Minutes 1972-02-29 _ _ _ . _ ~ CXTY COUNCIL FE~RtTARY 29, I972 ARR~Y'0 GRANDE , CALIFf7RNIA 7: 30 I' . M. The Citq~ Couneil met in adjourned regular session w~ith Mayor Levine presiding. Upon ro1l ca11, Council Members Schlegel, 'Thornpson and Wood reported pr~sent. Caunc~tlman Ta11ey' is absent. ST'LTDY S~SSION - PR~POSED REROUTING -0F STATE HIGHWAY 227 R~presentatives of the State of California Division of Highways were present, incl~ding Mr. Marty I~~.cl~br.2sen;, who reviewed the proposed rerouting of State Highwaq 227 thro~.tgh Array~o Grande. The Council h~~~d cemar~ents from manp owners of property adjoining the proposed routi~. Th~ m~tin area of concern appeared to be tlze interehange at - Traffic Way and the proposed Frontage Road. 'I.'he City Council requested the D~.v3.sion of Highw'a~s to r~view the camments and make the necessary adjustments in tihe rauting and schedt~l~; an additional informal meeting ~o consider these, ct~~nges . ~ ~ ~ ~ ADJOURNMEN T 4n ~notion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimnusly carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M. , ~ , _ , , ~ : _ / ~S.:~Yru_s-a ~~f ~~-~a~ AT~.'EST• . . ,`--,~v.~..-~- . • DEPU~ 9CITY CLERK YOR