Minutes 1972-04-10 ~d CI'IY COiTNC~L c~~RI~~ 1~ 0, ~.9t ~ ARROYO GI2AIV'DE , CAT,IFOIt1~fiIA T~a~ Ci~~ G~~nci~ m~t in ~~~~~~r ~Ra,~~i Ma~~~ p~~~~e~~,~~. roll ~al~~.~ Co~~ci~ M~~la~~~ ~~t~b1~~~T, ~~~~~~n, ~T~~d ~.n~ T'~.~~,~~ pr~~~nt. PLEDGE OF A~L~GIt~~VCE A?~D I~~C~~IOi~ Mayc~r L~~ain~ l~~d ~1~e raf ~~,~l~:~f~~c~ ~'g~g~ ~~c~ ~~~d~.~~~~.~ th~re~ft~~9 C~a~nci~a~~.n~ S~k~~.~~~~. ~1~~~.~~r~~. t~~ i~~am~~~~~n, EIPPROVAL OF MI1~L~°~~S ~h~ ani~.~t~~ of r~~a~~,r ~~~~~in~ ~f N~.~~h 2~, ~ 19~2, ~~r~r~ ~~~r~~~d prep~.~~d o APPROVA~ OF WARIZP,1~'i`S On motion ~f C~~n~il~~,n ~~~1~:~~~,9 ~~~~x~d1~~ b~ C~~:a~i~.~~~.n 'l~~~ps~n, ~.n~ tan~nim~ansTy c~r~i~d., ~~n~~~~ Ta~,~~~.nt~ ~0~ t~~o~g~ ~~e ~ ~.~0~ i~ ~~t~~, ~xnount of $129333.96a ~~.3r~o11 W~rr~.nf~~ 1V~> tl~~~~ag~a 13~6, ~xa tot~l aa~a~n~ c~f $1~94~~a9~9 r~~~c ~,g~~°~~~~. a~d ord~~~e1 p~~.~a LETTER OF ILEQ`u~S l~ a PARKIi~~ ~"I~ I~IMI~ ~1~ T~A.~'FI~ WAY ° gA~~ Adanini~~tr~.~~r B~a~c1~. ~~~i~~~d ~ 1~~g~~ r~~~i~~d fr~en M~o ~,nd M~~, Di~k P~.yn~ nf gh~ ~'~~.ffi~ Wa~ ~~e~~~s~ing t-ur~°h.~~~ par~.i~~ ta.a~.~ lian~t ~n 1"raffic Way, b~~~~en ~ne~ Ch~~~~ ~~,4~r~~~o ~ sir~~,1~~ ~~qa~~~t b3~ ~ resid~nt in t~~ ~r~~ ~.~.c~. ~~e t~p ~~ar~ t~.~n~ ag~ ~.ncY Yn~d b~~n ref~rr~d t~ Pa~king Co~ma.~~a~n, `a~~ 1~~d ~~.k:~n n~ ~,~~t~.~+~.o ~f~t~~ ~e~~~.ciY c~.i~~~~~ion, ~t~.~ req~~st w~.s r~f~rr~~. ~,~~3.r~ ~r~ t~L~ P'~,~1~in~ ~~~si~~i~n f~r t~,~~.~ c~~.~a.~~~~.~fon as t~.~ ~anlimi~~:d p~~°k.f~~ ~~a~v ~~i~~in~; in ~~~.g ~.r~~, i~ ~~~anp~~in~ b~~~.~~~~ of tl~~ Tx°~.ffic W~g~ F~~rs~:~~a TREAS~TI2~R e S REPORT FOR ~I~~~~l: OF Mt~.RC~~ ~.9~ 2~ ~~,D OV~lt A~amin~:~~r~t.t;car'.~a~~~~. ~~cl and th~ C~~.n~f y ap~~o~~d tl~~,~ r~vi~~a ~f th~ Tr~~.~~.~e~e J~~~p~rt f~~ ~ th~ a~~n~~ ~f M~.•r~h b~ h~l~. over ~anti~ tk~~ ~ n~~t regaalar C~un~il ~c.~~~ing ~,f~ r,~~,~ ~~~~~.~ec~ ins~ffa~~i~n~ r~.!~~ 1~~fesr~ ~~i~ m~~ting fox t~a~r~~~~. r~~i~~,~. DEPARTMENTAL M~~T'~H'ia'Y 1t~P~iRT' F~It N1A.RC~. 19~2 T~n~ D~p~.r~n~n~~~ R~~~~~ f~~ tka~ ~mo~.~~. ~f M~.r~Y~, ~~9~~, w~~ r~~~Y~~e3 by t1~~ C~un~il, r~~i~~re~ and. e~~~.~rPd fi.l~d. M(JNICTPAL COD~ L~~1~DNME~~ ORD. ADOPTo - 1t~~0~I~~ CAS~ N~ ~2m~6a C1,A,AK Pr'1RK BI~~7D & CHII~'Tt~1V. F~S TO H-S(P~TERS) Gi~y~ Attorn~~ Ships~~ r~~,~ ~ittl~ af ~,n ordin~~~~ a~n~r~~.i~g Mannicip~3 Cod~ ~o ~.s ~c~ r~~~n~ fx~ F-S F~~~~aa~~ S~rvic~ Dist~i~t t~ H°S Highva~.~ S~~v~~~ Di~~ra~c~y e~r~~i~ p~~p~r~~ in t~~ Ci~y of Arr~~~ G~~nd~a th~x~eafte~9 a m~ti~n w~~ ~~.d.~ b3~ C~~~~i7.~ii~n ~c~~.~g~l, s~cond~d b~ ~~t~ncil° waina~ ~.c~~stpson ~.nd ~n~,ni~rt~~a~I~ ~~~ri~d9 t~ c~i~p~ns~ ~ri~l~ r~~din~ t~.~ b~.l~.~~~ of this orclinane~. 6~D~1v~TC~ ~~e E6 CoS. AN ORDI~T~IVCE OF T'IiE CITY OF E11~~Y0 GRAIVD~ AMEIVDI~V~ ~4 P(~RTI~1V OF TIi~ ZC7~V'I~iV~ Mt1P (~F ~II~ CIT~' (~F L~RIt~YO GRAIVI)E REF~RR~D TO I~V SECTIO~t .302 bF ~~~'~,E 9, CHA~T'~R ~~F 'I'~ M[3~TTCi~AL C~D~ S~ AS ~ REZ~1~E G~ItT2,I1V PR~P~I2.'~Y T~V T~~ C I~ OF ~1ZR~Y~ G1t~N~E , On inotion o~ C~~ancil~oan~.n ~~a.~~c~~.9 ~~~o~d~:d by Co~.n.c~,la~an T"~ll~y, ~nd on th~ follow~ng ro1T~ c~11 vo~~~ t~ w1t: AY~S: G~~ncil Mezr~l~~~~ Sch3~;g~3., °~~~s~n, W~~d9 T~l~~~ ~~a~ M~,y~r I~~~rin~:, NOES e Ne~n~ ABSEI~1'T e l~on~ the fore~oing oxdin~.nce p~~~~d `~.nd. adr?pte~. ~l~i~ 10,+~~. d~~ Apr~~, ~.9~Za MUNICIPAL C(~D~ AMEI~IDMENfi ORD. ADOI~T ° RE~OI~TII~TG CA~E NOe ~~°57 i0. EI,M S~T~,s ~R 1 ~'0 RmC~ (ESSAR.Ya City At~~~ne~ Ships~g~ r~~.d. the ti~I~ of an o~din~nc~ ~.~n~:nd~ng t~a~ Municipal Cod~ so ~s t~ ~eze~n~ fx~m Rml R~~~d~n~ial Di~tr~.~~ ~a It~G G~.x~~n Apartm~nt Re~id~n~i~.l. Di~~~~.~g, c~~t~.in pr~~~r~y in Cit~ ~f A~r~~~ G~°~nde, th~reafter, a~~~ta~~n w~.~ ~~.cl~ bgr C~~~.n~i3a~.r~ ~~h.~~~~~., s~~o~d~~ b~ C~a~~~i~,~±,~.~ Talleg~ and ~nani~at~~x~l~ c~.rr~~r~fl, t~ ~~,~~~n~~ ~ri~~ ~~~d.fng t~~ b~,Y~sn~~ c~f t~~,~ ordinanc~. ' ~ CITY GOUNCIL AP1~.IL T09 T9~2 ARROYO GRANDE 9 CAI,IFORNTA PAG~ 2 OlZD~I~VCE N0 0 6~ C sS . AN ORI3I1~tt~~TC~ ~F T'~T~ CI1'3~ OF ARIZOYO GItANDE AMENDING A P~RTIOI~ OF ~i~ ZONING MAP ~F 'I'~ GITY OF AR1t0Y0 GRA~TDE REF~RRED TO IIV SEC~~O~ p302 ~F TIT7~E 9a C~P°I'ER 4 OF THE MUi~TICIP~L GODE ~0 AS TO REZOI~TE CERTAIN PRO}:'ER7`Y IN THE C ITY OF ARROXO GRAI~TD~ d On motion .of Coaxneilw~~n ~~~pson, s~cond~d by C~a~nc~.lan~.n S~tnl~gel ~nd on the follcaw'ing ~oll c~.~l v~~~, wit: AYES: C~uncil M~~nbe~~ Sclal~g~l, TY~o~np~~n, Wo~d, ~all~~ ~,nd M~.~~~ L~~in~ NOES : 1~1on~ ABSENT> 1~Ton~ the foregoing Ordi,nan~~ w~.s pa~~~d: ~.nd adopt~d tY~~s YOth d~:y af Aprfl, 1972. MUNICIPAL CODE ANIELQDMEN'~ ORDe ADOPT. - ESTABLISH. t~TDElt~ROUND UTILI7~Y DIST. BRAIVCH ST, NO. 1~~* City Attorn~~a S~ips~g~ r~ad. t~ae title of an orciin~nc~ am~nding the Municipal Code so as ~~gablish. an idndergroaxnd LTtility Di~triet Branch. Street N~, 1, `ai~hin ~t~~ Citg~ of Arro~o Grande; ~th~~eafter9 a moti~n ~~.s anade by Coa~ncilm~.n Schlegel, s~c~nd~cl by Co~ncil~*oman Th~mp~on anct unanlrnoaasl~ ca.rried, to disp~ns~ wi~th r~ading the bal~.nce of this ordinanc~. . OTtDINANC~ I30 . 68 ~ AN ORDI~ANCE OF TI~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE AS PROVIDED BY TITLE 9, CH1~P~ER S, SECTI01~7 .02 TO ESTABZI~H AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT BRANCH S'I~ET N0, 1 WITHIN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AlVD R~Qi3IR~NG TFIEREIN T,ETE REN1fJVt~L OF CERTAIN 1~LES, OVERY~A~ WIRES AI~1D ASSOCIATED 0~1ERHEAD STRUCT[JR~S o On motion of C~~xncil~.n Talley, second~d by C~nciT.an~.n Wood and on tla~ following ro11 ca11 vot~, to wit: AYES: Coa~nci9~ M~ar~b~r~ SchYegel, Thc~mpson~ Wood9 Ta11~y and M~.yor L~vine 1VOES : iVon~ ABS~NT: Non~ the for~goiaxg Ordinanc~ was pas~~d and adopt~c~ ~~.i~ IOth cl~.g~ of Apr~19 g972. REQUEST TO ACCEPT EAS~MEDTT 'D~~DS (ROBISOIV. 12,OS~ & ROBISON) Ad~inistr~.tor But~h r~va.~:w~d ~his matt~r which had b~~n h~ld ov~r f~r ' several weelc~ for ft~r~h.er inv~~ Cigation, which. matt~r inwol~es th~ reco~an~nda- tion of the Lot Split G~manitt~~ that the C~tancil acc~pt f~tzr eas~m~xt~ d~~d.~ from Tx°oy R~bisong R~ber~ R~bi~~n and I~arrg~ Rose for an ar~a ~djac~nt to So. Tr~ffic Wayo Dir~ctor of l~blic Works And~rson revi~~ed th~ conditi~n ~f th.~ right°of-wa.yg indicating th~.t it was unimproz,ed and th.a.t the City may b~ legally liabl~ for an~ acciden~s oceurring ~here if acc~pt~d b;~ t1~e Ci~q~, which point was veri£ied by Ci~ Attorx~.~gr Shipsey. After G~unei,~ dis~~~~ion, it was decided that fihe City woaxld not want to accept t2a~ righ.t°of-~aa~.y in i~ts presen~ condition, bu~ that ~~i~ par~~l a~,ps s~.c~uld b~ recorded to pro~e~g t~.e property awners, s~id m~ps b~ing conditioned h~ever r~rith ~Che stat~~~nt ~hat the right°of°wa.y wi11 not b~ ~ceepted by the Ci~ty until said righ~C-~f~r,aa?~ i~ improved to City~ stand~.rds. ORAL REPORT - COQ & CI~IES PI~A.Na- COORDi GOUNCIL MEET~ - COUIUCILMAN TA~,~,EY Councilman Tall~y revi~a~d t17.e min~tes of the sp~cial me€~ting c.~,7l1~d1 on Agril 3, 19~2 by ~he Co~ant?~ and CiCi~s Ar~a Planning Co~rdinating Co~tncil,_ indicating th~.g h~ had b~en axn~ble to att~nd, bt~r did point ottt ~1°~.t P~~o RoblesA applic~.tion for I~.UD £unds wa.s app'~ov~c1. wi~h e~rtain ~~n~~nt~. Administr~.tor Butc1~ report~d ~h~.~ Di~~c~vr of :P~iblic W~rks And~rson ha.d attended th~ special m~eeing, advising ~l~~C the Diablo Water Tr~~tment plant had been ~isc~xs~ed. bri~flq. A1s~ th~ ~x~ili~ati~n of th~ ga~ t~.x f~x p~blic transportation ~~.s di~cu~sed an~ ~h~ City~s gas ta.x ineome `aill b~ used for street i.mprov~an~nt ~i.nce ~here is no public transportation ~gr~t~m. %~(Ord, not published. See Minutes of April 25, 1972 and June 13, 1972) _ i cz~ courrciz~ AP~z~ Lo9 19z2 ARROYO GRAND~ , CALIFOIZI~IA PA~~ 3 AUTHORIZATION FOR BUR~T W~~K m MAY ~.3 , 1972 Adaninis~rat~r B~t~h r~vie~r~d a~~q~e~~ f~~r? Fir~ C~~~f M~rs~~~1~ f~r tk~e Co~.ncil's appr~~al ~o s~t t~.~ Sp~~ng B~.rn W~~k frc~ M~.y ~ tl~r~~x~~ I~g~ ~39 1~720 After Co~nciY disc~~~~~n9 ~n m~~f~n C~fin~ilx~~.n Tall~gr9 s~~ond~c~ b~ Co~sn~ilm man Schlegel and ~.nanian~~slg~ e~r~i~d~ w~~Yc M~y tY~~~~gh. 139 1972 ~r~s designated ~s Sprin~ B~n~n Ta~~k ~~a t~!e City ~f Arx°oyo Grand~. PROCLAMATION -"ARRO~'0 GRANDE CL,~~T°UP W~EK" ° AFRIL 24m~8 197~ Administ~at~r Bu~~~n r~vi~s~ed tYne arrang~Yn~nt of t~i~ ~nnu~al ~~~nt, including t~:-~_ ~zi.~l~-~p l~cati~n~ and da~~~ ~f pick~~p b~~ng Apri~ 26th and 27th. 'I`t~ereaf ter, Mav°~=~~r Le~ine r~acl pr~c Yar~~timn and. pr~~ 1ai~~d April 24 throaxgl~ Apri1 28, Y9~2 a~ "A~~og~~ ~~an~.~ C1~~n-~p W~ek" in tl~~ Ci~~ of Arroyo Grande9 as req~~sted b~ Dir~ctor ~f 1~~.bYic W~rk~ And~r~~n, ~n behalf of the Arro~o Gx°ande B~~~.~~fication Coan~itteex tiah~ sgmnsors t~~s project, • NOTICE OF SEMINAR BY C~AS'TA~ ~1A~,L,~Y PI~~NI~G COMMISSION ° APRIL ~2e 19~2 Administrat~r B~teYa advis~d ~h.at notic~ Y~~,s b~~n rec~iv~d of a ~ planning seminar by th~ C~~.~t~l Vall~y~ Pl~,nning Goanenissfon be l~~ld ~n April 22, 1972 i~a ~rov~r City, ~h~,ch wi11 b~ og~n to ~~~rg~on~ and ~a~11 include a pr~sentati~n of "N~~a I,~nd ~Jse C~nc~pts" in the morning s~s~ion followed by "California P~ann~.n~ ~~gisYa~i~n" at tF~e afternoon ses~ion, RECEIP'T OF "POLICY STATENIE~T ° S0. GOU~JJTY PI~ANe AREA, S.LoO. COUNTY" AdYnin~strato~ B~xtch bri~fl~ revi~csed a bookl~t j~st ~~ceived from and pr~pared b;~ th~ Coa~n~y P~.anning Department entit~~d "Po~.icy Stat~~x?entmm South County ]Planning Are~, S~n L~.i.s Obi~g~ Gounty" and indicated. that ~h~ booklet wo~~d b~ on fi1~ at City Hall f~r anyone wishing to revie~vv i~. PUB, HEAR. - GURB4 ~U~"`PER &/OR SIDEGIALK INSTALLATION ~ GRAND & II~IA~CYO~T Administrator Butch ~~~i~ta~d t1~~ ac~i~n taken by Co~nncil a~ i~s ~ao previoa~s meetings , at ~aahich t1~ie ~.n~ ~allation of caarbs , gaatters , driwe~a~;y ap~ons and sicIl~~aalks r~q~ai~~d of progerty ownex°s on c~;rtain portion~ of Gxand Avenaxe be~~,ic~~n Ald~r it~e~~ and :.I~.lega~n Road; ar~d th~ ~ast sid.e of H~.lc~on Ro~.d b~~~~n ~r~.nd. A~~n~~ ~.nd. G~rn`aall Aven~.~, t~ro~ngl~ ~h.~ utilizatian of the 1911 Ac~ (S~~r~ F~rIIn) and High.way C~d~ Sectic~n 5875, Maps of the areas t~ b~ improv~d ~r~re ~hown, inclasding a proposed parking diagx°am in front of ~1~~ b~~inesses at the ~o~.theast co~ner of Gr~nd A~enaa~ and lia~cyon Rt~ad. Upon b~ing as~~,~~d by Ci~y C~.~rk Kingsl~y that all requir~Yn~nts provided. by law9 rega~din~ a~~tifica~ti~n of h~aring, h.ad been cc~mpli~cl with, M~.yor Levine d~clared th.~ ~~aring ~p~n ancfl all persons for or against t~~ iai?prov~ments on.: A. the ~a~~ side of I~a.lcyon Rca~d be~ween Grancl Av~n~ne and Cornwa~l Av~nu~; and B9 impro~~m~nts on Grand Aven~e bet~aeen Alder Stre~t and ~alcy~n R~ad., tia~u~~.d n~r b~ h~:~.rd, A. M~.rjari~ Ga~s, pr~per~~ ~can.~r at Halc~on and Grand.9 pr~~ented k~~r off-streei~ parking pr~posal. , Th~ fal~~aing p~r~on~ ~~r~ pr~s~n~ and spoke again~~ th~ ~~q~nired improvements. ~dgar Lo B~te~, 106 No Halcyon; J~nanita Mathis, 104 N. I~a.lcy~n~ and Ernie Fissori, 112 Nv I~.1cg~~n, inq~ir~d as to the need for sid~t~ralks adjacent to a vacant lot owned b~ hian and ~p~ke against ~his installati~n, Matthew Gallagl~~r, 520 I,eanna Dri~ea inquired as to tl~~ r~~~~t~ of the Police Depart~nnent&~ ~ t~.clgr of thi~ area as a hazarda A~.ministra~or Bastch advised that th~ir rep~rt had. indi~ated ~he condition of vehicles backing ~azt of the present parking ar~a c~nto I~leg~on R~~.d to b~ extx~~mely ~a~ard.o~zs, Mrs, Mathis indicated no kn~r,al~dge of an~ acciden~ts having oc~t~rred in the area due to cars bac~eing ~u~, bu~ rather that accid~nts had occurred. the ~.n~e~m section of Halc~on and G~and.. Erma Harr~.s, ~a28 Encan Co~.rty sa~gg~sted a different an.gl~.n.g of the proposed parking spac~~. ,B~ Bob ~°ollc~rts 9 99~ Grand. A~en~.~, spoke in favor of sid~~rallcs on Grand Avenue between Alder and I~alcyon, bu~t req~aest~d a 60-day d~l~.;y in construction ca~n~nc~pnent as his property was under n~gotiations ~o b~ sold and the pc~~~ntial nera own~r°s devel~ping plans for the p~op~rtgr will need to be consid~red. in the sidetaalk lay~ut. . _ . . . . . _ _ _ , _ , _ ~ ~ , ~ CITY CO~TCI~ ~~R~~ Y0, T~9~2 ARROYO GRAIVD~ , CA~IF0~3~ 4 Tta~r~ b~in~; n~ f~r~~.~~° ~i~~~~~~~n ~.~~~n~~ ~~~~,b~~~~a~nt ~f c~rbs, g~.tt~r~ ~nd ~~,~.~r~~.~~~ ~r~ ~,f~~c~~~~~~,~n~~ ~.~~a~ 9 N1~~~~ ~,~~,~~n~ d~clared t~e h~~rin~ ~l~~~c~. C~~.ne~l ~i~~~a~~i~n ~~~~~d~n~ ~t~~~ ~~cY~~~,~~~. ~~n~~~n ~b~~>~.~ d.~~in~,~~ and pa~king ~,s~~iY~.bi~.it~ in a~~~ ~.n t~~ ~~t~~~s F~r~~~, r~c~~~~~.~n ~1~~ ma.tt~r wi11 b~ h~lc~ o~~:~ ~.n~~~ t~~ ~~g~~~.~ C~~n~~.~, a~~~~~n~ M~,~ 99 t~ give th~ ~reae~ a~~~c~~n~~ ~n ~~p~~~~ni~~ p~~~.~p~ ~p ~ p~.~~a~~~ solution (pos~ibi~ ~r~~~~~~1 ~f ~~~,c~ ~,t ~e~~,~ of b~,~~~~~~~~~ e ~.nd further dr~inag~ ~~~dy b~ ~a~~ b~ Dir~~f~~~ ~f P1~la1~c W~~~.~. Af~~r Co~nci~. di~~~~~~,~n ~f i~~~ B., ~n ~~~i~n ~f C~usn~i~~~.~ GI~~d~ s~conded b~ C~~n~il~~n S~~l~g~~ ~,~c~ ~n~,nia~~~n~~,~ ~~.~~~~~9 ~~p~~in~~~d~nt ~g St~e~ts And.~~~on ~a~.~ in~tx~c~~~~ to p~~c~~~ wi~ka t~~ ~n~~~~l~.~~~~ ~f sid~~~,~k~ on ~la~ soa~th sid~ ~f ~~and. A~a~n~~ b~~~~n I~~,~~~n Rc~~~. ~n~ AEd~~ 5~~~~~ ~n~~~~ Bob F~Tlcerts ~~1.~.~ ~ii~ p~~ap~~~~ r~~tY~~n t~.~ CO~~~,~ pe~rod, in uvk~~,~k~ ~~~nt ~Yc~ rede~e'lepanen~ o~ ~~i~ ~a~ll g~~c~~rid~ f~r ~i~.~~~lk ~ns~~.l~~.~~ane REPORT_-__CON~~I~'~ R~, I~~AE~S ~F ~FFIC~ DR~~' ~~XES Adgninisg~~~~r ~~~~~a x~v~~~~~. inv~~~i~a~i~n r~p~~t ,n~~~ b~ gh~~ P~liee D~pax~n~n~ ~~~g~n~~ ~c~ ~ ~c~mp~.~.~nt fil~~ b~ P~~1 ~~ri ~l~~gfng pos~ offic~ d~op bc~x~~ ~c~ 1~~~~~d~~~u~ o ~`hi~ ~~p~~~ i~d~~~.~~~ ~~h~ l~ox~~ to b~ s~,f~ and ~~~~~~ibl.c ~c~ p~~~~n~~~mtyp~ ~~1~i~1~~ fo~ ~hich t~~ Yn~.il e~~~ps ~er~ intended. ~nzi t~.~,~ ~r~~~~ ~q~igp~d ~it~ s~r~c~~ ~ni~r~rs ~1~o~Y~ ~~~id r~sing th~ driv~-~xp m~.i~ b~x~~ o P~lic~ G~.~~;f ~i~1~~.~c~~~r~e s~~port f~~~gh~r d~~~~in~d. the~~ maiTbo~~~ not ~o b~; ~~~,ffic ?~~~~,rc~ ~.n~ ~~~r~f~r~ n~ ~~~~~n ~~lc~n on th.is b~ t~.~ C~~~.~i~,. RFPORT O1~Y_ R~S~LTS OF S~~.2~ DE~AR°~' ~I~~CE C~NSI~S Adxna,ni~~ra~~r ~a~~~;~ ~~p~~~c~~. tY~~~ 1~~ 1~~~ b~~n ~cl~i~~d. g~~.t ~fficfal Stat~ D~par~i~n~ ~f ~i~.~~.~~"~ for~~~.~ C~,t~ ~f ~rrc~~~ G~~nd~~ ~ffe~tiv~ F~br~.arg~ Y.~ 197~9 ind~~~.~~~ ~~.~~r ~~p~~~.t~on f~g~~~ ~f ~,0~5, ~~~l~c~ir~g an incr~~s~ of 3~5 p~~~~an.s, ~pp~c~~~,~~t~1g~ ~e8°o ~n.~r~~.~~ ~v~r t~i~ 1~~t 10 month~ ~ince l~~~t ~~~t~~a~.°~~ ~a~~ ~,~c~.~. MAYOR°S REPOR`T ° R~CENT NI~~T~d~'~ T~dTM~L~ R~~,ATIOI~S C~MMISST~~T M~.yor I,~vin~ r~p~~~~d ~n ~th.~ ~~~~nt ~rc~:~~ing 1a~t~~~n C~tie~ ~f A~royo Grand~9 Gx~ov~r C~.G~, l~a~s~r~ ~~~.ch., ancY ~th.~ L~xci~ M~.r Sc~o~l Distric~ at which the fa~~.~i~n ~f a~~~.th~ C~~n~;~ H~~,n It~l~,~i~ns C~cai~~i~r~ w~~ discuss~d. I~ ~r~.~ ~~1G d~f~ni~~ n~~d f~r s~ch an o~gani~~ti~n in the Soa~t~a G~a~n~~ an~. ~.c~~~11.g~ ~t ~~S~a~ld b~ cc~~apri~~~. of r~p~~~en~~tiwe~ ~ froan tl~~ ~i~g~ C~~.~~i~~ ~f ~~.l~ov~ n~~~. ~igi~~ 9 th.e San S,~xis ~bi~p~ C~~.n.t~ Boa.rd of S~sp~r~r~.~~»~~ ~.nd I,~~ia M~~ ~1~if~,~d S~l~e~~l Distric~ B~~~cl of Education. °1~~ ae~5_viti~~ ~nd m~lc~m~;~a c~f ~~i~ San Obisp~ H~n~.n Rc l~ti~ns Commiss~,on w~r~ ~~v~~e,~~d p~~~a,bY~ ~~aid~~.~.n~~ ~c~ b~ ~,~~d in t~~ fo~~,tion of a sianil~.~ coxr~nis~i~n in t~.~ S~a~th C~~n~~, ~ r~pres~nt~.~~~~ fr~an th~ Cigy Goun~il of Arrog~~ ~ra~.d~ ~~,1~, b~ c1~~~~n ~.f~~~ it~ r~org~.ni~~,~ion on Ap~i1 180 SEMI-?,NNipAL JOIIVT N1~E~"I~G ~ C~~d~C~~ ~ID PARIZ~ & R.ECR~A'~I0~5 COMM -~/26/'~2 Th~ Council ~.gr~~e~ t~ ~~~~t in j~i.n~ ~~~~ion `a~~l~ th~ P~~1e~ ~,nd R~ereation C~nissa.~n, tl~~ ~ ~.s~~~n r~e~~~~~r~ct9 an Ap~il ~69 197~ at 7:30 P.M. 1~AY~R;?:~VTNE EXC~SED ~C0~4CI~~ GvFf~f~~ °F'ROM ~I~ C~'~`~~II~ C~NI~~~S ~'P0~ k:IS REQUEST, S`TATING I3E HAS A FIIV~ICIA~ I1V~1~S~" Z~V ~ PROP~RTY ~RO~O~~D FOR S~BDI~Ia APPROVAL OF FI~AI, MAP T12~,.C`~ 409 fiTOGt~ERA PARK SF~BDZ.VZSI~1~ ~W~~D) Dir~etor of F~b~.i~ W~~~~ And~r~can ~~~~~n~~:d and ~evi~~~:d t~~ ~'in~,l M~p~ and improvem~nt p5.ans f~r °I`~~.e~ 409, "~I~g~~~~ P~.~k", incY.~n~ing; his recoYmnendation repor~ d~g~d ,~~riT C 9 I9~~a Gi~~g ~ c~n~~tl~in~ ~n~ixa~~r, Bob Garing, ~xpl~.a.n~d t~~ d~~,in~,g~ in a~~~. Engin~~~ ~c~„a~lY K~°~~,t~9 represen~ting Ae B, W~~d., s~~t~d t~.~.~ fo~sr ~~t~ ~aad b~~n d.~~.~~~d fac~~~ C~.~rr~ ~,venta~ as the r~q~ix~~d i?~~~c~~~~n~n~~ of C~.~r~g~ A~~n.a~~ r,~er~ f~~~ to `b~ an extraordin~x~ r~q~.~st b~ t~.~ Cit~. Aft~r Go~nn~il di~~~.~~i~n, ~n moti~n ~f C~a~ancilait~.n 5~~.2eg~1, s~~c~nd.~d by Councilwoanan 7.'h.~n~son an~ ~nani~n~~~l~ ~~.r~~~;d, th~ F'inal M~.p fo~ ~a~g No. 409, "Nogu~ra Park" wa~ ~.pproved, ~~.bj~:ct ~t~ ~1~~ folZe~ri~g r~q~i~~mc~nt~: 1. Incltssion ~f c~n~t;~~.~~ia~n ~f i.anpxc~s~~n~nt~ on G~.~r~~ ~v~n~~ n~~~s~axy fo~ the d~v~loprn~n~ ~f t~~ f~~~~ 1~~~ f~.~ing; Ch~~~y Av~nt~~ a~ ~?~~n on the t~nta,ti~ae ynap incl~d.ing b~~ n~~ li~i,~~d to fo~l~sing f~~:~: CI'TY C~~1CII~ ~~R~~ 16, 1,9d~ AR.It0Y0 G1ZAl~ID~ , ~A~2F~R~IL~ ~A~~ ~ ~.o D~d~~~.~.~,~~n ~~o~c~~~~ ~c~~~~~,~~ ~~~z~ g~~~~~~~~o ba ~~~b9 ~,~~~~r: ~,rLC~ ~ ~~,~~~,~1~, 5~~~:~~ ~~c~°~~~L r~~.~~~x~,~3~r ~.~~~~~~t~ ~~~~~~,~e d.. In~g~l~,~,~~~n ~f c~~n~,~~~~~,~ ~~,~~s~. ~p In~~~~1~,~,t~~~ ~,in~e f. In~~~Y~~~i~n ~f ~ 9~'" ~ tia~,~~~ ~ ~~~~a~,~c~~ , In~tal3a~a~~n ~f ~n~~~~~ go tY~~ 1~~~ ~r~nt~n~ C~i~~~~ ~s~~n~~ . ~ Y~. ~~t~n~~.c~~ c~~ ~~~in~.~,~ d.~.~~~. r~~ t~.~ ~~~~~~~yr l~n~ t~ C1~~~~y A~rr~n~;c. A1~. ~,b~~;~ i~p~°n~~~:~n~s ~E~ ~c~n~k~~,~~~~ ~n c~nj~n~~i~n ~ai~~ ~ ~ ~ d~v~~.~~a~~~~ ~ e~f 1~~. ~dg ~~a~ ~p~~~~,~~ ~~i~n~~~~~~n~n~ kr~~.c~ ~ ~.n agre~~~~.~ ~a~~i~~ r,~c~^.w~d ~r~; c~~ ~,~~~~.~l~ti~n ~f ~kY~~~~ impx°~~~~~n~~ ~w~.t~i~.n 3~ ~~nt~.~ f~~~ ~,~t~~ Ap~~,l 109 19~2 ~~~il Oc~ob~~ 109~Y~~~, 2. 'I°k~~.t t~.~ ~ d.~~~~.~~~~ ~ in~~~,~,~, ~..~n~ ~n C~~r~g~ ~~r~~.~~ ~ ~n~. ~t~~ ~it~ ~~i~nb~~~~ ~~bc~ d~v~~,~~a~~ f~~ b~,~~~~r~ T„~" 1~n~ ~ ~~q~ir~e~. b~r ~t~~ M~,~ ~ ~1~~ ~nd ~h~ ~ ~i~ia~~ ~~.n~ ~~q~~~~~ ~f ~.~~~~.op~rs e 3. 'I~~t tY?~ ia~~~~~s~~~~~~ ~,~~~~.~~n~ and ~~a~ Tr~~~~~~?~n~ o~ Cr~~li~ b~ revis~~. ~~f~,~~~ ~.b~~~~'.~~~~~s~d ~~q~~.~~~~n~~. And f~.~th~r, t~~ C~,ty 5~~~~:~ D~p~.~~~a~r~~ ~~:~fo~ w~~~ ixx e~nm j~ncti~m ~~ri~1~ ~~i~ D~~~~~~~:~ ~ t~ ~t~pr~~~ ~~~~,in~.~~ of C~i~rrg~ A~~ e adja~~~t t~ T"~°~.~~~~~e~409 n~w ~t~~~~ g~~d~~e ~nd f~.~°th~r9 tla~.~ b~n~~i~k~ ~dj~ini.n~ p~c~g~~t~ fc~r ~n~t~~l~t~on of ~a~~~r 1~.n~~ ~n A~~n~~~ an~ Mg~:°~1~ ~t~~~~ a~d ~a~in ~n M~~~l~ 5t~~~~ b~ ~a~~~~,~~d ~.rc~. ~~f~nd~ m~~.~ ~o t~c~ d~~~1~pe~ if, ~.nd wh~n, t~~; b~n~f~.~~~g ~a~~p~~°~i~~ ~r~ ~~~~~c~ r~ri~hin an ~m3~~ar ~a~rio~.v cot~NCZLrr~t woon ~~~[~c~~ 90.~2 ~,r~o P~s~~°re oF ~z~~, r~~ ~~c~ 4~~ D~~ str~~~v ~P~°~~)~m~a~~ Adaninist~~.~or ~~~~k~ ~.d~~~~~. ~Y~~,~ t~~ e~~~~~Te~g~~~ ~f t~.~~ ~~~~t ~~.d req~n~~ted th~~ t1~:~s qn~~~~~ b~ 1~~:~~. in ~b~~~.n~~ ~~~~.I tk~~ n~x~ C~~nciT me~ti~g, rahich ~~qu~~t ba~,s g~an~~~ b~ Co~snc~1. PRESENT. OF FI1V[~L MAP 'IRACT. 434 'I'~RRA D~ ORO S[IBDIV, (SWIN~R) m HELD OVER Adtninistra~or B~~c~. ~.d.~a~~~d ~Y~~~ ~1~~ c~~~~lop~~s of t~is ~r~c~ h~d req~ested that ~1~~~ yna~t~~ 1~~ ~~1d ~n ab~y~nc~ un~til tY~~ nex~ ~~g~.lar Co~ncil. meeting, wh~ch r~qu~sC w~~ g~an~~d b~ ~T~~ Cc~un~ile COUNCIL APPEAL ~.E. C~'U1V~"Y P7~A~3. CaMNS 1ZEQUIR, ~II~T ~'I~ PIKE Administr~.to~° B~t~~ ~~vi~ea~d a~~port f~carn t~,~ D~~°ec~o~ of ~~ub~.i~ Wo~k~ and the Plann~ng Dir~~~o~~ ~~q~~sGing t~~ Ci~~ Corsn~il to app~~,1 ~t~P ~.ction of the County Pl~nning C~rri~~ion ~it~. ~°~fer~n~~: to t~~ ~°~~~tmofmra~..~ and. ix~p~°ove- ment on Th~ P~,k~ an Stxbdivis~.on ~r~c~ 4~329 b~~r~~.n W~lm~,r9 T~~ P~~e, ~nd 22sg and 22nd Streets in Oe~anrsm Co~~.ss~~n 1~ad ap~~oved. th~,s tr~ct s~~~~~~at the add.itional 15' of r~,g~.~mofm~,r~.~y a~ r~cdaz~~nc~~d b~ t~e C~t~,~~ of Array~ Grande and Grovex° C~~y9 ~nd G~c~~r~~ Cit~ t~~.d al~e~.d5' ~PP~'~,~~d thei~ act~i~x~, Aft~r Council. dis~~.s~~~n~ on ~no~i.on of Cotancilan~.n 'I`~1Se~, s~~ond~d b~ Councilanan Wood ancl ~z~,anime~a~sl~ car~~~~d.9 Ad~nin~~t~~.tor B~n~ch ca~~ d~~e~~~c~ to send an appeal to th~ G~~nt~ Bo~,rd of Sup~r~ri~ars r~gard%ng ~th~ Pl~nn~.ng Commission's d.~letfon of ~n ~~d~,t~,c~n~.l .l~° ~ig~.t~c~fmca~~ on Tl~~ Pi~e ~~.~n th~;y approved the subdi~i~~.on ~~.p c~£ ~'~~ct ~32. ADDITIONAL ROIT'~II~G OF HWY 22~ ~ S~I,TDY SE~SION S~~` APRIL 24 1942 Ad~inistra~~~ ~~~~k~ ~~p~+~~~d ~h~.~ tl~~ Div~~~on of Higk~c~~.y~~ ~.a.~ e~~~~:1ap~c1 some add.itfonal ~oa~~~.n.g can. 5~~.~~: E~~~~~a~y~ 22~9 a~ ~~~~~T.t; ~h~ 1~~~ z.nfo~cn~.T meeting held by the ~it~ C~~~~c~,1 ~rs~~. ~~q~~~~~c~ t~Y~~~t ~n~t~.~~ ~.nf~~na:L ~~~cY~ session be ~~:g fo~ p~~po~~~ of ~~~~~:r~ring ~~d~,~~,~n~.l p1.~.~s, ~f,~~r C~~n~~,~ ~ CITY COUNCTZ APRIL 10~ 19~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFOR~TTA PAG~ 6 discussion9 on motion of Co~nca.~~r~~~n `I~c~pson9 s~;cc~nd~d b~ C~~ncil~rtan S~~I~g~l and unanimo~ssly c~.~~~,~d; ~n inf~~a~,1 st~dy s~~~a~on on ~d~~,~~,~nal x°c~~t~n~ ~f 5tate Higl~avvaa~~r 22~ w~.s s~t f~r 2~p~~1 2~, 19~2 ~,t e:30 P.M, REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNf O~T ~AIaCY~N R0~1D AT TI~ P~KE m N~S a S`~~RD~~~~~` Mrs. Sturd~~~,nt ~r~,~ p~~~~~a~ an~ o~al~,g~ ~~qr~~s~~~ ~1~~.~ ~ St~p sf~n b~ placed on HaTe3~on R~~.~1 a~ 'I~.~ ~~.k~ for tr~ffic t~~,~~l~n~ n~rtl~~~l~ f~o~n Highway One, indicating ~1~~.t a h~~a~c~o~s~ co~.d.~,ga~tin ~~~~t~ ~t ~1~~t ~,n~~~~~cta:on which migh~e b~; all~~ri~,~~d r,ai~~n t1~~ plac~m~n~ of ~ Stop sign. A~.~:~nistr~,~~r Btxtch was direct~d to ~ef~~ ~~.e ~~~~~r ta Cc~~n~g~ fo~ th~~,~'~,Pp~~~~~T ~i~ this par~icula~ l~c~~~.on ~s in th.~i~ j~~isdici:~.~n< 1~TOTICE OF CI~°Y°S SHAR~ OF TC)PI~S FUI~DS FOR °~lm 8'~2 AND a 72- e~3 ' AcYministr~.to~° B~~cl~ ~nfo~cn~d ~i~.~ C~~ncil tl~~t not~ice has b~~n. r~c~~.~~d from the S~at~ D~pax~~nt of P~;bl~,c W~rks t~at tk~e C~.~y's ~~ax°e of 'I'OPICS funds for 1971m~2 ~.ncfl 19~2~~3 is $59.521 for ~.~ck~ y~~rs REPORT RE o PROPERTY OW~'ERS e R~Q~~ST TO '~IE ItiTt~ CI~'' S SEWER LII~E Adminis~ra~ox~ ~s~tc~. ~~v~,~r,a~e~ pr~vio~sl~ r~;~~iveeY r~qu~~t of ~~ver~.l property owners to b~ p~~i~~~~ ~o Yas~~k up to existing se~a~rs raitll~..in tl~~ se~er dist~°ictg whieh ~°~;q~~~~~ ~.a~ bs~~n r~ferred ~a th~ C~a~n'~y and. f~nan~ial con~~lt° ants Stone & Yaungb~r~ f~r ~~a~ri~c~. ~~spons~~ from G~org~ Protop~,p~.~ of the County Eng~.n~~~ing D~p~~t~~:n~ and Ca~l Kad.i~ of Ston~ & Yo~ngber~ w~r~: read and. disc~ss~d b~ tk~~ Co~n~il. 'I'~~ followin~ p~~sons p~es~nt ~lso commented on t~.e m~t~~~o Mra R~j~ B~rn~.~~t~ 3~4 P~c~n P1ac~; M~. J~tra~s And.erson, 242 C~zyaar~a, S1~~11 ~~~cl~ (p~op~~~g~ own~~° ~t Fa~~oll & Elgn) a and Mr. Clarenc~ Linstr~na ~0:~ ~3ri~.~~ St~°~~t, Aft~r Co~nciZ ~~s~~a~sa~on9 Adm~ni~tr~Gor ~~stch ~r~s dfrec~~c~ to a~ain contact and disc~ass ~r~,t~Z tY~~ Cc~~ntg~ ane~ Str~n~ & Yo~angberg tY~~ pos~~bili~y ~f alloTaing th.~~~ r~q~~stcar~ ~o ~,nst~ll pc~rta.ons ~f t~ae s~:w~~° line nor,a and p~g~ the~r asse~sm~nts wh~n t?~~~ f~.na11~ c~~k~rIInix~~d, giv~,n~ cr~d.a.~ fo~ tl~eir ~,ncurr~d costs. PROGRESS REPOR.T - ARR~YQ G~tDE SEG~~R ASSESSMEIVT DISTRIC°T Administrator ~t~tc~O ~°~v~~:~a~:~. th~ T~ntati~~ Revised Schedul~ of th~ Arroyo Grande Sewer Ass~s~in~n~ D~~tr3.ct which was p~°epar~d by th.~ Go~ntgr and. tentativelg~ sets t~x~: p~:bli.c h~~.~°~ngs by th~ Co~nty~ Board of Supe~r2sors during the week of Jun~ 19-23~ 19720 ~ROGRESS REPORT - SOo SAI~T LtTIS O~~SPO C~L~T~'Y SAI~IITATION DISTRICT Copies of ~tl~~ Chie~f Pl~,nt ~p~~°ator's R~port for tl~~ inonth of Ma.reh., 1972e and q~.arterl~ fin~.nci~,l r~port ~r~x~ revie~a~d by the Council ancY ordered fil~d. - ADDITIONAL 3-MONTH LEAVE GRAN'I'ED POLTCE OFFICER BROSE Ad.xninistr~t~r B~st~t~ xepc~rt~d ~h.a~ thi~ prPViously reqta~~t~d. l~~.v~ of absence by Polic~ Offic~r ~~os~ t~~inat~~ as of April 209 and in vf~w of a hearing delay b~for~ tks~ Wv~lcan~n°~ Cc~mpensation App~als Boa~~., an ~,dditional three-montt~ l~av~ of ~.bs~n~e h~,s b~.~n req~~st~d, On mot~.on of Cc~t~ncilman Schlegel, s~cond~d by Co~ncilwarnan. Tho~npson and ~an~nim~~tsly~ carri~d9 Polic~ Officer Bros~ ra~s gr~.nt~;d. an additionaT 3-month Teave of absenc~, w2tk~~tzt pay, until J~t1y 20, 1972, NOTIGE OF MASON STREET BRIDGE iJNDER REPAIR .Administr~.tor Butc1~ infa~ned ~~ae Ca~ncil that the Ma~on Str~~t Bridge is presently ~andergoing repai~s ~,n~rolving ~1~e ~pox~ing of t~a~ spa•~~ings ~.nd that throt~gh tr~.ffic wil.l b~ cut ~ff 3n~ex~nitt~ntly ~.~ring the proces~ e PROCLAMATION -"PiTBI,TC SCHOOLS T~JE~K" ° APRIL 24-28 19~2 Mayor Levine r~ad pro~l~m~~~.on and prc?claim~d Apri1 24 th.rc~~gk~ April 28, 1972, as "P~.blic ScheQls We~k" in th~ City of Arrog~o Grand~9 as requested by William J. W~tson, S~ap~rint~nd~nt of th~ San Luis Ol~ispo Ces~nt~ Office of Educatione REPORT - WATER RESOURCES ADVIS, COMM. MEETII~TG - COU~VCIZWOMAN THOMPSON Councilwoimma.n Th.c~anp~on r~por~~d or~.lly on th~ r~c~nt W~.t~~ R~sc~~ax~c~s Advisory Co~?ittee m~~ting~ inda.cating that tl~e Diabla Canyon d~s~.lting plant appears to be b~coma.ng a re~.l,i~~. ~e) CITY COUNCIL APRIL 10, 19~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 ORAL THANKS FROM CITIZENS TO COUNCIL MEMBERS & CITY DEPARTMENTS Arroyo Grande residents, Ralph Riehards and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lambardo, who were present expressed their thanks and appreciation to outgoing'Cottncil Members Kenneth R. Levine and Jane Thompson, and alss~ gave a vote of confidence and voiced appreciation of the City's Fire and Police Departments. COMPLAINT RE. BARKING NEIGHBORHOOD DOG - MRS. STURDEVENT Mrs. Sturdevent inquired as to what could be done about the incess~.nt barking of a dog in her neighborhood, explaining that she had requested the animal's owners to correct the disturbanGe. Adminis~rator Butch informed her that the matter had been referred to the Woods Animal Shelter for action, ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:36 P.M. ~ ATTEST; i1 CITY C K MAYOR CITY COUNCIL APRIL 18, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. T'he City Council met in session as required by ~he Elections Code of the State of California, with Ma.yor Levine presiding. Upon roll ca11, Council Members Schlegel, ~'hampson, Wood and Ta11ey reported. present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine led the Pledge of A1legiance to our Flag; and immediately fihereafter Councilman Schlegel delivered the invocation. RESOLUTION RECITING 1~iE FACT OF TAE GENERAL MU~ICIPAL ELECTION Administrator Buteh read the title of a resoltztion reciting the fact of the General Munieipal Election, thereafter a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, second~d by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution.