Minutes 1972-05-15 ~ e~ _ _ ~Z~:~' ~~~~;~~~~3: MAY 9, 197~ n'~.'~~"~' ~~<A~`~L>^., {~AI.iF~}~N~A. p~,fsE ' NQTICE OF CLAZM AGA~I~S'1' CTTX - D, GA~tC~A Arlministr~~or 8~.~~.~. adv~.~~d GaiAnc~l. of tt~~ r~e~ipt of a la~~rxit pend.ing against tk~~ C~ty f~le.d b~ M~e A1 ~a~~i~ d~ue to ba~c~rc1~ v~. ~.u~o ac~ident on 2/17/~~9 ~.n r~rhich h.~s ~on~ D~.nn~ G~r~~~.9 Taa~ ~,n~rolv~~.. Th~ C~ty was not directly involu~~, REC~GNITION OF CITY STAFF MEMBER'S 20-YEAR TEIVURE Je E ANDERSOZ~] Adarrinist~ato~° B~tch ox°a11~ r~co~n~~~d Di~~c~o~ af P~blic Wo~ks J. E. Anderson, ,7r.9 w~c~ ~rill h.a~~ be~n r~rorlc~,ng fo~ th~ C~,t~ for ~tra~.nty years on Nlay 12, 19~2. CITIZEN'S NOTICE RE. SANTOS F'IET~D & PROPERTY DAMAGE Mr. Clark M~or~., 1180 Ash. Street9 Pr~s~den~ of the Babe Ru~th Bas~ball League, was pr~sent and t~aanl~e~ t~~ Cit~ ancY i~s staff9 includ.~ng t1~~ City Corporation Yard st~.ff, for th~ coop~ration in comple~ing tl~~ ne~a Santos Field. H~ also ac~vised ~ha~ spectato~s w~~~ ge~~~ng into t~a~ ~.cYjoining str~.wb~x°ry fi~ld and s~gg~s~~d poss~bilitg~ of t~~ City fencing nff th~ entire baseball f%~ld to d~~~r~fv~tl~~r d~mag~. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Co~ncilin~.n Tall~y, s,:cond~~. b~ Co~ncilm~.n d.e Leon and unanimo~.slg~ carr~ed~ the ~ri~~t~.ng adjo~.~n~d a~ 10:21 P.M. until 7:30 P.M., May 15, 19720 . t _ ATTEST: CTTY C MA'Y~R CITY COI7NCTL MAY 15, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M, Thp Cit~ Co~ancil x~~t in adjo~rn.ed r~g~.l~.r session wa~th M~yor Schl~gel presiding. LTpon ro1~. c.all~ Co~ancil M~s~.ber~ Mi11a~s ~ T~.11.ey~, Wood, ~.nd de ~~on reported px°~sen~. ADJOURNMENT TO AN EXECUTTVE SESSIOiV r\ On motion of Cc~axncilman Wood9 s~ennd~d b~ Co~.ncilman de L~on and. unanimo~zsTy carri~d., th.~ m~~;ting ~.djo~rn~d. to ~.n Exec~xtiv~ Ses~ion to d.~.scuss personnel~mat~~~s at ~:31 P.M, RECONVEI~IEMENT 7.'h.e Co~.ncil r~convened ~.t 7::~0 P.M< wit1~ a11 m~mbe~s present as shown on ro11 ca11. NOTICE OF RETIRE. OF CHIEF OF P(~ZICE AND APPOINT. OF ACTIIVG CHTEF CLARK Administr~.tor Butch advz~ed th.~t ~aord has be~n received f~onn the Public Employees Retir~n~~nt Syst~m tl~~.t t~ie ~.pp~.ic~tion for disa~ility retirement by Chief of Police Jo~n W. R~cla~.rdson has b~~~. ~.pp~°ov~d, T~~ date of C~ai~f Richardson°s retix°~m~nt wil~. be J~.ne 19 1972. After Co~.nc.i1 disc~ssi.on, Capt~~n Jamts C. Clarl~, a 13 year veter~n of the Police Departm~nt, raa.s appointed Acting Cl~~ef of Polic~ to be effective June 2, 1972 for a°+ to 6 month per~.oc~, ~.ft~r. whicl~ t~me a fin~.1 d~termina- tion wi11 b~ m~.d~ rah~ther ~o c~ll fo~° r~cx~xitxri~nt of a Ch~~f of Polic~, or appoint Captain G1ark as t~.~ perman~nt C~.i~f of Polic~. DISCUSSION - LEASE PURCI~ASE PRIOR RADIO S~'AT~O~T B'UILDING Discussion wa~ 1~eld regarding ~h.e feasibiTity of possibly leasing or l~a~e nur~h~.s~n~ ~~e fo~m~~ radio sta~tion ba~ilding, located at 211 Ve~°non As=~~r,~~, ta;; ~,zse~ ~.s a Po1ic~ Departxn~nt f~.cility. ~h.ereafter, Administra-~ :~utc~ was instruct~d to ob~ain an ~.pp~°a~sa1 of the former radio station - ~9.~ia.~.ing for possa.bl~ transf~r o~ the Czty"s Police faci.litym ~~;x.z~T STUDY SESSION ~ ~ Ca;~.ncil and Administr.~tor Butc'~. b~g~.n discussion of the m•~~~'~?~i~xa~~ ~~72°-73 M~znicipal Budget9 cornpl€~ting r~v~eG,r of the B~.dg~t ix~v~~~~ ~hrc~:::g~ ~~.ge G, - w:: Nn.'. ~~r~~d ~r~at t~i~ next budge~ study session be schedule~ _ - ?~.~7~R ~ CITY COUNCIL MAY l5R 1972 ARROYC} GRANDE, CALIFORIVIA PAGE 2 ADJOtJRNMENT On motian of Cc~~.ncilman Talley, s~cond~d by Co~ncilman Millis ~.nd unaniano~sly c~.rried, th~ zn~eting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. ~nti~ 7:30 P.M., May 22, 1972. ~ _ ATT~ST.~=~ ~~)1~~~'tF~~ ~~fo DEPUTY CITY CLERK OR CITY COUNCIL MAY 22, 19~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORDTIA 7:30 P.M, Th.~ City C~tznc~l met in adjourn~d regu.lar session wit~. Ma~o~ Sc~?leg~l p~esiding. Upan ro11 ca11., Coa~ncil Memb~rs M~11is, Talley~ Wood and de L~on repn~t~c~ p~~sent, BUDGET STUDY SESSIOI~I The Cov,ncil and Aeiministr~.tor Butch continu~d reviera of the 1372-73 prelimin~.ry Munxcip~,l. B~.dg~t from Page G of th~ Budget M~ssag~ to Page IX of the Svmmary of Esti~nated Rev~nuES and Expenditux°es port~on of thE Budget bookl~t. The next bud.get s~ud~ s~ssion was t~ntatively sch~d~.led fo~ May 30, 1972. ADJOURNMENT On xnotion of Co~.ncilman Woad, seconded by Ceuncilman Ta11ey and unanimouslgr carri~:d, tl~~ meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. , ~ l ATTEST. ~ ~`~llri,.~~_.~ w =~~jt DEPUTY CITY CI~ERK MAZ'OR _ ~~~"Y ~'s 1'~V L Er ~ J y, Z 7 6 L A ~~~r~~ , c~~~~o~~la P~G~ 2 ADJ RNMENT On mot~on of Co~ancilman T~.11~y, ~c~conc~.~d b~ Co~an~~.1~n~.n Mil~ ~s ~.n~. unani usl~ carr~~cl, ~n~;~~ing ad~o~.~~n~c~. ~t 10020 P,M. ~nt~1 7:30 P,Mo May 22, 19~2, ATTEST: DEP CTTY CLERK ~fAS~QIt ~ s' ~ ~,r r ~u ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ ,f'" ~ ~r ~ ~ <~`f ~ ~ f' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < p