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Minutes 1972-08-10
~ ~ cz~ ca~cz~ a~~s~° g9 ~.9~~ Y~ARROYq GRAIVDE, CALTFORL~I~A I'~~~ ~ ~ REQUEST Ff7R WATER MET~R 0~ BR~~C~ ~AT CHI3:'~'~~ ~lJT~YD~ CL~"~ ~I.~S~T.~ . , - Adm~nist~ator ~~tc1~ ~~1~~;~~~ ~~a~ ~ ~i~s b~~n ~a~~~~~ ~ ~ m~ter ~~n the B~is~o I3~.1~ ~r~~. o~n C~~~~on S~r~~~.~~ ~~a~ich ~s of C~~~ limits b~at insicY~ th~ Cit~,~`~ ~r~~~.~ ~~~vi~:~ ~~e~e ~f~.~~ C~~;~~c~~ ~~~~~~~.~~si.c~r~~ was agreed to all~w~the it~s~~l~~.t~can of ~~~~r p~~~~~~ th~ City staff v~ra~ ~a~°g~d ~o ~~.p~c~~t~c~ ~~z~ ~~pc~~~ ~~~g~~e~~n~ ~~°~~r~,~~,~,~":%~~n for ner~aly ~ns t~.11~d ~aat~~ ~~~~~.c~~ > SET STUDY SESSIOIV - COU~TY R~POR`~ C`~3 ~"sSC,'~ WA~'~R F~ ~EWAG~ g~L~ ~~/~9~~~ Ad;nin~~~t~°ato~ B~~cl~ ~r~~~~~~~i t~a~ p~~,~~o~s1e~ ~c~~~,~~,l~c~ ~~~~c~~ ~~~~~~~,~n tentat~vel~ s~t fo~ A~agust 2~~~~ fca~ ~~~i~~r of p~~1~~~n~~~ °~~po~6 on Master Wat~r ~nd S~~a~~°~.ge ~Plan ~~'or t1~~ ~C~~mty~ ~.s p~~p~r~c~ b~ ~c~n~~~~~n.~~9 C. II. M. , was not conv~n~~n~ fo~ M°~. Bc~~n~9 ~~i~ ~nc~~~a~~d ~.~g~,s~ ~9~~ ~~,Me would be convenient for hirn~ s~ th,e sL~dy~ ~~~s~c~n ~~s t;~~n~~t~~r~l~ ~~h~,~°~~~;c~ f~r that date and time. PROGRESS REPOR~' - NEW SIT~ F(~1Z ~DI~I.CE DEPARTMEI~T Ad~ninist~ato~ ~B~tch ~.~v~,~~~ ~~~.t ~~e ~°~~io st~t~~~ ~c~a~~ na~ ~~~~~ga~ City'~ offer of $259000 for p~r~~~~~ of t~~ p~ic~~ ~°~da~~ ~~~~~,~n "b~~.l~.~n~ as new hea.dq~.arters fo~ t~e ~~~ic~ S~~t~dn. NI~~~r ~~~~~g~~. 5~g~~~~e~ ~k~~t~ old telephone build~ng e~n ~r~~°~k~li i~~lc3~on R~~e~ be c~n~~~~~,~~ ~s fur ~~1~,e ADJOURNMENT On motit~n of Co~,r.ncilm~n T~,11~g~, s~cone~~~fl Gou~n~~I~~n M~11.~s ~r°rd ~anan~,~ous1~ car~ied, t~a~ m~~~a.ng ~dj~~~n~T~ 1~.;QG" PoMa ~n~:i1 ~:00 P.~Ia~ Aug~xst 10, 19~2. ~ ATTE~ T . ' TY ~R MAS~C~R GITY COUNCT3, A~~~~T ~~0~ ~9'~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORIVIA ~:(?0 P eMe Tl~e City Ce~~.n~i1 a~~t ~n ~e~j~~.~nec~ ~~g~1~.r s~s~ion c~~~t~ Mr~~,q~~ ~c~I~g~l pr.esicling. Upon ~°cs11 c~l~, Co~ncil M~mabe~s M~11~~, ~~ll~y anc~ ~,c~on ~°~po~~~~ pres~nt. Co~.ncilman W~od i~ ab~~nt. APPROVE AMElVD. TO AGRE~. FOR GOI~~I`, OF SE[nTAGE CO~~EC~'. FAC~:~.~T~ES W C~~~V'TY Ad~ninistx°mtor° B~tch r~:~~e~v~d r1~~~nc~~en~ '~n. 2~s p~°~~ar~~ b~ t~~; Ce~~n~~~ amending the "Ag~°eeatz~nt fo~ Cc~nst~~xction of S~:~a~g~ C~~~k~t~c~n F~~~.l~~~~,~ b~~~,r~~m th~ City of Arro~ca G~'and.e ~.nd ~~h~ C~a~nt~ of S~n ~~is f~b~~po" a 'I'l~~ d~~n~,~~. agreem~nt wo~.1d p~ov~d~ ~~a~ ai~.~ ~~rp1.~~ ~~n:a~ ~~cr~n t~.~ s~~~~ p~°aj~~~t a~~~° $25,000 worald ~ be ~~f~nnd~~ to ~ t~~ ~p~op~~~t~ o~n~r~~ ~~~os~ ~p~op~r~~r~~~r~,~ ~~~~~~~c~ ~n the Arroyo G~'~.nd.~ Se~a~~ Ass~~s~~nt Da~~:~~c~o Af~~,r Cv~n~~,1 c~~~~~.~s~~an~ ~n motion of C~un~ilrnan ~°~1.1~*~, s~~on~~vd b;~ C~~.nc~l.man Mi11i~ and ~~n~~~,~~~~1~r carried, the M~yor ancY City C1~~k s~~r~ ~~~~~~~~~d ~o sign A~~nd~n~n~ 2~o . "Agreement for Cons~r~.ction of S~~~g~ Collec~~on Fac~1~.t~,e~ b~t~;~~=,n ~1~~ C~t~ ~f Ax°royo G~°and~ ~.nd t~e C~~,n~~ of San L~,~.s Oi~~spa'!? ~ne~. f~~ ~~no~n~ c~f ~a~~pi.~s to b~ ~~t at any a~ao~,n~ ov~r. $~~~000. REVIEW AND REPORT OIV DRAIIVAGE ST[TDY PLANf - GAR~~VG Engineer Bc~b G~~~ng5 r~f t~e f~..~ of G~,~~ng, '~a~1o~ & A~~~c.~ r~~^~`~cY~ ~~°~p~~~d the P~eli~nina~gr D~~.in~.ge ~ S~n~dg~ ~ar~d~ ~f~rr th~ C~~~ ~s~~ A~ro~o ~~~~.d~p ~~p~~~ and review on the Dr~inag~; S~~e~~ ~.s ~~q~~~t~d b~ C~~y C~~n.~~,~. 1~~ ~~v~.~~~;~~ th~ varioa~s philosopkzies an~. ~onc~p~~ on ~an~l~ng ~~~.~n~.g~ ~~~~~in t~i~ f~~~ Halcg~on Road w~~t to C~t~ li~it~ ~ and r~a~ x°~:vi~~~:c~ C~,~~~ C~n~^nc~~.. ~s ~ guid.eline for ~th.~ City in its d~v~lop~ri~nk~. ~A~1 Co~n~~l M~~b~~~ ~n ~~.~~~ne~~n~~ were in agreem~nt ~r~,th ~onc~:p~ of Gr~.~. dr~~n~g~ p1~n ~n~ ~~~o.^~.h~~~~~~i~~~g Th~~eafter, i~ ~as ~~q~,~;~t~~ t~.~t ~~a~~~r b~ ~~~~~=e~ can r~~~i~ C~~~n~iT ag~nda sa tl~~.t tY~e c~rain~.g~ pr~gra~m ~o~~ld 1~~, a~~p~~~~nt~c~e C~~~ "~~s~~a~~a.~~~~~~or ~ Butch was e~1so a~t-hor~.z~d to d~sc~~~~ ~aa.tt~ ~~ie ~~~r~°~~~ ~r.~~~~st~ue~ p~c~,4;~,:~~~~- e~r,~n~x°~ the feel~ngs af the C~~ancil reg~~~.in~ t~~e ~~~~a~~~~ sc~1~;.~~~n. ADJOUR~I~1T Qn motior~ af G~~.nci~,m~n T~11e3~y seco~nd~d ~~s~.n.c~,1~~~ e~e ~~e~ ~narc~°° mous ly car~~~d, the m~et~ng ~.r£ j~rR,~rn~cfl 9:4~~ M. A~'i~,S1;-~-_l L~~tiy ~ ~~t~~.~{ l~i~`~L'T`Y CITY C~ERK Y(9ft.