Minutes 1972-06-05 e) ~ ~,:T` ^v"~"~v J~.`~~ ~5 1~`~~ ~`iI~OYi; C"x~`{+=~VDt,, Ge~I:I.~i7R:~I'.~A ~ o P,Me T~i~ C~~~~ Cr;~~~n~~l m~-~,~ ~~i ~e~ja~~,~nc;e~ ~~.~1~~ ~a~~~. N1~.~~~ ~c~1~g~1 presiding. ~T~~~,~.n ~d~~ C~~r~~~,1 M~~`~~~~ M~1~~~~ '~a,~1Z~~9 W~a~~~~,~~ d~ L~on repo~t~c~ p~~s~n~. ADJOlTRNME~T' r~.l~ ~ECUTTCI~ S~S5~~1V Cit}~ ~r~.].rn~n~sG~~~o~° Bc~~~~ ~~1~~~~ ~n ~x~~~.~s:i~r~ ~~s~ic~na ~n ~a~t~~n of Cc~~nc~.~gn~.~ M~~~~~9 ~~cco~.~~c~ ~~~Co~~cil~~,~ '~~11~~ ~.r~e~ ~,nan~,~.~~~~~ ~~.r~'~~e19 t~.~ m~eting; ~c~jo~~n~~, ~,n. E~~c~~~v~ St~~~~~n c~~,~~~,~s n~.~a~~~,~i~~.s ~ri~h th~ Arx°oy~ G~°~nr~c, P~~~c~~ ~~f~c~~°s ~~~vsc,~~.~~.~~n ~:3~ P.M, RECONVENEMEl~T '1'1~.~ Cr~~anci2 ~~cos~~~n~r~ a~ 8 s 00 P o M. ~~~i~~~ ~~n.~~ztl~~.~~~~ pr~s~n~ a~ ~hc~r,~n on ~ol~ e~.ll. APPROVA~ OF AGEtEEMENT ~F~~E~? Ao~o ~t3~ICE OFFTC~iRS ASSC~C, A~I7 C°~~X Af~~r~ C~~~nc.~l c~.z,~~a~s~~,c~~~ ur ~n~aG~,an c~~ G~~~nc~S~~.n M~11~s9 s~~on~~~ b~ Council~~.n T~~.l~ay ~nz~ ~.~~~~i.:~?~;~s1~ ~~~~rf~d, p~apc~s~l. an~ n~go~~at~on~ enterec~ ~n~o bv~~~=-~n ~,n~ ~~°b~ A~~a~~~ G~~nd~ P~~.~~c~ Of~ic~~~ Asso~.~- ation ~ras ~cc~pt~~ and ~pp~~~~r~r~ pr~~ ~1~~ ~.g~~~~~r~~n~ c~~.t~d ,J~,~n~ 197~. DATE SET FOR :I1~'~~R~IFWS C~F ~RUSP~C~.T~E GL):MMISST01~ A~P~IC~'~S ~ JU1VE 12 1972 '~h~ Cig~ C+~~xn~~,~. s~~~e~~I~~ M~nel~.~9 J~ne 129 19~2, th~ ~~te ~nter- v~ew prosp~c~i~~ ~~a~1.~~~n~s fa~° ~t~~ ~~.~ios~s bu~.~ds ~.n~ cc~,~m.~,ssi~n of the Cit~, s~~d ~nt~~~~~~; ~sa ~~~g~,n ~:QO FoMo BUDGET STUD`Y SESS I01~ T1a~ Ci~y Cr>°a~ncx.'l ~.ne~ ~a1.~~,ni~~r~.~o~ Bu~c~i cc~ntin~.~~ discs~s~ion an~ st~.d~ of t,l~e: Pr~lian~n~.~~~ 19d2-~3 M~nf.~~,p~.t B~~g~t9 s~:a~~~~g ~t P~.~~ 7~f the G~ne~°al F~an.d ~.n~ cc~~r.ap~.~t~n~ b~1~nc~ of ~~ie. Bu~.g~t bool~l~~. No ~h.ang~s ~a~~~ m~d~ ~.n C~~~nc~.T As c~is~~s~ion. COUI~ICILMP~~' W(~~D E,XG~'S:GD ~~~MSEI~F FR~M 'I'`4~ ME~T~~~G ~T 3 P.Mo D~~ T~ T~7~1ESSa REQiJEST OF C0~"~ICT~M~~~T NI~T:~~~ ~"0 BE C1~T ~?F T~IE STA'~E O1V VART~JL~S DA°I`ES C~aaan~~l~~n M~.11~,s ~~q~~~~~~ p~~n~.s~~,cn to b~ oa~t of t~.~ ~tat~ ~n var~o~as dates in J~xn~, ,7a~1~ ~nc~ Aug~~t~ inc~~,cating h~ wou~d nc~t ~i~ tnissing any reg~.~ax° Co~n~~.l ar~~~:t~.ng~, On r~x~tion of Counc~lm~n T~1.Iey~ ~€~conded by Councilm~n d.~ L~~n ~ne~ ~n~ni~nausl~ c~,~°~~eci, ~,pp~ow~.l. was ~ran~ed for Co~.ncilman Mi1.1is t;o b~. c~~~~ o~ S~~.t~ of CalifQ~°ni~, on va~'~o~.s d~.tes in J~ne9 Ju1y ~.n~ ~~sg~.st of ~97~, r,~~~c~ da~~s ~aoula~ not int~~f.~~~ ~rith h~s attend~.nce of ~~g~,iar C~.~~ Cc~~.n.c~,~ m~:~:t~ngs. ADJOURIVMEN T On m~a~:~on r~f Cc~~~.nci~l~~n M~:LI~.s, s~cond~cY by Co~ancit~~n cl~ ~~on and ~.nan~moixsT.y ca~~°~,~~d, t~~ ~z~~t~ng ~djo~a~n~~ at 10:00 P.M, ~ant~l 7:00 P.M., June 12 ~ ~2.., _ - , . ~ ~ ATTEST: ~~1~+1~'~ A ~ ~ b j , DEPUTY CITY CLE~K MA~OR `