENT TO RUN FOR OFFICE AT UPCOMING MUNI. ELECT Councilman Wood introduced Ma.rk M. Millis who will be seeking the office of Cauncil Member at the Municipal Election on April 11, 1972, Bob Goulart introduced himself also stating his intenti.on to seek a seat as Council ~ Member`at the upcoming election. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unani.mously carriedi the meeting adjourned at 10:31 P,M. , ~ i ATTES : ~ ~ CITY CL MAYOR