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Minutes 1972-03-14
~ P--. s£ CITY COUNCIT~ M~RC~ ~,~9 1~~1~ ARROYO ~RAIVDE , CP,I~rF~~T~. T'h.~ Cit~ ~c~a~~.~iT ni~~ in ~~;~:l~.r ~~:~~iori ~~~1~ 1~~~~ i~~~~n~ ~~~;~~~~ng. Upon roll c~ll, ~~a~nc~.T M~~b~r~ S~i,~~gc~19 T~i~~~K~~9 47~~d ~~p~a~~c~~ pr~sento PLEDGE OF A.L~EGTA~I~~ AND IN~7~C.~ZI~~~ ~ ~ 1~g~~r~L~~vin~ 1e~.d P~.~d~~ ~f ~l~~gi~n~~ F~.~~~ i~~c~i~~~~~ th.er~~ft~~a Co~;nciYa~.~n S~~.g~g;~l d~1~~a~Y~~ t~,~~ ~,n~a~~~.ti~~n, APPRO~IAL OF MI1VtdT~S "T1~~ ~in~t~~ of ~1~~ r~~la~ ~~~ting ~f F~b~~.~~~~ 22, ~9~2 and t~i~ ~,dj~~.rn~d ~~~al.ar a~~~~ting F~b~~~,~ 29, 1gd~, ~.~~~~v~d p~~;~~.~~c~. APPRO~IAL OF W~.RRf1IV`TS On m~tion of C~~n~ilanan S~~1e~~~~9 ~~~c~n~~~ b~ ~~~n~i1~r~~.n T~a~~psc~n9 and.~~n~.nimo~.sly~ ~a~ri~d, G~n~r~l W~.~~~,n~~ ~e~a &9~ ~~~r~~~~ ~o, ~'~3p fn tot~.l: ~.~n~~n~ nf $I29,1.~~,3~. ~n~ P~.y~~i~. W~;~r~ra~~ ~T~. YO.~~ ~~~c~~agt~ ~V~o ~.~.~7/ , in th~ ~t~~~,l ~xnes~nt of $3090~~00~9 ~.p~~~av~.c~ ~.nd ~~der~d g~.icfl, REPORfi BY HClGf~ P~PE ~ R~P 'I`~ ~~T'~ ~~MMI:`I'~EE ~~7 ~~ACI~S & PA1tKS M~. Hv~gh~ P~p~, ~~a~ Ci~y°~ r~p~~~~n~~~~~~ ~ t~ ~t~.t~ Ccnx~r~~.t~e e~n B~~.~l~~~ ane~ w~~ p~~s~nt. br~.~f1~ ~~~i~~~d1 t~.~ pa~~ag~ ~~f 1~v,~ ~~q~.irin~ sanit~.x~~ ~ f~~z~i~~~~ b~i~.g ~ p1~~~c~ ~n st~.t~ b~~.~~.~~ ~n~ p~~.~~ ~ c~is- ~~.ssion ~h.~ C~~.nei~. r~~~.~~.~n~ t~sis ~,x~~. ~~~.~,ta.ng an~.~t~:~~~ o Mr, P~~~ ~,~.~~,s~~ that d~cisi~n l~~s b~~n maeY~ b~ en~r~nc~ t~ th~ b~~.~h~~ 9 incl1~.ding o~r~rnigh.t ~~ynp~.n~, l~~ ~~:~.~~~d l~~~ir~nx~ng M~~n~~°ial D~.~r ~f tl~~~ in th~ ~.r~~ ~~~~h ~f ~1~~ A~r~y~ G~~,n~.~ C~~;~k ~~c~ E'1~~~m Fr~:~ ~~.11, reFn~,in ontca ~1~~ b~~e~ ~r~~ ~~xtgg ~a~ ~~.~~A~ra~~ ~r~.nde G~~~k P~L~~~ ~~~~~.o 'I`1~.~ ~l~~.rg~:~ ~ril.~. ~ontirn~~ in ~~a~~ ~n~nn.e~ ~~nt~.~. ~O~~ob~~ w~.ic~ G~.~~: ~;l~e~ s~~.t~ ~,nt3.~ipa~t~;~ s~f~a.ci~~n~ f^~:nci~ ,~;r~,ii~.b~.~ ~o ~~n~ro~ ~~cfl ~~~,~g~ ~3~~ ar~~. fx°om Oso Fl~co~ to Pis~~ ~~~~,c~ ~n a~an~~a~s~r~~~ b~.sis. Ad.~ini~~~~te~~° ~~ute'~ ~e~~~~~~ t~.~,~ ~~~~~,~g ~w~.~ ~a~1d ~an S~.tx~~°d~~9 M~,~e~ 11~ 19/2, ~al~rel~ ISire~~~~ Wi~llza~n 1'~nn M~~~~ Jrm' c~f ~h~~ St~~~ D~~~.~~n~~~~ ~f P~rks ~ndl lt~cr~ati~~. m~~ ~it~i 1~~.~.i c~ti.~€~ns dis~:~.~s ~af~t~ f~~ tl~~ Me~a~x°fa~. D~g~ ~~~l~~nd ~nd nonmag~~.c~~ d~s~~~sf~n d~~r~l~p~~. r~g~~d.ing be~,cl~ a~s~ facilrti~~. Tfl~.~ Ci~t~ r~~~ n~t r~p~~s~nt~d1 ~~~tfng9 b~.t S~.p~rwi~~r M~.nk.ins 1~~.d ~.tt~nd~d and vc~fe~~. c~.~,s~pp~pv~T ~f d~~ eY~a~~~~ . NT~. Pc~p~ f~ar~l~~r r~pox t~~ t~~ G i~ ap~ae~ar~ q~ait~ d~fini~:~ tha~t ~ p~~fa~t malcing ~~g~.ni~ati~n wii~ b~ ~.~ndling ~~i~~ b~~.~~a ^,~s~ ch~,rg~~ ~nd m~int~n~.n~~ of f~.ci.~.~gfe~ ~.nd s~.~g~~t~d t~~ Gi~~ C~°~n~iT ~.dc~p~ a r~~oi~t~~n ~~f~e~ting its ~pinions w~.ic~g s~.a~ld b~ sr:~n~t ~c~ ~G~.t~ S~n~.t~ra E`,s~~mb~.;r~~~n d~r~ Sta~t~ C~nit~~~ on ~i~acl~~~ ~,nd P~.rk~ , .4f~~r C~~n.cil di.~~~~~i~n, Ci~y L~~`~~n~~r S~ip~~~ w~.~ ins~gru~c~~~ t~ dx~~ a~p a r~~rsl~~ion r~;q~n~:~~~.ng ~t~~.t d~y~ ~:~c~ c~f b~~.ch~~ no~ b~ c~arg~~. ~nd ~~a~~. re~olsation wil~. ~b~ pr~~~;~~~:d t~ t~.~ Cc~r~r~~;il ~pp~c~~ra1 ~.t th~i~ x~~~t r~g~la~' aneeting;. PR9CLAMATI~I~I °,~NAI'IO~~ PARK M~1~"I~" m MARC?~ 19~~ M~,y~a~ L~~rin~ ~~~.d ~ p~°c~c1~~~.~t3~n ~x~~. pr~cZ~im~d. m~n~~. ~f M~.r~~, 1972, ~.s "N~t~.cana~ P~rl~ Mon~h" in ~1~~ Gi~~ ~rf Arro~c~ G~~.nd~,. ~~q~.~st~~. by t~i~ I~agiona~ D~p~.rtt~nent af In~~ra~~~°< PRCICLAMA~ION -"GIRI, SCd~~ITS WEEK" ~ M~CH 1'~° 18 19°~2 M~.~~~ ~~~ain~ r~~d ~~,~ecl~,~~t3_~an ~nd grael~.im~d N1,~rc~n 12 thro~g~~ M~.rch 1~, ~972, "GirZ Sc~~~:s W~~k" in t~c~ City c~f Arrn;~a G~~ncl~ 9~.s req~~st~cfl by th~ na~ie~n~.l ane~ io~~.l ~~~pi~~~~ eaf Gi~1. S~~~at~ ~f ~ii~:~~,c.~ a RECETPT OF PR~~7~G'~ED ~P~~?,TI~1~~~, COS TS F~R ° d~.° g 33 m W~~JDS Ax'~2ME~3~ S?i~~`~~R A~.aninist~~.~ca~ ~~~~.~~c~c~ tl~~ 1c.1~t~z f~~s~ Mxs o~~~~1~. E~o L~~ e~~ t1~~ W~~~.s Ar~i~..~.1 51~~1t~~ ~~a~~.~~ px°~~~~~c~~. t~a~.g ~~1ta~ir c~p~.~~.tic~n~l ~o~g~ f~r ~ th~ cogni.ng f~.scal ~~~r ~ac~~a~d nc~t b~ in~~~~a~d. ~nlt~s~ ~1~~~ ~a~~,'~.ng ~ra~.~~ e~~~.blis~.~c~ by t~~ ~'r~rz~ 8~~.~~ is ~,nc:r~~~~~~, In r~f~r~nc~ ~to fc~~lz~ymw~,~ eont~,~~ c~f ~~n~.i~~n~~d cflog ~nc~~~~ ~~1~~n~~m tr~.~or ~~tcl~ ~dvis~d t~a~.t GJ~~~~ AnixnaY S~~~l~~x~ ~iT1~ ~~.1~ c~n t~.~~~ ~~~r~.~~.g~ ~.s tixr.~ p~rmi~~ ~r4~~~z t~.~~ ~~~:~E~:~v~ a~r 1~~ting c~f del~.nq9~.~nci~sm CITY COtJ1QCII~ N~1~CH 14, 19~2 ARR~Y(~ GRA~D~, CA~~FQ~TT~, PAG~ 2 N~TICE FI~~I~f PG d~ E~: F~EI~ CdJS"T ~,DJI~S`TM~~'~ I~C~~~S7~ ~.~.C_~ Adm~ni~$ k~atcar ~~atc~ ~~po~t~d t~~.~ not~.e~ 1~~s b~;~n °r~e~i~r~~ f~~ P~~ific G~.s ~,nd ~l~et~ic tha~~ tT~~~g~ ~a~.w~ f~~.~r~ ~~~~~s~~t ~a~~~ tl~~ FoL~.Ca t~ adop~ a fu~l co~t ~d,~a~~t-an~nt f~~° ~x~~1~~3.~n in ~t~ ~l~c~~ic ~~~3,~f, ~1~~ ob~ectiv~ b~ing t~ ~~t~.~~1~~h. ~~ir ~n~. c>~f~t~i~nt a~~th~d to a~n~r~a~~ ~sr decr~a4~ el~ctrie r~.t~~, bas~d ~ap~n ~~x~ c~~.ng~~ a.n p~3.ccti~ ~f f~a~1 ~ns~d in ~he ch.~ann~liz~.tion of ~l~ct~3c pca~a~s~. TREASURER' S REPORfi FUR fi~ MOIt}T~f ~F' FEBRY~TARS(. 15~~ `I'T~c T"xe~.~a~~~~a~ R~port for ~~n~~ ~f F~b~~ry~, I9~2, ~aa~ by th~ C~aancflA r~~ri~r,~~d aneY ox°d;c~~~~ f~l~~., D~PARTMEN7AL MON°~HLY REPORT FOR FEBR~A1tYA 19~~ The D~pa~t~nent~l R~port f~~ tY~~ ari~~.~h ~f F~br~a~.r~ ~ 19~2, w~~ ~~cei~ed by th.~ C~cancil, r~:vi~w~d ~.nd oreP~~~~ fil~c~. PUBLIC HEARIi~~ - FORMAT'1(~~Y l~F UNDERGR~t~D t~~T"ILI~°Y DISTRICT Aa~ministrator B~~~~ r~~i~roa~d t~.~: b~.ckgr~^~nd9 f~n~.ing ~n~. pr~liar?in~.r~ map ~f t~,~ Und~rgro~tnd t~ti~.it;~ D~.s~ric~, B~~.n~h Str~~.t No, 19 wh~.ch district encoanpass~s th~t ar~a froan tl~~: fr~~:za~y to ~I~vad~. d~.d Briclg~ Str~:ets on Br~n~h St~°e~t. Upon b~ing ass~nr~:d by C~.ty C1e~r~. Kings~.~y th.at ~lY r~q~~r~~~nts p~avided by la~a, r~garding ncatific~.tis~n c~f ~~~~.r~.x~g, haa~ b~~n cca~npli~c~. ~rit~, M~~or L~vine d~clar~d tl~~ ti~aring n~~n and ~,11 ~,~~;~on~ ~c~~l~ n.~~ b~ h.~~.rc~o Mx~. P~t~r D~.rn~c~n uf P<G. & E. ~.ncflie~.t~d t~^~at t~h~ ~r~lianina~°~ a~p a~ pr~p~~ecY by tl~~ Ci~g~ inclaad~:z1 p~artivn cf prvp~rty ozi t1~c: n~a~~l~ side of ~he free~a~ ~.b~.tting fr~:~~va~.~ ~.nc~ W~St B:ran~~a Stree:t on r~Yaich P.G. & E. ha~ paw~r Iines on priv~~~ prc~perty ~.na1 sY~oa~lcfi th~;r~far~ b~ ~.~l~t~d, as th.at po~°tion wa~~ not incl~ad~d in ~~s~ orfgin~.~. ~and.ergrc~tnnding pl~.n ~f P.G. & E. Th~r~ being na f~s~~h~r di~~via~ic~n9 M~yre~r L~~ain~ as:cl~.r~d t1~~ h~~.ring clos~ci. Aft~:r Gu~nciY. di~c~tssian, Attorn~;~ ~~n~.ps~~^ ~~.s in~tx~.aet~d t~ dr~.w up an ordin~.nc~ a~opting t~ne ~'nd~~graunnr~ L~ti~.~Ltg~ District, Br~ncM S~r~ct N~. 1, which wi11 in~land~ d~:~.dlin~ c~~,t~~ fo~ pr~w~r po~.~s and line~ r~mov~.~. and to r~flect th~ d~scri.ption and m~p c~i~,ng~:s a~ req~n~st~:d by P.G. & E.9 to be pr~s~nt~d to the Co~*ncil ~.t its nex~ a~gasl~x an~~~ting. REVIEW OF LEGISLAT°IVE BL~I~LETIl~S FROM T'HN. Z~AGT,TE OF CALIF~RNIA CITIFS Adaninis~ratar B~ntch r~vi~~r~d tl~~ 1~gisl~tiv~ b~a~.l~.ti.n~ ~°~~~iv~d f~°o~? the Leagu~ of Califar~ni~ Ci.ti~~, pc~int3.ng ~~nt ~ n~xnnb~r ~f isstnes th~t th~ City shc~~nld k~ep ab~~~~t o£. REQUEST FROM T~.D TO LEAS~ CITY ~D FQR ~FFICE BUILDTI~G Adaninistrato~ $~atcl~ r~v~.~~~c~ ~a~q~z~~~ frc~ th~ lac~l of£ic~~ of th~ D~p~rt-~n~nt of I~~a R~~~~xrc~~ D~~~~,~~~~~c~t ~CQ le~~~ C3t~ l~nd fo~ ~h~ ~nnstrrsc- tion af ~n 1876 ~q~sar~ fc~o~ ~ffi~~ b~n~~~3ing. T~s~ 1~~~~ wpuld p~~fer~.bl.y b~ for 5 yre~r~, a~t wh~~h ti~a~ th~ b~nilding w~l.d r~~~rt t~ th~ Citg~ no cost, Council d~~~~s~ican indic~t~~ t~x~; p~~pc~~~l b~ f~vo~~b1~ ~nd i~~t~c~t~d Adaninis~r~tar Baxtckn tc~ a~~r~~~: t1~~ 1,~~~Y HItD ~~ffic~r of f~~ling ~nd ~ontinu~ ~n th~ in~r~~ti~atic~n of ~~ap~c~gri~t~ b~n~.~.ding si~~. ~t~CEIFT OF M~1VUT~S QF P~RK. &~~S .~~R~~A1~EA ADVIS . BOARD N]EETII~T~ 'Th~ min~t~~ ~f th~ ~~r~Cin~ ~nd ~°~~in~~~ ~a~p~~~~~~n~ A~~~ Adv~~~~3~ Bo~xd m~~ting of F~br~~ry 15, 1972, ~r~~°~ ~~e~~.v~c~ by th~ C~~nc~l, r~~ri~w~d ~r~d order~d fil~d. RECEIP'T (~F MI~TL7`~ES QF CC~AS~A~ VAJ~T~~~' F'~A1~TlVI~G CO~~CYL MEE`TII~~ ~e ~nin~at~s o~ t~~ Cc~~~t~l V~1~~y~ ~l~n~i~a~ C~~r~c3~ ~~~ti~,~ Febrs~a~g~ 7, 1972~ w~~r~: ~~~e3.~~d by t~~ C~~~.~~.1, ~~~i~~~d ~nd ~~e~~~~e~ fi~~d, ORAL REPQRT - M~~T2~~ WI~~3 ~a~. HT~I~ SC~~(~~L S'~~D~~`~S - MA~OR I~V~~Y~ l~g~pr I~evin~ ~~p~~t~~ c~n k~i~ ~~~~nt vl~~~t Lc~ ~h~ ~.~r~~~ ~igh Scho~1 at ~v~ni~k~ Y~e ~pc~k~ t~ ~h~ ~~a~d~n~~ ~l~a~~ C~~g~ ~~v~r~a~z~~ ~nd ~~r~ing th~ir invc~l~r~~~nt. indf,c~.t~d t~~~ ~~c~n k~,~a d~.~e~~~~.c~n9 kh~~~ ~~j~r ~.~s~ue~ of st~ac~~nt con~~rn w~~~ b~°Q~~k~~ ~ag9 b~~n~: ~~~;~~~~,t~c~n~1 px~o~r~~ for th~3r ~g~ ~ro~p ~nd ~}~~i~r p~~~f,c~p~tic~n pl~.nn~ng ~f t'~~ ~ctivit3~~ . M~yor T~~~in~ r~pGxt~d tka~t d~scu~~~i~n ~nnd~~amg~ fi~~ tY~~ ~a~n~~i~n ~f ~ stud~n~ e~~itt~~ t~ wQ~k ~a~.~k~ ~1~~ ~.~~~~~t;~.~~ Di~~~tor f~~ ~1~~ pl~nnin~ ~f • y~axth ~ctiv~ti~~. 2~ A, F~iey~l~ ~~~ne~ S~r~~t ~rk~~~~: cur~~~s ~xcsauncfl the Cr~sn ~Yill Ca~qa~~. ~d~in~~t~~t~+~ B~nt~~ ~w~~~ ir~~fir~~~~c~ ~e~nt~.ct th~ Divi.s~c~r~ ~f I~ig~i~a~y~ ~n~~~~~~~,~~ tta~ ~p~~i,`b~1~.G3~ ~~cg~~~~ p~th b~i~g cans~ras~t~d by ~~~sn, ~~ig i.~ ~ S~k~t~~ h~.~~i~~~. '1"~~ d~~~~~ t~ ka~~r~ ~n cz~ co~~cz~ r~~c~ ~9~~ ARIt0Y0 GRA;'~IDE , ~A~YF~R~TI.a~, ~A~~ 3 ~~~p~n" ca~p~~ t?~~~,~ 1~.~~?~~~~~a ~~~c;~ ~r~~,~~. a~~~c~~ ta~ ~~a~ ~~.L~p~~ a~~~ e~~u~~ng t~~t ~~~~e C~~n~~i c~~s~~~~~~e~ ~~e ~~~P~~~~~ ~~~p~~s r~eg~~~t ~~n~ ~~c£~~ ~at~.~ t~~~ is s~~~u~~ p~~~~~ ~~c~~~~n ~~.~~~c~ b~ l~f~ ~p td ~~k~~~~T.. Adaninist~~t~~ 8~.~~~ r,a~~ c~~,~L~~.~c~ ~~nt~~t ~r~~~ ~~~~~~i ~v~i~~~ng ~~i~~a t~~ Go~n~il°~ d~~i~~,on ~n t~~~ ~~~~n~e N~TICE 0~ BE~SIC FIRE FT~~i'~~I3G ACAD~•~IY r~T I~Ar~C~~l~ ~OLI~~~GE Ad~n~,n~~t~a~~~ ~~x~cYx i~f~~~~e~ Ce~~~a~i~ dg ~~t~.bli~l~~~~ ~f ba~i~ fi~~ f~gh~ix~~ ~e~c~~~~ at All~.~ ~n~~~c;~ C~a1~~g~ fc~~ bot~ ~~I~~i~r~ fi~~ p~~~onn~l an~ vc~~~.n~~~~ rm~n, ~~L~ ~n~oll~~n~ f~r t'a~~ p~c~~~~~n ~.s pr~~~n~l~ fi11~~9 b~t ~t i~ antic~p~~~~ ~h~~ Ci~~es f~r~ p~~~onnc~l ~,r~.~.~. pa~t~ca~~~~~ in f~~~sr~ ~la~~~~. SET Pl~B. FiEAIte m REZO~tE C~SE d2m~~ ~3AI~. PARK ~ C~I~I~~T~~I(~EfiER~~ m 3/~~3//~~ Adaninis~rat~~ ~~nt~~ ~~wi~:~~d P1an~~n~ C~ti~~fon°~ ~~coxmn~n~.~t~,~n to ~°~z~n~ a p~r~ic~n ~f p~~~~rt~ ~~c~~~d b~~~~~n ~~.~C P~~°~ ~~~~~v~~c~ ~nd C~~~,lt~n Str~~~9 ~~~n FS t~ an~ ~a~~~~~ ~h~~: ~~i~ ~s~.~~~~ ~~5 b~~~;n ~~:t f~r p~~1a.e l~e~,~ing l~g~ t~.~ C~t~ C1~~k ~n M~~~h ~ 2~9 19G~ ~ PeM, SET" P~TBe I~AR, ~ R~~~~T~ CASE ~VO '~em~~ S ~~,~I S'T ~SSAR~~ m 3/~.8/~2 AcY~nini~tr~.~~~ ~~n~~~a ~~~~,~~ec~. t~~ P~.~.nn~~ng ~C~~~~i~nas ~~~~~~.~~,ti~n to r~z~n~ I~~~~ 5~~~~~~~ 9, ~1~~~ 8~f tkary F~~r 0~,~~ ~~~c~9 lac~~~~. r~n S~axth Elm St~~~t fx°o~ Rl ~v R~, ~c~~i~~~. ~~z~~ tt~~ ~~g~~~ ~i~~ ~~t th~ Citgr Cle~~C fo~ p~bl~~ ~~~.~in~ ~n M~~~~a 2~~ 1~~~ ~t $ P,I~. PItOG~SS 1t~EPORT m D~~~~~, AZ'~EA~ R~ o L~~~" SFI~IT CAS~ ~lm FA~R ~AKS A~1~ Ad~inis~~a~~ar 8~~~~i ~r~~~~~~~ ~1~~ b~~kg~~u~n~ ~f ~h~~ m~.~t~r h~ld ~n ~be~~nc~ s~.n~~ J~~x~~~.~~~ ~nci,~e~~ng 1~tt~r ~~~m Mrsa Dc~~~k.~1 ~.~S~~~I~n~ t~~ ~ l~t ~p~iC9 ~ne~ t~.~ ~~ri¢~~~ ~~~~n~~c~n~ ~~~~n ir~ a~~dl~~ tz~ g~v~ p~o~~an~n;ts and app~llan~~ t~,**~~ t~ ~i~~°~i~~s c~a~~. ~n ~~i~~bl~ ~~r~:~LrnE;nt an dis~~si- tion o~ t~:~ pr~p~°~~~, Mr. D~n OaD~n~~~~, ~~~~~~~n~ing ~pp1i~~.n~~ M~. ~ M~s. ~~ti~a9 ~r~.~ p~~:,~n~ ~,r~c~ ~nd~.~~.~~d ~~~,~~i~in ~~.d be~n a~~~,v~~, ~t ~w~i~~°~bg~ tl~~ prap~~~~ q~~~~~e~n ~a~ ~pli~ i~~c~ f~a~r parc~l~ 9 th~ ~ f~~~tk~ p~.r~~l b~~ng ~~~s~n~n~ p~~~i~n ~f ~n~ c~t t~.e rri~;i~.~1 ~~~~~e, tial~~~l~ ti~~ D~e~lc~ls ~ ~i~Fa ~t~ ~~r~~~s~ ~.s ~ ~~n ~x~~n~~o~n ~f tk~~a.~ p~~~~ng p~e~p~~~g~ ad join~.ng ~h.~ log spli~; and th~ ~~a~~ini,ng t~~~~c~ p~.~~~~~ bcing ~.~spo~~d of for d~v~l~pzri~nt ~.s orig~n~.ll~ pl~.nn~d. 'I~ie Cc~~.n~~l ~~s~~~~~cY n~e~ prapos~.l and r~f~~~~d it ~o th~ Pl~n~~ng C~n~,s~fon ~o~° fin~.l ac~i~n. REQUES'T ~ ABt11VD0~ R~SE STR~~~' - G PE~ERS ~d~inz.s~r~.t~~ B~.~~i~ ~~v~~~a~~ ~~~ca~an~n~~.~i~n fr~Yn th~ Pl~,n~ing G~3mn~s~~.on t~ ~.b~n~.~n R~s~ S~x~~~~ r~~~c~ ~dj~~~n~ ~o Fx~ant~.g~ R~ad n~ar Oalc Park Be~~I~v~.rc~, ~°;~q~a~~t~cY b~ Gl~nn E. P~t~~~. Adzninis~~~~or B~~cta ~~.gg~~t~d ~~a~t l~g~.l d~~cr~p~ie~n~ b~ Qbt~~n~c~. ~k~~r~~ is a'q~.~~tion ~f - ingr~~~ to a pa~c~1 of l~.nd9 ~,n~. Att~arn~;~ ~Sk~~p~~~ inst~~uct~cY tc~ i~.v~~t~.gate the 1~g~~ r~a~~fi~a~ian~ ff th~ ~tr~~t i~ ~o be ~bandon~d ~nd ing~~~~ i~ ~ factc~r. Mr, P~t~rs p~~~~n~ ~nc~ ~~n~n~~c~ ~n ~~t~~.ti~n. A~t~r Coann~~~ di~caxs~a~o~n, M~o P~~~~~ ~~r~.~ ~~q~s~~~:~e~ s~banit g~~ n~c~~~~.~~ x~~p ~.nd. l~g~l ~ d~s~ript3.or~s ~.nc~ if ~h.~~~n~.tt~r is c~~x~~.fi~~. b~ ~h~~n~~t r~g~T~.r C~~rc~il m~~ting, th~n a ~a~rb~~,~ he~.x~.n~ be CL~ItB*~UT°°I'ER ~/~R SIDEWA~K I~TS~'A~~ B~' IMl'R~W ACT'0F 191~. ~ GRA~VD & HALCY~N Ad.m~,nist~~.tca~ B~tch x°evf~~a~~. ~~~por~ f~eara D~.r~c~c~~ of P~xblic Wo~k~ An~.~r~~n~ ~egard~n~ t~E~ n~~d ~~rb5 g~xt~~~ and ~ieY~~aalk~ c~n t'~~ e~.~~ ~ide ~f H~.l~yaevn Road b~tw~~n ~~~.nd A~~n~:~ ~nd C~~nra~li 5~~~~t9 ~nd ~id.~:ua~lk~ ~n tk~e ~o~th sicY~ of Gr~.nei~ A~r~n~~ b~~tva~~n Ald~r ~5~~~~t ~nd Halcy~~n Ro~d.o A~ ano~~ t~~.n 5~`'10 ~f t~.~~~ i~p~o~rc~an~n~~ l~a~e p~~vi~~,sl~ been ~.nst~l~~e~9 ~~~~pt~.ng t~ner~~roan t~.~ i~~~~.lk~ ~n ~~.l~~on R~~c~ b~~~~n G~and ~~x~~ Cox~nur~.l l A~r ~n~~~ 9 ibnpx~ov€~~~n~ caf ~h~ ~~~~in~ng ~nni~p~c~v~d. co~~~. b~ ~.~c~*r~plis~a~~. b~ ~f th~ I~rup~~~~~:~nt Ack ~f 1~~.~, (~Y~~~~t fc~~~~; ~nd ~~~~3~~ r~q~;~~~~d gY~~ ~inst~Tl~tion of sf~.~~~,Il~~ on I3~.T.c~g~~xi~R.~~e~ b~~~~c~p~~,~~.~~. bg~ n~~,v T~~~~1~t~~n ~ wh~~°~bg~ th~ Cou~~cil ~~d~~ ~~a~h ~~~~o~~~:~~~n~:~ f~v~e ~~xla~~,c saf~~g~e Ci~g~ At~o~n~g~ Ship~~~ ~n~~r~~~k~d. ~c~ ~nv~~~g~,~~.~~ ~k~~ c~pe~~,ti~n~ ~f ~~i~ n~w 1~gi~lation. Administr~t~r B~t~1~ ~h~~n ~~~a~~~a~~ r~~o~,~nti~n ~~c~ ~~.~~~.~r~~ applic~l~g~ t~ th~ au~~ ~f ~9~.1 A~~S ~~~a~.~~n ~.is~~.~~~~ b~ Ce~~ax~~~3 ~.nd i~ w~~ ~~~~gr~st~d th~.t vi~~~ta~ c~f ~ P~la~i~ W~~~~ An~~~s~~ g~e~son~.~~~ f~.f~~~ ~ff~~~~~ prap~~tg~ awn~~s ~i~ t~a~ a~pli,~~,ti~~ ~l~e I911 A~~ ~n n~~~~~a~g~ imp~o~~~m~n~~ to ~~.~ir p~c~~~~°~~. Af~t~;~ ~ f~~t~e~ C~i.~~n~i~, d.i~c~~si,c~nq Ci~y ~.~~~x°n~~ S~.~p~~~ ~~~r~ ~h~ ~ g~~le ~ of a re.~ol~tic~n in~g~~~~,n~ t~h~ 5~~,.~~,r~.~~x~d~nt t~~ gc~ p~c~c~e~. ~a~.~1~ ~-la~ orcl~x°ing c~f said e~ns t~~~~3.dn9 ~~t~>~ a m~~~.~~. ~nad~ `b~ C~~n~.~,l~,~n _ _ ; czTY CoL~tcl~, MARCx Y,~~ 19~2 ARRQYO GRANDE , CAI~YFOl~I~~ ~P~~I~ Schle~~19 ~~~ond~~, by C~~r~c~~~e~~n '~~~rtp~~~ ~nd ~~~~~m~a~~~g~ ~~~~~~~9 t~ disp~ns~ r~~~.in~ ~Y~~ b~.T.~n~~ c~f ~~~~a~Y.~i~~~ne ~ESO~~ ~°I~~ ~~I~ a ~ 6 ~ ~ A It~~(~~~"'r~~~ ~F ~T~ C~~~' C~~~CI~ ~F ~T~ OF ~RR~~SC~ G~.~I3~ ~~5~~"~~~'~'T1V~ '~E ~tTPERI:~`T~~DEI~T ~7F S`~~~T'S TC~ ~RD~iZ C~~~T1t~~~'TC~~~ (~F ~~7R~~ ~ ~~T~~S ~ ~ DRIV~WA~ ~.~~~~SS c~~D ~ID~~A~,KS .~D IMPR~~TEl~~V'TS F~R ~Ld.L:e Llt'A3LLLl! 1'U1tlC~1'Sd~~~NV ~4Ji` Je~ J~&Y~~~L'S.d~~L°uL ~.e~dL\~uJ 9 ~T7~`~~I~ AD7D D~~V~~IA~ ~~RO~V'~ AIVD S~D~WA~I~ . ~n mca~i~~. ~f C~~ncilc~o~n~.~ `I~~rs~~on9 ~~~~~z~c~~.~, b~ C~a~n~~.~~~,r~ ~~.11~~ ~~~.ne~ on th~ fc~1~.~r~r~ng ~ol~ ~~.I~ ~c~~~~ ~a~~: AY~S: Co~n~a,~ M~~b~r~ Sc~1~~~~~ 'T`~~:~p~on~ Wr~~~.9 ~°~1T~g~ ~n~, M~,~~~ L~:;~~n~ NO~S a i`~I~n~ ABS~~"~ s L~tsn~: ~foregc~~~r~g ~~~ol~~~~~n ~ra~ p~.~~~~. ~~.~.d ~d1~p~~~ ~l~~s ~4~1~ c~~~ M~r~~, 1971~. nn ar~~s~~,~n of ~~~.ncil~~n. 5~~~~g~Y9 ~~c~n~~~ b~ C~~nc~.lra~anan ~.~~p~on ~.ncY ~an.an~,~n~~~~~ c,~~r~~~, ~ p~b1~~ ~,~~,~a~r~g r,~~~ s~~k~~~1~~ fd~ M~~~a~, Ap~~,~ 1~9 ~.9a2 8 0 00 P aMe ~~.n t~~.~ C~~~~~i~ C~~~!l~~~s ~f ~ Cit~ ~I~,1~ 9 fo~° t~~ p~r~~~~ af h~ar~,ng p~ea~~~~~ cc~n~~~~~~~~~ cf ~~~b~ 9 g~u~~~~~ 9~riv~s~~.g~ ~.p~on~ ~.nd ~ s~~.~wa~,ks on ~~~~~,~n p~~~~~~n~ c~~ G~~n~. A~~r~~.~~ ~.~e~. ~~~ic~~~ Rc~~d, REQ~ES'r `T~ REM~VE CIT'~' t~W~ED ~~?LwS~ A~' ~.Y~~ FAii~ d3AK~ z~~T~, Ada~~nistr~.ta~ ~~ntc~i, ~~;~r~~~~~. ~~~o~~n~.~~~~n ~~b~i~~~~ by Dir~~tor of ~ P~~1i~ Wo~~s ~,ncY~~~on ~^~g~~~~~in~ ~~~~s~~.~a~. ~e~ ~~~c~~~ ~ h~~ ~ ~a~n~~.~ b~ th.~ C~.~~ ~or~t~~~.~~ ~c~rn~r ~f ~~r~~~ ~neY ~~,i~ ~~lc~ Av~n~~~ in ~ ~tha~ ~ ~lm S~t~~~~ c~~l~. ~b~ ~~~,d~n~cY ~n~~~~~c~ira~n. Aft~r Co~n~i1 d~.s~~~s~ons ~n m~a~i~n of C~~n~il,an.~n T~,11~~9 s~cond~cY by C~~xnc~l~n~n S~hl~g~1 ~n~. ~n~.n~rn~~a~l~ ~~~ri~e~~ Dir~~~~~ of P~b1~.c Wo~k~ An~.~;~~on ~.n~ A~.zn~n~s~~~.tc~~ B~~~~ ~r~~°~ ~.~~~~~~i~~d ~n.~. i~.~t~~ac~~c~ obtain ~.n ~~PP~'aisal on th~ ~~~xn~~~n~~ng p~~~t~i~n ~f p~~~~~~~ n~~ b~ing ~~s~c~ f~r ~~Y~~ ~ sgr~~t , proJ~c~9 1oc~t~d ~t 1~.~3 F~.ir 0~,~~ A~~n~~ ~o th~ pr~per~g~ c~,n b~ ~oS.~. s~.~p1~.~ CiG~ a~an~d 1~nc~g ~nr~ t~.~~ ~,nf~~~,~ bi~~ be ~bt~in~c~ far de~~lit~,~n ~.nd/e~r ~~ur~~~~.5~ of ~t~.~ ~~~~~~a~~~~ lc~~~k~~ c~n ~~id p~op~r~~e ~ R~CET,P~° OF BTDS & ACn~ARD ~F ~Ca~T`T'RAC~ ~'~R ~.~AD M~. MA~ERIAI~S ~~,~in~.~t~~tea~ ~€~t~~ ~~.~~s~;d t~m~~ ~~Z~~~ bic~~ 1~~.~ b~~n ~°~c~iv~.~. for s~pplg~~ng ~.~p~~1~ p~~~~~ ~n~,~~~~,~L~ ~ncY. ag~~~~a~~ b~~e tre~~~~ia1 fca~ 19~i2, t~ b~ ~.~~d1 bg~ ~~.p ~~.ti~~ c~f ~1~~°a~c~ G~~n~~9 G~~~~r C~~~ ~ncY Pi~xno B~~~l~~ f~l~~r~r~ ~ P~R '~O1V ~ ~~t M~,~ C~~.~ M~~ ~ Gla~~ 2~~~~ M~.d,~nn~ C~n~t~A~n~tic~n C~. P. 0, B~x 9I0 ~~,~.0 S~a~.O $~+.00 San L~is Ob~.~po, Gao ~ S~ut~.~~n. P~~~,f~.c Mill~,n~ 3555 Vin~~~.r~. Av~xz~a~ .~,~9~ .~m~9~ 2a~~6 Oxn:~.zd., Ca, L?n~on Asph~~,l~~ In~, P, 0, Box 1280 ~e~~' So~'6 20~0 ~ ~ S ant~. Ma.ri~. ; C~„ A.f~~:~° Cos~n~i1 ~~~~~x~~i~~9 on ~~tic~n ~f C~~u~cilm~n ScY~~.~ge3,9 ~~c~n,c~~d by Ci~~nciZ~ac~~nan Z'l~~np~on ~ne?, ~~.~.nim~a~~1~ c~.~~~.~:€~, ce~n~~'~~~ ~~~p~~ing ~~ph~T,t p~ving ~~~~r~~.~.~ ~,ncY a~g~e~~,~e b~.~~~ ~~t~~i~.l f~~ t~,c of t~~ C~ti~s ~f A~rog~~ G~~,nd~ 9~~~~r~r Cit~ ~nc~ P~~~f~ ~~~,c~ ~.n T~~~ ~ r~r~s ~rr,~~.~c~.~d ZJn~~n A~p°h.alt, Tnc. ~ r~aha s~.b~i~G~~~~ t~e. 1~~~~t l~~de REQI~ES~ r0 ACCEPT EASEMEl~ DEEDS('T & G RC~BIS~N~ H~: B R~S"E & R ROB~SO~T)-~TELD OVER Adininistratc~r B~,t~?~ ~~q~~~~~d ~nc~ t~~e: Cc~~.n~~l ~p~~o~~d t~~~ re~o~n~n.ci~tio~ of t~~ I~~ sp7.it ~c~a~~t~.~ k~i~ ~ ~~~n~~l ~.~~~pt ~ ~~~.~~~s~~r~~ d~e~.s fr~ T~a~ Rc~bi~~n, It~~~j~~: ~~1~~,~~n ~.x~~. I~..~,~r~ ~a~s~ f~~° ~n ~~ja~~n~ 4 ' ~ " . . . . _ . _ . CITY GOtT~TCIL M~KC~I 1~9 19~~ ARROYO GRAIVDE , CALIF~TZ~T~4 PAGE S So. 'I'x~,ff~,c W~.~s b~ ~s~lc~ `j~~~~ ~~nt~,i i~~~~ ~~~~l~r an~:~~~n~, c~~.~ ~c~ Dir~c~o~ of Pa~bla.c G1~~~~ ~ne~~~~o~a~ ~.~~~n~~ ~~n~n~,~g ~b~~~.~~~ ~f il~n~~~, R.ESPONSE FROM CO1~1~1~"Y ~~Ttt1. r'~R~A I~T~,~~ E~~o P~1~CI~S~ ~J~' CI`T"Y~S WAT'ER A~.~ini~~rator B~t~~. ~~ac~ ~ l~~t~~ f~~~ We V. W~g~~n~:r~ A~st, Admini~t~~t~.v~ O~fic~~ ~f D~:p~s of t~e~~~nfs~~~~~,v~ M~,n~~~~~n~9 ~,n r~~p~n~~ tm ~1~e Counc~Tas ~,cti~~ on t;~s~ ~~q~~~t c~f C~a~nt~ S~r~~,~~ A~~~. ~I~. 1~ to pur~h~.s~ 50 acr~ f~c~t af ~r~.t~r f~~~n t~~ Cit;~9 ~&~s~~~~ ~t~~~c~ 5~~~,c~ A~~~ canno~ ~ffc~~~ ~h~ ~,r~~~~ t~.~ offF~~e~S ~~~.c~. PIZOGI~ESS REPOR~' ~ ARR~~~ G1~~TD~ SEW~R DIS'I'RICT Cca~tncilman W~~d r~~~~~~~~d f~~lings ~pp~~~,ng ~h~ d~l,~t~.c~~ f~~~ the original Arresy~ Gr~,n~~ S~r,~~~ A~~~~~sn~~n~ D~~~~ic~ af f~~m I~nc~ f~ana Gh~x~r~ A~r~nu~ lin~o Cc~~n~i1 d1i~~~~~~~ tT~~ ~~~,~o~~ for ~r~.x°fo~s am~~~.° ments to origin~,l ~l~ne ~ob~~°t G~~;;l~~~ ~nc~~~~a D~.v~.d al~c~ cc~~~nt~c~ on tl~~ ~~~~a~r p~oje~~o Co~an~il, ~.~~~;~d 3~0 2~h~t t~~ a~tics~ t~k~n its l~st ~n~~ting ~~~,~.in ~t,~~~~o PRflGR~SS REPnRT - 5~. S~~ COL~~Y ~A~~TATIt~I~ D~STR~CZ' C~pie~ of the~ CY~~.~:f ~1~,~~ ~p~~~.t~~'~ R~p~r~ f~r tl~~ mcan~~a Qf F~b~~.~r~s 1.9~~29 ~a~x~~ ~~~~iv~e~ b3~ ~~~~c~Y,, ~°~vi~~,r~c~ ~,r~d o~d~~~d ffl,~d, REQUEST 'FOR SGH~OI, BidS L~ADII~TG ~(7I~~ S~G~S C~?~ HC~~S1~t~. AT PEA,RW(~OD-12~S~WDOD Cc~~.neil~.n Tal,~~~ ~~p~~~~~~, ~on~~~n ~bc~~~ t~~ of ~Ya~ ~ ck~3,ld~~n ~~aa~,ti,ng ~ f~~ ~ ~~k~~~l b~,~ a.x~ t~.~ ~'~~,~ae~~d-~~~~~~od ~.~~a ar~ ~ H~.a~n~. Ro~.d, x~~q~~,~~t~ng ~1~~~ ~~Scl~~o~ B~~s ~O~.din~ Z~~~" ~igns b~ e~~~eg~~. to a.l~r~ ~~°~~f~c to dri~r~ c;~.~a~ic~~~.l~ro f~lt ~-h~,s s,ac~ld b~ a ~~~~er ~~o be ~~~o3~~~d by ~~ch.~ol s~~t~~n ~r~~ ~a~.~ r~f~~~~~. ~o ~t~~~a CITIZEI~BS INQi7~RY RE. COL~CILBS AC`~IOI~ ~o RE~(~~TI~~ CASE I~1Qe70-39 An inq~xir~a t~ ~ff~~~~,1 C~a~~ci1 ~.cfiion r,~~s m~.d~ b;~ Rob~~t G~~.l~.rt ~ov~r~.~.~ t~~ PT~nnin~ C~i~s~~n°~ re:~cr_:~a~n~~tic~n ~n t1~~. rezaning fr~~n R-AmB°~ ~v Rm3 caf tl~e 55 ac~~~ caf p~~p~r~t~ a,d~~.c~~t ~c~ ~la1T~g~ Ro~.d n~~~ Tr~cG 1$~ (V~.T1~~ G~x~.~n Hc~n~~~, Cit~ A~tc~rn~~ Sl~a.ps~e~% ~d.vis~cl th~,t ~.n his opinion ~~~c~ning ~~.nnct b~ ~~~t~i~~~.~. or condition~ei. G~~neil di~~t~ssi~n ~nd g~n~~~l f~~ling ca~.s t~ia.t ~ver~ asp~ct of that an~.t~er h~.cY b~~n ~h.nrc~~ghly~ disc~s~~~. ~,nd ~~~~~e~a~~. ~nd of£ici~.l acti~n tak~n ~ritho~~ p~~po~~l~ ~r l~na~~.n~1~ c~ana.~t~.~~ ~.n~~tl~~ng ~f i~npo~t, ADJ~iJR~N'T (~n an~ti~~ ~f C~~en~i~~n~.n Wo~d9 s~c~n~Pd b~ Coa~nc~.l~?~.n T~11~~ and ~nn~r~~.ano~xslg~ c~r~a~~d, th~ me~~~.n~ ~~~c~~n~d 1Om33 P.?~I. A'~~ES T~ IT°~ R y ~1AYOR ~