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Minutes 1972-07-11
~ C$I'Y CI~UNCIL ,~~"~Y 11, 197~ ARROYO GR~INDE, CALIFORN.IA Th~ C~.,ty Caun~i~, in~;~ in r~~g~~.~~~ ~:~~~iiY*~ M~y~r Sc~:1~.g~1 ~~esa~~3in~. Upon ~rol1 caT1, Council. M~~s.b~:~s 'Mil~.~s~ 1~'L:~,~~~ Wccsd ~n~ d~. ~T,~o~n ~~por~~~r~ p~~s~n~. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A1~D INVOCATION Mayor SchT~gel lead th.e P~~~g~.~ of .A1:t~;:g~.~nc~ to a~sr FTag, aneT i~rt~d~~.~~1~ ~he~eaft~r, R~~rer~nd ~L€:on B~ock of t~~ U~~t~.~~~ M~~&?~d~~~ C~~r~h ~of Sl~.~~.1 B~~~~ ~ dt1~v~~°~d invocat~.o~n. APPROVAL OF MINt3TES Th~ m~nut~s o~ th~ r~~la~ ~a~~c~.ng af J~n; 1972, w~,~~~~r-, ap~s~a~~.c~ prepared< APPROVAL OF WA,RRt~1TS On ann~ic~n of Co~xncilm~.n d~ L~ony s~:cone~~~ by Co~rYCilana.n W~~d ~nc~ ~,n~.nimo~asly car~~ed9 Gene~al Wa~x°~.nts No. 1~~rou~h Ne~. 27, in tn~ tota~ a~acr~n~ of $4,372.1.4 dnd P~.yrol'.1 Gl~rr~.nts T~o, lfi6~3 thro~.gh 1Vc~, 17~0, fn ~o~.~.l ~,moa~.nt o~ $lh, 124.43 w~re appr.ov~d anc~ ord~~~~ p~.id,. PETITION FROM CITTLENS RF: TRESPASSTNG T.~W - RALPH May~r Schlegel revie~~d bx°~~f1y t~~e background of a p~t.~.t:ion ~rhich beg~.n c~ver conft~sian of utility rights of ~~.y on privat~ prvper•r;~. Ci~:y= Attorney S'hips~y stat~d t~.at t~e Ca7.iforn~.a .Pena.l C~d~, S~cti,on bC12y p~a+r~de~ for th~ protection o~ pr.opex°ty o~rne~s ag~r.insi~ ~r~spassing dnd th~~efU~~ it is not within the C3,ty's j~r~~.sdic~ion to ~na~t a f~.z~th~r ~~dinance pr.o'.hib~t~.ng t~°e~pas~. He fttrther s~~t~d tha~ ~zny ~.eta.on ~ak~n b~ p~op~rt~r o~rn~r~ ~.g~.a..z~t a~;r~spass~~° should b~ ~ake.n th.roa~gYa civ~.1 co~.~ts and ~u.tl.a..ned t~a~ proc~cl~.r~ w~i~h incl~.ded proc~dur~s that woul,d ~e nec~s~~~y~ b~for~ ~th~; 1'a~1ic~ D~pa.rtm~nt covld m~.Tc~ an~ arres~s. Mrse Tom R~lp~~.9 230 So. Alpint St~~~tF p~~s~nt~~. ~he original peti.tioci sign~d b3r ~.pp~°o~a..ma~el~r 3Q0 p~opl.~-~ an.c~ r.ead a~tatcrnen~, a copy of w~iic~~ was pres~nt~d to ~v~ryan~ in a~t~ndance th~. Cot~nc.il m~eting, w~ich. ~rg~~ t'h~ passag~ of a new City O~dina.ncE prot~ct3~g pz~ope~t~ own~rs ~.g~,inst h~man trespassers and prap~rty clamag~ inflic.t~d by tt1~m. CqUNCILMAN WOOD EX'CUSED fiTMSELF FI20M THE COUNCIL TABZE Mrs, Benn~ R. B~ti~a, 36L So. Halryon Ra~d, p~°t:.sent~d a copy of a state- ment to al1 pr~sent, which. she re~.d ~nd wh~~~ ~urth~r urgEad ~h~ pas5age of Gh~.s tx~spass 1aw~ Vari,ed Cvuncil d~sc~ssion ~ol,lor~~:~l ~rh~cta inclu.d~d cii5cussion of S~~ction $02 of t'he S~~.t~ of Ca7.ifornia Pen~,~. Cca~~ cu~~~.~1~ p~~ohibits tr~:s~assing and a~,tl~.n~s proc~dur~s to lb~ follo~,ed ~or a~o~nF7~~irz~ ~.g~.i~st same and t;t~e in~=ffectiv~n~.ss ther~~ore an ox~dinanc~: passed ~y ~~a~ Go~ncil ~ac~~,ld hav~ on th~ vic~l.atinn; that th~ ~?ain p~oblezn in the inst~n.t c.as~ s~exne~d be lack of co~n~nica~~ori b~tw~en the agents invol.v~d ~.n the d~velopm~nt; ~nd tha~ because af t~e voltimFr of inttrest shown in support o~ a nEw 1aw pass~d by thc~ Counc.il, the p~tx.t~.oners shnuld be no~ifi~d ~,ndivi.dually by letter of the ~~~a1 asp~.c~s wh~.ch pt~vent th~ Counci.l frozn tak~.n~ actzon ~n th~,s matter. ~fk~r f~a.r~h~.r Co~,nci1 discussion., on mot~.on of Cr~unc~.lm~.n M~,11is, s~conded by Councila~n~.n dE:. L~on and carri~d, instr~ct~on wa.s giv~.n that 1,etters be s~nt to a~,l si~ne~s nf fih~ p~°esented p~fiit~on elarify~.ng the inability of th~ Counc~l ~o ~ct on their w3.sh~s ~.n view of a st~.nding law a.n effect regaxding trespassing in ~he State of Cal~fornia Pen.a1 Coc~.Es. CQtTNGTLMAN WOOp ~EJtJ~NED THE COUNC CS~ AT $:57 P,M. PETITION RECEIVED ~~a STREET WORK AT ASPEN AND SAGE Da.r~~~or. ~f P~zblic Works Anderson r~ad l~t~er and. rN~riew~d a peti~ion signed b;- about 4Q rt:sidents in the Sag~ St~~~t ~nd Asp~n Stri:~:~ area, r~q~.esting; cert~a,n itzip~av~m~n.ts be m.a.de at that ~.nt!~rs~ct~an. ~nd th~ strt~~~ts izr~edi~.t~ly to a~.leviat~. hazardo~.s c.onditions, wtii.ch in~~ud~~. th~: lowe~°ing of ari t~leva~~d portivn on. Asp~;n b~:~we~n Sage and Poplar; speed controls; an.c]. d~~,i.n~.g~ p.rovid~ci ineluding curbs and gutt~:rs. Mr. Anderson fur~h~r advis~c~ tT~at this project was on ~h~i~' work sche~d~al.e and. was und~.rway a~ this time, b~ut had b~Pn d~:1a;y~d d~~~ to equip- m~n~ b~°~akdowrz. A~~Fr Cc~unci.l discussion, DS.r~~ctor of Publi:c Works Ande,~son was dir~~.tad ~a con.tacfi e~ct~ pe~itione~r in th~~ area in qu~.stion and esfiabl.ish. a new listing of resi~~nts wishi.ng to insta.l'1 cu.rl~s and ~utters at th~ir, expens~ thro~u.gh s~ CI'I'Y COUNCIL JUT~Y 11, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CAT~IFORNIA PAGE 2 private contractors $~,nd. ~f ~no~:gh a~~. int~g~:~#~~e~ in tk~is, th.~n. t~e ~°~~.~n~er ca~l1 be reqtxi~ed to m~ke ~1~.is ~,n~t~.ll~.~~on -t~'~.r~'~~.~~i ~h~ 191I Ac~9 ~,al~~c~a ~.~tp~°av~~~n~s tai11 allev~~.t~ m~c1~ of t~ie :d~°~.~n~g~ pro~~.~~r. TREASURER"S REPORT FOR THE MpNTH OF Jt~VE 1972 - HET~D QVER 'I"1~.~ Tr~as~r~~°'s R~po~~ fo~ t1~e month ~f J~:nee 1972 r,~as not p~~~~n~~:~. as there will be a de1a~ in. it~ completion d~~. ~o ffscal ~re~~°-~nd ~los~nge APPROVAL OF JOURI~IAL VOUCI3ERS TRANSFER On motion of Co~ncil.man Talley, seconcled by Cav.ncilman ~,e L~on ~nd un~n~.mously c~.rried.9 Jos~rnal Vou~l~e~s No. 1~~ro~gh 5 i,nca.~a:~~~~~ w~~~ app~o~red ~nd ordered t~ansf~~r~d., I7EPARTMEIVTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE 1972 'I'he Departm~ntal Repo~°t for th~ month of Jun~, 1972, ~re~°e ~e~~ived. b~r t~.~ Council, reviewe~ ancY or~c~~~~d filecl. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT WI'~i WOODS ANIMAL SHE`LTER - APPROVED Mayor Schleg~l advis~d that a copy of the ren~wal contract with Woods Animal Shelter for t1~e upcoming fisca.l year has b~en rec~ived for ~nimal control within the C~~~ of A~royo G~~.nd.e. After Cauncil dis~ussion9 on motion of Councilman de Leon, s~conded bg~ Councilman Ta11ey ~.nd unan~oixsly ca~°ied, the contract ag~e~m~nt betw~en Woods Animal Sh~lter Socie~y and th~ City, fo~° animal control servic~s from J~.ly l., 1972 ~hrough Jun~ 30s 1973, at a monthl~ fee of $445.009 was ~pproved. and the Nfay*or and City Clerk were au~ha~iz~d. ~o sign the contract on b~half of the Cit~'. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE ADOPT - LICENSE TAX FOR NEWLY ESTABLISHED BUSINESSES City Attorne~ Shi~pse~ read: the title of an ox°clinance amencling the Municipal Cod~ in x°~lation to the license tax fo~° newl~ establish~d b~sinesses in the City's DoTantor~rn Parking :ancl Busi.n~ss I,:nprovemen~ L~lssessm~nt Are~,~ there~ after, a motion ~as made by Go~xnGilman Talley, seconcled by Cotancilman Mi11a:s anc~ unanimousl~ caxried, ~o dispFnse with r~ad~.ng the balance of this ord,inanc~. ORDINANCE N0~ 7D C„So AIQ ORD'INAI~TCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUN~CIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 10 OF CHAPTER V TO TIT~E 3 RELATING TO THE ZICENSE TAX FOR. NEWLY ESTABLISHED BUS IlVESSES IN THE CITY DOWNTOWDt PARKING AI~ID BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA, On mot~on of Co~:ncilman Mi11is, ~~cond~d by Councilman de Leon and on th~ following ~°oll c~.11 vote, to r,ait: AYES: Councflmen Mill~.s, Talley, Wood, de Leon and Mayor Schlegel NOES: None ABSENT: Non~ the foregoing o~~inance was pas~esl ~.nd adopt€~d this llth d~y of Jt~ly, 1972. ORD, ESTAB. RULES & PROCEDURES RE, UNDERGROUND UTILITY DTST. - 1ST READING City A~torn~S Ships~^~ rev~exaed th.e revised Ordinance for est~.bl~,shing underground ~.tility ~~.stx°icts A which ~.llows tlze Gouncil to adopt da.st~ic~s b;~ resolution after p~~blic hearings for t~.e proposed districts. Afte~° Cottncil discuss~on, Ci~~ ?,tto~°n~~ Sh~.psey r~~.~, for ~Cs ~irst reading, the ti~t~.~ of an ordinance amendi.ng the M~tnicipal Cod€ relating to the establi,slzment of x~eg~la~ions and procedures for tYz~ removal of ov~:rheacl utility facilities and the installation of underground faciliCi~:s in undergro~ind ~ttility dis~ricts; thereafCer~. ~ motion was mad.e by Councilanan Talley, s~conded by Councilman Millis anc~ unanimotxsly carried, to dispense w~th reading the balanc~ of ~l~.is ordinance. REVZEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETII~S FROM THE LEAGUE'OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Gitq Atto~°ne:y Shipse~ reviewed the legislative bulletins rec~ived f rom the League of G~.lifornia Cities dat~d Julq 5, stressing two bills in particular which h,e felt were of curx'enC concern to the City. 1) Open-Space P1ans, which carries a deadline of Augus~ 31 by whic~. time cities are required to adopt ~heir open-space plans. An app~:al for an extensi.on of time is bei.ng urg~d by some legislators. 2) s~nate Bi11 1'62 regarding Council Vacancies and the provisional ~ CITY COUNCIL .T~I;Y 11, 19~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI.FORi~TA P1~UE ~ appointment ~,nd s~zbs~q~~n~t ~I.~~~~on t~ f~iY.~ s~c1~ v~c~r~ci~s o ~f~~~° Coa~n.cil ~ discussion, Dir~cto~ of P~~~~c W~~~~ Anc~~;~~on ~ns~ra~~~~c~ ~o adv~~se P1~nn~ng Director Ga11op of th~ A~g~st ~1. ~~.~c~~ir~~ ~or ~d.aption of an ~~~n-~p~~.~ plan tor the Citym Dir~c~o~ c~f P~ls~.~c ti~T~x°ks ~nr3~~°son ~~v~z~~r~e~ 1egi.sl~t~~a~ b~,~1~~~~ns c~~~~c~ Jttly 10, r~vi~w~ng ~h.~ Sa~~d~~*;~~i;~m M~p £~c~ R~~~is~on ~,r~d ~a,~•g~ng ~t~ s~.ppo~°t, H~ also r~-v~ecaec~ t~~ G~n~~~1 Plan ~°~g~x°d~ng rn.~ndator~ ~l~~~n~ of a~~° poll~,tion. Aft~r Cots,nci~ d~sc,~ss~cn of t~~s~ b~11s9 ~.ir~~tivn ~~s g~~en ~~b~~ 1~tt~rs be sent to approp~i~~~ ~~pr~s~r~t~ltiv~s ~~vi~ing o~xr l~gislato~s ~of C~tg~~ Cos~ncil's support of SF3 1118 - St~bc?~v~~°~un Map Ac~ R~zi.s%~n, ~nc~ i~s ~ppos~~~c~n ~o SB 981 regarding th~ s~an~ia~or.~ polT.~t,~on g~n~~a~. pl~n, REC~IPT OF MINiJTES QF COASTAL V~1.:~~E~ P~,AN~TI~VG C~U~CI~ NSEETIl~7G The rnin~t~s of t~~ Cc~~s~~1 V~l~.~~ P~~.nn~ng C+~~.nc~J~ ~~e~~ng of J~.n~ 5, i972y w~~~ r~cei~~~~ Lyy ~~ie Cc~~nc~l, ~~~;~~~~,r~~ ~.n~. f~1e~. RECEIPT ~F MINUTES vF PARKm & BUSo ~MPR~JVEMEi~T AREA ADVISm BO~RD T~.~ min~u~~s of ~~L~ P~rka~~g ~.n.d Busin~ss Ia~p~°ovean~nt I~~°e.a Ad~~snr~ Bc~ard m~eting of Ja~n~ 1, 19~2, z~r~re ~~~~iv~d b~ th~ C~~.ncily r~~~~~a~d an~ or~.~red £iZ~d. LETTER FROM A e G> VI~~A~E MERC~iANTS ASSOC s RE a BRANC~ STR~ET Ia~~~:TI~I~ I~ir~ct~r of P~b1.ic "'~3c,~ks An~r-:r~on r~~d a lett~r~ fro~r Ra~ Seott,. Pr~~icl~nt of tl~~ Arro~o Gr~nd~: Vill~g~ M€r,eh~~~s Assc~~~at~.un9 n~tzf~~~n~ *~'~~e C~asncil of tre Assc~~i~~ionB~ f~vor.~ng ~7f T~°.~an & C~t~ntr~ la~g~et standa~°ds aYan~ B~°~nch Street f~°om th,e fr~~Taa~ ~~st;ex~ly ~.o t~ae C~o~;n ~i~.~l int~rvectian, P~gg~r P~rter w~s present ~nr~i.~ating the- A.~,~oci~t;~c~n w~~ ~~.n~n:i.m~~s in ~,ts st~ppor~, f~~1~ng t~i~ ~ype of ~~,ghting ~o~,ld ~d.~, to t~~ ~~st~~e~i~ ~.tn,osp~er~ c~f t'he village ~.r~~e Chuck Richrt~nd o~ ~;G, & E. w~.s pres~nt and infvr~n~d the Co~.n.c~.1. of possibl~ addition~l casts ~nd pro~l~~ns of tk~is t~p~ of light~ng concLp~, Mrsa F~rter advised t~~t P,Gm is pres~n~ly~ pr~;pa~~ng c~s~ estian~~~~ fo~ th~,s project. D~.re~tor of P~,b1ic Wes~°ks ~,n~ier5on sta~~d. th~t had. b~.~~ ~.nfo~e~d b~ the t~lepl~one c~~p~n~ tha~ t11~g~ ~-~~d r~c~iv~d a 1~tt~~° f'x°o~ t~.~ D~visic~n ~f Highways req~aes ~ing t?~~t ~,t.il~ ~.nd~rg~o~.nd~r~g of Br.anch ~treet be comple~~cl px°ior to Jasl~ of 19~3. Co~.nc~,l c~isc~.ss~on follawed ancY was ~etex°rri~.ned tk~at no d~cision wo~i~ b~; ~nade b~ tt~~ G~,~nc3.1 on ek~~ ~~pe of I~.gh.t~ng ~n B~°ancl~ St. ~.ntil th~ ~co~t~ ~~~ti~~.t~s hav~ b~~n r~c~iv~dm RESC~L, ADC3PT, RE: PARRTNG C~MMISSIQI~ 1t~COMM~ND, m"LVO PARKIl~IG" ZONES D~r~cto~ af P~xblic Wc~rks Ander~~n re~iEw~d s~ve:r~1 r~e:a~rem~ndations made by thc~ Pa~k~n.~ C~.:~nis~~.on at ~:~~~r J~a1~a ~~n~~t~ng, TYa~ Co~nission recommend~d tl~~t a req~~st bg~ Edg~r B~t~a b~ ~pg~~ov~rd for a 30~mina~te p~rking space in front of l~is ba~siness c>n ~~r~.~~ Hal.c~ron R~~r~d., A~~.~t~onal~~a, a r~co~F~.ncYati~rc was x°eceived ~hat 1'~~k~.n~~~ zon~s ~s~~b1i~~~.E;a1 on th~ t~~n~~ foot spac~ a~ljacent to tkt~ c~~°b ret~rn c~n ~,~.j~r ~~e~~~ ~t in~4 rs~:~t~~ns 9 wh~n l~~~ng ci~ emed neces- sary for public s~f~ky b~ tl~~ D~.,r~cto~ c~f P~blic Works o D~sc~.s~ion was ~e1~ reg~~cling th~ adopti~n of px~~~~d~~°~~ to ace°o~r~plish t~is sF~conci it~m by g~,ving tn~ ]~iree~~r of Pa~b1~.e Worles ~~xt~~e~~a.~~~ae~n ~o ~;sta1~1~.~~a t~.e5~ '~N~ P~rking~~ zones where ancfl ~rhen he c~~~~s~ n~c~ss~r~;~ fa~ p~alal~c ~~.f~.ty r,a~t~.~~~ px~i~r consid€~.~°ation ~y th~ F~rk~ng Coanyn°~~ssiono r~~.5 ~~;~~R~~~~s~. that s~~rv~y b~ mad~ of all majo~ int~rs~ction a~~~s tl.~t wil_1 n~.~c~ to mark~cl ~t~ this ti?~te far p~blic safetgr and br3ng th~~: ~11 for Cc~~xncil ~on.si~~ra~ban at ~n~ t~ane>, M~tt~~w G~.11~g~~r w~s present ind~.c~ka.ng t°~a.~ 20" re~. zone ~a~s v~Iid s~f~t~ p~int macl~ by ~h~ C~~missio Rick Zee ~aae pr~s~nt indicat~.ng ~a~s fe~l.~n.g r,~as ~~~t a stan~arc~ b~ank~:t pro- cedure tiao~~d be ~~c~s ~ C~~ n~fieia~ ~..n rrre~~r t~ ~xp~di~~, ~~s~: ~~~°~:~.n~ c?f' t~~s~ int~r- sect~on ~Y~e~a. Aft~~° Co~~~~cia dis~ussi,on, C~t;~ AGtorn~y> 5~~~.ps~~ r~~e~ ~1~c ~:it1.~~ af. ~ r~solant~on ~s~~lb~~.s4;~ng a 1~~.~.ted pa~°k.~ng zcr~e c~n t.~e eas~~r1~ ~i.~.~ Ivortk~ Halc~on Roa~. betw~~een Granc~ Ave.n~~ ~nd Cc~rnF~~11 Av~n~.~; t~~~~~~t~~~, a m~ti~n was made by Co~ncil.~~n M:i.11is, ~€~conc~~~. b~ Ca~n~ilman d~ ~~c.n ~nd ~~nan~.~~~~.s1~r carrzed, t~ ~.~~g~ns~ ~i.th. r~~ae~%n~ th~ Lala~c~ of this ~esol~~t~~~,-an, RESOLLTTTC~~T I~O. 99~ A~~S~LI~TIQIV OF TfIE CI.TY Cn~TNCTL OF TF~E CIT'Y OF A.RTt()YO ~KA:NDE ESTABT.ISHING A. ":3Q MT~~UT~ ~ARKI.IVG" ~~~TE (~iV `T~-~,E EASTERLY STDE C~F ~n, gfAI.aCY(~~T R~AD BETWEEN GRAND AVFiV'UE AND CORN4JAL~L AVE1~TiTEe C~TY COi71~CI% ~T"i~~Y I~~2 ARRO~'~ GR~,ND~, CA~IF~~R~TA ~~(~E ~ On k~~~~~.~rt af C~~~~nc~~~~~n ~'~.~3,~~~ 4;~c?n~~.~ C~~~!,~~~.`~-~~~ N1~3.L~~ ~n~ an th~ fo11~w~,ng b~~l. ~0~~9 ~ri~~: t1Y~S: G~a~nc~~.a~~u~n M~~.:1~,s9 T~:1~~ j°-o ~i~;~~s ~e~~ri ~n~ NI~~;~~ ~~~~~~~.1 ~L~ES : ~on~; ~BS~~°T: ~~n~ ~o~c~g~in~ ~~~~~~~~~,,n °~r~.~ p~.~;,~c~ an~ ~.~c>~~;v,~l vY~s~ Jw~.~~ 196~. ~ ~~co~~~n~n~~~~on ~~.s~ ~m~~~ ~o G°~~;~ C~~r~~i~ ~S~ ~w>>° ~~.~I~~ra~; C~a~rt~~sion th,at i~ b~~ a~~~or~~~~ to ~c;n~~~~.~° ~~~~~f~,c p~o~s1~~~ ~n ~onj~n.~ti~r~ p~~le~ng an~ t~~t eTt~. n~an~ U~ ~c~~i~~ion ~~~.s~~~or~ ~a~. ~~.~r~~~c~ ~'r~r~ '°~~~1z~rig Ce~~,n~~~ion~~ to "Pa~r~ing ane~ T~~~ffi~ C~~~n~~s~~~"s Cc~~n~i~C ~~~c~~~i~n ~a~~~~c~~~~ ~~~o~ ~~~f tY~~s nam~ c~~ng~ ~.nc~ d.~r~ci~,~~~ C~~~' ~"~b ~nf~-~~- S~~ps~~ ~o ~~rc~p~~~~ ~.n a°.~~~c~~w~n~ ~o ~h~ ~rc~inarc.~ c~~~~b~~~~~n~ kk~~ '~?~ark°~,r~~ C~~~c~:niessieny t~~ ~°~~1~.~~ ~:~~s c~~n~~ an~ pr~s~nt ~~ar~~, f~r ~~iK~. C~~anci~."~ ~c~n~~~~~~~.~~~~~ ~k~s n~~.~ ~r:.~?~°~~ ~~~.~~.n~. D~s~~s~~r~n ~o~!~~,~~~r~.~ .t°~:~~~:~~~ ~:~:~r~~i,ng t~s~ ~~n~9~t~n~ ~~y~~ a~c~ na~.~n~~~ of ~ra~c~in~s of Cr~r~~~~~~n~ r~~~ic~ w~~ ~ b~~ ~l~~~f~..e~ z,~~ f~.~t;~~~~ ~~~~~~,ngs an~. Co~nci~ M~mb~~, ~~ail ~ ~,~~~nr~ on a ~r~~~.~~ng ~~~~s ,~i,t~~ C~;~nci.a..a~~n M~11~~ ~c~ ~t~~nc~ tk~e A~.g~as~ ~m~~~~ng. C~a,~..°~~ of E'e~~a~~ C:I.~r~k ~.1~~ inc~a~c~~~_;e~ ~~r.~~ ~~~.1 ~ti~~nd G~~~s~ion"~ r~c:ca~in.g~ o ALF'1~i0RTZATTQ~i T~ CE1~I~ F~;~IL 'B~I7S REo S~1tEET TiT~RTC D`Fft, ~F P~~o W~ZtT~ A~VDERS0~1T Di~~:c~a~ of ~~,b~~c W~.~k.s Anc~~~son r~~rz€~~a~~ 1~~~ ~~;por~ c~~~~~ J~.l~ 7 ~~viszng c~rt~~n s~~~~..t~ ~si~1 ~~p~°c~~r~~ 'b~ ~ p~~.g~~~~t o~:~~°la~r ~k~~e~ ~~s b~~n b~~g~~e~ ~.n~ ~~~~:.st~~~ Cy~~n~i1.~s ~v~~~or~,~~.~~o~ to c~Li fo~ bic~5 for the foTlo~~~ng ~~~~~t ~~o~k: ~~11~.5 ~R~a~d1 ~~~o~n F~~~ ~~~.~CS Av~n~e t~ C~t~ 1~~~,~s~ Fa~r Oa~es ~A~~~n~~ fro~~ V~1~~~ R~~c~ ~o ~J~~~~~~°~ A~~n~.~ ~ t~~~°o~o A.~~n~~ ~ fro~. C~~~~g~ ~ Avertt~e to 1?~~g~~i~n W~.~9 ~(~re.~~~~. Av~n:~~ ~~~o~ F~.~.~ ~O~~s A.~~n~~ ~o P~lg~~~n ~W~g~; ~ a.nr~ Br~dge ~ S~~~et ~fror~ T~~f~~~ ~W~~ B~~x~~c~ S~~~c~~, ~ Matt~~~e~ ~~.1.1~~1-~.~~ poin~~e~ o~t; ~~~i~~~on:~~ ~~e~.~ ~n t~~ C~~~r ~n n~~;d of s~~~~.~ rao~~, ~,n~ ~~r~~~',~~~:~ ~~~t C~,t.~ ~n~~~l~ C~~;;nC~ ~n ~ j~~a tl~~ Cc~~,nty is pr~s~n~l~ e~c~~ng on ~ pn~t~,nn c~ V~11t~:~ Ro~c~9 ~~~c~ ~r~~ ~:~a~ D~r~~~or of Pa~blic Wo~°lcs ~o~1e~ b~ :in~o~°~ao~~~~~ a~n ~~a.~s,~ ~aa~~ p~~n~, Cou~nci~~ ~.~s~~,~~~on~ ~n ~r~~~~~c~ry c~f Gcs~~,n.cil.m~.a~n c~~ ~,~.~on, ~~c:cand~d b~ Co~nc~~.~~an M~~1~s ~n~ ~rt.~n~~~~,~1~ c~~~~~~~~d~ ~pp~~v~~ a~t'~n~~~~.t~ion ~~~s given ~o Di~°~cto~ ~f ~~~~,.b1.~c 'G1c~~1~~ Arae~.~~~on ~a ~~1~ for ~b~d~ on st~°~a~~G ~~aor°k. ~~s n~aned. abo~~~ ~-h~ b~~ op~n~r~g ~~e0~~ ~o~~Ia ~ ~~~g~s~ 4~ 19~~a RECEIPT OF PRE~TMT~ARY DRA~~V~G~ SZ~~D~ I3~' GAR~~VG & TAY~OR R~b~~°~ G~.~~~~g ~f G~r'~~g~ ~'~~~r~~~ & A~soce ~~~ncb 9 pr~s~.n~~d c~p~~~ of tl~~ P~°~l~anina~g~ ~D~~.~n~g~ ~S1~~x~~ ~~d~ fo~ ~C~t~ c~f A~°ro~o~ Gr~ncle9 t~ ~h.e ~Cir;~ Co~.nc~lm M°~. ~~.~~~n~ g~~1~ ~ c.~~~~~~ s~,~~tr;~ ~~f t~.~i~r f~n~~ngs9 ~n~~ica~ing tt~~t ~ D~x°~c~to~ ~~f P~.b~,i,c ~W~~1~~ Anc~.~°r~ones ~~r~.l~~~t~o~n of t~~'. ~ra~n~g~ ~p~°c~bl~m an~. possibl~ ~01~~~,~r~1~ a~ ~;~c~ ~~s~ C~?~nc~1 ~~~~:~ng con~~s~o ~Aft~~ Ce~~ta~~l disc~s~ian9 s~~.~~ ~.~~~i.~n of ~rpo~~ ~a~~'~`~ M~. G~.ring ~r~s ~~n~~.~i,v~1~ ~et ~fo~ A~g~~~ 109 ~9~2 ~t ~ FoM, PROGR~$S REP~R~ ~~C2R~~'(J GRr~1VDE SEWER ~S~ESSME~"T DI~'~1ZTCT D:ir~c~o~ af ~P~v.b1~c. ~Wo~°ks E~~~d~~~on r~a~ a 1~~~~~ fr~~n. G~n~g~ Go P~°ot~gapas9 County Engin~.~~°; s~~ting ~~at t~~e p~~s~n~ 5~~~:d~1.~ fo~° ~~e. A~°~°og~o G~~.nc~~ S~w~~° ~Proj~ct px°opas~s~p~~~~n~a~~~an o~ Eng~n~~~°~~~1Z~po~t~ ~~~olu~~~~n of In~~ntion~and a~~~orizat~on t~ ~~~~~r~iYs~~ f~r b~~s ~o t~e ~3c~~~~ of S~pe~~ri~so~s on :T~1y 249 1972. Anot.he.r 1~~~:~:r f~,c~~~ ~I~~~, P~c~top~.~~~ ~~~r~s~c~ ~;1~~. C~~~ ~~~t; D~p~,r~gn~n~ ~~f Ha~as~ng an~ U~r~aan I3~e~€~1op~~t~n~ ~~s ~ppro~~~~d ~~p~,~l~ic ~~ca~~~~~~,~.s 1o~n ~n the ~a~t~unt of 'I~ao M~~1~.c?n Da~:L~.~s fo~ ~:h~.~ px~~~~~~e PROGRESS REPORT - S~~TgI SA~1 LLTIS ~BTSPO CQ~TY ~~~i.TATT.~~a DISTRICT Tri~ Sc;~.~~ San T..~~.,s (~7sispo C~~n~~ S~n~.t~~~~n Dis~ric~"s F~n.~.n~~.~~ R~port and its G~~~f pl~n~ Op~r~to~a~ R~~po~°~ fo~ mcn~~:~ c~f J~an~, ~°~c~~vetl bg~ tl~e Co~n~i.~, ~~~r~~~~c~ ~n~ o~d~:r~d fi1~d. REQUEST & At3T`~O1Z.. F()R LTD~ PA.RK~1~]G C~1~T TRAFFI.C WAY TI~IC~UDo SAT ~ SL?I~1 - P~Y~E Di.ck anc~ ~I~:'.1.~=n Pay*n~, u~an:; rs of t'tx~ Tr~.ffic Way~ Nt~x~~~~rg~, g~'E~~n~ ~.nd x~~por~~c~ con~in~~ci pr~c+bl~ms ~~nc~.mb~~°~n.g tl~~~,~° bu~ines~ d~~ ~o v~~~c.les p~~k~ng in the ~~e~ of t;~~:i~ k~~as~n.~~s .for ~xt~n.de~ p~riods of t~nr~. Dir~cto~ ~of F~2bl~c Wo~ks ~ . And~rson ~acl~vi~~cl ~2~-~oa~~ p~~°k~ng Ii~3t s~,gn~ ~a~c~Qt~~ng ~~~nd~~5 ~.~d ~+~~n plac~rl on ~hEA ~,~~t s:i.~~. of Tr~~f.~~ W~y t~~tca~.~n Fa~r Oaks Aven~.~ ~n~ Ck~vr~ A~~nt~em _ CIT~' CflU~CT~ ~J~T~~~Y 19~'2 ARROYO GRA~DE, CA:f:.IFt~R~IA P~,~;~°, ThE~ P~~;n~s r~q~~F,s~;~,d ~':~:~t~ t:~^,~~ L-l~~~r° ia r s,,;. :~~}r~ c~f p~r~~..r~~ ta. ~n~c~~°r~e~ b~t~,~~:~n 8 a.m. a.n~ ~ pea~, :~.u~~.n a.~.y~ ~~~a~~Cr u:;rH A'r~~, ~,a ~t:`o~ t~;.Y~~~ c~~~°t~:a~~~ ~;t~~:~.~' b~as:i,n~s~, Af.t~r Cc~•~~~nr.i,1 si~.;.~a~.s~~..tyR., •~ri~~~~;~csr~ of G, ,,,n~ ~ _.i.~n M~1P:~s:, ~~.c~:pnc~.~;~ ~j~ ~k~~~.nc~l.~n~n cl~ ~eon ~nc~ ~un~ns.~°~~~.~~'1y~ ~:~.r~~e~~9 B~.r~~~.L4.;,: ~x P~;,:~:.i~ ~1~4~c~ ,~n~.~,~::~on ~~.r<~c:.t~~ 0 to am~nd t~~~~ pr~^.~~+~nt; par°king con':.t°oT.~ ~.r :w~ akauer~a in.~~c,~t~~c~ ~~°~s_~.~ ~c "'I~L Ho~.r P~rking only ~i~:~~~•E-~~.n 8 a.sn. ~~.t7~ ge~m; +~ri.~~. n~~ S~k`~.t,l:~J~~ ~4r~ ~~~.:~r~~~ excepr~,on ci~~c~.~ ~.n~~' t;'h.~, P{Slrc;:., D~.p:~.r.~;mK~n~, ~,~~~,s a.~~~~~c~, to ~:p~~.~~,:1. ~f~'ar~~ ~o enforc~. th~i.~ 1~~rr~~it;~~;%on, ~ DISCU~STUN RE, EIVFt~RC~ME~T (7F I;~SE PERM'I'.TS Ma GA3~.LAGHER M~ t~~e~aa G~:11 ag~FC~r- of. l~f,ann~. Dr~..,r~.. q1~ ~..i~~n.~~. a~~~~a ~~~;~~~cYS.i,1~ er=. for ~~?e enfor.cem~nt: ~f U~e_=, P~r~~,t;~ and proc~c~~r~~.a ~.s~~c~, w~l~.n t~~: gr i.n i~i.~~~~~.~n, c~.tf.ng tvao b~,sin~ss~s ~a~:h~~'a~ ~e1t w~~^.r~e. z.~r ~;~~~~~.~t~.on ~~f U~~ P~.~~~aa,,~, n~an~ 1.~ R~d T~p Ca.b C~np~n~~ ~rr~, ~~baG~tl~,n.g fa.~rm 1o~~~t~~i r~~~s~~~rl~ of S•~.n~~~t '&~:~~.~~~r,~. Di~°~.c~o~ of Pv,'b1i.~ Work.s An~r~~sr~n ~.n~oema~~d1 'M:~. ~a:1'~ag~~E^.~° ~'~-i~~ ~~a~s ~ao~~.~.e~, c,~~r~~ ~:~nde~° P1.~.nn~..ng D~.~ec~o~° Ga'~1lopfls j~~.t:i.~~:i.c~t;~io~n ~rh~~ ~r~~a~~~~ ~~~,~o~t ~a~n~~ kno~rn ~vi.c~l~t;ia,ns ~t~.~ t~~ Plann:i.ng Cc,~ni55:ic~na r~!~°,.c~ c:,~n r~=:con;s~ni~ ac4;.%un b;~. t..(~:~. Ci.ty C~~~~~~~.i,:1o ADJOUR~(ME~V'T On anu~io~n. c~~ C~~snai,l~~n~n I~~o~~y s~~c~onc;.~~d 'bg~ Cc~~~nc~fE:~~n ~5~.1.1:Ls ~tnd ~a~nanimo~sl~ c~.rri..:,~, t~.Y~E mk•_~t7.ng a~jo~~~nt=d ~t~. 9:39 P~Ma , ATTEST: - CITY C~: N1AY()R