Minutes 1972-05-22 CITY COUNCIL MAY l5R 1972 ARROYC} GRANDE, CALIFORIVIA PAGE 2 ADJOtJRNMENT On motian of Cc~~.ncilman Talley, s~cond~d by Co~ncilman Millis ~.nd unaniano~sly c~.rried, th~ zn~eting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. ~nti~ 7:30 P.M., May 22, 1972. ~ _ ATT~ST.~=~ ~~)1~~~'tF~~ ~~fo DEPUTY CITY CLERK OR CITY COUNCIL MAY 22, 19~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORDTIA 7:30 P.M, Th.~ City C~tznc~l met in adjourn~d regu.lar session wit~. Ma~o~ Sc~?leg~l p~esiding. Upan ro11 ca11., Coa~ncil Memb~rs M~11is, Talley~ Wood and de L~on repn~t~c~ p~~sent, BUDGET STUDY SESSIOI~I The Cov,ncil and Aeiministr~.tor Butch continu~d reviera of the 1372-73 prelimin~.ry Munxcip~,l. B~.dg~t from Page G of th~ Budget M~ssag~ to Page IX of the Svmmary of Esti~nated Rev~nuES and Expenditux°es port~on of thE Budget bookl~t. The next bud.get s~ud~ s~ssion was t~ntatively sch~d~.led fo~ May 30, 1972. ADJOURNMENT On xnotion of Co~.ncilman Woad, seconded by Ceuncilman Ta11ey and unanimouslgr carri~:d, tl~~ meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. , ~ l ATTEST. ~ ~`~llri,.~~_.~ w =~~jt DEPUTY CITY CI~ERK MAZ'OR _