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Minutes 1972-08-08
CI~ CO~N~~~ AUGUBT 8~ 1q7~ ~O ~0~0 ~~fi~~, CA~~~9~~A ~~@ Ci~y C~~~~i1 ~@~ ~~~t~~~~ ~@~~~~~ ~y~~ ~e~l~~~~ ~~~~~d~~~~ ~~1~ ~~11, ~~~~~~~'~~?~@~~ ~~~1~~, ~@~~~~~~ ~~~a~~~a ~3~~~ ~~~@~~a ~fi.~ ~~~~,~~vaeA~~a~ ~y~~ ~~~1@~@1 ~1@~~~ ~~~@~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~y ' '.~~@,~'@&~~@~'i ~@ii@~`@~~ ~~~~~&~f ~~&@~€ $~@ ~~~~@~ ~@~~@~~@~ ~~~~@~1 @~ ~~~`~3i~ ~~~~l~~ ,.+~~~~@~@~ ~~~~e~~~~~o ~~~~~~~fi• Mfi~fi~~~ ~@ ~@@~~~~ ~~~y ~~~@ p~@p~~@~. ~~~~~~~fi~ @~ ~~~~~~~~n~~ ~e ~@~~~ @@~~~~@~ ~~i ~@~~1@~~i~l~~ ~~~~~@ ~~~~~~n~~~1~ ~~~~~e~, ~@~@~~~ 7~ ~~~~a~~~ ~~@ ~fi~a ~7~, ~~@ ~~7,~~~.~~ ~@~@ ~~~~~~@~ ~~~@~@~ ~u~~~v~~~~ ~@ir3~~'~ ~fl~~ft@ j ~@~~~ ~@~~~~i ~@~~'@@@~~~~~~@ @~ ~~@ ~~@ @~~8~@ ~~~l~~~i ~@&~'~ ~i~~@~'V~@~~`@ ~ ~&@ ~~@~@~~ &fl~ ~`@ii~@it3@~ ~@ii~!~`&~ @~~i~~~i ~~'@~@@~~ ~~~~@~ i~~@~@~~ ~~@ ~@~~@~@~ ~@~@ @~'~~~'~@ fl@~@~~&~~@~!@ ~~@ ~~&~@ ~@~&~~R@!~~ @~ ~fl~ ~@@~`@&~~@~# ~~~`@@~~~ ~4s ~@~~l ~@~~j r~~~ ~~~@~ @~~~~~@~a ~n~~~~~~@~~ ~@~@~~~~ ~@~~ ~~~~t@~~~ ~~~@ ~~@ ~&~@@~ &@~~@€#@ ~@~~~~~~~ ~~e ~~~~~~a ~~~~~~@~~ ~~@ ~ ~@~e~~~~~~ ~~@ ~~@~~~@~ &fl~ ~@~i~@~i@~ ~~1@ @R@l~~fl~ @~~@~t~~@ @~ @~~~~~ ~~~~~~i~~ ~~@ ~~~~~@ ~@~@~~~~~ ~@~~~@~ ~ ~@ ~~~~~@~ ~~a ~ @1@e~~~~. ~~~~~~~@~~ ~~@~ ~~@~~~~~ ~ ~~~@, ~@~~~ ~~~~@~@~ ~~e ~fi~~~~~ ~@~~~ ~~@ ~&~`~~~@ ~~@~@@&~ ~~@~~~@~~ ~~@~~ ~~~~e~e~ ~~n~ @~~@a ~@~~ ~@ii~@i~i@~ i~~@ & ~~'~~~@@~ ~&~[i~ ~~@ ~~~@~ ~@@~`@~~~@~# ~~@~~ $@ ~1~~&~@~ ~~@ ~~~i ~@~i~~@ ~ ~~~@~ii~~~~ ~@~@~~~@~ ~@~@~~ io3~~~1 & ~@~~@~ ~~@ ~~~@ ~ ~~~~~~~j ~~~@~~~~~ ~~a~~~~ ~~~~@~ ~ ~~~@~~ ~@@~~~~~ ~@ ~~~~~@~ ~@~~~~ ~~~~~~@ ~~@ ~~~@~ ~@@~@~~~~~ ~!~@~ ~ ~~~~~@~ ~ ~~@ ~~@~~~,~ @@~~ ~@~~@~~~~~ ~ ~@ ~~~~~@~r ~~~@~~~~~~ ~~?@~~~~~ ~~~@ ~~~~@~@~'~ ~@~~~~~~~ ~~~~~@~~ ~~~@~~~~@~~ ~ ~~~~4 ~~~a~~. ~~a~a~~~ a~~~~a~. ,.~a~~e~ ~~~~a~.,e,~~~~ _ ~a~~A A~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~t ~~~~e ~~~~~~e~ A~~~~~~~ ~@~~~~~~~~~ ~~~@~@~~ @~~~~~@~ ~~@ ~@~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~j ~~~~~@~~~~ _ ~@~@~~ ~~t~~~~~ ~fi~ ~~~@~ a~ = ~~~~t?~~~,~~~~ a~~~~ ~~~~~@~ ~8 ~~~@~~ ~~~~~~@~~~~~ ~~~@ ~~~e ~ ~~~~~@~ @~~~~ ~~@ ~~~?@ ~~~@~ ~~~~~@~ ~~~@~~~~ ~ ~ @~~~~~~@~ ~~n~~~~~ ~~@~~~~~~~ @~~~~~~ii~€~@@~ ~ ~~@~@~@~ ~~~~~~~@~~°~~ ~~.~@'~~ ~ ~~~~@~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~s ~@ ~~@~ ~~~~~@~ ~@~~} ~~~~~s~~~~~~a ~~~l~~~@~~&~~~ ~~~@~# ~ ~@~~@~ ~~''@~l ~~@~~ ~@~ ~@~~~:~e ~a ~@~€ ~~~~@ ~@~~~j ~@~~@~'~~~~ ~ ~@~~~~ ~s~~@ ~~,~.~~@ : ~~@ 1~~~ ~@~~ ~~~@ ~~a ~~a~~~ @~~~~~ ~g~~~ ~~@ ~ ~~@ @~~~'~ ~~~@~~~ crTx couNCZL a~GUS~ s, ~~a2 ARROYO GRANDE, CA~IFt7R~TIA PAGE 2 c After Cc~~.nci1 d~.sc~a~sion9 on ~ncst;a.on of Co~,nc~,l~n~n M~1~~,~~ ~~c~~~~c~ b~ CouncilYnan de L~on ~.nd ~n~.n:~~e~~.sl~ c~~~ied~ the $35 Zon~ C~,~ngc~ ~i~.ing f~~ ~ef~~d was approved for A, D~l~~, C~t~ Attoxne~ ~h~ps~y s~ggc~~~~, t~~t re°~~;~l~a~~~,c~n ma~~ of ~h,~ procedr~res of ~e~~pti;ng ~~ne. ~~,~.ng~ ~ppli.cat~ores ~nd ~~~t ~,ppl.~~an~~ ~~o~a1~ b~ made aware b~fore acc~p~anc~ of th~~r ~~l.ing f~~ ~f t~~ ~.pplic~~i~~ ~,~11 b~ ~n conflict ~rith the G~n~tal P~an ~.nd th~s p~°~c1~e~~n~ P:1.~nn~ng C~~iais~~.s~n"~ approval of th~ zc~n~ ch~ng~..r°~q~,~sta RECEIPT OF ADDIT' ~ INFO. RE e PROPOSED C~NTRA~ ~O~E CO~V'S~12VA'~IO~ II~ITIA'~~VE No revx~w ~a~,~ xzt~.d~ of the ~~,r~tc~~ infoxanat~.on ~°~.c~i~a~d ~~g~.~~Yng ~ p~~~ posed Centr~l Zon~ Conse~°v~t~on ~niti~.tiv~ ~n~~~~,re~ ~rr~.~t~~° ~i~d ~~~n tak~n care of b~ City ~~pr~~c:nt~tiv~~ ~t t~~e ~~~.g~.~ of Cal~.forn~.~. C~t~~~ m~e~ing h~~d on Augus~ 49 19~2. TREASURER'S REPC~RT FOR TkIE M0~~1~ QF .7U'I2Y 1J~1~mHELD OVER The Tr~asurer"s Report for th~ mont2~ o£ J~.I~9 19~2, cvas not a~r~ilable a~ 1972-73 Budg~t inform~.tion has to be comput~r p~oc~s~ed for the n~~ fiscal ~~ar computat~.ons. DEPAR'~MENTAL MONTHLX REPORT FOR JU~,Y, 1972 The Depar~men~al. R~po~°t fo~° th~ mon~h of July~ 1972, ra~.s ~ec~~.v~d b~ the Council, reviewed and ordex°ed filed. RECEIPfi OF LEGISI~ATI~PE BiTLLETINS & APPOII~TT OF DELEGATES TO LEAGUE MEEZ'ING~ 10/72 The Cor~nc~l received ~.nd r~vi.eweel cop~.es of tl~~ 1~.~~st T~~g~.sla~ivc~ Bulletins recei~red f~om t;Fae L~agtte of California Citi~~. Adminis~~a~o~° Bt~tch advised that th.~ ~~~g~.e has req~.es~~d th~.t d~l~g~.t~~ for° ~he Citg~ b~ ~ppoint~d. to vo~e at the L~agt~~ Anntxal Conf~~ence to ~.void conf~s~on of r~p~°~s~nt~.tion a~ ~ these meetings. Aft~~° Ce~neil discussion, on motion ~f Co~nc~lm~n Mil.l~s, second.ed by Cc~uncilman `~aT~e~ and ~naniin~u~lgr carried, Mayor Schl~gel ~a~s appointed as voting delegat~ to t~~ Oc~ob~r T,eagtz~ Gonf~~°~nc~, and Cc~uncil- man de Leon ~ras app~inted ~lt~rna~e vo~~ng cl~legat~. In answer to Councilznan Tall~y's qu~stion rega~d~ng mo~e ~nfo~nation regardi.ng the Op~n Spac~ Land proposal in ~he l,egislature, Ad.minist~ator B~ztch advised that tlne r~qu~~t~d ~.ddi~~on~.l infax-~cation has b~en r~ceiv~d ~nd is- being r~viewed. Council?nan Ta1.1~y w~~ cong~°~.tulat~d on ~.is ~ppoinL-~ti~nt ~.5 Second Vice-Pres~d~~nt o~ the Ch.~nn~1 Counti~s Divi~fon ~f th~ L~agu~ of California Ci~i~sY RESOL._ADOPT. - AUTHORI~E PURCHASE OF VEH~CLE THRU STATE PROCUR OFFICE Aelrninistr~.to~ B~tch ~°eq~aes t~d th~ C~a~ncil's a~sthor~zation to p~.rchase one additional intex~xi~d~,at~ ~~dan fo~ thc~ B~ilding Department9 th~u the Department ~ of General Servic~~ of the St~.t~, w~~ch it~~n ~,ras b~.dg~ted b~xt overloz~ked t~rh~n the p~.rchase of t~ro o~h~;r v~hicl~s ~r~.s ~.•~thor~z~:d at ~he last Council m~~ting. After Ccr~tncil d~.sc~ss~an, C~ty Attorney S1~ipse~ r~ad the titl~ of a resolu~~on authoriz~ng t1~e S~ate D~partment of G~n~ral S~~vic~~ to incl~ac~~ ~n the S~a~~'s Call for Bicl~ for t~h.~ p~~ch~se of one ~.nt~~tn~diate s~z~~ fc~v.~~doox° se~an for th~ City of Arroyo Gr.~.nd.~; ~Y~er~af~~r~ a mc~tion c,aas mad~ 1~~r Coun~ilman Ta11~~9 seconcled by Co~sn~il~a~. de I~~on and unani~o~.~lg ~a,rx~ied, to di~pen~~~ r,~~,~t~ ~~a~~x~g the balanc~ of thi~ rGsolu~tion. RESOLtbTZO~ ~IO. 1002 A R~SOT~~TIO~I OF THE CI'1'~ CQL;+NCIL OF TH.E CITY UF ARROYO GRAND~ AUTHORI7IIVG T~iE DEPARTMENT ~F GENERAZ SERVICES OF TIiE ST~TE OF CA~.IF~RlV'~A TO P~TRCI~~,SE CERTA~~T ~TEMS. On zn.otion of Co~.~cilxnan Talle~,~, s~cona~d by Co~ncilman e~~ ~eon on t1~e following roi? ca~ L vat~, to cait: AYES : Co~nc~l.men Mi1 ~ is 9~~ Talleg~ 9 de ~:e.on and Nl~~or ~Sc~.~.~~~1 N~~'S s ~,Yor€e ~~335~~~'m ~o~n~cil~~.n Wood the fore~~~:rkg r~~o3~.~7 on w~.s pass~;d ~nd ~:ciopt~d ~~zis 8~~ d~.~ c~f A~.gw,~~~, 1972, ' pr~r CITY COiTNCI~ ~.~'~u~T $y 197~ c7~++ ARROYO G~A;~DE, CAT:I:FOR~'I~ tAGE 3 PROGR~ESS R~PO'R~ - uMA~~d~ ~~A7~i~L~ CAS~~ AG~.'Y~~ST B~[~~~'I1~'ESS~S ~BX ~I.~Y Ad~:~ni~~~~~o:~ ~~B~n~e~h. ~~.~d~ ~ ~1~~r~~~~~ ~f'ro~~ t~~-~ F~~~~t~a ~J~.~~~~~~ ~e~•~~~~ ~~t~ting . that ~11 n~.~~ c]_~,~.~~ ag~,~.ns~ v~~ia~~~ b~x~~n~~~~~~.~ in ~h~ P~,~%~n~ ~,r~~, ~~a~~n~~~ Improvemen:t D~~~~s~~t b~~~n ~~~,n~f~~~c~t ~~a ~~:~~~~~o~ ~~>~~,r~ ~.x~ S~n I~~~~ Obispo and th~.t ~~20 f~1~n~ on r~~~~~~°~~ bk~~or~ ~~i.~~~ c~n b~ set for ~~~.r~ng. C~.~~~ At~o~ra€~~ ~~.~p~~-~R~ ~;T:~°~~~i~.~, r~~,san fo~ t~a~3. tx°an~fer ~s b~e~~s~ o~ ~Y~~ ~t~~t~°~- C~c~~ ~;~~,~~i,~~ „7°~,~~~~~~ Ca,~~~;~°~~ ~ic~~ ~~,~~~m d:iction ove~ ~t~.~ ~qa~e~t~~~~n~ ~~,~~~n ~~e ~1~g~~~~g~ ~af ~t~~ e~~,:~t~~n~e~. ~~f~~~~1~~~ indic~,ted tha~ ~~pvn C~~~~~ C~~.r~e~ f.~cz~ ~~,~::~t~~~~ ~a~`1~ ~is~~~~~ ~~k1~ Miss W~~°nk~:~ t~~ p~~~s~,l~i,l~~~ ~~f ~~~°~~~i~~ c~f Gy~~;,~~ f~~° ~~v C~.~~ ~~~~s ~.tte~ c~n be ~~1c~:=.n. of. D~v~:d I~~a*n~s, ~~~~~r~aa~s of ~~r~~:i~g B~~~~n~~s ~~p~ov~x~~~:rz~ A~~~ Advisory B~ar~ ~r~_:~~~n~ ~nc~. a~r~~~c~, ~~~~b~~,~~n~~ ~n ~ft~:r C~.~~.nc,~l disc~ssion~ ~n ~~~~on o~ C~+°~.nc~ 1;~~,n L~.L~, s~~~~n:~~~ i~~ C~~.n~alaz~~n I~~on tznaniin~~.:~1~ c~~x~~~.'c~9 ~~,f~ ~~~a~nr~~g~ ~~sa.~~~~ ~ry~~ ~~a~h~~~~~e~. ~o Gorxt~~~ C~~~.~t~ C1erk ~nd ~~goti.at~ ~~~i,~r~~ of f~.~.~~g f~s~, t~~9 C'~~~ ~ndl i~ t°~~ c~~.~v~:~ f;~ not alloc~r~~,, ~.~.t~ao~3.~~.~~c~n. ~a~.s ~~p~a~~~e~ p~~;~~r~.~ oi fil~ng f~_=~~ &y t~P City. RECOMMENDATT~I~TS ~F PA.RK. & BUS:L~~S~ ZMPROVEME~T r~E~~~ AD~'~SORY BOAR,D Adm~nistraL-or B~:~c~ r~~=.pa~°~~cY th~.t °~1~~ P~~°k~~~ ~ncP 8~:~~n~~~ I~prov~rne:n~ Ar~a Aclvi~o~ Boa~cfl 1~.~~ r~c~a~e,~t~~ t~~ C€~~~c~1~~ ~~~1~o~~.z~~~on ~~o c~11 for ~b~,d.s for the s~Iling ~nd r~~nav~:l of a~~,~1d.~ng an W~,~~~rc+~ p~°ap~~t;~, st~g~~s~~~g :that the op~n~ng of 3~id~ b~ se~ fca~° 5~:~~~~:x~ib~^.r~ ~~n~. ~.~a~~~,~.,ng c~f b~d. on Septemb~~ l~. I~ uras ~,lso ndt~e~ ~kY~t t'~~ ap~a°L`~r,~vni; ~s p~~:~~n~:~.~ c~~~~,p~~d ~z~ci tl~~ t~nants h~.ve be~n ~~q~~st~~e~ ~ncY ~~,~ly~ n.c~~~f~~r~ on s~~~~°~.L ~~e~~si~ns ~o ~~~~.t~ ~he p~~~~.~~s, with no sttc~~~~s, to d~.~~ ~nefl C~tg~ ~t°torr~~~ Sl~~,p~~~ r,~~.~ ~~~qu~s~~;~c~ ~o f~l:~ an ~~Un1a~,rful D~.~~iner" ~.ct3.an ag~~.ns~ ~~cv:p~.nt~ A~s~3,n~. PROGRESS_REPORT I2~o OI2.D. ~iMEIIVD, PARK CdMM, .AT~T~~RITY T~ T~~TC~~TBE TRr`~FFIC-HELD OVEL~ Ci~y A~to~neg~ ~Sl~~p~~~ ~c~~3~~~c~ ~~~a p~oc~d1~~~ ~of ~a~?~~~d~ng ~the o~dzn,ance of the Pa~king C~~nissa~+~n ~o ~~pan~ ~t~ a9;~~~~ri~y to ~..rt~l~s~.e ~~affic p~obl~:ms was still b~ing r~~~~.rch~d t~~~au~h th~ L~>~~;~a~ of Ga1.~f.orni.a C~~~.~s and ~h~ Leagtt~~ ACtorn~y. PROGRESS REPORT RE. POI~ICE C~II~ISOLIDATIOi~ STiIDY F~R F~VE C~TIES AREA Aciminist~°~to~ B~~c~, r~;~ri<~e~~~ ~i~ di~~~~ssion. ~r~~h Mr. R~.ck H~gh.~s of Booz~ All~n P~bl~~ Ad~xa3.n3.s~r~~~,~n C~.y r,~ho h~~r~ p~~p~~~d ~1~~ P~l~,ce Consolid.~.~~.on S~~dy, ~nd~~~~~~n~ th~t ~,;~.s ~~a~g~:~t~d. a. xn~~.t~ng b~ sc;~.~dt~led for a revi~~~a of G~.~ ~~~xclg~ ~ncl~d~ng ~~:~~~.~~n~~t~v~~~ c~f c~.~~~~ invalv~d. ~nd the cities' G~~ncilm~nID ~n ~a~~~s~ ~9.~i, '1.9s2. G~~nea,l~r~~x~ M~1~3:~' s~zgges~ion nf a study-l~xnc~a~on w~l~ b~; con~i~e~~d ir~ ~~~t~~,ng t~m~ fo~° s~~~ic~n. REPORT RE. NEW P/D gROCRAM "GTTi~E~4S Q~T P~TROb" '~0 BEGII~ Ats'~ 18 19d2 Acting Pol~c~ C~~,~f G1~.~1~ r,a~.s pr~~~n~ ~.ne~ r~~a~~w~d ~ a prog~~~i p~ogos~d, ~~o commence Au~~t ~18, 193'2 ca1~.~~. "~~~i~~n~ can ~~~~~01"~ ~r~~~rb~ ~ci~~ra,~~n~s of A~oyo ~ Grande rai11 b~ g~v~n an oppo~t~n~,i~~, c~~ ~ec~~~s~ ~n~. ~ftex ~i~n~ng ra~~vc~~ ot liabil.ity, ~o r~.d~ a1Un~ ~~~~h pa~~ol,s~~~ ~a c~b~~~sr~ ~,~ti~r~.t~,~~~. T~~ program is being i~rpl~~neng~d fo~ b~jt~~~r. p~ab~t~r ~~;1~t~c~n~ ~nd ~a~ ~ckn~w~l~dg~d ~g~ th~ Co~.nci1 ~rith ~n~h~~~,~~~i.c ~pprov~I. RECEIPT OF ARROYU GRAI~D~ POLICE MA.~,~A~, ~ P~I~ICE ~H~EF CI~RK Adm~n~,~t~ato~ B~~c~. pr~~~_n~~d ~o t?-~.~ Css~n~~l ~~p~~~ of "Arroy~ Gr~nde Polz.ce M~.nu~l" w~a7_c~ w~s p~;~p~,~°~c~ L,~ ~c~~ic~.•C~t~~~f C1,~.~k. 'I'~e ~~,n~t~:l ur~~ ~°~vier~a~d. and~noted. to be~~w~l~~don~ ~nd ~n ~~~~1~~n~ ~~do~~~~~t~ ~~o~ b~ police ~offic~x~~. Coun~ilman M~I,T~s en~n~nc~~d Pc~~,ic~ D~~~~~~~nt on ~~~;i~ hJ~~~m~~~~k~ req~~s~e.d ~a~T ~a~f~.,~.,~.nv ~~~i~:n ~he~ 1~~~~~ ~~z v~~,~,t~c~ns, ~ndic~~:~ng k~s ~~c~~v°~el many favar~.1~:G~ ccr~~nFn~~ c~n t~is ~a-~og~~.~n ~.nc~ s~o~a~e;~ ~~.~pv ~f ~~c~~as~~c~~c°1c, t~~ne sh~et ~kept ~b~ pa~~ol~~~n. ~~a.ie1~ i~ ~s~~t ~~o ~1~~ c~:t~~~^n ~,~~r> 1~~~ r~~a~~xxo R~SOLUTIC~T+? ~.DC~~'~:'IOZ4T ESTAB~I~~TTTl~('~ Iy~2-3~ ;~L71~'T~IPA~'il TAX: RATE Ad.~;~~n~a.s~r~t~~° 8~~~'h ~~v~e~~~ Cc?~n.~°il ~~d~p~ ~ ~~~~ol~~ion each year es~~blis~~~.n~ n~~~~~~~y ~~o r~~~~ar~ ~~~x~~~~l f~.nd~ ~~fo~ t~.e vari~~zs ~pe.~~.~i.~:~:~ af th.~ City. Also r,°~~iw?~~:ds t~a~: C~~nc.i1's r~q~~~~t~ was ~he annu~l p~o~e~ti~~ of c:~.~F~. t~;q~i~~~,~:nt fo~ Fc~~~~ C~z~;~~~c;t Faxnd~ng fo~ ~h~ nex~ f~.~g~: y~~r,s ~ r,~I~a~.~ x,a~,~ t~hc~rc~~~h~y c.av~~~c1 A~+~~a~n~s t~~~~~° B~~ch ° s r~po~~ da~~d t~~.~~.s~ l~ l~'32. ~~r~.n~z.l e~.~~~~~~ion ~r~~~~~1 ~~r,~~~~t1~ k~.at ~o ye~~ tax ~cut~ zf po~si~I€:a ~r~~.~.~ b~ p~~.f~~ab7.e. ~o 2~: ~g~~~.~ ~p~ox~~.s~.d decxe~~~ t~~,t may :~~t- bQ f~as ~1~1.~ 7_n f~t~~~ t. ~~aa~~ e C'TTY COUNCIL A~~G~iS~ ~i~ ~9~~ ARROYO GRATvDE, CALIFORiV~A • P~, :.a:.: ~ Aft~~° f~rG1~~~ C~a~r~~c~~~ 2~~;sc~~~~;on9 G3,t~ A~~c~:~raa~'~ S`~~~&g~~~ ~3,~~.~ +~f . ~^~e~ol~~fon f~x~~tg ~ta~ r~.~~~ ~.~f ~~c~~ ~c~~ L9~~~`~~ ~~~i~' fa~' G~ne~al G~v~~~n~nC (~p~r.°~,~~,c~~~~~ $a.~~ ~o~ ~~¢p~cs~~~ R~;wi,~~~~a~~~~ ~~r~'~ ~o~ S-~ La:gh~inga art~ $0~0~ °fo~ R~~~~~~~c~t~~ ~ '~~x~~~ ~~.9~ ~~,C~~~~ af ass~s~ed va1~t~~ion, ~~Z~~~~.~~~~~, ~ b~~ ~:~~sz~.~,~~k "f~~~~~~ s~~~nd~d: b~ G~~nci1~:~. ~I~I1,~~ ~n~ ~r~~~~t~~~,°.~~.~' c~.~x°~~v~s; ~b:e ~~.l~.n~~ of ~hi~ ~~:~a~~.~~~n, ~0~,~'~TSJ~ ~ ~C~Q A RESDIp~,r'TIO?~ [9F 'T1~: ~ZT'Y G'~7~~TZ~ ~ C~'~' ~F ~i~~~E y ~;C~~~~' y ~'~I.~~a ` ~ i ~i~~~~ . ld .tJ~' il.~s.J~.~~~'ru aa~~- 1e'iY~~&4yJ~.,LV,:`d ~'eJ~. 1,Ft~ ~rV~'~ `,L T'~s7Ca'L#~6e d.~,. . , . . ~laG~J..lY.yV J..Ltl'~~ . J ld :1-~ 1 :L ~ ~ 7 !F ~ ~ ~td:tl ~ ~ 3,11t4..1.'~8q3 tL],A:+ L~.t; L:xk3 V'1` .Jm~d:aA7~ X FOR SI7C~ ~I~C~~ ~ On ,ino~i~n af C~~c~l~z~~n d.~ ~on~ ~~;~c~~.~~~~ C~~tn~~:~.'~,~, ~n~ ~a~ fo19.c~wing ~oll c~1:Z v~C.~~ ~o ~r~,~~ ~ AYES: Cc~encilm~~ M~i~.~s~ 'P~~.~r~~~, c~~ ~~c~~ ~~d 5~~~~~ N~ES : I~aar~~ ABSENT: Co~r~ciT,zn~~n W~~ ~hs foregoing r~~~la~~~.o~. ta~~ p~.~:~~ ~.~c~ $i~ ~a~ _ RESQL DOPT - T' 'l 0~ t7F ~fIa~3G R~~O D~'u 1~ ~E ~'Y ~ Ac~min~.s~~~.~or ~.d~~ ~ S~i~~ G x~~ ~ ~ ' ~Wlaics~~. w+~nt in~o ~ff~c~ 4~ ~ ~~~a~ 1~~ , of ~.11 b~ilding pl.~.ns fo~ ~`~,1+~~,n~ °b~~~a - . of fi.l~ b~ilding. A~po~~ on ~ , fi~' K~~~a~~i~ ~~'~~~x~ Cf ' znap~c~or6 d~~~ J~~~` ~s ~ i, d~, c~ ~g~~ ~ ~~1~ '6~ k~pt of ~I~~ plans ~nd ci'~~d . 1 p~ac ~v~~~ ~ , ~ ~l~e Gi~'y`s cos~s of ~hG~~ pl~~. .coap~~s ~rtd ~~~~:n;~~.~n of ~;~a i~ of ~2,~50 ~o t'~ae ~aa~~.le~~.ng p~~~.C ~.~pl~~~.~~ . ~~~g~~~~ ~o ~o . ~ Ci. cos~ of preparing m~~~~~~1 ~ri~~`c~~fi n~~ F~ ~o~ ~ ~ I1" or sm~lle~ ~o be copi~c~~ ~r~d' ~t9~ ~s ~ ~o b~ ~.c~p~~~ , ~ 82" b~ 11" in siz~. Af~er Co~.ncil d~~c~~~ion~ C~.~? ~~~a;~n~ ~~~.~a~:~ ~'~d i~~~ ~ , r~sol~~Cion ~s~a.b1~,~~.ing f~~~ ~~1~L~n~ ~v ~~f1c~~: c:~p~~ a~ ~titilct3ngs for ~a~ai.c~ 1~~~1:~irrg P~~ii~,~~ aas ~ ~ ~ , b~• Co`~ncil.m~n T~.l1,~r'~ s~conc~~~ b~ ~a~~c~,l; : r~ c~ - ~ r~ e~i.spens>e r~ith r~~:c~~ng ~aZ~n~~ af : a~~ ~~'~f RES~~Lr~Tt~~ ~Tflv ~~Q A RESbL~J`TT~7N OF T~E GE~U~TC~:~ ~F ~t GRAIVDE, C,L~~.~~1R1~xA, l~'~.'~~~G ~ffi '~I~ ~FF`~t~~,~ C#~~'~E~. P7..t~1~IS BIJI~,T3~~ F~R ~~~~'T'~ ~ ~I~~ f7n 'moti,on of C~ - , ~ ~ ~i,:: 3 ~ ~ fcs~lc~~ng roll c~11 vca AYES . Gotxncilm~n M~~~f~ , '~~1~,~~'~ c~~ T:~~~n ~n'd N~'~`~ " ' A~QES : Nc~n~ ABSENT: C~nci7~~n W~~~ ~he fo~~ga~ng ~~so1~:~~0~ ~~s pa~~~~ ~nd ~:dap~~ ~~a~~ a~:~ ~ `~`:~3'a~, REPORT - COIT1VTYpCTTTES ~ ~~IG C06}~l~ ~N~TI' ~G G~CF~~~.. 1~~'T ~ ~ Co~:tncilm~.n Tal.3~~ ~~pa~~~d1 ~C ~k~ C~~z~~Ci~~;~:~ ~~~~;~r~a . ~ing Cc~ca,l me:e~~n~ s~f ~~~t~~~ :3~ 19`~~,~ e"ss.~~~~s5~,~n ~.ne~/~~ ~~~~tan ~ ~he f~Yl~a~ng: 1) Apprc~'v~~.I of th~ T~~n~p~~~,~~orc C1..~~m~ of Ci~`~~~ ~~J~c~ ~t~ 3% t~~.~.hs~~~z~:df.ng for a ~~34.~~~~i~ co~ ' . Co~~Ctic~.l of Intergov~rr~.:r~~i1 R~1'~~ians ~~a..~~~~ ~~;:~~a:~e-d t~a~~ g'~r~-~ .-.~t'~':~; ' p~blic ~~.ng u~ill b~ h~1~ ~~p ~~~r lS~ 19'72; 3) ~e~~~~ P1~ ~ I~a.s xs~ei~re~T cer~i~ic~~ion ~f ~.~.is ~~`e~. a.~ ~ ~1.~,nn~,ng ~:~~n~~~ C ~ Spacc~ P1,~.n neec~s ~a b~ s~nt -;a~ ~;a~1~. s~:'r~~t~ :~n~ ~l~~n~' ~n~ . ~ , ~r; _ . Y . _.~.a - . C I'~'Y COIfi1C ~ A:[~GU S T$ 9 ~.9'~ ~ AR~,O~.'~ GRA1~D~, ~~.I~~F~~TT,!~ ~'.AG~ 5 : help wi~h ~he fv~ndin~, 4) Ad~rr~n~.~i:~~.fio~ B~~c~ ~°~~~ei~~~c~ ~:~~,~f.~~ ~~f~~~ ~~c~gr~~.~n indieating fih~~r a~~ ~~in~ to ~~t ~.p ~~~~,ff~~ ~~~Y,n~~~ ~c~~ c~a~~t~~~~~:~~ benefit ~nd use. APPOINTMENT OF A.DVIS~R TO PISM~ ~7C~A1~~ STA~~ I'L~~.~C C~MMiTZ`~~ ~~EI.,D d?VER, Per Ac~ministr~.~o~ ~~~~~~e ~ ~~.q~.~:s~ an~ ~~~nci~ ~,~~~c~v~'~ e ~ sa~.~ h.e1d ov~r as no ~~~oir~sn~nd.~tion o~ ~.n ~~.pp~:in~~m~~i~ ~~o t~~ ~~Pf~~~, ~~~~,~nc~ 5~~~~ ~P~.~~ Go~m?ittee l~s g~et t~e~n rec~~~r~et ~~~o~ G~:~ P~rk~ ~.n:d ~~c~~~~~~o~ ~~~s~~aa~a RECEIPT OF BIDS & AWAR.D OF CC?IV~'RE1CT m STI~~'I' PL~,VTI~G PR~J~C~~' l~1(~, ~Om~~m~ Admin~st~ato~ ~~~ch ~~~~~r,~~~ Ch~~ fi°~~: bi~:~ ~a~~~: ~~cc~~~~~ ~nd c~p~n~~ 2:00 P,M. on A~tg~;s~ 4~, 1972, fo~ S~r~~~~ P~~~,n~ P~°c~j~~~ ~"~c~. 9~~7~m2e ~o1.~a~~: BIDDERS ~0'~t~T~ ~BID Diani Constrta.c~ion, P,O. ~36, Sdnt~ M,~x~.~,~. $19,8~0.00 M. J. Herm~eclc' 1TYG9~9 P.O, Bax 217, ~i~ozrao 1~~:a6~„64 Ma.donna Const. Co., P~O, Box 9109 S~.n Lt~~~ Ob~.~pa 18~316~~4 H. D. PeCerson, P.O, Box 3~~, At~.~~ad~~o 1.9~8~0.00 R. Burke Corp., P,,O, Bz~x 957~ San L~z~s Ob~.~po 1~~C53,00 Director of Public Wr~~°k~ And.~=.r~ones r~por~ c2~,t~d A~~s~ ~r 19Z2, recommend.ed ~he awa~cting of ~h~ contrac.t ~o M~ J~ H~~~ci~ck,~ Inc ~ Af~~~ G~nc~l discussion, on ana~fon of Co~nc~la~~n cle .Lc on~ s~cond~d by C~a;nc~lx~?~n T~1:l~y and unanimously c~rried, th~ bid in ~lie ~.mot~nt ~f' $~~~~65~~4 ~or S~~~~~ P~~er1.~g Project No, 90-'~2-2 w~,s accep~~d and th~ ~an:t~°a,c~ ~r~~d~:d tu M, J. H€:~an~°~~k., ~~z~,~ who submifited the lotae~t an~. bes~ b~.d~ ~.nc~ ~he May*or ~nd G~~ ~l~rk ~r~~~ auChorized to sign ~h.~ cont~~~t doc~n~ on h~~.lf o~ ~}~e Cit~,~,~ MAYOR SCHLEGEL DECLARED RECESS AT ~:31 P~M. Th~ Cot~nc~,l r~convened a~ 9;36 P,M. r,a~;C1~ a11 ~ber~ b~~ng p.r~s~nt a~ shown on roll c~.llr DISCUSSION - PROPOSED DIABLO CAIVYOIV D~SALTING PROJECT m NTILIVE & HARRIS Ad,minis~x'a~or B~t~~h ~ntrod~tc~d M~, Cl.in~ Mi1n~~ ~pres~nt~.t~.v~ f~o~ County Engineer's Off3,ce? ~ahc~ w~s asked ~o revt~~r th~ p~oposed D~ablo C~n~r~n Desal~Cing projec~ for ~he Council, Admin~s~t~~tox° B~.~.ch ~.nc~~c~~~d `h~~ cont~n~~d efforts ~o invit~ DrQ Roes~D o~ ~he Ccr`~nt~ Cc~ns~~'vation C~~t~~~s to pr,es~n~ opposing vie~as of ~h~ projec~ ~a the Coia.nc~l. Mr. Milne g~ve a thorau.gh ~.nd ~nfoaaina~~v~ ~eporC on p~°opc~s~cf D~.~.blo Desal~ing Plant, br~.~fin~ C1~e Coa~ncil on possibl~ cos~~, b~.n~fi~s and ~h~°c~~gh diag~ams sh.awing ~he p:eapos~d 1~.~i~:g of Zin~sa H~ s~a~~d ~~.~e ana3~n ~~~:~on for Che lax~~ plan~ ~t~s th~ S~C~t~'s r~ranCing ~0 1ea~n ~ka~ ~ol~ of ~ 1a~g~ s~~.le desal~ing plant in rela~ian Co ~~c1~,nolog~y°, a.n~~gx~a~~n~ ~~~~1t~~. wa~e~ wi~~. local wa~er and e'~:e~~rmin~.Caton of tY~e enviro~ten~al i;mp~cC i~ tiaould h~~~, i.n ~n ~f~~~~ Co solv~ ~he r,a~.~C~ir p~oble~tns of ~1xe W~s~~~n S~a~~s ~nd ~~~k.ing ~h~~Y~~~ r~~e~~° quality and n~a ~.Ger supplies. Mr~, Bernarrl Ianc~sanan, :~70 1V~~m~n Dri~~~ f~lt ~h~ p~~,~~ ~rc~a~~d dr~.~a ad~i6 / ~ional people to ~his ~r~a, ~hich h~ ~PPos~:d. Mr„ M~,Tn~ ~.ndi~~t~d ~E~~~t ~t~e p1~n~ would not have to be aper~ted a~,f~,11 a~pa~i~~, . : In answe~° to Mr. Jue Moo~~"~ qu~s~~.on r~~arding t1~~ a~°~~.'s ca~t~~° s~Pp~:~T afCer the 10-~aea~ lif~ of the plan~ expi~e~, M~. Miln~ ~~pl~~.n~c~ ~fi~~ ~'h.~ ~nl~~d pipes zaould rem~in to be hook~d tzp t~ t1~~ C~~,stal Aq~~d~,~~. Ron H~rris w~.s pr~sent ancl. g~.v~~ a. r~pr~r~ ~ri ~'gPo~~.f°i~n ~~.e. p~o~o~~~, Diala?o ~an~ron D~s~l#:~~.g Pl~nt, ci.ting th~ ~cas~~, g~~t;~or~~~~n~~ ~f co~gl~~~c~~x ~of the C~~.~t~.l ~q~~ed~.tcfi, unc~~ta~nty of ~~he ~i~:~~~~~ ~~f t~.~ ~~p~3.i~:~~ ~c~ ~a~ ~~e~, and pc~ssi~~e bad eff~c~s tc~ oc~~.n 1~f~ the ~~.~n w~,~~x d.~~~~~~g~n:g ~..z~t~ ~~x~ o~~an6 as fact~~s ta consid~~$ ~.e ftz~~$i~~ air~F~d th~ C~ttzz~ii.'s n~~~~~1.~t~ a~. t1~~ is~s~~ fc~ ~~i~ ~~r~~ ~a~:i~zg unfiil rnore d~;fin:i~~ infoa~n~.tic~iz a~ ~~c~.~.~rEjd on ~h~ proj~~~, CITY COONCIL ~LxG~SI' 8~ ~9~~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFOR~TA r~GE ~ - . Mr. M~lne g~~r~ ~~t~~st~~l~ ~c~ n~ga~~~~ gc~~,~~~ p~~~~n~~c~ b~~ Mro Mro I,anc~~~an ~ag~.~n ~ncY~cat~~ ~~~~t C~n~~~r~~~i~n~~~ ~~c~p"~ ~~~~~~~^~r~.~ ~~N~~ pro~ect sa~s i.t~ p~~b~b~e ~r~~~,n~ ~f ~r~o~~ p~l,p~.~,~ i~nt.~ ~~e~~~ ~~n~~e5~~ Mx°, M~~r~~ , r~pl~ed ~h~.t a p~o~ryect ~n~olv~n.~ t~i~~ r~cl~.~~~t~ca~ ~f ~~~~~r~~ y s~sppliec3 by t~~ Co~s~~~ ~,~qn~~~~~,.~~ ~aa~~c~ ~':~y~. r~r~~A~n~ e~~~~:~~~, r~ ~,~~p~~~~e Th~ Counc~l t~;~.nk~e~ ~l~ ~,~.~~~.~<p~nt~~ ~n ~~<°~.~~n~~~~.,~n o~~ ~.~z~~.n~~; the Diablo D~s~l~~ng p~°o~~c~ ~.n~ ~~ok na ~c~~ic~n can t~~°i~ ~rA~~~~~'o PROGR~SS REP(~RT - ARR0~0 G~A~D~ SEWER DTSTI~.~CT Admfnistx°ator Bs~tc~ ~~~a~~~v~~ c~l~ fc~~ bi.c~~ ~a~~° A~~~~~ 4~~~.~.c~~ Sewer District has b~~n ~~~t fo~ S~p~~~~b~°~ ~.R~ 19~2 ~:(?0 P,l~. ~1~~ p~b1~~ hearing ~aill b~ Yae1~ S~pt~mb~~~2~, t9~~ 10:00 AoMs f~~~~~r ~~~~~~~e~ the County h~.s ~~qu~.~t~~ C~~g~~°~ ~g~~~a~~n~ ~r~~~-~ f~n~nci~~. c~r~s~~~~~.n~~ S~one & Youngb~rg fo~° th~ s~~.~~y b~ ~~rrx~c~ av~~ t;o t~~~. C~~nt~ f~t pa~~€~~n~ b~c~us~ of the f~deral gran~ts °~n~~lv~~a ~Af~~~ Co~ne~~~~, ~a~~~~~~~~n9 ~rQ~t~i.~~~a ~f ~~~n~~~~ man d.~ ~~eon~ second~d bg~ C~~.nc.~~.~~.n ~~:~,1~~ ,~nd ~~n~~~~~~~~1~~ ~~~°~~~c~~ ~I~~°~~ and ~eity Cl.~rk ~~r~ a~tk~~r~,~~d to ~~gr~ do~~?~~n~ ~~~~~~~n~ ~~e S~r~n~ ~.~c~ Youngb~rg contract bet~w~~n t~~ C~~~ o~ A~°~o~~ G~°~.nc~~ ~n~ S~or~~ ~ Y~a~r~~~~~~~ ~c~ the County, Ad~ini~trator But~~ ~.c~~~sec~ ~Ya~ Go~n~~1 ~~a~ ~t~~~~ ~ ~a~.~~~.~~ funds from tk~e p~oj~c~, r~f~.nd~ co~1c~ bt~ xn~.ci~a ~o th~ p~~n~~tr~~~ ~s~~~~~:,~~ item would be cons~d~r~~ fu~~k~~~ a~ ~h~ ~~~.r1~ ~~~si~an sl~~~~ ~c~r r~~~~~~ 9~~0 Addi~fon~l~~, ~h~ Cc~~.n~~ xr~q~.~~~~d r~9~.~fi~m~~~r,~n ~f C~~.n~~~ ~~,,~po~°~ of th~ Sec~r~r Distric~, a.~~ Ad.~~n~,~tra~:~~ Bu~c~ ~ra~ dir~~~r~~ S~n~. ~:~c~~ a~.~tt;~~ reflecting the~Go~.ncil"s ccantin~~d supp~r~ of. t~~ ~~~tr~ct. ~ ~ La~tly, Ad~ninist~°a~o~° B~tG~ a~.~~~~d fe~~.~~~~ g~`~~°~~n~ ~a~ reque~ted funds from t~e C~~~r to s~io~r ~~~°io~as s~pp~~°~ c~f pre~j~~~e th~ C~t~ h~~ prev~o~cs~~ loan~c~ $10,000 to ~fl~~ px°c~j~~~, A~~~n~s~~°~~o~° ~=~~c~?. recommencYed that a r~~ol~~ivn b~ adnpt~e~ b~ C~~nc~T inc~~c~~~r~g ~~~:~~~r~; and incluading tl~~ $~,0,000 ~.~rca~~~ alr~~d~ Y~a~n~c3 t~ pr~j~~~ ~~co. ~~s~Y~~~~~n. After C~~ncil d.isc~.ssian~ C~~~ ~~T~orn~g~ St~~.p~~.~ r~~~ ~~~~v~.~n~~~n ~.~f~~re~,n,~; C~t~'s s~pport ~~~c~~z~~. ad~xar~c~d ~~nd.~ for t~e A~~czyrs Gr~nc~~ S~~,X~~ ~~s~~~a~~~ri~ Districte F~~~~I~UT'L0~ ~i~. Y00~ A R~SOLUT7:ON ~F T~IE C~~"'~ CC~~~CI~ C3F T6~~ CL'~Y ~F ~,~Rp~°0 ~RATIDE AGR~E~?~~G TO ~I3`JA.I~CE G~IZ`~AI~ FU~TD~ ~~Tt ARRO`~'~ GRA~7DE SEW~R AS~ESSM~~VT ?~S~'RrCTo On motion of Coun~il~~.n Ma~~l~.~m ;;~con~,~e~ Co~nc~;T~n~n ~~c~n ~r~e~ ca~ ~h~ folloiaing roll call vo~~~ r,~~~. AYES: Co~n~~lin~n M~l~~~g ~'~1`~~-g~~~ c~~~~~,~~n ~and M~.~c~~° ~~r~~i1e~~1 k~IOES : Non~ ABSE~T: Co~nc:~1.~~~n Gloc~c~. the for~go~ng r~so1~.~~on w~s ~~s~~:c~ ~nd d.r~ap~~~ ~f ~~~~~~~y 1,9%~~e PROGRESS REPORT ° SOo SAIV LUIS CaB~SP(~ Gt~L~~T~' 5.~~~T~~~~~I D~,S'~R~~'~ ~ The South ~~S~.n ~I,~.is ~k~'bi~p~ G~~nt~ S~n~t~~~c~n 17~,~tr~c~e~ C~~~~~ ~'1~~~ Oper~.to~9s Repox~~ ~for t~e mon~~ c~f ~~~1~9 19~~ ~~~.s r~c~~~v~~ b~ ~~0~ C~~n~~l, reviewed and ord.~r~d ffled. ~~,anan~~~~~~a~° ~~~c~ n~t~e~ t~~~ e~°~~~~i.~~"~ rate has ~on~ docsn ~4~° in ~Y~~ l~.s t~ ~~c~ ~~~d ~n~~~.i.p~~~~. ~~a g~ ~~X~~ anoth~r ~t ~ n tlie ~om~.ng yea.r. APPROVAL OF L RE-EMPT FEATt7'RE F~3R ~ I~I~AL AT T.RAFF~G W~~ t~~D T3Rt~,~C~~ S'I°k~~T Q~°~'.__~~.:~t~°at~~ Butch ~~~;a.~~~d a r~po~~ frc~m. C~;~~n F~1~a~~C y~~~~~;~s~.~~~~r? Inspecior ~or the Cit~ w;~ir% ~ai~i~ate~s ~h~ r:~~e=d c~~ ~~~~~~em~~ ~~.u~t~n ~~y~r~~ incT~~±~ad f~r the ~ignal t~ b~ in.~tall~c3 ~t Br~n~k~ ~t~~~~~ e~n~ '?'~°a~f'ic W~~~~ aet~v~t:,~:~, r~y ~h~ F~.~A IS~g~~.r~~~n~ fa~ t~ci.~ c~n~~°c~~~.e~. ~~,~~.t~~f'~~~<~~ ~'r~~n~a~~: ~~~~.t a~~a ~n ~~~v ~f ena~rg~n~3%s Afta~~° Co~s.n.c.i.l di~c~~sic~n~ r~~ rr~~~~,c~ ~af C~.~~u~~~~~~a~r~. M~llis~ seconded by Ccsun~ilznan c~~ Leor~ ~.ndi ~n~n~,zn~~s~~° ~~~~z.~~9 ~a~~~c~~~,~~.~~;~r~ was gzw~a:x=E c~; incluc~~~ ~~y~: ~~~~~~p~ f~~.~~a.r~ ~n t~~ ~.r~~f~~.c sa.gn~,1 fe~~ t,~u~n~ F~~°=- ~:eg-~.bt~~~~t ena~rgen~:y ~t}~i.c~~s ~~~n~pQ~ 5~.~~~.~, cc~nfc~~~n~r~~ ~cx ~~~t~~ St~n~.~ c: ~r~.~.~i~es . ~ ~1~ CITY CO'[TI~ICIL AL"G'~S'I" 89 ~9%~ -~ARROY~ GRANDE, CALTFOR~I~A P~~~ ~ REQUEST FOR WATER MET~R ~1V ~R~~G~ i~~~~~ AT C~i~; mm ~t~`~'~~8~ :.z~~I~'T~ - Ad~inist~~tc~r ~~.tc~ ~~,~i~~~ ~~ak °~~~~,~~G b~~rc ~°~~~s~ f~~ ~ m~ter ~n tl~~ B~is~o H~1~ ~r~~ c~n C~~~1~0~ S~~°~~~~, ~Y~ic7~ ~s ~u~;~~~~ of C~,~~ limits but ins~~~ th~ C~.~g~'~ ~~g~r ~~~vi~~ ~f~~~ C~~;~:c~~ ~~~~-~:~~i~r~~ ~as agr~ed to allar,~ tl?e ~r~~~a1.~~t~e~n ~of t~~~ ~a~~~~~ pr~~~n~ ~~~~~~9 ~,~t~ th~ City st~ff ~r~~ ~~g~d ~o ~~g~~~t~~: t~~~ ~~p~r~ ~.~g~.~~~n~ ~~~~~?~~~1~~.~:i;a.~n u~ £or nes~1~ installed s~~~~.~~s o SET BTUDY SESSIOIV m COU~~C R~POit~ G°~ 1~,ST.'~R G3A'~~R ~~EWAG~ ~~::AL~ ~ 8/~9~~? Admini~t~°ato~ B~~cY~ t~4a~ ~1~~, pr~~io~s~~ sck~~~,^~,~e~ ~~~~e~~~ ~~~~;~,~n t~ntativel~r s~t fo~ ~~~ust 2$t~9 f~~ a. ~~~i~~r o~ ~h~ pr~~1~r~~n~~~, ~~pa~~ on. Ma~ter Wa~~r and~ S~~r~r~g~ ~Pl~n -for ~th~ ~C~~~nm~~y, ~s p~~~p~r~e~ b~ ~~;n;~~~~.~~r.~~~ C. II. M. , was not con~r~n~~n~ fo~ Mr. I3c~~n~, inc~~~:~~~c~ ~.~ag~s~ ~9~~k ~oMo would be conv~nient fox° hixn~ ~c~ the ~t~dg~ ~~~~~~n r~~s ~~,n~~t~~~1~ ~~~h~c~~~~c~ f~~° th.at date ~.nd ti~e. PROGRESS REPOR~ - NEW SIT~ FC~lt P~~,IGE DEPARTMEfi~T Administrato~ B~tc~ ~~.~is~~ th~~ ~1~e ~°a~3io s~~.~:~~~a ~c~~,~ no~ City's offer of $259000 for t~~ p~rc~~.s~ vf ~1~~ p~~a~ ~~d~a ~~a~~~n b~~.7~~.~~g as new headq~.arters fo~ ~t~e ~S~~.tion. NI~~~r 5~~1,~~~1 ~~.g~~~~te~ ~Y~~~ old telephone b~ileling on ~:~Ycg~on Rc~acfl iae can~~,c~~~~d is f~~° ~a1~e ADJOURNMENT On motion of Ca~.ncil.an~n ~'~.1T~g~~ ~~cane~~e~ by C~~,n~~l.~;an M~,l~~s ~rrd ~~nan~.ntously cax~~ied, tl~~ ~m~~t~ng ~dj~a~rn~d 13.>0~ ~PoMo ~~~il °~;00 P,M. ~ A~agisst 10, 19~2. ; ~i' ATTE~ T . ' ~ ~'Y ~R M~~ ~R CITY COU~TCIL A~~~.r~T 10~ ~9~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI~TF~RN~A ~:0p ~',M, Th,~ City C~s~.n~i1 m~~ ~n ~~~~~rn~d ~~g~1~~ ~~~sion M~~~~~ ~c~il~g~l pr.esiding. Upon xca11 ~~1~,, Co~,nc~,l Me~l~e~s Mi11~~, T~11~~ anc~ ~~on r~por~~~ present. Co~ncilman Woo~ ab~~nt. APPROVE AME~D, TO AGREE. FOR COI~S~, OF SEGJAGE CO~:~EC~'. FAC~~.S~I~S W/CC?~~"3TY Ad~nin~str~,to~ B~atch r~vier,w~d r'~n~nd~nen~ ~o. 2 as p~~par~c~ l~~ ~t~~ C~~ni~~9 amending~the "Agre~a~~nt~fo~~Canstruction of S~?~~g~ G~~~~ct~i~an F~~~l~t~~~ b~~~~~~ th~ City of Arro~o G~'ande an:c~ ~?~e. Cc~a~nt~ of San ~.~~s Q~i,~po", Tl~~ a~n~n~~c~ agr~~m~nt Uro~1d pro~~,d.~ ~Yta~ sa~~pl~~ f~.~:d f~er~ t~e ~p~°oj~~~ ~o~a~~ $25,000 ~orald b~ x~~f~.nel~:e~ to ~he prap~~~g~ or,~ri~r~s ~tt~os~ p~c.,p~;~~~ ~x~.:~ ~~~~s~~.~ ~n the Arroyo G~~.nd~ 8~~a~x~ A~~~~~~~nt D3~~~~c~. Af~~,~ Ca~n~~1. c~~~~~.~~~~.an, ~an mQtion of C~un~ilinan T~1.1~~, s~con~~d b~ C~a~.nc~lman M~.11ia ~nd. ~,n~~~,ane~~~1g~ carried, the M~.yor an~. City Cl~~k ~a~t~~~~~~d ~o sign A~~nd.~n~r~~ 2~o , "Agreement fo~° Const~~~~ion of 5~~~,~~ Collect~ar~ Facilit%e~ b~t~~~-n t1~~ Ca~~~ ~f Arroyo Grand~ and th.e C~~nt~ o~ San L~.3.s Oia~~pc~'! ~~.n~. ~Y~~ ~.~no~n~ csf t~~ s~~p1~~ to be s~t at any arno~.n~ ov~r $2~~Q00. REVTEW AND REPORT OI~T DRAIIVAGE S'IfiTDY PLA1~T - G~R~I~1G Engineex° Bob G~.~~ng, ~f' t~ie f~rn~ of G~.~~.ng9 ~~~lo~ & A~~o~. ~~~C:i,c~ ~~°~p~~~~ the Prelianinax'g~ Dr~.inag~ S~a~d.~ ~~cle f~r ~he C~~~ c~~ Ar~~°o~o G~~n.d~,p g~.~~ ~~~po~~ and. review on th~: Dr~~nag~ ~~u~i~ ~~q~a~~tcc~ b~ t~~~: C~~~ Cc~~n~~,~. ~°~v~..~~~~~ the vario~,s philo~oph~~~ ~nc~ ~;onc~pG~ en ~.a~~,~.ing ~,~~.z,n~g~ ~~~~~n t~~~~; ~~e~ ~~~~r, Halcy~on Road tiaest ~~o ~t~.~ ~G~t~ li~it~~ ancl ~raa~ ~°~~ri~~~~ tY~~ ~Ca~~~~ C~a~~c~.~ ~s ~ ~ ~ g~.id.eline ~fox° ~the City ~,n it~ d~v~lop~n~n~~. ~A~~ Cc~~n~il. M~~b~r~ ~,n ~~~~~~an~~ were in ag~eem~nt ~r3th conc~p~ wf tr~,~. dr~~n~g~ pl~n ~nefi r°~:~ok~^:~~;~~~i~n~ a ~ ~ ~R~er~after, i~ ~~ras ~~;~~~~t~d t~t~~t ~~~gt~~ p~~~~.e~ o~ ~~~~~t C~~.n~~l agenda so t~~.t tk~e c1r~ in~,g~ prog~am co~ 1c~ 1~~ ~~np~~;rn~n~~c~ , t~ t~r~°:~~,~a.~,~ ~~~.~o°r B~u.tc1~ was ~lsa ~.~.L-h.or~.~~d to disc~a~s ~~s~a~~l~ ~t~ie ~e~re~~1 x~~~~~~t~~ ~-~~~~r~~ ~~rn~~~ ~ the feelings of th~ C~~.ncil. ~e:ga~clin~; ~~e ~r~in~g~ ~~T~~.~~;~~. AD30U~1~T t~~ ms~~i~n af G~~.nca.~~~n T~11ey, s~ec~~nd~~ ib~ C~s~nc~,T~~~~. ~e ~c ~r~ ~.r~.c~ ~~.nar~~~ mously car~~~d9 the m~et~n~ ~.~je~r,~rn~efl ~t 9:4~~ M. ATTES'~"~= _J l ~~~V~. ~t 9 _ 1.1,1~ ~ Dr'PUTY CITY C'~ERK. 'YC9'ft