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Minutes 1972-03-28
1~ CITY CoUNCIL M~ItC~ Z~s ~~~2 AR1t0Y~ GRANDE, CPsLIrOR~IA Tl~~ Citg~ C~~n~~~ ,n~~ ~,n ~~~~Y~~ ~~~~i~n ~,~~~n~ p~~~~~~n~e ~Fp~n roll ~~Y1~ C~~n~i~ M~~b~~~ ~~h~~~~Y ~ 'I~,~a~~»~r~9~ Tr~r~~~ ~~c~ r~gor~~~ ~~~~~r~t. PLED~E OF A~.~E~IA~YC~ A~D I~~7~CA~T~~T Mag~~r L~~~,n~ 3~.~.c~ ~h~~ Pl~c~~~ `~~~~~~~.n~~ ~~r ~nd ~~~~~.~~~~ga tP~ereaf~~r~ R~v~r~~s~ ~c~~s~~~.r~~ (R~~~~°~~.~ ~z~ t~~ ~~~~~1 B~~rt~.~~ ~~u~~~~L of Arx°og~o ~r~nde~9 c~~l~,~~~~~ ~r~v~~~~i~na APPROVAI~ ~F MII~'T'ES ~~n~x~~~ of ~°e~~~~~~° m~~~a~ng ~f M~.~~fl~ Y~9 Y~~29 w~r~ ~ppr~~ed. ~s prep~red. APPROVAL OF WARRr'1l~TS On ~~ti~n C~~nc~~~~n ~c~al~g~l9 ~~~~nc~~~, b~ Coa~nci~~~~~~ T~~ynpso~9 ~.nd ttnanian~~s 1~ ~~rr~ec~ 9 ~en~~~.~. kT~~°~~.n~~ e ~~~~~xg~ ~1~. 80i 9 ~n ~otal atnov~nt of $32 ~ 8~~ 0 6~ ~ I~a~~a~~ W~~rant~ ~V~ e~~~8 ~l~ro~gk~ ~o. 3~~3 9 in 1 ~.mo~nt ~f $ ~3 9 ~03 . e ~n~ t ~nc~ ~g~~c~ W~~~~.n~~ o Y ~ ~ 6 ~~.~~r~g~ ~Io s 1~39 ~ in th~ to~~ i aYno~an~ of 0.~5 9~r~~~ ~pp~~~~~ ~~nc~ ~~c~~~~e3 p~.~~. REQt~ESTS FROM PltO~~R~~ ~W~~~Z~ ~"I~ I~~ ~~~ST'I~~~ S~WER ~,I~TE Ad~:~ni.~~~~~~,~ ~~g~a~~c~~, ~~i~ ~~~c~~.p~ z~~ ~~v~~~l r~qa~~~ts9 ~n~l~ding a pet~.t~~n f~o~? p~c~~~~~~ ~~a~~~~ c~n ~~c~n ~1~~~9 pr~v~~~ ~~r~~t, r~q~.~,tin~ pexx°Ynnis~a~~n ~o ~~t~~~ ~n ~x~.~~~n~ ~~~,W~~° l~n~ ~~°o~~ 0~,~~ A~ven~~ t~ th.eir p~~p~rt~~~. r~~~~~~~n~ ~1~~~~ lin~ ~x~~n~i~n~ arc~o 1) P~can ~1~~~9 ~ prig~~t~ ~~s~~~n~ ~~~,c~, ~id~ ~f El~n Str~~~ a~ F~rrol~~ and 3~ t~~ wc~~ ~~e~~ c~f ~~~~St~~~~ ~°~.r~~Y~.. D~~~~~or a~ ~u~°bli~ Works An~.~r~~n p~int~~ ~r~ ~n ~~e S~~~r A~~~~~an~n~ D3~~ric~ ~ ~nd. t~li~i~° d~~~~~~n ~~~n D~,~~~~~~ *~a~~~.~ ~r~~~,~ ~~robl~~~ ~ri~~~ ~~a~~~~~nn~n.t ~f th.~ ~~~n~~n~n~ ~S~~p~~~~ ~~e~ ~~~i~n~ ~f ~~.~~,r.~~~i~~ f~~~ fc~~° pos~ible ~°~~~~~~n ~f th~ p~~~~nt di~~trf~~o ~~.~t~r 1~~.~ b~~x~. e~i~~~.~~~d e~rikh M~. C~rl I~die ~f Ston~ and Y~~nngb~~g~ f~na~~i~?~ c~n~~~~~t~~~ df ~&~e p~n~~~t9 and t~~~ Cc~~anty En~in~~rs~ ~nc~ t1~~~~ w:~~~ ~~,~k~ t~ ~~i~ ~~,~~~~~~n b~fd~~ t~~~ Cz~a~~~il t~~c.~~ ~.c tian ~n tl~~s ?~~~~~:r o Mr. Cl~~~nc~ ~~n~.~~r~~s9'~~~ ;r~.d~~ ~~~~~t9 indie~.t~c~ tFn~r~ ea~s 3.n~~r€~~~ in the Elrn at Fa~r~ll ar~~,~ fc~~ ~ev~l~p~s~nt ~f aga~~~~n~s ~g~ ~~.tm~f° t~ran ~evelop~~~ ~nc~ th~~ w~~~ ~.'d.~~~~.sion ~~n ~~e ~~.t~~r n~~o ~ M~y~r~L~:vin~ ~~gl~.in~d ~ th~.~ this ~~~j~c~ ~1sc~ ~nvo~~~~ Coa~nt~ ~r~d t~.~~~for~ ~h~ C~t~r eann~t ~a1ke ~.~tion ~n tka~.s ~~~he~~.~ ~~,o~~~~t~n~ t~a~~a Aft~r C~~nc~,Y. d~sc~as~fon9 th~ r~q~~~ts for ~xt~ns~~n ~t ~~i~~~ng ~~~~r l~n~~ ~~f~r~~d to M~. TL~d.i~ ~nd Co~nt~ Engin.~~r~ f~r t~.~i~ ~v~.l~^~ti~;n ~.~c~ ~ky~~~ ~~port ~a~Y~. b~ p~~~~nt~~. ~k the n~~t ~°~g~1~r C~~n~i:C ~n~~~~~g. AMERICAN LEGION R~Q~d~ST' ~~lt F~~ F~~MP'~ FI1t~W~1tI~.S LIG~~SE t~.d.mini~~~~~or ~~~~h acfl~~~~d ~?aat ~ r~q~.~~~ ~as r~~~iv~~. f~a~n Tl~e A~~rican Y~~g~~n9 A~~~~~ G~~nd~ P~~t 13~, far ~ f~~ ~~~~np~ 1ie~n~~ sell fir~wox~lcs. Aft~~ C~a~n~i~ ~i~~~s~i~n9 ~n rn~~~~n ~f Co~ncilm~.n ~aT1e~9 ~~~ond~d. by Co~xnci~an~.n W~a~c~ ~.nc~ u~n~ni~n~~~1~ ~~~ri~~9 ~pp~~v~~ caa~s grant~d t~ tl~..e Americ~.n Le~i~n of a9,~~~~~ ~~~nd~ f~~ ~~~:~pt t~~sin~s~ lf~~n~~ for fir~m works ~~.~es f~°~:~ .T~n~.°~ 19 ~.~~2 ~~r~~~~ ~y ~9~~~ s~bj~ct ~o ~11 Fi~~ Dep~rt~n~nt r~~~a~r~~~en~~ m PROCT~MA~ION m~~~~ER.~TIO~ DRt3G AT~~R`~ DAY" - A~RIL ~9~2 I~~ox° L~~a~ne ~~~ca~~~~ on t~c~ K~,c~~.n~s C~.~b i~ ~~~ng in t~~ d~g progx°~a~ ~nd. pro~l~i~n~~ A~~~~ `~9 ~9~~ "~p~~~ti~n Dx°~.g A1~~~ D~~~~ ~n the Cf~y ~f A~~~~~ Gx~anr~~y ~s ~~q~.~~G~e~ 1~~ M~o D~.~~1 F~o~c~9 Pr~~idc~nt ~f tka~ Gxeag~r Pi~~~ B~~.~~, K~~~ni~ C1~~~b, NOTICE OF AI~1~A~ MONTE~Y C~e P Z~G C~L~CI~ G~~E~~NC~ m APRI~, 84 1.~8~ Ad~nin~stra~o~ B~,tc~ ~~~ai~~d ~h~~ nca~~c~ b~~n ~~c~i~~d of An~.~~l Montere~ Co~xnty 1~1~nni~~ C~~r~c~.`l C~nf~~°~~.~~, ~~i~?~ ~ill b~ ~~1~ ~,n C~~~l on April ~9 1972 ~n~. ~~co~r~nd~~ tl~~~ ~~~:~~~~nt~t~~~.~ fro~a r~~~o~~ Gx~~.nd~ ~.~~~n~. in vi~~a of San L~n~.s 07aisp~ Ce~~an~~°~ p~~.~~~ns~n~ ~.nte~ Pl~,nn~ng Dis~r~c~ ~~e by the Califo.rn~,a C~~.nc~,1 ~n Int~rg~v~rn~~r~~~1 R~l~tic~n~9 wl~~c~ ~1~~ in~la~~~s Mant~x~ey C~a~ntg~, ' LETTER FR~M t~, G, ~I~I~GE 3~RCN, .~S~~G e R~: A1Z.C~iWc~~' AT PLAZA ARR~`Y~ Ad~inist~~t~~ ~~t~~ x°~~d l~t~~x° fr~ P~gg;yr Wo Porter of t~s~ A~ro~~ Grand~ Village M~~~~~.nts ~s~~ci~.ti~n, ~~q~~sG~ng ~~i~.~ ~~5~ Ci~~ ~~~~p~t ~ ~m~~~.1 archw~.~ for p~.~ce~n~nt ~t ~n~ra.a~~~ ~f PZ~~~ Ar~~y~~a w~~~~ h~~ be~~. ~~~.at~d ~ by Kenn~~h J~h.n~c~ns p~~~a.d~z~~ ~~s~~~,~.ti~n~ ~~d ~.1~a r~q~.~~t~,ng ~itg~ assistanc~ ~.n ~znpp~.~a,ng ~~i~: ~~t~~~,~,1~ ~nd ~~ar~ 3.n ~~is s~ra~ct~r~ ~.nd suppl~~ing a sign s~gnif~in~ ~~n~ ~~1~. as "FI.~,~~ A~~c~y~o"« r.,.' ~ ~ . . CITY ~OLtI~CI~ 1~R~~ 289 ~19~2 ARRO~'0 GR~?VD~, ~A~.~F~~`~~~ ~A~E 2 A ~~q~~~t M~a ~~,~~;n~ ~~~~~~~~c~c~ ~~,r ~~n~~~~ i~ ~rra`lY ~.r~~, wf~ich c~~t~~~n~~. ~~a ~S~ m~~~T~ ~a~~~r~t~~ ~d~~~,n~~~ ~~a~ ~~~~o Af~~r C~~~xLC~~ c~~~~a~~~~~~~ ~n ~~~~i~n C~~r~~~~~~~v~~n 'I~~~i~~~on~ ~~~~~~.~e~ 1~g~ Co~ncil~~.n S~~iY~g~l ~n~ ~~~~~~~~~Y~ ~~~~~~~9 ~~a~ ~i~t ~f ~h~ ~r~~ w~~~a~~~pte~ ~ as ta~Yl ~r~~p~n~ibiY~~~ ~f ~e~~~~ f~~ ~f ~r~k~ ~z~~ ~~l~t~d ~ mat~ri~.~s ~.nd n~.m~ ~~~~c~e ~~~~~~x~,~~r~.g~~ ~~~~~-1 ~~~~~~~c~ sa~it~ to prope~tg~'o~an~rs ~f t~.~ ~!~~~a ~~~~~~n~ t~ Ar~o~~ ~~e~~~~~i~~ t~~ ~~~n~~aa~. of ~a~ecY~ o RENE;WA~ OF I~ASE ~F ~~~PEl~"~Y F~~ ~~FmS~~~° P~RT<Z~~ - E~S`T Bl~~C~? S~~T AcYa~?ini~~~~.t~~ ~~~t~~ ~~po~~~e~ t~~ I~~~~ b~~~:~n t~~ Citg~ ~ne~ t~.~ lessc~~s, An~~~~ D~~~,~.9 Rnn Go~~c~ ~nd J~~~n T~~~~~~,~9 n~~a i~or ~~n~~,a~1 fo~° propertg~ kn~~n a~ ~~x~ "~~r C~~~~.~" ~s~d fa~ ~ff~~~~~~~ p~~kin~ lc~c~~~d ~n ~~~t Branch Str~~t9 ~nd r~~.r~~~nc~~~ t~~~ ~~i~ Y~~ ~~~~nd~e~ fc~~ ~n~t~~r f~-~~m~~~.r perind ~nd~~ ~~~a~ ~Fil~~ ~f p~~~~.~~~ 1~~;~~~. Af~~~ Cc~r~n~;~~, ~~.~~~,~~~i,n9 ~a~ ~~i~~c~n caf ~~n~n~~1g~~~. ~~~d19 ~~c~rzd.~d b~ C oa~nc i~an~n Y Y~g° ~.nc~ ~.~~,~~~,~a~1~~ c~ ~~z~ 1~,~c~~ ~ n~. C i~~ C~.~~~ a~~~~ a~xtk~ra~iz~~ ~o sig~ t~~: ~~~~~~vn C~,~y ~~c~ An~.r~~ D~z~c~9 ~t ~~9 f~~ prop~r~~ on E~~~ Br~~~~a ~~r~~~.~ ~.~~c~ ~c~r ~f~~~~~~~~ p~~k~~~ c~~~~n~ti~n with the "Car ~~rr~.T" a ~~~e~ i.~~,~~ being ~~~~u~~~~ ~h~ ~~~e a~" ~1~e ori~~n~.~. l~~s~, RESOI~m AD~P`T. ~PP~~ '1~ F~~S C~,R.~~D F~R DA.~ L~~~ OF S`~ATE BEACH Prewio~x~ ~.~~c~~~in~ b~ C~T~n~il c~r~ t~~ i~~~~ ~f cFaar~~~ tc~ b~ T~vied on p~~son~ ~~~ri~ B~~~Y~~~ ~.n ~~~~no ~nr~ Pf~~~ ~~ac~ ~.s propos~cY. by Sk~,~Y I~~~p~~~rc~nt c~f 1'~.~°k~ ~.n~ ~~~x~.~~~c~n r~~.~ r~~~3~~~~e T~.~~~~f~~~ .4dm~ni~t~~~tc~~w ~~~~k~ ~~v~¢~ ~~°~v~~sla~~tir~n p~~p~~~~ b;~ Cit~ At~~~°n~~ Ships~?~ opgc~~ing f~~~ on c~~ ~~~t~ ~~~~~b ~,n Oc~~nn ~nd Pi~~n~ B~~~h and ~aspp~~tira~ t~.~ ~~s~~,~~ of ~~~~,~~~~on ~n.d ~nfe~~~~:~~~n~ ~f x°~g~l~.~i~n~ fQr over°night ~~.~pi~ag b~~n~ ~.~~in~.~t~;~~c~ b~ ~1~~: Crt3.~~ c~f Gr~v~~° City: ~n~i Pissno Beach, Oc~anc~ ~ and. th~ C~~n~g~ ~f S~.n ~~~is ~l~isp~ ~n ~.~n~p~ofi~ b~.~~,s. R~S~~L~`I'I~~ ~9. ~~i~ ~ RESQL~T"TI~~ ~F ~ CI°I'~ C~t~~VGI~ ~F ~I~E C~fiY OF ARR03~~ GRA~D~ ~T;.A°~ING ~'0 T~ t~S~ ~F 'I'3~E BEAC~i AREA AIa~lUG 'I°~ CIT~~S ~F E'ISM~ B~c~CE~, ~R~V~R CI°IY r~~D T~Y~ OCEANO GOM°° M~"1V~T'~ ~~T~"~'~ SA~I T~I~ CD~I5P0 C~~TY L~NE, On m~ti~n of ~~~~ci~.m~.n W~~~.9 ~~~onc~.~c~ b~ C~a~ncilrn~n Ta11~~9 ~nd on th.~ foll~rafng ~c~T.b c~~,l ~;~~r~~~ wit: AY~S: C~~nc~1 M~~b~~s, Sc~~.~~~Y9 ~'~~a~pson9 TnI~~~., ~al~~~ ~n~ M~~ ~x I~~~r~.n~ NOES : 1Vr~n~ ABS~~1Te ~Ia~n~ the for~g~~ng ~~~o~.~tic~n ~~,s p~~~~~. ~.n~ ~.~.~p~~c~ t~ai~ 2~~~~ d.a~ ~f M~.~~1~9 197~0 rUB~zc ~A~.z~~ m x~zoN~~t~ c~s~ rroe ~Zm56 ~ o~x P~xx ~~vD s~ cxz~,~~~v sT ~P~~E~sa AcY~~nis~r~~~~ B~~t~h. ~~vi~~~d ~1~~,~ ~~~~o1~~i~~ 1~~~ b~~n ~~:~~~.~~c~ f~oan the Pl~.nn~ng Cc~~,~~~c~n r.°~;~e~d~~ndi~~ ~~e ~~z~+na~n~ f~c~TM~ F-S Distr~~t g~ a H-S Distri~t a po~~ion c~f ~~rc~p~~~~ l.~c~:~Q~ 1~~t~a~~n 0~.~ P~.~~ Bo~l~va~d and. Cl~~~ton Str~~t, a~ r~q~.~st~d. b~ t~~ ~pp1i~~~i~n s~ba~~t~~c~ b~ Gl~nn P~t~r~. t~ps~n being ass~r~~. by~ Ca~~~ C1~~~ K~.ng~l~3~ ~~~t ~.1~ x~qr~~r~~~n~~ pro~~,d~d b~ law regarding notifi~~t~.~n c~~' ~~~r~,n~; ~~~n cc~~l~~r~. w~~h9 M~.~~~ ~~~,7in~; d~cl~~ed th.~ h~~~~ng c~p~~ ~r~~ p~~~~n~ f~~ ~~~in~~ t~~ p~°~po~~e~ ~~~~ning wo~sld no~a b~ ~a~~rd.e Mro Gl~nn Es P~te~~~a ~~6 M~rt~~ St~~~~~ ~pn1~.~ in f'~.~c~r af all~ing tF~is ~ezon~.ng. ~ka~r~ b~in~ n~ ~s~~°t~~~° e~,i~~~~~~.c~n f~~° ~~afnst r~~an~,ng; M~.~~~ Levin~ d~cl~~c~d 1~~~~an~ el~~~~1a Aft~r Cduncil da~.~~~~.~~~n9 Cit~ A~t~rn~~~y Sc~~.ps~;~ ~~~.d9 f~~ its fir~t reading9 fi~tl~ c~f ~n o~°din~n~~ ~~~~~ing cert~in pr~g~x°fi~~ leaca~~eY b~t~r~~n Oak Park B~~alev~rd ~~.r~ G~.~.3~on 5~~~~t 9~a~~tkai~. G3ty ~f A~~°~g~~ G~~nd~s aft~r9 ~ m~t~.~n ~r~.~ i~~c~~ b~ Cc*~r~~~~.~~.n ~~h~.~geT, ~~ce~~ncY~~ by C~~un~i~.tiac~man ThoYnpson ~nd ~a~.~ni~~~~~~ ~~rra,~~.9 ~1i~~scv~.~~: r~it~ ~°~~.d~n~ b~.~.~nc~ of ~~is orclinan~~ , CIT~' COL'~TCII, l~~C~Y ~~9 ~9~~ ARRQYO GRA.~VD~ ~ G~i~IF~1tN~ ~~1~~ ~ PUBT~IC I~ARIN~ ~ IZ~~~~TIl~~ ~~o J~~~~ ~ ~Oe E~I ~~E'~ ~~~~~1~~~ Adin~.nf~t~~.~or ~a~~~~ ~~k;z~ ~~~~~;~~~~on b~~n tk~e Pl~tnnin~ C ~~~i~n ~~~.~;~r~~~~.~~~ ~~~s~~~,~~~ R°1 ~ throu~h 9, Bl~c1~ 8 c~f ~~~c~ ~~~C~ ~'~~ct~ ~ ~n S~a~~~ ~I.~. ~~~~~;~9 reqt~~s~ed b~ ~1~~ ~~p~~,~~.~ie~~ ~~~~n~;~ o LTpon b~ing ~~s~.~~~ b~,- C~.~~ ~L~~~ ~~~~~1~~° ~~~t ~i~. ~~q~;~~~~~n~~ prov~d~~. b}~ l~w r~g~.~~.a~~.~ n~~ifi~~~~,~~~ ~.~~,~~~~g9 b~~~ ~~~~~i~~ ~~~~a ~ M~.yor L~~rinr~ c~~~l~.~~d ~p~n ~~nc~ ~~~~~n~ ~ ~r ~~.~~~n~~ t~~ propos~:cl rez~nin~ ~r~r~e~~,~ n~~ b~ ~ ~ Ad~ini~~r~.to~ ~ 1~~~~~ ~ f~~~ M~ 0 1Z, I~e ~ I~~n~~€~~ ~~~r ~f propertgr ~n ~.~~~9 p~a~c.~~in~ p~~p~~~:~ ~~~~~.~~~a Ellen ~7o~n~a~n9 163 Se~o ~x.~ 5~~~~~~g ~x~~~~,~~~~ ~.s ~o ~n~~~ing ~~~G" zon~, ~at~~~~ p~~n~ ~~.a cl~,~ifi~~ f~~ ~.n~ Bc~la G~~~~,~t9 ~Q1 ~p~l Cix°~~~~ q~~~~~~n~~. ~~z~~~ ~f ~.n ~~~~,n~ ~v~.tl~ ~~r~~~end,i~.g a~~~,~o Mr. R~y ~~~n~,~.~t;9 ~~~~n ~:~a.~~~, ~~s~~~ ~~~,~,n~~ ~~Y~~in~ r~zonin~o °I'~~ ~v~~,o~airxg p~~s.~n~ r~~~~ p~~~~a:;~ ~nd ~~p~~~ ~~va~ a£ ~1~,a~r~in~ ~hi~ r~~ona~n~: M~4 ~~nw~~;nF~ ~~~b~,~c~a~ ~~~i 5~~~~k~ ~n~. M~o Ra.Ip~. Richard~9 1~1 Al~.~r. 'l~ier~ b~a,~~ ~z~ c~~,~~~a~~a~~~a. c~~ r~~~n~n~p M~~or L~vine c~ec.1~~~~ t~~a ~~~~.~~r~~ ~ T~~ o ~f~~~ G~~n~~.i e~a.~~;~~~~~~n~ G~,~~? A~~o~~.~:~ 5~.~.1~~~g~ f~~ fi~~~ r~acYing, tY~~ ~i,~.l~ c~f ~n c~~;°~~n~n~~ ~~~an~n~ ~~~G~.%~. p~ape:~~~ 1~~~~.~~~. r~n So~zth Elfin 5~~~~~, ~ai~~i,n ~~°4~ C~ty ~f ~~~~a;~~ (~~~,nd~~ t~~a~~:~f~~~~ ~~~imr~ ~~.s anade by C~~ncila~~n S~~.J ~g~~ ~~~~c~nc~~~Y b~ C~~~.~~l.~a~~.n. ~a~ps~n ~and1 ~~.~ni~ ~ m~usl~ ~a~r~,~~.9 d:~sp~r~~~~ ~~.t~i ~~~d~,n~ ~~x~~ 1~~~,~.n~~ ~~dl~~an~~, APPEARA~C~ OF 7e~~ C a ~`~R~'S R~ o~~~~~ WI~,B~~~~SS Al~~ Ada~ini~t~~t~:~ I~~.~~~ ~,n~~~~,~~~c1 M~o 7~n ~t~~~~s~ 9 Bi~logi~~~. ~d~i~~~gr Service9 whc~ ~ai~1~~d an ~p~?~~~~n~~~ app~~~ b~~f~~~ C~un~~.~ °tc c~.i~~~~~ the ~.dv~.n~~.g~s o~ a Wild~~n~~~ cl~.~~~,f~~~~i~ei for L~p~~ C~n~~no M~°o S~arps ga~r~ hfs ~pi~xic~n~ c~f t~~ p~~~~i~a~ ~ff~~~~ af a G~iTc~~~n~~~ d~~ig~ n~.tion for L~p~~ i~ r~1~t~an t~a ~~a~ ~~,1~~,~f~ fl~.~.bit~ting in t~~ ~~~~.e ~~~e water s~.~d ~nd fi~~ ~a~~t~c~ic~n~ ~ppc~~e~~. ~o ~ "Sc~n~c" c1.~.ssi~i~~~i~n wi~h. th.~ U> So F~r~~t ~~~°v~~~ ~n. ccan~~°~~.~ ~rg;~d Ci~~ Ce~~ncil ~o r~~~ind th~ir ~~~ola~~iax~ ~~~ae~~~,~ng ~.c~c~p~~~n af t~?~ ~l~,l~.~~n~~~ Ar~~.o Nl~s S~.m Al~~nea~ 1~~~~~~:~~on~l ~ff~.~~~ ~ fc~~ 3~~~ ~~c~.~~~ I~~.~ional F~~~~~G ~.nd rep~°es~nt~tiv~ ~ f~~n th~ ~~a ~ o F~~~~~ ~~~~a~~~9 ~t~~~~~d r~~t~ictiv~n~~~~ of a Wilclern~~s A~~~ on ~~x~3~~ ~n~f~~~ pr~~~n~~on~ ~.n~ ~,n~~e~~d q~testion~ reg~~d~n~ p~~~~~n~~~rr~ m~~~~~~~ l~~s c~~p~,~~~~~ rac~~l~ b~ ~.bY~ to tak~ if the a~°ea w~~~ pl~.c~;c~ ~~e~~~ ~l~~~r eon~ro~. S~~n~c A~~~.e M~. D~.u~ ~c~ok ~f Ar~c~~o ~~~.nd~ Sp~~°t~s~~,nas C1~b r~~s p~~~~nt ~pre~s~d ~~e f~~liri~~ ~f th.~ c~~b c~~n ~f ~,~p~~ C~n~~n 6~~,~g ~Iassifi~d ~.na~ th.~.~ nc~ cY~~~~f~~~,~~,c~n a~ ~~.s ~~st f~~~r~bY~ ~n tl~~ir thinkingm_1~~,vin~ L~p~~ C~.n~~~ ~~as~ d~ ~t n~~a ~'~a.~ Ci~y Co~n~i3 ~~~~~~f~~~ ~.%~~a~~~~r~ ~.n~ q~~~t~,~n~~ ~ei~.~°~~~ tlaoroughlya ~t~.j~Y'~k~ ap~nican. g~~.n~ ~l.~n~ ra~,~~ ~Y~at c;~ Sp~v~t~~~,~.~~ G1~nbo Final d~ci~i~n o~ ~h~ C~~n~i~ ~r~~ ~ti~.i b~.~~~d ~~~i~ pa~~~~~ of the r~~olt~~ie~n c~~~osin~ ~hc W~,1~.~~z1~~~ c~1~~~~,f~~~~i~n a~~,~n concexn ra~.s to~ p~~~~~~ ~i~~e ~ ~ ~ ~.~d ~f ~ ~~~~~~ne~~ i~ pass~d by Congr~.~~, ~i!~~~ pr~o~i5~cn~ p~~-pl~,n~~ng ~f £~,r~ ~r~~r~r~~~on b~ incc~rpor~t~da Adxn~n~~t~~.~c~a~ ~,~t~~ric~~nc;.~~ ~t p~blic ~n~~ti~g b~ h~ld on ~p~~.1 ~ ~~a~~~~ Call~g~ ~~~~k~ Cc~~~r~~~x~~~ `~~.l~c~~~ e~~~~~~~ ~ka~ propo~~c£ T~Ti1~~~~n~~~ ~r~~,o M~o I~~~ Tn1i~.~~~n a~n.f~~in~c~ ~kn~ C~~n~iS S~na~~~ Cr~.nstona~ bi~~~ w~.~.c.t~ ~ntrc~d.~c~c~ t`~~^ p~ca~~s~,~. ~f c~~~~~,f~in~ T~~p~~ ~~.n~~n a~ a~Wild~rn~~~ A.~°~~,g ~a~.~ n~~r ~xi S~n~~~~ C~~~e~i~n~~ ~~b~a~n~tt~~9 ~nd t~.~.~ local F~~a~ings _a~~. ~~;q^~~x°~~. ~e~ ~i~ ~,eld. b~fca~~ p~~~~.g~ ~ ~f b~.I~o ~ MAYOR LEVIL~ D~CT~AR.ED ~~C~~S A~' 10::~7 P,M, ~h.e C~~nc~,l ~~-:~e,+n~~~n~c~ e~.~ 10:~~ F,Mo wi~~ ~11 r~r~TMr~~~r~ b~~,ng p~~~~n~ as sho~rn on r~7.1 c~~1m CI~°T' C~Tbl~7CY~ ~RC~ ~9~2 ARROYO ~R~1VD~ ~ CAI~~F~~IA P~G~ MU1~I, CODE AME~D, °~~D~l~~~~~1TD ~~T~~~3~ D~~~o~~l~~d'CIi ~'~a ti~o~. m l~a'~ I~AD, A~.minis~:~~,~~~ ~~~c~~~~~. ~Z~~r~ ~~-~~;~~~.n~~ p~op~rt~ c~~sc~~pt~ux~ ~~SF. ~~r~~,~~~~~~~~z~~ I~~~~~~,s~~ ~ ~~~~~~a 5~;~~c~~ ~~0 1 d.o~~ not ~,ncl~c~~; ~~~~~~~i~ P.~. ~ ~a p~ ~~5~~ ~~~~~~n g~~p~~~~ ~n tl~~ no~t~ ~~c~~ c~f p~~p~~~~ ~~~c~:~~ ~,r~c~ Str~~~ ~~d t~at t1~~ o~din~nc~ p~~;p~,~~~e~ e~s,~~~~~~~ G~~~ ~~~~~re~~% 5~~~~~~o Ci~3~ At~o~n~~~ 5~.~,p~~;~ ~ ~c~~ ~~~v ~ ~~r~~:~n,~; ~°~~3.~~ ~i .~n c~~din~n~~ ~ ~es~abli~h.in~ U~n~.~~~~~~n~, L~~~~~~~~ D~.~~~i~~ 1~,~e 1~ ~~~~~~~ft~~ a motion ~r~~ m~.d.~ b~ C~~a~~~~~~n S~~Y~~~~:~ Cc~~~~~,1~,~o~a~,~ Ti~~p~ax~ unani~~~sl~ ~~.~~~~c~9 ~.~,~p~n~~ ~~~1~ ~~~,~~n~ G~~ b~.~~n~~ caf ~1~~~ ~~~,~,~~nc~s S ID~WALK I1~S °~L~LL s ~Y 19 ~ I~[nTY~ CC~~~ S~C'~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~C~~~ ROAI3 (GR~1D~ CORI~~JALL) Ad~?ini~~~~~c~~ ~~.t~h ~~~r~~~a~~. ~c~~o~n ~~.~~n b~ ~~~a~~~,~ a~ ~k~~~~ ~ ~.a~~ me~ting in ~xd~~~~ig ~:~°w~a~ ~ ~n~ ~~e~~~~~~~~~ ~~n t~~~; t ~~d% of ~l~g~~n Road b~~~~n Gr~.n~ ,64~~r~~~~~,n~, C~r~~~~l ~~~~^~~9 ~n~ s~c~~r,~~,l~~ ~n t~.~~~~~t~ ~~c~~ of Gr~.nd A~~n~~ ~~~~r~;~:n ~~~~~c~~ 4~~1.c~~~,n ~~~~c~9 ~~~~,~.~~,~ic~n ~f the I~np~~v~;~~nt A~~ a~~ F~~.~o p~:~~rc~~~~ o~~ ~~~.t ~n c~~.~ ~.r~a on H~.l~~on R~ad, ~~~~;+~~x t~r~~~d A~~n°~~, ~r~~ ~~,:~~~~.3~, S~~<~~~, ~~n ~h~ th~~~ is ~~~.ffi~i~n~ p~.~°c~~;nf:~,~~ c.~,~~s~ ~,cic~ g~;~~~~~ in~a~f~i~i~n~ p~~~~nt~~~ fo~° side~al~.s~ ~dr~r~~~~, n~~ 1.~~i~~.~~~~n ~ia~ ~~~~n~l~ 1~~~;n p~.~~~c~~ to ~tait H~ghura~ C~cY~ ~~c~~,~~ w~~~;~t~~ ~~i~; G~~~ C~~~.~~~ ~~,n o~c~~~° s~cY~~a~l~C ~.nst~,11~.- tion ~v~n ~,f ~~~n ~-~Q`a ~j~~~~y ~~~.~s ~,~tp~c~~~;~~n~ ~,s ~n t~~ be~t int~r~~~ of p~,b~~~ ~~~v-~;~m ~z.~~ A~~~~~v~~ ~~~.p~~y~ ~a~.~ ~n f~~l ra~~~ ~this int~rp~~~~.t~c~no Aft~~ ~~s~n.t~~,:l ~zrt~ ~~a~~~~An ea~ ~~~;;~~i ~.~~an~n °I'~~a~a~on9 ~~~ond~d by G~~nc~lm~,n ~'~,1~~~~ ~nc~ ~~n~n~~~~~~~.~7 ~,ppro~~c~ c~~c~~~ ~ fo~ c~a~b~ ~.n~ c~n 1~,1,~.~rar~ R~~,~9 bu~~~~n ~~r~~.n~~ ~nd Co~n~~~19 al'~o ~ in~l~d~ ~.n ardc~~ ~~c~~~°~~,:L~.~ ~n of. p~b~~~ ~~~~;~~e xESO~,m oxn~R~?~~ cz~~ ~~~.x ~r~ c~.~~~~s ~~~Te r~~m E~c°~zo~v ~~/~~/~2 A~~~n~~t~~~c~~ 8~~~;~~ ~r~a~ ~i.~T~ c?~ ~~~o~~~~~n ~~e~~~ing ~h~ C~,t~ Clerk to c~n~~.~~ G~n~~~~.T NT~,n~,c~.~~,~ ~~.~~~:~.~n~ ~h~~~~~~t~~~ ~?~ti~n ~a~.~ mad~ b~ C~~~ane~.~.~~,~. Sc~.~.~~~I~, ~~~~n~,~;c~ b~ C~~n~~,~.r,~e~~~.n Z"Y~~~~~vn anc~ a~nan~,~~~sI.3~ ~ carriedg ~~~d~,sp~n~~~tir~~~ ~~~e~~n~ tl~~ b~,~,~~~~ of~~l~is ~~~~~~~t~~ne ~'5~~~3`~~~~t ~t~o 9~~6 ~:~s~~~~°~~~ c~F c~°~~ ~~~r~cz~ o~ cr~ oF A~~~~~ ~ c~~2~a~~r.~ ~ ~~D~~.~~~ ~r~ c~~r~ss r~~ ~ r~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~°~o~ o~v ~ o~ ~,~~~~9 ~.~~~9 ~ r~DE B~ ~z~ c z~ c ~~~c ~ ~ F e On zn~ti~r~ Ce~~;~~~,~~~~~n ~~~~n~,~~ b~ Cc~~n~~,l~n~.~ s~h1~g~1 ~ncl on tl~~ fol~o~rin~ ~~I~, v:~~~9 ~,r~~a 2.Y~S a G~~n~~ ~ M~~~~s ~~~I~,,~~:~ ; T.=~a~~;c~n, Ta1~~~~ T~,1Y~g~ ~,nd N1~.~~r N~ES : 3~T~n~ ~BSETT'~; ~Io~.~; the fc~r~go~n~ r~so1~,~~e~n p~.~~~d, ~nd t~~~ ~~~h ~,~y ~f Iti~~~l~ID 19~~e REVIEW OF I~EGIST~'~IV~ B~~~E`T~?~S ~R~1?~] T~ :~EAG~UE 0~` C~~IFQRDT~A C~~I~S Ac~.~n~na~~~~~.t~~ ~~~~1~ ~~~~.~:~v~~d .`~gf~~.~,~~,v~ b~~l~~~ins ~~c~i~~d, fr~~a ~ ~ the ~ ~,e~g~~ of C~~if~~~i~, ~itic~~, p~~,~~~~.~ ~ ~ ~~~cl~ ~~~ld ~i~°~~~tl~ ~~,ff~ct th~ Cit~~ in.~l.~sd~ng ~~h~ r~~~3.~~ ra~ ~~,~;~~t of ~50 ~t~a~~ur~;~ of legisTation af~~c~ing r,~~~,~;~ ~,r%,~~:~ ~d~~~~:cl. ~n 19~~ ~~~~~~ne QL'ARTERL~ REPOTtT OT~' SA~:~S ~,ND G~~~~~ T~.~ R:E~~~"~+'E Adminis~~~.Ge~r ~~~~~1~ i:~~ S~.l~.,, ~"~.~~1~~°~e~~^~~. f~~ t~~: fo~r~1~ quar~~r of 19~1, ~,nd ~i~~,~~~~~ ~c~~ ~~~n~~~~~~ F~`~~~~~~% ~.nd M~,re~t~, 197~5 indica~in~ ~hat ~hc~ ~,n~~~:~~~~ w~~~ ~n~~~.~,~e ~o~~~~~~~. 1~~~~~~" f~r t~~ REQUEST TO A~~~P~° ~AS~M~~~° DE~DS ~,1tOB'~S~~V~ R~~~ ~ R.UB1~S~1~) m H~L,D 0~T~1Z Ad*nn~nist~d~~~ F~~.~~~ ~~q~~~~~~~~. E~.~~ ~G~?~ C~~~fI ~pg~~s~~~~ ~~a~t ~l~i~ item b~ l~~ld o~~~ ~~~i1. ~~~E n~~~~ ~~g~u~~~.~ ~e:~~i~g af ~~~ar~c~la 1~ CITY COTJi~CIL MAR~~i ~~9 19~/2 AR1t0Y~ GI~~VD~ , ~A~~F~R~ PA~~ ORAL REPOIt.T ~ ° ~1~"D~RG1t~t:~ID ~~~3~~~~`~ ~~~~D~~T1~~'I~~~ G~NI~Se ~ GOt~~C~ ~ ~ ~~H~~~ET~ C~u~~~,la~~.n ~~hl~~~~ ~~~~t~ ~~n c~~~I. ~cp~;:~~ ~n '~,~rr~~.c~~g~~~~,~~e~ Coo~~inat~ng C~~~~~~~ ~~~~z,~~ ~,r~~.~~~~~,~~ ~~a~~:~ ~~~,~~°~~n~ ~.~,~~~~~~d: Des~~ipt~e~~ of ~~z~ A~~~~~ra ~~~nci~ ~r~~~~:~~~:~.~~~.e~ ~'~G~~~,~~~ D~,~~~~c~~,9 B~~.n~~ S~~~:e~ 1~~a 1 was r~v~~~r~c~ ~n~ ~c~~n~ ~c~ ~a~~~~c:s~. ~~.~~;~~a~ r~~~~ ~i~m cu~~~d b~a~ not ~~~~,1~~~~~~~~ ~,n~ ~~~~~~~,1~~y~ ~f ~,n ~~~.a,~~,~~~ ~ la~mitin~ on ~~isting ~.~~~~ie~ ~ri~ ~~~n ~°~~.~;d ee~:n~~~,~~~~~~.o PROG~SS REPOR~ PO~ICE ~~~i~~~~I~t~'~~~~ ~'I'~D~ ~Y P`~~ a ADMe S~I~V o 9II~C ~ Ad.~nin~~~~~~tfl~ ~~~t~~ ~~~~r4~~ ~,~~~.c~~~~~~ ~i~~in~ of ~h~ Joint ~~~~:~s ~~~~~~~r~~~ ~`~a~~~ ~~~~m~1~.~~ ~~,bl~~ Ac1~in~~~~~,t%~~ S~rvice~9 I~~a fc~~ t~L~ P~l~~~ ~~yn~~~~~,~~.~~,~~. S~~d~s ~~c~ f~~~1~~~ ~~~a~~~~nkm ativ~s o~ Bo~z°~~~l~n ~~o ~r~J1~ b~ p~c~c~~~in~~r~r~~~ ~ ~t~xd~ ~k~~~ ~~~~~~o ~ ~Gotal aYno~.nt of gr~,n~ f~s~ ~~a~~ ~ ~~~cY;~ a.~ ~2~ ~Q00 ~ne~ ~1~~ ~ ~~n~~~,~~~.~.~ ~ ent~ti~~ co~t~~~aa~~,m~n ~ ~t~0 ~a~ T _ ~r~ l~~.nc~1° ~~~~~,c~~ 9 ~i~~ ~ etc. e~p~nd~de AU~iORI~~ ~ Pi~R.~~3ASE ~F ~A~~'~J~~ P~~~~~Z;I"~ Ac~.~n.~ni~t~~.~~~ ~E:~~~°~~~. ~~a~~: ~~a~~~; ~~~~:~~~n~ t~:~ Cauv~1 p~~p~~~~ can W~.~~ G~~rx~ ~°~c~.~~ ~a~~ ~~~~c~s~~~, ~~~~~~t~~n and nQw b~ p~x~cl~~s~d.~ ~~cv~~:~~~.~~ ~~~,t ~~i`; ~~.~~c~~~,~~ p~z~c~.~~€~ for ~GY?~ f inaY p~.yY~r?.~n~ ~,m~~n~ f 9 ~ ~n~ ~,a~~r3~~r~~=~ tY~~~. NI~~~ c~ ~.n~ C~.~g~ C ~ ~ ~,~n th.e C~rtifica~~ ~+f Ae~~p~~n~.~:v Q~f'~r~ c~~sc~a~~~~n9 an ~n~t~,~~ ~f Co~,ncfl~~,n Sc~1~~~~9 ~~~~a~d~~ b;~ ~a,~,~~~ ~ne~ ~n~n~.~r~~~l~ c~~~i~d$ th~ p~~c~~.sc~ ~f f;~~ C~.~~r~~. pr~~~~~,y ~1~~~~ G~~.n~ ~~p~n~~~ ~,~.~1~~~~,~e~, ~.n~ tls~ M~.y~~ ~nd ~1~r~~e ~~~c~ ~.~~~~:~~~~.~c~~ ~.~c~ t~ s~~n ~t~.~ C~~t~fim cat~ of A~~~p~~n~~ ~n c~ C~,t~~~, ~?~e ~~~,orc~r~~.m OR~,L REPOR`~ m Zd~~ 3~.TDiT~~~~~ l~E~~~~ °~C~19~YCII~?~L4~ ~C~i7~G~L Cc~~n~~Y~~~ ~~~:tc~~~l ~~,~i~~a~~ `Ldp~ ~ ~~~~~:~,~~c~n~l ~~~.g~:t ~ne~ ~epUr~~d th~ foll~~~ng I~~,e~ b~c~r~ ~,~~~;~~~c~~, ~t; t~~~.~ ~~~c~~n~ ~~~n~ 3 A~~~.~o~~ C~~.~t~~ me~tinge ~r~,~~~ 1~.~~1 of .~~p~:~ 1~~~CF~ ~rs~r ~ b~l.c~r ~p~1T.za~.~9 Bid~ ar~ b~~ng ~~,l~~d ~c~r ~~r~.~t~~~t~c~n of ~~~!~a~,s~~r~t ~.~c~ l~~g~~ con~~~~~.on 1~~~~~~ng, r~~~i~l~a ~n ~pr~~~~ics~9 ~~~~s1cY ~a~~~ ~,c£di~i~~.~l reven~.~~ far ~ ~c~p~~; ~~n~ ~ ~~z~~~~c~~ing af t,~~11~ t~~ ~ ~ r~~w b~~n. RECEIPT OF FR~IVCI~TSE F1tt~~T PP~~TFTC ~AS A1~TD E3~EC'TRIC CON1~AlV~ Adma~.ni~tr~,~o~ ~~t~~ ~~~o~G~d t~~ ~~~c~~,p~ ~f th.~ ~1~~~~ie ~ fr~n~l~is~ p~,~alt~n~ f~er~ C',~,~ ~nc~ :~l~c~r~c C~~p~,~~ t~.~ c~l~nd~~ 13~~, in the ~.~o~tnt ~f ~29~~~o"?c o NOTIC~ OF CO1~T~~~T FII~~D R.~ a DRI~iE;~L~'P MA~3~~~X~ i~° P, G~Tl~~ ~I~, ~~,~1 ~~~°~9 ~09 S~e R.~n~,~ 2~~: ~~.c~ f3,l~d ~ G~npla~,n~ `aitlx th~ A~~o~~;~ ~~~nd.~ ~~~Ii~~ D~p~,~~~?.~~nt a,n ~~.g~,~e~ t~ ~~i~ ~~,~~,~d~ of d~iv~m~p maillaox~~ ~ s~a~ing t~~~v ~~~u-,~ p~~~sc~~~~ ~:~c~eY p~~°~~,~.~.1 ~n~~~y ~,n~. ri~k~ng th.~ box~~ l.o~~t~,~ in f~~~n~ ~~3~ (~~~.n~~: ~~~i~n ~nd F~.~,~ O~.~C~ Pl~za sp~ci~i~ ~x.g~~~i~n~~;~, , M~.~~~ L~-~fn~ r~:~p~n~~~d ~;~H~~~ C~~~n~~l ~~~~c~~ ~~~,~G t;~.~ ~~lic~ Depax~a~zxte~ ~a~r~a~~ ~f ~~,~:~,~c~~ ~,nc~ ~ di~~~~~~,c~c~ ~ri~~a th~~ P~~t Off~.ceo ADJO~TR.I~ZVT TO ~X~C~TT`~s~ S~SSIO~ On m~kion of C~~~.e~1~±~.n Wa~~.9 ~~c~one~~~. b~ C~+~n~~larr~,n T~llc~~ ~n~, ~.n~.ni~.o~~lg~ ~~~~f~d9 t~~ ~~~t;~ng ~c~jn~rn~~. ~~~~~c,~~~,~~ ~~~~io~ ~t ~.Ie06 F,M, to d.ise~~~ p~r~onnel ~n~.~~~~~ o R.~COI~T~I~E~T ` 'I'h.~ C~~a~~~T ~~c~~~a~n~e~ ~t 11~0 10 ~ Pm~Mo ~i~~ 1 ~a~~nb~~~ ~ g~~~~~nt a~ ~ ~~.~n on roZl calle ADJOURNMEIV`T On an~~i~n of ~~~Lnc~.T~,n ~~~~~:~9 ~~~~n~~d lay~ C~unc~l~e~~n T~~p~~n ~~~nd ~ un~nim~~a~~y c~.~rie.da ~n~~~~~ng ~.e~~a~~,~~n~e~ ~.1:1~. PoMa ~.nt~,~ 6:30 PaMo, April 10, 1~~Z. f~: ~ ~ ATTEST":~ . , ~4,~~ CT~I' ~ RK M~~~~Z.