Minutes 1972-07-25 c =1~ cc~~;~~c57 ~ ?VIY 25, 1972 1;.i~J~~ ~a"d~F , Ct~LIF(3RNIA 'i"~i~ C~~~ Cc~~nc~1 a~a~~ ~n r~gula~ s~~~i.on ~rith Ma.yor Schl~g~l presiding. ~p~n ~o'i1 c~:11 y C~~n~~,l M~~~l~~~°~ Mil7is ~ Tall.e~r9 Wood and d~ Z~on ~eported present. P~EDGE ~F AL~,EGIAI~TGE A1~1v TNVOCA'~ION M~~o~° Sch.1~~~~ 1~~~ trie P1.e.dge of All~~2ance to our Flag; ~nd immediately ~1~~~~°~~f~~rg R.~ve~end Fr~~m~n B~unson of t~~ C1~a~rch of tlze Nazarene of Grover City ~d~1.~v~.red ~the in~roca~iox~, APPR6V~.L ~F MIN~''TES '1h~ rn~n9~~~~ of th~ ~°~gular m~eting of J~.1~ 1.1~ 1972, w~re approved as p~~p~~~do A~PROT1~~, OF WA~RRAI~TTS On ~nc~~~on of Co~;nc~l~an Talley~ seconded. by Councilman de T~eon and. ~n~n~.~~a~~~~ cax°~°~e~, G~n~~°~1 War~ants No, 28 ~hrc~ugh No. 73, i,n the total amount a~ ~820~7; P~.yx°c~11 Wa~r~n~s 1Voa 1 t~.roszgh Noo 94, in the total amo~nt of 5~~~~1.~,~2, ~.n.~1 T~~as~ ~ Ag~ncg~ War°x°~.nt~ No, 1~15 and No, 1719 through No, 1731, ~n ti~~A ~ot~l ~.a~~W~n~ of $1~~10.Fa09 w~~e approved and ord~xecY p~.id, D35CUSSI01~ REQ RE~OLLT~:OI~IS FOR CQI~SIDERATION AT LEAGidE MEETING 8/4/72 A~~nin~st;°~~,tor° Bp~t~~1~i ~~~riew~d. faur re~olaa.tions rec~iv~d for the Council's con~id~~~tion fc~r ~~.ei~ s~pport or non-suppoxt at the C~annel Count~es Division ~f t~~; L~ag~~ -of C~l~forn;i~. Cities me~ting on Augazst 4, 19~2a Three resolutions ~r~~~~a~~~ b~ th~ C~~~ of S~,n ~uis Obispo we~°~ as follows: 1) Resolution Noo 23~9 ~x~g;~ng t~e '.~~ag~~ to s~.pporG ~~e Co~.st~.1 AZliance in~t~tative which wi11 be 6n 1~~v~~nbe~ b~.1~.0~; 2~ R~sol~tion Noo 2337 urg~.ng the S~~te Legislature to ~~~ro~~~1~ ~Qn~~d~~° p~oposals ~x~ending f~z11 ~dult rights and responsibilities ~o p~.r~;ions ~~gh:~~,en ~~~.~°s of ag~ or olde~; ~nd 3) R~solution No. 2338 favoring ~~v%~a~~~n of ~~~.I px°op~:~°t~ t~.x lar~rs to p~°o~rid~ inc~ntives encouraging timely ~rr~in~~n~nc~9 anr~ ~mproveanen~k of real property. Also received was a ~~~~o~~,~~~.~~ propo~~~1 by ~1a~ Cit~ vf 1'ismo B~ach ~.dvocating legislation to extend ~t~~ p~°~~~.n~ t~~.ns%~nt room ~a~ (occ~r.panc~ or bed tax) ~~o encompass the rental ~p~~~s ~r~~G1~~n ~ mobil~ home, ~ampex°, travel trailer, recreation vehicle, and s.im~.l.~~ parks sai~'~ii~ a m~nicip~.l~.ty's taxing autl~,orityo ~~~.n~il. d.~.sct~~s~.on ~ollowed, resulting in support by the Council to be ~nd~.c:at~d b~ Ci~~ ~~presentativ~s at the Leagtxe meeting of the following: C~~ry n~ San LK~~s O~a~spo Resolutions Nos, 2338 and 2337, and the Pismo Beach ~~so~.~tion, ~Ya s~pport w~1~. be ~ndic~.ted on behalf of the City Council for San T,4_~~,~ Oba,~po R~~olut~on Noo 2339, ~nless mox°e favorable information is ~l~t~~,n~~ ~~~ga~°d~ng t~~,s ~°eso~ution pr~.or ~o th~ Aug~ast 4 League meeting, Ae~~~,n~s~~a,~or B~a.t~~a ~~qu~s~ec1 notif~.cation of which Council Members rao~~1.~ ~Se att~nc~a.ng tl~e qu~.rt~~1~ C1~ann~l Co~nties' Division meeting at the S~n L~x~s abispo Ma.don~:a Inn on A~~g~st 4, 1.972 which will include a study s~~~~on ar.~. c~i.~n~~~ and C~s~.nc~l~~n Millis, Talley, de Leon and Mayor Schlegel ~nc~ic~t~9~ ~Yi~~ wc?~z1c~. ~~~end. NOTICE OF ~~AL I,EI~GUE MEE~IIVG ~.N AI~AIiEIM, OC~OBER 15-18, 1972 Ad~~.n~.~t~~~tc~r ~a~tch ~°~qaaested an Zndication of which Councilmen would ~~n~ ~h.~ ~nr~~i~1 T,~agu~ of Ca.lifornia Cities meeting in Anaheim on ~c°~ob~~ ~~ro~z~~ 1~, 1972o Mayor Schlegel and Councilman de L~on indicated thP~~ in~~n~ion ~c~ at~en~., LETTER OF RECONII~'~~'3.~Z'IO1V F~R A.CTING CHIEF CLARK - ROWE Ac~.xninis~~-~.~ B~,~ch r~ad a letter addressed to the City Council from Dc~n~.1d A. Rsaw~ ~~'.~1~, co~r~nd~ng L~c~ing Chief of Police James C. Clark for his fin~ ~ao~k an~ co~n~~;~~nc~ and r~co~n~nding his a.ppointment as permanent Chief ~f P~1~c~. ~ I~'V~TA'~T~~ TO g€.~a ~PATE ~~IN ANNUAL CIVICA ~ CULTURAL MEXICANA PARADE--9/1~/72 .~:d5n~.nis~ra.to~ B~.~ch reported th~.t an invitation ha.s been received inviting t~~~ ~;~.~uncil's pa.rfiicipation :~n the Four.th Annual Mexican Independence Parade to ~S~ h~^.~.~ an Grav~:r City on September 16, 1.972 at 11 a,Tn. Ma,yor Schlegel and all ~~~r z.~.~~ %T~~_~.~ n~.ic;at~d ~h~y would participate in ~he parade. Cc~E.zncil agr~ed a11 Councilm~n who can will participate in the Morro ~a~ Rock-tJ~°Rama ~paradfa on S~pt~mber ~2, 1972. ~ C~`t'Y C~L~Cr~ri.i~ ~tT~,Y 25, 1972 ~~R~~o ~Ra~i~L, ~a~~F~xr~z~ PAG~ :2 T2~C~ZPT ~F R~S~~,i~'~'Td~V COMMEI~DING CI7'Y9S SD~'P~RT ~F PROP, 2 AT JiT~tE PRIMARY ~~~~.n~st~°~etor Bn~tc~ ~~vi~w~d. ~ le~.t~r ~°~~~i~vc~d fx°om Don And.erson, Executive ~0~~~~~~ of ~.~k~ S~ate ~11oe~.t~c~n Bo~reYa ~n~ ~~coinpanying R~~ol~tion of Commendation for ~1~~~ C~~g~a~ ~~~ppor~ ~f ~~o~s~s~t~e~n 2 on ~Pr~rnar~ ~Election B~l.lot ~on J~n~: 19~2~ ~~d~c~ ~as ~~~~~~s~f~11~ pa~~~d, C~3lil~C~~ A~'PR~~iED I~.EFL7~VU R~Q~ES'~ QF 1~~~UI~I~G FIL,I~IG ~EE ~ T~AWI,ER A~~~n~,~~r°~.~z~~ B~t~~~ ~~~i~ra~c~ ~ lette~° from Attorn~~ G~ra1d Weav~r ~~p~~~~r~~~ng M~~, 3~a~ws:~~~ ~n r~~~~~t ~for a $75 Zone Ch~ng~ ~filir~g ~fee ~ r~~a~n~ ~,r~ic~ ~t~4~ ~~.bs~,~~t~d ~~~tg ~er appl3ca~ion for a zoning chang~e which could no~ g~°~n~~~ by t~~ Pl~.n~~.~~ C~a~cn~.ssion d~~ to a~onflict raith th.e C~.tg~`s G~n~r~l P~~na P~~.nna~n~ D~r~~~o~° G~llopa~ J~1~ 20~~ report on ~k~~ an~.tt~r was ~.~~c~ ~°~:v~~~~cfl. ~f~~~ Gc~~anc:~1 d~scus~~on, c~n mc~~ian af Councilman ci~ L~ons seconded by ~o~.n~%~r~~n M~:~~,~,~ ~nd ~tn~ni~no~,sly c~r~°~~d~ th~ $65 Zone Cla~ng~ fil~,ng fee ~~~^~nr~ w~.s ~~pp~n~;=~:~e~. ~or Mr°s. Bet~~y La~71~ra COLr~TCIT,Mc~I~ fi~iOt~D EXCL~~iED ~~.MSE~F FROM THE COUNCIL TABLE AT 8:05 P.Mo ~ F'T~R`~'~~IER DTSCa~ PE°~I'~I~~ & COMPI~AINT RE TRESPASS~NG - RALPH Ad'~~na,~~~°=~.~~r ~~.t,ch. b~°i~f~g~ r~viewed prior discuss~on and action in the ~~~ter r~g~~~~.n~ ~.~?~~i~ion pr~sen~ed previously b~ MrsmPnna Ralph urging the p~~~~g~ o~ ~~x~~nr c~~cl~~anc~ p~oh~s.l~~,t~ing t~°esp~ss.~ H~ also re~riewed a subsequent I.~~~~~° ~r~a~~~~n ~o C~,~~nt'~ D~~~°~ac~ Atto~°n~y°s otfice ~b~ Mrs. Ralph, in ~c~~p~ns~ ~o p~t~tion~rs b~ C~ty. Mrs. Ralph's request for can ~h~; ~g~nd~ a~ t~~,s r~~r~Iar m~~~ing ra~,s ~1so n~tec~. M~s ~ t~~.~,~ R~Lp~~, 3J~ S~, H~ Lcg~on Road, was pr~~~nt, rPading and filing ~f~~.~~~~~~.g ~~~~~~'s: 1) h~~ ~1e~t€r ~dat~;d J~1~ 19 to the District Atto~^ney's ~~f~~~~,s ~~p~° of ~a~a.-ic~~ ~~d p~°~~r~o~sly b~en s~.pplied to the Council; 2) Letter fro~i D~s~~ic~ A~~or°n:~~ Tai~t d~.ted. J~ly 24 in r~sponse to ~ers, cl~rifying their ~~~.~c~'r~~ ~o~° n~~~ i~~~~ng ~~a~~r~.n~ in this an~.t~~r; 3) a lettEr to City Attorney S~~i~s~~,~ ~~~n~~~~~ng pv~bla~c apology b~ him ~fo~° ~a l~tte~° h~ wrote ~which was sent to p~t~t~ran~~~~ ~n~ z~i~~.n~~~°p~et~d; ~.nd a 1et~er to tYae City C~~ncil citing Cons~~~~.t~~~na1. ~°~,$h.~s, C~ty At~ox`n~~ 5~ipse;y~ apologiz~d for any Yn~sunderstandings his Tetter ~~v~ c~~ss~e9 ~.nd. ~l~r~~ieeY i~~ ~n~ention. M~°a..~Q~ R~1p~ ~aas pr~sen~ ~.nd r~guested the ~~turn of the original p<~t~~~~~~n, ;~r~icF~ s~~.~ c~~ni.~d as :i~ b~~°~n f~.led t~ait~ the City Clerk ~.nd is now p~bl~c ~~co~da ~GL'~CI.~~1~1~ W(~OD R~SLTMED HTS P~'~CE AT THE GOT~~3CI1~ TABLE AT 8:14 P.M, TREASLz~El~'_S RE~ORT FOR Tfi~ MO1VTTlii C~F .T`~~NE, 197~ 7C'~~~s~.r~r°s R~pa~r for t~~~ month of June, 1972, was ~ECeived by the G~~,nc~~., r~-~i~~~~:~, ~nd order~c~ f~led. MCT~CIC~~r~~ C~17~ ~M~IVDMENT ~RDIlV'A~VCE ADOPT - lt?~~ES & PRbCEDURES 1~. i1NDERGItOUND UTILITY DTS'I'RICT Ci~~ ~.~~c~~n~~+ Shipsey ~°ead t~.e tigle of an ordinance amending the N1~n~~~,p~1 Cc~d~ ~~9~~ting ~o the e~tablishment of regulations and procedures for ~~mov~1. of ca~3~~~'?~~~ad txtility f~.~ilitie~ and the installation of underground f~ci~~~t~~~:s ~n a~fba'.~,~,~~o~n.~l v.til.~~y d.ist~icts; thereafter, a motion was made by Cr~~.nca l~~n M~ ~~,a~; q~ECOn~.eel by Cs~~.ncilman d~ L~on and unanimous ly carried, to ~%~p~:ns~ ~~.~1~ ~~~.~?i.n~ t:ta~. balanc~ of this o~dinanc~. ORDI~i~NCE 1V0 . 71 C. S. A~V nRI7I`.ltiAIVCE 0~` THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 TT.TT~E ~~OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUI~~CIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ESTAB~•T..SktMENT (~F REGLTIsATI0N5 AND PROCEDTJRES FOR THE REMOVAL OF OVERk3.EAD UT'.ILITY FACIT,TTIES AND THE TNST[~LLATION OF UNDER- G:RC~UIVD FACiIaTTTES TN UIVDERGRQUND UTIL~TY DTSTRICTS. 1 C~TY C~~,?~TC~~, :~FJ?~Y 25, 1972 A R~!~YO ~RATv 73~ , C~~~`~ Ft~R:~~ IA ~'L~GE C~n ~n~~i~r~ of Ce~~~a~~lxn~n ~M~l~~s, ~~~e~~~~d b~ ~C~~n~ilman ~Tal1~y a~d on the ~Fo1To~~~g ~o~.l w~,~> ~ ~A~"~S: ~~~nn~~1~~~~ Mi1~_~~~ '~~.J,~c~~y~ Cn~omd~ d~ ~T~~on ~n~, M~.yox° Schlegel ~ ~T~~S : ~ ~~~n~ ABS~~T s ~Vt~n~ for~go~~g ~r~~.,n:~~:~~.: ~r~7 p~~~~~ an~ ~c~~p~~~ ~1~i~ 25t~ c~ag~ c~f J~1y, 19Z2. R~C~MME~D, R~o ~JKDa E~ME~'Da P~?.RK, COMMe ~U~'I3OltZTY TO Tl~lCLUDE T1~IFFIC - HELD OVER G~;~~~A~~o~n~~ S~~,ps~~ ~~e~~~~tec~ and tt~e C~a~~ca,l~gran~~~ ~e~dition~al ~iane p~~.p~x~~. ~~~:n~,~~nt t;o an o~°~in~.nc~ of th~ P~,rk~ng C~ys~ion expa,nding ~~.~i~° ~~~~~c~~°~k~ tc, ~~~.~~,~d~ ~r~.ff~c pr°~bl~ms. REti~`IEW ~~F ~;EG'SS?~T~VE ~t~~~~,'IT~TS FI2.C~M TTI.E ~EAGUE C1F CALIFORNIA CITIES ~c~~~rr.~~~~~.~~~ ~~a~c~5 r~~r~~~;~d t1~~ l~g~sl~~~v~ b~.1le~~.ns ~~ceived from ~h~ ~~~.g~,~ ~f C~.~ifo~n~~ C~~i~~, ~~r~~sing S~ 1/~40 - P~nblic ~~play~~~Employee R.E>:L~~~~n~ ~~n~, ~000 R.~a~.g~.nmMor~~G~ T~~ Reforcn P~'ograan> RECE L~T t?F A~~~~I~~T ME;MQ BETWEEN L~TC IA MAR. UL~TTIFIED SCI~OOL DS.ST o& PASA c~eYtn~nis~~~,~o~ B~~~l~ b~°~~f1~ ~~~~~r~rec~ ~a M~xnorand.~n of L~gr~em~nt ~~~eceived ~"~°o~n M~~ ~~Jn3f~~d S~h.~ol Dis~G~°i~t, ~r1~ic~1~ was pr~parecl af~er ~negotia- ~ ~i~~s b~~~~n I:~c~,a M~~ 'C~~~f~,~d. ~ S~~csol Distr:~ct ~~.n,d repres~ntativ~s of P,~,~rynt~, A~~~~f,~~ ~ & S~~~.~nt~ A~.I~~.ncem 1~0'~~C~ ~ St~~~'~R~" R~Q~EST flF ~NAGEMEIVT TRAI~'I1VG PRQGRAM AT CUESTA JeG, t~~?~.~~~s~~_~t:o~ B~.~ch r~gor~~~c~ ~~a,t no~~.c~ ~.as been r~r:e~vedl from Cuesta .7~W~~,z_~:r, Cc~~~~~.~~ th~~ ~.s in~k~ng ~~,>~i1.abl~ to ~11 cit~es in the cotxnty a g~v~~gr:~.~n uf ~~?~~,c~a~~~:pe~n~ ~~aining ~n~ ~~q~.~~~~ng th.e Co~ncil's support and City's P~~~~,i~~p~~~,c~n. ~~~s p~~g~~.~. ~c~~~~n~st~~.tor B~atch comcn~nt~ct fa~orably on the ~~°opos~~ pr~g~~,~~ aarg~ng ~iie C~~nc~~ es suppo~°t of it. ::~..i~~~ C~~~r~c~~. di.~~;.~~sion, an. ~~~~on af Councilman Talley, second~d by Ca~an~~,~.~an M~~,`L~s ~~nd ~,n~n~~nno~xsl~ c~x°ri~d., Adm~n~,stra~tox° Butch raas authorized ~~,~ri~~ C~.~~G~. ,J~n~.v~° C~11~g~ of t~e C~~nc~1"s ~upport and anticipated C~~~ p~~~~,cip~~fon. ~n ~h~ Manag~m~nt '~raining P~ogram that is proposed. R,~S~ZT'TTO~ ~1IYC~P~ ~ A~iTI-~~RI~. REVTSED Mt7~[3AI~ AID OPERATIONAL PLAN C~t~ ~~~%n~s~r~~o,~ B~~ch ~~vf~~aed ~i ~°~~vised m~tual.~id plan for R~;°.g~,on. I~~ ~~~e~~~~~~ 1~~r Po1°~.,c~ Chi~f C1~,~k; cc~vering T~aw Enforcement and Mutual l~~c~ P~c~ ~nc~ M4~,~;~~~.1 Op~~atf~~ P~,a~ 'T~.~ r~~r~sion ent~.ils only t~ae deletion of I~os ~ng~lx~s ~nc~. ~)~~nga. Cca~.nt~es f~~i~ ~~gion 7.~A, leaving the CountiPS of San ~a~~s ~b~spo~ S~n~,~, B~~b~.ra an~ V~n~~~~a ~n tk~is m~.tual a3.d region. ~~~~r C~~~c.~I d~sc~s~~on, C~~~ ~tto~ney Shipsey rea~ the title of a ~~:~e~~L~~~on ~°e~~~cs.~ng th~ C~~~ jvining the R~gion I-A Za~aa Enfo~cement Aid Pact ~n~ ~,pp~ov~n~ t~.~ R~g~.on TmA Mt~t~al A~.cl Ope~~.tion~.1 Plan. RESO~i~RT~ON ~t~. 99~ ~~~5~`~~,~TT.0~1 ~F ~HE CI'~Y COUI~CT.~ OF THE CITY OF ARROXO ~':RA':a'~F :T~T.IV~NG 'I~T~ REG~O~T ImA LAW ENFORCEMENT NNTUAL AID P~,C~T ~ APPR~IV'~~VG THE R~GIOl~T ImA MU'~UAL A~D OPERATIONAL PI~~4 < ~n mc~~;iz~n o~ G~~nei'1~nan W~~~,A ~~cond~d by Co~ncilman de Leon and on fo~,~o~a~n.g ~c~:i..~ ~~`11 vo~e~ t~ ~ai.t, A~ZES a F~~_~,~cil~~n~n. Mil1i~ ~ T~.ll~~, Wnc~d, de Leon and Mayor ~Schlegel ~C?ES : T~~n~ ~~.~~E~TT. ~T~n:~ ~r~.~: fc~~°~~.~:,~%n~ ~eso~~.ti~n ~ras p~.ss~d and ~dopte.d tihis 25th day of Ju1y, 1972. 1?.E~Q~,, A~:~°~dPTo ° ALT~ORTZ, PURCIiASE OF VEHTCLES THRU STATE PROCUR, OFFICE Adm~n~ B~tch ~~cox~els~~~~~` to ~1~~ ~aurtcil'th~`~ adop~ion of a r~~~~o1~a.t~.cn a~~t~~~r, ~~~,ng th~. p~pa~~ ~>f Gen~ral S~~vices of the State to p~x.~c~~a~~ ~~wo ~~~~~~~~~~~C~ siz~, ~o~.~~c~aox~ s~dans for th~ City, whicl~ ~items ~a~d 6~~~ ~.p~~ ~ ; ~~a ' Z2~ ° ~3 ~~r~ki~ipa~. B~dget, and a considerable ~sa~rings ~ , r . _ 4 v_ . . „ s ~~5fc ~4.'''. I. J°±. ~,rr, v:: t ~ l., l'.~.t L F~~ ~ i~:1,11 ~5 p d.a l:a ~~1° ~ 1; t~~t c,'k.;r. C;.~.~~ ~i~~~:r~ ~ ~1-yi_~ x ~ ~.r ~~~^~c.~~~s~d. t~~~a~.~~ G~.at degartmente C, .~ri~ ~,1 ~.i:~~.~~~:~i.c:,r~, C~,a:~ r~~~fl~n<.,~° r~.~~ ti~1~ of a~e~alution ~~~~,~,.~~~r~~ir7~ ~r~~; D~;p~r~;~n~,~n~ r~~ G~n r.~.`~. ~_;~~;~i~~s ~o i.nc~:~~~ ~.n t~~ St~.te Call t~,r, ~d~.~ #~t° t;~,~ p~~z~°~.~~~~,~~ r,£' ~r~:a %n.~;~:e~~~.L~~.~~~ s~~~ ~ fou~m~.o~~ ~~~~.n~ for ~he City s~f` ~rsc:,~~~, Gr~n~~, ~~~,~:..t~~~f~;F~r~ ~~cF~~.:rr~ ~r~,:~ ~~~.r~~,~ bg~ C~~,nc~;~~~.n '~~11~~9 s~cond.~d by Cc~~nc;~i,:~F.~.r~. c~.~ 1:,~:,~n «~~.e~ ~.n.~.rr:i~~~~:I.~ ~~~s~~~,,~,~9 ~~sp~ns;~ ur~~~ r~~.d.~ng the b~lan~e ~~f ~ t~iL ~~^.~o~9~.t ~.~rao RES~7~,`S~s`~I;~~ ~~~0 9~~ A~RE~QT~~~~"~~C3~" ~~~F ~`C-~ GTTY C~T~~`~CT~~ OF ~`~~TE CITY OF ACt1~~~0 GRA~TDE L~l:~`C'1-~t7R.:l~~~VG T~E D:FPAR`I'ME1V"~ ~F GE~~R~IL SERVZCEB OF 'I'IiE ST~TE OF C~3::T'Fl)R~L~ T~ FaI~RC~S~ C~R~`~.I~ IT:~MS o ~r~ ~~~~~.c~n ~f C~~r~.c;~.:t:rz~~,r~ an, ~~e~n~~~ b~ C~~xnc~l.~s~~ C~T~~ad and on the i;eai ~ ~.:~~n.~ r~~~' ~c~~~:1 : °,,%~a3~-.~ f°,G~ ~~~i°.~ ~.i'~S: ~K~ ar,c°~.~.~~~.xi M~,J_~~.~; T~:L~~:~~ W<~~a~~ ~ea 'L~-;~n ~nd Ma.y~~r S~hlegel :~(t~S e ~c~art`~ A.BS:E';~T'~ ~~E~r~~ ~,tr..,:~ ~z:>r~a~c~i,ng r.K ~~~.~~z.~n g~.s~;:~-~. ~.nd a.~c~~t~t~ ~k~i~ 25t~ d~~ ~af J~Iy~ 1972. ;'~~°fT:~C,E FR.I~M S1':~`~~: Z~F, REDt~CTI:~)I~ ~F ADM, ~F 3~CAIs SALES ~ USE TAX ~ A~ ~ ~n~fo~r~a~~~~n9 ~,~.~~xn3.s~~~~o~ B~at~~ ~~port~e~ to the Cc~uncil x°1;~~~,e n.o~~ ~a.c.~ ~ic~n ~~~.4 bc~.~rc r~~ c~a~~~-~ ~.r,;~7°n c~~ S~~,~~, B~a~.rd of ~qa~,~.lization that ~~:a..~, ~:o~,: ~f ~~~n~n:~~k~.3°~_~t:~tan c~~ 1c~c.~.~ s~.1.~s t~~~ co1~~c~ion r~i11. be ~educed. k.~S(73.a~P.L}~7PT, ~ AME~~~~Da C(?~I'~RACL° W/~~A'TE RE. POLICE COI~TSOL, TO EKTEND TILL 8/31/72 ~ A<~°~~~z~~~~~~fi~~~ ~~cYvi,~~;~ C~~y ~.as r~^que~ted an ~extension of ~i~~_~ o~.~. c.~n.~~~~~~ b~~~rsrt:~m C~k~ ~~n` ~~h~ 5~~.~~. ~on ~P~lic~ Consolidation, ~r~c~_r~ J~ra~~r•~,' l, "'t.9~2 W.T~~n~ 30, 19~"L J~n?:~~,.r~ 19~2 th~°o~s.gh A~gust 31, 1972, w~i.G~ r~ ~~ya~n ~.pp~ov~~c~ b~ t~.e ~t~~~9 ~aa~.ic~ will g~,v~ ad~.itional ~ime to ~~~.~~'~C ~ax,~~~ t1~~ con~~l~;~n.~ dn ~nat~~~°, b~~ ~°~solaxtion is necessary autYxor- ~~~'~g ~x~~ C~~~;~~ ~.d~~,~~~~~t~°~.~Cor Ge~ sign~~~~ ~~~~~nsion to th.e ~ag~°~e3n~nt. Ce~~~.~ncy~1 ~i~~~~.~~~.~n; C~t~ A~t~~n~;~ ~Shipse~ read the title of a ry:~~~;~~~~~~n ~°~q~~~.~~~ri~ ~t~h~.~ g~~~~~ con~~~.ct betraeen tfie California Council G~~.~a~rr~l. J~~~~~~~,c.~ fo~ s~~.d~ f~~ con~~~,~cy~~ion of ~law enforcement ~agencies ~i.,:~+in Su~,~'~. S~n t~~~spo C~r~~n~~ Ea~ ~:~~~:n~.~d. to August 31~ 1972. Thereafter, ~ ~~_~~~~°s~. ~n~c.~~. C~~a~n~i~~m~~ '~~.1~..~~, ~~ccr~~l~d by ~Councilman ~d~ Leon and ~,n~rri~~~~~,~~.;~' ~;~.~~~.c~d~ Go ~is,p~n~.y ;2~~~~~ r~~~.e~i.ng t~e bal~.nce of this resolution. RE'S~I:t~'t'1C~~ I~~J, 1000 A~Z.E~O~,~~T~i~~7 f~F THE CI'~`~ G~"~1~GTL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE I~:Et~~~ST'T1~G GL2A.~T C~NTRACT ~E`I'[nIEE1~T THE CALTFORNZA CO'UNCIL ON G~t~~ITN.E~~ JL'S'~TC~ F~R. A ST'l`D`Y FQR CONSO~IDATTOI~T OF LAW Ei~F~R.GEME~TT AGENCTES W~T1~:T1~7 S~UTii SA~T ~UIS OBISPO COUNTY BE FX.L°:F~~L~FL~ T~ A:~GLTST 3~~ 2~7~2e 4~~ ~r~~~,~ ~ C:~~~axn~~.2~~n W~s~~9 s~;cc~nd~~. b~ Coaxn~i,lman de Leon and on the f c.~ ~ ~ ~a ~ .ir~ g r o 11 ~ ; a,7 ~,.3 , w a~ ~ AYF.'S : ~a„z1~~.n M~T. ~i~ II~:~ , W~,c~r~, de. L~on and Mayor Schlegel ~t~~S ~ ~~a:_-~<: r.~S~:`;tiT. ~r: t~?.=~• ~:~x~r~~in~ xk-:,~o°~t~t~ian w~.~ pa.~s~,d. ~n.~ ~,c~o~t~>d thi5 25th clay of July, 1972. k~C~•~~z` !°F T~°~d C~I~SUS D~TAIZED i~~?C;~L~1G CI~ARACTER.LSTICS s'4.~a,~~z~~r;~~~o~r 8~,~.~t~~i ~c~t~~i_s~c~ t~~~~ Cc~r~nc~1 of t~e r~eeipt of the 1970 ~ C:t.:n~r:~S~~U;~:~,a,1~>c~. Hc~bz~ing C~~a~ac~~c:rist~~,cs r~por.t fox the Sta~~ of California, ~~nai~~~~~.i,~n~ itn ~,rc~~r~~~ bP o~n ~f~.~~. in ~t?~~ C~it~ Ha~11 fo~r public re~~Tieca. The report ~ i~nc 1°.~c~~;~~ ~~,A~° ~_r~~~ r~=~~~~i.n.g ~n~~t~a ~.~o~.fi Ar~og~o G~°and~, in.c:Cud~ing t~e ~ac~ ~that n~ r~u~_~~~a~ rs~~~ °:~x~~~ a~n ~:`hN C3.t~ ~~h~.~: ti_zn.~a 7'kinm~s h~.d ~entr~.l air- ~ ~ c.~n.~. i. t: i ~.~.i,ng . ~~'?'i, ~J 2~, 1972 t~R:RC)Y(~ U[~k~ii3~", Cc?.T.:I.FC7R~It~ PAGE ~ 1Zu~~G'~r~TI~.~~~ FRt~3~'J. PT~MI~ ~CEA~tO STAT~ ~I~`v~S~k~ C(71KM~T~EE HUG~T POFE ~~~~n~4~~°,=~~ca:e~ ~~~:~k~ :~.~.a~~.s~~ ~,e=i~~ t~~ ~ppo~nt~~nt ~f I~~.gh. Pope to the' ~1.~.~n~r~i~~~ C~~~4i~~i~~n~~ ~~,~f~~.c~ of ~~~~~n~ ~c~~~;~~ ~Z~s de~~l~pec~ for M~. Pope in ~~.s a~-~~nd~n~ ~:~?r~ G~,~~.e~ °~~:pr~~~:n~;~,~i~~~-~ to Pisano9 Oc~~.no Advisor~ Go~:i~~°t~~:, &~n~ tz~; p~r.r~~,~~ion ~o ~~~ign -f~onr that appo2.nt~~nt. C~~,n~~~i s3:i~e~~~~c3n r.~So:I.v~.~ t~+at n~:~r r~p~~~~n~~.~~vE ~aou'1c~ be appoint~c~ to ~tl~e ~.~~~i~~r~~ Cca~r~~,~;~e:v~. ~~o~ ~~~~cc~~rm~n:d~.t~on Gc~ 6~ rci~~,€~ b~ P~:rks an~l Recxeation C~n!~ti~s 7..~.,~ne 12~5(JI:~~TSaJMV r~,DC3P'~a ~ E~~r~BT~~S~ CT'TI'aS AN~TJI~L TR~IIVSPORTATIOI~ CI~ATM ~.c~~r~~n~,s~~~,~~r ~B~,~e~ x~~po~°~~d ~1~.1~ Cit~ ~~s ~been in~orm~d. ~b~ ~t~e ~~~a~n~~ ti~~~ t'~~ Git~a~ ~~~~,m~t~~ appo~°t3on~s~n,t of t1~e ~g~.solin~ sales ~t~.x ~7ill" b~~ ~kau~,t $3~~C100 ~na. r~.q~~~s~~d tYi~~ Cc~~.r~c~1"~ a~th~~i~ation ~a f~l~ a claim for ~~~~a~~~ ~.~~~~r~~a ~~~i~~ ~~~n.i~.~ ~~a~11, b~ ~s~d ~o~ ~~~e ~propos~d p~oj~c~ ~of acq~.iring ~~~;t~~~ o~ ~n~ c~'~~~~w~c~ior~ -~f -d~~ina~e ~anc~ ~~tr~e~ ignpr~ovements ~on ~1,~;. S~r~-z:~ r~.s p~c~pG~;:=.r~ in t°~E '~Zm' ~~3 B~~.g~~. ~~t~~~~ C~~~~.r~~;~1 cl~~c:~~~:~~~ans C~.~~= F,G~~~n~y Sh~.ps~y r~ad t1~e title of a t~~o1.~,~.~::iaci ap~r;caar~n~ ~t~~~ ~n~:~~l ~~~nspc~~~~.tic~n c7.ai~n and ~.~tl~orizing its ~~~~~,~;t~T. to ~a~~,~ ~~~spo Cc~~ntg~ ~.n~ C~~i.es Area ~P~~.nn~ng Coordinating C~~n~i.~; ~:~~~r~~.~~~~r~ ~nc~~~dn ~ur~s ~rla~~ bg~ G~a~~.c~lman Tal~l~g~, ~s~conded by C~=~~c~ ~~r~~n ~c~~a~. ~.nd ~~nan.a~~rr~~~i~ c~.r~~.~d~ ~~o dis~p~ns~ r,a~~~l~ r~~ding ~the bal.ance c~~ ~~h~s ~e~.; o12~~iano R,ES~[t1~TTI0N ~0. ~oai A RES()L~~It~~` C1F T'HE CT'TY CO'JlVCTL C~F THE C'I'~Y OF ARROYO GRANDE APFR.CIVL~TG A.IVNT~A.~ T12A1~S~OR.TATION C~AIM A.ND AUTHORIZTNG ITS S~TI~MITT~.~ ~+J THE SAN I~~'I~ OBISPO COLTNTY AND CITIES AREA PT~i.~tlti`G ~OOR.DI~t1'~r'.~G CQ~J~iCIL, ~n. ~n~~ie~n ~~f C~~~~n.~~1~~n Mi1~~,s ~ s~co~c~ed bg~ C~uncilanan d.~ ~Leon and on G`~=~ ~a~?c~~~~.~.c~.~ ~-011 c~.1`1 vo~~, ~~o AY~,S : Ccaa~:nci.l,m~-n. Mi1~%~ y T~11~y~ tiv~t~d, d~ L~on and Mayor Schlegel ~UES : ~cfin.~ ABSF,IvT': ~~~r~~ ~h~~ ~o~°~~~~~n~ ~~~al~.~e~on ~r~s ~p~.s~ed. and ~adop~t~d ~ this 25th d~.y of ,7ul.y, 1972. LFTTER FR.C?;'~I CALIF~a'R1VTE~ :PR~PEI~~`I~S RE a D'RAIN~3GE PZAN iJNDER STUDY BY COUNCIL ~~~rs~~n~s~~r~~o~° ~~,tc~ ~~t~~~ ~f~om Ted Moor~ ~of California P~::p~~.r~i~~, i;TD, ~r~~c~~ h~,s ~~.~:~nt1y ~~;e;~~.~~e~ approval for a proposed shopping ~n~~~r~ n.o~°~~~~st ~;o~~n~~~ ~of C~~,~t1~r~S St~~et and Grand Av~nu~, the ag~nc~~~ ~~~~n~ ~~s~ ~dopti~an c~f d~~.i~n~~~ ~~~~t~~: ~.~s recomm~nded by the~~Director of F~k~1~c ~~~~~e '~~.~v ~~.~tt~~ a~a~,s ~~~~~~°~d Go t~.~ sc~eduled At~gust ~10 drainage sta~~~° ~~.~~~or~ ~~o b~ fu11~ ~~~~i~~~r~~. ~t~.~.t ~~t~m~ along ~ai~h Ga~ing, Taylor & A~~aco'~ ~-~~zn~g~ s~A~.dg~a PR~GR~~S RE~'~71Z'L . G~~FrRY A~1~N[SE CO~VSTRU~TI~II~I PROJECT ~~~~n.~u~~~~.~~~ ~~~c~ ~~~a~.~~~d Direc~to~ caf ~P~tblic Wox~ks Ander~son's pr~gr~:~s ~~ra. ~~.~~s. u!~~~~°~~ ~w~.np~,~a st~~:~~ ~aa~d,c~ning proj~ct f.rogn Traffic Way to ~'~e3,~~~c C~~.~~ ~R~.~'.t~~~ P3~~~~F ~.nd. also ~ev~i~~~e1 Mre Anderson's report dated J°~1~ :1.9c;~:: r,~~ii~~~ z~~~.~~~~.~, cY~s~~;~~ic~ns ~i~1~ p~operty own~rs in that area of p~°~ape~~~ ~n.~ ~.~.~~rit cost~ m T~.e ~prop~~~ty to be ~acquired raas appraised ~at $0./~'i p~~ sq~,~~,:: ~,~o~ ~r°om ~a~ic~ ~~~I~.at~.on ~h~ costs of curb and gutter in~t~1.1.~t~i~n ~s~~~ ~.~=_t~x°~~_n.es~.., Cc};~,ncal ci.:~ ~~~.~~ion fo1,lo~~ec1 with v~.ried opinions on th~ appraisal figure and M.~e T~~ng~~ Abra~~~'~ ~209 E. C~.~~rr~ tl~renu~) req~.~st that sidewalks be incT.~xd~~,d. i,n t~~~ i.~nprovf:~,~n~:nt~. '~"kt~r~:after9 a mc~tion was madF by Counczlman T~11~~;~, ~:.~cc~nrl~ci by Cc~~xnci.lman d~ L:on anci c~.~ried instructing Director of P=,~~bl-~~ W~~rk~ A.nde~•so~n ~:o p~~oa~~~d. ~ai~~ t`~e pr<~ject on Cherry Avenu~ as o~°~ gi.r,.4<. i`~. ~~,g~ro~levd k~y ~h~ Cca~znc~1. a ~j C:I: ~ Gv~~~C ~~.x~Y 25, 1972 ~ ' ~~~~?~~t~ G~t~.~IVD~, CA3~IFt~R.~~~1 PAG~ ~ ~ F'~~R'1~'~R DT~G'~SS~~1~ ~L~~"ER ~"I~~D`~ ~Y K~E~T~ & KO~BT.G T1~NBARGEIZ A~i:~n.~ni~~~~~or. ~~.~c'~ r~~ri~~a~~ 4~~~;j ~~,~-~;c:.~ions ~~q~ae~t~~. b~ I~~it~ T~~.nb~~g~r ~f' Kc3~.`b~~ ~r~c~ Kc~~~.~, sc,~°~.~~~ q~?~~~~ans posc~ b~ t~~ Go~.ncil at i,~~ s~;~aior~ o~ i-1~s~~ p~~~i~~.n~.~~~ 1~~~?~~~s ~n W~~~~ S~,pp1y and D~mand fo~° the of ~~ro~~ Gr.r~.n.~.~a M~o K~~~~ I'~~nb~,-~g~~~ ~7~~.s ~pr~~~nt ~~nc~ r~~i~w~d -~dditions ~n~ ~~.~~~i,on:~ ~;E~ t;`~~ in:~'l~c~~ng fK~~1o~r~ng: 1) 'T~~ c~~,ff~~~nce in the r~it;~~~;~~ con~:~~n~ cf w~,~~~° ~,s~~ by cla~ff~:~°~n~ ~g~ne~~s co~.le~ne~ be ~xpla~n~d and ~~x~g~~t~~ ~~~s~ing of ra~11,s b~ ~c~n~~~n~s~c~e 2) R~g~rd~n~g ~~~c_lamati~on ~f ~a~.~t~~ ~r~~~~p G~~ ~is~~~L~~,~%on ~o~.le~ t~~ ~~~~~~.n~~ b~~ th~ ~~n~~~bu~~on am~unt ~n~ ~.n~ ~a~:~~.~:~ x°~.q~,ir~~:~~:c~~~ ~~au~.L~ ~~v~: fi;~ b~ ~a~~T~~ f~a~n th~ S~n~t~~ion District. ~n ~~g~r~c~. ~o ~h,~ 1~~s~ng of be~~c~~~ ~1~.~ two ~1~~~na~~vES a~.ready p~~~~~n~~~c~ ~n ~t~e ~°~po~~~ ~~~~e~ ~.1~~~n~.~~v~ w~.s ~.c~.c~ecl w~a~ch ~s ~~o se11 ~he r~ ~h,~ co~1~ t~w~ ~.g~.n~~ ~s p~»~~ng, I~~ ~~ci~~?~~~ ~o ~~g~l~t~ of t~~~n~~~ng ~wat~~ ~1~ase con~tr~.cfi9 Mr. Z`~~~.~b~,~~~.r° ~t~~~c~ f.~~E-:s:~~ no p~°tib1~~n ~n ~~:~n?~na~~n~ c~n.t~~~t its ~;~p ~~~~~i~~ ~.n.~ nQ 2~~~b~ ~ C~,~~ as lc~ng ~.s ~-t ~s b~nefic~.~.1 ~to the G:~~~~ ~a ~~r~in~,~~ ~~5~, ec~~n~~~,~~~o M~a ~T~~.n.b~rge~° ~f~~~t~~~ ~s.ta~~c~t tl~.t ~p~ovisions ca~~r~~.~~ ~r~.~,~~~ ~~:~°~~c~~ ~o o~~s~.~~ of Zon~ 3 wit~o~at prior ~~~~°c~v~~~. ~i~ ~:~r~ C~~~~~;,: I~;~~~c~ of S~.p~:~~~~~~~ ~.nd ~ont~~c~~ng ~~~~~~i~~9 and that ~t~y~ ~~~~r~~y ~~~s~ ~k: nr~~i~i~d :i.f t:~:~. ~~.~~res s~~~c~ a~e~, e~tencl~de Cc~~.~~~:1, c~i.~~°,~.~~~~on~ ~n an~tiori of Caa~nc~lman W~exl ~ s~cond~d bY ~c5~~~~.~A.~s~~n dr~ ~~:o~n ~,~d ~,~.~n~.~n.~~sT~ c~~r.~i~~~ ~h~ ~p~~.l-im~n~.r~ R~po~t ~on ~Water S~w~~~y ~n~ D€~rris~.nc~ ~c,~° C~~ti~ c~f Arro~o G~~.nd~ ~.s s~bmitt~d. b~ K~~b~.g :and K.ca~~~~~g 2~.~n~n~~~~ ac~~~.~i.~ns ~~~q~e~~t~d b~ t~~ C~~nc~~~ was accepted. F~,rRT~i.ER DISCUSSL~~1V m C0[TT~'T'Y R.EPORfi (7N MASTER Wl1TER & SEWAGE PT~AN ~ ~a~ri.in~,~t,r~~t~r ~~^€~c~ r~q~.~~st~e~ €~t a s~~.~y sess~.on be ~ch~duled for ~f f~~~-~ ~p~~a1~~~,n~~;~~ x°~p~~t on M~.~tc.~ ~W~ter ~nd Se~a~~age. ~Plan ~for Cc?~~.~~y a~ p~•=v~~.~~c~ 6~ c~ns~.lt~,n:t~, C.D.M, Af~e~ Co~.ncil d~.scu~~ion, a s~ ~~:iun ~G>:n~-~,~.~v~~1.~ svA~ f'o:r Au~ge~st 2~, ~9~2 to whic~ Mr~e Bo~°ne of C~I~~~1a ~.na ~.1so C~~~.rz~~- En~in~~~° P~o~op~.p~:s ui~~.~ be inv~.~t~c~ fnr d~scus~ion ~~po~~6 ~~n~ ~,1.~0 ~~a ~ncl~c~~ ~cli~~,~.s~fo~ of tka~ propos~d ~D~~.blo Desalt~,ng I?~.~n.f~a 1~~~~I~T C~F M0~'~H'~~t OPER~iTTO~ R.EPORT FOR ~,QPE;Z WATER SUPPL'Y PROJECT - JUNE ' 72 ~'~<<.~ apf~>ra.~icsn r~por~ fc~~° t~~ ~ran~h o~ J~.n~ of "t~.e Lop~z Water Supply P~oa~.c~~ ~r~.~ ~t~;~~;.~~:c~ b~ t:~c~. C~~,n~a~,, r~v~e~~~d and ord~~°~d f~l~d. '~~~~RT 7~?~~ ~'~.1t~E ABV~S~RY CO~IIT~EH MEET~NG - COIlNCTLMAN TALLEY Cc~~.nc~T~n~.n ~`~~.1~~ ~g~ve ~~n ~ar~I ~°e~o~~ or~ the ~recen~t mPeting of the 3~~.~u~so~~ Cr~n~,~~~~~t~~^, s~.~~~.~i~ing t~€~ f~llocaing poi~nts of d~.scussion: ~ `1~~~; ~~p~~~~~~~~~e~~t~on~.~ a~~~ ~n~o~~ ~~po~~ ~~aa~ rece~ved ~but ~no comparison ~~~~.:Lc~ h~ ~zj~~.~ ~~i~; p~°~~r~o~s ~~a~r~"s ~:~~~o~~ ~r~~ n.ot ~.vail~.b1~; 2) Discussion ~a~~ ~1.~LH ~~~~1.~ ~~,~~.~~~ng ~~f~nd,s r~.qx~e~~~.e~, f~°c~zn c~.mpe~~ ~rho left for various ~~~~.~o~~~ ~~fo~~. ~~'~av3e~ 3~~~.~ p~.~d t~~ s~~.~r e~pi~~do T~e P~.~ks Directo.r at the ~ ~:ap~~ R~c~~~~ion ~~~po~°~~~~~ ~~1~e cc~~t of process~ng refund.s ~zan around ~~.1~000 w~ ~~~~,s ~~~n ~~;~~nc~ i~~~~~:l~f ~.~~~an.t~~ to on1~ ~a ~ fe~r dollar~, and therefore ~'~r~~~~~~,~. ~.~n c~xa~~.n~nc:~ be~ p~.~~~d ta~ ~th~. Bc~ard of Supervisors forfeiting ~ ~~n~~ ~~~a~.x~.~;~ ~ 3~ S~a~~~~~~so~° N1~.n~Cae~s , t~~ ~ Cit~y~ raill rec~iv~ a r.efv.nd of ~~p~az~a,~s~.~,~::IW ~T.1,~3~U c~n :it::~ ~a~p~:~ ~~~.rg~ ~s t~e plant ~an considerably below ~~~4~~ b~~~~:~~ ~.~t~c~ i~~l,~ ~32 ~pe~~~t~an ~-o~t~ also appear ~~o be running b~.~~~ t~~ b~i~,d~;.~,~ 3;~°~r~~~;~~i~~ ~~~~c~ r,a~~~ ~~~~lt ~in re~f~n~s» T~~ ~ef~nds will be ~ cx°:_.di~~~~ ~tc~ U s~rfl~ ,T~n~.~.r~ L~p~~ W~t~:r Contx~~.~~ p~.~ment; ~.nd 4) Several ~ ~n~~~.~ ~a~~ ~~.`i ~ ~ ~.~;a~~n p~~~p:~n:g ric~~x:~ ~ye~~,~° a ~ ~R.t~GRESS 1ZEPC)KT ~ L-lRR.OYQ GRAt~D~ S~WER D:CSTRICT A~an~,n~~~~~~-c~~ .~~.t~~ rk~~~.Em~t~.~F. 1.~.~t~~~ r~~rised General Calendar of ~:~r~'.~~-.~ , :T~~~~=var~~~ M~9~:~r~ny ~nrn' ~~~~°s s ~or tl~~ fax°ma~~on o~ t1i~ S;~a~r' 8~.~~.r.~:a~~, ;~fF ~_,;~;~w, .e°~pc~x°t~d. ~Ya~ ~~~:~ip~ of th.e di~gr~.m ~.nd asscssment rolls for ~1~s.t~ d.i~~~x.c~m :i.neTac„~~zn,~ ~:rt~~ t~.E a~~~ssm~nts w~ll. h~v~ t:o be clarified to the G ~.t:.v ~t.~ £f 1~~P S~c~n~ & Yr~~angb~r~;. b~>.fur~ ~::.se Ci~y wi2~. _b~ ' i:xi a position to . s:t~~ ~~~x: c.~ ~-.:i:f~~n~ ~ q~.t~~sk.i.ons rFag~r3irxg ~~~~~~x, T,EZ'7'ER =v~~' Tx~~KS FQR B~~DGETFD FLTNUS m CT3~.MBER OF CCIMNIERCE C~~,:~j~~.~~a~~~:r~.~:~r &a~fi~~. r~acl a l~r~:~~r of th~nks from t1~e Ar.royo Grancl.e Cl~a~b~~r of Cozz~~F~~~~;~ fo~~ t.h~ t~n~.s `b~adg~~t~~d to ~tt~~~n in. ~~e 1972-73 Mtxnicipal B~~ ~.t. ~ ~ ~ =r'v ~;t~~ r~,, ~T~T~,~Y 25 ~ ~ 1972 ~RR~}Y~"? ~,1~~+;~vI~E: , C,~?~,~.FC~12~ t'~. PAG:E ; 7 ~~~z.~.~R~r;~~D o~~~~ ~~:~~v.r:~c w~~~ ~~~~G~rs~ J:~~ ~~~~~~~i~~ ag~ 19~2 ~ir~ ~Vx~j~i,c:n r,~ ~~~~~;n:~.:~,~:~a~.n M~ix.~~ ~u:~„~,,n~~~ C~;~~z~c:ilm~~ ~a1.~~~y ~nd ati~n:i~r~~~~:1.~ ~°:.,.~r~ir-~:~~ ~~~a~g~ ~ac~~:,~~ 1.9: `i9~2,, Taa~ c~~:~~~n~:~~d as ~~~~~rL L~~~,x°rri,n~ ~,~::Jc ~,~~z,r~:~ ~~.~~~n~~~ p~~::ic,~ af ~"~e29 x:~c~s~.~n~~~ hy F~r~ Gr~i~:f M~.r~tzl:°k, N~3~'I:CE:: t)F RE~I',~.~V:~1:I:{~:N OF '~a KCF~~AK F~~M ~o ~e P~1~I.C~ DEP~.R`~'IEI~~ ~~,~~_nx... a~.t,~:i c~~ 8~,~~~ ~.~~r~~;~~~. t'~,~.~ P~1~c~ ~~f~ec~~' T~~a~h K~~~~~ as r~s~,gned. f~a~~ ~~r: ~P~~~.~c~<~ L~~:~~.~~~rl.;.r~.~ h.~~~,~e~~~~~~ J~1y~ l~~ T9d~~ ~~o s~~;~C ~~ipT.o-~n.~n~t~~with ~~1~~ <.~°A.~~`~ D~,~a~:r~~nz;r~~o ~~,~:r~t~i.~~~~:~ fc,~ ~~f~,~~~ I~~~~~1e,'~ ~~~p1~,~.~~n.~.nt ~n p~aae:~s, R~c~~.;~t. ~c~va.n~..~n.~n~ i:n c~~-.p~e~~~~~n~ ~n~l~d~ S~~~g~~n~ ~a~~,~g9~ p~obnotion ~o ~,~c~~t;~~n~.n~ ~.n~ ~'c~°L~,~~ ~?~'~'~c~~~' ~,~;R;9s protr~~~,on to S~~,g~~nte Nt~T~GE R.Eo CU'I`'1':I~G 'TR,EES ~i'~ FA.TR ~AKS ~TENSIi~~ m M~ORE Mc o Ja~. Mc~~r°~:~ ~.;.~i:d~~~ c~f' G~o~°~r C~'~~' ~~~q~~~~ h~~;~ Ca,G~ k~ep ~,n ~n. t;`~ ~°,t~~s ~f~,~n~ ~~.9.~, c~or~n. fo~° d~~~~op~n~:~~ ~1~~: F`~~~ O~.k~ ~r;LLK~~:ns~.i~~n a AI7:T~li.'Ra~vvlE~T '1`~! F:~CE~~',1':I:~1E SESSrf~N ~ ~n ~i.arz ~~~wn.~ ~,1rn~n c~c: L~>,c~n:~ s~~~ne~r;~ b~ Cc~~n~ i.`1~n~.a Mi ~'l,is arid ~sr~~~~.,m~.~ a.~l~~ ~.~,s~°~ ~°t~_. C~~,nt;i.~ ~a.~3ada.~~n.~d. ka ~:x:~:~~.ts;~~ ~~~.~~c~n to disca~ss k,r~.onn i ar~_~ +~;x4 ~,t; ~.~`s~ ~?eMo I~:EC i'~P~'V E' ^;`;~9~,:N'I°' ~ T~~.^= C~~a;:r~ci.~ ~;r°c>~~~~:r~:k.~. 1(~02~ F<M. ~i~~~a. ~1.1 ~n~~nYa~~~~ px.•~~~~n:t as s17.own ~;'i7 T'~~? .t =~.~'v..~., ~ CC)U`~v~T~:.: A~PC~I~~`ME'~~'`~ ~~F F'T.~~~l'C~ ~QFF~CER M~.l~~~TZ M. AOSE~I~~GR~T ~~~~i.~ti.~~r,°~t;c?~~ B.~~c~y;, ~~:;po~°t~,c~ t:~,~.~ ~pp1.~c~:n~s ~.~,d be;n int~~~r~vi.eraed on Mvr~Yx~~~~, Ju?.1°~ ,a~~,, iA;:~ t;~~:-. p~~~t;~,t~n of F~~,t~~.n~:~~ ~ffi~~~re A.s a~~~~~lt of the :ir~~~t,43.i~:~~ ~z7.v :~;p~-t~:ic~,~a,.>n~9 Acix;~.~.,~~~~~~~o~ B~:t~h ~~cA~n~nd~d ~:o th.e Co~unc~l i:~..: ~~cz~n E1i Ni~a . M~:v?r°.i,~~ Me R.c~~~~n~re~n F~rc~,nt;~ Of~'~c~~ for th:~ Ci~y t~r°a°c,~~, Gr~res,:;a r1~'r~-;r. C~.~~n:e.~.1. d~se:,~~y~on; r~a~~,~~~ of G~anc.ilcnan Mi11a.s, ~;_,~:;o~~i.: h:y ~~.-~~n.c ~..l~~e.~,n T'~.:11~~ ~nd. un~.n~~rzea~.a~1~% c~x~~.~:d.a app:lz.can:t M~~.~~itz M. R~~~.ngt:~:c~ ~af I;ric~,a,l;, C~Z~,tar~ni~y w~s appoi~nt~rl ~o th~ pos~t~on crf Finance i~~~~~c-.~~ ~:~f'~ a~~~ . A~~;~~c~~ 1~ , 1ge2. E~:F QL~~S I` UF CC1t~!~C 7; ~M~lV B~ ~EO~ T'a ~i~ aTJT ~F 'I'FiE S TATE AUG. 1.Qm ~0 1972 dr~ ~~,~~:i.r:?n vf C~s~~.ra:~a,l.~s~n ~~~.1.1~~; ~s~:~ond~d ~b~ Mayo~ ~Schleg~l -ant~ ~zi~,r,~.rrz,;~~ ,s.~y ~~~~;:i °3~, ~~Sp~ov~.1 ~,r~~ g~~n~~d ~o~° Cc~~ncil~an de Leon to be out ~~f 5~~~~. o~ C~,~~.~o~~n:a~~. f~o~ A~g~.~~ ~10 ~h~o~gh Augiast ~20, 19~2, as r°~.~~3r.~twc~ k~4~ C~s~~nca..a~~:~~,rz T~~c~n. ~.DJi~~; R?~~'1EivTT ~ t)n ~~~~~~~~rn ~o~ ~~~~~a~~~~nia~n. ~Mi~:~~~ ~ s~conded by Cot~n.cilzna,n Wood. and s.~rc~.n~Y~;.«~~s~~~ c:~..r~.i,~:~~ t°h~ -~r~-~~t;~,ng ~~,jo~~n~:~. ~.t 10:30 P.M. . ~ .~TT`ES'~~ I~'YCI~ K YR °