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Minutes 1972-04-07
4. % CITY GOUNCIL APl~.~~. ~~`~2 ARROYO ~RAIVDE , C?,LIF'0~1IA ~ e 00 P aM, Z`k~e Cit~ Coaxncil ~n s~~c~~.l ~~~~3~n wi~h M~.g~~r L~vin~ g~~~id~.n~, Upon ro11 ca119 Coa~ncil M~~bc~~~ Seh1~~~7~, `~.~~ps~n9 W~~c~ ~,n~ r~p~~~~~, present. Ma.yor L~vin~ ad~i~~~. t~~t ~-~o i~~~~ n~~d.~cl cl~.~ifi~~t~,~rcm ~a~~ b~in~ PaO,S eT. StucYg~ and ~1~~ o~t~~r l~~ircg ~h~ p~~1 ~~l~~n bg~ tY~~ Ci~~~~n~ C~~uri~t~~~ f~~ Better Governm~n~, REI,~ASE OF P.O.S.T, S~DY Mayo~ Levine ~.~.vi~~d ~ha~ r~p~~~ e~r~ th~ PpO.S."~o 5~~~.~ b~~n received and. had b~en subrni~t~d tc~ Attc~rn~~ t~~~a Wil~ia~n~~n f~~ re~~~~ ~~x t~~ effect it wm~ld h~.ve on t~~ pr~s~nt co~~~~ ~~ti~n p~ndin~ ag~.ia~~t th~ P~~~,c~ Department, and 1~~ atn~l~orized t~am r~l~~~~ of t~i~ ~~po~°~ ~d th~ ga~bi~,c, 0~~ coPY of the P.O.S.`~. S~udg~ r~po~~ wfl~ be ~~~.il~b~~ fa~ p~bl~,c ~~~riva~ ag City H~.11. Administr~.tor ~a~tch. indie~t~d ~~~a~r r~~r~~~n+~ata~v~~ f~~ l',~,S.T. ~~1~ be in the Cftg~ c~n E~.priY 1~, 19~/ 2~~ dis~~n~~ ~t~.~ Ar~~~~ Gr~.nd~ P~Iic~ D~ga~~eni~ Management sur~aey for 1~~2, PUBLIC SidRVEY TAK.E~1V BY CITIZ~~S C~NIMIT'~EE FOR BET~~It (,OV~RI~YN1E~t~ Th.e C~~.n~il disea~s~~d ~he pnabli~ opini~n pn~l r,shich h~~ j~s~ b~~n published in the n~~asg~p~x and. h~,c~ be~n ta.k~n b~ th~ Arro~~ Gr~.n~.~ Cigiz~n~ Committee for Better Go~ern~n~n~. ?,ccor~in~ t~ ~1~~ n~r,~spap~~° ~.r~sa,cl~, qtaes~ionnai,r~~ l~~d b~~n dist~~.b~~~d to 3.~0 l~~n~~ 9~~.t ~f ~t~i.~1~ 2~6 c~~npl~~c~d questionnair~s ~aer~ x°~t~xn~d., ~naking ~.p th~ ~a~r~~y. M~y~x~ I,~~in~ f~lt ~1~~ poll not to b~ v~.lid and Co~encils,~o~~.n Ttb~anp~an f~It tY~.~ ~u~v~~ ~a~ ~~xg~ ~~~nt~ds Councilan~.n Ta,l~.~~ re~.d pres~ r~l~~.se s~~.~~.~n~n~ in ~~b~~t~.l c~f tl~~ gaT~. Mr. B~~nard L~,nds~n ~,r~,s pr~:~ent ~.nd s~~.~~d he had a co~~r of ~h~ p~l.l t~ submit ~~o the ~~u~ci3. at'_i~s f~r~~ f~x~a~~ rai~~~i~g, wh~~i~ ~a~- ~~itr~~~~ ~~~~~d 1~~ Ap~i.l i0, 1~~2a ~Ie ~.%s:o advi~.~~ ~~aa~ ~~~~n.~ ~r~.s invi~ed ~a ~.~t~nci ~h.~ an~~tings of th~ Arroyo Grand~ Ci~ti~~n~ C~mHnitt~~ fmr B~tt~r G~~~;rn.~~n~, ~aa~.~.~~? ~ace~t~ ~n Room 202 of ~h~ Va1T~y~ Rc~~.d High Sehoc~l on t~.~ t~ix°d kl~dn~~da~ of ~~~ts Yn~nt~a 1~Ir. Robert Coll~t inq~a~r~~ if ~nly r~sid~nt~ ~n th.~ Gi~y cont~~~~d, to wh.ich M~°. L~,ndsman a,nsr~e~~c~ th~ ~.ffirfl:aa~iv~, Mr. Coll~t t~.~n ~~t~rte.e~ tha.t citizens outsid~ of th~ City~ 1imi~s ~f Arrc~~~ ~r~nde h~d b~~n p+~IYed. Co~.ncilman. Schfl~~~l ineY~.~~g~e~ h~.s f~~lin~ t~~.t M~. L~nd~~n~n° s~.~~i~n in r~l~asing th~ poll t~ th~ p~~~s b~for~ l~t~ing th.~ C~~anci~ s~~ it unethical and t~iat if ~h~ Citi~~n~ G~rnni~~~~ r~~11g~ vaanteel t~ h~lp t?h~ C~~nci1 then the "Citizenss P~11" s~~~ld h~.~~ b~~n ~a~b~n~.tt~d ~o t~~~ C~~xxci~. fiest before giving it to ~GF~~ px~;~~ o Mx. Ralph 1V. Rictaard~ of ~~ae Ci.~iz~n~ C~i~~~~ w~,~ pr~~~nt an~. ~~at~d he ptnblicly apologiz~d far th~ f~.~t ~ha~ ~h~ C~~nciY d.id not g~t t~n~ir c~pies of th~ poll first, ~xpl~.ining t1~~.t he h~.d. h.~.d. to 1~:~.v~ ~o~rn ~.nd. ~ad. ask~d NI~ o Landsman to ciistribut~ the C~~nci~as copi~~ t~ tl~~in an~. ~a~.s not ~.w~ar~ t~i~.~ the Couneil had no~ x~ceiv~d ~ cop~ th.e poll pr~.or~ ~o g~~blic~,ti~n ~f i~o Do~is OT.sonID r~po.r~~r for th~ 5~.nt~, Maria T~!~~ 9 ad~i.s~d s~e ~~.d ~heck~d the validi~~ ~f t~e poY1 b~for~ prin~ting it and. ~aas ~r,a~r~ ~~~.i~ t~.~ City Coaxncil h.~.d not be~n cc~~sax~.t~d px°io~ to tYn~: proj~c~. Fire Ct~i~f Ma.rsal~k r~c~~ni~~d M~~~r~ Le~ain~ an~ C~~an~i~. M~~?ks~~~ ~alley and Thompson witl~ a vot~ of confid~~nc~ and ~.lso indic~.t~~. l~i~ di~° pleas~.re wit~a ~hp poll. ADJOURNMENT On motion of C~~ancilinan Ta11ey9 s~cond~:ci by C~~nncil~~n ~~1~1~~~~ ~.~d unanimouslgr ear~i~dg t1~~ me~ting adjourn~:d ~t 4:50 P.M, ATTES T~ ~~a_,_- C ITY RK I~Y~R